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WIP Initial LMDB back end work.

Stefano Cossu 4 роки тому
10 змінених файлів з 1037 додано та 151 видалено
  1. 7 3
  2. 1 1
  3. 30 8
  4. 5 4
  5. 132 2
  6. 23 11
  7. 18 11
  8. 815 107
  9. 5 3
  10. 1 1

+ 7 - 3

@@ -6,15 +6,17 @@ all: test
 	splint \
-	-Iinclude -Iext/xxHash -Iext/openldap/libraries/liblmdb \
-	-preproc \
-	test.c
+		-Iinclude -Iext/xxHash -Iext/openldap/libraries/liblmdb \
+		-D_XOPEN_SOURCE 500 \
+		-preproc \
+		test.c
 	gcc -g -Wall \
 		-std=gnu99 \
 		-Iinclude -Iext/xxHash -Iext/openldap/libraries/liblmdb \
 		-luuid \
+		-D_XOPEN_SOURCE 500 \
 		ext/xxHash/xxhash.c ext/openldap/libraries/liblmdb/midl.c \
 		ext/openldap/libraries/liblmdb/mdb.c \
 		src/*.c \
@@ -26,6 +28,7 @@ test:
 		-DDEBUG \
 		-Iinclude -Iext/xxHash -Iext/openldap/libraries/liblmdb -Itest \
 		-luuid -lpthread \
+		-D_XOPEN_SOURCE 500 \
 		ext/xxHash/xxhash.c ext/openldap/libraries/liblmdb/midl.c \
 		ext/openldap/libraries/liblmdb/mdb.c \
 		src/*.c test.c \
@@ -36,6 +39,7 @@ profile:
 		-std=gnu99 \
 		-Iinclude -Iext/xxHash -Iext/openldap/libraries/liblmdb \
 		-luuid \
+		-D_XOPEN_SOURCE 500 \
 		ext/xxHash/xxhash.c ext/openldap/libraries/liblmdb/midl.c \
 		ext/openldap/libraries/liblmdb/mdb.c \
 		src/*.c profile.c \

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 1ce8c2bcea5f97efa772051f249be101d7e512d9
+Subproject commit fc6de01ab9747985a429873bb4fe16e41b3c4d03

+ 30 - 8

@@ -49,16 +49,18 @@
  * 0 is success, positive integers (>88800) are warnings, and negative integers
  * (<-88800) are errors.
-#define LSUP_OK             0
+typedef enum {
+    LSUP_OK             = 0,
-#define LSUP_NOACTION       88801
-#define LSUP_NORESULT       88802
-#define LSUP_END            88803
-#define LSUP_ERROR          (-88801)
-#define LSUP_PARSE_ERR      (-88802)
-#define LSUP_VALUE_ERR      (-88803)
+    LSUP_NOACTION       = 88801,
+    LSUP_NORESULT       = 88802,
+    LSUP_END            = 88803,
+    LSUP_ERROR          = -88801,
+    LSUP_PARSE_ERR      = -88802,
+    LSUP_VALUE_ERR      = -88803,
+    LSUP_TXN_ERR        = -88804,
+} LSUP_rc;
 typedef size_t LSUP_Key;
 typedef LSUP_Key LSUP_DoubleKey[2];
@@ -73,4 +75,24 @@ inline int min(int x, int y) { return x < y ? x : y; }
 inline int max(int x, int y) { return x > y ? x : y; }
+// Error handling via goto.
+#define CHECK(exp, marker) rc = (exp); if (rc != LSUP_OK) goto marker
+// Jump if rc is negative (skip warnings).
+#define PCHECK(exp, marker) rc = (exp); if (rc < LSUP_OK) goto marker
+// Check against a list of allowed return codes.
+// If none match, jump to marker.
+#define MCHECK(exp, allowed, marker)                                    \
+    rc = (exp);                                                         \
+    bool jump = true;                                                   \
+    for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(allowed) / sizeof(int); i++) {            \
+        if (rc == allowed[i]) {                                         \
+            jump = false;                                               \
+            break;                                                      \
+        }                                                               \
+    }                                                                   \
+    if (jump) goto marker;                                              \

+ 5 - 4

@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ LSUP_graph_init(
 LSUP_Graph *
 LSUP_graph_new(size_t capacity, char *uri_str, LSUP_store_type store_type);
+// TODO Make src const; invert operands.
 LSUP_graph_copy(LSUP_Graph *dest, LSUP_Graph *src);
@@ -45,13 +46,13 @@ int
 LSUP_graph_resize(LSUP_Graph *gr, size_t size);
-LSUP_graph_capacity(LSUP_Graph *gr);
+LSUP_graph_capacity(const LSUP_Graph *gr);
-LSUP_graph_size(LSUP_Graph *gr);
+LSUP_graph_size(const LSUP_Graph *gr);
-char *
-LSUP_graph_uri(LSUP_Graph *gr);
+LSUP_Term *
+LSUP_graph_uri(const LSUP_Graph *gr);
 LSUP_graph_contains(const LSUP_Graph *gr, const LSUP_Triple *t);

