general: name: Cyrillic base parents: - _ignore_base notes: > copied from Russian .cfg file and stripped off language-specific tokens. Russian ignore list has been left here on purpose, assuming it's valid for all child languages. roman_to_script: map: "A": "\u0410" "a": "\u0430" "B": "\u0411" "b": "\u0431" "V": "\u0412" "v": "\u0432" "D": "\u0414" "d": "\u0434" "E": "\u0415" "e": "\u0435" # this conversion shouldn't be needed, but does no harm "Z": "\u0417" "z": "\u0437" "I\u0306": "\u0419" # this conversion shouldn't be needed, but does no harm "I\uFE20U\uFE21": "\u042E" # this conversion shouldn't be needed, but does no harm "I\uFE20u\uFE21": "\u042E" "I\uFE20A\uFE21": "\u042F" # this conversion shouldn't be needed, but does no harm "I\uFE20a\uFE21": "\u042F" "i\u0306": "\u0439" "i\uFE20u\uFE21": "\u044E" "i\uFE20a\uFE21": "\u044F" # this conversion shouldn't be needed, but does no harm "KH": "\u0425" "Kh": "\u0425" "K": "\u041A" "kh": "\u0445" "k": "\u043A" "L": "\u041B" "l": "\u043B" "M": "\u041C" "m": "\u043C" "N": "\u041D" "n": "\u043D" "O": "\u041E" "o": "\u043E" "P": "\u041F" "p": "\u043F" "R": "\u0420" "r": "\u0440" # this conversion shouldn't be needed, but does no harm # this conversion shouldn't be needed, but does no harm "SH": "\u0428" "Sh": "\u0428" "S": "\u0421" "sh": "\u0448" "s": "\u0441" # this conversion shouldn't be needed, but does no harm "T": "\u0422" "t": "\u0442" "U": "\u0423" "u": "\u0443" "F": "\u0424" "f": "\u0444" # this conversion shouldn't be needed, but does no harm "CH": "\u0427" "Ch": "\u0427" "ch": "\u0447" # this conversion shouldn't be needed, but does no harm "\uFE20": "" # this conversion shouldn't be needed, but does no harm "\uFE21": "" # this conversion is ambiguous - \u042C is also theoretically possible "\u02B9": "\u044C" script_to_roman: map: "\u0404": "I\uFE20E\uFE21" "\u0407": "I\u0308" "\u0410": "A" "\u0411": "B" "\u0412": "V" "\u0414": "D" "\u0415": "E" "\u0417": "Z" "\u0419": "I\u0306" "\u041A": "K" "\u041B": "L" "\u041C": "M" "\u041D": "N" "\u041E": "O" "\u041F": "P" "\u0420": "R" "\u0421": "S" "\u0422": "T" "\u0423": "U" "\u0424": "F" "\u0425": "Kh" "\u0427": "Ch" "\u0428": "Sh" "\u0429": "Shch" "\u042C": "\u02B9" "\u042E": "I\uFE20U\uFE21" "\u042F": "I\uFE20A\uFE21" "\u0430": "a" "\u0431": "b" "\u0432": "v" "\u0434": "d" "\u0435": "e" "\u0437": "z" "\u0439": "i\u0306" "\u043A": "k" "\u043B": "l" "\u043C": "m" "\u043D": "n" "\u043E": "o" "\u043F": "p" "\u0440": "r" "\u0441": "s" "\u0442": "t" "\u0443": "u" "\u0444": "f" "\u0445": "kh" "\u0447": "ch" "\u0448": "sh" "\u0449": "shch" "\u044C": "\u02B9" "\u044E": "i\uFE20u\uFE21" "\u044F": "i\uFE20a\uFE21"