logging.yml 1.2 KB

  1. # Default Python 3 logging file. This is parsed by `dictConfig()`. See
  2. # https://docs.python.org/3.5/library/logging.config.html#logging-config-dictschema
  3. version: 1
  4. disable_existing_loggers: true
  5. formatters:
  6. default_fmt:
  7. format: "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s - %(message)s"
  8. extended_fmt:
  9. format: "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d - %(message)s"
  10. handlers:
  11. logfile:
  12. class: logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler
  13. # Relative paths are relative to the `data_dir` value in `application.yml`.
  14. # You can change this value to an absolute path or leave it alone and
  15. # symlink the location to a different directory.
  16. filename: log/lakesuperior.log
  17. maxBytes: 10485760
  18. backupCount: 3
  19. formatter: default_fmt
  20. level: INFO
  21. console:
  22. class: logging.StreamHandler
  23. stream: ext://sys.stdout
  24. formatter: default_fmt
  25. level: INFO
  26. loggers:
  27. store:
  28. qualname: lakesuperior.endpoints
  29. handlers: [logfile]
  30. level: INFO
  31. propagate: no
  32. store:
  33. qualname: lakesuperior.store_layouts
  34. handlers: [logfile]
  35. level: INFO
  36. propagate: no
  37. model:
  38. qualname: lakesuperior.model
  39. handlers: [logfile]
  40. level: INFO
  41. propagate: no
  42. root:
  43. level: INFO
  44. handlers: [console, logfile]