+ 132 - 2

@@ -1,5 +1,135 @@
+/** @file store_mdb.h
+ *
+ * @brief LMDB graph store backend.
+ *
+ * This module stores triples in a LMDB embedded store, optionally organized
+ * into named graphs. The store is optimized and indexed for fast lookup of any
+ * number of bound terms.
+ *
+ * The store must be first initialized once, to create the environment files
+ * and folders as well as the internal databases, then it must be opened once
+ * per session. Within that session multiple R/W operations can be performed
+ * using transactions.
+ *
+ * TODO more doc
+ */
+#ifndef _LSUP_STORE_MDB_H
+#define _LSUP_STORE_MDB_H
 #include "lmdb.h"
-#include "core.h"
+#include "term.h"
+typedef char DbLabel[8];
+typedef struct MDBStore LSUP_MDBStore;
+typedef LSUP_rc (*mdb_store_match_fn_t)(const LSUP_TripleKey spok, void *ctx);
+// TODO Introduce compile-time LSUP_BIG_STORE option to define two store
+// options: false: 64-bit hashes, uint32 keys, max 4G entries; true:
+// 128-bit hashes, size_t keys, max MAX_SIZE entries, larger and slower.
+// Ideally this could be specified at runtime to handle different stores with
+// different sizes, but code could become more complex.
+/** @brief Create the MDB environment and databases on disk.
+ *
+ * This function takes care of creaating the environment path if not existing,
+ * and checking that it's a writable directory. If the path is not specified
+ * in the LSUP_STORE_PATH environment variable, a default directory is used.
+ *
+ * @param[in,out] path Path of the suggested directory to use. It may be NULL,
+ *  in which case it will be set either to the environment variable
+ *  LSUP_STORE_PATH, or if that is not set, a default local path.
+ */
+LSUP_rc LSUP_store_setup(char **path/*, bool clear*/);
+/** @brief Open an MDB store.
+ *
+ * The store must have been set up with #LSUP_store_setup.
+ *
+ * Some environment variables affect various store parameters:
+ *
+ * - LSUP_MDB_MAPSIZE Long int specifying the size of the memory map. Usually
+ *   it is not necessary to modify this, unless one is operating under memory
+ *   and disk constraints. The default map size is 1Tb.
+ *
+ * @param[in,out] store Uninitialized store struct pointer.
+ *
+ * @param[in] path MDB environment path. This must be the path given by
+ * #LSUP_store_setup.
+ *
+ * @param[in] default_ctx Serialized URI to be used as a default context for
+ *  triples inserted without a context specified. If NULL, the store operates
+ *  in triple mode.
+ */
+LSUP_rc LSUP_store_open(
+        LSUP_MDBStore *store, const char *path, LSUP_Buffer *default_ctx);
+/** @brief Print stats about a store and its databases.
+ *
+ * TODO
+ *
+ * @param store[in] The store to get stats for.
+ */
+LSUP_rc LSUP_store_stats(LSUP_MDBStore *store);
+/** @brief Store size.
+ *
+ * @param store[in] The store to calculate size of.
+ *
+ * @return Number of stored SPO triples across all contexts.
+ */
+size_t LSUP_store_size(LSUP_MDBStore *store);
+/** @brief Add a batch of triples with optional context to the store.
+ *
+ * @param store[in] The store to add to.
+ *
+ * @param sc[in] Context as a serialized term. If this is NULL, and the
+ *  default context is not NULL, triples will be added to the default context
+ *  for the store, If the default context for the store is NULL, regardless of
+ *  the value of sc, triples will be added with no context.
+ * @param data[in] Triples to be inserted as a 2D array of triples in the shape
+ * of data[n][3], where n is the value of data_size.
+ *
+ * @param data_size[in] Number of triples to be inserted.
+ */
+LSUP_rc LSUP_store_add(
+        struct MDBStore *store, const LSUP_Buffer *sc,
+        const LSUP_SerTerm **data, const size_t data_size);
-MDB_env *LSUP_mdbenv;
+/** @brief Perform an arbitraty function on matching triples and context.
+ *
+ * @param store[in] The store to be queried.
+ *
+ * @param sspoc Array of 4 serialized term pointers representing the s, p, o, c
+ * terms. Any and all of these may be NULL, which indicates an unbound query
+ * term. Stores with context not set will always ignore the fourth term.
+ *
+ * @param ct[out] If not NULL, this will be populated with the number of
+ *  entries found. This can be used when calling this function twice: once to
+ *  pre-allocate some memory based on the results obtained, the second one to
+ *  perform an operation on the allocated memory.
+ *
+ * @param callback[in] This function is applied to the matching
+ *  triple keys. This may be NULL if the function is called only to count the
+ *  matches.
+ *
+ * @param ctx[in] Arbitrary data to be used in the callback function.
+ *
+ * @return LSUP_OK if entries were found, LSUP_NORESULT if none were found; if
+ *  a callback was applied, and an error (<0) code was returned in any of the
+ *  interactions, that code is returned and the callback execution is stopped.
+ */
+LSUP_rc LSUP_store_match_callback(
+        LSUP_MDBStore *store, LSUP_SerTerm sspoc[], size_t *ct,
+        mdb_store_match_fn_t callback_fn, void *ctx);

+ 23 - 11

@@ -51,14 +51,28 @@ typedef struct LSUP_Term {
  * the structure can be an already initialized term, and can be reused
  * without freeing it.
         LSUP_Term *term, LSUP_term_type type,
-        char *data, char *datatype, char *lang);
+        const char *data, char *datatype, char *lang);
+ * @brief Shortcut to initialize a URI.
+ */
+inline LSUP_rc
+LSUP_uri_init(LSUP_Term *term, const char *data)
+{ return LSUP_term_init(term, LSUP_TERM_URI, data, NULL, NULL); }
 LSUP_Term *
-LSUP_term_new(LSUP_term_type type, char *data, char *datatype, char *lang);
+LSUP_term_new(LSUP_term_type type, const char *data, char *datatype, char *lang);
+ * @brief Shortcut to create a URI.
+ */
+inline LSUP_Term *
+LSUP_uri_new(const char *data)
+{ return LSUP_term_new(LSUP_TERM_URI, data, NULL, NULL); }
@@ -108,18 +122,17 @@ LSUP_term_gen_random_str();
  * | \x03 | hello\x00 | xsd:string\x00 | en-US\x00\x00\x00 |
  * type   data        datatype         lang
-int LSUP_term_serialize(const LSUP_Term *term, LSUP_Buffer *sterm);
+LSUP_rc LSUP_term_serialize(const LSUP_Term *term, LSUP_Buffer *sterm);
-LSUP_term_deserialize(const LSUP_Buffer *sterm, LSUP_Term *term);
+LSUP_rc LSUP_term_deserialize(const LSUP_Buffer *sterm, LSUP_Term *term);
 inline LSUP_Key
 LSUP_sterm_to_key(const LSUP_SerTerm *sterm)
-    LSUP_Key key = (LSUP_Key)XXH64(sterm->addr, sterm->size, SEED);
+    if (sterm == NULL) return NULL_KEY;
-    return key;
+    return (LSUP_Key)XXH64(sterm->addr, sterm->size, SEED);
@@ -129,8 +142,7 @@ LSUP_sterm_to_key(const LSUP_SerTerm *sterm)
 inline LSUP_Key
 LSUP_term_to_key(const LSUP_Term *term)
-    if (term == NULL)
-        return NULL_KEY;
+    if (term == NULL) return NULL_KEY;
     LSUP_Buffer sterm_s;
     LSUP_Buffer *sterm = &sterm_s;
@@ -150,7 +162,7 @@ bool LSUP_term_equals(const LSUP_Term *term1, const LSUP_Term *term2);
 // TODO Implement when xxhash v0.8 is released with stable xxhash128 function.
+inline XXH128_hash_t
 LSUP_term_hash128(const LSUP_Term *term);

