123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881882883884885886887888889890891892893894895896897898899900901902903904905906907908909910911912913914915916917918919920921922923924925926927928929930931932933934935936937938939940941942943944945946947948949950951952953954955956957958959960961962963964965966967968969970971972973974975976977978979980981982983984985 |
- import logging
- import re
- from abc import ABCMeta
- from collections import defaultdict
- from hashlib import sha256
- # The threading and multiprocessing options below can be toggled by commenting
- # either one.
- #from threading import Thread as _Defer
- from multiprocessing import Process as _Defer
- from urllib.parse import urldefrag
- from uuid import uuid4
- import arrow
- import rdflib
- from rdflib import URIRef, Literal
- from rdflib.compare import to_isomorphic
- from rdflib.namespace import RDF
- from lakesuperior import env, thread_env
- from lakesuperior.dictionaries.namespaces import ns_collection as nsc
- from lakesuperior.dictionaries.srv_mgd_terms import (
- srv_mgd_subjects, srv_mgd_predicates, srv_mgd_types)
- from lakesuperior.exceptions import (
- InvalidResourceError, RefIntViolationError, ResourceNotExistsError,
- ServerManagedTermError, TombstoneError)
- from lakesuperior.model.rdf.graph import Graph
- from lakesuperior.store.ldp_rs import ROOT_UID
- from lakesuperior.store.ldp_rs.rsrc_centric_layout import VERS_CONT_LABEL
- from lakesuperior.util.toolbox import (
- rel_uri_to_urn_string, replace_term_domain)
- RES_CREATED = '_create_'
- """A resource was created."""
- RES_DELETED = '_delete_'
- """A resource was deleted."""
- RES_UPDATED = '_update_'
- """A resource was updated."""
- DEF_MBR_REL_URI = nsc['ldp'].member
- DEF_INS_CNT_REL_URI = nsc['ldp'].memberSubject
- rdfly = env.app_globals.rdfly
- logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- class Ldpr(metaclass=ABCMeta):
- """
- LDPR (LDP Resource).
- This class and related subclasses contain the implementation pieces of
- the `LDP Resource <https://www.w3.org/TR/ldp/#ldpr-resource>`__
- specifications, according to their `inheritance graph
- <https://www.w3.org/TR/ldp/#fig-ldpc-types>`__.
- **Note**: Even though LdpNr (which is a subclass of Ldpr) handles binary
- files, it still has an RDF representation in the triplestore. Hence, some
- of the RDF-related methods are defined in this class rather than in
- :class:`~lakesuperior.model.ldp.ldp_rs.LdpRs`.
- **Note:** Only internal facing (``info:fcres``-prefixed) URIs are handled
- in this class. Public-facing URI conversion is handled in the
- :mod:`~lakesuperior.endpoints.ldp` module.
- """
- EMBED_CHILD_RES_URI = nsc['fcrepo'].EmbedResources
- FCREPO_PTREE_TYPE = nsc['fcrepo'].Pairtree
- INS_CNT_REL_URI = nsc['ldp'].insertedContentRelation
- MBR_RSRC_URI = nsc['ldp'].membershipResource
- MBR_REL_URI = nsc['ldp'].hasMemberRelation
- RETURN_CHILD_RES_URI = nsc['fcrepo'].Children
- RETURN_INBOUND_REF_URI = nsc['fcrepo'].InboundReferences
- RETURN_SRV_MGD_RES_URI = nsc['fcrepo'].ServerManaged
- # Workflow type. Inbound means that the resource is being written to the
- # store, outbounnd is being retrieved for output.
- WRKF_INBOUND = '_workflow:inbound_'
- WRKF_OUTBOUND = '_workflow:outbound_'
- DEFAULT_USER = Literal('BypassAdmin')
- """
- Default user to be used for the `createdBy` and `lastUpdatedBy` if a user
- is not provided.
- """
- base_types = {
- nsc['fcrepo'].Resource,
- nsc['ldp'].Resource,
- }
- """RDF Types that populate a new resource."""
- protected_pred = (
- nsc['fcrepo'].created,
- nsc['fcrepo'].createdBy,
- nsc['ldp'].contains,
- )
- """Predicates that do not get removed when a resource is replaced."""
- smt_allow_on_create = {
- nsc['ldp'].DirectContainer,
- nsc['ldp'].IndirectContainer,
- }
- """
- Server-managed RDF types ignored in the RDF payload if the resource is
- being created. N.B. These still raise an error if the resource exists.
- """
- delete_preds_on_replace = {
- nsc['ebucore'].hasMimeType,
- nsc['fcrepo'].lastModified,
- nsc['fcrepo'].lastModifiedBy,
- nsc['premis'].hasSize,
- nsc['premis'].hasMessageDigest,
- }
- """Predicates to remove when a resource is replaced."""
- _ignore_version_preds = {
- nsc['fcrepo'].hasParent,
- nsc['fcrepo'].hasVersions,
- nsc['fcrepo'].hasVersion,
- nsc['premis'].hasMessageDigest,
- nsc['ldp'].contains,
- }
- """Predicates that don't get versioned."""
- _ignore_version_types = {
- nsc['fcrepo'].Binary,
- nsc['fcrepo'].Container,
- nsc['fcrepo'].Pairtree,
- nsc['fcrepo'].Resource,
- nsc['fcrepo'].Version,
- nsc['ldp'].BasicContainer,
- nsc['ldp'].Container,
- nsc['ldp'].DirectContainer,
- nsc['ldp'].Resource,
- nsc['ldp'].RDFSource,
- nsc['ldp'].NonRDFSource,
- }
- """RDF types that don't get versioned."""
- _cached_attrs = (
- '_imr',
- '_metadata',
- '_version_info',
- '_is_stored',
- '_types',
- '_ldp_types',
- )
- """
- Attributes cached from the store.
- These are used by setters and can be cleared with :py:meth:`_clear_cache`.
- """
- # This gets overridden by LDP-NR.
- mimetype = None
- def __init__(
- self, uid, repr_options={}, provided_imr=None, handling='lenient'):
- """
- Instantiate an in-memory LDP resource.
- :param str uid: uid of the resource. If None (must be explicitly
- set) it refers to the root node. It can also be the full URI or
- URN, in which case it will be converted.
- :param dict repr_options: Options used to retrieve the IMR. See
- :py:meth:`~lakesuperior.endpoints.ldp.parse_repr_options` for
- format details.
- :param str provided_imr: RDF data provided by the client in
- operations such as `PUT` or `POST`, serialized as a string. This
- sets the :py:data:`~Ldpr.provided_imr` property.
- :param str handling: One of ``strict``, ``lenient`` (the default) or
- ``none``. ``strict`` raises an error if a server-managed term is in
- the graph. ``lenient`` removes all sever-managed triples
- encountered. ``none`` skips all server-managed checks. It is used
- for internal modifications.
- """
- self.uid = (
- rdfly.uri_to_uid(uid) if isinstance(uid, URIRef) else uid)
- self.uri = nsc['fcres'][uid]
- # @FIXME Not ideal, should separate app-context dependent functions in
- # a different toolbox.
- self.provided_imr = provided_imr
- self._imr_options = repr_options
- self.handling = handling
- #@property
- #def rsrc(self):
- # """
- # The RDFLib resource representing this LDPR. This is a live
- # representation of the stored data if present.
- # :rtype: rdflib.Resource
- # """
- # if not hasattr(self, '_rsrc'):
- # self._rsrc = rdfly.ds.resource(self.uri)
- # return self._rsrc
- @property
- def imr(self):
- """
- In-Memory Resource.
- This is a copy of the resource extracted from the graph store. It is a
- graph resource whose identifier is the URI of the resource.
- >>> rsrc = rsrc_api.get('/')
- >>> rsrc.imr.identifier
- rdflib.term.URIRef('info:fcres/')
- >>> rsrc.imr.value(nsc['fcrepo'].lastModified)
- rdflib.term.Literal(
- '2018-04-03T05:20:33.774746+00:00',
- datatype=rdflib.term.URIRef(
- 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime'))
- The IMR can be read and manipulated, as well as used to
- update the stored resource.
- :rtype: rdflib.Graph
- :raise lakesuperior.exceptions.ResourceNotExistsError: If the resource
- is not stored (yet).
- """
- if not hasattr(self, '_imr'):
- logger.debug(
- 'Getting RDF triples for resource {}'.format(self.uid))
- imr_options = getattr(self, '_imr_options', {})
- options = dict(imr_options, strict=True)
- self._imr = rdfly.get_imr(self.uid, **options)
- return self._imr
- @imr.setter
- def imr(self, data):
- """
- Replace in-memory buffered resource.
- :param v: New set of triples to populate the IMR with.
- :type v: set or rdflib.Graph
- """
- self._imr = Graph(uri=self.uri, data=set(data))
- @imr.deleter
- def imr(self):
- """
- Delete in-memory buffered resource.
- """
- delattr(self, '_imr')
- @property
- def metadata(self):
- """
- Get resource metadata.
- """
- if not hasattr(self, '_metadata'):
- if hasattr(self, '_imr'):
- logger.info('Metadata is IMR.')
- self._metadata = self._imr
- else:
- logger.info(
- 'Getting metadata for resource {}'.format(self.uid))
- self._metadata = rdfly.get_metadata(self.uid)
- return self._metadata
- @property
- def user_data(self):
- """
- User-defined triples.
- """
- if not hasattr(self, '_user_data'):
- self._user_data = rdfly.get_user_data(self.uid)
- return self._user_data
- @metadata.setter
- def metadata(self, rsrc):
- """
- Set resource metadata.
- """
- if not isinstance(rsrc, Graph):
- raise TypeError('Provided metadata is not a Graph object.')
- self._metadata = rsrc
- @property
- def out_graph(self):
- """
- Retun a graph of the resource's IMR formatted for output.
- """
- out_trp = set()
- for t in self.imr:
- if (
- # Exclude digest hash and version information.
- t[1] not in {
- #nsc['premis'].hasMessageDigest,
- nsc['fcrepo'].hasVersion,
- }
- ) and (
- # Only include server managed triples if requested.
- self._imr_options.get('incl_srv_mgd', True) or
- not self._is_trp_managed(t)
- ):
- out_trp.add(t)
- return Graph(uri=self.uri, data=out_trp)
- @property
- def version_info(self):
- """
- Return version metadata (`fcr:versions`).
- """
- if not hasattr(self, '_version_info'):
- try:
- self._version_info = rdfly.get_version_info(self.uid)
- except ResourceNotExistsError as e:
- self._version_info = Graph(uri=self.uri)
- return self._version_info
- @property
- def version_uids(self):
- """
- Return a set of version UIDs relative to their parent resource.
- """
- uids = set()
- for vuri in self.version_info[nsc['fcrepo'].hasVersion]:
- for vlabel in self.version_info[
- vuri : nsc['fcrepo'].hasVersionLabel]:
- uids.add(str(vlabel))
- return uids
- @property
- def is_stored(self):
- if not hasattr(self, '_is_stored'):
- if hasattr(self, '_imr'):
- self._is_stored = len(self.imr) > 0
- else:
- self._is_stored = rdfly.ask_rsrc_exists(self.uid)
- return self._is_stored
- @property
- def types(self):
- """
- All RDF types, both server-managed and user-defined.
- :rtype: set(rdflib.term.URIRef)
- """
- if not hasattr(self, '_types'):
- if len(self.metadata):
- metadata = self.metadata
- elif getattr(self, 'provided_imr', None) and \
- len(self.provided_imr):
- metadata = self.provided_imr
- else:
- return set()
- self._types = set(metadata[self.uri: RDF.type]) | self.user_types
- return self._types
- @property
- def ldp_types(self):
- """The LDP types.
- :rtype: set(rdflib.term.URIRef)
- """
- if not hasattr(self, '_ldp_types'):
- self._ldp_types = {t for t in self.types if nsc['ldp'] in t}
- return self._ldp_types
- @property
- def user_types(self):
- """User-defined types.
- :rtype: set(rdflib.term.URIRef)
- """
- if not hasattr(self, '_ud_types'):
- self._ud_types = self.user_data[self.uri: RDF.type]
- return self._ud_types
- def head(self):
- """
- Return values for the headers.
- """
- out_headers = defaultdict(list)
- digest = self.metadata.value(nsc['premis'].hasMessageDigest)
- if digest:
- etag = digest.identifier.split(':')[-1]
- out_headers['ETag'] = 'W/"{}"'.format(etag),
- last_updated_term = self.metadata.value(nsc['fcrepo'].lastModified)
- if last_updated_term:
- out_headers['Last-Modified'] = arrow.get(last_updated_term)\
- .format('ddd, D MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss Z')
- for t in self.ldp_types:
- out_headers['Link'].append(
- '{};rel="type"'.format(t.n3()))
- return out_headers
- def get_version(self, ver_uid, **kwargs):
- """
- Get a version by label.
- """
- return rdfly.get_imr(self.uid, ver_uid, **kwargs)
- def create_or_replace(self, create_only=False):
- """
- Create or update a resource. PUT and POST methods, which are almost
- identical, are wrappers for this method.
- :param boolean create_only: Whether this is a create-only operation.
- :rtype: str
- :return: Event type: whether the resource was created or updated.
- """
- create = create_only or not self.is_stored
- ev_type = RES_CREATED if create else RES_UPDATED
- self._add_srv_mgd_triples(create)
- ref_int = rdfly.config['referential_integrity']
- if ref_int:
- self._check_ref_int(ref_int)
- # Delete existing triples if replacing.
- if not create:
- rdfly.truncate_rsrc(self.uid)
- remove_trp = {
- (self.uri, pred, None) for pred in self.delete_preds_on_replace}
- add_trp = {*self.provided_imr} | self._containment_rel(create)
- self.modify(ev_type, remove_trp, add_trp)
- #self.imr = add_trp
- return ev_type
- def bury(self, inbound, tstone_pointer=None):
- """
- Delete a single resource and create a tombstone.
- :param bool inbound: Whether inbound relationships are
- removed. If ``False``, resources will keep referring
- to the deleted resource; their link will point to a tombstone
- (which will raise a ``TombstoneError`` in the Python API or a
- ``410 Gone`` in the LDP API).
- :param rdflib.URIRef tstone_pointer: If set to a URI, this creates a
- pointer to the tombstone of the resource that used to contain the
- deleted resource. Otherwise the deleted resource becomes a
- tombstone.
- """
- logger.info('Burying resource {}'.format(self.uid))
- # ldp:Resource is also used in rdfly.ask_rsrc_exists.
- remove_trp = {
- (nsc['fcrepo'].uid, nsc['rdf'].type, nsc['ldp'].Resource)
- }
- if tstone_pointer:
- add_trp = {
- (self.uri, nsc['fcsystem'].tombstone, tstone_pointer)}
- else:
- add_trp = {
- (self.uri, RDF.type, nsc['fcsystem'].Tombstone),
- (self.uri, nsc['fcsystem'].buried, thread_env.timestamp_term),
- }
- # Bury descendants.
- from lakesuperior.model.ldp.ldp_factory import LdpFactory
- for desc_uri in rdfly.get_descendants(self.uid):
- try:
- desc_rsrc = LdpFactory.from_stored(
- env.app_globals.rdfly.uri_to_uid(desc_uri),
- repr_options={'incl_children' : False})
- except (TombstoneError, ResourceNotExistsError):
- continue
- desc_rsrc.bury(inbound, tstone_pointer=self.uri)
- # Cut inbound relationships
- if inbound:
- for ib_rsrc_uri in self.imr[ : : self.uri]:
- remove_trp = {(ib_rsrc_uri, None, self.uri)}
- ib_rsrc = Ldpr(ib_rsrc_uri)
- # To preserve inbound links in history, create a snapshot
- ib_rsrc.create_version()
- ib_rsrc.modify(RES_UPDATED, remove_trp)
- self.modify(RES_DELETED, remove_trp, add_trp)
- return RES_DELETED
- @staticmethod
- def forget(uid, inbound=True):
- """
- Remove all traces of a resource and versions.
- """
- logger.info('Forgetting resource {}'.format(uid))
- rdfly.forget_rsrc(uid, inbound)
- return RES_DELETED
- def resurrect(self):
- """
- Resurrect a resource from a tombstone.
- """
- remove_trp = {
- (self.uri, nsc['rdf'].type, nsc['fcsystem'].Tombstone),
- (self.uri, nsc['fcsystem'].tombstone, None),
- (self.uri, nsc['fcsystem'].buried, None),
- }
- add_trp = {
- (self.uri, nsc['rdf'].type, nsc['ldp'].Resource),
- }
- self.modify(RES_CREATED, remove_trp, add_trp)
- # Resurrect descendants.
- from lakesuperior.model.ldp.ldp_factory import LdpFactory
- descendants = env.app_globals.rdfly.get_descendants(self.uid)
- for desc_uri in descendants:
- LdpFactory.from_stored(
- rdfly.uri_to_uid(desc_uri), strict=False).resurrect()
- return self.uri
- def create_version(self, ver_uid=None):
- """
- Create a new version of the resource.
- **Note:** This creates an event only for the resource being updated
- (due to the added `hasVersion` triple and possibly to the
- ``hasVersions`` one) but not for the version being created.
- :param str ver_uid: Version UID. If already existing, a new version UID
- is minted.
- """
- if not ver_uid or ver_uid in self.version_uids:
- ver_uid = str(uuid4())
- # Create version resource from copying the current state.
- logger.info(
- 'Creating version snapshot {} for resource {}.'.format(
- ver_uid, self.uid))
- ver_add_gr = set()
- vers_uid = '{}/{}'.format(self.uid, VERS_CONT_LABEL)
- ver_uid = '{}/{}'.format(vers_uid, ver_uid)
- ver_uri = nsc['fcres'][ver_uid]
- ver_add_gr.add((ver_uri, RDF.type, nsc['fcrepo'].Version))
- for t in self.imr:
- if (
- t[1] == RDF.type and t[2] in self._ignore_version_types
- ) or t[1] in self._ignore_version_preds:
- pass
- else:
- ver_add_gr.add((
- replace_term_domain(t[0], self.uri, ver_uri),
- t[1], t[2]))
- rdfly.modify_rsrc(ver_uid, add_trp=ver_add_gr)
- # Update resource admin data.
- rsrc_add_gr = {
- (self.uri, nsc['fcrepo'].hasVersion, ver_uri),
- (self.uri, nsc['fcrepo'].hasVersions, nsc['fcres'][vers_uid]),
- }
- self.modify(RES_UPDATED, add_trp=rsrc_add_gr)
- return ver_uid
- def revert_to_version(self, ver_uid, backup=True):
- """
- Revert to a previous version.
- :param str ver_uid: Version UID.
- :param boolean backup: Whether to create a backup snapshot. Default is
- True.
- """
- # Create a backup snapshot.
- if backup:
- self.create_version()
- ver_gr = rdfly.get_imr(
- self.uid, ver_uid=ver_uid, incl_children=False)
- self.provided_imr = Graph(uri=self.uri)
- for t in ver_gr:
- if not self._is_trp_managed(t):
- self.provided_imr.add(((self.uri, t[1], t[2]),))
- # @TODO Check individual objects: if they are repo-managed URIs
- # and not existing or tombstones, they are not added.
- return self.create_or_replace(create_only=False)
- def check_mgd_terms(self, trp):
- """
- Check whether server-managed terms are in a RDF payload.
