Forráskód Böngészése

Remove non-CC0 files.

Stefano Cossu 1 éve
2 módosított fájl, 0 hozzáadás és 7065 törlés
  1. 0 3642
  2. 0 3423

+ 0 - 3642

@@ -1,3642 +0,0 @@
-Attribute VB_Name = "ReRomanize"
-Option Explicit
-#Const EvaluateFirstCharacterDebug = 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1
-#Const FindFieldCurrentlyPointedToDebug = 0 ' -1
-#Const ReRomanizeAdjustNFIDebug = 0 ' -1
-#Const ReRomanizeTextDebug = 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1  ' 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1
-#Const ReRomanizeTextDetailsDebug = 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1
-#Const ReRomanizeTextDetailsBasicsDebug = 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1
-#Const RomanizationAssistanceDebug = 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1
-#Const RomanizeHighlightedTextDebug = 0 ' -1
-#Const RomanizeWholeRecordDebug = 0 ' -1 ' 0 '-1
-' 20180926 Bucknum: added Unicode-compliant font constants for RTF formatting
-Private Const ArialUnicodeMS$ = "Arial Unicode MS"       ' Monotype
-Private Const LucidaSansUnicode$ = "Lucida Sans Unicode" ' Microsoft
-Private Const NotoSans$ = "Noto Sans"   ' Google
-Private Const NotoSerif$ = "Noto Serif" ' Google
-Private Const TextFormattedDefaultFont$ = ArialUnicodeMS$
-Private Const sAuthorityNonfilingString$ = "130:2 430:2 530:2"
-Private Const sBibliographicNonfilingString$ = "130:1 240:2 242:2 243:2 245:2 440:2 630:1 730:1 740:1 830:2"
-Private Const sCommunityInfoNonfilingString$ = "245:2 440:2 630:1 730:1 740:1"
-Private prvsRightToLeftMarker$, prvsLeftToRightMarker$
-Private Const CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_BasicAsG0$ = "(B"
-Private Const CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_HebrewAsG0$ = "(2"
-Private Const CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_BasicCyrillicAsG0$ = "(N"
-Private Const CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_BasicArabicAsG0$ = "(3"
-Private Const CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_GreekAsG0$ = "(S"
-Private Const CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_CJKAsG0$ = "$1"
-Private Const CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_ExtendedCyrillicAsG1$ = ")Q"
-Private Const CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_ExtendedArabicAsG1$ = ")4"
-Private Const CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_ExtendedLatinAsG1$ = ")!E"
-' convert this constant into its ASCII value subtract 48; and multiply this
-'   remainder by 6 to transform it into an offset into the following hyphen-delimited string
-' the first character (0) is the MARC-8'code table' number; same as above, with extensions
-' the second character (1) is the code to use for the set in non-880 fields after escape ("?"=illegal in non-880);
-' 4rd-5th chars (3-4) are the code to use after escape in 880 field
-' ignore other characters--turned out not to be needed
-'                                             1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      :      ;
-'                                             012345 012345 012345 012345 012345 012345 012345 012345 012345 012345 012345
-Private Const CharSetU2MTranslation$ = "*****-1s s  -2g*g *-3b b  -4p p  -5? (2 -6? (N -7? (3 -8g*(S*-9? $1 -:? (Q -;? (4 "
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONACTION_DisplayMarcRecord% = 1
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONACTION_RomanizeHighlightedText% = 2
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONACTION_RomanizeWholeRecord% = 3
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONACTION_UCaseWord% = 4
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONACTION_LCaseWord% = 5
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONACTION_ReplaceText% = 6
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONACTION_UCaseEach% = 7
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONACTION_Define% = 8
-Enum RomanizationAction
-    DefineSubstitution = ROMANIZATIONACTION_Define%
-    DisplayMarcRecord = ROMANIZATIONACTION_DisplayMarcRecord%
-    LowercaseWord = ROMANIZATIONACTION_LCaseWord%
-    ReplaceText = ROMANIZATIONACTION_ReplaceText%
-    RomanizeHighlightedText = ROMANIZATIONACTION_RomanizeHighlightedText%
-    RomanizeWholeRecord = ROMANIZATIONACTION_RomanizeWholeRecord%
-    UppercaseWord = ROMANIZATIONACTION_UCaseWord%
-    UppercaseEachWord = ROMANIZATIONACTION_UCaseEach%
-End Enum
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONRESULT_Success% = 0
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONRESULT_TextNotHighlighted% = 1
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONRESULT_HighlightedTextBecomesNothing% = 2
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONRESULT_TextNotFindable% = 3
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONRESULT_ActionUnclear% = 4
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONRESULT_FieldNotFound% = 5
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONRESULT_880WithNoSubfield6% = 6
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONRESULT_880NotAllowed% = 7
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONRESULT_880AlreadyPresent% = 8
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONRESULT_NoCharacterToDefine% = 9
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONRESULT_FileOpen% = 10
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Unknown% = 0
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Roman2Vernacular% = 1
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Vernacular2Roman% = 2
-    FullString As String
-    Equivalent As String
-    EquivalentUpperCase As String
-    FullStringLengthInCharacters As Integer
-    FullStringLengthInBytes As Integer
-    EquivalentUpperCasePresent As Boolean
-    InitialOnly As Boolean
-    TerminalOnly As Boolean
-    MedialOnly As Boolean
-End Type
-    DetailLast As Long
-    DetailMax As Long
-End Type
-    Vernacular2Roman As Object
-    Roman2Vernacular As Object
-    Name As String
-    FullFileName As String
-    VernacularLast As Long
-    VernacularMax As Long
-    RomanLast As Long
-    RomanMax As Long
-    AllowCaseVariation As Boolean
-    AllowDefineButton As Boolean
-    ApostropheCharacters As String
-    ApostropheCharactersPresent As Boolean
-    BySyllables As Boolean
-    DoNotUse880Field As Boolean
-    FontName As String
-    NoRomanization As Boolean
-    ' things that pertain only to romanized-to-vernacular
-    R2VCreateEmpty880s As Boolean
-    R2VFieldsIncluded As String
-    R2VIncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern As Boolean
-    R2VOtherSubfieldsExcludedByTag As String
-    R2VSubfieldsAlwaysExcluded As String
-    R2VSubfield6Code As String
-    R2VVowelMarker As String
-    ' things that pertain only to vernacular-to-romanized
-    V2RCreateEmptyFields As Boolean
-    V2RFieldsIncluded As String
-    V2ROtherSubfieldsExcludedByTag As String
-    V2RSubfieldsAlwaysExcluded As String
-    V2RUppercaseFirstCharacterInSubfield As String
-    V2RPersonalNameUppercase As Boolean
-End Type
-    Tag As String * 3
-    LinkTag As String * 3
-    Field As String
-    Field880 As String
-    Sequence As Integer
-    Sequence880 As Integer
-End Type
-    Name As String
-    LoadScript As Boolean
-    FileSize As Long
-End Type
-Global gblaReSequenceTable() As RESEQUENCETABLETYPE
-Global gblaRomanizationScript() As ROMANIZATIONSCRIPTTYPE
-Global gblaRomanizationTable() As ROMANIZATIONTABLETYPE
-Global gbliReSequenceTableLast%
-Global gbliRomanizationScriptLast%
-Global gbliRomanizationTableLast%, gbliRomanizationTableMax%
-Global gbliRomanizationTablesBytes#
-Public Function ReRomanizeText(ByVal sRecordType$, ByVal sTag$, ByVal sText$, ByVal iRomanizationTable%, ByRef LocalMarcRecordObject As Utf8MarcRecordClass, ByRef LocalMarcCharacter As Utf8CharClass, Optional ByRef iRomanizationDirection% = -1, Optional ByVal sSubfieldCode$ = "") As String
-    Dim sOut$, sLeft$, sRight$, sWord$
-    Dim iLength%
-    Dim lPtr As Long, lLength As Long
-    Dim bFound As Boolean
-    On Error GoTo 0
-#If ReRomanizeTextDebug = -1 Then
-        Debug.Print "RRT entry: " + sRecordType$ + ":" + sTag$ + " >" + sText$ + "< table " + str(iRomanizationTable%) + " direction " + str(iRomanizationDirection%)
-#End If
-    If iRomanizationTable% < 1 Or iRomanizationTable% > gbliRomanizationTableLast% Then
-#If ReRomanizeTextDebug = -1 Then
-        Debug.Print "Returning same because no table"
-#End If
-        sOut$ = sText$
-    Else
-        If iRomanizationDirection% = -1 Then
-            iRomanizationDirection% = EvaluateFirstCharacter(sText$, iRomanizationTable%, LocalMarcCharacter)
-#If ReRomanizeTextDebug = -1 Then
-            Debug.Print "Re-evaluated direction: " + str(iRomanizationDirection%)
-#End If
-        End If
-        Select Case iRomanizationDirection%
-            Case ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Unknown%
-                sOut$ = sText$
-            Case ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Roman2Vernacular%
-                sOut$ = ReRomanizeTextDetails(sText$, gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).Roman2Vernacular, gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).Roman(), LocalMarcRecordObject, LocalMarcCharacter, True, iRomanizationTable%)
-            Case ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Vernacular2Roman%
-                sOut$ = ReRomanizeTextDetails(sText$, gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).Vernacular2Roman, gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).Vernacular(), LocalMarcRecordObject, LocalMarcCharacter, False, iRomanizationTable%)
-#If ReRomanizeTextDebug = -1 Then
-                Debug.Print "Returned: >" + sOut$ + "<"
-                Debug.Print "PN handling? " + str(gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).V2RPersonalNameUppercase) + " " + sRecordType$ + sTag$
-#End If
-                If gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).V2RPersonalNameUppercase Then
-                    ' todo: in reality, we should *only* add the comma if the first
-                    '   indicator is one or two (regardless of indicator, we should
-                    '   uppercase every word in the string)
-                    Select Case sRecordType$
-                        Case "A"
-                            If InStr("100 400 500", sTag$) > 0 Then
-#If ReRomanizeTextDebug = -1 Then
-                                Debug.Print "PNH"
-#End If
-                                lPtr = InStr(sOut$, LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter + "a")
-#If ReRomanizeTextDebug = -1 Then
-                                Debug.Print "$a? " + str(lPtr)
-#End If
-                                If lPtr > 0 Then
-                                    sLeft$ = Mid(sOut$, 1, lPtr + 1)
-                                    sOut$ = Mid(sOut$, lPtr + 2)
-                                ElseIf Mid(sOut$, 1, 1) = LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter Then
-#If ReRomanizeTextDebug = -1 Then
-                                    Debug.Print "Begins with delim badly"
-#End If
-                                    GoTo ReRomanizeTextNoPNH
-                                Else
-                                    sLeft$ = ""
-                                End If
-                                lPtr = InStr(sOut$, LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter)
-                                If lPtr > 0 Then
-                                    sRight$ = Mid(sOut$, lPtr)
-                                    sOut$ = Mid(sOut$, 1, lPtr - 1)
-                                Else
-                                    sRight$ = ""
-                                End If
-                                sOut$ = Trim(sOut$)
-#If ReRomanizeTextDebug = -1 Then
-                                Debug.Print "Pieces to check >" + sLeft$ + "< >" + sOut$ + "< >" + sRight$ + "<"
-#End If
-                                ' first "word" in the heading remains as such
-                                lPtr = InStr(sOut$, " ")
-                                If lPtr > 0 Then
-                                    sLeft$ = sLeft$ + LocalMarcRecordObject.UCaseFirstWord(Mid(sOut$, 1, lPtr - 1) + ",")
-                                    sOut$ = Trim(Mid(sOut$, lPtr + 1))
-                                    Do While Len(sOut$) > 0
-                                        GetNextPiece sOut$, sWord$, " "
-                                        sLeft$ = sLeft$ + " " + LocalMarcRecordObject.UCaseFirstWord(sWord$)
-                                    Loop
-                                End If
-                                sOut$ = sLeft$ + sOut$ + sRight$
-                            End If
-ReRomanizeTextNoPNH:        ' NOTE label in left margin
-                        Case "B"
-                            If InStr("100 400 600 700 800", sTag$) > 0 Then
-                                GoTo ReRomanizeTextPersonalNameHandling
-                            End If
-                    End Select
-                End If
-                If Len(gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).V2RUppercaseFirstCharacterInSubfield) > 0 Then
-                    If InStr(gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).V2RUppercaseFirstCharacterInSubfield, sTag$) > 0 Then
-                        If InStr(sOut$, LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter) > 0 Then
-                            ' potentially interesting
-                            For lPtr = Len(sOut$) - 2 To 1 Step -1
-                                If Mid(sOut$, lPtr, 1) = LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter Then
-                                    If InStr(gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).V2RUppercaseFirstCharacterInSubfield, sTag$ + "/" + Mid(sOut$, lPtr + 1, 1)) > 0 Then
-                                        sOut$ = Mid(sOut$, 1, lPtr + 1) + LocalMarcRecordObject.UCaseFirstWord(Mid(sOut$, lPtr + 2))
-                                    End If
-                                End If
-                            Next ' lptr
-                        ElseIf Len(sSubfieldCode$) > 0 Then
-                            If InStr(gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).V2RUppercaseFirstCharacterInSubfield, sTag$ + "/" + sSubfieldCode$) > 0 Then
-                                sOut$ = LocalMarcRecordObject.UCaseFirstWord(sOut$)
-                            End If
-                        End If
-                    End If
-                End If
-        End Select
-#If ReRomanizeTextDebug = -1 Then
-        Debug.Print "RRT return: >" + sOut$ + "< direction " + str(iRomanizationDirection%)
-#End If
-    End If
-    ReRomanizeText = LocalMarcRecordObject.RemoveRepeatedCharacters(sOut$, " ")
-    'DumpRomanizationTables
-End Function
-Public Sub LoadOneRomanizationTable(ByVal sFileNameIncludingPath$, ByRef LocalMarcRecordObject As Utf8MarcRecordClass, ByRef LocalCharacterObject As Utf8CharClass, ByRef sDefaultFieldsIncluded$, Optional ByRef ProgressBarCtrl As Control = Nothing)
-    ' we're going to read the file line-by-line, even though it has the
-    '   general appearance of an INI file, because it may be more than
-    '   32K (for Chinese)
-    Dim iIn%, iMode%, iElement%, iRc%, iRc2%, iRc3%
-    Dim sRight$, sLeft$, sUpperCase$, sTruncation$, sOriginal$
-    Dim bLeft As Boolean, bRight As Boolean
-    sTruncation$ = "%"
-    iIn% = FreeFile
-    On Error GoTo LRFT_FileOpenError
-    Open sFileNameIncludingPath$ For Input As #iIn%
-    On Error GoTo 0
-    ' if we get this far we must have *something*
-    gbliRomanizationTableLast% = gbliRomanizationTableLast% + 1
-    If gbliRomanizationTableLast% > gbliRomanizationTableMax% Then
-        gbliRomanizationTableMax% = gbliRomanizationTableMax% + 5
-        ReDim Preserve gblaRomanizationTable(0 To gbliRomanizationTableMax%)
-    End If
-    With gblaRomanizationTable(gbliRomanizationTableLast%)
-        ' save the file name, in case we need to add to it later
-        .FullFileName = sFileNameIncludingPath$
-        ' by default, include everything 100 through 840
-        .R2VFieldsIncluded = sDefaultFieldsIncluded$
-        .V2RFieldsIncluded = sDefaultFieldsIncluded$
-        ' these subfields are always excluded
-        .R2VSubfieldsAlwaysExcluded = "uvxy0123456789"
-        .V2RSubfieldsAlwaysExcluded = "uvxy0123456789"
-        ' there is no additional tag-based exclusion of subfields
-        .R2VOtherSubfieldsExcludedByTag = ""
-        .V2ROtherSubfieldsExcludedByTag = ""
-        ' 20070703: added IncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern; default False
-        .R2VIncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern = False
-        ' set default script identification code
-        .R2VSubfield6Code = ""
-        ' 20100809 Bucknum added: VowelMarker
-        ' set default script vowel marker
-        .R2VVowelMarker = ""
-        Set .Roman2Vernacular = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
-        Set .Vernacular2Roman = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
-        .AllowDefineButton = False
-        .FontName = ""
-        Do While Not EOF(iIn%)
-            Line Input #iIn%, sRight$
-            '20090322 added by Bucknum:
-            'monitor progress of romanization table load
-            If Not ProgressBarCtrl Is Nothing Then
-                DoEvents
-                'add 2 to the line input for line-feed characters
-                LoadRomanizationTablesProgress Len(sRight$) + 2, ProgressBarCtrl
-            End If
-            If Len(sRight$) > 0 Then
-                If Mid(sRight$, 1, 1) <> "#" Then
-                    If Mid(sRight$, 1, 1) = "[" Then
-                        Select Case Trim(UCase(sRight$))
-                            Case "[GENERAL]"
-                                iMode% = 1
-                            Case "[ROMANTOSCRIPT]"
-                                iMode% = 2
-                            Case "[SCRIPTTOROMAN]"
-                                iMode% = 3
-                            Case Else
-                                If .NoRomanization Then ' 20070830 added
-                                    Exit Do
-                                End If
-                                iMode% = 4 ' we'll ignore all of this!
-                        End Select
-                    Else
-                        Select Case iMode%
-                            Case 1 ' general stanza: options and switches
-                                GetNextPiece sRight$, sLeft$, "="
-                                Select Case sLeft$
-                                    Case "Name"
-                                        .Name = sRight$
-                                    Case "FontName"
-                                        ' 20180928 added for font customization by language/script
-                                        '   for Swiss-type, proportionally-spaced, sans-serif fonts
-                                        .FontName = sRight$
-                                    Case "NoRomanization"
-                                        ' 20070830 added NoRomanization concept
-                                        .NoRomanization = LocalMarcRecordObject.IsTrue(sRight$)
-                                    Case "DoNotUse880Field"
-                                        .DoNotUse880Field = LocalMarcRecordObject.IsTrue(sRight$)
-                                    Case "AllowCaseVariation"
-                                        .AllowCaseVariation = LocalMarcRecordObject.IsTrue(sRight$)
-                                    Case "ApostropheCharacters"
-                                        'Debug.Print "RA 2"
-                                        .ApostropheCharacters = RomanizeConvertText(sRight$, LocalMarcRecordObject, LocalCharacterObject)
-                                        If Len(.ApostropheCharacters) > 0 Then
-                                            .ApostropheCharactersPresent = True
-                                        End If
-                                    Case "AllowDefineButton"
-                                        .AllowDefineButton = LocalMarcRecordObject.IsTrue(sRight$)
-                                    Case "BySyllables"
-                                        .BySyllables = LocalMarcRecordObject.IsTrue(sRight$)
-                                    Case "Truncation"
-                                        sTruncation$ = sRight$
-                                End Select
-                            Case 2 ' roman to vernacular script (including Wade-Giles to Pinyin)
-                                If InStr(sRight$, "=") > 0 Then
-                                    GetNextPiece sRight$, sLeft$, "="
-                                    Select Case sLeft$
-                                        Case "FieldsIncluded"
-                                            .R2VFieldsIncluded = sRight$
-                                            GoTo LORT_NextLine
-                                        Case "IncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern"
-                                            ' 20070703: added
-                                            .R2VIncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern = True
-                                            GoTo LORT_NextLine
-                                        Case "CreateEmpty880s"
-                                            .R2VCreateEmpty880s = True
-                                            GoTo LORT_NextLine
-                                        Case "Subfield6Code"
-                                            .R2VSubfield6Code = sRight$
-                                            GoTo LORT_NextLine
-                                        Case "SubfieldsAlwaysExcluded"
-                                            .R2VSubfieldsAlwaysExcluded = sRight$
-                                            GoTo LORT_NextLine
-                                        Case "OtherSubfieldsExcludedByTag"
-                                            .R2VOtherSubfieldsExcludedByTag = sRight$
-                                            GoTo LORT_NextLine
-                                        Case "VowelMarker"
-                                            ' 20100809 Bucknum added:
-                                            .R2VVowelMarker = sRight$
-                                            GoTo LORT_NextLine
-                                    End Select
-LORT_RTV_ContinueWithDividedLine:   ' NOTE label in left margin
-                                    bLeft = False
-                                    bRight = False
-                                    If Mid(sLeft$, 1, 1) = sTruncation$ Then
-                                        bLeft = True
-                                        sLeft$ = Mid(sLeft$, 2)
-                                    End If
-                                    If Right(sLeft$, 1) = sTruncation$ Then
-                                        bRight = True
-                                        sLeft$ = Mid(sLeft$, 1, Len(sLeft$) - 1)
-                                    End If
-                                    'Debug.Print "RA 3"
-                                    sRight$ = RomanizeConvertText(sRight$, LocalMarcRecordObject, LocalCharacterObject)
-                                    sLeft$ = RomanizeConvertText(sLeft$, LocalMarcRecordObject, LocalCharacterObject)
-                                    'If Mid(sLeft$, 1, 1) = "v" Then
-                                    '    Debug.Print "After 3: >" + sLeft$ + "< >" + sRight$ + "<"
-                                    'End If
-                                    iRc% = InStr(sRight$, "/")
-                                    If iRc% > 0 Then
-                                        sUpperCase$ = Mid(sRight$, 1, iRc% - 1)
-                                        sRight$ = Mid(sRight$, iRc% + 1)
-                                    Else
-                                        sUpperCase$ = ""
-                                    End If
-                                    LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char = sLeft$ ' isolating the first character
-                                    If .Roman2Vernacular.Exists(LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char) Then
-                                        iElement% = .Roman2Vernacular.item(LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char)
-                                    Else
-                                        .RomanLast = .RomanLast + 1
-                                        If .RomanLast > .RomanMax Then
-                                            .RomanMax = .RomanMax + 10
-                                            ReDim Preserve .Roman(0 To .RomanMax)
-                                        End If
-                                        iElement% = .RomanLast
-                                        .Roman2Vernacular.Add LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char, iElement%
-                                    End If
-                                    .Roman(iElement%).DetailLast = .Roman(iElement%).DetailLast + 1
-                                    If .Roman(iElement%).DetailLast > .Roman(iElement%).DetailMax Then
-                                        .Roman(iElement%).DetailMax = .Roman(iElement%).DetailMax + 5
-                                        ReDim Preserve .Roman(iElement%).Detail(0 To .Roman(iElement%).DetailMax)
-                                    End If
-                                    If .AllowCaseVariation Then
-                                        .Roman(iElement%).Detail(.Roman(iElement%).DetailLast).FullString = LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeLCase(sLeft$)
-                                        'Debug.Print "Before and after: >" + sLeft$ + "< >" + .Roman(iElement%).Detail(.Roman(iElement%).DetailLast).FullString + "<"
-                                    Else
-                                        .Roman(iElement%).Detail(.Roman(iElement%).DetailLast).FullString = sLeft$
-                                    End If
-                                    .Roman(iElement%).Detail(.Roman(iElement%).DetailLast).FullStringLengthInCharacters = LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeLen(sLeft$)
-                                    .Roman(iElement%).Detail(.Roman(iElement%).DetailLast).FullStringLengthInBytes = Len(sLeft$)
-                                    .Roman(iElement%).Detail(.Roman(iElement%).DetailLast).Equivalent = sRight$
-                                    .Roman(iElement%).Detail(.Roman(iElement%).DetailLast).EquivalentUpperCasePresent = False
-                                    If Len(sUpperCase$) > 0 Then
-                                        .Roman(iElement%).Detail(.Roman(iElement%).DetailLast).EquivalentUpperCase = sUpperCase$
-                                        .Roman(iElement%).Detail(.Roman(iElement%).DetailLast).EquivalentUpperCasePresent = True
-                                    End If
-                                    If bLeft Then
-                                        If bRight Then
-                                            .Roman(iElement%).Detail(.Roman(iElement%).DetailLast).MedialOnly = True
-                                        Else
-                                            .Roman(iElement%).Detail(.Roman(iElement%).DetailLast).TerminalOnly = True
-                                        End If
-                                    ElseIf bRight Then
-                                        .Roman(iElement%).Detail(.Roman(iElement%).DetailLast).InitialOnly = True
-                                    End If
-                                ElseIf InStr(sRight$, vbTab) > 0 Then
-                                    GetNextPiece sRight$, sLeft$, vbTab
-                                    GoTo LORT_RTV_ContinueWithDividedLine
-                                End If
-                            Case 3 ' vernacular script to roman
-                                If InStr(sRight$, "=") > 0 Then
-                                    GetNextPiece sRight$, sLeft$, "="
-                                    Select Case sLeft$
-                                        Case "CreateEmptyFields" ' added 20070830
-                                            .V2RCreateEmptyFields = True
-                                            GoTo LORT_NextLine
-                                        Case "FieldsIncluded"
-                                            .V2RFieldsIncluded = sRight$
-                                            GoTo LORT_NextLine
-                                        Case "SubfieldsAlwaysExcluded"
-                                            .V2RSubfieldsAlwaysExcluded = sRight$
-                                            GoTo LORT_NextLine
-                                        Case "OtherSubfieldsExcludedByTag"
-                                            .V2ROtherSubfieldsExcludedByTag = sRight$
-                                            GoTo LORT_NextLine
-                                        Case "UppercaseFirstCharacterInSubfield"
-                                            .V2RUppercaseFirstCharacterInSubfield = sRight$
-                                            GoTo LORT_NextLine
-                                        Case "PersonalNameHandling"
-                                            .V2RPersonalNameUppercase = LocalMarcRecordObject.IsTrue(sRight$)
-                                            GoTo LORT_NextLine
-                                    End Select
-                                    bLeft = False
-                                    bRight = False
-                                    If Mid(sLeft$, 1, 1) = sTruncation$ Then
-                                        bLeft = True
-                                        sLeft$ = Mid(sLeft$, 2)
-                                    End If
-                                    If Right(sLeft$, 1) = sTruncation$ Then
-                                        bRight = True
-                                        sLeft$ = Mid(sLeft$, 1, Len(sLeft$) - 1)
-                                    End If
-                                    'Debug.Print "RA 4"
-                                    sRight$ = RomanizeConvertText(sRight$, LocalMarcRecordObject, LocalCharacterObject)
-                                    sLeft$ = RomanizeConvertText(sLeft$, LocalMarcRecordObject, LocalCharacterObject)
-                                    iRc% = InStr(sRight$, "/")
-                                    If iRc% > 0 Then
-                                        sUpperCase$ = Mid(sRight$, 1, iRc% - 1)
-                                        sRight$ = Mid(sRight$, iRc% + 1)
-                                    Else
-                                        sUpperCase$ = ""
-                                    End If
-                                    LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char = sLeft$ ' isolating the first character
-                                    If .Vernacular2Roman.Exists(LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char) Then
-                                        iElement% = .Vernacular2Roman.item(LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char)
-                                    Else
-                                        .VernacularLast = .VernacularLast + 1
-                                        If .VernacularLast > .VernacularMax Then
-                                            .VernacularMax = .VernacularMax + 10
-                                            ReDim Preserve .Vernacular(0 To .VernacularMax)
-                                        End If
-                                        iElement% = .VernacularLast
-                                        .Vernacular2Roman.Add LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char, iElement%
-                                    End If
-                                    .Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast = .Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast + 1
-                                    If .Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast > .Vernacular(iElement%).DetailMax Then
-                                        .Vernacular(iElement%).DetailMax = .Vernacular(iElement%).DetailMax + 5
-                                        ReDim Preserve .Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(0 To .Vernacular(iElement%).DetailMax)
-                                    End If
-                                    .Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(.Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast).FullString = sLeft$
-                                    .Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(.Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast).FullStringLengthInCharacters = LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeLen(sLeft$)
-                                    .Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(.Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast).FullStringLengthInBytes = Len(sLeft$)
-                                    .Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(.Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast).Equivalent = sRight$
-                                    .Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(.Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast).EquivalentUpperCasePresent = False
-                                    If bLeft Then
-                                        If bRight Then
-                                            .Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(.Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast).MedialOnly = True
-                                        Else
-                                            .Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(.Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast).TerminalOnly = True
-                                        End If
-                                    ElseIf bRight Then
-                                        .Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(.Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast).InitialOnly = True
-                                    End If
-                                ' main condition is: contains equals sign?
