about.rst 3.2 KB

  1. About Lakesuperior
  2. ==================
  3. Lakesuperior is an alternative `Fedora
  4. Repository <http://fedorarepository.org>`__ implementation.
  5. Fedora is a mature repository software system historically adopted by
  6. major cultural heritage institutions. It exposes an
  7. `LDP <https://www.w3.org/TR/ldp-primer/>`__ endpoint to manage
  8. any type of binary files and their metadata in Linked Data format.
  9. Guiding Principles
  10. ------------------
  11. Lakesuperior aims at being an uncomplicated, efficient Fedora 4
  12. implementation.
  13. Its main goals are:
  14. - **Reliability:** Based on solid technologies with stability in mind.
  15. - **Efficiency:** Small memory and CPU footprint, high scalability.
  16. - **Ease of management:** Tools to perform monitoring and maintenance
  17. included.
  18. - **Simplicity of design:** Straight-forward architecture, robustness
  19. over features.
  20. Key features
  21. ------------
  22. - Drop-in replacement for Fedora4 (with some
  23. :doc:`caveats <fcrepo4_deltas>`); currently being tested
  24. with Hyrax 2
  25. - Very stable persistence layer based on
  26. `LMDB <https://symas.com/lmdb/>`__ and filesystem. Fully
  27. ACID-compliant writes guarantee consistency of data.
  28. - Term-based search and SPARQL Query API + UI
  29. - No performance penalty for storing many resources under the same
  30. container; no `kudzu
  31. <https://www.nature.org/ourinitiatives/urgentissues/land-conservation/forests/kudzu.xml>`__
  32. pairtree segmentation [#]_
  33. - Extensible :doc:`provenance metadata <model>` tracking
  34. - :doc:`Multi-modal access <architecture>`: HTTP
  35. (REST), command line interface and native Python API.
  36. - Fits in a pocket: you can carry 50M triples in an 8Gb memory stick [#]_.
  37. Implementation of the official `Fedora API
  38. specs <https://fedora.info/spec/>`__ (Fedora 5.x and beyond) is not
  39. foreseen in the short term, however it would be a natural evolution of
  40. this project if it gains support.
  41. Please make sure you read the :doc:`Delta document <fcrepo4_deltas>` for
  42. divergences with the official Fedora4 implementation.
  43. Target Audience
  44. ---------------
  45. Lakesuperior is for anybody who cares about preserving data in the long
  46. term.
  47. Less vaguely, Lakesuperior is targeted at who needs to store large
  48. quantities of highly linked metadata and documents.
  49. Its Python/C environment and API make it particularly well suited for
  50. academic and scientific environments who would be able to embed it in a
  51. Python application as a library or extend it via plug-ins.
  52. Lakesuperior is able to be exposed to the Web as a `Linked Data
  53. Platform <https://www.w3.org/TR/ldp-primer/>`__ server. It also acts as
  54. a SPARQL query (read-only) endpoint, however it is not meant to be used
  55. as a full-fledged triplestore at the moment.
  56. In its current status, Lakesuperior is aimed at developers and hands-on
  57. managers who are interested in evaluating this project.
  58. Status and development
  59. ----------------------
  60. Lakesuperior is in **alpha** status. Please see the `project
  61. issues <https://github.com/scossu/lakesuperior/issues>`__ list for a
  62. rudimentary road map.
  63. --------------
  64. .. [#] However if your client splits pairtrees upstream, such as Hyrax does,
  65. that obviously needs to change to get rid of the path segments.
  66. .. [#] Your mileage may vary depending on the variety of your triples.