rpi.rst 1.4 KB

  1. Lakesuperior on a Raspberry Pi
  2. ==============================
  3. .. figure:: assets/fedora_rpi.jpg
  4. :alt: Raspberry Pi on pinboard. Fedora inside.
  5. Look, a Fedora!
  6. **Experiment in Progress**
  7. Lakesuperior has been successfully installed and ran on a Raspberry Pi 3 board.
  8. The software was compiled on Alpine Linux using `musl <http://musl.libc.org>`__
  9. C libraries. (it also run fine with musl on more conventional hardware, but
  10. performance benchmarks vis-a-vis libc have not been performed yet.)
  11. Performance is obviously much lower than even a consumer-grade laptop, however
  12. the low cost of single-board computers may open up Lakesuperior to new
  13. applications that may require to connect many small LDP micro-repositories.
  14. If this experiment proves worthwhile, a disk image contianing the full system
  15. can be made available. The image would be flashed to a microSD card and
  16. inserted into a Raspberry Pi for a ready-to-use system.
  17. Some tweaks to the software could be made to better adapt it to small
  18. repositories. For example, adding a cpmpile-time option to force the use of
  19. fixed 32-bit keys on an ARM64 processor rather than the current 64-bit keys (a
  20. 32-bit system would use 32-bit keys natively), it would be possible for
  21. Lakesuperior to handle half-sized indices and still being capable of holding,
  22. in theory, millions of triples.
  23. Cell phones next?
  24. More to come on the topic.