-                                ElseIf InStr(sRight$, vbTab) > 0 Then
-                                    GetNextPiece sRight$, sLeft$, vbTab
-                                    GoTo LORT_VTR_ContinueWithDividedLine
-                                End If
-                        End Select
-                    End If
-                End If
-            End If
-        Loop
-        If Len(.Name) = 0 Then
-            .Name = "Unknown script #" + Trim(str(gbliRomanizationTableLast%))
-        End If
-#If False Then ' TRUE will dump out the romanization table
-        Debug.Print "LORT sets: >" + LocalMarcRecordObject.CharacterSetIn + "< >" + LocalMarcRecordObject.CharacterSetOut + "<"
-        For iRc% = 1 To gbliRomanizationTableLast%
-            With gblaRomanizationTable(iRc%)
-                Debug.Print "Name " + .Name
-                Debug.Print "Font Name " + .FontName
-                Debug.Print "Allow case variation " + str(.AllowCaseVariation)
-                Debug.Print "Do not use 880 field " + str(.DoNotUse880Field)
-                Debug.Print "Apostrophes " + str(.ApostropheCharactersPresent) + " >" + .ApostropheCharacters + "<"
-                Debug.Print "Vernacular:"
-                For iRc2% = 1 To .VernacularLast
-                    Debug.Print "Step " + str(iRc2%)
-                    For iRc3% = 1 To .Vernacular(iRc2%).DetailLast
-                        Debug.Print str(iRc3) + vbTab + str(.Vernacular(iRc2%).Detail(iRc3%).FullStringLengthInCharacters) + vbTab + str(.Vernacular(iRc2%).Detail(iRc3%).FullStringLengthInBytes) + vbTab + ">" + .Vernacular(iRc2%).Detail(iRc3%).FullString + "< >" + .Vernacular(iRc2%).Detail(iRc3%).Equivalent + "< >" + .Vernacular(iRc2%).Detail(iRc3%).EquivalentUpperCase + "<"
-                    Next ' irc3%
-                Next ' irc2%
-                Debug.Print "Roman:"
-                For iRc2% = 1 To .RomanLast
-                    Debug.Print "Step " + str(iRc2%)
-                    For iRc3% = 1 To .Roman(iRc2%).DetailLast
-                        Debug.Print str(iRc3) + vbTab + str(.Roman(iRc2%).Detail(iRc3%).FullStringLengthInCharacters) + vbTab + ">" + .Roman(iRc2%).Detail(iRc3%).FullString + "< >" + .Roman(iRc2%).Detail(iRc3%).Equivalent + "< >" + .Roman(iRc2%).Detail(iRc3%).EquivalentUpperCase + "<"
-                    Next ' irc3%
-                Next ' irc2%
-            End With
-        Next ' irc%
-#End If
-    End With
-    Close #iIn%
-    Exit Sub
-    Resume LRFT_FileOpenErrorresume
-End Sub
-Public Function RomanizeConvertText(ByVal sIn$, ByRef LocalMarcRecordObject As Utf8MarcRecordClass, ByRef LocalCharacterObject As Utf8CharClass) As String
-    ' convert "&H notations to the equivalent, leaving other stuff as you find it
-    Dim lPtr As Long
-    Dim sLeader$, sOriginal$
-    Dim bShow As Boolean
-'    If InStr(sIn$, "U+") > 0 Then
-'        bShow = True
-'        sOriginal$ = sIn$
-'    End If
-    sIn$ = LocalMarcRecordObject.ReplaceCharacters(sIn$, "_", " ")
-    sLeader$ = "&H"
-    Do
-        lPtr = InStr(sIn$, sLeader$)
-        Do While lPtr > 0
-            LocalCharacterObject.UcsHex = Mid(sIn$, lPtr + 2, 4)
-            sIn$ = LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeStuff(sIn$, lPtr, 6, LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char)
-            lPtr = InStr(sIn$, sLeader$)
-        Loop
-        Select Case sLeader$
-            Case "&H"
-                sLeader$ = "U+"
-            Case "U+"
-                sLeader$ = "&x"
-            Case "&x"
-                sLeader$ = "&X"
-            Case "&X"
-                sLeader$ = "&h"
-            Case "&h"
-                Exit Do
-        End Select
-    Loop
-'    If bShow Then
-'        Debug.Print "RCT >" + sOriginal$ + "< >" + sIn$ + "<"
-'    End If
-    RomanizeConvertText = sIn$
-End Function
-Public Sub LoadRomanizationTables(ByVal sConfigurationFilePath$, ByRef LocalMarcRecordObject As Utf8MarcRecordClass, ByRef LocalCharacterObject As Utf8CharClass, Optional ByRef ProgressBarCtrl As Control = Nothing)
-    Dim sMasterFile$, sFile$, sDefaultFieldsIncluded$
-    Dim iCtr%
-'    Static bLoaded As Boolean
-    Dim bDebug As Boolean
-    ' 20090322 changed by Bucknum:
-    ' removed bLoaded to allow reloading tables
-'    If bLoaded Then
-'        Exit Sub
-'    End If
-    'prvsRightToLeftMarker$ , prvsLeftToRightMarker$
-    'prvsRightToLeftMarker$ = LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcRightToLeftMarker
-    'prvsLeftToRightMarker$ = LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcLeftToRightMarker
-    For iCtr% = 100 To 840
-        sDefaultFieldsIncluded$ = sDefaultFieldsIncluded$ + " " + Trim(str(iCtr%))
-    Next ' irc%
-    sMasterFile$ = sConfigurationFilePath$ + "RomanizationMaster.cfg"
-    bDebug = LocalMarcRecordObject.IsTrue(ReadIniFile(sMasterFile$, "Files", "Debug", "False", 15))
-    iCtr% = 1
-    Do
-        sFile$ = ReadIniFileOrNothing(sMasterFile$, "Files", Trim(str(iCtr%)), 250)
-        If Len(sFile$) = 0 Then
-            If bDebug Then
-                MsgBox "For " + Trim(str(iCtr%)) + " read: >" + sFile$ + "<"
-            End If
-            Exit Do
-        End If
-        If InStr(sFile$, "\") = 0 Then
-            If LenB(Dir$(sConfigurationFilePath$ + sFile$)) > 0 And gblaRomanizationScript(iCtr%).LoadScript Then
-                LoadOneRomanizationTable sConfigurationFilePath$ + sFile$, LocalMarcRecordObject, LocalCharacterObject, sDefaultFieldsIncluded$, ProgressBarCtrl
-                If bDebug Then
-                    MsgBox "For " + Trim(str(iCtr%)) + " read: >" + sConfigurationFilePath$ + sFile$ + "< vernacular entries " + str(gblaRomanizationTable(gbliRomanizationTableLast%).VernacularLast) + " roman entries " + str(gblaRomanizationTable(gbliRomanizationTableLast%).RomanLast)
-                End If
-            End If
-        Else
-            If LenB(Dir$(sFile$)) > 0 And gblaRomanizationScript(iCtr%).LoadScript Then
-                LoadOneRomanizationTable sFile$, LocalMarcRecordObject, LocalCharacterObject, sDefaultFieldsIncluded$, ProgressBarCtrl
-                If bDebug Then
-                    MsgBox "For " + Trim(str(iCtr%)) + " read: >" + sFile$ + "< vernacular entries " + str(gblaRomanizationTable(gbliRomanizationTableLast%).VernacularLast) + " roman entries " + str(gblaRomanizationTable(gbliRomanizationTableLast%).RomanLast)
-                End If
-            End If
-        End If
-        iCtr% = iCtr% + 1
-    Loop
-'    bLoaded = True
-End Sub
-Public Sub DumpRomanizationTables()
-    Dim iCtr%, iCtr2%, iCtr3%
-    For iCtr% = 1 To gbliRomanizationTableLast%
-        With gblaRomanizationTable(iCtr%)
-            Debug.Print "Name: " + .Name
-            Debug.Print "Roman to vernacular"
-            For iCtr2% = 1 To .RomanLast
-                With .Roman(iCtr2%)
-                    For iCtr3% = 1 To .DetailLast
-                        Debug.Print vbTab + .Detail(iCtr3%).FullString + vbTab + .Detail(iCtr3%).Equivalent
-                    Next ' ictr3%
-                End With
-            Next ' ictr2%
-            Debug.Print "Vernacular to roman"
-            For iCtr2% = 1 To .VernacularLast
-                With .Vernacular(iCtr2%)
-                    For iCtr3% = 1 To .DetailLast
-                        Debug.Print vbTab + .Detail(iCtr3%).FullString + vbTab + .Detail(iCtr3%).Equivalent
-                    Next ' ictr3%
-                End With
-            Next ' ictr2%
-        End With
-    Next ' ictr%
-End Sub
-Public Sub LoadListOfScriptsIntoControl(ByRef c As Control)
-    Dim iCtr%
-    With c
-        If = vbListBoxCheckbox Then
-            c.Clear
-            For iCtr% = 1 To gbliRomanizationScriptLast%
-                .AddItem gblaRomanizationScript(iCtr%).Name
-                .Selected(iCtr% - 1) = gblaRomanizationScript(iCtr%).LoadScript
-            Next ' ictr%
-        Else
-            If .ListCount = 0 Then
-                For iCtr% = 1 To gbliRomanizationTableLast%
-                    .AddItem gblaRomanizationTable(iCtr%).Name
-                Next ' ictr%
-                If .ListCount > 0 Then
-                    .ListIndex = 0
-                End If
-            End If
-        End If
-    End With
-End Sub
-Private Function ReRomanizeTextDetails(ByVal sText$, ByRef oRomanizationTable As Object, ByRef RomanizationTable() As ROMANIZATIONDETAILARRAY, ByRef LocalMarcRecordObject As Utf8MarcRecordClass, ByRef LocalMarcCharacter As Utf8CharClass, ByVal bRoman2Vernacular As Boolean, ByVal iRomanizationTable%)
-    Dim iLen%, iLengthBeforeApostropheSubstitution%
-    Dim lPtr As Long, lPtr2 As Long, lMember As Long, lCtr As Long, lEnd As Long
-    Dim sOut$, sPreviousCharacter$, sSyllable$, sChar1$, sChar2$, sOriginalSyllable$
-    Dim bFound As Boolean, bFirstCharacter As Boolean, bFirstCharacterIsUppercase As Boolean
-    Dim bApostrophes As Boolean, bWholeThingIsUppercase As Boolean, bChanged As Boolean
-    Dim bAllowCaseVariation
-    ' we have to manipulate pointers directly, ourselves, because
-    '   of varying character length
-    lPtr = 1
-    lEnd = Len(sText$)
-    bApostrophes = gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).ApostropheCharactersPresent
-#If ReRomanizeTextDetailsDebug = -1 Or ReRomanizeTextDetailsBasicsDebug = -1 Then
-    Debug.Print "RRTD: >" + sText$ + "< " + str(iRomanizationTable%) + " R2V? " + str(bRoman2Vernacular) + " apost " + str(bApostrophes)
-#End If
-    If gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).AllowCaseVariation Then
-        bAllowCaseVariation = True
-    End If
-    If Not gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).BySyllables Then
-        ' we're working by characters
-        bFirstCharacter = True
-        Do While lPtr <= lEnd
-            bFound = False
-            If lPtr > 1 Then
-                sPreviousCharacter$ = LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char
-                If sPreviousCharacter$ = " " Then
-                    bFirstCharacterIsUppercase = False
-                End If
-            End If
-            LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = Mid(sText$, lPtr)
-            ' 20061129: if we're going to be ignoring case, then
-            '   convert to lowercase
-            If bAllowCaseVariation Then
-                If LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharCategory = "Lu" Then
-                    LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeLCase(LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char)
-                    If bFirstCharacter Or sPreviousCharacter$ = " " Then
-                        bFirstCharacterIsUppercase = True
-                    End If
-                End If
-            End If
-            If InStr("Lu Ll Lo", LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharCategory) > 0 Then
-                bFirstCharacter = False
-            End If
-#If ReRomanizeTextDetailsDebug = -1 Then
-            Debug.Print "At " + LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char + " >" + str(bFirstCharacter) + " " + str(bFirstCharacterIsUppercase)
-#End If
-            If LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = LocalMarcCharacter.MarcDelimiter Then
-                sOut$ = sOut$ + Mid(sText$, lPtr, 2) ' delimiter and subfield code
-                lPtr = lPtr + 1 ' we'll add one more at the bottom of the loop as per usual
-                iLen% = 1 ' make sure we only skip one more!
