README.rst 2.0 KB

  1. LAKEsuperior
  2. ============
  3. |build status| |docs|
  4. LAKEsuperior is an alternative `Fedora
  5. Repository <>`__ implementation.
  6. Fedora is a mature repository software system historically adopted by
  7. major cultural heritage institutions. It exposes an
  8. `LDP <>`__ endpoint to manage
  9. any type of binary files and their metadata in Linked Data format.
  10. The full documentation is maintained in `Read The Docs
  11. <>`__. Please refer to that for more info,
  12. including installation instructions.
  13. Guiding Principles
  14. ------------------
  15. LAKEsuperior aims at being an uncomplicated, efficient Fedora 4
  16. implementation.
  17. Its main goals are:
  18. - **Reliability:** Based on solid technologies with stability in mind.
  19. - **Efficiency:** Small memory and CPU footprint, high scalability.
  20. - **Ease of management:** Tools to perform monitoring and maintenance
  21. included.
  22. - **Simplicity of design:** Straight-forward architecture, robustness
  23. over features.
  24. Key features
  25. ------------
  26. - Drop-in replacement for Fedora4 (with some
  27. :doc:`caveats <fcrepo4_deltas>`); currently being tested
  28. with Hyrax 2
  29. - Very stable persistence layer based on
  30. `LMDB <>`__ and filesystem. Fully
  31. ACID-compliant writes guarantee consistency of data.
  32. - Term-based search (*planned*) and SPARQL Query API + UI
  33. - No performance penalty for storing many resources under the same
  34. container
  35. - Extensible provenance metadata tracking
  36. - Multi-modal access: HTTP (REST), command line interface and native Python
  37. API.
  38. - Fits in a pocket: you can carry 50M triples in an 8Gb memory stick.
  39. .. |build status| image::
  40. :alt: Build Status
  41. :target:
  42. .. |docs| image::
  43. :alt: Documentation Status
  44. :target: