test_1_0_lmdb_store.py 32 KB

  1. import pdb
  2. import pytest
  3. from os import path
  4. from shutil import rmtree
  5. from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef
  7. from rdflib.namespace import RDF, RDFS
  8. from lakesuperior.model.rdf.graph import Graph
  9. from lakesuperior.store.base_lmdb_store import LmdbError
  10. from lakesuperior.store.ldp_rs.lmdb_store import LmdbStore
  11. @pytest.fixture(scope='class')
  12. def store():
  13. """
  14. Test LMDB store.
  15. This store has a different life cycle than the one used for tests in higher
  16. levels of the stack and is not bootstrapped (i.e. starts completely empty).
  17. """
  18. env_path = '/tmp/test_lmdbstore'
  19. # Remove previous test DBs
  20. rmtree(env_path, ignore_errors=True)
  21. store = LmdbStore(env_path)
  22. yield store
  23. store.close()
  24. # Leave store around for post-test inspection.
  25. #store.destroy()
  26. @pytest.fixture
  27. def bogus_trp():
  28. """
  29. 1000 bogus triples.
  30. With 2048-sized pages, even 2-bound indices with 5-byte values such as
  31. sp:o should yield more than one page (2048 bytes // 5 = 409 values).
  32. """
  33. return {
  34. (
  35. URIRef('urn:test_mp:s1'),
  36. URIRef(f'urn:test_mp:p{i // 10}'),
  37. URIRef(f'urn:test_mp:o{i}'))
  38. for i in range(1000)
  39. }
  40. def _clean(res):
  41. return {r[0] for r in res}
  42. @pytest.mark.usefixtures('store')
  43. class TestStoreInit:
  44. '''
  45. Tests for intializing and shutting down store and transactions.
  46. '''
  47. def test_open_close(self):
  48. '''
  49. Test opening, closing and destroying a store.
  50. '''
  51. env_path = '/tmp/test_lmdbstore_init'
  52. tmpstore = LmdbStore(env_path)
  53. assert tmpstore.is_open
  54. tmpstore.close()
  55. assert not tmpstore.is_open
  56. tmpstore.destroy()
  57. assert not path.exists(env_path)
  58. assert not path.exists(env_path + '-lock')
  59. @pytest.mark.usefixtures('store')
  60. class TestTransactionContext:
  61. '''
  62. Tests for intializing and shutting down store and transactions.
  63. '''
  64. def test_txn(self, store):
  65. '''
  66. Test opening and closing the main transaction.
  67. '''
  68. store.begin(True)
  69. assert store.is_txn_open
  70. store.commit()
  71. assert not store.is_txn_open
  72. store.begin(True)
  73. store.abort()
  74. assert not store.is_txn_open
  75. def test_ctx_mgr(self, store):
  76. '''
  77. Test enclosing a transaction in a context.
  78. '''
  79. with store.txn_ctx():
  80. assert store.is_txn_open
  81. assert not store.is_txn_rw
  82. assert not store.is_txn_open
  83. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  84. assert store.is_txn_open
  85. assert store.is_txn_rw
  86. assert not store.is_txn_open
  87. assert not store.is_txn_rw
  88. try:
  89. with store.txn_ctx():
  90. raise RuntimeError()
  91. except RuntimeError:
  92. assert not store.is_txn_open
  93. def test_rollback(self, store):
  94. '''
  95. Test rolling back a transaction.
  96. '''
  97. trp = (
  98. URIRef('urn:nogo:s'), URIRef('urn:nogo:p'), URIRef('urn:nogo:o')
  99. )
  100. try:
  101. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  102. store.add(trp)
  103. raise RuntimeError() # This should roll back the transaction.
  104. except RuntimeError:
  105. pass
  106. with store.txn_ctx():
  107. res = set(store.triples(trp))
  108. assert len(res) == 0
  109. def test_nested_ro_txn(self, store):
  110. """
  111. Test two nested RO transactions.
  112. """
  113. trp = (URIRef('urn:s:0'), URIRef('urn:p:0'), URIRef('urn:o:0'))
  114. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  115. store.add(trp)
  116. with store.txn_ctx():
  117. with store.txn_ctx():
  118. res = {*store.triples(trp)}
  119. assert trp in {q[0] for q in res}
  120. assert trp in {q[0] for q in res}
  121. def test_nested_ro_txn_nowrite(self, store):
  122. """
  123. Test two nested RO transactions.
  124. """
  125. trp = (URIRef('urn:s:0'), URIRef('urn:p:0'), URIRef('urn:o:0'))
  126. with pytest.raises(LmdbError):
  127. with store.txn_ctx():
  128. with store.txn_ctx():
  129. store.add(trp)
  130. def test_nested_ro_rw_txn(self, store):
  131. """
  132. Test a RO transaction nested into a RW one.
  133. """
  134. trp = (URIRef('urn:s:1'), URIRef('urn:p:1'), URIRef('urn:o:1'))
  135. with store.txn_ctx():
  136. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  137. store.add(trp)
  138. # Outer txn should now see the new triple.
  139. assert trp in {q[0] for q in store.triples(trp)}
  140. def test_nested_rw_ro_txn(self, store):
  141. """
  142. Test that a RO transaction nested in a RW transaction can write.
  143. """
  144. trp = (URIRef('urn:s:2'), URIRef('urn:p:2'), URIRef('urn:o:2'))
  145. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  146. with store.txn_ctx():
  147. store.add(trp)
  148. assert trp in {q[0] for q in store.triples(trp)}
  149. def test_nested_rw_rw_txn(self, store):
  150. """
  151. Test that a RW transaction nested in a RW transaction can write.
  152. """
  153. trp = (URIRef('urn:s:3'), URIRef('urn:p:3'), URIRef('urn:o:3'))
  154. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  155. with store.txn_ctx():
  156. store.add(trp)
  157. assert trp in {q[0] for q in store.triples(trp)}
  158. @pytest.mark.usefixtures('store')
  159. class TestBasicOps:
  160. '''
  161. High-level tests for basic operations.
  162. '''
  163. def test_create_triple(self, store):
  164. '''
  165. Test creation of a single triple.
  166. '''
  167. trp = (
  168. URIRef('urn:test:s'), URIRef('urn:test:p'), URIRef('urn:test:o'))
  169. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  170. store.add(trp)
  171. with store.txn_ctx():
  172. res1 = set(store.triples((None, None, None)))
  173. res2 = set(store.triples(trp))
  174. assert len(res1) == 1
  175. assert len(res2) == 1
  176. clean_res1 = _clean(res1)
  177. clean_res2 = _clean(res2)
  178. assert trp in clean_res1 & clean_res2
  179. def test_triple_match_1bound(self, store):
  180. '''
  181. Test triple patterns matching one bound term.
  182. '''
  183. with store.txn_ctx():
  184. res1 = set(store.triples((URIRef('urn:test:s'), None, None)))
  185. res2 = set(store.triples((None, URIRef('urn:test:p'), None)))
  186. res3 = set(store.triples((None, None, URIRef('urn:test:o'))))
  187. assert _clean(res1) == {(
  188. URIRef('urn:test:s'), URIRef('urn:test:p'),
  189. URIRef('urn:test:o'))}
  190. assert _clean(res2) == _clean(res1)
  191. assert _clean(res3) == _clean(res2)
  192. def test_triple_match_2bound(self, store):
  193. '''
  194. Test triple patterns matching two bound terms.
  195. '''
  196. with store.txn_ctx():
  197. res1 = set(store.triples(
  198. (URIRef('urn:test:s'), URIRef('urn:test:p'), None)))
  199. res2 = set(store.triples(
  200. (URIRef('urn:test:s'), None, URIRef('urn:test:o'))))
  201. res3 = set(store.triples(
  202. (None, URIRef('urn:test:p'), URIRef('urn:test:o'))))
  203. assert _clean(res1) == {(
  204. URIRef('urn:test:s'),
  205. URIRef('urn:test:p'), URIRef('urn:test:o'))}
  206. assert _clean(res2) == _clean(res1)
  207. assert _clean(res3) == _clean(res2)
  208. def test_triple_match_3bound(self, store):
  209. '''
  210. Test triple patterns matching 3 bound terms (exact match).
  211. '''
  212. with store.txn_ctx():
  213. pattern = (
  214. URIRef('urn:test:s'), URIRef('urn:test:p'),
  215. URIRef('urn:test:o'))
  216. res1 = set(store.triples(pattern))
  217. assert _clean(res1) == {pattern}
  218. def test_triple_no_match_1bound(self, store):
  219. '''
  220. Test empty matches with 1 bound term.
  221. '''
  222. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  223. store.add((
  224. URIRef('urn:test:s'),
  225. URIRef('urn:test:p2'), URIRef('urn:test:o2')))
  226. store.add((
  227. URIRef('urn:test:s3'),
  228. URIRef('urn:test:p3'), URIRef('urn:test:o3')))
  229. res1 = set(store.triples((None, None, None)))
  230. assert len(res1) == 3
  231. res1 = set(store.triples((URIRef('urn:test:s2'), None, None)))
  232. res2 = set(store.triples((None, URIRef('urn:test:p4'), None)))
  233. res3 = set(store.triples((None, None, URIRef('urn:test:o4'))))
  234. assert len(res1) == len(res2) == len(res3) == 0
  235. def test_triple_no_match_2bound(self, store):
  236. '''
  237. Test empty matches with 2 bound terms.
  238. '''
  239. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  240. res1 = set(store.triples(
  241. (URIRef('urn:test:s2'), URIRef('urn:test:p'), None)))
  242. res2 = set(store.triples(
  243. (URIRef('urn:test:s3'), None, URIRef('urn:test:o'))))
  244. res3 = set(store.triples(
  245. (None, URIRef('urn:test:p3'), URIRef('urn:test:o2'))))
  246. assert len(res1) == len(res2) == len(res3) == 0
  247. def test_triple_no_match_3bound(self, store):
  248. '''
  249. Test empty matches with 3 bound terms.
  250. '''
  251. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  252. res1 = set(store.triples((
  253. URIRef('urn:test:s2'), URIRef('urn:test:p3'),
  254. URIRef('urn:test:o2'))))
  255. assert len(res1) == 0
  256. def test_remove(self, store):
  257. '''
  258. Test removing one or more triples.
  259. '''
  260. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  261. store.remove((URIRef('urn:test:s3'),
  262. URIRef('urn:test:p3'), URIRef('urn:test:o3')))
  263. with store.txn_ctx():
  264. res1 = set(store.triples((None, None, None)))
  265. assert len(res1) == 2
  266. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  267. store.remove((URIRef('urn:test:s'), None, None))
  268. res2 = set(store.triples((None, None, None)))
  269. assert len(res2) == 0
  270. @pytest.mark.usefixtures('store', 'bogus_trp')
  271. class TestExtendedOps:
  272. '''
  273. Test additional store operations.
  274. '''
  275. def test_all_terms(self, store, bogus_trp):
  276. """
  277. Test the "all terms" mehods.
  278. """
  279. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  280. for trp in bogus_trp:
  281. store.add(trp)
  282. with store.txn_ctx():
  283. all_s = store.all_terms('s')
  284. all_p = store.all_terms('p')
  285. all_o = store.all_terms('o')
  286. assert len(all_s) == 1
  287. assert len(all_p) == 100
  288. assert len(all_o) == 1000
  289. assert URIRef('urn:test_mp:s1') in all_s
  290. assert URIRef('urn:test_mp:s1') not in all_p
  291. assert URIRef('urn:test_mp:s1') not in all_o
  292. assert URIRef('urn:test_mp:p10') not in all_s
  293. assert URIRef('urn:test_mp:p10') in all_p
  294. assert URIRef('urn:test_mp:p10') not in all_o
  295. assert URIRef('urn:test_mp:o99') not in all_s
  296. assert URIRef('urn:test_mp:o99') not in all_p
  297. assert URIRef('urn:test_mp:o99') in all_o
  298. @pytest.mark.usefixtures('store', 'bogus_trp')
  299. class TestEntryCount:
  300. '''
  301. Count number of entries in databases.
  302. '''
  303. @pytest.fixture
  304. def indices(self):
  305. """
  306. List of index labels.
  307. """
  308. return [
  309. b's:po___',
  310. b'p:so___',
  311. b'o:sp___',
  312. b'po:s___',
  313. b'so:p___',
  314. b'sp:o___',
  315. b'spo:c__',
  316. b'c:spo__',
  317. ]
  318. def test_init(self, store, bogus_trp):
  319. """
  320. Insert initial data and verify store length.
  321. """
  322. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  323. for trp in bogus_trp:
  324. store.add(trp)
  325. with store.txn_ctx():
  326. assert len(store) == 1000
  327. def test_entries_full(self, store, indices):
  328. """
  329. Count entries for the full data set.
  330. """
  331. with store.txn_ctx():
  332. stat = store.stats()
  333. for idxlabel in indices:
  334. assert stat['db_stats'][idxlabel]['ms_entries'] == 1000
  335. # 1 subject, 100 predicates, 1000 objects, 1 context
  336. assert stat['db_stats'][b't:st___']['ms_entries'] == 1102
  337. assert stat['db_stats'][b'th:t___']['ms_entries'] == 1102
  338. def test_entries_partial(self, store, indices):
  339. """
  340. Delete some triples and verify numbers.
  341. """
  342. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  343. store.remove((URIRef('urn:test_mp:s1'), URIRef('urn:test_mp:p0'), None))
  344. with store.txn_ctx():
  345. stat = store.stats()
  346. assert stat['db_stats'][b't:st___']['ms_entries'] == 1102
  347. assert stat['db_stats'][b'th:t___']['ms_entries'] == 1102
  348. def test_entries_empty(self, store, indices):
  349. """
  350. Delete all remainng triples and verify that indices are empty.
  351. """
  352. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  353. store.remove((None, None, None))
  354. with store.txn_ctx():
  355. stat = store.stats()
  356. for idxlabel in indices:
  357. assert stat['db_stats'][idxlabel]['ms_entries'] == 0
  358. assert stat['db_stats'][b't:st___']['ms_entries'] == 1102
  359. assert stat['db_stats'][b'th:t___']['ms_entries'] == 1102
  360. @pytest.mark.usefixtures('store', 'bogus_trp')
  361. class TestMultiPageLookup:
  362. '''
  363. Tests looking up results retrieved in multiple pages.
  364. '''
  365. def test_init(self, store, bogus_trp):
  366. """
  367. Insert initial data and verify store length.
  368. """
  369. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  370. for trp in bogus_trp:
  371. store.add(trp)
  372. with store.txn_ctx():
  373. assert len(store) == 1000
  374. def test_mp_lookup_0bound(self, store):
  375. """
  376. Lookup all triples in a multi-page setup.
  377. """
  378. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  379. res = store.triples((None, None, None))
  380. res_set = set(res)
  381. assert len(res_set) == 1000
  382. assert (URIRef('urn:test_mp:s1'), URIRef('urn:test_mp:p99'),
  383. URIRef('urn:test_mp:o999')) in _clean(res_set)
  384. def test_mp_lookup_1bound(self, store):
  385. """
  386. Lookup 1-bound triples in a multi-page setup.
  387. """
  388. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  389. res1 = store.triples((URIRef('urn:test_mp:s1'), None, None))
  390. res_set1 = set(res1)
  391. res2 = store.triples((None, URIRef('urn:test_mp:p69'), None))
  392. res_set2 = set(res2)
  393. res3 = store.triples((None, None, URIRef('urn:test_mp:o699')))
  394. res_set3 = set(res3)
  395. assert len(res_set1) == 1000
  396. assert (URIRef('urn:test_mp:s1'), URIRef('urn:test_mp:p99'),
  397. URIRef('urn:test_mp:o999')) in _clean(res_set1)
  398. assert len(res_set2) == 10
  399. assert (URIRef('urn:test_mp:s1'), URIRef('urn:test_mp:p69'),
  400. URIRef('urn:test_mp:o699')) in _clean(res_set2)
  401. assert len(res_set3) == 1
  402. assert (URIRef('urn:test_mp:s1'), URIRef('urn:test_mp:p69'),
  403. URIRef('urn:test_mp:o699')) in _clean(res_set3)
  404. def test_mp_lookup_2bound(self, store):
  405. """
  406. Lookup 2-bound triples in a multi-page setup.
  407. """
  408. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  409. res1 = store.triples((URIRef('urn:test_mp:s1'),
  410. URIRef('urn:test_mp:p96'), None))
  411. res_set1 = set(res1)
  412. res2 = store.triples((URIRef('urn:test_mp:s1'),
  413. None, URIRef('urn:test_mp:o966')))
  414. res_set2 = set(res2)
  415. res3 = store.triples((None,
  416. URIRef('urn:test_mp:p96'), URIRef('urn:test_mp:o966')))
  417. res_set3 = set(res3)
  418. assert len(res_set1) == 10
  419. assert (URIRef('urn:test_mp:s1'), URIRef('urn:test_mp:p96'),
  420. URIRef('urn:test_mp:o966')) in _clean(res_set1)
  421. assert len(res_set2) == 1
  422. assert (URIRef('urn:test_mp:s1'), URIRef('urn:test_mp:p96'),
  423. URIRef('urn:test_mp:o966')) in _clean(res_set2)
  424. assert len(res_set3) == 1
  425. assert (URIRef('urn:test_mp:s1'), URIRef('urn:test_mp:p96'),
  426. URIRef('urn:test_mp:o966')) in _clean(res_set3)
  427. @pytest.mark.usefixtures('store')
  428. class TestRemoveMulti:
  429. '''
  430. Tests for proper removal of multiple combinations of triple and context.
  431. '''
  432. @pytest.fixture
  433. def data(self):
  434. return {
  435. 'spo1': (
  436. URIRef('urn:test:s1'), URIRef('urn:test:p1'), URIRef('urn:test:o1')),
  437. 'spo2': (
  438. URIRef('urn:test:s1'), URIRef('urn:test:p1'), URIRef('urn:test:o2')),
  439. 'spo3': (
  440. URIRef('urn:test:s1'), URIRef('urn:test:p1'), URIRef('urn:test:o3')),
  441. 'c1': URIRef('urn:test:c1'),
  442. 'c2': URIRef('urn:test:c2'),
  443. 'c3': URIRef('urn:test:c3'),
  444. }
  445. def test_init(self, store, data):
  446. """
  447. Initialize the store with test data.
  448. """
  449. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  450. store.add(data['spo1'], data['c1'])
  451. store.add(data['spo2'], data['c1'])
  452. store.add(data['spo3'], data['c1'])
  453. store.add(data['spo1'], data['c2'])
  454. store.add(data['spo2'], data['c2'])
  455. store.add(data['spo3'], data['c2'])
  456. store.add(data['spo1'], data['c3'])
  457. store.add(data['spo2'], data['c3'])
  458. store.add(data['spo3'], data['c3'])
  459. with store.txn_ctx():
  460. assert len(store) == 9
  461. assert len(set(store.triples((None, None, None)))) == 3
  462. assert len(set(store.triples((None, None, None), data['c1']))) == 3
  463. assert len(set(store.triples((None, None, None), data['c2']))) == 3
  464. assert len(set(store.triples((None, None, None), data['c3']))) == 3
  465. def test_remove_1ctx(self, store, data):
  466. """
  467. Test removing all triples from a context.
  468. """
  469. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  470. store.remove((None, None, None), data['c1'])
  471. with store.txn_ctx():
  472. assert len(store) == 6
  473. assert len(set(store.triples((None, None, None)))) == 3
  474. assert len(set(store.triples((None, None, None), data['c1']))) == 0
  475. assert len(set(store.triples((None, None, None), data['c2']))) == 3
  476. assert len(set(store.triples((None, None, None), data['c3']))) == 3
  477. def test_remove_1subj(self, store, data):
  478. """
  479. Test removing one subject from all contexts.
  480. """
  481. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  482. store.remove((data['spo1'][0], None, None))
  483. assert len(store) == 0
  484. @pytest.mark.usefixtures('store')
  485. class TestCleanup:
  486. '''
  487. Tests for proper cleanup on resource deletion.
  488. '''
  489. @pytest.fixture
  490. def data(self):
  491. return {
  492. 'spo1': (
  493. URIRef('urn:test:s1'), URIRef('urn:test:p1'), URIRef('urn:test:o1')),
  494. 'spo2': (
  495. URIRef('urn:test:s2'), URIRef('urn:test:p2'), URIRef('urn:test:o2')),
  496. 'c1': URIRef('urn:test:c1'),
  497. 'c2': URIRef('urn:test:c2'),
  498. }
  499. def _is_empty(self, store):
  500. stats = store.stats()['db_stats']
  501. for dblabel in (b'spo:c__', b'c:spo__', b's:po___', b'p:so___', b'o:sp___',):
  502. if stats[dblabel]['ms_entries'] > 0:
  503. return False
  504. return True
  505. def test_cleanup_spo(self, store, data):
  506. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  507. store.add(data['spo1'])
  508. with store.txn_ctx():
  509. assert not self._is_empty(store)
  510. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  511. store.remove(data['spo1'])
  512. with store.txn_ctx():
  513. assert self._is_empty(store)
  514. def test_cleanup_spoc1(self, store, data):
  515. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  516. store.add(data['spo1'], data['c1'])
  517. with store.txn_ctx():
  518. assert not self._is_empty(store)
  519. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  520. store.remove(data['spo1'], data['c1'])
  521. with store.txn_ctx():
  522. assert self._is_empty(store)
  523. def test_cleanup_spoc2(self, store, data):
  524. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  525. store.add(data['spo1'], data['c1'])
  526. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  527. store.remove((None, None, None), data['c1'])
  528. with store.txn_ctx():
  529. assert self._is_empty(store)
  530. def test_cleanup_spoc3(self, store, data):
  531. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  532. store.add(data['spo1'], data['c1'])
  533. store.add(data['spo2'], data['c1'])
  534. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  535. store.remove((data['spo1'][0], None, None), data['c1'])
  536. with store.txn_ctx():
  537. assert not self._is_empty(store)
  538. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  539. store.remove((data['spo2'][0], None, None), data['c1'])
  540. with store.txn_ctx():
  541. assert self._is_empty(store)
  542. def test_cleanup_spoc4(self, store, data):
  543. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  544. store.add(data['spo1'], data['c1'])
  545. store.add(data['spo2'], data['c1'])
  546. store.add(data['spo2'], data['c2'])
  547. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  548. store.remove((None, None, None))
  549. with store.txn_ctx():
  550. assert self._is_empty(store)
  551. @pytest.mark.usefixtures('store')
  552. class TestBindings:
  553. '''
  554. Tests for namespace bindings.
  555. '''
  556. @pytest.fixture
  557. def bindings(self):
  558. return (
  559. ('ns1', Namespace('http://test.org/ns#')),
  560. ('ns2', Namespace('http://my_org.net/ns#')),
  561. ('ns3', Namespace('urn:test:')),
  562. ('ns4', Namespace('info:myinst/graph#')),
  563. )
  564. def test_ns(self, store, bindings):
  565. '''
  566. Test namespace bindings.
  567. '''
  568. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  569. for b in bindings:
  570. store.bind(*b)
  571. nslist = list(store.namespaces())
  572. assert len(nslist) == len(bindings)
  573. for i in range(len(bindings)):
  574. assert nslist[i] == bindings[i]
  575. def test_ns2pfx(self, store, bindings):
  576. '''
  577. Test namespace to prefix conversion.
  578. '''
  579. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  580. for b in bindings:
  581. pfx, ns = b
  582. assert store.namespace(pfx) == ns
  583. def test_pfx2ns(self, store, bindings):
  584. '''
  585. Test namespace to prefix conversion.
  586. '''
  587. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  588. for b in bindings:
  589. pfx, ns = b
  590. assert store.prefix(ns) == pfx
  591. @pytest.mark.usefixtures('store')
  592. class TestContext:
  593. '''
  594. Tests for context handling.
  595. '''
  596. def test_add_empty_graph(self, store):
  597. '''
  598. Test creating an empty and a non-empty graph.
  599. '''
  600. gr_uri = URIRef('urn:bogus:graph#a')
  601. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  602. store.add_graph(gr_uri)
  603. assert gr_uri in store.contexts()
  604. def test_add_graph_with_triple(self, store):
  605. '''
  606. Test creating an empty and a non-empty graph.
  607. '''
  608. trp = (URIRef('urn:test:s123'),
  609. URIRef('urn:test:p123'), URIRef('urn:test:o123'))
  610. ctx_uri = URIRef('urn:bogus:graph#b')
  611. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  612. store.add(trp, ctx_uri)
  613. with store.txn_ctx():
  614. assert ctx_uri in store.contexts(trp)
  615. def test_empty_context(self, store):
  616. '''
  617. Test creating and deleting empty contexts.
  618. '''
  619. gr_uri = URIRef('urn:bogus:empty#a')
  620. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  621. store.add_graph(gr_uri)
  622. assert gr_uri in store.contexts()
  623. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  624. store.remove_graph(gr_uri)
  625. assert gr_uri not in store.contexts()
  626. def test_context_ro_txn(self, store):
  627. '''
  628. Test creating a context within a read-only transaction.
  629. '''
  630. gr_uri = URIRef('urn:bogus:empty#b')
  631. with store.txn_ctx():
  632. store.add_graph(gr_uri)
  633. a = 5 #bogus stuff for debugger
  634. # The lookup must happen in a separate transaction. The first
  635. # transaction opens a separate (non-child) R/W transaction while it is
  636. # already isolated so even after the RW txn is committed, the RO one
  637. # doesn't know anything about the changes.
  638. # If the RW transaction could be nested inside the RO one that would
  639. # allow a lookup in the same transaction, but this does not seem to be
  640. # possible.
  641. with store.txn_ctx():
  642. assert gr_uri in store.contexts()
  643. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  644. store.remove_graph(gr_uri)
  645. assert gr_uri not in store.contexts()
  646. def test_add_trp_to_ctx(self, store):
  647. '''
  648. Test adding triples to a graph.
  649. '''
  650. gr_uri = URIRef('urn:bogus:graph#a') # From previous test
  651. gr2_uri = URIRef('urn:bogus:graph#z') # Never created before
  652. trp1 = (URIRef('urn:s:1'), URIRef('urn:p:1'), URIRef('urn:o:1'))
  653. trp2 = (URIRef('urn:s:2'), URIRef('urn:p:2'), URIRef('urn:o:2'))
  654. trp3 = (URIRef('urn:s:3'), URIRef('urn:p:3'), URIRef('urn:o:3'))
  655. trp4 = (URIRef('urn:s:4'), URIRef('urn:p:4'), URIRef('urn:o:4'))
  656. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  657. store.add(trp1, gr_uri)
  658. store.add(trp2, gr_uri)
  659. store.add(trp2, gr_uri) # Duplicate; dropped.
  660. store.add(trp2, None) # Goes to the default graph.
  661. store.add(trp3, gr2_uri)
  662. store.add(trp3, gr_uri)
  663. store.add(trp4) # Goes to the default graph.
  664. # Quick size checks.
  665. with store.txn_ctx():
  666. assert len(set(store.triples((None, None, None)))) == 5
  667. assert len(set(store.triples((None, None, None),
  669. assert len(set(store.triples((None, None, None), gr_uri))) == 3
  670. assert len(set(store.triples((None, None, None), gr2_uri))) == 1
  671. assert gr2_uri in store.contexts()
  672. assert trp1 in _clean(store.triples((None, None, None)))
  673. assert trp1 not in _clean(store.triples((None, None, None),
  675. assert trp2 in _clean(store.triples((None, None, None), gr_uri))
  676. assert trp2 in _clean(store.triples((None, None, None)))
  677. assert trp3 in _clean(store.triples((None, None, None), gr2_uri))
  678. assert trp3 not in _clean(store.triples((None, None, None),
  680. # Verify that contexts are in the right place.
  681. with store.txn_ctx():
  682. # trp3 is in both graphs.
  683. res_no_ctx = store.triples(trp3)
  684. res_ctx = store.triples(trp3, gr2_uri)
  685. for res in res_no_ctx:
  686. assert Graph(uri=gr_uri) in res[1]
  687. assert Graph(uri=gr2_uri) in res[1]
  688. for res in res_ctx:
  689. assert Graph(uri=gr_uri) in res[1]
  690. assert Graph(uri=gr2_uri) in res[1]
  691. def test_delete_from_ctx(self, store):
  692. '''
  693. Delete triples from a named graph and from the default graph.
  694. '''
  695. gr_uri = URIRef('urn:bogus:graph#a')
  696. gr2_uri = URIRef('urn:bogus:graph#b')
  697. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  698. store.remove((None, None, None), gr2_uri)
  699. assert len(set(store.triples((None, None, None), gr2_uri))) == 0
  700. assert len(set(store.triples((None, None, None), gr_uri))) == 3
  701. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  702. store.remove((URIRef('urn:s:1'), None, None))
  703. assert len(set(store.triples(
  704. (URIRef('urn:s:1'), None, None), gr_uri))) == 0
  705. assert len(set(store.triples((None, None, None), gr_uri))) == 2
  706. assert len(set(store.triples((None, None, None)))) == 3
  707. # This should result in no change because the graph does not exist.
  708. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  709. store.remove((None, None, None), URIRef('urn:phony:graph#xyz'))
  710. store.remove(
  711. (URIRef('urn:s:1'), None, None),
  712. URIRef('urn:phony:graph#xyz'))
  713. assert len(set(store.triples((None, None, None), gr_uri))) == 2
  714. assert len(set(store.triples((None, None, None)))) == 3
  715. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  716. store.remove((URIRef('urn:s:4'), None, None),
  718. assert len(set(store.triples((None, None, None)))) == 2
  719. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  720. store.remove((None, None, None))
  721. assert len(set(store.triples((None, None, None)))) == 0
  722. assert len(set(store.triples((None, None, None), gr_uri))) == 0
  723. assert len(store) == 0
  724. def test_remove_shared_ctx(self, store):
  725. """
