test_resource_api.py 19 KB

  1. import pdb
  2. import pytest
  3. from io import BytesIO
  4. from uuid import uuid4
  5. from rdflib import Graph, Literal, URIRef
  6. from lakesuperior.api import resource as rsrc_api
  7. from lakesuperior.dictionaries.namespaces import ns_collection as nsc
  8. from lakesuperior.exceptions import (
  9. IncompatibleLdpTypeError, InvalidResourceError, ResourceNotExistsError,
  10. TombstoneError)
  11. from lakesuperior.globals import RES_CREATED, RES_UPDATED
  12. from lakesuperior.model.ldpr import Ldpr
  13. from lakesuperior.store.ldp_rs.metadata_store import MetadataStore
  14. @pytest.fixture(scope='module')
  15. def random_uuid():
  16. return str(uuid.uuid4())
  17. @pytest.fixture
  18. def dc_rdf():
  19. return b'''
  20. PREFIX dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>
  21. PREFIX ldp: <http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#>
  22. <> dcterms:title "Direct Container" ;
  23. ldp:membershipResource <info:fcres/member> ;
  24. ldp:hasMemberRelation dcterms:relation .
  25. '''
  26. @pytest.fixture
  27. def ic_rdf():
  28. return b'''
  29. PREFIX dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>
  30. PREFIX ldp: <http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#>
  31. PREFIX ore: <http://www.openarchives.org/ore/terms/>
  32. <> dcterms:title "Indirect Container" ;
  33. ldp:membershipResource <info:fcres/top_container> ;
  34. ldp:hasMemberRelation dcterms:relation ;
  35. ldp:insertedContentRelation ore:proxyFor .
  36. '''
  37. @pytest.mark.usefixtures('db')
  38. class TestResourceCRUD:
  39. '''
  40. Test interaction with the Resource API.
  41. '''
  42. def test_nodes_exist(self):
  43. """
  44. Verify whether nodes exist or not.
  45. """
  46. assert rsrc_api.exists('/') is True
  47. assert rsrc_api.exists('/{}'.format(uuid4())) is False
  48. def test_get_root_node_metadata(self):
  49. """
  50. Get the root node metadata.
  51. The ``dcterms:title`` property should NOT be included.
  52. """
  53. gr = rsrc_api.get_metadata('/')
  54. assert isinstance(gr, Graph)
  55. assert len(gr) == 9
  56. assert gr[gr.identifier : nsc['rdf'].type : nsc['ldp'].Resource ]
  57. assert not gr[gr.identifier : nsc['dcterms'].title : "Repository Root"]
  58. def test_get_root_node(self):
  59. """
  60. Get the root node.
  61. The ``dcterms:title`` property should be included.
  62. """
  63. rsrc = rsrc_api.get('/')
  64. assert isinstance(rsrc, Ldpr)
  65. gr = rsrc.imr
  66. assert len(gr) == 10
  67. assert gr[gr.identifier : nsc['rdf'].type : nsc['ldp'].Resource ]
  68. assert gr[
  69. gr.identifier : nsc['dcterms'].title : Literal('Repository Root')]
  70. def test_get_nonexisting_node(self):
  71. """
  72. Get a non-existing node.
  73. """
  74. with pytest.raises(ResourceNotExistsError):
  75. gr = rsrc_api.get('/{}'.format(uuid4()))
  76. def test_create_ldp_rs(self):
  77. """
  78. Create an RDF resource (LDP-RS) from a provided graph.
  79. """
  80. uid = '/rsrc_from_graph'
  81. uri = nsc['fcres'][uid]
  82. gr = Graph().parse(
  83. data='<> a <http://ex.org/type#A> .', format='turtle',
  84. publicID=uri)
  85. #pdb.set_trace()
  86. evt = rsrc_api.create_or_replace(uid, graph=gr)
  87. rsrc = rsrc_api.get(uid)
  88. assert rsrc.imr[
  89. rsrc.uri : nsc['rdf'].type : URIRef('http://ex.org/type#A')]
  90. assert rsrc.imr[
  91. rsrc.uri : nsc['rdf'].type : nsc['ldp'].RDFSource]
  92. def test_create_ldp_nr(self):
  93. """
  94. Create a non-RDF resource (LDP-NR).
  95. """
  96. uid = '/{}'.format(uuid4())
  97. data = b'Hello. This is some dummy content.'
  98. rsrc_api.create_or_replace(
  99. uid, stream=BytesIO(data), mimetype='text/plain')
  100. rsrc = rsrc_api.get(uid)
  101. assert rsrc.content.read() == data
  102. def test_replace_rsrc(self):
  103. uid = '/test_replace'
  104. uri = nsc['fcres'][uid]
  105. gr1 = Graph().parse(
  106. data='<> a <http://ex.org/type#A> .', format='turtle',
  107. publicID=uri)
  108. evt = rsrc_api.create_or_replace(uid, graph=gr1)
  109. assert evt == RES_CREATED
  110. rsrc = rsrc_api.get(uid)
  111. assert rsrc.imr[
  112. rsrc.uri : nsc['rdf'].type : URIRef('http://ex.org/type#A')]
  113. assert rsrc.imr[
  114. rsrc.uri : nsc['rdf'].type : nsc['ldp'].RDFSource]
  115. gr2 = Graph().parse(
  116. data='<> a <http://ex.org/type#B> .', format='turtle',
  117. publicID=uri)
  118. #pdb.set_trace()
  119. evt = rsrc_api.create_or_replace(uid, graph=gr2)
  120. assert evt == RES_UPDATED
  121. rsrc = rsrc_api.get(uid)
  122. assert not rsrc.imr[
  123. rsrc.uri : nsc['rdf'].type : URIRef('http://ex.org/type#A')]
  124. assert rsrc.imr[
  125. rsrc.uri : nsc['rdf'].type : URIRef('http://ex.org/type#B')]
  126. assert rsrc.imr[
  127. rsrc.uri : nsc['rdf'].type : nsc['ldp'].RDFSource]
  128. def test_replace_incompatible_type(self):
  129. """
  130. Verify replacing resources with incompatible type.
  131. Replacing a LDP-NR with a LDP-RS, or vice versa, should fail.
  132. """
  133. uid_rs = '/test_incomp_rs'
  134. uid_nr = '/test_incomp_nr'
  135. data = b'mock binary content'
  136. gr = Graph().parse(
  137. data='<> a <http://ex.org/type#A> .', format='turtle',
  138. publicID=nsc['fcres'][uid_rs])
  139. rsrc_api.create_or_replace(uid_rs, graph=gr)
  140. rsrc_api.create_or_replace(
  141. uid_nr, stream=BytesIO(data), mimetype='text/plain')
  142. with pytest.raises(IncompatibleLdpTypeError):
  143. rsrc_api.create_or_replace(uid_nr, graph=gr)
  144. with pytest.raises(IncompatibleLdpTypeError):
  145. rsrc_api.create_or_replace(
  146. uid_rs, stream=BytesIO(data), mimetype='text/plain')
  147. with pytest.raises(IncompatibleLdpTypeError):
  148. rsrc_api.create_or_replace(uid_nr)
  149. def test_delta_update(self):
  150. """
  151. Update a resource with two sets of add and remove triples.
  152. """
  153. uid = '/test_delta_patch'
  154. uri = nsc['fcres'][uid]
  155. init_trp = {
  156. (URIRef(uri), nsc['rdf'].type, nsc['foaf'].Person),
  157. (URIRef(uri), nsc['foaf'].name, Literal('Joe Bob')),
  158. }
  159. remove_trp = {
  160. (URIRef(uri), nsc['rdf'].type, nsc['foaf'].Person),
  161. }
  162. add_trp = {
  163. (URIRef(uri), nsc['rdf'].type, nsc['foaf'].Organization),
  164. }
  165. gr = Graph()
  166. gr += init_trp
  167. rsrc_api.create_or_replace(uid, graph=gr)
  168. rsrc_api.update_delta(uid, remove_trp, add_trp)
  169. rsrc = rsrc_api.get(uid)
  170. assert rsrc.imr[
  171. rsrc.uri : nsc['rdf'].type : nsc['foaf'].Organization]
  172. assert rsrc.imr[rsrc.uri : nsc['foaf'].name : Literal('Joe Bob')]
  173. assert not rsrc.imr[
  174. rsrc.uri : nsc['rdf'].type : nsc['foaf'].Person]
  175. def test_delta_update_wildcard(self):
  176. """
  177. Update a resource using wildcard modifiers.
  178. """
  179. uid = '/test_delta_patch_wc'
  180. uri = nsc['fcres'][uid]
  181. init_trp = {
  182. (URIRef(uri), nsc['rdf'].type, nsc['foaf'].Person),
  183. (URIRef(uri), nsc['foaf'].name, Literal('Joe Bob')),
  184. (URIRef(uri), nsc['foaf'].name, Literal('Joe Average Bob')),
  185. (URIRef(uri), nsc['foaf'].name, Literal('Joe 12oz Bob')),
  186. }
  187. remove_trp = {
  188. (URIRef(uri), nsc['foaf'].name, None),
  189. }
  190. add_trp = {
  191. (URIRef(uri), nsc['foaf'].name, Literal('Joan Knob')),
  192. }
  193. gr = Graph()
  194. gr += init_trp
  195. rsrc_api.create_or_replace(uid, graph=gr)
  196. rsrc_api.update_delta(uid, remove_trp, add_trp)
  197. rsrc = rsrc_api.get(uid)
  198. assert rsrc.imr[
  199. rsrc.uri : nsc['rdf'].type : nsc['foaf'].Person]
  200. assert rsrc.imr[rsrc.uri : nsc['foaf'].name : Literal('Joan Knob')]
  201. assert not rsrc.imr[rsrc.uri : nsc['foaf'].name : Literal('Joe Bob')]
  202. assert not rsrc.imr[
  203. rsrc.uri : nsc['foaf'].name : Literal('Joe Average Bob')]
  204. assert not rsrc.imr[
  205. rsrc.uri : nsc['foaf'].name : Literal('Joe 12oz Bob')]
  206. def test_sparql_update(self):
  207. """
  208. Update a resource using a SPARQL Update string.
  209. Use a mix of relative and absolute URIs.
  210. """
  211. uid = '/test_sparql'
  212. rdf_data = b'<> <http://purl.org/dc/terms/title> "Original title." .'
  213. update_str = '''DELETE {
  214. <> <http://purl.org/dc/terms/title> "Original title." .
  215. } INSERT {
  216. <> <http://purl.org/dc/terms/title> "Title #2." .
  217. <info:fcres/test_sparql>
  218. <http://purl.org/dc/terms/title> "Title #3." .
  219. <#h1> <http://purl.org/dc/terms/title> "This is a hash." .
  220. } WHERE {
  221. }'''
  222. rsrc_api.create_or_replace(uid, rdf_data=rdf_data, rdf_fmt='turtle')
  223. ver_uid = rsrc_api.create_version(uid, 'v1').split('fcr:versions/')[-1]
  224. rsrc = rsrc_api.update(uid, update_str)
  225. assert (
  226. (rsrc.uri, nsc['dcterms'].title, Literal('Original title.'))
  227. not in set(rsrc.imr))
  228. assert (
  229. (rsrc.uri, nsc['dcterms'].title, Literal('Title #2.'))
  230. in set(rsrc.imr))
  231. assert (
  232. (rsrc.uri, nsc['dcterms'].title, Literal('Title #3.'))
  233. in set(rsrc.imr))
  234. assert ((
  235. URIRef(str(rsrc.uri) + '#h1'),
  236. nsc['dcterms'].title, Literal('This is a hash.'))
  237. in set(rsrc.imr))
  238. def test_create_ldp_dc_post(self, dc_rdf):
  239. """
  240. Create an LDP Direct Container via POST.
  241. """
  242. rsrc_api.create_or_replace('/member')
  243. dc_uid = rsrc_api.create(
  244. '/', 'test_dc_post', rdf_data=dc_rdf, rdf_fmt='turtle')
  245. dc_rsrc = rsrc_api.get(dc_uid)
  246. member_rsrc = rsrc_api.get('/member')
  247. assert nsc['ldp'].Container in dc_rsrc.ldp_types
  248. assert nsc['ldp'].DirectContainer in dc_rsrc.ldp_types
  249. def test_create_ldp_dc_put(self, dc_rdf):
  250. """
  251. Create an LDP Direct Container via PUT.
  252. """
  253. dc_uid = '/test_dc_put01'
  254. rsrc_api.create_or_replace(
  255. dc_uid, rdf_data=dc_rdf, rdf_fmt='turtle')
  256. dc_rsrc = rsrc_api.get(dc_uid)
  257. member_rsrc = rsrc_api.get('/member')
  258. assert nsc['ldp'].Container in dc_rsrc.ldp_types
  259. assert nsc['ldp'].DirectContainer in dc_rsrc.ldp_types
  260. def test_add_dc_member(self, dc_rdf):
  261. """
  262. Add members to a direct container and verify special properties.
  263. """
  264. dc_uid = '/test_dc_put02'
  265. rsrc_api.create_or_replace(
  266. dc_uid, rdf_data=dc_rdf, rdf_fmt='turtle')
  267. dc_rsrc = rsrc_api.get(dc_uid)
  268. child_uid = rsrc_api.create(dc_uid, None)
  269. member_rsrc = rsrc_api.get('/member')
  270. assert member_rsrc.imr[
  271. member_rsrc.uri: nsc['dcterms'].relation: nsc['fcres'][child_uid]]
  272. def test_indirect_container(self, ic_rdf):
  273. """
  274. Create an indirect container verify special properties.
  275. """
  276. cont_uid = '/top_container'
  277. ic_uid = '{}/test_ic'.format(cont_uid)
  278. member_uid = '{}/ic_member'.format(ic_uid)
  279. target_uid = '/ic_target'
  280. ic_member_rdf = b'''
  281. PREFIX ore: <http://www.openarchives.org/ore/terms/>
  282. <> ore:proxyFor <info:fcres/ic_target> .'''
  283. rsrc_api.create_or_replace(cont_uid)
  284. rsrc_api.create_or_replace(target_uid)
  285. rsrc_api.create_or_replace(ic_uid, rdf_data=ic_rdf, rdf_fmt='turtle')
  286. rsrc_api.create_or_replace(
  287. member_uid, rdf_data=ic_member_rdf, rdf_fmt='turtle')
  288. ic_rsrc = rsrc_api.get(ic_uid)
  289. assert nsc['ldp'].Container in ic_rsrc.ldp_types
  290. assert nsc['ldp'].IndirectContainer in ic_rsrc.ldp_types
  291. assert nsc['ldp'].DirectContainer not in ic_rsrc.ldp_types
  292. member_rsrc = rsrc_api.get(member_uid)
  293. top_cont_rsrc = rsrc_api.get(cont_uid)
  294. assert top_cont_rsrc.imr[
  295. top_cont_rsrc.uri: nsc['dcterms'].relation:
  296. nsc['fcres'][target_uid]]
  297. def test_soft_delete(self):
  298. """
  299. Soft-delete (bury) a resource.
  300. """
  301. uid = '/test_soft_delete01'
  302. rsrc_api.create_or_replace(uid)
  303. rsrc_api.delete(uid)
  304. with pytest.raises(TombstoneError):
  305. rsrc_api.get(uid)
  306. def test_resurrect(self):
  307. """
  308. Restore (resurrect) a soft-deleted resource.
  309. """
  310. uid = '/test_soft_delete02'
  311. rsrc_api.create_or_replace(uid)
  312. rsrc_api.delete(uid)
  313. rsrc_api.resurrect(uid)
  314. rsrc = rsrc_api.get(uid)
  315. assert nsc['ldp'].Resource in rsrc.ldp_types
  316. def test_hard_delete(self):
  317. """
  318. Hard-delete (forget) a resource.
  319. """
  320. uid = '/test_hard_delete01'
  321. rsrc_api.create_or_replace(uid)
  322. rsrc_api.delete(uid, False)
  323. with pytest.raises(ResourceNotExistsError):
  324. rsrc_api.get(uid)
  325. with pytest.raises(ResourceNotExistsError):
  326. rsrc_api.resurrect(uid)
  327. def test_delete_children(self):
  328. """
  329. Soft-delete a resource with children.
  330. """
  331. uid = '/test_soft_delete_children01'
  332. rsrc_api.create_or_replace(uid)
  333. for i in range(3):
  334. rsrc_api.create_or_replace('{}/child{}'.format(uid, i))
  335. rsrc_api.delete(uid)
  336. with pytest.raises(TombstoneError):
  337. rsrc_api.get(uid)
  338. for i in range(3):
  339. with pytest.raises(TombstoneError):
  340. rsrc_api.get('{}/child{}'.format(uid, i))
  341. # Cannot resurrect children of a tombstone.
  342. with pytest.raises(TombstoneError):
  343. rsrc_api.resurrect('{}/child{}'.format(uid, i))
  344. def test_resurrect_children(self):
  345. """
  346. Resurrect a resource with its children.
  347. This uses fixtures from the previous test.
  348. """
  349. uid = '/test_soft_delete_children01'
  350. rsrc_api.resurrect(uid)
  351. parent_rsrc = rsrc_api.get(uid)
  352. assert nsc['ldp'].Resource in parent_rsrc.ldp_types
  353. for i in range(3):
  354. child_rsrc = rsrc_api.get('{}/child{}'.format(uid, i))
  355. assert nsc['ldp'].Resource in child_rsrc.ldp_types
  356. def test_hard_delete_children(self):
  357. """
  358. Hard-delete (forget) a resource with its children.
  359. This uses fixtures from the previous test.
  360. """
  361. uid = '/test_hard_delete_children01'
  362. rsrc_api.create_or_replace(uid)
  363. for i in range(3):
  364. rsrc_api.create_or_replace('{}/child{}'.format(uid, i))
  365. rsrc_api.delete(uid, False)
  366. with pytest.raises(ResourceNotExistsError):
  367. rsrc_api.get(uid)
  368. with pytest.raises(ResourceNotExistsError):
  369. rsrc_api.resurrect(uid)
  370. for i in range(3):
  371. with pytest.raises(ResourceNotExistsError):
  372. rsrc_api.get('{}/child{}'.format(uid, i))
  373. with pytest.raises(ResourceNotExistsError):
  374. rsrc_api.resurrect('{}/child{}'.format(uid, i))
  375. def test_checksum(self):
  376. """
  377. Verify that a checksum is created and updated appropriately.
  378. """
  379. mds = MetadataStore()
  380. root_cksum1 = mds.get_checksum(nsc['fcres']['/'])
  381. uid = '/test_checksum'
  382. rsrc_api.create_or_replace(uid)
  383. mds = MetadataStore()
  384. root_cksum2 = mds.get_checksum(nsc['fcres']['/'])
  385. cksum1 = mds.get_checksum(nsc['fcres'][uid])
  386. assert len(cksum1)
  387. assert root_cksum1 != root_cksum2
  388. rsrc_api.update(
  389. uid,
  390. 'DELETE {} INSERT {<> a <http://ex.org/ns#Hello> .} WHERE {}')
  391. mds = MetadataStore()
  392. cksum2 = mds.get_checksum(nsc['fcres'][uid])
  393. assert cksum1 != cksum2
  394. rsrc_api.delete(uid)
  395. mds = MetadataStore()
  396. cksum3 = mds.get_checksum(nsc['fcres'][uid])
  397. assert cksum3 is None
  398. @pytest.mark.usefixtures('db')
  399. class TestResourceVersioning:
  400. '''
  401. Test resource version lifecycle.
  402. '''
  403. def test_create_version(self):
  404. """
  405. Create a version snapshot.
  406. """
  407. uid = '/test_version1'
  408. rdf_data = b'<> <http://purl.org/dc/terms/title> "Original title." .'
  409. update_str = '''DELETE {
  410. <> <http://purl.org/dc/terms/title> "Original title." .
  411. } INSERT {
  412. <> <http://purl.org/dc/terms/title> "Title #2." .
  413. } WHERE {
  414. }'''
  415. rsrc_api.create_or_replace(uid, rdf_data=rdf_data, rdf_fmt='turtle')
  416. ver_uid = rsrc_api.create_version(uid, 'v1').split('fcr:versions/')[-1]
  417. rsrc_api.update(uid, update_str)
  418. current = rsrc_api.get(uid)
  419. assert (
  420. (current.uri, nsc['dcterms'].title, Literal('Title #2.'))
  421. in current.imr)
  422. assert (
  423. (current.uri, nsc['dcterms'].title, Literal('Original title.'))
  424. not in current.imr)
  425. v1 = rsrc_api.get_version(uid, ver_uid)
  426. assert (
  427. (v1.identifier, nsc['dcterms'].title, Literal('Original title.'))
  428. in set(v1))
  429. assert (
  430. (v1.identifier, nsc['dcterms'].title, Literal('Title #2.'))
  431. not in set(v1))
  432. def test_revert_to_version(self):
  433. """
  434. Test reverting to a previous version.
  435. Uses assets from previous test.
  436. """
  437. uid = '/test_version1'
  438. ver_uid = 'v1'
  439. rsrc_api.revert_to_version(uid, ver_uid)
  440. rev = rsrc_api.get(uid)
  441. assert (
  442. (rev.uri, nsc['dcterms'].title, Literal('Original title.'))
  443. in rev.imr)
  444. def test_versioning_children(self):
  445. """
  446. Test that children are not affected by version restoring.
  447. This test does the following:
  448. 1. create parent resource
  449. 2. Create child 1
  450. 3. Version parent
  451. 4. Create child 2
  452. 5. Restore parent to previous version
  453. 6. Verify that restored version still has 2 children
  454. """
  455. uid = '/test_version_children'
  456. ver_uid = 'v1'
  457. ch1_uid = '{}/kid_a'.format(uid)
  458. ch2_uid = '{}/kid_b'.format(uid)
  459. rsrc_api.create_or_replace(uid)
  460. rsrc_api.create_or_replace(ch1_uid)
  461. ver_uid = rsrc_api.create_version(uid, ver_uid).split('fcr:versions/')[-1]
  462. rsrc = rsrc_api.get(uid)
  463. assert nsc['fcres'][ch1_uid] in rsrc.imr.objects(
  464. rsrc.uri, nsc['ldp'].contains)
  465. rsrc_api.create_or_replace(ch2_uid)
  466. rsrc = rsrc_api.get(uid)
  467. assert nsc['fcres'][ch2_uid] in rsrc.imr.objects(
  468. rsrc.uri, nsc['ldp'].contains)
  469. rsrc_api.revert_to_version(uid, ver_uid)
  470. rsrc = rsrc_api.get(uid)
  471. assert nsc['fcres'][ch1_uid] in rsrc.imr.objects(
  472. rsrc.uri, nsc['ldp'].contains)
  473. assert nsc['fcres'][ch2_uid] in rsrc.imr.objects(
  474. rsrc.uri, nsc['ldp'].contains)