Browse Source

Implement callback iterations; move all callback functions to separate module.

Stefano Cossu 5 years ago

+ 2 - 3

@@ -4,10 +4,9 @@
 [submodule "ext/tpl"]
 [submodule "ext/tpl"]
     path = ext/tpl
     path = ext/tpl
     url =
     url =
-    branch = stable
 [submodule "ext/spookyhash"]
 [submodule "ext/spookyhash"]
     path = ext/spookyhash
     path = ext/spookyhash
     url =
     url =
 [submodule "ext/collections-c"]
 [submodule "ext/collections-c"]
-	path = ext/collections-c
-	url =
+    path = ext/collections-c
+    url =

+ 43 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+from libc.stdint cimport uint32_t, uint64_t
+from lakesuperior.model.base cimport Buffer
+from lakesuperior.model.graph cimport graph
+from lakesuperior.model.graph.triple cimport BufferTriple
+cdef extern from 'spookyhash_api.h':
+    uint64_t spookyhash_64(const void *input, size_t input_size, uint64_t seed)
+    bint graph_eq_fn(graph.SimpleGraph g1, graph.SimpleGraph g2)
+    int term_cmp_fn(const void* key1, const void* key2)
+    int trp_cmp_fn(const void* key1, const void* key2)
+    size_t term_hash_fn(const void* key, int l, uint32_t seed)
+    size_t trp_hash_fn(const void* key, int l, uint32_t seed)
+    bint lookup_none_cmp_fn(
+        const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2
+    )
+    bint lookup_s_cmp_fn(
+        const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2
+    )
+    bint lookup_p_cmp_fn(
+        const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2
+    )
+    bint lookup_o_cmp_fn(
+        const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2
+    )
+    bint lookup_sp_cmp_fn(
+        const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2
+    )
+    bint lookup_so_cmp_fn(
+        const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2
+    )
+    bint lookup_po_cmp_fn(
+        const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2
+    )
+    void add_trp_callback(
+        graph.SimpleGraph gr, const BufferTriple* trp, void* ctx
+    )
+    void del_trp_callback(
+        graph.SimpleGraph gr, const BufferTriple* trp, void* ctx
+    )

+ 249 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+import logging
+from libc.stdint cimport uint32_t, uint64_t
+from libc.string cimport memcmp
+from lakesuperior.cy_include cimport collections as cc
+from lakesuperior.cy_include cimport spookyhash as sph
+from lakesuperior.model.base cimport Buffer, buffer_dump
+from lakesuperior.model.graph cimport graph
+from lakesuperior.model.graph.triple cimport BufferTriple
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+cdef int term_cmp_fn(const void* key1, const void* key2):
+    """
+    Compare function for two Buffer objects.
+    :rtype: int
+    :return: 0 if the byte streams are the same, another integer otherwise.
+    """
+    b1 = <Buffer *>key1
+    b2 = <Buffer *>key2
+    if !=
+'Sizes differ: {} != {}. Return 1.')
+        return 1
+    cdef int cmp = memcmp(b1.addr, b2.addr,
+'term memcmp: {cmp}')
+    return cmp
+cdef int trp_cmp_fn(const void* key1, const void* key2):
+    """
+    Compare function for two triples in a set.
+    s, p, o byte data are compared literally.
+    :rtype: int
+    :return: 0 if all three terms point to byte-wise identical data in both
+        triples.
+    """
+    t1 = <BufferTriple *>key1
+    t2 = <BufferTriple *>key2
+    diff = (
+        term_cmp_fn(t1.o, t2.o) or
+        term_cmp_fn(t1.s, t2.s) or
+        term_cmp_fn(t1.p, t2.p)
+    )
+'Triples match: {not(diff)}')
+    return diff
+#cdef int trp_cmp_fn(const void* key1, const void* key2):
+#    """
+#    Compare function for two triples in a set.
+#    Here, pointers to terms are compared for s, p, o. The pointers should be
+#    guaranteed to point to unique values (i.e. no two pointers have the same
+#    term value within a graph).
+#    :rtype: int
+#    :return: 0 if the addresses of all terms are the same, 1 otherwise.
+#    """
+#    t1 = <BufferTriple *>key1
+#    t2 = <BufferTriple *>key2
+#    cdef int is_not_equal = (
+#        t1.s.addr != t2.s.addr or
+#        t1.p.addr != t2.p.addr or
+#        t1.o.addr != t2.o.addr
+#    )
+#'Triples match: {not(is_not_equal)}')
+#    return is_not_equal
+cdef bint graph_eq_fn(graph.SimpleGraph g1, graph.SimpleGraph g2):
+    """
+    Compare 2 graphs for equality.
+    Note that this returns the opposite value than the triple and term
+    compare functions: 1 (True) if equal, 0 (False) if not.
+    """
+    cdef:
+        void* el
+        cc.HashSetIter it
+    cc.hashset_iter_init(&it, g1._triples)
+    while cc.hashset_iter_next(&it, &el) != cc.CC_ITER_END:
+        if cc.hashset_contains(g2._triples, el):
+            return False
+    return True
+cdef size_t term_hash_fn(const void* key, int l, uint32_t seed):
+    """
+    Hash function for serialized terms (:py:class:`Buffer` objects)
+    """
+    return <size_t>spookyhash_64((<Buffer*>key).addr, (<Buffer*>key).sz, seed)
+cdef size_t trp_hash_fn(const void* key, int l, uint32_t seed):
+    """
+    Hash function for sets of (serialized) triples.
+    This function concatenates the literal terms of the triple as bytes
+    and computes their hash.
+    """
+    trp = <BufferTriple*>key
+    seed64 = <uint64_t>seed
+    seed_dummy = seed64
+    cdef sph.spookyhash_context ctx
+    sph.spookyhash_context_init(&ctx, seed64, seed_dummy)
+    sph.spookyhash_update(&ctx, trp.s.addr,
+    sph.spookyhash_update(&ctx, trp.s.addr,
+    sph.spookyhash_update(&ctx, trp.s.addr,
+    sph.spookyhash_final(&ctx, &seed64, &seed_dummy)
+    return <size_t>seed64
+#cdef size_t trp_hash_fn(const void* key, int l, uint32_t seed):
+#    """
+#    Hash function for sets of (serialized) triples.
+#    This function computes the hash of the concatenated pointer values in the
+#    s, p, o members of the triple. The triple structure is treated as a byte
+#    string. This is safe in spite of byte-wise struct evaluation being a
+#    frowned-upon practice (due to padding issues), because it is assumed that
+#    the input value is always the same type of structure.
+#    """
+#    return <size_t>spookyhash_64(key, l, seed)
+#cdef size_t hash_ptr_passthrough(const void* key, int l, uint32_t seed):
+#    """
+#    No-op function that takes a pointer and does *not* hash it.
+#    The pointer value is used as the "hash".
+#    """
+#    return <size_t>key
+cdef inline bint lookup_none_cmp_fn(
+    const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2
+    """
+    Dummy callback for queries with all parameters unbound.
+    This function always returns ``True`` 
+    """
+    return True
+cdef inline bint lookup_s_cmp_fn(
+    const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2
+    """
+    Lookup callback compare function for a given ``s`` in a triple.
+    The function returns ``True`` if ``t1`` matches the first term.
+    ``t2`` is not used and is declared only for compatibility with the
+    other interchangeable functions.
+    """
+    return not term_cmp_fn(t1, trp[0].s)
+cdef inline bint lookup_p_cmp_fn(
+    const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2
+    """
+    Lookup callback compare function for a given ``p`` in a triple.
+    """
+    return not term_cmp_fn(t1, trp[0].p)
+cdef inline bint lookup_o_cmp_fn(
+    const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2
+    """
+    Lookup callback compare function for a given ``o`` in a triple.
+    """
+    return not term_cmp_fn(t1, trp[0].o)
+cdef inline bint lookup_sp_cmp_fn(
+    const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2
+    """
+    Lookup callback compare function for a given ``s`` and ``p`` pair.
+    """
+    return (
+            not term_cmp_fn(t1, trp[0].s)
+            and not term_cmp_fn(t2, trp[0].p))
+cdef inline bint lookup_so_cmp_fn(
+    const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2
+    """
+    Lookup callback compare function for a given ``s`` and ``o`` pair.
+    """
+    return (
+            not term_cmp_fn(t1, trp[0].s)
+            and not term_cmp_fn(t2, trp[0].o))
+cdef inline bint lookup_po_cmp_fn(
+    const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2
+    """
+    Lookup callback compare function for a given ``p`` and ``o`` pair.
+    """
+    return (
+            not term_cmp_fn(t1, trp[0].p)
+            and not term_cmp_fn(t2, trp[0].o))
+cdef inline void add_trp_callback(
+    graph.SimpleGraph gr, const BufferTriple* trp, void* ctx
+    """
+    Add a triple to a graph as a result of a lookup callback.
+    """
+    gr.add_triple(trp, True)
+cdef inline void del_trp_callback(
+    graph.SimpleGraph gr, const BufferTriple* trp, void* ctx
+    """
+    Remove a triple from a graph as a result of a lookup callback.
+    """
+'removing triple: {} {} {}'.format(
+        buffer_dump(trp.s), buffer_dump(trp.p), buffer_dump(trp.o)
+    ))
+    gr.remove_triple(trp)

+ 14 - 13

@@ -5,22 +5,20 @@ from cymem.cymem cimport Pool
 from lakesuperior.cy_include cimport collections as cc
 from lakesuperior.cy_include cimport collections as cc
 from lakesuperior.model.base cimport Buffer
 from lakesuperior.model.base cimport Buffer
 from lakesuperior.model.graph.triple cimport BufferTriple
 from lakesuperior.model.graph.triple cimport BufferTriple
-from lakesuperior.model.structures.keyset cimport Keyset
 # Lookup function that returns whether a triple contains a match pattern.
 # Lookup function that returns whether a triple contains a match pattern.
+# Return True if the triple exists, False otherwise.
 ctypedef bint (*lookup_fn_t)(
 ctypedef bint (*lookup_fn_t)(
         const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2)
         const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2)
+# Callback for an iterator.
+ctypedef void (*lookup_callback_fn_t)(
+    SimpleGraph gr, const BufferTriple* trp, void* ctx
 ctypedef Buffer SPOBuffer[3]
 ctypedef Buffer SPOBuffer[3]
 ctypedef Buffer *BufferPtr
 ctypedef Buffer *BufferPtr
-    int term_cmp_fn(const void* key1, const void* key2)
-    int trp_cmp_fn(const void* key1, const void* key2)
-    bint graph_eq_fn(SimpleGraph g1, SimpleGraph g2)
-    size_t trp_hash_fn(const void* key, int l, uint32_t seed)
-    size_t hash_ptr_passthrough(const void* key, int l, uint32_t seed)
 cdef class SimpleGraph:
 cdef class SimpleGraph:
         cc.HashSet *_terms # Set of unique serialized terms.
         cc.HashSet *_terms # Set of unique serialized terms.
@@ -32,9 +30,9 @@ cdef class SimpleGraph:
         cc.key_compare_ft trp_cmp_fn
         cc.key_compare_ft trp_cmp_fn
         inline BufferTriple* store_triple(self, const BufferTriple* strp)
         inline BufferTriple* store_triple(self, const BufferTriple* strp)
-        inline void add_triple(self, BufferTriple *trp, bint add=*) except *
-        int remove_triple(self, BufferTriple* trp_buf) except -1
-        bint trp_contains(self, BufferTriple* btrp)
+        inline void add_triple(self, const BufferTriple *trp, bint add=*) except *
+        int remove_triple(self, const BufferTriple* trp_buf) except -1
+        bint trp_contains(self, const BufferTriple* btrp)
         # Basic graph operations.
         # Basic graph operations.
         void ip_union(self, SimpleGraph other) except *
         void ip_union(self, SimpleGraph other) except *
@@ -42,18 +40,21 @@ cdef class SimpleGraph:
         void ip_intersection(self, SimpleGraph other) except *
         void ip_intersection(self, SimpleGraph other) except *
         void ip_xor(self, SimpleGraph other) except *
         void ip_xor(self, SimpleGraph other) except *
         SimpleGraph empty_copy(self)
         SimpleGraph empty_copy(self)
+        void _match_ptn_callback(
+            self, pattern, SimpleGraph gr,
+            lookup_callback_fn_t callback_fn, void* ctx=*
+        ) except *
     cpdef union_(self, SimpleGraph other)
     cpdef union_(self, SimpleGraph other)
     cpdef subtraction(self, SimpleGraph other)
     cpdef subtraction(self, SimpleGraph other)
     cpdef intersection(self, SimpleGraph other)
     cpdef intersection(self, SimpleGraph other)
     cpdef xor(self, SimpleGraph other)
     cpdef xor(self, SimpleGraph other)
     cpdef void set(self, tuple trp) except *
     cpdef void set(self, tuple trp) except *
-    cpdef void remove_triples(self, pattern) except *
 cdef class Imr(SimpleGraph):
 cdef class Imr(SimpleGraph):
-        readonly str uri
+        readonly str id
         Imr empty_copy(self)
         Imr empty_copy(self)
     cpdef as_rdflib(self)
     cpdef as_rdflib(self)

+ 102 - 301

@@ -2,234 +2,26 @@ import logging
 from functools import wraps
 from functools import wraps
-from rdflib import Graph
+from rdflib import Graph, URIRef
 from rdflib.term import Node
 from rdflib.term import Node
 from lakesuperior import env
 from lakesuperior import env
-from libc.stdint cimport uint32_t, uint64_t
-from libc.string cimport memcmp, memcpy
+from libc.string cimport memcpy
 from libc.stdlib cimport free
 from libc.stdlib cimport free
 from cymem.cymem cimport Pool
 from cymem.cymem cimport Pool
-from lakesuperior.cy_include cimport cylmdb as lmdb
 from lakesuperior.cy_include cimport collections as cc
 from lakesuperior.cy_include cimport collections as cc
-from lakesuperior.cy_include cimport spookyhash as sph
 from lakesuperior.model.base cimport Buffer, buffer_dump
 from lakesuperior.model.base cimport Buffer, buffer_dump
+from lakesuperior.model.graph cimport callbacks as cb
 from lakesuperior.model.graph cimport term
 from lakesuperior.model.graph cimport term
 from lakesuperior.model.graph.triple cimport BufferTriple
 from lakesuperior.model.graph.triple cimport BufferTriple
-from lakesuperior.model.structures.hash cimport hash64
 from lakesuperior.model.structures.hash cimport term_hash_seed32
 from lakesuperior.model.structures.hash cimport term_hash_seed32
-from lakesuperior.model.structures.keyset cimport Keyset
-from cimport (
-        KLEN, DBL_KLEN, TRP_KLEN, TripleKey)
-cdef extern from 'spookyhash_api.h':
-    uint64_t spookyhash_64(const void *input, size_t input_size, uint64_t seed)
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-cdef int term_cmp_fn(const void* key1, const void* key2):
-    """
-    Compare function for two Buffer objects.
-    :rtype: int
-    :return: 0 if the byte streams are the same, another integer otherwise.
-    """
-    b1 = <Buffer *>key1
-    b2 = <Buffer *>key2
-    if !=
-'Sizes differ: {} != {}. Return 1.')
-        return 1
-    cdef int cmp = memcmp(b1.addr, b2.addr,
-'term memcmp: {cmp}')
-    return cmp
-cdef int trp_lit_cmp_fn(const void* key1, const void* key2):
-    """
-    Compare function for two triples in a set.
-    s, p, o byte data are compared literally.
-    :rtype: int
-    :return: 0 if all three terms point to byte-wise identical data in both
-        triples.
-    """
-    t1 = <BufferTriple *>key1
-    t2 = <BufferTriple *>key2
-    diff = (
-        term_cmp_fn(t1.o, t2.o) or
-        term_cmp_fn(t1.s, t2.s) or
-        term_cmp_fn(t1.p, t2.p)
-    )
-'Triples match: {not(diff)}')
-    return diff
-cdef int trp_cmp_fn(const void* key1, const void* key2):
-    """
-    Compare function for two triples in a set.
-    Here, pointers to terms are compared for s, p, o. The pointers should be
-    guaranteed to point to unique values (i.e. no two pointers have the same
-    term value within a graph).
-    :rtype: int
-    :return: 0 if the addresses of all terms are the same, 1 otherwise.
-    """
-    t1 = <BufferTriple *>key1
-    t2 = <BufferTriple *>key2
-    cdef int is_not_equal = (
-        t1.s.addr != t2.s.addr or
-        t1.p.addr != t2.p.addr or
-        t1.o.addr != t2.o.addr
-    )
-'Triples match: {not(is_not_equal)}')
-    return is_not_equal
-cdef bint graph_eq_fn(SimpleGraph g1, SimpleGraph g2):
-    """
-    Compare 2 graphs for equality.
-    Note that this returns the opposite value than the triple and term
-    compare functions: 1 (True) if equal, 0 (False) if not.
-    """
-    cdef:
-        void* el
-        cc.HashSetIter it
-    cc.hashset_iter_init(&it, g1._triples)
-    while cc.hashset_iter_next(&it, &el) != cc.CC_ITER_END:
-        if cc.hashset_contains(g2._triples, el):
-            return False
-    return True
-cdef size_t term_hash_fn(const void* key, int l, uint32_t seed):
-    """
-    Hash function for serialized terms (:py:class:`Buffer` objects)
-    """
-    return <size_t>spookyhash_64((<Buffer*>key).addr, (<Buffer*>key).sz, seed)
-cdef size_t trp_lit_hash_fn(const void* key, int l, uint32_t seed):
-    """
-    Hash function for sets of (serialized) triples.
-    This function concatenates the literal terms of the triple as bytes
-    and computes their hash.
-    """
-    trp = <BufferTriple*>key
-    seed64 = <uint64_t>seed
-    seed_dummy = seed64
-    cdef sph.spookyhash_context ctx
-    sph.spookyhash_context_init(&ctx, seed64, seed_dummy)
-    sph.spookyhash_update(&ctx, trp.s.addr,
-    sph.spookyhash_update(&ctx, trp.s.addr,
-    sph.spookyhash_update(&ctx, trp.s.addr,
-    sph.spookyhash_final(&ctx, &seed64, &seed_dummy)
-    return <size_t>seed64
-cdef size_t trp_hash_fn(const void* key, int l, uint32_t seed):
-    """
-    Hash function for sets of (serialized) triples.
-    This function computes the hash of the concatenated pointer values in the
-    s, p, o members of the triple. The triple structure is treated as a byte
-    string. This is safe in spite of byte-wise struct evaluation being a
-    frowned-upon practice (due to padding issues), because it is assumed that
-    the input value is always the same type of structure.
-    """
-    return <size_t>spookyhash_64(key, l, seed)
-cdef size_t hash_ptr_passthrough(const void* key, int l, uint32_t seed):
-    """
-    No-op function that takes a pointer and does *not* hash it.
-    The pointer value is used as the "hash".
-    """
-    return <size_t>key
-cdef inline bint lookup_none_cmp_fn(
-    const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2
-    """
-    Dummy callback for queries with all parameters unbound.
-    This function always returns ``True`` 
-    """
-    return True
-cdef inline bint lookup_s_cmp_fn(
-    const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2
-    """
-    Lookup callback compare function for a given s in a triple.
-    The function returns ``True`` if ``t1`` matches the first term.
-    ``t2`` is not used and is declared only for compatibility with the
-    other interchangeable functions.
-    """
-    return term_cmp_fn(t1, trp[0].s)
-cdef inline bint lookup_p_cmp_fn(
-    const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2
-    return term_cmp_fn(t1, trp[0].p)
-cdef inline bint lookup_o_cmp_fn(
-    const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2
-    return term_cmp_fn(t1, trp[0].o)
-cdef inline bint lookup_sp_cmp_fn(
-    const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2
-    return (
-            term_cmp_fn(t1, trp[0].s)
-            and term_cmp_fn(t2, trp[0].p))
-cdef inline bint lookup_so_cmp_fn(
-    const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2
-    return (
-            term_cmp_fn(t1, trp[0].s)
-            and term_cmp_fn(t2, trp[0].o))
-cdef inline bint lookup_po_cmp_fn(
-    const BufferTriple *trp, const Buffer *t1, const Buffer *t2
-    return (
-            term_cmp_fn(t1, trp[0].p)
-            and term_cmp_fn(t2, trp[0].o))
 cdef class SimpleGraph:
 cdef class SimpleGraph:
     Fast and simple implementation of a graph.
     Fast and simple implementation of a graph.
@@ -255,19 +47,19 @@ cdef class SimpleGraph:
             cc.HashSetConf terms_conf, trp_conf
             cc.HashSetConf terms_conf, trp_conf
-        self.term_cmp_fn = &term_cmp_fn
-        self.trp_cmp_fn = &trp_lit_cmp_fn
+        self.term_cmp_fn = cb.term_cmp_fn
+        self.trp_cmp_fn = cb.trp_cmp_fn
         terms_conf.load_factor = 0.85
         terms_conf.load_factor = 0.85
-        terms_conf.hash = &term_hash_fn
+        terms_conf.hash = cb.term_hash_fn
         terms_conf.hash_seed = term_hash_seed32
         terms_conf.hash_seed = term_hash_seed32
         terms_conf.key_compare = self.term_cmp_fn
         terms_conf.key_compare = self.term_cmp_fn
         terms_conf.key_length = sizeof(Buffer*)
         terms_conf.key_length = sizeof(Buffer*)
         trp_conf.load_factor = 0.75
         trp_conf.load_factor = 0.75
-        trp_conf.hash = &trp_lit_hash_fn
+        trp_conf.hash = cb.trp_hash_fn
         trp_conf.hash_seed = term_hash_seed32
         trp_conf.hash_seed = term_hash_seed32
         trp_conf.key_compare = self.trp_cmp_fn
         trp_conf.key_compare = self.trp_cmp_fn
         trp_conf.key_length = sizeof(BufferTriple)
         trp_conf.key_length = sizeof(BufferTriple)
@@ -296,16 +88,16 @@ cdef class SimpleGraph:
     def data(self):
     def data(self):
-        Triple data as a Python set.
+        Triple data as a Python generator.
-        :rtype: set
+        :rtype: generator
             void *void_p
             void *void_p
             cc.HashSetIter ti
             cc.HashSetIter ti
-            Buffer* ss, sp, so
-        graph_set = set()
+            Buffer* ss
+            Buffer* sp
+            Buffer* so
         cc.hashset_iter_init(&ti, self._triples)
         cc.hashset_iter_init(&ti, self._triples)
         while cc.hashset_iter_next(&ti, &void_p) != cc.CC_ITER_END:
         while cc.hashset_iter_next(&ti, &void_p) != cc.CC_ITER_END:
@@ -315,16 +107,14 @@ cdef class SimpleGraph:
             trp = <BufferTriple *>void_p
             trp = <BufferTriple *>void_p
-            print(f'trp.s: {buffer_dump(trp.s)}')
-            print(f'trp.p: {buffer_dump(trp.p)}')
-            print(f'trp.o: {buffer_dump(trp.o)}')
-            graph_set.add((
+            #print(f'trp.s: {buffer_dump(trp.s)}')
+            #print(f'trp.p: {buffer_dump(trp.p)}')
+            #print(f'trp.o: {buffer_dump(trp.o)}')
+            yield (
-            ))
-        return graph_set
+            )
     def stored_terms(self):
     def stored_terms(self):
@@ -368,7 +158,7 @@ cdef class SimpleGraph:
         return (
         return (
             f'<{self.__class__.__name__} @{hex(id(self))} '
             f'<{self.__class__.__name__} @{hex(id(self))} '
-            f'length={len(}>'
+            f'length={len(self)}>'
@@ -455,7 +245,12 @@ cdef class SimpleGraph:
     def __iter__(self):
     def __iter__(self):
         """ Graph iterator. It iterates over the set triples. """
         """ Graph iterator. It iterates over the set triples. """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
+        yield from
+    #def __next__(self):
+    #    """ Graph iterator. It iterates over the set triples. """
+    #    return
     # Slicing.
     # Slicing.
@@ -522,26 +317,15 @@ cdef class SimpleGraph:
         return cc.hashset_size(self._terms)
         return cc.hashset_size(self._terms)
-    def remove(self, trp):
+    def remove(self, pattern):
-        Remove one item from the graph.
+        Remove triples by pattern.
-        :param tuple item: A 3-tuple of RDFlib terms. Only exact terms, i.e.
-            wildcards are not accepted.
+        The pattern used is similar to :py:meth:`LmdbTripleStore.delete`.
-        cdef:
-            Buffer ss, sp, so
-            BufferTriple trp_buf
-        term.serialize_from_rdflib(trp[0], &ss, self.pool)
-        term.serialize_from_rdflib(trp[1], &sp, self.pool)
-        term.serialize_from_rdflib(trp[2], &so, self.pool)
-        trp_buf.s = &ss
-        trp_buf.p = &sp
-        trp_buf.o = &so
-        self.remove_triple(&trp_buf)
+        self._match_ptn_callback(
+            pattern, self, cb.del_trp_callback, NULL
+        )
@@ -817,7 +601,7 @@ cdef class SimpleGraph:
     cdef inline void add_triple(
     cdef inline void add_triple(
-        self, BufferTriple* trp, bint add=False
+        self, const BufferTriple* trp, bint add=False
     ) except *:
     ) except *:
         Add a triple from 3 (TPL) serialized terms.
         Add a triple from 3 (TPL) serialized terms.
@@ -852,14 +636,14 @@ cdef class SimpleGraph:
             void *cur
             void *cur
-    cdef int remove_triple(self, BufferTriple* btrp) except -1:
+    cdef int remove_triple(self, const BufferTriple* btrp) except -1:
         Remove one triple from the graph.
         Remove one triple from the graph.
         return cc.hashset_remove(self._triples, btrp, NULL)
         return cc.hashset_remove(self._triples, btrp, NULL)
-    cdef bint trp_contains(self, BufferTriple* btrp):
+    cdef bint trp_contains(self, const BufferTriple* btrp):
             cc.HashSetIter it
             cc.HashSetIter it
             void* cur
             void* cur
@@ -883,18 +667,6 @@ cdef class SimpleGraph:
-    cpdef void remove_triples(self, pattern) except *:
-        """
-        Remove triples by pattern.
-        The pattern used is similar to :py:meth:`LmdbTripleStore.delete`.
-        """
-        s, p, o = pattern
-        for match in self.lookup(s, p, o):
-            logger.debug(f'Removing from graph: {match}.')
     def as_rdflib(self):
     def as_rdflib(self):
         Return the data set as an RDFLib Graph.
         Return the data set as an RDFLib Graph.
@@ -936,73 +708,94 @@ cdef class SimpleGraph:
             return (s,p,o) in _data
             return (s,p,o) in _data
-    def lookup(self, s, p, o):
+    def lookup(self, pattern):
         Look up triples by a pattern.
         Look up triples by a pattern.
         This function converts RDFLib terms into the serialized format stored
         This function converts RDFLib terms into the serialized format stored
         in the graph's internal structure and compares them bytewise.
         in the graph's internal structure and compares them bytewise.
-        Any and all of the lookup terms can be ``None``.
+        Any and all of the lookup terms msy be ``None``.
+        :rtype: SimpleGraph
+        "return: New SimpleGraph instance with matching triples.
-            void *void_p
+            void* cur
             BufferTriple trp
             BufferTriple trp
-            BufferTriple *trp_p
-            cc.HashSetIter ti
