# ScriptShifter REST API service to convert non-Latin scripts to Latin, and vice versa. ## Environment variables The provided `example.env` can be renamed to `.env` in your deployment and/or moved to a location that is not under version control, and adjusted to fit the environment. The file will be parsed directly by the application if present, or it can be pre-loaded in a Docker environment. Currently, the following environment variables are defined: - `TXL_LOGLEVEL`: Application log level. Defaults to `WARN`. - `TXL_FLASK_SECRET`: Flask secret key. - `TXL_DICTA_EP`: Endpoint for the Dicta Hebrew transliteration service. This is mandatory for using the Hebrew module. ## Local development server For local development, it is easiest to run Flask without the WSGI wrapper, possibly in a virtual environment: ``` bash # python -m venv /path/to/venv # source /path/to/venv/bin/activate # pip install -r requirements.txt # flask run ``` It is advised to set `FLASK_DEBUG=true` to reload the web app on code changes and print detailed stack traces when exceptions are raised. Note that changes to any .yml file do NOT trigger a reload of Flask. Alternatively, the transliteration interface can be accessed directly from Python: ``` python from scriptshifter.trans import transliterate transliterate("some text", "some language") ``` ## Run on Docker Build container in current dir: ``` docker build -t scriptshifter:latest . ``` Start container: ``` docker run --env-file .env -p 8000:8000 scriptshifter:latest ``` For running in development mode, add `-e FLASK_ENV=development` to the options. ## Environment variables The following environment variables are available for modification: `TXL_EMAIL_FROM`: Email address sending the feedback form on behalf of users. `TXL_EMAIL_TO`: Recipients of the feedback form. `TXL_FLASK_SECRET`: Seed for web server security. Set to a random-generated string in a production environment. `TXL_LOGLEVEL`: Logging level. Use Python notation. The default is `WARN`. `TXL_SMTP_HOST`: SMTP host to send feedback messages through. Defaults to `localhost`. `TXL_SMTP_PORT`: Port of the SMTP server. Defaults to `1025`. ## Web UI `/` renders a simple HTML form to test the transliteration service. Adding a language as a value of the `lang` URL parameter, the UI will start with that language selected. E.g. `/?lang=chinese` will select Chinese from the drop-down automatically. The value must be one of the keys found in `/languages`. ## Contributing See the [contributing guide](./doc/contributing.md). ## Further documentation See the [`doc`](./doc) folder for additional documentation.