__init__.py 1.7 KB

  1. from csv import reader
  2. from difflib import ndiff
  3. from importlib import reload
  4. from os import path
  5. import scriptshifter.tables
  6. from scriptshifter.trans import transliterate
  7. TEST_DIR = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__))
  8. TEST_DATA_DIR = path.join(TEST_DIR, "data")
  9. def reload_tables():
  10. reload(scriptshifter.tables) # Reload new config dir.
  11. from scriptshifter import tables
  12. tables.list_tables.cache_clear()
  13. tables.load_table.cache_clear()
  14. return tables
  15. def test_sample(dset):
  16. """
  17. Test an individual sample set and produce a human-readable report.
  18. Used outside of automated tests.
  19. @param dset (str): sample set name (without the .csv extension) found in
  20. the `data/script_samples` directory.
  21. """
  22. deltas = []
  23. dset_fpath = path.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, "script_samples", dset + ".csv")
  24. log_fpath = path.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, f"test_{dset}.log")
  25. with open(dset_fpath, newline="") as fh:
  26. csv = reader(fh)
  27. for row in csv:
  28. lang, script, rom = row[:3]
  29. opts = row[3] if len(row) > 3 and row[3] else {}
  30. trans, warnings = transliterate(script, lang, "s2r", opts)
  31. if (trans == rom):
  32. print(".", end="")
  33. else:
  34. print("F", end="")
  35. deltas.append((script, ndiff([trans], [rom])))
  36. with open(log_fpath, "w") as fh:
  37. # If no deltas, just truncate the file.
  38. for script, delta in deltas:
  39. fh.write(f"Original: {script}\n")
  40. for dline in delta:
  41. fh.write(dline.strip() + "\n")
  42. fh.write("\n\n")
  43. ct = len(deltas)
  44. if ct > 0:
  45. print(f"{ct} failed tests. See report at {log_fpath}")
  46. else:
  47. print("All tests passed.")