Przeglądaj źródła

Wire hashset into SimpleGraph.

Stefano Cossu 5 lat temu

+ 5 - 2

@@ -5,12 +5,15 @@ include ext/lmdb/libraries/liblmdb/mdb.c
 include ext/lmdb/libraries/liblmdb/lmdb.h
 include ext/lmdb/libraries/liblmdb/midl.c
 include ext/lmdb/libraries/liblmdb/midl.h
-include ext/c-algorithms/src/set.c
-include ext/c-algorithms/src/set.h
+include ext/collections-c/src/hashset.c
+include ext/collections-c/src/hashtable.c
+include ext/collections-c/src/include/hashset.h
+include ext/collections-c/src/include/hashtable.h
 include ext/tpl/src/tpl.c
 include ext/tpl/src/tpl.h
 include ext/spookyhash/src/*.c
 include ext/spookyhash/src/*.h
 graft lakesuperior/data/bootstrap
 graft lakesuperior/endpoints/templates
 graft lakesuperior/etc.defaults

+ 291 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+from libc.stdint cimport uint32_t
+cdef extern from "ext/collections-c/src/include/hashtable.h":
+    cdef enum cc_stat:
+        CC_OK
+        CC_ERR_ALLOC
+        CC_ITER_END
+    int cc_common_cmp_str(void* key1, void* key2)
+    int cc_common_cmp_ptr(void* key1, void* key2)
+    ctypedef void* (*_mem_alloc_ft)(size_t size)
+    ctypedef void* (*_mem_calloc_ft)(size_t blocks, size_t size)
+    ctypedef void (*_mem_free_ft)(void* block)
+    ctypedef struct Array:
+        size_t size
+        size_t capacity
+        float exp_factor
+        void **buffer
+        _mem_alloc_ft mem_alloc
+        _mem_calloc_ft mem_calloc
+        _mem_free_ft mem_free
+    ctypedef struct ArrayConf:
+        size_t capacity
+        float exp_factor
+        _mem_alloc_ft mem_alloc
+        _mem_calloc_ft mem_calloc
+        _mem_free_ft mem_free
+    ctypedef struct ArrayIter:
+        Array* ar
+        size_t index
+        bint last_removed
+    ctypedef struct ArrayZipIter:
+        Array* ar1
+        Array* ar2
+        size_t index
+        bint last_removed
+    cc_stat array_new(Array** out)
+    cc_stat array_new_conf(ArrayConf* conf, Array** out)
+    void array_conf_init(ArrayConf* conf)
+    void array_destroy(Array* ar)
+    ctypedef void (*_array_destroy_cb_cb_ft)(void*)
+    void array_destroy_cb(Array* ar, _array_destroy_cb_cb_ft cb)
+    cc_stat array_add(Array* ar, void* element)
+    cc_stat array_add_at(Array* ar, void* element, size_t index)
+    cc_stat array_replace_at(Array* ar, void* element, size_t index, void** out)
+    cc_stat array_swap_at(Array* ar, size_t index1, size_t index2)
+    cc_stat array_remove(Array* ar, void* element, void** out)
+    cc_stat array_remove_at(Array* ar, size_t index, void** out)
+    cc_stat array_remove_last(Array* ar, void** out)
+    void array_remove_all(Array* ar)
+    void array_remove_all_free(Array* ar)
+    cc_stat array_get_at(Array* ar, size_t index, void** out)
+    cc_stat array_get_last(Array* ar, void** out)
+    cc_stat array_subarray(Array* ar, size_t from_, size_t to, Array** out)
+    cc_stat array_copy_shallow(Array* ar, Array** out)
+    ctypedef void* (*_array_copy_deep_cp_ft)(void*)
+    cc_stat array_copy_deep(Array* ar, _array_copy_deep_cp_ft cp, Array** out)
+    void array_reverse(Array* ar)
+    cc_stat array_trim_capacity(Array* ar)
+    size_t array_contains(Array* ar, void* element)
+    ctypedef int (*_array_contains_value_cmp_ft)(void*, void*)
+    size_t array_contains_value(Array* ar, void* element, _array_contains_value_cmp_ft cmp)
+    size_t array_size(Array* ar)
+    size_t array_capacity(Array* ar)
+    cc_stat array_index_of(Array* ar, void* element, size_t* index)
+    ctypedef int (*_array_sort_cmp_ft)(void*, void*)
+    void array_sort(Array* ar, _array_sort_cmp_ft cmp)
+    ctypedef void (*_array_map_fn_ft)(void*)
+    void array_map(Array* ar, _array_map_fn_ft fn)
+    ctypedef void (*_array_reduce_fn_ft)(void*, void*, void*)
+    void array_reduce(Array* ar, _array_reduce_fn_ft fn, void* result)
+    ctypedef bint (*_array_filter_mut_predicate_ft)(void*)
+    cc_stat array_filter_mut(Array* ar, _array_filter_mut_predicate_ft predicate)
+    ctypedef bint (*_array_filter_predicate_ft)(void*)
+    cc_stat array_filter(Array* ar, _array_filter_predicate_ft predicate, Array** out)
+    void array_iter_init(ArrayIter* iter, Array* ar)
+    cc_stat array_iter_next(ArrayIter* iter, void** out)
+    cc_stat array_iter_remove(ArrayIter* iter, void** out)
+    cc_stat array_iter_add(ArrayIter* iter, void* element)
+    cc_stat array_iter_replace(ArrayIter* iter, void* element, void** out)
+    size_t array_iter_index(ArrayIter* iter)
+    void array_zip_iter_init(ArrayZipIter* iter, Array* a1, Array* a2)
+    cc_stat array_zip_iter_next(ArrayZipIter* iter, void** out1, void** out2)
+    cc_stat array_zip_iter_add(ArrayZipIter* iter, void* e1, void* e2)
+    cc_stat array_zip_iter_remove(ArrayZipIter* iter, void** out1, void** out2)
+    cc_stat array_zip_iter_replace(ArrayZipIter* iter, void* e1, void* e2, void** out1, void** out2)
+    size_t array_zip_iter_index(ArrayZipIter* iter)
+    void** array_get_buffer(Array* ar)
+    ctypedef struct TableEntry:
+        void*       key
+        void*       value
+        size_t      hash
+        TableEntry* next
+    ctypedef size_t (*_hash_ft)(void* key, int l, uint32_t seed)
+    ctypedef bint (*_key_compare_ft)(void* key1, void* key2)
+    ctypedef struct HashTable:
+        size_t          capacity
+        size_t          size
+        size_t          threshold
+        uint32_t        hash_seed
+        int             key_len
+        float           load_factor
+        TableEntry      **buckets
+        _hash_ft        hash
+        _key_compare_ft key_cmp
+        _mem_alloc_ft   mem_alloc
+        _mem_calloc_ft  mem_calloc
+        _mem_free_ft    mem_free
+    ctypedef struct HashTableConf:
+        float load_factor
+        size_t initial_capacity
+        int key_length
+        uint32_t hash_seed
+        _hash_ft hash
+        _key_compare_ft key_compare
+        _mem_alloc_ft mem_alloc
+        _mem_calloc_ft mem_calloc
+        _mem_free_ft mem_free
+    ctypedef struct HashTableIter:
+        HashTable* table
+        size_t bucket_index
+        TableEntry* prev_entry
+        TableEntry* next_entry
+    size_t get_table_index(HashTable *table, void *key)
+    void hashtable_conf_init(HashTableConf* conf)
+    cc_stat hashtable_new(HashTable** out)
+    cc_stat hashtable_new_conf(HashTableConf* conf, HashTable** out)
+    void hashtable_destroy(HashTable* table)
+    cc_stat hashtable_add(HashTable* table, void* key, void* val)
+    cc_stat hashtable_get(HashTable* table, void* key, void** out)
+    cc_stat hashtable_remove(HashTable* table, void* key, void** out)
+    void hashtable_remove_all(HashTable* table)
+    bint hashtable_contains_key(HashTable* table, void* key)
+    size_t hashtable_size(HashTable* table)
+    size_t hashtable_capacity(HashTable* table)
+    cc_stat hashtable_get_keys(HashTable* table, Array** out)
+    cc_stat hashtable_get_values(HashTable* table, Array** out)
+    size_t hashtable_hash_string(void* key, int len, uint32_t seed)
+    size_t hashtable_hash(void* key, int len, uint32_t seed)
+    size_t hashtable_hash_ptr(void* key, int len, uint32_t seed)
+    ctypedef void (*_hashtable_foreach_key_op_ft)(void*)
+    void hashtable_foreach_key(HashTable* table, _hashtable_foreach_key_op_ft op)
+    ctypedef void (*_hashtable_foreach_value_op_ft)(void*)
+    void hashtable_foreach_value(HashTable* table, _hashtable_foreach_value_op_ft op)
+    void hashtable_iter_init(HashTableIter* iter, HashTable* table)
+    cc_stat hashtable_iter_next(HashTableIter* iter, TableEntry** out)
+    cc_stat hashtable_iter_remove(HashTableIter* iter, void** out)
+cdef extern from "ext/collections-c/src/include/hashset.h":
+    ctypedef struct HashSet:
+        HashTable*      table
+        int             dummy
+        _mem_alloc_ft   mem_alloc
+        _mem_calloc_ft  mem_calloc
+        _mem_free_ft    mem_free
+    ctypedef HashTableConf HashSetConf
+    ctypedef struct HashSetIter:
+        HashTableIter iter
+    void hashset_conf_init(HashSetConf* conf)
+    cc_stat hashset_new(HashSet** hs)
+    cc_stat hashset_new_conf(HashSetConf* conf, HashSet** hs)
+    void hashset_destroy(HashSet* set)
+    cc_stat hashset_add(HashSet* set, void* element)
+    cc_stat hashset_remove(HashSet* set, void* element, void** out)
+    void hashset_remove_all(HashSet* set)
+    bint hashset_contains(HashSet* set, void* element)
+    size_t hashset_size(HashSet* set)
+    size_t hashset_capacity(HashSet* set)
+    ctypedef void (*_hashset_foreach_op_ft)(void*)
+    void hashset_foreach(HashSet* set, _hashset_foreach_op_ft op)
+    void hashset_iter_init(HashSetIter* iter, HashSet* set)
+    cc_stat hashset_iter_next(HashSetIter* iter, void** out)
+    cc_stat hashset_iter_remove(HashSetIter* iter, void** out)

+ 15 - 9

@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
+from libc.stdint cimport uint32_t, uint64_t
 from cymem.cymem cimport Pool
-from lakesuperior.cy_include cimport calg
+from lakesuperior.cy_include.hashset cimport (
+    HashSet, HashSetConf,
+    #_hash_ft, _key_compare_ft, _mem_alloc_ft, _mem_calloc_ft, _mem_free_ft,
 from lakesuperior.model.base cimport Buffer
 from lakesuperior.model.graph.triple cimport BufferTriple
 from lakesuperior.model.structures.keyset cimport Keyset
@@ -15,17 +20,18 @@ ctypedef Buffer SPOBuffer[3]
 ctypedef Buffer *BufferPtr
-    unsigned int term_hash_fn(const calg.SetValue data)
-    bint buffer_cmp_fn(const calg.SetValue v1, const calg.SetValue v2)
-    unsigned int trp_hash_fn(const calg.SetValue btrp)
-    bint triple_cmp_fn(const calg.SetValue v1, const calg.SetValue v2)
+    bint term_cmp_fn(void* key1, void* key2)
+    bint triple_cmp_fn(void* key1, void* key2)
+    size_t trp_hash_fn(void* key, int l, uint32_t seed)
+    size_t hash_ptr_passthrough(void* key, int l, uint32_t seed)
 cdef class SimpleGraph:
-        calg.Set *_triples # Set of unique triples.
-        calg.Set *_terms # Set of unique serialized terms.
-        LmdbTriplestore store
+        HashSet *_terms # Set of unique serialized terms.
+        HashSet *_triples # Set of unique triples.
+        HashSetConf _terms_conf
+        HashSetConf _trp_conf
+        readonly LmdbTriplestore store
         # Temp data pool. It gets managed with the object lifecycle via cymem.
         Pool _pool

+ 115 - 137

@@ -7,22 +7,31 @@ from rdflib.term import Node
 from lakesuperior import env
+from libc.stdint cimport uint32_t, uint64_t
 from libc.string cimport memcmp, memcpy
 from libc.stdlib cimport free
 from cymem.cymem cimport Pool
-from lakesuperior.cy_include cimport calg
 from lakesuperior.cy_include cimport cylmdb as lmdb
+from lakesuperior.cy_include.hashset cimport (
+    CC_OK,
+    HashSet, HashSetConf, HashSetIter, TableEntry,
+    hashset_add, hashset_conf_init, hashset_iter_init, hashset_iter_next,
+    hashset_new_conf, hashtable_hash_ptr, hashset_size,
+    get_table_index,
 from lakesuperior.model.graph cimport term
 from cimport (
         KLEN, DBL_KLEN, TRP_KLEN, TripleKey)
+from lakesuperior.model.structures.hash cimport term_hash_seed32
 from lakesuperior.model.structures.keyset cimport Keyset
 from lakesuperior.model.base cimport Buffer
 from lakesuperior.model.graph.triple cimport BufferTriple
-from lakesuperior.model.structures.hash cimport Hash32, hash32
+from lakesuperior.model.structures.hash cimport hash64
-#BUF_PTR_SZ = sizeof(Buffer *)
+cdef extern from 'spookyhash_api.h':
+    uint64_t spookyhash_64(const void *input, size_t input_size, uint64_t seed)
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -40,80 +49,35 @@ def use_data(fn):
     return _wrapper
-cdef unsigned int term_hash_fn(const calg.SetValue data):
-    """
-    Hash function for sets of terms.
-    :param SetValue *data: Pointer to a Buffer structure.
-    """
-    cdef:
-        Hash32 hash
-    hash32(<const Buffer *>&data, &hash)
-    return hash
-cdef unsigned int trp_hash_fn(calg.SetValue btrp):
-    """
-    Hash function for sets of (serialized) triples.
-    This function computes the hash of the concatenated pointer values in the
-    s, p, o members of the triple. The triple structure is treated as a byte
-    string. This is safe in spite of byte-wise struct evaluation being a
-    frowned-upon practice (due to padding issues), because it is assumed that
-    the input value is always the same type of structure.
-    :param SetItem *data: Pointer to a BufferTriple structure.
-    """
-    cdef:
-        Buffer data
-        Hash32 hash
-    data.addr = &btrp
- = sizeof(btrp)
-    hash32(&data, &hash)
-    return hash
-cdef bint buffer_cmp_fn(const calg.SetValue v1, const calg.SetValue v2):
+cdef bint term_cmp_fn(void* key1, void* key2):
     Compare function for two Buffer objects.
-    b1 = <Buffer *>v1
-    b2 = <Buffer *>v2
+    b1 = <Buffer *>key1
+    b2 = <Buffer *>key2
     if !=
         return False
-    print('Term A:')
-    print((<unsigned char *>b1.addr)[])
-    print('Term b:')
-    print((<unsigned char *>b2.addr)[])
+    #print('Term A:')
+    #print((<unsigned char *>b1.addr)[])
+    #print('Term b:')
+    #print((<unsigned char *>b2.addr)[])
     cdef int cmp = memcmp(b1.addr, b2.addr,'term memcmp: {cmp}')
     return cmp == 0
-cdef bint triple_cmp_fn(const calg.SetValue v1, const calg.SetValue v2):
+cdef bint triple_cmp_fn(void* key1, void* key2):
     Compare function for two triples in a CAlg set.
     Here, pointers to terms are compared for s, p, o. The pointers should be
     guaranteed to point to unique values (i.e. no two pointers have the same
     term value within a graph).