  726. Remove a context that shares triples with another one.
  727. """
  728. trp1 = (
  729. URIRef('urn:bogus:shared_s:1'), URIRef('urn:bogus:shared_p:1'),
  730. URIRef('urn:bogus:shared_o:1'))
  731. trp2 = (
  732. URIRef('urn:bogus:shared_s:2'), URIRef('urn:bogus:shared_p:2'),
  733. URIRef('urn:bogus:shared_o:2'))
  734. trp3 = (
  735. URIRef('urn:bogus:shared_s:3'), URIRef('urn:bogus:shared_p:3'),
  736. URIRef('urn:bogus:shared_o:3'))
  737. ctx1 = URIRef('urn:bogus:shared_graph#a')
  738. ctx2 = URIRef('urn:bogus:shared_graph#b')
  739. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  740. store.add(trp1, ctx1)
  741. store.add(trp2, ctx1)
  742. store.add(trp2, ctx2)
  743. store.add(trp3, ctx2)
  744. with store.txn_ctx(True):
  745. store.remove_graph(ctx1)
  746. with store.txn_ctx():
  747. assert len(set(store.triples(trp1))) == 0
  748. assert len(set(store.triples(trp2))) == 1
  749. assert len(set(store.triples(trp3))) == 1
  750. #@pytest.mark.usefixtures('store')
  751. #class TestRdflib:
  752. # '''
  753. # Test case adapted from
  754. # http://rdflib.readthedocs.io/en/stable/univrdfstore.html#interface-test-cases
  755. # '''
  756. #
  757. # @pytest.fixture
  758. # def sample_gr(self):
  759. # from rdflib import Graph, plugin
  760. # from rdflib.store import Store
  761. # store = plugin.get('Lmdb', Store)('/tmp/rdflibtest')
  762. # return Graph(store).parse('''
  763. # @prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
  764. # @prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
  765. # @prefix : <http://test/> .
  766. # {:a :b :c; a :foo} => {:a :d :c} .
  767. # _:foo a rdfs:Class .
  768. # :a :d :c .
  769. # ''', format='n3')
  770. #
  771. # def test_basic(self, sample_gr):
  772. # from rdflib.namespace import RDF
  773. # with sample_gr.store.txn_ctx():
  774. # implies = URIRef("http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/log#implies")
  775. # a = URIRef('http://test/a')
  776. # b = URIRef('http://test/b')
  777. # c = URIRef('http://test/c')
  778. # d = URIRef('http://test/d')
  779. # for s,p,o in g.triples((None,implies,None)):
  780. # formulaA = s
  781. # formulaB = o
  782. #
  783. # #contexts test
  784. # assert len(list(g.contexts()))==3
  785. #
  786. # #contexts (with triple) test
  787. # assert len(list(g.contexts((a,d,c))))==2
  788. #
  789. # #triples test cases
  790. # assert type(list(g.triples(
  791. # (None,RDF.type,RDFS.Class)))[0][0]) == BNode
  792. # assert len(list(g.triples((None,implies,None))))==1
  793. # assert len(list(g.triples((None,RDF.type,None))))==3
  794. # assert len(list(g.triples((None,RDF.type,None),formulaA)))==1
  795. # assert len(list(g.triples((None,None,None),formulaA)))==2
  796. # assert len(list(g.triples((None,None,None),formulaB)))==1
  797. # assert len(list(g.triples((None,None,None))))==5
  798. # assert len(list(g.triples(
  799. # (None,URIRef('http://test/d'),None),formulaB)))==1
  800. # assert len(list(g.triples(
  801. # (None,URIRef('http://test/d'),None))))==1
  802. #
  803. # #Remove test cases
  804. # g.remove((None,implies,None))
  805. # assert len(list(g.triples((None,implies,None))))==0
  806. # assert len(list(g.triples((None,None,None),formulaA)))==2
  807. # assert len(list(g.triples((None,None,None),formulaB)))==1
  808. # g.remove((None,b,None),formulaA)
  809. # assert len(list(g.triples((None,None,None),formulaA)))==1
  810. # g.remove((None,RDF.type,None),formulaA)
  811. # assert len(list(g.triples((None,None,None),formulaA)))==0
  812. # g.remove((None,RDF.type,RDFS.Class))
  813. #
  814. # #remove_context tests
  815. # formulaBContext=Context(g,formulaB)
  816. # g.remove_context(formulaB)
  817. # assert len(list(g.triples((None,RDF.type,None))))==2
  818. # assert len(g)==3
  819. # assert len(formulaBContext)==0
  820. # g.remove((None,None,None))
  821. # assert len(g)==0