- :param SimpleGraph trp: The graph to validate.
- """
- offending_subjects = (
- {t[0] for t in trp if t[0] is not None} & srv_mgd_subjects
- )
- if offending_subjects:
- if self.handling == 'strict':
- raise ServerManagedTermError(offending_subjects, 's')
- else:
- for s in offending_subjects:
- logger.info('Removing offending subj: {}'.format(s))
- for t in trp:
- if t[0] == s:
- trp.remove(t)
- offending_predicates = (
- {t[1] for t in trp if t[1] is not None} & srv_mgd_predicates
- )
- # Allow some predicates if the resource is being created.
- if offending_predicates:
- if self.handling == 'strict':
- raise ServerManagedTermError(offending_predicates, 'p')
- else:
- for p in offending_predicates:
- logger.info('Removing offending pred: {}'.format(p))
- for t in trp:
- if t[1] == p:
- trp.remove(t)
- offending_types = (
- {t[2] for t in trp if t[1] == RDF.type and t[2] is not None}
- & srv_mgd_types
- )
- if not self.is_stored:
- offending_types -= self.smt_allow_on_create
- if offending_types:
- if self.handling == 'strict':
- raise ServerManagedTermError(offending_types, 't')
- else:
- for to in offending_types:
- logger.info('Removing offending type: {}'.format(to))
- trp.remove_triples((None, RDF.type, to))
- #logger.debug('Sanitized graph: {}'.format(trp.serialize(
- # format='turtle').decode('utf-8')))
- return trp
- def sparql_delta(self, qry_str):
- """
- Calculate the delta obtained by a SPARQL Update operation.
- This is a critical component of the SPARQL update prcess and does a
- couple of things:
- 1. It ensures that no resources outside of the subject of the request
- are modified (e.g. by variable subjects)
- 2. It verifies that none of the terms being modified is server managed.
- This method extracts an in-memory copy of the resource and performs the
- query on that once it has checked if any of the server managed terms is
- in the delta. If it is, it raises an exception.
- NOTE: This only checks if a server-managed term is effectively being
- modified. If a server-managed term is present in the query but does not
- cause any change in the updated resource, no error is raised.
- :rtype: tuple(rdflib.Graph)
- :return: Remove and add graphs. These can be used
- with ``BaseStoreLayout.update_resource`` and/or recorded as separate
- events in a provenance tracking system.
- """
- logger.debug('Provided SPARQL query: {}'.format(qry_str))
- # Workaround for RDFLib bug. See
- # https://github.com/RDFLib/rdflib/issues/824
- qry_str = rel_uri_to_urn_string(qry_str, self.uid)
- pre_gr = self.imr.as_rdflib()
- post_gr = rdflib.Graph(identifier=self.uri)
- post_gr |= pre_gr
- post_gr.update(qry_str)
- # FIXME Fix and use SimpleGraph's native subtraction operation.
- remove_gr = self.check_mgd_terms(Graph(data=set(pre_gr - post_gr)))
- add_gr = self.check_mgd_terms(Graph(data=set(post_gr - pre_gr)))
- return remove_gr, add_gr
- def _is_trp_managed(self, t):
- """
- Whether a triple is server-managed.
- :param tuple t: Triple as a 3-tuple of terms.
- :rtype: boolean
- """
- return t[1] in srv_mgd_predicates or (
- t[1] == RDF.type and t[2] in srv_mgd_types)
- def modify(
- self, ev_type, remove_trp=set(), add_trp=set()):
- """
- Low-level method to modify a graph for a single resource.
- This is a crucial point for messaging. Any write operation on the RDF
- store that needs to be notified should be performed by invoking this
- method.
- :param ev_type: The type of event (create, update,
- delete) or None. In the latter case, no notification is sent.
- :type ev_type: str or None
- :param set remove_trp: Triples to be removed.
- # Add metadata.
- :param set add_trp: Triples to be added.
- """
- rdfly.modify_rsrc(self.uid, remove_trp, add_trp)
- self._clear_cache()
- # Reload IMR because if we exit the LMDB txn we lose access to stored
- # memory locations.
- try:
- self.imr
- except:
- pass
- if (
- ev_type is not None and
- env.app_globals.config['application'].get('messaging')):
- logger.debug(f'Enqueuing message for {self.uid}')
- self._enqueue_msg(ev_type, remove_trp, add_trp)
- def _clear_cache(self):
- """
- Clear stale model attributes.
- This method removes class members populated with data pulled from the
- store that may have become stale after a resource update.
- """
- for attr in self._cached_attrs:
- try:
- delattr(self, attr)
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- def _enqueue_msg(self, ev_type, remove_trp=None, add_trp=None):
- """
- Compose a message about a resource change.
- The message is enqueued for asynchronous processing.
- :param str ev_type: The event type. See global constants.
- :param set remove_trp: Triples removed. Only used if the
- """
- try:
- rsrc_type = tuple(str(t) for t in self.types)
- actor = self.metadata.value(nsc['fcrepo'].createdBy)
- except (ResourceNotExistsError, TombstoneError):
- rsrc_type = set()
- actor = None
- for t in add_trp:
- if t[1] == RDF.type:
- rsrc_type.add(t[2])
- elif actor is None and t[1] == nsc['fcrepo'].createdBy:
- actor = t[2]
- # Do not append messages if there are no routes to consume them.
- if env.app_globals.config['application']['messaging']['routes']:
- env.app_globals.changelog.append((set(remove_trp), set(add_trp), {
- 'ev_type': ev_type,
- 'timestamp': thread_env.timestamp.format(),
- 'rsrc_type': rsrc_type,
- 'actor': actor,
- }))
- def _check_ref_int(self, config):
- """
- Check referential integrity of a resource.
- :param str config: If set to ``strict``, a
- :class:`lakesuperior.exceptions.RefIntViolationError` is raised.
- Otherwise, the violation is simply logged.
- """
- remove_set = set()
- for trp in self.provided_imr:
- o = trp[2]
- if(
- isinstance(o, URIRef) and
- str(o).startswith(nsc['fcres']) and
- urldefrag(o).url.rstrip('/') != str(self.uri)):
- obj_uid = rdfly.uri_to_uid(o)
- if not rdfly.ask_rsrc_exists(obj_uid):
- if config == 'strict':
- raise RefIntViolationError(obj_uid)
- else:
- # Gather invalid object to sanitize.
- remove_set.add(o)
- # Remove invalid triples.
- for obj in remove_set:
- logger.info(
- 'Removing link to non-existent repo resource: {}'
- .format(obj))
- self.provided_imr.remove((None, None, obj))
- def _add_srv_mgd_triples(self, create=False):
- """
- Add server-managed triples to a provided IMR.
- :param create: Whether the resource is being created.
- """
- # Base LDP types.
- self.provided_imr.add(
- [(self.uri, RDF.type, t) for t in self.base_types]
- )
- # Create and modify timestamp.
- if create:
- self.provided_imr.set((
- self.uri, nsc['fcrepo'].created, thread_env.timestamp_term))
- self.provided_imr.set((
- self.uri, nsc['fcrepo'].createdBy, self.DEFAULT_USER))
- else:
- self.provided_imr.set((
- self.uri, nsc['fcrepo'].created,
- self.metadata.value(nsc['fcrepo'].created)))
- self.provided_imr.set((
- self.uri, nsc['fcrepo'].createdBy,
- self.metadata.value(nsc['fcrepo'].createdBy)))
- self.provided_imr.set((
- self.uri, nsc['fcrepo'].lastModified, thread_env.timestamp_term))
- self.provided_imr.set((
- self.uri, nsc['fcrepo'].lastModifiedBy, self.DEFAULT_USER))
- def _containment_rel(self, create, ignore_type=True):
- """Find the closest parent in the path indicated by the uid and
- establish a containment triple.
- Check the path-wise parent of the new resource. If it exists, add the
- containment relationship with this UID. Otherwise, create a container
- resource as the parent.
- This function may recurse up the path tree until an existing container
- is found.
- E.g. if only fcres:/a exists:
- - If ``fcres:/a/b/c/d`` is being created, a becomes container of
- ``fcres:/a/b/c/d``. Also, containers are created for fcres:a/b and
- ``fcres:/a/b/c``.
- - If ``fcres:/e`` is being created, the root node becomes container of
- ``fcres:/e``.
- :param bool create: Whether the resource is being created. If false,
- the parent container is not updated.
- "param bool ignore_type: If False (the default), an exception is raised
- if trying to create a resource under a non-container. This can be
- overridden in special cases (e.g. when migrating a repository in which
- a LDP-NR has "children" under ``fcr:versions``) by setting this to
- True.
- """
- from lakesuperior.model.ldp.ldp_factory import LdpFactory
- if '/' in self.uid.lstrip('/'):
- # Traverse up the hierarchy to find the parent.
- path_components = self.uid.lstrip('/').split('/')
- cnd_parent_uid = '/' + '/'.join(path_components[:-1])
- if rdfly.ask_rsrc_exists(cnd_parent_uid):
- parent_rsrc = LdpFactory.from_stored(cnd_parent_uid)
- if (
- not ignore_type
- and nsc['ldp'].Container not in parent_rsrc.types):
- raise InvalidResourceError(
- cnd_parent_uid, 'Parent {} is not a container.')
- parent_uid = cnd_parent_uid
- else:
- parent_rsrc = LdpFactory.new_container(cnd_parent_uid)
- # This will trigger this method again and recurse until an
- # existing container or the root node is reached.
- parent_rsrc.create_or_replace()
- parent_uid = parent_rsrc.uid
- else:
- parent_uid = ROOT_UID
- parent_rsrc = LdpFactory.from_stored(
- parent_uid, repr_options={'incl_children': False}, handling='none')
- # Only update parent if the resource is new.
- if create:
- add_gr = Graph()
- add_gr.add({
- (nsc['fcres'][parent_uid], nsc['ldp'].contains, self.uri)
- })
- parent_rsrc.modify(RES_UPDATED, add_trp=add_gr)
- # Direct or indirect container relationship.
- return self._add_ldp_dc_ic_rel(parent_rsrc)
- def _add_ldp_dc_ic_rel(self, cont_rsrc):
- """
- Add relationship triples from a parent direct or indirect container.
- :param rdflib.resource.Resouce cont_rsrc: The container resource.
- """
- logger.info('Checking direct or indirect containment.')
- add_trp = {(self.uri, nsc['fcrepo'].hasParent, cont_rsrc.uri)}
- if (
- nsc['ldp'].DirectContainer in cont_rsrc.ldp_types
- or nsc['ldp'].IndirectContainer in cont_rsrc.ldp_types
- ):
- from lakesuperior.model.ldp.ldp_factory import LdpFactory
- cont_p = cont_rsrc.metadata.terms_by_type('p')
- logger.debug('Parent predicates: {}'.format(cont_p))
- s = cont_rsrc.metadata.value(self.MBR_RSRC_URI) or cont_rsrc.uri
- p = cont_rsrc.metadata.value(self.MBR_REL_URI) or DEF_MBR_REL_URI
- #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
- if nsc['ldp'].IndirectContainer in cont_rsrc.ldp_types:
- logger.info('Parent is an indirect container.')
- cont_rel_uri = cont_rsrc.metadata.value(self.INS_CNT_REL_URI)
- o = (
- self.provided_imr.value(cont_rel_uri)
- )
- logger.debug(f'Target URI: {o}')
- else:
- logger.info('Parent is a direct container.')
- o = self.uri
- target_rsrc = LdpFactory.from_stored(rdfly.uri_to_uid(s))
- target_rsrc.modify(RES_UPDATED, add_trp={(s, p, o)})
- return add_trp