import logging from functools import cache from importlib import import_module from os import path, access, R_OK from yaml import load try: from yaml import CLoader as Loader except ImportError: from yaml import Loader from transliterator.exceptions import ConfigError __doc__ = """ Transliteration tables. These tables contain all transliteration information, grouped by script and language (or language and script? TBD) """ TABLE_DIR = path.join(path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)), "data") # Available hook names. HOOKS = ( "post_config", "begin_input_token", "pre_ignore_token", "on_ignore_match", "pre_tx_token", "on_tx_token_match", "on_no_tx_token_match", "pre_assembly", "post_assembly", ) # Package path where hook functions are kept. HOOK_PKG_PATH = "transliterator.hooks" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Token(str): """ Token class: minimal unit of text parsing. This class overrides the `<` operator for strings, so that sorting is done in a way that prioritizes a longer string over a shorter one with identical root. """ def __init__(self, content): self.content = content def __lt__(self, other): """ Operator to sort tokens. E.g: - ABCD - AB - A - BCDE - BCD - BEFGH - B """ logger.debug(f"a: {self.content}, b: {other.content}") self_len = len(self.content) other_len = len(other.content) min_len = min(self_len, other_len) # If one of the strings is entirely contained in the other string... if self.content[:min_len] == other.content[:min_len]: logger.debug("Roots match.") # ...then the longer one takes precedence (is "less") return self_len > other_len # If the root strings are different, perform a normal comparison. return self.content < other.content def __hash__(self): return hash(self.content) @cache def list_tables(): """ List all the available tables. """ with open(path.join(TABLE_DIR, "index.yml")) as fh: tdata = load(fh, Loader=Loader) return tdata @cache def load_table(tname): """ Load one transliteration table and possible parents. The table file is parsed into an in-memory configuration that contains the language & script metadata and parsing rules. """ fname = path.join(TABLE_DIR, tname + ".yml") if not access(fname, R_OK): raise ValueError(f"No transliteration table for {tname}!") with open(fname) as fh: tdata = load(fh, Loader=Loader) # NOTE Only one level of inheritance. No need for recursion for now. parents = tdata.get("general", {}).get("parents", []) if "script_to_roman" in tdata: tokens = {} for parent in parents: parent_tdata = load_table(parent) # Merge parent tokens. Child overrides parents, and a parent listed # later override ones listed earlier. tokens |= { Token(k): v for k, v in parent_tdata.get( "script_to_roman", {}).get("map", {}) } tokens |= { Token(k): v for k, v in tdata["script_to_roman"].get("map", {}).items()} tdata["script_to_roman"]["map"] = tuple( (k.content, tokens[k]) for k in sorted(tokens)) if "hooks" in tdata["script_to_roman"]: tdata["script_to_roman"]["hooks"] = load_hook_fn( tname, tdata["script_to_roman"]) if "roman_to_script" in tdata: tokens = {} for parent in parents: parent_tdata = load_table(parent) # Merge parent tokens. Child overrides parents, and a parent listed # later override ones listed earlier. tokens |= { Token(k): v for k, v in parent_tdata.get( "roman_to_script", {}).get("map", {}) } tokens |= { Token(k): v for k, v in tdata["roman_to_script"].get("map", {}).items() } tdata["roman_to_script"]["map"] = tuple( (k.content, tokens[k]) for k in sorted(tokens)) ignore = { Token(t) for t in tdata["roman_to_script"].get("ignore", []) } for parent in parents: parent_tdata = load_table(parent) # No overriding occurs with the ignore list, only de-duplication. ignore |= { Token(t) for t in parent_tdata.get( "roman_to_script", {}).get("ignore", []) } tdata["roman_to_script"]["ignore"] = [ t.content for t in sorted(ignore)] if "hooks" in tdata["roman_to_script"]: tdata["roman_to_script"]["hooks"] = load_hook_fn( tname, tdata["script_to_roman"]) return tdata def load_hook_fn(cname, sec): """ Load hook functions from configuration file. Args: lang (str): The language key for the configuration. sec (dict): The `script_to_roman` or `roman_to_script` section that may contain the `hooks` key to be parsed. Return: dict: Dictionary of hook name and list of hook functions pairs. """ hook_fn = {} for cfg_hook, cfg_hook_fns in sec.get("hooks", {}).items(): if cfg_hook not in HOOKS: raise ConfigError(f"{cfg_hook} is not a valid hook name!") hook_fn[cfg_hook] = [] # There may be more than one function in each hook. They are # executed in the order they are found. for cfg_hook_fn in cfg_hook_fns: modname, fnname = path.splitext(cfg_hook_fn[0]) fnname = fnname.lstrip(".") fn_kwargs = cfg_hook_fn[1] try: fn = getattr(import_module( "." + modname, HOOK_PKG_PATH), fnname) except NameError: raise ConfigError( f"Hook function {fnname} defined in {cname} configuration " f"not found in module {HOOK_PKG_PATH}.{modname}!" ) hook_fn[cfg_hook].append((fn, fn_kwargs)) return hook_fn