-            Else ' not at a delimiter: must be some character worthy of inspection
-                iLen% = LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharOctets
-                If oRomanizationTable.Exists(LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char) Then
-                    lMember = oRomanizationTable.item(LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char)
-#If ReRomanizeTextDetailsDebug = -1 Then
-                    Debug.Print "Exists in table at " + str(lMember) + " R2V " + str(bRoman2Vernacular) + " category " + LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharCategory
-#End If
-                    With RomanizationTable(lMember)
-                        For lCtr = 1 To .DetailLast
-#If ReRomanizeTextDetailsDebug = -1 Then
-                            Debug.Print vbTab + str(lCtr); " initial " + str(.Detail(lCtr).InitialOnly) + " medial " + str(.Detail(lCtr).MedialOnly) + " terminal " + str(.Detail(lCtr).TerminalOnly)
-#End If
-                            If .Detail(lCtr).InitialOnly Then
-                                ' 20100103 added by Bucknum:
-                                '  we are expecting more character(s) to follow, so the
-                                '  following 2 statements check for end of the word
-                                If lPtr + .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes >= lEnd Then
-                                    ' this is the end of the word; so no dice
-                                    GoTo RRTD_NextDetail
-                                ElseIf InStr(" -.?,;:!""])" + LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter, Mid(sText$, lPtr + .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes, 1)) > 0 Then
-                                    ' this is also the end of the word; so no dice
-                                    GoTo RRTD_NextDetail
-                                ElseIf lPtr = 1 Then
-                                    ' this is OK: first character in the string is taken
-                                    '   to be start of a word
-                                    ' 20180801: Bucknum added left bracket and parenthesis
-                                ElseIf InStr(" -""[(", Mid(sText$, lPtr - 1, 1)) > 0 Then
-                                    ' this is OK, too: previous character is a word-breaker
-                                    '   (following space, hyphen, quote, bracket or parenthesis), so current
-                                    '   character is the first in this word
-                                ElseIf lPtr > 2 Then
-                                    If Mid(sText$, lPtr - 2, 1) = LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter Then
-                                        ' this is OK, too: character is first in its subfield
-                                    Else
-                                        GoTo RRTD_NextDetail
-                                    End If
-                                Else
-                                    ' not at the beginning of a word
-                                    GoTo RRTD_NextDetail
-                                End If
-                            ElseIf .Detail(lCtr).TerminalOnly Then
-                                ' 20070731: we were using iLen% here as the length; but we should be using
-                                '   the length of the character(s) in the defined terminal-only string
-                                '   (for example, the current character may be "o" but if we're looking for
-                                '   terminal "ot" then we need to compare and skip over 2 characters, not 1)
-                                ' fortunately, we already have FullStringLengthInBytes giving the length of
-                                '   the string to be found in the original record
-#If ReRomanizeTextDetailsDebug = -1 Then
-                                Debug.Print "Terminal only; " + str(lPtr) + " " + str(.Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes) + " " + str(lEnd)
-                                If lPtr + .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes > lEnd Then
-                                    ' do nothing yet: character(s) correctly at the end so this is OK
-                                    '   so far
-                                Else
-                                    Debug.Print "Next: >" + Mid(sText$, lPtr + .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes, 1) + "< from >" + sText$
-                                End If
-#End If
-                                If lPtr + .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes > lEnd Then
-                                    ' this is OK: must be last character in the string
-                                ElseIf InStr(" -.?,;:!""])" + LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter, Mid(sText$, lPtr + .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes, 1)) > 0 Then
-                                    ' this is OK, too: next character is a word-breaker,
-                                    '   so current character is the last in this word
-                                Else
-                                    ' not at the end of a word
-                                    GoTo RRTD_NextDetail
-                                End If
-                                ' if we get here then we're at the end of the word and so ready
-                                '   to test the characters
-                            ElseIf .Detail(lCtr).MedialOnly Then
-                                ' can not be either the beginning or the ending of a word
-                                ' we'll simply reverse all of the above tests; in this case the
-                                '   leftovers are the things that aren't either beginning or
-                                '   end--they must be medial
-                                If lPtr = 1 Then
-                                    ' initial: so no dice
-                                    GoTo RRTD_NextDetail
-                                ElseIf InStr(" -""[(", Mid(sText$, lPtr - 1, 1)) > 0 Then
-                                    ' initial (following space, hyphen, quote, bracket or parenthesis): so no dice
-                                    ' 20180801: Bucknum added left bracket and parenthesis
-                                    GoTo RRTD_NextDetail
-                                ElseIf lPtr > 2 Then
-                                    If Mid(sText$, lPtr - 2, 1) = LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter Then
-                                        ' beginning of a subfield: so no dice
-                                        GoTo RRTD_NextDetail
-                                    End If
-                                ' 20070731: see comment above (at TerminalOnly) regarding the
-                                '   length to be used in the following 2 statements
-                                ElseIf lPtr + .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes >= lEnd Then
-                                    ' this is the end of the word; so no dice
-                                    GoTo RRTD_NextDetail
-                                ElseIf InStr(" -.?,;:!""])" + LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter, Mid(sText$, lPtr + .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes, 1)) > 0 Then
-                                    ' this is also the end of the word; so no dice
-                                    GoTo RRTD_NextDetail
-                                End If
-                                ' if we get here, then we're somewhere within a word and ready to
-                                '   test the characters
-                            End If
-                            ' if we get here, either we don't care what position the character
-                            '   bears within its word, or whatever conditions were specified have
-                            '   been met
-                            If bRoman2Vernacular Then
-                                If LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharCategory = "Lu" Then
-#If ReRomanizeTextDetailsDebug = -1 Then
-                                    Debug.Print vbTab + str(lCtr) + " Lowercase; apostrophes? " + str(bApostrophes)
-#End If
-                                    If Not bApostrophes Then
-                                        If Mid(sText, lPtr, .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes) = .Detail(lCtr).FullString Then
-                                            bFound = True
-                                            If .Detail(lCtr).EquivalentUpperCasePresent Then
-                                                If Len(sPreviousCharacter$) = 0 Then
-                                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-                                                Else
-                                                    LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = sPreviousCharacter$
-                                                    If LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharCategory = "Lu" Then
-                                                        sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).EquivalentUpperCase
-                                                    Else
-                                                        sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-                                                    End If
-                                                End If
-                                                bChanged = True
-                                                iLen% = .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes
-                                            Else
-                                                If bFirstCharacterIsUppercase Then
-                                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + LocalMarcRecordObject.UCaseFirstWord(.Detail(lCtr).Equivalent)
-                                                    bFirstCharacterIsUppercase = False
-                                                Else
-                                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-                                                End If
-                                                bChanged = True
-                                                iLen% = .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes
-                                            End If
-                                            Exit For
-                                        End If
-                                    Else ' apostrophes were defined
-#If ReRomanizeTextDetailsDebug = -1 Then
-                                        Debug.Print "ucase mid: >" + LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeLCase(LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeMid(sText, lPtr, .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInCharacters)) + "< vs >" + .Detail(lCtr).FullString
-#End If
-                                        If ReRomanizeTextDetailsReplaceApostrophes(LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeUCase(LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeMid(sText, lPtr, .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInCharacters)), iRomanizationTable%, LocalMarcCharacter, iLengthBeforeApostropheSubstitution%) = .Detail(lCtr).FullString Then
-#If ReRomanizeTextDetailsDebug = -1 Then
-                                            Debug.Print "Found " + str(.Detail(lCtr).EquivalentUpperCasePresent)
-#End If
-                                            bFound = True
-                                            If .Detail(lCtr).EquivalentUpperCasePresent Then
-                                                If Len(sPreviousCharacter$) = 0 Then
-                                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-                                                Else
-                                                    LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = sPreviousCharacter$
-                                                    If LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharCategory = "Lu" Then
-                                                        sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).EquivalentUpperCase
-                                                    Else
-                                                        sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-                                                    End If
-                                                End If
-                                                bChanged = True
-                                                iLen% = iLengthBeforeApostropheSubstitution% '.Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInCharacters
-                                            Else
-                                                If bFirstCharacterIsUppercase Then
-                                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + LocalMarcRecordObject.UCaseFirstWord(.Detail(lCtr).Equivalent)
-                                                    bFirstCharacterIsUppercase = False
-                                                Else
-                                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-                                                End If
-                                                bChanged = True
-                                                iLen% = iLengthBeforeApostropheSubstitution% '.Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInCharacters
-                                            End If
-                                            Exit For
-                                        End If
-                                    End If
-                                Else ' category is not letter/uppercase
-#If ReRomanizeTextDetailsDebug = -1 Then
-                                    Debug.Print vbTab + " Apostroph " + str(bApostrophes) + " >" + sText$ + "< >" + Mid(sText, lPtr, .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes) + "< >" + .Detail(lCtr).FullString + "<"
-#End If
-                                    If Not bApostrophes Then
-                                        If Mid(sText, lPtr, .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes) = .Detail(lCtr).FullString Or (bAllowCaseVariation And LCase(Mid(sText, lPtr, .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes)) = .Detail(lCtr).FullString) Then
-                                        'If Mid(sText, lPtr, .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes) = .Detail(lCtr).FullString Then
-                                            bFound = True
-                                            If .Detail(lCtr).EquivalentUpperCasePresent Then
-                                                If Len(sPreviousCharacter$) = 0 Then
-                                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-                                                Else
-                                                    LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = sPreviousCharacter$
-                                                    'Debug.Print "Previous " + sPreviousCharacter$ + " category " + LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharCategory
-                                                    If LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharCategory = "Lu" Then
-                                                        sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).EquivalentUpperCase
-                                                    Else
-                                                        sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-                                                    End If
-                                                End If
-                                                bChanged = True
-                                                iLen% = .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes
-                                            Else
-                                                If bFirstCharacterIsUppercase Then
-                                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + LocalMarcRecordObject.UCaseFirstWord(.Detail(lCtr).Equivalent)
-                                                    bFirstCharacterIsUppercase = False
-                                                Else
-                                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-                                                End If
-                                                bChanged = True
-                                                iLen% = .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes
-                                            End If
-                                            Exit For
-                                        End If
-                                    Else ' apostrophes are defined
-#If ReRomanizeTextDetailsDebug = -1 Then
-                                        Debug.Print "lcase mid: >" + LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeLCase(LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeMid(sText, lPtr, .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInCharacters)) + "< vs. >" + .Detail(lCtr).FullString + "<"
-#End If
-                                        If ReRomanizeTextDetailsReplaceApostrophes(LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeLCase(LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeMid(sText, lPtr, .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInCharacters)), iRomanizationTable%, LocalMarcCharacter, iLengthBeforeApostropheSubstitution%) = .Detail(lCtr).FullString Then
-                                            bFound = True
-#If ReRomanizeTextDetailsDebug = -1 Then
-                                            Debug.Print "Found " + str(.Detail(lCtr).EquivalentUpperCasePresent)
-#End If
-                                            If .Detail(lCtr).EquivalentUpperCasePresent Then
-                                                If Len(sPreviousCharacter$) = 0 Then
-                                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-                                                Else
-                                                    LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = sPreviousCharacter$
-                                                    'Debug.Print "Previous " + sPreviousCharacter$ + " category " + LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharCategory
-                                                    If LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharCategory = "Lu" Then
-                                                        sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).EquivalentUpperCase
-                                                    Else
-                                                        sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-                                                    End If
-                                                End If
-                                                iLen% = iLengthBeforeApostropheSubstitution% '.Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInCharacters
-                                            Else
-                                                If bFirstCharacterIsUppercase Then
-                                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + LocalMarcRecordObject.UCaseFirstWord(.Detail(lCtr).Equivalent)
-                                                    bFirstCharacterIsUppercase = False
-                                                Else
-                                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-                                                End If
-                                                iLen% = iLengthBeforeApostropheSubstitution% ' .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInCharacters
-                                            End If
-                                            Exit For
-                                        End If
-                                    End If
-                                End If
-                            Else ' vernacular to roman
-                                'Debug.Print "Considering " + str(.Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes) + "< and >" + .Detail(lCtr).FullString + "<"
-                                If Mid(sText, lPtr, .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes) = .Detail(lCtr).FullString Then
-                                    bFound = True
-                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-#If ReRomanizeTextDetailsDebug = -1 Then
-                                    Debug.Print "out: >" + sOut$ + "<"
-#End If
-                                    iLen% = .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes
-                                    If Right(sOut$, 1) = " " Then
-                                        lPtr2 = lPtr + iLen%
-                                        If lPtr2 <= lEnd Then
-                                            LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = Mid(sText$, lPtr2)
-                                            If Mid(LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharCategory, 1, 1) = "P" Then
-                                                sOut$ = RTrim(sOut$)
-                                            End If
-                                        End If
-                                    End If
-                                    Exit For
-                                End If
-                            End If
-RRTD_NextDetail:            ' NOTE label in left margin
-                        Next ' lctr
-                    End With
-                Else
-#If ReRomanizeTextDetailsDebug = -1 Then
-                    Debug.Print "Character NOT exists >" + LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char + "< >" + LocalMarcCharacter.UcsHex
-#End If
-                    bFound = False
-                End If
-                If Not bFound Then
-                    sOut$ = sOut$ + LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char
-                End If
-                'Debug.Print "Disposition: " + str(bFound) + " >" + LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char + "< >" + sOut$ + "<"
-            End If
-            lPtr = lPtr + iLen%
-        Loop
-        'Debug.Print "LC PATTERN? " + str(gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).R2VIncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern) + " " + str(bChanged)
-        ' 20070703: it seems simplest to throw this on at the end
-        ' LC wants a RTL marker before and after each delimiter,
-        '   EXCEPT immediately following the $6 marker itself
-        ' note that this can ONLY apply to things done character-by-character; doesn't apply
-        '   to "by syllables" (I think!)
-        If gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).R2VIncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern And bChanged Then
-            For lPtr = Len(sOut$) - 1 To 1 Step -1
-                If Mid(sOut$, lPtr, 1) = LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter Then
-                    lPtr2 = InStr(Mid(sOut$, lPtr + 1), LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter)
-                    'Debug.Print "At delim: " + str(lPtr) + " " + str(lPtr2) + " >" + sOut$ + "< marker >" + LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcRightToLeftMarker + "< " + str(Len(LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcRightToLeftMarker))
-                    If lPtr2 <> 0 Then
-                        sOut$ = LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeStuff(sOut$, lPtr + lPtr2, 0, LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcRightToLeftMarker)
-                    End If
-                    ' there should not be a $6 in the text!