-    t1 = <BufferTriple *>v1
-    t2 = <BufferTriple *>v2
+    t1 = <BufferTriple *>key1
+    t2 = <BufferTriple *>key2
             t1.s.addr == t2.s.addr and
@@ -121,13 +85,39 @@ cdef bint triple_cmp_fn(const calg.SetValue v1, const calg.SetValue v2):
             t1.o.addr == t2.o.addr)
+cdef size_t trp_hash_fn(void* key, int l, uint32_t seed):
+    """
+    Hash function for sets of (serialized) triples.
+    This function computes the hash of the concatenated pointer values in the
+    s, p, o members of the triple. The triple structure is treated as a byte
+    string. This is safe in spite of byte-wise struct evaluation being a
+    frowned-upon practice (due to padding issues), because it is assumed that
+    the input value is always the same type of structure.
+    """
+    return <size_t>spookyhash_64(key, l, seed)
+cdef size_t hash_ptr_passthrough(void* key, int l, uint32_t seed):
+    """
+    No-op function that takes a pointer and does *not* hash it.
+    The pointer value is used as the "hash".
+    """
+    return <size_t>key
 cdef inline bint lookup_none_cmp_fn(
         const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2):
+    """
+    Dummy callback for queries with all parameters unbound.
+    This function always returns ``True`` 
+    """
     return True
-cdef inline bint lookup_s_cmp_fn(
-        const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2):
+cdef inline bint lookup_s_cmp_fn(BufferTriple *trp, Buffer *t1, Buffer *t2):
     Lookup callback compare function for a given s in a triple.
@@ -136,38 +126,33 @@ cdef inline bint lookup_s_cmp_fn(
     ``t2`` is not used and is declared only for compatibility with the
     other interchangeable functions.
-    return buffer_cmp_fn(t1, trp[0].s)
+    return term_cmp_fn(t1, trp[0].s)
-cdef inline bint lookup_p_cmp_fn(
-        const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2):
-    return buffer_cmp_fn(t1, trp[0].p)
+cdef inline bint lookup_p_cmp_fn(BufferTriple *trp, Buffer *t1, Buffer *t2):
+    return term_cmp_fn(t1, trp[0].p)
-cdef inline bint lookup_o_cmp_fn(
-        const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2):
-    return buffer_cmp_fn(t1, trp[0].o)
+cdef inline bint lookup_o_cmp_fn(BufferTriple *trp, Buffer *t1, Buffer *t2):
+    return term_cmp_fn(t1, trp[0].o)
-cdef inline bint lookup_sp_cmp_fn(
-        const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2):
+cdef inline bint lookup_sp_cmp_fn(BufferTriple *trp, Buffer *t1, Buffer *t2):
     return (
-            buffer_cmp_fn(t1, trp[0].s)
-            and buffer_cmp_fn(t2, trp[0].p))
+            term_cmp_fn(t1, trp[0].s)
+            and term_cmp_fn(t2, trp[0].p))
-cdef inline bint lookup_so_cmp_fn(
-        const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2):
+cdef inline bint lookup_so_cmp_fn(BufferTriple *trp, Buffer *t1, Buffer *t2):
     return (
-            buffer_cmp_fn(t1, trp[0].s)
-            and buffer_cmp_fn(t2, trp[0].o))
+            term_cmp_fn(t1, trp[0].s)
+            and term_cmp_fn(t2, trp[0].o))
-cdef inline bint lookup_po_cmp_fn(
-        const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2):
+cdef inline bint lookup_po_cmp_fn(BufferTriple *trp, Buffer *t1, Buffer *t2):
     return (
-            buffer_cmp_fn(t1, trp[0].p)
-            and buffer_cmp_fn(t2, trp[0].o))
+            term_cmp_fn(t1, trp[0].p)
+            and term_cmp_fn(t2, trp[0].o))
@@ -221,9 +206,23 @@ cdef class SimpleGraph:
             Any and all elements may be ``None``.
         :param lmdbStore store: the store to look data up.