+ 18 - 11

@@ -16,6 +16,14 @@ typedef enum KSetFlag {
     LSUP_KS_CHECK_DUP   = 1 << 1,
 } KSetFlag;
+ * Static handles.
+ */
+static const char *default_ctx_label = "urn:lsup:default";
+static LSUP_Buffer *default_ctx = NULL; // Default context URI for quad store.
  * Identity hashing function.
@@ -47,9 +55,9 @@ typedef struct Graph {
  * Extern inline functions.
-size_t LSUP_graph_size(LSUP_Graph *gr);
+size_t LSUP_graph_size(const LSUP_Graph *gr);
-size_t LSUP_graph_capacity(LSUP_Graph *gr);
+size_t LSUP_graph_capacity(const LSUP_Graph *gr);
@@ -217,22 +225,22 @@ LSUP_graph_resize(LSUP_Graph *gr, size_t size)
-LSUP_graph_capacity(LSUP_Graph *gr) { return LSUP_htable_capacity(gr->keys); }
+LSUP_graph_capacity(const LSUP_Graph *gr)
+{ return LSUP_htable_capacity(gr->keys); }
-char *
-LSUP_graph_uri(LSUP_Graph *gr) { return gr->uri->data; }
+LSUP_Term *
+LSUP_graph_uri(const LSUP_Graph *gr) { return gr->uri; }
-LSUP_graph_size(LSUP_Graph *gr) { return LSUP_htable_size(gr->keys); }
+LSUP_graph_size(const LSUP_Graph *gr) { return LSUP_htable_size(gr->keys); }
 LSUP_graph_add_triple(LSUP_Graph *gr, const LSUP_Triple *spo)
     LSUP_SerTerm sspo[3];
-    LSUP_SerTerm *sterm;
     LSUP_term_serialize(spo->s, sspo);
     LSUP_term_serialize(spo->p, sspo + 1);
@@ -247,10 +255,9 @@ LSUP_graph_add_triple(LSUP_Graph *gr, const LSUP_Triple *spo)
         // If term is already in the index, discard and free it.
         if (LSUP_htable_get(gr->idx, spok + i, NULL) == LSUP_OK) {
-            CRITICAL(sterm = malloc(sizeof(LSUP_Buffer)));
-            //*sterm = sspo[i];
-            sterm = sspo + i;
-            LSUP_htable_put(gr->idx, spok + i, sterm);
+            //LSUP_SerTerm *sterm = sspo + i;
+            //CRITICAL(sterm = malloc(sizeof(LSUP_Buffer)));
+            LSUP_htable_put(gr->idx, spok + i, sspo + i);
         } else {
             TRACE("%s", "Term is already indexed.");
             LSUP_buffer_done(sspo + i);

+ 815 - 107

@@ -1,30 +1,25 @@
-#include <endian.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <errno.h>
+#include <ftw.h>
 #include "store_mdb.h"
-#if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN  // FIXME not portable.
-  #define REVERSEKEY 0
-  #define REVERSEDUP 0
+ * TODO At the moment up to 64-bit key / hash values are allowed. Later on,
+ * 128-bit keys should be allowed by compile options, and that will no longer
+ * be compatible with integer keys and data. When 128-bit keys are supported,
+ * integer keys should remain available for code compiled with 64-bit keys.
+ */
  * Number of DBs defined.
-#define N_DB 13
+#define N_DB 12
+#define DEFAULT_ENV_PATH "./mdb_store"
 #define ENV_DIR_MODE 0750
 #define ENV_FILE_MODE 0640
@@ -32,12 +27,39 @@
 typedef char DbLabel[8];
- * Static handles.
+// TODO Most of these are no longer used. Clean up.
+typedef enum {
+    LSSTORE_INIT         = 1, // Is the store environment set up on disk?
+    LSSTORE_OPEN         = 3, // Is the environment open? Assumes init is set.
+    LSSTORE_DB_CREATED   = 5, // Are DBs created? Assumes init is set.
+} StoreState;
+typedef enum {
+    OP_ADD,
+} StoreOp;
+struct MDBStore {
+    MDB_env *           env;        // Environment handle.
+    MDB_txn *           txn;        // Current transaction. If RW, it may have
+                                    //  nested transactions.
+    MDB_dbi             dbi[N_DB];  // DB handles. Refer to DbIdx enum.
+    LSUP_Buffer *       default_ctx;// Default context as a serialized URI.
+    StoreState          state;      // Store state (initialized, open etc.)
+/** @brief Common match callback arguments.
-static char *env_path = NULL;
-static bool env_init = false;
-static bool db_init = false;
+struct MatchArgs {
+    LSUP_Key luks[2];
+    uint8_t idx0, idx1;
+    size_t *ct;
+    mdb_store_match_fn_t callback_fn;
+    void *ctx;
@@ -47,7 +69,7 @@ static bool db_init = false;
 #define MAIN_TABLE \
     ENTRY(  T_ST,    "t:st",    INT_KEY_MASK    )   /* Key to ser. term */  \
-    ENTRY(  SPO_C,   "spo:c",   INT_DUP_MASK    )   /* Triple to context */ \
+    ENTRY(  SPO_C,   "spo:c",   INT_DUPDATA_MASK)   /* Triple to context */ \
     ENTRY(  C_,      "c:",      INT_KEY_MASK    )   /* Track empty contexts */\
     ENTRY(  PFX_NS,  "pfx:ns",  0               )   /* Prefix to NS */      \
@@ -58,11 +80,10 @@ static bool db_init = false;
     ENTRY(  S_PO,    "s:po",    INT_DUP_KEY_MASK)   /* 1-bound lookup */    \
     ENTRY(  P_SO,    "p:so",    INT_DUP_KEY_MASK)   /* 1-bound lookup */    \
     ENTRY(  O_SP,    "o:sp",    INT_DUP_KEY_MASK)   /* 1-bound lookup */    \
-    ENTRY(  PO_S,    "po:s",    INT_DUP_MASK    )   /* 2-bound lookup */    \
-    ENTRY(  SO_P,    "so:p",    INT_DUP_MASK    )   /* 2-bound lookup */    \
-    ENTRY(  SP_O,    "sp:o",    INT_DUP_MASK    )   /* 2-bound lookup */    \
+    ENTRY(  PO_S,    "po:s",    INT_DUPDATA_MASK)   /* 2-bound lookup */    \
+    ENTRY(  SO_P,    "so:p",    INT_DUPDATA_MASK)   /* 2-bound lookup */    \
+    ENTRY(  SP_O,    "sp:o",    INT_DUPDATA_MASK)   /* 2-bound lookup */    \
     ENTRY(  C_SPO,   "c:spo",   INT_DUP_KEY_MASK)   /* Context lookup */    \
-    ENTRY(  TH_T,    "th:t",    0               )   /* Term hash to key */  \
     ENTRY(  NS_PFX,  "ns:pfx",  0               )   /* NS to prefix */      \
@@ -74,7 +95,10 @@ LOOKUP_TABLE
 #undef ENTRY
- * Numveric index of each DB in the following constants. Prefixed with IDX_
+ * Numeric index of each DB. Prefixed with IDX_
+ *
+ * These index numbers are referred to in all the arrays defeined below. They
+ * are independent from the LMDB dbi values which are considered opaque here.
 typedef enum {
 #define ENTRY(a, b, c) IDX_##a,
@@ -83,11 +107,6 @@ typedef enum {
 #undef ENTRY
 } DBIdx;
- * DB indices. These are populated on init.
- */
-static MDB_dbi dbis[N_DB];
  * DB labels.
@@ -132,9 +151,9 @@ static DBIdx lookup_indices[9] = {
 static const uint8_t lookup_rank[3] = {0, 2, 1};
 static const uint8_t lookup_ordering_1bound[3][3] = {
-    {0, 1, 2}, // spo
-    {1, 0, 2}, // pso
-    {2, 0, 1}, // osp
+    {0, 1, 2}, // s:po
+    {1, 0, 2}, // p:so
+    {2, 0, 1}, // o:sp
 static const uint8_t lookup_ordering_2bound[3][3] = {
@@ -147,31 +166,131 @@ static const uint8_t lookup_ordering_2bound[3][3] = {
  * Static prototypes.
-static int _dbi_init(bool create);
-static int _mdbenv_init(bool create);
-static void _env_cleanup();
+static int dbi_init(LSUP_MDBStore *store);
+static int index_triple(
+        LSUP_MDBStore *store, StoreOp op,
+        LSUP_TripleKey spok, LSUP_Key ck);
+inline static LSUP_rc match_callback_0bound(
+        struct MDBStore *store, struct MatchArgs *args);
+inline static LSUP_rc match_callback_1bound(
+        struct MDBStore *store, struct MatchArgs *args);
+inline static LSUP_rc match_callback_2bound(
+        struct MDBStore *store, struct MatchArgs *args);
+inline static LSUP_rc match_callback_3bound(
+        struct MDBStore *store, struct MatchArgs *args);
+/* TODO
+inline static int check_txn_open(MDB_txn *txn, bool write);
+/* TODO
+static int unlink_cb(
+        const char *fpath, const struct stat *sb,
+        int typeflag, struct FTW *ftwbuf);
+static int rmrf(char *path);
  * API.
-LSUP_store_open(bool create)
+LSUP_store_setup(char **path/*, bool clear*/) // TODO clear
-    if(UNLIKELY(!env_init)) _mdbenv_init(create);
+    int rc;
+    // Set environment path.
+    if (path == NULL || (*path = getenv("LSUP_STORE_PATH")) == NULL) {
+        printf(
+                "WARNING: `LSUP_STORE_PATH' environment variable is not set. "
+                "A local directory will be used to store the LSUP data.");
+        *path = DEFAULT_ENV_PATH;
+    }
+    // Verify that a writable directory exists or can be created.
+    struct stat path_stat;
-    atexit(_env_cleanup);
+    rc = stat(*path, &path_stat);
+    if (rc == ENOENT) {
+        if (mkdir(*path, ENV_DIR_MODE) != 0) abort();
-    int rc = mdb_env_open(LSUP_mdbenv, env_path, 0, ENV_FILE_MODE);
+    } else if (!S_ISDIR(path_stat.st_mode)) {
+        printf("%s is not a valid directory.\n", path);
+        abort();
-    if (UNLIKELY(!db_init)) rc |= _dbi_init(create);
+    /* TODO clear
+    } else {
+        if (clear) {
+            rmrf(*path);
+            if (mkdir(*path, ENV_DIR_MODE) != 0) abort();
+        }
+    */
+    }
+    // Open a temporary environment and txn to create the DBs.
+    MDB_env *env;
+    mdb_env_create(&env);
+    mdb_env_open(env, *path, 0, ENV_FILE_MODE);
+    MDB_txn *txn;
+    mdb_txn_begin(env, NULL, 0, &txn);
+    for (int i = 0; i < N_DB; i++) {
+        MDB_dbi dbi;
+        mdb_dbi_open(txn, db_labels[i], db_flags[i] | MDB_CREATE, &dbi);
+        mdb_dbi_close(env, dbi);
+    }
+    mdb_txn_commit(txn);
+    mdb_env_close(env);
+    return rc;
+        LSUP_MDBStore *store, const char *path, LSUP_Buffer *default_ctx)
+    if(store->state & LSSTORE_OPEN) return LSUP_NOACTION;
+    if (default_ctx == NULL) store->default_ctx = NULL;
+    else {
+        CRITICAL(store->default_ctx = malloc(sizeof(LSUP_Buffer)));
+        LSUP_buffer_copy(store->default_ctx, default_ctx);
+    }
+    // Set map size.
+    size_t mapsize;
+    char *env_mapsize = getenv("LSUP_MDB_MAPSIZE");
+    if (env_mapsize == NULL) {
+        mapsize = 0x10000000000; // 1Tb
+    } else {
+        sscanf(env_mapsize, "%lu", &mapsize);
+    }
+    mdb_env_set_mapsize(store->env, mapsize);
+    mdb_env_set_maxdbs(store->env, N_DB);
+    int rc = mdb_env_open(store->env, path, 0, ENV_FILE_MODE);
+    // Assign DB handles to store->dbi.
+    MDB_txn *txn;
+    mdb_txn_begin(store->env, NULL, 0, &txn);
+    for (int i = 0; i < N_DB; i++) {
+        mdb_dbi_open(
+                txn, db_labels[i], db_flags[i], store->dbi + i);
+    }
+    mdb_txn_commit(txn);
+    store->state = LSSTORE_OPEN;
     return rc;
+LSUP_store_stats(LSUP_MDBStore *store)
     // TODO
     MDB_stat env_stat, db_stats[N_DB];
@@ -180,112 +299,701 @@ LSUP_store_stats()
-LSUP_store_size(MDB_txn *txn)
+LSUP_store_size(LSUP_MDBStore *store)
-    if (!env_init) return 0;
+    if(!(store->state & LSSTORE_INIT)) return 0;
     MDB_stat stat;
-    mdb_stat(txn, dbis[IDX_SPO_C], &stat);
+    mdb_stat(store->txn, store->dbi[IDX_SPO_C], &stat);
     return stat.ms_entries;
- * Static functions.
- */
+        LSUP_MDBStore *store, const LSUP_Buffer *sc,
+        const LSUP_SerTerm **data, const size_t data_size)
- * @brief Create and initialize the MDB env.
- *
- * This function takes care of creaating the environment path if not existing,
- * and checking that it's a writable directory. If the path is not specified
- * in the LSUP_STORE_PATH environment variable, a temporary file is used.
- *
- * This should be only called once per program run, therefore it's best to let
- * LSUP_mdb_env_open() call it when needed.
- *
- * TODO create is not used; either use it or get rid of it.
- */
-static int
-_mdbenv_init(bool create)
+    MDB_val key_v, data_v;
+    bool txn_pending = false;
+    if (!store->txn) {
+        mdb_txn_begin(store->env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, &store->txn);
+        txn_pending = true;
+    }
+    // Take care of context first.
+    // Serialize and hash.
+    LSUP_Key ck = NULL_KEY;
+    if (store->default_ctx != NULL) {
+        if (sc == NULL) sc = store->default_ctx;
+        ck = LSUP_sterm_to_key(sc);
+        // Insert t:st for context.
+        TRACE("Adding context: %s", sc);
+        key_v.mv_data = &ck;
+        key_v.mv_size = KLEN;
+        data_v.mv_data = sc->addr;
+        data_v.mv_size = sc->size;
+        mdb_put(
+                store->txn, store->dbi[IDX_T_ST],
+                &key_v, &data_v, MDB_NOOVERWRITE);
+    }
+    int rc = LSUP_NOACTION;
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < data_size && rc == LSUP_OK; i++) {
+        const LSUP_SerTerm *sspo = data[i];
+        /*
+        LSUP_SerTerm sspo[3];
+        CHECK(LSUP_term_serialize(spo->s, sspo), _add_free_sterm1);
+        CHECK(LSUP_term_serialize(spo->p, sspo + 1), _add_free_sterm2);
+        CHECK(LSUP_term_serialize(spo->s, sspo + 2), _add_free_sterms);
+        */
+        LSUP_TripleKey spok = NULL_TRP;
+        // Add triple.
+        TRACE("Inserting spok: {%lx, %lx, %lx}", spok[0], spok[1], spok[2]);
+        int put_rc[2] = {LSUP_OK, MDB_KEYEXIST};
+        // Insert t:st for s, p, o
+        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+            spok[i] = LSUP_sterm_to_key(sspo + i);
+            key_v.mv_data = spok + i;
+            key_v.mv_size = KLEN;
+            data_v.mv_data = (sspo + i)->addr;
+            data_v.mv_size = (sspo + i)->size;
+            MCHECK(
+                    mdb_put(
+                            store->txn, store->dbi[IDX_T_ST],
+                            &key_v, &data_v, MDB_NOOVERWRITE),
+                    put_rc, _add_close_txn);
+        }
+        // Insert spo:c
+        key_v.mv_data = spok;
+        key_v.mv_size = TRP_KLEN;
+        // In triple mode, data is empty.
+        data_v.mv_data = ck == NULL_KEY ? NULL : &ck;
+        data_v.mv_size = ck == NULL_KEY ? 0 : KLEN;
+        MCHECK(
+                mdb_put(
+                    store->txn, store->dbi[IDX_SPO_C],
+                    &key_v, &data_v, MDB_NODUPDATA),
+                put_rc, _add_close_txn);
+        // Index.
+        PCHECK(index_triple(store, OP_ADD, spok, ck), _add_close_txn);
+        // Free serialized terms.
+        LSUP_buffer_done(sspo + 2);
+        LSUP_buffer_done(sspo + 1);
+        LSUP_buffer_done(sspo);
+    }
+    // Only return commit rc if it fails.
+    if (txn_pending) {
+        if (rc >= LSUP_OK) {
+            int txn_rc;
+            if((txn_rc = mdb_txn_commit(store->txn)) != MDB_SUCCESS) {
+                mdb_txn_abort(store->txn);
+                rc = txn_rc;
+            }
+        } else mdb_txn_abort(store->txn);
+        store->txn = NULL;
+    }
+    return rc;
+        LSUP_MDBStore *store, const LSUP_SerTerm *sterm)
-    env_path = getenv("LSUP_STORE_PATH");
-    struct stat path_stat;
-    int rc;
+    // TODO this will be replaced by a lookup when 128-bit hash is introduced.
+    return LSUP_sterm_to_key(sterm);
-    // Set environment path.
-    if (env_path == NULL) {
-        printf(
-                "WARNING: `LSUP_STORE_PATH' environment variable is not set. "
-                "A temporary store path will be open and will be DESTROYED "
-                "at the closing of the program.");
-        env_path = mkdtemp("lsup_mdb-XXXXXX");
-    } else {
-        rc = stat(env_path, &path_stat);
-        if (rc == ENOENT) {
-            if (mkdir(env_path, ENV_DIR_MODE) != 0) abort();
-        } else {
-            if (!S_ISDIR(path_stat.st_mode)) abort();
+        LSUP_MDBStore *store, const LSUP_SerTerm *sterm)
+        LSUP_MDBStore *store, const LSUP_Key key, LSUP_SerTerm *sterm)
+    LSUP_rc rc = LSUP_NORESULT;
+    MDB_txn *txn;
+    mdb_txn_begin(store->env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, &txn);
+    MDB_val key_v, data_v;
+    key_v.mv_data = (void*)&key;
+    key_v.mv_size = KLEN;
+    int mdb_rc = mdb_get(txn, store->dbi[IDX_T_ST], &key_v, &data_v);
+    if (mdb_rc == MDB_SUCCESS) {
+        sterm->addr = data_v.mv_data;
+        sterm->size = data_v.mv_size;
+        rc = LSUP_OK;
+    }
+    else if (UNLIKELY(mdb_rc != MDB_NOTFOUND)) rc = LSUP_ERROR;
+    mdb_txn_abort(txn);
+    return rc;
+        LSUP_MDBStore *store, LSUP_SerTerm sspoc[], size_t *ct,
+        mdb_store_match_fn_t callback_fn, void *ctx)
+    LSUP_TripleKey spok = {
+        LSUP_sterm_to_key(sspoc),
+        LSUP_sterm_to_key(sspoc + 1),
+        LSUP_sterm_to_key(sspoc + 2),
+    };
+    LSUP_Key ck = store->default_ctx ? LSUP_sterm_to_key(sspoc + 3) : NULL_KEY;
+    struct MatchArgs args_s;
+    struct MatchArgs *args = &args_s;
+    args->ct = ct;
+    args->callback_fn = callback_fn;
+    args->ctx = ctx;
+    // s p o (all terms bound)
+    if (spok[0] != NULL_KEY && spok[1] != NULL_KEY && spok[2] != NULL_KEY) {
+        return match_callback_3bound(store, args);
+    }
+    else if (spok[0] != NULL_KEY) {
+        args->luks[0] = spok[0];
+        args->idx0 = 0;
+        if (spok[1] != NULL_KEY) { // s p ?
+            args->luks[1] = spok[1];
+            args->idx1 = 1;
+            return match_callback_2bound(store, args);
+        } else if (spok[2] != NULL_KEY) { // s ? o
+            args->luks[1] = spok[2];
+            args->idx1 = 2;
+            return match_callback_2bound(store, args);
+        } else { // s ? ?
+            return match_callback_1bound(store, args);
+        }
+    } else if (spok[1] != NULL_KEY) {
+        args->luks[0] = spok[1];
+        if (spok[2] != NULL_KEY) { // ? p o
+            args->luks[1] = spok[2];
+            args->idx1 = 2;
+            return match_callback_2bound(store, args);
+        } else { // ? p ?
+            args->idx0 = 1;
+            return match_callback_1bound(store, args);
+    } else if (spok[2] != NULL_KEY) { // ? ? o
+        args->luks[0] = spok[2];
+        args->idx0 = 2;
+        return match_callback_1bound(store, args);
+    } else { // ? ? ? (all terms unbound)
+        return match_callback_0bound(store, args);
-    mdb_env_create(&LSUP_mdbenv);
-    // Set map size.
-    size_t mapsize;
-    char *env_mapsize = getenv("LSUP_MDB_MAPSIZE");
+        LSUP_MDBStore *store, const LSUP_Buffer *sc,
+        LSUP_TripleKey data[], size_t data_size)
+    LSUP_rc rc = LSUP_NOACTION;
-    if (env_mapsize == NULL) {
-        mapsize = 1024LU << 30; // 1Tb
-    } else {
-        sscanf(env_mapsize, "%lu", &mapsize);
+    LSUP_Key ck = NULL_KEY;
+    if (store->default_ctx != NULL) {
+        if (sc == NULL) sc = store->default_ctx;
+        ck = LSUP_sterm_to_key(sc);
-    mdb_env_set_mapsize(LSUP_mdbenv, mapsize);
+    MDB_txn *txn;
-    mdb_env_set_maxdbs(LSUP_mdbenv, N_DB);
+    mdb_txn_begin(store->env, NULL, 0, &txn);
-    env_init = true;
+    MDB_cursor *dcur, *icur;
+    mdb_cursor_open(txn, store->dbi[IDX_SPO_C], &dcur);
+    mdb_cursor_open(txn, store->dbi[IDX_C_SPO], &icur);
+    MDB_val spok_v, ck_v;
+    LSUP_TripleKey spok_cur;
+    spok_v.mv_size = TRP_KLEN;
+    ck_v.mv_size = KLEN;
+    for(size_t i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
+        spok_v.mv_data = data + i;
+        rc = mdb_cursor_get(dcur, &spok_v, &ck_v, MDB_GET_BOTH);
+        if (rc == MDB_NOTFOUND) continue;
+        if (UNLIKELY(rc != MDB_SUCCESS)) goto _remove_abort;
+        // Delete spo:c entry.
+        mdb_cursor_del(dcur, 0);
+        // Restore ck address after each delete.
+        ck_v.mv_data = &ck;
+        // Delete c::spo entry.
+        rc = mdb_cursor_get(icur, &ck_v, &spok_v, MDB_GET_BOTH);
+        if (rc == MDB_NOTFOUND) continue;
+        if (UNLIKELY(rc != MDB_SUCCESS)) goto _remove_abort;
+        mdb_cursor_del(icur, 0);
+        spok_v.mv_data = data + i;
+        // If there are no more contexts associated with this triple,
+        // remove from indices.
+        rc = mdb_cursor_get(dcur, &spok_v, NULL, MDB_SET);
+        if (rc == MDB_SUCCESS) continue;
+        if (UNLIKELY(rc != MDB_NOTFOUND)) goto _remove_abort;
+        index_triple(store, OP_REMOVE, data[i], ck);
+    }
+    if(UNLIKELY(mdb_txn_commit(txn) != MDB_SUCCESS)) {
+        rc = LSUP_TXN_ERR;
+        goto _remove_abort;
+    }
     return rc;
+    mdb_txn_abort(txn);
+    return rc;
+LSUP_store_done(LSUP_MDBStore *store)
+    if (store->state & LSSTORE_OPEN) {
+        TRACE(STR, "Closing MDB env.\n");
+        mdb_env_close(store->env);
+    }
+    if (store->default_ctx != NULL) LSUP_buffer_done(store->default_ctx);
+/* * * Static functions. * * */
+/* TODO
+static int
+        const char *fpath, const struct stat *sb,
+        int typeflag, struct FTW *ftwbuf)
+    int rv = remove(fpath);
+    if (rv)
+        perror(fpath);
+    return rv;
+static int rmrf(char *path)
+{ return nftw(path, unlink_cb, 64, FTW_DEPTH | FTW_PHYS); }
  * @brief Open and allocate DB handles in an array.
  * @param bool create [in]: If true, the DBs are created. This is only needed
  *  on bootstrap.
-static int
-_dbi_init(bool create)
+static LSUP_rc dbi_init(LSUP_MDBStore *store)
+    bool db_created = store->state & LSSTORE_DB_CREATED;
     MDB_txn *txn;
-    unsigned int txn_flags = create ? 0 : MDB_RDONLY;
-    unsigned int create_flag = create ? MDB_CREATE : 0;
+    unsigned int txn_flags = db_created ? MDB_RDONLY : 0;
+    unsigned int create_flag = db_created ? 0 : MDB_CREATE;
-    mdb_txn_begin(LSUP_mdbenv, NULL, txn_flags, &txn);
+    mdb_txn_begin(store->env, NULL, txn_flags, &txn);
     for (int i = 0; i < N_DB; i++) {
-        mdb_dbi_open(txn, db_labels[i], db_flags[i] | create_flag, dbis + i);
+        mdb_dbi_open(
+                txn, db_labels[i], db_flags[i] | create_flag, store->dbi + i);
+    store->state |= LSSTORE_DB_CREATED;
     return 0;
-/* TODO */
-static void
+/* TODO
+inline static int
+check_txn_open(MDB_txn *txn, bool write)
-    if (env_init) {
-        printf("Cleaning up MDB env.\n");
-        mdb_env_close(LSUP_mdbenv);
+    if (txn == NULL) {
+        mdb_txn_begin(LSUP_mdbenv, NULL, write ? 0 : MDB_RDONLY, &txn);
+        return LSUP_OK;
+    return LSUP_NOACTION;
+static LSUP_rc
+        LSUP_MDBStore *store, StoreOp op,
+        LSUP_TripleKey spok, LSUP_Key ck)
+    int rc = LSUP_NOACTION;
+    MDB_val v1, v2;
+    // Index c:spo.
+    if (op == OP_REMOVE) {
+        if (ck != NULL_KEY) {
+            MDB_cursor *cur;
+            v1.mv_data = &ck;
+            v1.mv_size = KLEN;
+            v2.mv_data = spok;
+            v2.mv_size = TRP_KLEN;
+            mdb_cursor_open(store->txn, store->dbi[IDX_C_SPO], &cur);
+            rc = mdb_cursor_get(cur, &v1, &v2, MDB_GET_BOTH);
+            if(rc == MDB_SUCCESS) mdb_cursor_del(cur, 0);
+            mdb_cursor_close(cur);
+        }
+    } else if (op == OP_ADD) {
+        if (ck != NULL_KEY) {
+            v1.mv_data = &ck;
+            v1.mv_size = KLEN;
+            v2.mv_data = spok;
+            v2.mv_size = TRP_KLEN;
+            mdb_put(
+                    store->txn, store->dbi[IDX_C_SPO],
+                    &v1, &v2, MDB_NODUPDATA);
+        }
+    } else return LSUP_VALUE_ERR;
+    LSUP_DoubleKey dbl_keys[3] = {
+        {spok[1], spok[2]},  // po
+        {spok[0], spok[2]},  // so
+        {spok[0], spok[1]},  // sp
+    };
+    // Add terms to index.
+    v1.mv_size = KLEN;
+    v2.mv_size = DBL_KLEN;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+        MDB_dbi db1 = lookup_indices[i];        // s:po, p:so, o:sp
+        MDB_dbi db2 = lookup_indices[i + 3];    // po:s, so:p, sp:o
+        v1.mv_data = spok + i;
+        v2.mv_data = dbl_keys[i];
+        if (op == OP_REMOVE) {
+            MDB_cursor *cur1, *cur2;
+            mdb_cursor_open(store->txn, store->dbi[lookup_indices[i]], &cur1);
