README.rst 2.2 KB

  1. LAKEsuperior
  2. ============
  3. |build status|
  4. LAKEsuperior is an alternative `Fedora
  5. Repository <>`__ implementation.
  6. Documentation
  7. -------------
  8. The full documentation is maintained in `Read The Docs
  9. <>`__. Please refer to that for more info.
  10. Installation
  11. ------------
  12. The following instructions are aimed at a manual install using this git
  13. repository. For a hands-off install using Docker, see
  14. :doc:`the setup documentation <setup>`.
  15. Dependencies
  16. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  17. 1. Python 3.5 or greater.
  18. 2. A message broker supporting the STOMP protocol. For testing and
  19. evaluation purposes, `CoilMQ <>`__ is
  20. included with the dependencies and should be automatically installed.
  21. Installation steps
  22. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  23. 1. Create a virtualenv in a project folder:
  24. ``virtualenv -p <python 3.5+ exec path> <virtualenv folder>``
  25. 2. Activate the virtualenv: ``source <path_to_virtualenv>/bin/activate``
  26. 3. Clone this repo:
  27. ``git clone``
  28. 4. ``cd`` into repo folder
  29. 5. Install dependencies: ``pip install -r requirements.txt``
  30. 6. Start your STOMP broker, e.g.: ``coilmq &``. If you have another
  31. queue manager listening to port 61613 you can either configure a
  32. different port on the application configuration, or use the existing
  33. message queue.
  34. 7. Run ``./lsup-admin bootstrap`` to initialize the binary and graph
  35. stores
  36. 8. Run ``./fcrepo``.
  37. Contributing
  38. ------------
  39. This has been so far a single person’s off-hours project (with much
  40. input from several sides). In order to turn into anything close to a
  41. Beta release and eventually to a production-ready implementation, it
  42. needs some community love.
  43. Contributions are welcome in all forms, including ideas, issue reports,
  44. or even just spinning up the software and providing some feedback.
  45. LAKEsuperior is meant to live as a community project.
  46. See :doc:`related document <contributing>` for further details onhow to fork,
  47. improve, document and test the project.
  48. .. |build status| image::
  49. :target: