@@ -1,30 +1,25 @@
-#include <endian.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
+#include <ftw.h>
#include "store_mdb.h"
- #define REVERSEKEY 0
- #define REVERSEDUP 0
+ * TODO At the moment up to 64-bit key / hash values are allowed. Later on,
+ * 128-bit keys should be allowed by compile options, and that will no longer
+ * be compatible with integer keys and data. When 128-bit keys are supported,
+ * integer keys should remain available for code compiled with 64-bit keys.
+ */
* Number of DBs defined.
-#define N_DB 13
+#define N_DB 12
+#define DEFAULT_ENV_PATH "./mdb_store"
#define ENV_DIR_MODE 0750
#define ENV_FILE_MODE 0640
@@ -32,12 +27,39 @@
typedef char DbLabel[8];
- * Static handles.
+typedef enum {
+} StoreState;
+typedef enum {
+} StoreOp;
+struct MDBStore {
+ MDB_env * env;
+ MDB_txn * txn;
+ MDB_dbi dbi[N_DB];
+ LSUP_Buffer * default_ctx;
+ StoreState state;
-static char *env_path = NULL;
-static bool env_init = false;
-static bool db_init = false;
+struct MatchArgs {
+ LSUP_Key luks[2];
+ uint8_t idx0, idx1;
+ size_t *ct;
+ mdb_store_match_fn_t callback_fn;
+ void *ctx;
@@ -47,7 +69,7 @@ static bool db_init = false;
#define MAIN_TABLE \
ENTRY( T_ST, "t:st", INT_KEY_MASK ) \
- ENTRY( SPO_C, "spo:c", INT_DUP_MASK ) \
ENTRY( C_, "c:", INT_KEY_MASK ) \
ENTRY( PFX_NS, "pfx:ns", 0 ) \
@@ -58,11 +80,10 @@ static bool db_init = false;
- ENTRY( PO_S, "po:s", INT_DUP_MASK ) \
- ENTRY( SO_P, "so:p", INT_DUP_MASK ) \
- ENTRY( SP_O, "sp:o", INT_DUP_MASK ) \
- ENTRY( TH_T, "th:t", 0 ) \
ENTRY( NS_PFX, "ns:pfx", 0 ) \
@@ -74,7 +95,10 @@ LOOKUP_TABLE
#undef ENTRY
- * Numveric index of each DB in the following constants. Prefixed with IDX_
+ * Numeric index of each DB. Prefixed with IDX_
+ *
+ * These index numbers are referred to in all the arrays defeined below. They
+ * are independent from the LMDB dbi values which are considered opaque here.
typedef enum {
#define ENTRY(a, b, c) IDX_##a,
@@ -83,11 +107,6 @@ typedef enum {
#undef ENTRY
} DBIdx;
- * DB indices. These are populated on init.
- */
-static MDB_dbi dbis[N_DB];
* DB labels.
@@ -132,9 +151,9 @@ static DBIdx lookup_indices[9] = {
static const uint8_t lookup_rank[3] = {0, 2, 1};
static const uint8_t lookup_ordering_1bound[3][3] = {
- {0, 1, 2},
- {1, 0, 2},
- {2, 0, 1},
+ {0, 1, 2},
+ {1, 0, 2},
+ {2, 0, 1},
static const uint8_t lookup_ordering_2bound[3][3] = {
@@ -147,31 +166,131 @@ static const uint8_t lookup_ordering_2bound[3][3] = {
* Static prototypes.
-static int _dbi_init(bool create);
-static int _mdbenv_init(bool create);
-static void _env_cleanup();
+static int dbi_init(LSUP_MDBStore *store);
+static int index_triple(
+ LSUP_MDBStore *store, StoreOp op,
+ LSUP_TripleKey spok, LSUP_Key ck);
+inline static LSUP_rc match_callback_0bound(
+ struct MDBStore *store, struct MatchArgs *args);
+inline static LSUP_rc match_callback_1bound(
+ struct MDBStore *store, struct MatchArgs *args);
+inline static LSUP_rc match_callback_2bound(
+ struct MDBStore *store, struct MatchArgs *args);
+inline static LSUP_rc match_callback_3bound(
+ struct MDBStore *store, struct MatchArgs *args);
+inline static int check_txn_open(MDB_txn *txn, bool write);
+static int unlink_cb(
+ const char *fpath, const struct stat *sb,
+ int typeflag, struct FTW *ftwbuf);
+static int rmrf(char *path);
* API.
-LSUP_store_open(bool create)
+LSUP_store_setup(char **path)
- if(UNLIKELY(!env_init)) _mdbenv_init(create);
+ int rc;
+ if (path == NULL || (*path = getenv("LSUP_STORE_PATH")) == NULL) {
+ printf(
+ "WARNING: `LSUP_STORE_PATH' environment variable is not set. "
+ "A local directory will be used to store the LSUP data.");
+ }
+ struct stat path_stat;
- atexit(_env_cleanup);
+ rc = stat(*path, &path_stat);
+ if (rc == ENOENT) {
+ if (mkdir(*path, ENV_DIR_MODE) != 0) abort();
- int rc = mdb_env_open(LSUP_mdbenv, env_path, 0, ENV_FILE_MODE);
+ } else if (!S_ISDIR(path_stat.st_mode)) {
+ printf("%s is not a valid directory.\n", path);
+ abort();
- if (UNLIKELY(!db_init)) rc |= _dbi_init(create);
+ } else {
+ if (clear) {
+ rmrf(*path);
+ if (mkdir(*path, ENV_DIR_MODE) != 0) abort();
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ MDB_env *env;
+ mdb_env_create(&env);
+ mdb_env_open(env, *path, 0, ENV_FILE_MODE);
+ MDB_txn *txn;
+ mdb_txn_begin(env, NULL, 0, &txn);
+ for (int i = 0; i < N_DB; i++) {
+ MDB_dbi dbi;
+ mdb_dbi_open(txn, db_labels[i], db_flags[i] | MDB_CREATE, &dbi);
+ mdb_dbi_close(env, dbi);
+ }
+ mdb_txn_commit(txn);
+ mdb_env_close(env);
+ return rc;
+ LSUP_MDBStore *store, const char *path, LSUP_Buffer *default_ctx)
+ if(store->state & LSSTORE_OPEN) return LSUP_NOACTION;
+ if (default_ctx == NULL) store->default_ctx = NULL;
+ else {
+ CRITICAL(store->default_ctx = malloc(sizeof(LSUP_Buffer)));
+ LSUP_buffer_copy(store->default_ctx, default_ctx);
+ }
+ size_t mapsize;
+ char *env_mapsize = getenv("LSUP_MDB_MAPSIZE");
+ if (env_mapsize == NULL) {
+ mapsize = 0x10000000000;
+ } else {
+ sscanf(env_mapsize, "%lu", &mapsize);
+ }
+ mdb_env_set_mapsize(store->env, mapsize);
+ mdb_env_set_maxdbs(store->env, N_DB);
+ int rc = mdb_env_open(store->env, path, 0, ENV_FILE_MODE);
+ MDB_txn *txn;
+ mdb_txn_begin(store->env, NULL, 0, &txn);
+ for (int i = 0; i < N_DB; i++) {
+ mdb_dbi_open(
+ txn, db_labels[i], db_flags[i], store->dbi + i);
+ }
+ mdb_txn_commit(txn);
+ store->state = LSSTORE_OPEN;
return rc;
+LSUP_store_stats(LSUP_MDBStore *store)
MDB_stat env_stat, db_stats[N_DB];
@@ -180,112 +299,701 @@ LSUP_store_stats()
-LSUP_store_size(MDB_txn *txn)
+LSUP_store_size(LSUP_MDBStore *store)
- if (!env_init) return 0;
+ if(!(store->state & LSSTORE_INIT)) return 0;
MDB_stat stat;
- mdb_stat(txn, dbis[IDX_SPO_C], &stat);
+ mdb_stat(store->txn, store->dbi[IDX_SPO_C], &stat);
return stat.ms_entries;
- * Static functions.
- */
+ LSUP_MDBStore *store, const LSUP_Buffer *sc,
+ const LSUP_SerTerm **data, const size_t data_size)
- * @brief Create and initialize the MDB env.
- *
- * This function takes care of creaating the environment path if not existing,
- * and checking that it's a writable directory. If the path is not specified
- * in the LSUP_STORE_PATH environment variable, a temporary file is used.
- *
- * This should be only called once per program run, therefore it's best to let
- * LSUP_mdb_env_open() call it when needed.
- *
- * TODO create is not used; either use it or get rid of it.
- */
-static int
-_mdbenv_init(bool create)
+ MDB_val key_v, data_v;
+ bool txn_pending = false;
+ if (!store->txn) {
+ mdb_txn_begin(store->env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, &store->txn);
+ txn_pending = true;
+ }
+ LSUP_Key ck = NULL_KEY;
+ if (store->default_ctx != NULL) {
+ if (sc == NULL) sc = store->default_ctx;
+ ck = LSUP_sterm_to_key(sc);
+ TRACE("Adding context: %s", sc);
+ key_v.mv_data = &ck;
+ key_v.mv_size = KLEN;
+ data_v.mv_data = sc->addr;
+ data_v.mv_size = sc->size;
+ mdb_put(
+ store->txn, store->dbi[IDX_T_ST],
+ &key_v, &data_v, MDB_NOOVERWRITE);
+ }
+ int rc = LSUP_NOACTION;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < data_size && rc == LSUP_OK; i++) {
+ const LSUP_SerTerm *sspo = data[i];
+ LSUP_SerTerm sspo[3];
+ CHECK(LSUP_term_serialize(spo->s, sspo), _add_free_sterm1);
+ CHECK(LSUP_term_serialize(spo->p, sspo + 1), _add_free_sterm2);
+ CHECK(LSUP_term_serialize(spo->s, sspo + 2), _add_free_sterms);
+ */
+ LSUP_TripleKey spok = NULL_TRP;
+ TRACE("Inserting spok: {%lx, %lx, %lx}", spok[0], spok[1], spok[2]);
+ int put_rc[2] = {LSUP_OK, MDB_KEYEXIST};
+ for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ spok[i] = LSUP_sterm_to_key(sspo + i);
+ key_v.mv_data = spok + i;
+ key_v.mv_size = KLEN;
+ data_v.mv_data = (sspo + i)->addr;
+ data_v.mv_size = (sspo + i)->size;
+ mdb_put(
+ store->txn, store->dbi[IDX_T_ST],
+ &key_v, &data_v, MDB_NOOVERWRITE),
+ put_rc, _add_close_txn);
+ }
+ key_v.mv_data = spok;
+ key_v.mv_size = TRP_KLEN;
+ data_v.mv_data = ck == NULL_KEY ? NULL : &ck;
+ data_v.mv_size = ck == NULL_KEY ? 0 : KLEN;
+ mdb_put(
+ store->txn, store->dbi[IDX_SPO_C],
+ &key_v, &data_v, MDB_NODUPDATA),
+ put_rc, _add_close_txn);
+ PCHECK(index_triple(store, OP_ADD, spok, ck), _add_close_txn);
+ LSUP_buffer_done(sspo + 2);
+ LSUP_buffer_done(sspo + 1);
+ LSUP_buffer_done(sspo);
+ }
+ if (txn_pending) {
+ if (rc >= LSUP_OK) {
+ int txn_rc;
+ if((txn_rc = mdb_txn_commit(store->txn)) != MDB_SUCCESS) {
+ mdb_txn_abort(store->txn);
+ rc = txn_rc;
+ }
+ } else mdb_txn_abort(store->txn);
+ store->txn = NULL;
+ }
+ return rc;
+ LSUP_MDBStore *store, const LSUP_SerTerm *sterm)
- env_path = getenv("LSUP_STORE_PATH");
- struct stat path_stat;
- int rc;
+ return LSUP_sterm_to_key(sterm);
- if (env_path == NULL) {
- printf(
- "WARNING: `LSUP_STORE_PATH' environment variable is not set. "
- "A temporary store path will be open and will be DESTROYED "
- "at the closing of the program.");
- env_path = mkdtemp("lsup_mdb-XXXXXX");
- } else {
- rc = stat(env_path, &path_stat);
- if (rc == ENOENT) {
- if (mkdir(env_path, ENV_DIR_MODE) != 0) abort();
- } else {
- if (!S_ISDIR(path_stat.st_mode)) abort();
+ LSUP_MDBStore *store, const LSUP_SerTerm *sterm)
+ LSUP_MDBStore *store, const LSUP_Key key, LSUP_SerTerm *sterm)
+ MDB_txn *txn;
+ mdb_txn_begin(store->env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, &txn);
+ MDB_val key_v, data_v;
+ key_v.mv_data = (void*)&key;
+ key_v.mv_size = KLEN;
+ int mdb_rc = mdb_get(txn, store->dbi[IDX_T_ST], &key_v, &data_v);
+ if (mdb_rc == MDB_SUCCESS) {
+ sterm->addr = data_v.mv_data;
+ sterm->size = data_v.mv_size;
+ rc = LSUP_OK;
+ }
+ else if (UNLIKELY(mdb_rc != MDB_NOTFOUND)) rc = LSUP_ERROR;
+ mdb_txn_abort(txn);
+ return rc;
+ LSUP_MDBStore *store, LSUP_SerTerm sspoc[], size_t *ct,
+ mdb_store_match_fn_t callback_fn, void *ctx)
+ LSUP_TripleKey spok = {
+ LSUP_sterm_to_key(sspoc),
+ LSUP_sterm_to_key(sspoc + 1),
+ LSUP_sterm_to_key(sspoc + 2),
+ };
+ LSUP_Key ck = store->default_ctx ? LSUP_sterm_to_key(sspoc + 3) : NULL_KEY;
+ struct MatchArgs args_s;
+ struct MatchArgs *args = &args_s;
+ args->ct = ct;
+ args->callback_fn = callback_fn;
+ args->ctx = ctx;
+ if (spok[0] != NULL_KEY && spok[1] != NULL_KEY && spok[2] != NULL_KEY) {
+ return match_callback_3bound(store, args);
+ }
+ else if (spok[0] != NULL_KEY) {
+ args->luks[0] = spok[0];
+ args->idx0 = 0;
+ if (spok[1] != NULL_KEY) {
+ args->luks[1] = spok[1];
+ args->idx1 = 1;
+ return match_callback_2bound(store, args);
+ } else if (spok[2] != NULL_KEY) {
+ args->luks[1] = spok[2];
+ args->idx1 = 2;
+ return match_callback_2bound(store, args);
+ } else {
+ return match_callback_1bound(store, args);
+ }
+ } else if (spok[1] != NULL_KEY) {
+ args->luks[0] = spok[1];
+ if (spok[2] != NULL_KEY) {
+ args->luks[1] = spok[2];
+ args->idx1 = 2;
+ return match_callback_2bound(store, args);
+ } else {
+ args->idx0 = 1;
+ return match_callback_1bound(store, args);
+ } else if (spok[2] != NULL_KEY) {
+ args->luks[0] = spok[2];
+ args->idx0 = 2;
+ return match_callback_1bound(store, args);
+ } else {
+ return match_callback_0bound(store, args);
- mdb_env_create(&LSUP_mdbenv);
- size_t mapsize;
- char *env_mapsize = getenv("LSUP_MDB_MAPSIZE");
+ LSUP_MDBStore *store, const LSUP_Buffer *sc,
+ LSUP_TripleKey data[], size_t data_size)
- if (env_mapsize == NULL) {
- mapsize = 1024LU << 30;
- } else {
- sscanf(env_mapsize, "%lu", &mapsize);
+ LSUP_Key ck = NULL_KEY;
+ if (store->default_ctx != NULL) {
+ if (sc == NULL) sc = store->default_ctx;
+ ck = LSUP_sterm_to_key(sc);
- mdb_env_set_mapsize(LSUP_mdbenv, mapsize);
+ MDB_txn *txn;
- mdb_env_set_maxdbs(LSUP_mdbenv, N_DB);
+ mdb_txn_begin(store->env, NULL, 0, &txn);
- env_init = true;
+ MDB_cursor *dcur, *icur;
+ mdb_cursor_open(txn, store->dbi[IDX_SPO_C], &dcur);
+ mdb_cursor_open(txn, store->dbi[IDX_C_SPO], &icur);
+ MDB_val spok_v, ck_v;
+ LSUP_TripleKey spok_cur;
+ spok_v.mv_size = TRP_KLEN;
+ ck_v.mv_size = KLEN;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
+ spok_v.mv_data = data + i;
+ rc = mdb_cursor_get(dcur, &spok_v, &ck_v, MDB_GET_BOTH);
+ if (rc == MDB_NOTFOUND) continue;
+ if (UNLIKELY(rc != MDB_SUCCESS)) goto _remove_abort;
+ mdb_cursor_del(dcur, 0);
+ ck_v.mv_data = &ck;
+ rc = mdb_cursor_get(icur, &ck_v, &spok_v, MDB_GET_BOTH);
+ if (rc == MDB_NOTFOUND) continue;
+ if (UNLIKELY(rc != MDB_SUCCESS)) goto _remove_abort;
+ mdb_cursor_del(icur, 0);
+ spok_v.mv_data = data + i;
+ rc = mdb_cursor_get(dcur, &spok_v, NULL, MDB_SET);
+ if (rc == MDB_SUCCESS) continue;
+ if (UNLIKELY(rc != MDB_NOTFOUND)) goto _remove_abort;
+ index_triple(store, OP_REMOVE, data[i], ck);
+ }
+ if(UNLIKELY(mdb_txn_commit(txn) != MDB_SUCCESS)) {
+ rc = LSUP_TXN_ERR;
+ goto _remove_abort;
+ }
return rc;
+ mdb_txn_abort(txn);
+ return rc;
+LSUP_store_done(LSUP_MDBStore *store)
+ if (store->state & LSSTORE_OPEN) {
+ TRACE(STR, "Closing MDB env.\n");
+ mdb_env_close(store->env);
+ }
+ if (store->default_ctx != NULL) LSUP_buffer_done(store->default_ctx);
+static int
+ const char *fpath, const struct stat *sb,
+ int typeflag, struct FTW *ftwbuf)
+ int rv = remove(fpath);
+ if (rv)
+ perror(fpath);
+ return rv;
+static int rmrf(char *path)
+{ return nftw(path, unlink_cb, 64, FTW_DEPTH | FTW_PHYS); }
* @brief Open and allocate DB handles in an array.
* @param bool create [in]: If true, the DBs are created. This is only needed
* on bootstrap.
-static int
-_dbi_init(bool create)
+static LSUP_rc dbi_init(LSUP_MDBStore *store)
+ bool db_created = store->state & LSSTORE_DB_CREATED;
MDB_txn *txn;
- unsigned int txn_flags = create ? 0 : MDB_RDONLY;
- unsigned int create_flag = create ? MDB_CREATE : 0;
+ unsigned int txn_flags = db_created ? MDB_RDONLY : 0;
+ unsigned int create_flag = db_created ? 0 : MDB_CREATE;
- mdb_txn_begin(LSUP_mdbenv, NULL, txn_flags, &txn);
+ mdb_txn_begin(store->env, NULL, txn_flags, &txn);
for (int i = 0; i < N_DB; i++) {
- mdb_dbi_open(txn, db_labels[i], db_flags[i] | create_flag, dbis + i);
+ mdb_dbi_open(
+ txn, db_labels[i], db_flags[i] | create_flag, store->dbi + i);
+ store->state |= LSSTORE_DB_CREATED;
return 0;
-static void
+inline static int
+check_txn_open(MDB_txn *txn, bool write)
- if (env_init) {
- printf("Cleaning up MDB env.\n");
- mdb_env_close(LSUP_mdbenv);
+ if (txn == NULL) {
+ mdb_txn_begin(LSUP_mdbenv, NULL, write ? 0 : MDB_RDONLY, &txn);
+ return LSUP_OK;
+static LSUP_rc
+ LSUP_MDBStore *store, StoreOp op,
+ LSUP_TripleKey spok, LSUP_Key ck)
+ int rc = LSUP_NOACTION;
+ MDB_val v1, v2;
+ if (op == OP_REMOVE) {
+ if (ck != NULL_KEY) {
+ MDB_cursor *cur;
+ v1.mv_data = &ck;
+ v1.mv_size = KLEN;
+ v2.mv_data = spok;
+ v2.mv_size = TRP_KLEN;
+ mdb_cursor_open(store->txn, store->dbi[IDX_C_SPO], &cur);
+ rc = mdb_cursor_get(cur, &v1, &v2, MDB_GET_BOTH);
+ if(rc == MDB_SUCCESS) mdb_cursor_del(cur, 0);
+ mdb_cursor_close(cur);
+ }
+ } else if (op == OP_ADD) {
+ if (ck != NULL_KEY) {
+ v1.mv_data = &ck;
+ v1.mv_size = KLEN;
+ v2.mv_data = spok;
+ v2.mv_size = TRP_KLEN;
+ mdb_put(
+ store->txn, store->dbi[IDX_C_SPO],
+ &v1, &v2, MDB_NODUPDATA);
+ }
+ } else return LSUP_VALUE_ERR;
+ LSUP_DoubleKey dbl_keys[3] = {
+ {spok[1], spok[2]},
+ {spok[0], spok[2]},