+            rc = mdb_cursor_get(cur1, &v1, &v2, MDB_GET_BOTH);
+            if (rc == MDB_SUCCESS) mdb_cursor_del(cur1, 0);
+            mdb_cursor_close(cur1);
+            // Restore pointers invalidated after delete.
+            v1.mv_data = spok + i;
+            v2.mv_data = dbl_keys[i];
+            mdb_cursor_open(
+                    store->txn, store->dbi[lookup_indices[i + 3]], &cur2);
+            rc = mdb_cursor_get(cur2, &v2, &v1, MDB_GET_BOTH);
+            if (rc == MDB_SUCCESS) mdb_cursor_del(cur2, 0);
+            mdb_cursor_close(cur2);
+        } else { // OP_ADD is guaranteed.
+            mdb_put(store->txn, db1, &v1, &v2, MDB_NODUPDATA);
+            mdb_put(store->txn, db2, &v2, &v1, MDB_NODUPDATA);
+        }
+    }
+    return rc;
+/* * * Match callbacks. * * */
+inline static LSUP_rc
+match_callback_0bound(struct MDBStore *store, struct MatchArgs *args)
+    int rc = LSUP_NORESULT;
+    MDB_txn *txn;
+    if(store->txn) txn = store->txn;
+    else mdb_txn_begin(store->env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, &txn);
+    MDB_val key_v;
+    if(args->ct) {
+        MDB_stat stat;
+        mdb_stat(store->txn, store->dbi[IDX_SPO_C], &stat);
+        *args->ct = stat.ms_entries;
+    }
+    MDB_cursor *cur;
+    mdb_cursor_open(txn, store->dbi[IDX_SPO_C], &cur);
+    if(args->callback_fn) {
+        rc = mdb_cursor_get(cur, &key_v, NULL, MDB_FIRST);
+        while (rc != MDB_NOTFOUND) {
+            LSUP_TripleKey spok;
+            rc = args->callback_fn(spok, args->ctx);
+            if (rc < 0) goto _match0b_abort;
+        }
+    }
+    mdb_cursor_close(cur);
+    if (txn != store->txn) mdb_txn_abort(txn);
+    return rc;
+inline static LSUP_rc
+match_callback_1bound(struct MDBStore *store, struct MatchArgs *args)
+    int rc = LSUP_NORESULT;
+    const uint8_t *term_order = lookup_ordering_1bound[args->idx0];
+    MDB_txn *txn;
+    if(store->txn) txn = store->txn;
+    else mdb_txn_begin(store->env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, &txn);
+    MDB_cursor *cur;
+    mdb_cursor_open(txn, store->dbi[args->idx0], &cur);
+    MDB_val key_v, data_v;
+    key_v.mv_data = &args->luks;
+    key_v.mv_size = KLEN;
+    if(args->ct) {
+        mdb_cursor_get(cur, &key_v, &data_v, MDB_SET);
+        mdb_cursor_count(cur, args->ct);
+    }
+    if(args->callback_fn) {
+        rc = mdb_cursor_get(cur, &key_v, &data_v, MDB_SET);
+        if (rc == MDB_SUCCESS)
+            rc = mdb_cursor_get(cur, &key_v, &data_v, MDB_GET_MULTIPLE);
+        while (rc != MDB_NOTFOUND) {
+            LSUP_Key **lu_dset = data_v.mv_data;
+            for (int i = 0; i < data_v.mv_size / DBL_KLEN; i++) {
+                // Build triple key from lookup key and result keys.
+                LSUP_TripleKey spok;
+                spok[term_order[0]] = args->luks[0];
+                spok[term_order[1]] = lu_dset[i][0];
+                spok[term_order[2]] = lu_dset[i][1];
+                rc = args->callback_fn(spok, args->ctx);
+                if (rc < 0) goto _match1b_abort;
+            }
+            rc = mdb_cursor_get(cur, &key_v, &data_v, MDB_NEXT_MULTIPLE);
+        }
+    }
+    mdb_cursor_close(cur);
+    if (txn != store->txn) mdb_txn_abort(txn);
+    return rc;
+inline static LSUP_rc
+match_callback_2bound(struct MDBStore *store, struct MatchArgs *args)
+    int rc = LSUP_NORESULT;
+    uint8_t luk1_offset, luk2_offset;
+    const uint8_t *term_order;
+    MDB_dbi dbi = 0;
+    // Establish lookup ordering with some awkward offset math.
+    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+        if (
+            (
+                args->idx0 == lookup_ordering_2bound[i][0] &&
+                args->idx1 == lookup_ordering_2bound[i][1]
+            ) || (
+                args->idx0 == lookup_ordering_2bound[i][1] &&
+                args->idx1 == lookup_ordering_2bound[i][0]
+            )
+        ) {
+            term_order = lookup_ordering_2bound[i];
+            if (term_order[0] == args->idx0) {
+                luk1_offset = 0;
+                luk2_offset = 1;
+            } else {
+                luk1_offset = 1;
+                luk2_offset = 0;
+            }
+            dbi = store->dbi[lookup_indices[i + 3]];
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (dbi == 0) {
+        TRACE(
+                "Values %d and %d not found in lookup keys.",
+                args->idx0, args->idx1);
+        return LSUP_VALUE_ERR;
+    }
+    // Compose term keys in lookup key.
+    LSUP_DoubleKey luk;
+    luk[luk1_offset] = args->luks[0];
+    luk[luk2_offset] = args->luks[1];
+    MDB_txn *txn;
+    if(store->txn) txn = store->txn;
+    else mdb_txn_begin(store->env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, &txn);
+    MDB_cursor *cur;
+    mdb_cursor_open(txn, store->dbi[dbi], &cur);
+    MDB_val key_v, data_v;
+    key_v.mv_data = luk;
+    key_v.mv_size = DBL_KLEN;
+    if(args->ct) {
+        mdb_cursor_get(cur, &key_v, &data_v, MDB_SET);
+        mdb_cursor_count(cur, args->ct);
+    }
+    if(args->callback_fn) {
+        rc = mdb_cursor_get(cur, &key_v, &data_v, MDB_SET);
+        if (rc == MDB_SUCCESS)
+            rc = mdb_cursor_get(cur, &key_v, &data_v, MDB_GET_MULTIPLE);
+        while (rc != MDB_NOTFOUND) {
+            LSUP_Key *lu_dset = data_v.mv_data;
+            for (int i = 0; i < data_v.mv_size / DBL_KLEN; i++) {
+                // Build triple key from lookup key and result keys.
+                LSUP_TripleKey spok;
+                spok[term_order[0]] = luk[0];
+                spok[term_order[1]] = luk[1];
+                spok[term_order[2]] = lu_dset[i];
+                rc = args->callback_fn(spok, args->ctx);
+                if (rc < 0) goto _match2b_abort;
+            }
+            rc = mdb_cursor_get(cur, &key_v, &data_v, MDB_NEXT_MULTIPLE);
+        }
+    }
+    mdb_cursor_close(cur);
+    if (txn != store->txn) mdb_txn_abort(txn);
+    return rc;
+inline static LSUP_rc
+match_callback_3bound(struct MDBStore *store, struct MatchArgs *args)
+    int rc = LSUP_NORESULT;
+    MDB_txn *txn;
+    if(store->txn)
+        txn = store->txn;
+    else
+        mdb_txn_begin(store->env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, &txn);
+    MDB_cursor *cur;
+    rc = mdb_cursor_open(txn, store->dbi[IDX_SPO_C], &cur);
+    MDB_val key_v, data_v;
+    key_v.mv_data = args->luks;
+    key_v.mv_size = TRP_KLEN;
+    if(args->ct) {
+        if (mdb_cursor_get(cur, &key_v, NULL, MDB_SET) == MDB_SUCCESS)
+            rc = mdb_cursor_count(cur, args->ct);
+    }
+    if(args->callback_fn) {
+        rc = mdb_cursor_get(cur, &key_v, NULL, MDB_FIRST);
+        while (rc != MDB_NOTFOUND) {
+            LSUP_TripleKey spok;
+            rc = args->callback_fn(spok, args->ctx);
+            if (rc < 0) goto _match3b_abort;
+        }
+    }
+    mdb_cursor_close(cur);
+    if (txn != store->txn) mdb_txn_abort(txn);
+    return rc;

+ 5 - 3

@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ void term_cleanup() { if (ptn_init) regfree(&ptn); }
         LSUP_Term *term, LSUP_term_type type,
-        char *data, char *datatype, char *lang)
+        const char *data, char *datatype, char *lang)
     term->type = type;
     if (data == NULL) return -1;
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ LSUP_term_init(
-        LSUP_term_type type, char *data, char *datatype, char *lang) {
+        LSUP_term_type type, const char *data, char *datatype, char *lang) {
     LSUP_Term *term;
@@ -85,12 +85,14 @@ LSUP_term_gen_random_str()
 LSUP_term_serialize(const LSUP_Term *term, LSUP_Buffer *sterm)
     size_t size, data_len, datatype_len,
            data_idx, datatype_idx, lang_idx;
+    if (UNLIKELY(term == NULL)) return LSUP_NOACTION;
     data_idx = CHR;
     data_len = strlen(term->data) + CHR;

+ 1 - 1

@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ static int test_graph_heap()
     LSUP_Graph *gr = LSUP_graph_new(10, "urn:gr:1", LSUP_STORE_MEM);
-    ASSERT(strcmp(LSUP_graph_uri(gr), "urn:gr:1") == 0, "Graph URI mismatch!");
+    ASSERT(strcmp(LSUP_graph_uri(gr)->data, "urn:gr:1") == 0, "Graph URI mismatch!");
     EXPECT_INT_EQ(LSUP_graph_size(gr), 0);