-            Buffer t1
-            Buffer t2
-            lookup_fn_t fn
+            SimpleGraph res_gr = SimpleGraph()
+        self._match_ptn_callback(pattern, res_gr, cb.add_trp_callback, NULL)
+        return res_gr
+    cdef void _match_ptn_callback(
+        self, pattern, SimpleGraph gr,
+        lookup_callback_fn_t callback_fn, void* ctx=NULL
+    ) except *:
+        """
+        Execute an arbitrary function on a list of triples matching a pattern.
+        The arbitrary function is appied to each triple found in the current
+        graph, and to a discrete graph that can be the current graph itself
+        or a different one.
+        """
+        cdef:
+            void* cur
+            Buffer t1, t2
+            Buffer ss, sp, so
+            BufferTriple trp
+            BufferTriple* trp_p
+            lookup_fn_t cmp_fn
+            cc.HashSetIter it
-        res = set()
+        s, p, o = pattern
         # Decide comparison logic outside the loop.
         # Decide comparison logic outside the loop.
         if s is not None and p is not None and o is not None:
         if s is not None and p is not None and o is not None:
-            # Return immediately if 3-term match is requested.
+  'Looping over one triple only.')
+            # Shortcut for 3-term match.
+            trp.s = &ss
+            trp.p = &sp
+            trp.o = &so
             term.serialize_from_rdflib(s, trp.s, self.pool)
             term.serialize_from_rdflib(s, trp.s, self.pool)
             term.serialize_from_rdflib(p, trp.p, self.pool)
             term.serialize_from_rdflib(p, trp.p, self.pool)
             term.serialize_from_rdflib(o, trp.o, self.pool)
             term.serialize_from_rdflib(o, trp.o, self.pool)
             if cc.hashset_contains(self._triples, &trp):
             if cc.hashset_contains(self._triples, &trp):
-                res.add((s, p, o))
-            return res
+                callback_fn(gr, &trp, ctx)
+                return
-        elif s is not None:
+        if s is not None:
             term.serialize_from_rdflib(s, &t1)
             term.serialize_from_rdflib(s, &t1)
             if p is not None:
             if p is not None:
-                fn = lookup_sp_cmp_fn
+                cmp_fn = cb.lookup_sp_cmp_fn
                 term.serialize_from_rdflib(p, &t2)
                 term.serialize_from_rdflib(p, &t2)
             elif o is not None:
             elif o is not None:
-                fn = lookup_so_cmp_fn
+                cmp_fn = cb.lookup_so_cmp_fn
                 term.serialize_from_rdflib(o, &t2)
                 term.serialize_from_rdflib(o, &t2)
-                fn = lookup_s_cmp_fn
+                cmp_fn = cb.lookup_s_cmp_fn
         elif p is not None:
         elif p is not None:
             term.serialize_from_rdflib(p, &t1)
             term.serialize_from_rdflib(p, &t1)
             if o is not None:
             if o is not None:
-                fn = lookup_po_cmp_fn
+                cmp_fn = cb.lookup_po_cmp_fn
                 term.serialize_from_rdflib(o, &t2)
                 term.serialize_from_rdflib(o, &t2)
-                fn = lookup_p_cmp_fn
+                cmp_fn = cb.lookup_p_cmp_fn
         elif o is not None:
         elif o is not None:
-            fn = lookup_o_cmp_fn
+            cmp_fn = cb.lookup_o_cmp_fn
             term.serialize_from_rdflib(o, &t1)
             term.serialize_from_rdflib(o, &t1)
-            fn = lookup_none_cmp_fn
+            cmp_fn = cb.lookup_none_cmp_fn
         # Iterate over serialized triples.
         # Iterate over serialized triples.
-        cc.hashset_iter_init(&ti, self._triples)
-        while cc.hashset_iter_next(&ti, &void_p) != cc.CC_ITER_END:
-            if void_p == NULL:
-                trp_p = <BufferTriple *>void_p
-                res.add((
-                    term.deserialize_to_rdflib(trp_p[0].s),
-                    term.deserialize_to_rdflib(trp_p[0].p),
-                    term.deserialize_to_rdflib(trp_p[0].o),
-                ))
-        return res
+        cc.hashset_iter_init(&it, self._triples)
+        while cc.hashset_iter_next(&it, &cur) != cc.CC_ITER_END:
+            trp_p = <BufferTriple*>cur
+            if cmp_fn(trp_p, &t1, &t2):
+                callback_fn(gr, trp_p, ctx)
@@ -1034,7 +827,7 @@ cdef class Imr(SimpleGraph):
         :param kwargs: Keyword arguments inherited from
         :param kwargs: Keyword arguments inherited from
-        self.uri = str(uri)
+ = str(uri)
         #super().__init(*args, **kwargs)
         #super().__init(*args, **kwargs)
@@ -1045,8 +838,8 @@ cdef class Imr(SimpleGraph):
         This includes the subject URI, number of triples contained and the
         This includes the subject URI, number of triples contained and the
         memory address of the instance.
         memory address of the instance.
-        return (f'<{self.__class__.__name__} @{hex(id(self))} uri={self.uri}, '
-            f'length={len(}>')
+        return (f'<{self.__class__.__name__} @{hex(id(self))} id={}, '
+            f'length={len(self)}>')
     def __getitem__(self, item):
     def __getitem__(self, item):
@@ -1061,16 +854,26 @@ cdef class Imr(SimpleGraph):
             # If a Node is given, return all values for that predicate.
             # If a Node is given, return all values for that predicate.
             return {
             return {
                     r[2] for r in
                     r[2] for r in
-                    if r[0] == self.uri and r[1] == item}
+                    if r[0] == and r[1] == item}
             raise TypeError(f'Wrong slice format: {item}.')
             raise TypeError(f'Wrong slice format: {item}.')
+    @property
+    def uri(self):
+        """
+        Get resource identifier as a RDFLib URIRef.
+        :rtype: rdflib.URIRef.
+        """
+        return URIRef(
     cdef Imr empty_copy(self):
     cdef Imr empty_copy(self):
         Create an empty instance carrying over some key properties.
         Create an empty instance carrying over some key properties.
-        return self.__class__(uri=self.uri)
+        return self.__class__(
     def value(self, p, strict=False):
     def value(self, p, strict=False):
@@ -1087,7 +890,7 @@ cdef class Imr(SimpleGraph):
         if strict and len(values) > 1:
         if strict and len(values) > 1:
             raise RuntimeError('More than one value found for {}, {}.'.format(
             raise RuntimeError('More than one value found for {}, {}.'.format(
-                    self.uri, p))
+          , p))
         for ret in values:
         for ret in values:
             return ret
             return ret
@@ -1108,5 +911,3 @@ cdef class Imr(SimpleGraph):
         return gr.resource(identifier=self.uri)
         return gr.resource(identifier=self.uri)

+ 21 - 1

@@ -2,6 +2,21 @@ from cymem.cymem cimport Pool
 from lakesuperior.model.base cimport Buffer
 from lakesuperior.model.base cimport Buffer
+#cdef extern from "regex.h" nogil:
+#   ctypedef struct regmatch_t:
+#      int rm_so
+#      int rm_eo
+#   ctypedef struct regex_t:
+#      pass
+#   int regcomp(regex_t* preg, const char* regex, int cflags)
+#   int regexec(
+#       const regex_t *preg, const char* string, size_t nmatch,
+#       regmatch_t pmatch[], int eflags
+#    )
+#   void regfree(regex_t* preg)
 ctypedef struct Term:
 ctypedef struct Term:
     char type
     char type
     char *data
     char *data
@@ -9,8 +24,12 @@ ctypedef struct Term:
     char *lang
     char *lang
+    #int term_new(
+    #    Term* term, char type, char* data, char* datatype=*, char* lang=*
+    #) except -1
+    #regex_t uri_regex
     # Temporary TPL variable.
     # Temporary TPL variable.
-    char *_pk
+    #char* _pk
     int serialize(const Term *term, Buffer *sterm, Pool pool=*) except -1
     int serialize(const Term *term, Buffer *sterm, Pool pool=*) except -1
     int deserialize(const Buffer *data, Term *term) except -1
     int deserialize(const Buffer *data, Term *term) except -1
@@ -19,3 +38,4 @@ cdef:
     object deserialize_to_rdflib(const Buffer *data)
     object deserialize_to_rdflib(const Buffer *data)
     object to_rdflib(const Term *term)
     object to_rdflib(const Term *term)
     object to_bytes(const Term *term)
     object to_bytes(const Term *term)

+ 29 - 0

@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+from uuid import uuid4
 from rdflib import URIRef, BNode, Literal
 from rdflib import URIRef, BNode, Literal
 #from cpython.mem cimport PyMem_Malloc, PyMem_Free
 #from cpython.mem cimport PyMem_Malloc, PyMem_Free
@@ -16,6 +18,33 @@ DEF LSUP_TERM_TYPE_BNODE = 2
 DEF LSUP_TERM_PK_FMT = b'csss' # Reflects the Term structure
 DEF LSUP_TERM_PK_FMT = b'csss' # Reflects the Term structure
+# URI parsing regular expression. Conforms to RFC3986.
+#    b'^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?'
+#cdef char* ptn = URI_REGEX_STR
+#regcomp(&uri_regex, ptn, REG_NOSUB)
+# Compile with no catch groups.
+# TODO This should be properly cleaned up on application shutdown:
+# regfree(&uri_regex)
+#cdef int term_new(
+#    Term* term, char type, char* data, char* datatype=NULL, char* lang=NULL
+#) except -1:
+#    if regexec(&uri_regex, data, 0, NULL, 0) == REG_NOMATCH:
+#        raise ValueError('Not a valid URI.')
+#    term.type = type
+# = (
+#        data # TODO use C UUID v4 (RFC 4122) generator
+#        if term.type == LSUP_TERM_TYPE_BNODE
+#        else data
+#    )
+#    if term.type == LSUP_TERM_TYPE_LITERAL:
+#        term.datatype = datatype
+#        term.lang = lang
+#    return 0
 cdef int serialize(const Term *term, Buffer *sterm, Pool pool=None) except -1:
 cdef int serialize(const Term *term, Buffer *sterm, Pool pool=None) except -1:

+ 6 - 5

@@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ class Ldpr(metaclass=ABCMeta):
         :param SimpleGraph gr: The graph to validate.
         :param SimpleGraph gr: The graph to validate.
-        offending_subjects = gr.terms('s') & srv_mgd_subjects
+        offending_subjects = gr.terms_by_type('s') & srv_mgd_subjects
         if offending_subjects:
         if offending_subjects:
             if self.handling == 'strict':
             if self.handling == 'strict':
                 raise ServerManagedTermError(offending_subjects, 's')
                 raise ServerManagedTermError(offending_subjects, 's')
@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ class Ldpr(metaclass=ABCMeta):
                         if t[0] == s:
                         if t[0] == s:
-        offending_predicates = gr.terms('p') & srv_mgd_predicates
+        offending_predicates = gr.terms_by_type('p') & srv_mgd_predicates
         # Allow some predicates if the resource is being created.
         # Allow some predicates if the resource is being created.
         if offending_predicates:
         if offending_predicates:
             if self.handling == 'strict':
             if self.handling == 'strict':
@@ -808,8 +808,9 @@ class Ldpr(metaclass=ABCMeta):
         :param create: Whether the resource is being created.
         :param create: Whether the resource is being created.
         # Base LDP types.
         # Base LDP types.
-        for t in self.base_types:
-            self.provided_imr.add((self.uri, RDF.type, t))
+        self.provided_imr.add(
+            [(self.uri, RDF.type, t) for t in self.base_types]
+        )
         # Create and modify timestamp.
         # Create and modify timestamp.
         if create:
         if create:
@@ -900,7 +901,7 @@ class Ldpr(metaclass=ABCMeta):
         :param rdflib.resource.Resouce cont_rsrc:  The container resource.
         :param rdflib.resource.Resouce cont_rsrc:  The container resource.
-        cont_p = cont_rsrc.metadata.terms('p')
+        cont_p = cont_rsrc.metadata.terms_by_type('p')
 'Checking direct or indirect containment.')'Checking direct or indirect containment.')
         logger.debug('Parent predicates: {}'.format(cont_p))
         logger.debug('Parent predicates: {}'.format(cont_p))

+ 13 - 13

@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ class TestImrOps:
         assert trp[0] in gr3
         assert trp[0] in gr3
         assert trp[4] in gr3
         assert trp[4] in gr3
-        assert gr3.uri == ''
+        assert gr3.uri == URIRef('')
     def test_ip_union(self, trp):
     def test_ip_union(self, trp):
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ class TestImrOps:
         assert trp[0] in gr1
         assert trp[0] in gr1
         assert trp[4] in gr1
         assert trp[4] in gr1
-        assert gr1.uri == ''
+        assert gr1.uri == URIRef('')
     def test_addition(self, trp):
     def test_addition(self, trp):
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ class TestImrOps:
         assert trp[0] in gr3
         assert trp[0] in gr3
         assert trp[4] in gr3
         assert trp[4] in gr3
-        assert gr3.uri == ''
+        assert gr3.uri == URIRef('')
     def test_ip_addition(self, trp):
     def test_ip_addition(self, trp):
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ class TestImrOps:
         assert trp[0] in gr1
         assert trp[0] in gr1
         assert trp[4] in gr1
         assert trp[4] in gr1
-        assert gr1.uri == ''
+        assert gr1.uri == URIRef('')
     def test_subtraction(self, trp):
     def test_subtraction(self, trp):
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ class TestImrOps:
         assert trp[3] not in gr3
         assert trp[3] not in gr3
         assert trp[4] not in gr3
         assert trp[4] not in gr3
-        assert gr3.uri == ''
+        assert gr3.uri == URIRef('')
         gr3 = gr2 - gr1
         gr3 = gr2 - gr1
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ class TestImrOps:
         assert trp[4] in gr3
         assert trp[4] in gr3
         assert trp[5] in gr3
         assert trp[5] in gr3
-        assert gr3.uri == ''
+        assert gr3.uri == URIRef('')
     def test_ip_subtraction(self, trp):
     def test_ip_subtraction(self, trp):
@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ class TestImrOps:
         assert trp[3] not in gr1
         assert trp[3] not in gr1
         assert trp[4] not in gr1
         assert trp[4] not in gr1
-        assert gr1.uri == ''
+        assert gr1.uri == URIRef('')
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ class TestImrOps:
         assert trp[0] not in gr3
         assert trp[0] not in gr3
         assert trp[5] not in gr3
         assert trp[5] not in gr3
-        assert gr3.uri == ''
+        assert gr3.uri == URIRef('')
     def test_ip_intersect(self, trp):
     def test_ip_intersect(self, trp):
@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ class TestImrOps:
         assert trp[0] not in gr1
         assert trp[0] not in gr1
         assert trp[5] not in gr1
         assert trp[5] not in gr1
-        assert gr1.uri == ''
+        assert gr1.uri == URIRef('')
     def test_xor(self, trp):
     def test_xor(self, trp):
@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ class TestImrOps:
         assert trp[0] in gr3
         assert trp[0] in gr3
         assert trp[5] in gr3
         assert trp[5] in gr3
-        assert gr3.uri == ''
+        assert gr3.uri == URIRef('')
     def test_ip_xor(self, trp):
     def test_ip_xor(self, trp):
@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ class TestImrOps:
         assert trp[0] in gr1
         assert trp[0] in gr1
         assert trp[5] in gr1
         assert trp[5] in gr1
-        assert gr1.uri == ''
+        assert gr1.uri == URIRef('')
@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ class TestHybridOps:
         assert trp[4] in gr3
         assert trp[4] in gr3
         assert isinstance(gr3, Imr)
         assert isinstance(gr3, Imr)
-        assert gr3.uri == ''
+        assert gr3.uri == URIRef('')
         gr4 = gr2 | gr1
         gr4 = gr2 | gr1
@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ class TestHybridOps:
         assert trp[0] in gr1
         assert trp[0] in gr1
         assert trp[4] in gr1
         assert trp[4] in gr1
-        assert gr1.uri == ''
+        assert gr1.uri == URIRef('')
     def test_ip_union_gr(self, trp):
     def test_ip_union_gr(self, trp):

+ 5 - 4

@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ from rdflib.graph import DATASET_DEFAULT_GRAPH_ID as RDFLIB_DEFAULT_GRAPH_URI
 from rdflib.namespace import RDF, RDFS
 from rdflib.namespace import RDF, RDFS
 from import LmdbStore
 from import LmdbStore
+from lakesuperior.model.graph.graph import Imr
@@ -747,11 +748,11 @@ class TestContext:
             res_no_ctx = store.triples(trp3)
             res_no_ctx = store.triples(trp3)
             res_ctx = store.triples(trp3, gr2_uri)
             res_ctx = store.triples(trp3, gr2_uri)
             for res in res_no_ctx:
             for res in res_no_ctx:
-                assert Graph(identifier=gr_uri) in res[1]
-                assert Graph(identifier=gr2_uri) in res[1]
+                assert Imr(uri=gr_uri) in res[1]
+                assert Imr(uri=gr2_uri) in res[1]
             for res in res_ctx:
             for res in res_ctx:
-                assert Graph(identifier=gr_uri) in res[1]
-                assert Graph(identifier=gr2_uri) in res[1]
+                assert Imr(uri=gr_uri) in res[1]
+                assert Imr(uri=gr2_uri) in res[1]
     def test_delete_from_ctx(self, store):
     def test_delete_from_ctx(self, store):