+ {spok[0], spok[1]},
+ };
+ v1.mv_size = KLEN;
+ v2.mv_size = DBL_KLEN;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ MDB_dbi db1 = lookup_indices[i];
+ MDB_dbi db2 = lookup_indices[i + 3];
+ v1.mv_data = spok + i;
+ v2.mv_data = dbl_keys[i];
+ if (op == OP_REMOVE) {
+ MDB_cursor *cur1, *cur2;
+ mdb_cursor_open(store->txn, store->dbi[lookup_indices[i]], &cur1);
+ rc = mdb_cursor_get(cur1, &v1, &v2, MDB_GET_BOTH);
+ if (rc == MDB_SUCCESS) mdb_cursor_del(cur1, 0);
+ mdb_cursor_close(cur1);
+ v1.mv_data = spok + i;
+ v2.mv_data = dbl_keys[i];
+ mdb_cursor_open(
+ store->txn, store->dbi[lookup_indices[i + 3]], &cur2);
+ rc = mdb_cursor_get(cur2, &v2, &v1, MDB_GET_BOTH);
+ if (rc == MDB_SUCCESS) mdb_cursor_del(cur2, 0);
+ mdb_cursor_close(cur2);
+ } else {
+ mdb_put(store->txn, db1, &v1, &v2, MDB_NODUPDATA);
+ mdb_put(store->txn, db2, &v2, &v1, MDB_NODUPDATA);
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+inline static LSUP_rc
+match_callback_0bound(struct MDBStore *store, struct MatchArgs *args)
+ int rc = LSUP_NORESULT;
+ MDB_txn *txn;
+ if(store->txn) txn = store->txn;
+ else mdb_txn_begin(store->env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, &txn);
+ MDB_val key_v;
+ if(args->ct) {
+ MDB_stat stat;
+ mdb_stat(store->txn, store->dbi[IDX_SPO_C], &stat);
+ *args->ct = stat.ms_entries;
+ }
+ MDB_cursor *cur;
+ mdb_cursor_open(txn, store->dbi[IDX_SPO_C], &cur);
+ if(args->callback_fn) {
+ rc = mdb_cursor_get(cur, &key_v, NULL, MDB_FIRST);
+ while (rc != MDB_NOTFOUND) {
+ LSUP_TripleKey spok;
+ rc = args->callback_fn(spok, args->ctx);
+ if (rc < 0) goto _match0b_abort;
+ }
+ }
+ mdb_cursor_close(cur);
+ if (txn != store->txn) mdb_txn_abort(txn);
+ return rc;
+inline static LSUP_rc
+match_callback_1bound(struct MDBStore *store, struct MatchArgs *args)
+ int rc = LSUP_NORESULT;
+ const uint8_t *term_order = lookup_ordering_1bound[args->idx0];
+ MDB_txn *txn;
+ if(store->txn) txn = store->txn;
+ else mdb_txn_begin(store->env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, &txn);
+ MDB_cursor *cur;
+ mdb_cursor_open(txn, store->dbi[args->idx0], &cur);
+ MDB_val key_v, data_v;
+ key_v.mv_data = &args->luks;
+ key_v.mv_size = KLEN;
+ if(args->ct) {
+ mdb_cursor_get(cur, &key_v, &data_v, MDB_SET);
+ mdb_cursor_count(cur, args->ct);
+ }
+ if(args->callback_fn) {
+ rc = mdb_cursor_get(cur, &key_v, &data_v, MDB_SET);
+ if (rc == MDB_SUCCESS)
+ rc = mdb_cursor_get(cur, &key_v, &data_v, MDB_GET_MULTIPLE);
+ while (rc != MDB_NOTFOUND) {
+ LSUP_Key **lu_dset = data_v.mv_data;
+ for (int i = 0; i < data_v.mv_size / DBL_KLEN; i++) {
+ LSUP_TripleKey spok;
+ spok[term_order[0]] = args->luks[0];
+ spok[term_order[1]] = lu_dset[i][0];
+ spok[term_order[2]] = lu_dset[i][1];
+ rc = args->callback_fn(spok, args->ctx);
+ if (rc < 0) goto _match1b_abort;
+ }
+ rc = mdb_cursor_get(cur, &key_v, &data_v, MDB_NEXT_MULTIPLE);
+ }
+ }
+ mdb_cursor_close(cur);
+ if (txn != store->txn) mdb_txn_abort(txn);
+ return rc;
+inline static LSUP_rc
+match_callback_2bound(struct MDBStore *store, struct MatchArgs *args)
+ int rc = LSUP_NORESULT;
+ uint8_t luk1_offset, luk2_offset;
+ const uint8_t *term_order;
+ MDB_dbi dbi = 0;
+ for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ if (
+ (
+ args->idx0 == lookup_ordering_2bound[i][0] &&
+ args->idx1 == lookup_ordering_2bound[i][1]
+ ) || (
+ args->idx0 == lookup_ordering_2bound[i][1] &&
+ args->idx1 == lookup_ordering_2bound[i][0]
+ )
+ ) {
+ term_order = lookup_ordering_2bound[i];
+ if (term_order[0] == args->idx0) {
+ luk1_offset = 0;
+ luk2_offset = 1;
+ } else {
+ luk1_offset = 1;
+ luk2_offset = 0;
+ }
+ dbi = store->dbi[lookup_indices[i + 3]];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (dbi == 0) {
+ "Values %d and %d not found in lookup keys.",
+ args->idx0, args->idx1);
+ return LSUP_VALUE_ERR;
+ }
+ LSUP_DoubleKey luk;
+ luk[luk1_offset] = args->luks[0];
+ luk[luk2_offset] = args->luks[1];
+ MDB_txn *txn;
+ if(store->txn) txn = store->txn;
+ else mdb_txn_begin(store->env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, &txn);
+ MDB_cursor *cur;
+ mdb_cursor_open(txn, store->dbi[dbi], &cur);
+ MDB_val key_v, data_v;
+ key_v.mv_data = luk;
+ key_v.mv_size = DBL_KLEN;
+ if(args->ct) {
+ mdb_cursor_get(cur, &key_v, &data_v, MDB_SET);
+ mdb_cursor_count(cur, args->ct);
+ }
+ if(args->callback_fn) {
+ rc = mdb_cursor_get(cur, &key_v, &data_v, MDB_SET);
+ if (rc == MDB_SUCCESS)
+ rc = mdb_cursor_get(cur, &key_v, &data_v, MDB_GET_MULTIPLE);
+ while (rc != MDB_NOTFOUND) {
+ LSUP_Key *lu_dset = data_v.mv_data;
+ for (int i = 0; i < data_v.mv_size / DBL_KLEN; i++) {
+ LSUP_TripleKey spok;
+ spok[term_order[0]] = luk[0];
+ spok[term_order[1]] = luk[1];
+ spok[term_order[2]] = lu_dset[i];
+ rc = args->callback_fn(spok, args->ctx);
+ if (rc < 0) goto _match2b_abort;
+ }
+ rc = mdb_cursor_get(cur, &key_v, &data_v, MDB_NEXT_MULTIPLE);
+ }
+ }
+ mdb_cursor_close(cur);
+ if (txn != store->txn) mdb_txn_abort(txn);
+ return rc;
+inline static LSUP_rc
+match_callback_3bound(struct MDBStore *store, struct MatchArgs *args)
+ int rc = LSUP_NORESULT;
+ MDB_txn *txn;
+ if(store->txn)
+ txn = store->txn;
+ else
+ mdb_txn_begin(store->env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, &txn);
+ MDB_cursor *cur;
+ rc = mdb_cursor_open(txn, store->dbi[IDX_SPO_C], &cur);
+ MDB_val key_v, data_v;
+ key_v.mv_data = args->luks;
+ key_v.mv_size = TRP_KLEN;
+ if(args->ct) {
+ if (mdb_cursor_get(cur, &key_v, NULL, MDB_SET) == MDB_SUCCESS)
+ rc = mdb_cursor_count(cur, args->ct);
+ }
+ if(args->callback_fn) {
+ rc = mdb_cursor_get(cur, &key_v, NULL, MDB_FIRST);
+ while (rc != MDB_NOTFOUND) {
+ LSUP_TripleKey spok;
+ rc = args->callback_fn(spok, args->ctx);
+ if (rc < 0) goto _match3b_abort;
+ }
+ }
+ mdb_cursor_close(cur);
+ if (txn != store->txn) mdb_txn_abort(txn);
+ return rc;