Legacy Lakesuperior code.

Stefano Cossu 8a0c2342fb Do not copy store folders on install. 6 سال پیش
.github b4e058bf84 Contributing docs for Github. (#12) 6 سال پیش
data df6d039f9b Add timestamps to root node on bootstrap. 6 سال پیش
docker ac4556e54a Development (#41) 6 سال پیش
docs ac4556e54a Development (#41) 6 سال پیش
lakesuperior ac4556e54a Development (#41) 6 سال پیش
tests 341a29bc23 Merge development branch. 6 سال پیش
.gitignore f56960605f Zero-config startup; default locations in data directory. 6 سال پیش
.travis.yml 463665f938 Fix pip script in travis. 6 سال پیش
Dockerfile ac4556e54a Development (#41) 6 سال پیش
LICENSE 2fdc1b902e Initial commit: some boilerplate borrowed from Combine, basic folder structure and documentation. 6 سال پیش
MANIFEST.in ac4556e54a Development (#41) 6 سال پیش
README.rst b73053368d Prepare for alpha9 6 سال پیش
code_of_conduct.md 84e744b073 Doc update. 6 سال پیش
conftest.py 05a1e555a2 Restructure many files for distro inclusion. 6 سال پیش
docker-compose.yml 82d8112911 Add reference to automated build (#28) 6 سال پیش
requirements.txt b73053368d Prepare for alpha9 6 سال پیش
requirements_rtd.txt 6ee37a3ed3 Add requirements file for RTD. 6 سال پیش
setup.cfg f0248dee52 Package software. 6 سال پیش
setup.py 8a0c2342fb Do not copy store folders on install. 6 سال پیش



|build status| |docs|

LAKEsuperior is an alternative `Fedora
Repository `__ implementation.


The full documentation is maintained in `Read The Docs
`__. Please refer to that for more info.


The following instructions are aimed at a manual install using this git
repository. For a hands-off install using Docker, see
`the setup documentation


1. Python 3.5 or greater.
2. A message broker supporting the STOMP protocol. For testing and
evaluation purposes, `CoilMQ `__ is
included with the dependencies and should be automatically installed.

Installation steps

#. Create a virtualenv in a project folder:
``python3 -m venv ``
#. Activate the virtualenv: ``source /bin/activate``
#. Install dependencies: ``pip install -r requirements.txt``
#. Start your STOMP broker, e.g.: ``coilmq &``. If you have another
queue manager listening to port 61613 you can either configure a
different port on the application configuration, or use the existing
message queue.
#. Run ``lsup-admin bootstrap`` to initialize the binary and graph
#. Run ``fcrepo``.


This has been so far a single person’s off-hours project (with much
input from several sides). In order to turn into anything close to a
Beta release and eventually to a production-ready implementation, it
needs some community love.

Contributions are welcome in all forms, including ideas, issue reports,
or even just spinning up the software and providing some feedback.
LAKEsuperior is meant to live as a community project.

See `Contributing Guidelines
for further details on how to fork, improve, document and test the project.

.. |build status| image:: http://img.shields.io/travis/scossu/lakesuperior/master.svg?style=flat
:alt: Build Status
:target: https://travis-ci.org/username/repo

.. |docs| image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/lakesuperior/badge/
:alt: Documentation Status
:scale: 100%
:target: https://lakesuperior.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest