import logging __doc__ = """ Test hook functions. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def rotate(ctx, n): """ Simple character rotation. Implements the Caesar's Cypher algorithm by shifting a single [A-Za-z] character by `n` places, and wrapping around the edges. Characters not in range are not shifted. """ uc = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" lc = uc.lower() logger.debug(f"cursor: {ctx.cur}") ch = ctx.src[ctx.cur] if ch in uc: idx = uc.index(ch) dest_ch = uc[(idx + n) % len(uc)] elif ch in lc: idx = lc.index(ch) dest_ch = lc[(idx + n) % len(lc)] else: dest_ch = ch logger.debug(f"ROT {n}: {ch} -> {dest_ch}") ctx.dest_ls.append(dest_ch) ctx.cur += 1 return "continue"