+        hashset_conf_init(&self._terms_conf)
+        self._terms_conf.load_factor = 0.85
+        self._terms_conf.hash = hash_ptr_passthrough # spookyhash_64?
+        self._terms_conf.hash_seed = term_hash_seed32
+        self._terms_conf.key_compare = term_cmp_fn
+        self._terms_conf.key_length = sizeof(void*)
+        hashset_conf_init(&self._trp_conf)
+        self._trp_conf.load_factor = 0.75
+        self._trp_conf.hash = hash_ptr_passthrough # spookyhash_64?
+        self._trp_conf.hash_seed = term_hash_seed32
+        self._terms_conf.key_compare = triple_cmp_fn
+        self._terms_conf.key_length = sizeof(void*)
+ = store or env.app_globals.rdf_store
-        self._terms = calg.set_new(term_hash_fn, buffer_cmp_fn)
-        self._triples = calg.set_new(trp_hash_fn, triple_cmp_fn)
+        hashset_new_conf(&self._terms_conf, &self._terms)
+        hashset_new_conf(&self._trp_conf, &self._triples)
         self._pool = Pool()
@@ -328,39 +327,33 @@ cdef class SimpleGraph:'Insert so')
         self._add_or_get_term(&so)'inserted terms.')
-        cdef size_t terms_sz = calg.set_num_entries(self._terms)
+        cdef size_t terms_sz = hashset_size(self._terms)'Terms set size: {terms_sz}')
-        cdef calg.SetIterator ti
-        cdef Buffer *t
-        calg.set_iterate(self._terms, &ti)
-        while calg.set_iter_has_more(&ti):
-            t = <Buffer *>calg.set_iter_next(&ti)
+        #cdef HashSetIter ti
+        #cdef Buffer *t
+        #hashset_iter_init(&ti, self._terms)
+        #while calg.set_iter_has_more(&ti):
+        #    t = <Buffer *>calg.set_iter_next(&ti)
         trp.s = ss
         trp.p = sp
         trp.o = so
-        r = calg.set_insert(self._triples, trp)
+        r = hashset_add(self._triples, trp)
         print('Insert triple result:')
-        cdef BufferTriple *tt
-        calg.set_iterate(self._triples, &ti)
-        while calg.set_iter_has_more(&ti):
-            tt = <BufferTriple *>calg.set_iter_next(&ti)
+        #cdef BufferTriple *tt
+        #calg.set_iterate(self._triples, &ti)
+        #while calg.set_iter_has_more(&ti):
+        #    tt = <BufferTriple *>calg.set_iter_next(&ti)
     cdef int _add_or_get_term(self, Buffer **data) except -1:
         Insert a term in the terms set, or get one that already exists.
-        This is a slightly modified replica of the :py:func:`calg.set_insert`
-        which takes a ``Buffer **` pointer and inserts it in the set, or if
-        existing, replaces it with the existing term. The caller can then keep
-        using the term in the same way without having to know whether the term
-        was added or not.
         If the new term is inserted, its address is stored in the memory pool
         and persists with the :py:class:`SimpleGraph` instance carrying it.
         Otherwise, the overwritten term is garbage collected as soon as the
@@ -369,38 +362,25 @@ cdef class SimpleGraph:
         The return value gives an indication of whether the term was added or
+        cdef TableEntry *entry
-        cdef:
-            calg.SetEntry *newentry
-            calg.SetEntry *rover
-            unsigned int index
-            calg._Set *blah = <calg._Set *>self._pool.alloc(1, sizeof(calg._Set))
-        blah.entries
-        if (self._terms.entries * 3) / self._terms.table_size > 0:
-            if not calg.set_enlarge(self._terms):
-                raise MemoryError()
-        index = self._terms.hash_func(data) % self._terms.table_size
-        rover = self._terms.table[index]
-        while rover != NULL:
-            if (self._terms.equal_func(data[0], != 0):
-                data[0] = <Buffer *>
-                return 0
+        table = self._terms.table
-            rover =
+        entry = table.buckets[get_table_index(table, data[0].addr)]
-        newentry = <calg.SetEntry *>self._pool.alloc(1, sizeof(calg.SetEntry))
- = data;
- = self._terms.table[index]
-        self._terms.table[index] = newentry
-        self._terms.entries += 1
+        while entry:
+            if table.key_cmp(data[0].addr, entry.key) == 0:
+                # If the term is found, assign the address of entry.key
+                # to the data parameter.
+                data[0] = <Buffer *>entry.key
+                return 1
+            entry =
-        return 1
+        # If the term is not found, add it.
+        # TODO This is inefficient because it searches for the term again.
+        # TODO It would be best to break down the hashset_add function and
+        # TODO remove the check.
+        return hashset_add(self._terms, data[0])
     cdef set _data_as_set(self):
@@ -410,18 +390,17 @@ cdef class SimpleGraph:
         :rtype: set
-            calg.SetIterator ti
+            HashSetIter ti
             BufferTriple *trp
             term.Term s, p, o
         graph_set = set()
-        calg.set_iterate(self._triples, &ti)
-        while calg.set_iter_has_more(&ti):
-            trp = <BufferTriple *>calg.set_iter_next(&ti)
+        hashset_iter_init(&ti, self._triples)
+        while hashset_iter_next(&ti, &trp) == CC_OK:
             if trp == NULL:
-                print('Triple is NULL!')
-                return graph_set
+                logger.warn('Triple is NULL!')
+                break
@@ -643,7 +622,7 @@ cdef class SimpleGraph:
             BufferTriple trp
             BufferTriple *trp_p
-            calg.SetIterator ti
+            HashSetIter ti
             const Buffer t1
             const Buffer t2
             lookup_fn_t fn
@@ -657,7 +636,7 @@ cdef class SimpleGraph:
             term.serialize_from_rdflib(p, trp.p)
             term.serialize_from_rdflib(o, trp.o)
-            if calg.set_query(self._triples, &trp):
+            if hashset_contains(self._triples, &trp):
                 res.add((s, p, o))
             return res
@@ -686,9 +665,8 @@ cdef class SimpleGraph:
             fn = lookup_none_cmp_fn
         # Iterate over serialized triples.
-        calg.set_iterate(self._triples, &ti)
-        while calg.set_iter_has_more(&ti):
-            trp_p = <BufferTriple *>calg.set_iter_next(&ti)
+        hashset_iter_init(&ti, self._triples)
+        while hashset_iter_next(&ti, &trp_p) == CC_OK:
             if fn(trp_p, &t1, &t2):

+ 7 - 5

@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ with open(readme_fpath, encoding='utf-8') as f:
     long_description =
 # Extensions directory.
-calg_src_dir = path.join('ext', 'c-algorithms', 'src')
+coll_src_dir = path.join('ext', 'collections-c', 'src')
 lmdb_src_dir = path.join('ext', 'lmdb', 'libraries', 'liblmdb')
 spookyhash_src_dir = path.join('ext', 'spookyhash', 'src')
 tpl_src_dir = path.join('ext', 'tpl', 'src')
 include_dirs = [
-    calg_src_dir,
+    path.join(coll_src_dir, 'include'),
@@ -80,8 +80,9 @@ extensions = [
-            path.join(calg_src_dir, 'set.c'),
             path.join(spookyhash_src_dir, 'spookyhash.c'),
+            path.join(coll_src_dir, 'hashset.c'),
+            path.join(coll_src_dir, 'hashtable.c'),
             path.join('lakesuperior', 'model', 'structures', f'*.{ext}'),
@@ -91,9 +92,10 @@ extensions = [
-            path.join(calg_src_dir, 'set.c'),
             path.join(tpl_src_dir, 'tpl.c'),
-            #path.join(spookyhash_src_dir, 'spookyhash.c'),
+            path.join(spookyhash_src_dir, 'spookyhash.c'),
+            path.join(coll_src_dir, 'hashset.c'),
+            path.join(coll_src_dir, 'hashtable.c'),
             path.join('lakesuperior', 'model', 'graph', f'*.{ext}'),