contributing.rst 1.7 KB

  1. Contributing to LAKEsuperior
  2. ============================
  3. LAKEsuperior has been so far a single person’s off-hours project (with much
  4. very valuable input from several sides). In order to turn into anything close
  5. to a Beta release and eventually to a production-ready implementation, it
  6. needs some community love.
  7. Contributions are welcome in all forms, including ideas, issue reports,
  8. or even just spinning up the software and providing some feedback.
  9. LAKEsuperior is meant to live as a community project.
  10. Development Setup
  11. -----------------
  12. To set up the software for developing code, documentation, or tests, follow the
  13. :ref:`manual installation <manual_install>` instructions.
  14. The additional packages indicated as optional need to be installed.
  15. Contribution Guidelines
  16. -----------------------
  17. You can contribute by (from least to most involved):
  18. - Installing the repository and reporting any issues
  19. - Testing on other platforms (OS X, Windows, other Linux distros)
  20. - Loading some real-world data set and sharing interesting results
  21. - Amending incorrect documentation or adding missing one
  22. - Adding test coverage (**HOT**)
  23. - Browsing the list of open issues and picking a ticket that you may find
  24. interesting and within your reach
  25. - Suggesting new functionality or improvements and/or implementing them
  26. Please open a ticket and discuss the issue you are raising before opening a PR.
  27. Development is done on the development branch. If you have any suggested
  28. addition to the code, please fork the repo, create a new branch for your topic
  29. and open a pull request against development. In case you find a critical bug,
  30. a hotfix can be proposed against master if agreed in the related issue
  31. discussion.