import logging from unittest import TestCase, TestSuite, TextTestRunner from csv import reader from glob import glob from os import environ, path from tests import TEST_DATA_DIR, reload_tables from scriptshifter.trans import transliterate import scriptshifter.tables logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TestTrans(TestCase): """ Test S2R transliteration. Modified test case class to run independent tests for each CSV row. TODO use a comprehensive sample table and report errors for unsupported languages. """ maxDiff = None def sample_s2r(self): """ Test S2R transliteration for one CSV sample. This function name won't start with `test_` otherwise will be automatically run without parameters. """ config = scriptshifter.tables.load_table(self.tbl) if "script_to_roman" in config: txl = transliterate(self.script, self.tbl, capitalize="first")[0] self.assertEqual( txl, self.roman, f"S2R transliteration error for {self.tbl}!\n" f"Original: {self.script}") def sample_r2s(self): """ Test R2S transliteration for one CSV sample. This function name won't start with `test_` otherwise will be automatically run without parameters. """ config = scriptshifter.tables.load_table(self.tbl) if "roman_to_script" in config: txl = transliterate( self.roman, self.tbl, r2s=True, capitalize="first")[0] self.assertEqual( txl, self.script, f"R2S transliteration error for {self.tbl}!\n" f"Original: {self.roman}") def make_suite(): """ Build parametrized test cases. """ if "TXL_CONFIG_TABLE_DIR" in environ: del environ["TXL_CONFIG_TABLE_DIR"] reload_tables() suite = TestSuite() for fpath in glob(path.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, "script_samples", "*.csv")): with open(fpath, newline="") as fh: csv = reader(fh) # csv.__next__() # Discard header row. for row in csv: if len(row[0]): # Inject transliteration info in the test case. for tname in ("sample_s2r", "sample_r2s"): tcase = TestTrans(tname) tcase.tbl = row[0] tcase.script = row[1].strip() tcase.roman = row[2].strip() suite.addTest(tcase) return suite TextTestRunner().run(make_suite())