-                    If Mid(sOut$, lPtr + 1, 1) <> "6" Then
-                        sOut$ = LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeStuff(sOut$, lPtr + 2, 0, LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcRightToLeftMarker)
-                    End If
-                    'Debug.Print "After:  >" + sOut$ + "<"
-                End If
-            Next ' lptr
-        End If
-    Else ' we *are* proceeding by syllables
-        ' move any troublesome lead characters to the output, so we end up pointed
-        '   to the first "real" character in the first syllable--as close as we can
-        '   determine it, anyway
-        ' we'll include the apostrophe here, because it's only *internal* ones that
-        '   we need to pay attention to
-        ' todo: this might be better if done via the character object, and with
-        '   character categories ...
-        bFirstCharacter = True
-        Do
-            Select Case Mid(sText$, lPtr, 1)
-                Case "-", " ", ".", ";", ":", "(", ")", "[", "]", "!", "?", "'", Chr(34)
-                    lPtr = lPtr + 1
-                Case LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter
-                    lPtr = lPtr + 2
-                Case Else
-                    Exit Do
-            End Select
-            If lPtr > lEnd Then
-                Exit Do
-            End If
-        Loop
-        ' attach any skipped characters to the output
-        If lPtr > 1 Then
-            sOut$ = Mid(sText$, 1, lPtr - 1)
-        End If
-        ' when we arrive here, lPtr points to the first character of real interest
-        Do While lPtr <= lEnd
-            ' starting from the character pointed to by lPtr, which we will assume
-            '   to be the first character in a "syllable", find the end of the
-            '   next syllable
-            iLen% = 0
-            ' do NOT here break at a hyphen!
-            For lPtr2 = lPtr + 1 To lEnd
-                If InStr("- .;:)([]!?" + Chr(34) + LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter, Mid(sText, lPtr2, 1)) > 0 Then
-                    iLen% = lPtr2 - lPtr
-                    Exit For
-                End If
-            Next ' lptr2
-            ' if we didn't find any more words, we assume that
-            '   we're at the end of the string altogether
-            If iLen% = 0 Then
-                iLen% = Len(Mid(sText$, lPtr))
-            End If
-            sSyllable$ = Mid(sText, lPtr, iLen%)
-            If Right(sSyllable$, 1) = "'" Then
-                iLen% = iLen% - 1
-                lPtr2 = lPtr2 - 1
-                sSyllable$ = Mid(sSyllable$, 1, Len(sSyllable$) - 1)
-            End If
-#If ReRomanizeTextDetailsDebug = -1 Then
-            Debug.Print "Testing syllable: >" + sSyllable$ + "< uc >" + LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeUCase(sSyllable$) + "< lc >" + LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeLCase(sSyllable$) + "<"
-#End If
-            sOriginalSyllable$ = sSyllable$
-            ' in the next paragraph, we're determining whether the first character
-            '   is uppercase, or the whole thing is uppercase--we'll preserve
-            '   case in the finished string to the extent possible
-#If True Then
-            ' 20070109: paradigm changed (now much simpler); changed mostly because
-            '   the old one didn't work properly anyway
-            If sSyllable$ = LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeUCase(sSyllable$) Then
-                ' the only way this can happen is if it's all uppercase
-                bWholeThingIsUppercase = True
-                bFirstCharacterIsUppercase = False
-                If gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).AllowCaseVariation Then
-                    sSyllable$ = LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeLCase(sSyllable$)
-                End If
-            ElseIf sSyllable$ = LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeLCase(sSyllable$) Then
-                bWholeThingIsUppercase = False
-                bFirstCharacterIsUppercase = False
-            Else
-                ' there is some difference between the lowercase and uppercase versions:
-                '   for Wade-Giles, we *should* be able to assume that the difference
-                '   is on the first character
-                bWholeThingIsUppercase = False
-                bFirstCharacterIsUppercase = True
-                If gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).AllowCaseVariation Then
-                    sSyllable$ = LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeLCase(sSyllable$)
-                End If
-            End If
-            LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = sSyllable$
-#If ReRomanizeTextDetailsDebug = -1 Then
-            Debug.Print "All uppercase? " + str(bWholeThingIsUppercase) + " first is uppercase? " + str(bFirstCharacterIsUppercase)
-#End If
-            ' get the first character of this syllable
-            LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = sSyllable$
-            If gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).AllowCaseVariation Then
-                If LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharCategory = "Lu" Then
-                    bFirstCharacterIsUppercase = True
-                    bWholeThingIsUppercase = True
-                    Do
-                        sSyllable$ = Mid(sSyllable$, LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharOctets + 1)
-                        If Len(sSyllable$) = 0 Then
-                            Exit Do
-                        End If
-                        'Debug.Print "Remaining syllable: >" + sSyllable$ + "<"
-                        LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = sSyllable$
-                        'Debug.Print "Category: >" + LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharCategory + "<"
-                        If LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharCategory <> "Lu" Then
-                            bWholeThingIsUppercase = False
-                            Exit Do
-                        End If
-                    Loop
-                    ' re-get the whole syllable
-                    sSyllable$ = Mid(sText, lPtr, iLen%)
-                    LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = sSyllable$
-                End If
-                ' in any case, because case variation is allowed, we'll
-                '   convert the syllable to lowercase
-                sSyllable$ = LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeLCase(sSyllable$)
-                LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = sSyllable$
-            End If
-#End If ' alternative methods for determining casing of the existing syllable
-            ' deal with things that look like apostrophes
-            If bApostrophes Then
-                sSyllable$ = ReRomanizeTextDetailsReplaceApostrophes(sSyllable$, iRomanizationTable%, LocalMarcCharacter, iLengthBeforeApostropheSubstitution%)
-            End If
-            bFound = False
-            If oRomanizationTable.Exists(LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char) Then
-                lMember = oRomanizationTable.item(LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char)
-                With RomanizationTable(lMember)
-                    For lCtr = 1 To .DetailLast
-                        If bRoman2Vernacular Then
-                            If sSyllable$ = .Detail(lCtr).FullString Then
-                                bFound = True
-                                If bWholeThingIsUppercase Then
-                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeUCase(.Detail(lCtr).Equivalent)
-                                    bFirstCharacterIsUppercase = False
-                                ElseIf bFirstCharacterIsUppercase Then
-                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + LocalMarcRecordObject.UCaseFirstWord(.Detail(lCtr).Equivalent)
-                                    bFirstCharacterIsUppercase = False
-                                Else
-                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-                                End If
-                                Exit For
-                            End If
-                        Else ' vernacular to roman
-                            If sSyllable$ = .Detail(lCtr).FullString Then
-                                bFound = True
-                                sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-                                Exit For
-                            End If
-                        End If
-                    Next ' lctr
-                End With
-            Else
-#If ReRomanizeTextDetailsDebug = -1 Then
-                Debug.Print vbTab + "NOT FOUND"
-#End If
-                sSyllable$ = sOriginalSyllable$
-                bFound = False
-            End If
-            If Not bFound Then
-                sOut$ = sOut$ + sSyllable$
-            End If
-            ' skip the syllable in input
-            lPtr = lPtr + iLen%
-            If lPtr > lEnd Then
-                ' no more input: all done
-                Exit Do
-            End If
-            ' move additional characters to the output string until
-            '   you hit the first that's not a "division" character
-            Do
-                Select Case Mid(sText$, lPtr, 1)
-                    Case "-", " ", ".", ";", ":", "(", ")", "[", "]", "!", "?", "'", Chr(34)
-                        sOut$ = sOut$ + Mid(sText$, lPtr, 1)
-                        lPtr = lPtr + 1
-                        If lPtr > lEnd Then
-                            Exit Do
-                        End If
-                    Case LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter
-                        sOut$ = sOut$ + Mid(sText$, lPtr, 2)
-                        lPtr = lPtr + 2
-                        If lPtr > lEnd Then
-                            Exit Do
-                        End If
-                    Case Else
-                            Exit Do
-                End Select
-            Loop
-            If lPtr > lEnd Then
-                Exit Do
-            End If
-        Loop ' for each syllable
-    End If
-    'DumpRomanizationTables
-#If ReRomanizeTextDetailsDebug = -1 Then
-    Debug.Print "Returned: >" + sOut$ + "<"
-#End If
-    ReRomanizeTextDetails = sOut$
-End Function
-Public Function EvaluateFirstCharacter(ByVal sText$, ByVal iRomanizationTable%, ByRef LocalMarcCharacter As Utf8CharClass) As Integer
-    Dim lPtr As Long, lLength As Long
-    Dim iLength%
-#If EvaluateFirstCharacterDebug = -1 Then
-    Debug.Print "EFC: >" + sText$ + "< " + str(iRomanizationTable%)
-#End If
-    EvaluateFirstCharacter = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Unknown%
-    If iRomanizationTable% < 1 Or iRomanizationTable% > gbliRomanizationTableLast% Then
-        ' do nothing: already set to unknown
-    Else
-        With gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%)
-#If EvaluateFirstCharacterDebug = -1 Then
-            Debug.Print "Roman last: " + str(.RomanLast) + " vernac last " + str(.VernacularLast)
-#End If
-            ' first determination: are we converting script from vernacular into
-            '   roman or from roman into vernacular: the first charcter will tell
-            '   us everything we need to know
-            lPtr = 1
-            lLength = Len(sText$)
-            Do While lPtr <= lLength
-                LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = Mid(sText$, lPtr)
-                If LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = LocalMarcCharacter.MarcDelimiter Then
-                    ' we'll skip this, and the following character, but do nothing
-                    '   about either of 'em
-                    iLength% = 2
-                Else
-                    iLength% = LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharOctets
-    #If EvaluateFirstCharacterDebug = -1 Then
-                    Debug.Print "Char: >" + LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char + "< " + str(iLength%)
-    #End If
-                    If .Roman2Vernacular.Exists(LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char) Then
-                        EvaluateFirstCharacter = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Roman2Vernacular%
-                        Exit Do
-                    ElseIf .Vernacular2Roman.Exists(LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char) Then
-                        EvaluateFirstCharacter = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Vernacular2Roman%
-                        Exit Do
-                    End If
-                End If
-                lPtr = lPtr + iLength%
-            Loop
-        End With
-    End If
-End Function
-Public Function ReRomanizeTextDetailsReplaceApostrophes(ByVal sString$, ByVal iRomanizationTable%, ByRef LocalCharacterObject As Utf8CharClass, ByRef iLengthBeforeApostropheSubstitution%) As String
-    Dim lPtr As Long
-    Dim iLen%
-    Dim sSaveIncomingCharacter$, sOut$
-    'Debug.Print "RRTDRA received: >" + sString$ + "<"
-    iLengthBeforeApostropheSubstitution% = Len(sString$)
-    If Not gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).ApostropheCharactersPresent Then
-        sOut$ = sString$
-    Else
-        sSaveIncomingCharacter$ = LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char
-        lPtr = 1
-        Do While lPtr <= iLengthBeforeApostropheSubstitution%
-            LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char = Mid(sString$, lPtr)
-            If InStr(gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).ApostropheCharacters, LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char) > 0 Then
-                sOut$ = sOut$ + "'"
-            Else
-                sOut$ = sOut$ + LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char
-            End If
-            lPtr = lPtr + LocalCharacterObject.Utf8CharOctets
-        Loop
-        LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char = sSaveIncomingCharacter$
-    End If
-    ReRomanizeTextDetailsReplaceApostrophes = sOut$
-    'Debug.Print "RRTDRA output: >" + sOut$ + "<"
-End Function
-Public Function RomanizationAssistance(ByVal iAction As RomanizationAction, ByRef LocalRichTextBox As Control, ByVal iScript%, ByRef LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord As Utf8MarcRecordClass, ByRef LocalMarcCharacterObject As Utf8CharClass, ByVal iFldTextFormattedOption%, Optional ByVal sFontNameForDisplay$ = TextFormattedDefaultFont$, Optional ByVal iFontSizeForDisplay% = 10, Optional ByVal iFixedFieldDisplayConvention% = 2) As Integer
-    Dim sField$, sTag$, sTagToFind$, sIndicators$, s880Indicators$, sNative6$, s8806$, sLeftEnd$, sRecord$, sSubfield6Code$
-    Dim sSelText$, sLeft$, sLeft2$, sRight$, sRight2$, sRightAfterSelection$, sWholeField$
-    Dim sWord$, sNewField$, sOldField$, sFile$, sTempFile$, sLine$, sNewCharacter$
-    Dim sFieldRemainderRight$, sFieldRemainderLeft$, s6$, sOriginalField$, sType$
-    Dim sTagToCopy$, sIndicatorsToCopy$, sFieldToCopy$, sNewFields$, sOldFields$
-    Dim sSubfieldsExcludedUniversally$, sSubfieldsExcludedByTag$, sOriginalLeft$, sOriginalRight$
-    Dim sNonfilingString$, sIntermediate$
-    Dim sRLM$, sLRE$, sPDF$
-    Dim sRtfFontName$
-    Dim iRc%, iRc2%, iRepeat%, iNext6%, iRomanizationStyle%, iDirection%, iIn%, iOut%, iElement%
-    Dim iLen%
-    Dim lPtr As Long, lPtr2 As Long, lSelLength As Long, lSelStart As Long, lStart As Long
-    Dim lFldPointer As Long, lFldPointer2 As Long, lEnd As Long, lOriginalSelStart As Long
-    Dim bFound As Boolean, bSkipTagTest As Boolean, bStringHasTerminalSpace As Boolean
-    Dim bOnlyMarc8 As Boolean, bCreateEmpty880s As Boolean, bLcPattern As Boolean
-    'Const sLineEnd = "\line"
-    Const sLineEnd$ = "\par"
-    Const iLineEndLen% = 5
-    ' 20180926 Bucknum: check for and use custom language/script font for RTF display
-    '   overrides the default Unicode font setting
-    sRtfFontName$ = gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).FontName
-    If LenB(sRtfFontName$) = 0 Or Not IsFontInstalled(sRtfFontName$) Then
-        sRtfFontName$ = sFontNameForDisplay$
-    End If
-    If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VCreateEmpty880s Then
-        ' 20070425: pick up a script identification code if it's been defined
-        '   otherwise, we'll attempt to match it to the language code in 008/35-37
-        '   we'll include this in $6 of "empty" 880 fields
-        ' 20070830: LC addition: if there is no such code, pick up
-        '   a transmogrification of the langauge code instead; area reorganized
-        sSubfield6Code$ = gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VSubfield6Code
-        If LenB(sSubfield6Code$) = 0 Then
-            sSubfield6Code$ = Language2ScriptCode(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.Get008Value(35, 3))
-        End If
-        If LenB(sSubfield6Code$) > 0 Then
-            If sSubfield6Code$ = CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_HebrewAsG0$ Or _
-               sSubfield6Code$ = CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_BasicArabicAsG0$ Then
-                ' add R2L orientation code
-                sSubfield6Code$ = sSubfield6Code$ & "/r"
-            End If
-            ' add "/" prefix
-            sSubfield6Code$ = "/" + sSubfield6Code$
-        End If
-    End If
-    If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VIncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern Or _
-       InStr(sSubfield6Code$, "/r") > 0 Then
-        ' set IncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern = True to insert UFCs
-        ' 20070830: Bucknum code forces value of this here; but we think
-        '   this should come from the configuration file
-        ' instead, we're going to set directly what DB was using this
-        '   as a proxy for
-        'gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VIncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern = True
-        bLcPattern = True
-        ' 20070710: set a variable for the MarcRightToLeftMarker
-        '   LC wants a RTL marker before and after each delimiter,
-        '   EXCEPT immediately following the $6 code itself
-        With LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord
-            sRLM$ = .MarcRightToLeftMarker
-            sLRE$ = .MarcLeftToRightEmbedding
-            sPDF$ = .MarcPopDirectionalFormatting
-        End With
-    Else
-        ' set IncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern = False to not insert UFCs
-        ' 20070830: Bucknum code forces value of this here; but we think
-        '   this should come from the configuration file
-        ' instead, we're going to leave sRLM at its ground state of null,
-        '   which seems to be the point of all of this, anyway
-        'gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VIncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern = False
-        bLcPattern = False
-    End If
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Then
-    Debug.Print "Roman assistance; action " + str(iAction) + " script " + str(iScript%)
-#End If
-    sType$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcRecordFormat
-    ' assume everything will be OK
-    RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_Success%
-    Select Case iAction
-            ' 20070830: NoRomanization added
-            If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).NoRomanization Then
-                If iAction = ROMANIZATIONACTION_Define% Then
-                    GoTo RomanizationAssistanceNoFileOpenResume
-                End If
-            End If
-            ' these have similar complicated beginnings, so we'll do some code-sharing
-            ' get the current state of the MARC record
-            ' isolate the selected text, remove any carriage returns and line feeds
-            sField$ = LocalRichTextBox.SelRTF
-#If RomanizeHighlightedTextDebug = -1 Then
-            Debug.Print "RomanizeHighlightedText, etc.; raw field: >" + sField$ + "<"
-#End If
-            ' for some reason, delimiters are getting converted to something we don't recognize ...
-            sField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.ReplaceCharacters(sField$, "\'87", "\u8225?")
-            ' 20180926 added by Bucknum: for some reason, the rich text box is inserting alternating font codes
-            '   (e.g., "\f0") into the selected text, which is corrupting it, so we're going to strip them out
-            If InStr(sField$, "\f0 ") Or InStr(sField$, "\f1 ") Then
-                sField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.ReplaceCharacters(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.ReplaceCharacters(sField$, "\f0 "), "\f1 ")
-            ElseIf InStr(sField$, "\f0") Or InStr(sField$, "\f1") Then
-                sField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.ReplaceCharacters(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.ReplaceCharacters(sField$, "\f0"), "\f1")
-            End If
-            'Debug.Print "Initial extraction of field: >" + sField$ + "< len " + str(LocalRichTextBox.SelLength)
-            If Len(sField$) = 0 Or LocalRichTextBox.SelLength = 0 Then
-                'Debug.Print "Action: " + str(ROMANIZATIONACTION_RomanizeHighlightedText%)
-                If iAction = ROMANIZATIONACTION_RomanizeHighlightedText% Then
-                    ' 20070830: if we are clicked somewhere within a field and the selection length
-                    '   is zero, we'll assume that what we really want to do is convert the
-                    '   whole field
-                    lPtr = FindFieldCurrentlyPointedTo(LocalRichTextBox, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord)
-                    'Debug.Print "Ptr: " + str(lPtr)
-                    ' 20100402 changed by Bucknum to allow for returned default of -1 (i.e. no text selected):
-                    'If lPtr = 0 Then
-                    If lPtr <= 0 Then
-                        RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_TextNotHighlighted%
-                        Exit Function
-                    End If
-                Else
-                    RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_TextNotHighlighted%
-                    Exit Function
-                End If
-                ' if we get here, we've found the field of interest
-                LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer = lPtr
-                sFieldRemainderLeft$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldInd
-                sFieldRemainderRight$ = ""
-                sWholeField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText
-                ' 20100202 added by Bucknum: to enable
-                '  non-empty field transliteration below
-                sTag$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag
-                sIndicators$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldInd
-                sField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText
-                GoTo RA_WeHaveOurFieldTheEasyWay
-            End If
-            ' if we ended up with carriage returns or line feeds, remove them (inserting no space)
-            sField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.ReplaceCharacters(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.ReplaceCharacters(sField$, vbCr, ""), vbLf, "")
-            ' we'll use these two values in a bit, to find the field
-            '   within the non-RTF version of the record
-            ' NOTE that the TextRTF returns delimiters correctly (as opposed to SelRTF, as
-            '   shown above) so we don't need to do any conversion here; in any case, this
-            '   step appears to be irrelevant, because we replace this value of sRecord with
-            '   a fresh copy of the TextFormatted(rtf) version of the record before we
-            '   ever use sRecord for anything; go figure
-            ' see note below about the contents of SelStart for rich text boxes
-            lSelStart = LocalRichTextBox.SelStart
-            lOriginalSelStart = lSelStart
-            sRecord$ = LocalRichTextBox.TextRTF
-            ' remove the closing brace from the selected text
-            If Right(sField$, 1) = "}" Then
-                sField$ = Mid(sField$, 1, Len(sField$) - 1)
-            End If
-            ' remove the RTF prefix from the selected text
-            iRc% = InStr(sField$, "}}")
-            If iRc% > 0 Then
-                sField$ = Trim(Mid(sField$, iRc% + 2))
-            End If
-            ' text should now start with some additional 'slash' commands, which
-            '   we will proceed to remove
-            Do While Mid(sField$, 1, 1) = "\"
-                If Mid(sField$, 1, 2) = "\u" Then
-                    If InStr("0123456789", Mid(sField$, 3, 1)) > 0 Then
-                        Exit Do
-                    End If
-                End If
-                sField$ = Mid(sField$, 2)
-                iRc% = InStr(sField$, "\")
-                If iRc% = 0 Then
-                    iRc% = InStr(sField$, " ")
-                    If iRc% > 0 Then
-                        sField$ = Mid(sField$, iRc% + 1)
-                        Exit Do
-                    End If
-                Else
-                    iRc2% = InStr(sField$, " ")
-                    If iRc2% > 0 Then
-                        If iRc% < iRc2% Then
-                            sField$ = Mid(sField$, iRc%)
-                        Else
-                            sField$ = Mid(sField$, iRc2% + 1)
-                            Exit Do
-                        End If
-                    Else
-                        sField$ = Mid(sField$, iRc%)
-                    End If
-                End If
-            Loop
-            ' remove any trailing 'par' command
-            iRc% = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.Rat(sField$, "\par")
-            If iRc% > 0 Then
-                sField$ = Mid(sField$, 1, iRc% - 1)
-            End If
-            If Len(sField$) = 0 Then
-                RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_HighlightedTextBecomesNothing%
-                Exit Function
-            End If
-            ' wrapping spaces are irrelevant
-            sField$ = Trim(sField$)
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Or RomanizeHighlightedTextDebug = -1 Then
-            Debug.Print "Here's yer cleaned-up text: >" + sField$ + "<"
-#End If
-            ' we should now have the raw text of interest, isolated in sField$
-            ' oddly enough, the SelStart property of the rich text box
-            '   refers to the plain text version
-            '   of the field; there doesn't seem to be a corresponding SelStartRtf
-            '   or anything else useful; so we're going to use the supplied SelStart
-            '   property as a rough guide for finding the selection ourselves
-            ' remembering that SelStart is zero-based (so we don't have to back up 1
-            '   from lSelStart to find the "real" end of the preceding text, and we
-            '   have to add 1 to the combined start and length to find the beginning
-            '   of whatever follows the text (which is, from our point of view, possibly
-            '   irrelevant)
-            sFieldRemainderLeft$ = Mid(LocalRichTextBox.Text, 1, lSelStart)
-            lPtr = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.Rat(sFieldRemainderLeft$, vbLf)
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Or RomanizeHighlightedTextDebug = -1 Then
-            Debug.Print "Location of text: >" + str(lPtr)
-#End If
-            If lPtr > 0 Then
-                sFieldRemainderLeft$ = Trim(Mid(sFieldRemainderLeft$, lPtr + 1) + sField$)
-                sTagToFind$ = Mid(sFieldRemainderLeft$, 1, 3)
-            Else
-                RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_TextNotFindable%
-                Exit Function
-            End If
-            Select Case LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcRecordFormat
-                Case "A"
-                    sNonfilingString$ = sAuthorityNonfilingString$
-                Case "B", "D", "F", "M", "P", "S", "U"
-                    sNonfilingString$ = sBibliographicNonfilingString$
-                'Case else: ignore the whole issue
-            End Select
-            ' to help us find the highlighted text within the record,
-            '   give us the RTF version of the whole MARC record again
-            ' we don't need to worry here about specification for fixed fields or
-            '   font size, because they don't affect what we're up to here
-            sRecord$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.TextFormatted(rtfText)
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Then
-            Debug.Print "Looking in: >" + sRecord$ + "<"
-#End If
-            lStart = 1
-            Do
-                ' find the next occurrence of our text in the record
-                lSelStart = InStr(lStart, sRecord$, sField$)
-                DoEvents
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Then
-                Debug.Print "Start " + str(lStart) + " selstart " + str(lSelStart)
-#End If
-                If lSelStart = 0 Then
-                    If lStart = 1 Then
-                        RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_TextNotFindable%
-                        Exit Function
-                    End If
-                    ' we found at least one place already; so let's back up to find
-                    '   the first one (assuming that the first one is the right one!)
-                    lSelStart = InStr(1, sRecord$, sField$)
-                    If lSelStart = 0 Then
-                        RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_TextNotFindable%
-                        Exit Function
-                    End If
-                    bSkipTagTest = True
-                Else
-                    lStart = lSelStart + 1
-                End If
-                sLeft$ = Mid(sRecord$, 1, lSelStart - 1)
-                sRight$ = Mid(sRecord$, lSelStart + Len(sField$))
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Then
-                Debug.Print "Left: >" + sLeft$ + "<"
-                Debug.Print "Right: >" + sRight$ + "<"
-#End If
-                ' sLeft$ = all of the record up to our selected text
-                ' sRight$ = and all of the record that follows the selected text
-                ' we want to back up in sLeft to the beginning of the current "line" (i.e., variable field)
-                lSelStart = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.Rat(sLeft$, sLineEnd$)
-                If lSelStart > 0 Then
-                    sFieldRemainderLeft$ = LTrim(Mid(sLeft$, lSelStart + 5))
-                    If Mid(sFieldRemainderLeft$, 1, 2) = "\f" Then
-                        sLeft$ = sLeft$ + Mid(sFieldRemainderLeft$, 1, 4)
-                        sFieldRemainderLeft$ = Mid(sFieldRemainderLeft$, 5)
-                    End If
-                Else
-                    sFieldRemainderLeft$ = ""
-                End If
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Or RomanizeHighlightedTextDebug = -1 Then
-                Debug.Print "FRL: >" + sFieldRemainderLeft$ + "< field >" + sField$ + "<"
-                Debug.Print "Tag info: >" + sTagToFind$ + "< >" + Mid(LTrim(sFieldRemainderLeft$ + sField$), 1, 3) + "< " + str(bSkipTagTest)
-#End If
-                If Mid(LTrim(sFieldRemainderLeft$ + sField$), 1, 3) = sTagToFind$ Or bSkipTagTest Then
-                    ' we want to include from sRight any remainder of the current line (i.e., the
-                    '   remainder of our variable field)
-                    lSelStart = InStr(sRight$, sLineEnd$)
-                    If lSelStart > 1 Then
-                        sFieldRemainderRight$ = Mid(sRight$, 1, lSelStart - 1)
-                    Else
-                        sFieldRemainderRight$ = ""
-                    End If
-                    sFieldRemainderLeft$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.TranslateRTF2Marc(sFieldRemainderLeft$)
-                    sField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.RemoveSpacesAroundDelimiters(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.TranslateRTF2Marc(sField$))
-                    sFieldRemainderRight$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.TranslateRTF2Marc(sFieldRemainderRight$)
-                    sWholeField$ = Trim(sFieldRemainderLeft$ + sField$ + sFieldRemainderRight$)
-                    Exit Do
-                End If
-            Loop
-            'Debug.Print "Easy way"
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Or RomanizeHighlightedTextDebug = -1 Then
-            Debug.Print "Whole field: >" + sWholeField$ + "<"
-#End If
-            Select Case iAction
-                Case ROMANIZATIONACTION_RomanizeHighlightedText%
-                    sTag$ = Mid(sWholeField$, 1, 3) ' the tag of the current field
-                    sIndicators$ = Mid(sWholeField$, 5, 2)
-                    sWholeField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.RemoveSpacesAroundDelimiters(Trim(Mid(sWholeField$, 8)))
-                    If Mid(sWholeField$, 1, 2) = "\f" Then
-                        sWholeField$ = Mid(sWholeField$, 4)
-                    End If
-                    'Debug.Print "Pieces: >" + sTag$ + "< >" + sIndicators$ + "< >" + sWholeField$ + "<"
-                    ' change 880 $6 6xx-xx 2nd indicator to "4" (source not specified)
-                    If sTag$ >= 600 And sTag$ <= 651 Then
-                        s880Indicators$ = Mid$(sIndicators$, 1, 1) & "4"
-                    Else
-                        s880Indicators$ = sIndicators$
-                    End If
-                    iRc% = InStr(sWholeField$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6")
-                    If iRc% > 0 Then
-                        ' 20070830: NoRomanization added
-                        If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).NoRomanization Then
-                            ' if we we're not actually converting text then there's nothing for us to do
-                            '   if $6 is present
-                            GoTo RomanizationAssistanceNoFileOpenResume
-                        End If
-                        s6$ = Mid(sWholeField$, iRc% + 2)
-                        iRc% = InStr(s6$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter)
-                        If iRc% > 0 Then
-                            s6$ = Mid(s6$, 1, iRc% - 1)
-                        End If
-                    Else
-                        ' field does not yet contain $6
-                        ' calculate the next value for sequence of subfield $6
-                        LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldMoveTop
-                        Do While LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldMoveNext
-                            If LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdFindFirst("6") Then
-                                iRc% = InStr(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText, "-")
-                                If iRc% > 0 Then
-                                    iRepeat% = Val(Trim(Mid(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText, iRc% + 1)))
-                                    If iRepeat% > iNext6% Then
-                                        iNext6% = iRepeat%
-                                    End If
-                                End If
-                            End If
-                        Loop
-                        iNext6% = iNext6% + 1
-                        ' 20070830: NoRomanization added
-                        If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).NoRomanization Then
-                            ' if we're not actually converting text, then (until we hear more
-                            '   from David B. at LC) we're going to add $6 to the current field and
-                            '   copy the current field to 880
-                            ' we can do this much, now that we've got the next repeat number
-                            '   calculated
-                            bFound = False
-                            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldMoveTop
-                            Do While LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldFindNext(sTag$)
-                                If LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = sWholeField$ Then
-                                    lFldPointer = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer
-                                    bFound = True
-                                End If
-                            Loop
-                            If Not bFound Then
-                                RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_FieldNotFound%
-                                Exit Function
-                            End If
-                            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer = lFldPointer
-                            sTag$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag
-                            sIndicators$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldInd
-                            ' change 880 $6 6xx-xx 2nd indicator to "4" (source not specified)
-                            If sTag$ >= 600 And sTag$ <= 651 Then
-                                s880Indicators$ = Mid$(sIndicators$, 1, 1) & "4"
-                            Else
-                                s880Indicators$ = sIndicators$
-                            End If
-                            sField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText
-                            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdMoveFirst
-                            bOnlyMarc8 = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.Utf8TextContainsOnlyMarc8Characters(sField$)
-                            'Debug.Print "Only marc 8? " + str(bOnlyMarc8)
-                            ' 20100412 changed by David Bucknum: since we're romanizing the field above
-                            ' original version:
-                            'LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdAdd "6", "880-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2)
-                            ' replacement:
-                            With LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord
-                                .FldDelete
-                                .FldAdd .FldTag, .FldInd, .MarcDelimiter + "6" + "880-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sField$
-                            End With
-                            ' adding subfield $6 has the effect of deleting the original field and replacing
-                            '   it with a new one; so we need to reset the pointer too
-                            lFldPointer = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer
-                            ' 20100412 changed by David Bucknum: since we're romanizing the field above
-                            ' original version:
-                            'LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldAdd "880", s880Indicators$, sField$
-                            'LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdAdd "6", sTag$ + "-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2)
-                            ' replacement:
-                            With LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord
-                                .FldAdd .FldTag, .FldInd, .MarcDelimiter + "6" + sTag$ + "-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sField$
-                            End With
-                            lFldPointer2 = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer
-                            ' now, the matrix of options
-                            If bOnlyMarc8 Then
-                                ' the field we copied into the 880 contains only MARC-8 characters; so
-                                '   we assume that this is romanized text for which we need to
-                                '   supply the vernacular form
-                                'Debug.Print "Create empty 1? " + str(gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VCreateEmpty880s)
-                                If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VCreateEmpty880s Then
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer = lFldPointer2
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdMoveFirst
-                                    Do While True
-                                        If InStr("68", LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode) = 0 Then
-                                        ' include this subfield, but change it to a plus sign
-                                            ' 20070831: in the new "empty" 880 field:
-                                            '   add RLMs before and after the delimiter/subfield codes,
-                                            '   as appropriate, but *only* if the Right2LeftMark variable is set
-                                            If bLcPattern Then
-                                                ' 20070831: add a LeftToRightEmbedding character (LRE) only before
-                                                '   and add a POPDirectionalFormatting character (PDF) only
-                                                '   at the end of the 880 $6 260-xx $c [dates]
-                                                ' 20121121: added 264 (RDA) to logic
-                                                If sTag$ Like "26[04]" And LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode = "c" Then
-                                                    ' if the 260 ends with a period, place the period after the PDF
-                                                    If Right(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText, 1) = "." Then
-                                                        LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText = sRLM$ + sLRE$ + "+" + sPDF$ + "."
-                                                    Else
-                                                        LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText = sRLM$ + sLRE$ + "+" + sPDF$
-                                                    End If
-                                                Else
-                                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText = sRLM$ + "+" + sRLM$
-                                                End If
-                                            Else
-                                                LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText = "+"
-                                            End If
-                                        Else
-                                            ' 20070831: add an RLM at the end of $6 as appropriate
-                                            If bLcPattern Then
-                                                LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText + sSubfield6Code$ + sRLM$
-                                            Else
-                                                LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText + sSubfield6Code$
-                                            End If
-                                        End If
-                                        If Not LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdMoveNext Then
-                                            ' 20070831: remove the final RLM at the end of the field
-                                            If bLcPattern And Right(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText, 3) = sRLM$ Then
-                                                LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = Left(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText, Len(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText) - 3)
-                                            End If
-                                            Exit Do
-                                        End If
-                                    Loop
-                                End If
-                            Else
-                                ' the field we copied into the 880 contains non-MARC-8 characters; so
-                                '   we assume that this is vernacular text and the original field
-                                '   needs to be romanized
-                                'Debug.Print "Create empty 2? " + str(gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).V2RCreateEmptyFields)
-                                If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).V2RCreateEmptyFields Then
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer = lFldPointer
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdMoveFirst
-                                    sField$ = ""
-                                    Do While True
-                                        If InStr("68", LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode) = 0 Then
-                                            ' include this subfield, but change it to a plus sign
-                                            sField$ = sField$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode + "+"
-                                        Else
-                                            sField$ = sField$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText
-                                        End If
-                                        If Not LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdMoveNext Then
-                                            Exit Do
-                                        End If
-                                    Loop
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = sField$
-                                End If
-                            End If
-'                            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.DumpArray "100 880", True
-                            GoTo RomanAssist_DisplayTheFinishedRecord
-                        End If
-                    End If
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Then
-                    Debug.Print "Evaluating first character of: >" + sField$ + "<"
-#End If
-                    iRomanizationStyle% = EvaluateFirstCharacter(sField$, iScript%, LocalMarcCharacterObject)
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Then
-                    Debug.Print "Result of evaluation: " + str(iRomanizationStyle%) + " >" + sField$ + "<"
-#End If
-                    If iRomanizationStyle% = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Unknown% Then
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Then
-                        Debug.Print "Unknown style; exit"
-#End If
-                        RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_ActionUnclear%
-                        Exit Function
-                    End If
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Then
-                    Debug.Print "Critical data: >" + sTag$ + "< >" + s6$ + "<"
-#End If
-                    ' at this point we need to make the critical determination: are we converting
-                    '   romanized text into vernacular, or are we converting vernacular text into romanized?
-                    ' here go the scenarios we've developed, based on a
-                    '   matrix of these factors:
-                    '   1) whether the field is 880, or something else
-                    '   2) whether the field already contains subfield $6
-                    '   3) whether the highlighted text is vernacular or romanized
-                    If sTag$ <> "880" Then
-                        If Len(s6$) = 0 Then
-                            ' we need lFldPointer regardless of what happens
-                            '   to remaining scenarios here
-                            bFound = False
-                            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldMoveTop
-                            Do While LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldFindNext(sTag$)
-                                'Debug.Print "Comparing: >" + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText + "< >" + sWholeField$ + "<"
-                                If LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = sWholeField$ Then
-                                    lFldPointer = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer
-                                    bFound = True
-                                End If
-                            Loop
-                            If Not bFound Then
-                                RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_FieldNotFound%
-                                Exit Function
-                            End If
-                            If iRomanizationStyle% = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Vernacular2Roman% Then
-                                ' not an 880 field; no $6 yet; we're moving from vernacular to romanized
-                                ' copy the current field as 880 (which adds $6 to the
-                                '   original field and also the new 880 field); otherwise
-                                '   leave the 880 field alone
-                                iRc% = InStr(sWholeField$, sField$)
-                                If iRc% > 0 Then ' it sure better be!
-                                    ' find the original field (again!) and get a copy of it
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer = lFldPointer
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldLoadInfo sTagToCopy$, sIndicatorsToCopy$, sFieldToCopy$
-                                    lFldPointer2 = lFldPointer
-                                    ' copy the field as it stands to an 880, with $6 added
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldAdd "880", sIndicatorsToCopy$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6" + sTagToCopy$ + "-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sSubfield6Code$ + sFieldToCopy$
-                                    ' save the pointer to the new 880 field for later use in resolving
-                                    '   the nonfiling characters indicator
-                                    lFldPointer = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer
-                                    ' isolate the bits that we're NOT going to romanize
-                                    sLeft$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6880-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + Mid(sWholeField$, 1, iRc% - 1)
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Or RomanizeHighlightedTextDebug = -1 Then
-                                    Debug.Print "Pieces before dealing with intermediate:"
-                                    Debug.Print "L >" + sLeft$ + "<"
-                                    Debug.Print "F >" + sField$ + "<"
-                                    Debug.Print "R >" + sRight$ + "<"
-#End If
-                                    If Right(sLeft$, 1) = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter Then
-                                        sLeft$ = Mid(sLeft$, 1, Len(sLeft$) - 1)
-                                        sIntermediate$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter
-                                    ElseIf Mid(Right(sLeft$, 2), 1, 1) = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter Then
-                                        sIntermediate$ = Right(sLeft$, 2)
-                                        sLeft$ = Mid(sLeft$, 1, Len(sLeft$) - 2)
-                                    End If
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Then
-                                    Debug.Print "Intermediate: >" + sIntermediate$ + "<"
-#End If
-                                    sRight$ = Mid(sWholeField$, iRc% + Len(sField$))
-                                    sField$ = sIntermediate$ + sField$
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Then
-                                    Debug.Print "L,F,R: >" + sLeft$ + "< >" + sField$ + "< >" + sRight$ + "<"
-#End If
-                                    ' change the text of the native field to match
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer = lFldPointer2
-                                    If Right(sField$, 1) = " " Then
-                                        bStringHasTerminalSpace = True
-                                    Else
-                                        bStringHasTerminalSpace = False
-                                    End If
-                                    ' 20070731: make sure first word is uppercased
-                                    sField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.UCaseFirstWord(ReRomanizeText(sType$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag, sField$, iScript%, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord, LocalMarcCharacterObject))
-                                    If Not bStringHasTerminalSpace Then
-                                        sField$ = RTrim(sField$)
-                                    End If
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = sLeft$ + sField$ + sRight$
-                                    ' just in case we've done a delete/re-add
-                                    lFldPointer2 = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer
-                                    ' adjust nonfiling characters as necessary
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Then
-                                    Debug.Print "Adjust NON #1"
-#End If
-                                    ReRomanizeAdjustNonfilingIndicators iScript%, sNonfilingString$, lFldPointer, lFldPointer2, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord, LocalMarcCharacterObject
-                                    GoTo RomanAssist_DisplayTheFinishedRecord
-                                Else
-                                    iRc% = InStr(sField$, sWholeField$)
-                                    If iRc% > 0 Then
-                                        sField$ = sWholeField$
-                                        iRc% = InStr(sWholeField$, sField$)
-                                        If iRc% > 0 Then
-                                            GoTo RomanAssist_ReplayWithSubstitution
-                                        End If
-                                    End If
-                                    ' todo: if we get here, nothing is going to happen; tell the operator?
-                                End If
-                            Else ' not an 880 field; no $6 yet; we're moving from romanized to vernacular
-                                ' find the field in the bib record
-                                ' INCLUDES Wade-Giles to Pinyin
-                                iRc% = InStr(sWholeField$, sField$)
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Or RomanizeHighlightedTextDebug = -1 Then
-                                Debug.Print "Selection info: " + str(iRc%) + " >" + sField$ + "< >" + sWholeField$ + "<"
-#End If
-                                If iRc% > 0 Then ' it sure better be!
-                                    ' isolate the bits that we're NOT going to romanize
-                                    sRight$ = Mid(sWholeField$, iRc% + Len(sField$))
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer = lFldPointer
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Or RomanizeHighlightedTextDebug = -1 Then
-                                    Debug.Print "Right: >" + sRight$ + "<"
-#End If
-                                    sTagToCopy$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag
-                                    If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).DoNotUse880Field Then
-                                        ' probably wade-giles to pinyin
-                                        sLeft$ = Mid(sWholeField$, 1, iRc% - 1)
-                                        LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = sLeft$ + ReRomanizeText(sType$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag, sField$, iScript%, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord, LocalMarcCharacterObject) + sRight$
-                                    Else
-                                        sLeft$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6" + sTag$ + "-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sSubfield6Code$ + Mid(sWholeField$, 1, iRc% - 1)
-                                        ' add subfield $6 to the original field (to make things easier, we'll
-                                        '   actually achieve this with a delete/insert operation)
-                                        'Debug.Print "Text before delete: " + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText
-                                        LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldDelete
-                                        ' 20070703: in the original version (retained here as a comment), we use the text of the new field
-                                        '   as run through the ReRomanize function. the reason for this is not clear, and
-                                        '   at least in the Hebrew stuff we're testing with just now this results in
-                                        '   a field with uppercase letters rendered as lowercase
-                                        ' the obvious solution appears to be to use the original field text in the
-                                        '   new field, without any changes
-                                        ' perhaps only time will reveal the need that led to our use of ReRomanize
-                                        '   here in the first place ...
-                                        ' original version:
-                                        'LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldInsertAfter sTagToCopy$, sIndicators$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6" + "880-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + ReRomanizeText(sType$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText, iScript%, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord, LocalMarcCharacterObject, 2)
-                                        ' replacement:
-                                        ' 20100809 Bucknum added: remove temporary VowelMarker character before export
-                                        If LenB(gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VVowelMarker) > 0 Then
-                                            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.ReplaceCharacters(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText, gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VVowelMarker)
-                                        End If
-                                        LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldInsertAfter sTagToCopy$, sIndicators$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6" + "880-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText
-                                        ' pointer to the "changed" field
-                                        lFldPointer = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer
-                                        ' 20070719: convert the text for the 880 here, instead of below
-                                        sField$ = ReRomanizeText(sType$, sTagToCopy$, sField$, iScript%, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord, LocalMarcCharacterObject)
-                                        ' add right-to-left marker to the end of subfield $6 as appropriate
-                                        If bLcPattern Then
-                                            lPtr = InStr(sLeft$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6")
-                                            If lPtr > 0 Then
-                                                sLeft$ = sLeft$ & LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcRightToLeftMarker
-                                            End If
-                                            ' add LRE and PDF markers to the 880 $6 260-xx $c [dates]
-                                            '   after the $c RLM and at the end of the subfield
-                                            ' 20121121: added 264 (RDA) to logic
-                                            lPtr2 = InStr(sField$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "c")
-                                            If lPtr2 <> 0 And sTagToCopy$ Like "26[04]" Then
-                                                sField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SafeStuff(sField$, lPtr2 + 5, 0, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcLeftToRightEmbedding)
-                                                ' if the subfield ends with a period, place the period after the PDF
-                                                If Right(sField$, 1) = "." Then
-                                                    sField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SafeStuff(sField$, InStrRev(sField$, "."), 1, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcPopDirectionalFormatting + ".")
-                                                Else
-                                                    sField$ = sField$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcPopDirectionalFormatting
-                                                End If
-                                            End If
-                                        End If
-                                        ' create an 880 field with text converted
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Or RomanizeHighlightedTextDebug = -1 Then
-                                        Debug.Print "Pieces to insert: >" + sLeft$ + "< >" + sField$ + "< >" + sRight$ + "<"
-#End If
-                                        ' 20070719 changed by David Bucknum: since we're romanizing the field above
-                                        ' original version:
-                                        'LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldInsertAfter "880", s880Indicators$, sLeft$ + ReRomanizeText(sType$, sTagToCopy$, sField$, iScript%, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord, LocalMarcCharacterObject) + sRight$
-                                        ' replacement:
-                                        LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldInsertAfter "880", s880Indicators$, sLeft$ + sField$ + sRight$
-                                        ' this is, for our purposes, the "original" field
-                                        lFldPointer2 = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer
-#If RomanizeHighlightedTextDebug = -1 Then
-                                        Debug.Print "The new field's text 1: " + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText
-#End If
-                                        'LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.DumpArray "", False
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Then
-                                        Debug.Print "Adjust NON #2"
-#End If
-                                        ReRomanizeAdjustNonfilingIndicators iScript%, sNonfilingString$, lFldPointer, lFldPointer2, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord, LocalMarcCharacterObject
-                                        ' does this achieve anything at all?
-                                        LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer = lFldPointer
-#If RomanizeHighlightedTextDebug = -1 Then
-                                        Debug.Print "The new field's text 2: " + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText
-#End If
-                                    End If
-                                    GoTo RomanAssist_DisplayTheFinishedRecord
-                                Else
-                                    iRc% = InStr(sField$, sWholeField$)
-                                    If iRc% > 0 Then
-                                        sField$ = sWholeField$
-                                        iRc% = InStr(sWholeField$, sField$)
-                                        If iRc% > 0 Then
-                                            GoTo RomanAssist_ReplayWithSubstitution2
-                                        End If
-                                    End If
-                                    ' todo: if we get here, nothing is going to happen; tell the operator?
-                                End If
-                            End If
-                        Else ' tag not 880, subfield $6 is present
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Then
-                            Debug.Print "Not 880, $6 present " + str(iRomanizationStyle%)
-                            Debug.Print "Rem left: >" + sFieldRemainderLeft$ + "<"
-                            Debug.Print "Whole: >" + sWholeField$ + "<"
-#End If
-                            If iRomanizationStyle% = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Vernacular2Roman% Then
-                                ' not an 880 field; already contains $6; moving from vernacular to roman
-                                ' todo: romanize the text in place, leaving the 880 field alone
-                                ' NOTE that if field already contains $6, we're not going to
-                                '   do anything about initial articles
-                                bFound = False
-                                sTag$ = Mid(sFieldRemainderLeft$, 1, 3)
-                                LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldMoveTop
-                                Do While LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldFindNext(sTag$)
-                                    If LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = sWholeField$ Then
-                                        lFldPointer = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer
-                                        bFound = True
-                                    End If
-                                Loop
-                                If Not bFound Then
-                                    RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_FieldNotFound%
-                                    Exit Function
-                                Else
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer = lFldPointer
-                                    If Len(sFieldRemainderLeft$) > 0 Then
-                                        lFldPointer = InStr(sFieldRemainderLeft$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter)
-                                        If lFldPointer > 0 Then
-                                            sFieldRemainderLeft$ = Mid(sFieldRemainderLeft$, lFldPointer)
-                                        End If
-                                    End If
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = sFieldRemainderLeft$ + ReRomanizeText(sType$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag, sField$, iScript%, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord, LocalMarcCharacterObject) + sFieldRemainderRight$
-                                    GoTo RomanAssist_DisplayTheFinishedRecord
-                                End If
-                            Else
-                                ' not an 880 field; already contains $6; we're moving from romanized to vernacular
-                                ' todo: find the parallel text in the 880 field, and vernacularize the
-                                '   parallel text in the 880 field; leave the user-marked field alone
-                            End If
-                        End If
-                    Else
-                        ' the operator selected text within an 880 field
-                        If Len(s6$) = 0 Then
-                            RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_880WithNoSubfield6%
-                            Exit Function
-                        Else
-                            ' 880 field; field already contains $6
-                            GoTo RomanAssist_ReRomanizeInPlace
-                        End If
-                    End If
-                    sTag$ = Mid(sWholeField$, 1, 3) ' the tag of the current field
-                    sIndicators$ = Mid(sWholeField$, 5, 2)
-                    sWholeField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.RemoveSpacesAroundDelimiters(Trim(Mid(sWholeField$, 8)))
-                    If Mid(sWholeField$, 1, 2) = "\f" Then
-                        sWholeField$ = Mid(sWholeField$, 4)
-                    End If
-                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldMoveTop
-                    Do While LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldFindNext(sTag$)
-                        If LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = sWholeField$ Then
-                            lFldPointer = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer
-                            bFound = True
-                        End If
-                    Loop
-                    If Not bFound Then
-                        RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_FieldNotFound%
-                        Exit Function
-                    End If
-                    iRc% = InStr(sWholeField$, sField$)
-                    If iRc% > 0 Then ' it sure better be!
-                        iRc% = InStr(sWholeField$, sField$)
-                        If iRc% > 0 Then ' it sure better be!
-                            ' find the original field (again!) and get a copy of it
-                            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer = lFldPointer
-                            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldLoadInfo sTagToCopy$, sIndicatorsToCopy$, sFieldToCopy$
-                            ' isolate the bits that we're NOT going to romanize
-                            sLeft$ = Mid(sWholeField$, 1, iRc% - 1)
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Then
-                            Debug.Print "Pieces before dealing with intermediate:"
-                            Debug.Print "L >" + sLeft$ + "<"
-                            Debug.Print "F >" + sField$ + "<"
-                            Debug.Print "R >" + sRight$ + "<"
-#End If
-                            If Right(sLeft$, 1) = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter Then
-                                sLeft$ = Mid(sLeft$, 1, Len(sLeft$) - 1)
-                                sIntermediate$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter
-                            ElseIf Mid(Right(sLeft$, 2), 1, 1) = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter Then
-                                sIntermediate$ = Right(sLeft$, 2)
-                                sLeft$ = Mid(sLeft$, 1, Len(sLeft$) - 2)
-                            End If
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Then
-                            Debug.Print "Intermediate: >" + sIntermediate$ + "<"
-#End If
-                            sRight$ = Mid(sWholeField$, iRc% + Len(sField$))
-                            sField$ = sIntermediate$ + sField$
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Then
-                            Debug.Print "L,F,R: >" + sLeft$ + "< >" + sField$ + "< >" + sRight$ + "<"
-#End If
-                            sOriginalField$ = sField$
-                            Select Case iAction
-                                Case ROMANIZATIONACTION_LCaseWord%
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = sLeft$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.LCaseFirstWord(sField$) + sRight$
-                                Case ROMANIZATIONACTION_UCaseWord%
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = sLeft$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.UCaseFirstWord(sField$) + sRight$
-                                Case ROMANIZATIONACTION_ReplaceText%, ROMANIZATIONACTION_Define%
-                                    sNewField$ = ""
-                                    sOriginalLeft$ = sLeft$
-                                    sOriginalRight$ = sRight$
-                                    Do While Len(sField$) > 0
-                                        If Asc(Mid(sField$, 1, 1)) > 127 Then
-                                            LocalMarcCharacterObject.Utf8Char = sField$
-                                            sField$ = Mid(sField$, LocalMarcCharacterObject.Utf8CharOctets + 1)
-                                            sNewField$ = sNewField$ + "{U+" + LocalMarcCharacterObject.UcsHex + "}"
-                                        Else
-                                            sNewField$ = sNewField$ + Mid(sField$, 1, 1)
-                                            sField$ = Mid(sField$, 2)
-                                        End If
-                                    Loop
-                                    If iAction = ROMANIZATIONACTION_Define% Then
-                                        sFile$ = gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).FullFileName
-                                        sTempFile$ = sFile$
-                                        iRc2% = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.Rat(sTempFile$, "\")
-                                        If iRc2% = 0 Then
-                                            Exit Function
-                                        End If
-                                        sTempFile$ = Mid(sTempFile$, 1, iRc2%) + "Temp.$$$"
-                                        On Error GoTo RomanizationAssistanceNoFileOpen
-                                        iOut% = FreeFile
-                                        Open sTempFile$ For Output As #iOut%
-                                        On Error GoTo 0
-                                        iIn% = FreeFile
-                                        Open sFile$ For Input As #iIn%
-                                        iRc% = InStr(sNewField$, "{U+")
-                                        If iRc% = 0 Then
-                                            RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_NoCharacterToDefine%
-                                            Exit Function
-                                        End If
-                                        ' iRc% points to the character in question
-                                        ' PRESERVE THE VALUE OF iRC!
-                                        sField$ = InputBox("Please supply the replacement text for U+" + Mid(sNewField$, iRc% + 3, 4) + ".  (Supply empty text to cancel.)", "Define replacement for vernacular character", "")
-                                        If Len(sField$) = 0 Then
-                                            Close #iIn%
-                                            Close #iOut%
-                                            Exit Function ' operation canceled
-                                        End If
-                                        ' iRc% still points to the character in question
-                                        ' PRESERVE THE VALUE OF iRC!
-                                        If sField$ = Mid(sNewField$, iRc% + 3, 4) Then
-                                            Close #iIn%
-                                            Close #iOut%
-                                            Exit Function ' operator didn't make a change: nothing to do
-                                        End If
-                                        ' iRc% still points to the character in question
-                                        ' PRESERVE THE VALUE OF iRC!
-                                        ' todo: if we need to allow for the possibility of Unicode
-                                        '   notations within the replacement text, handle them here
-                                        '   (not needed for Chinese, which is the object of this
-                                        '   exercise)
-                                        ' add a new line to the configuration file,
-                                        '   defining this new character (we opened the files
-                                        '   above, so we could make sure we're allowed to do this
-                                        '   before we actually go to work)
-                                        '
-                                        ' 20070606 added by David Bucknum
-                                        sField$ = Trim(sField$) & " "
-                                        Do While Not EOF(iIn%)
-                                            DoEvents
-                                            Line Input #iIn%, sLine$
-                                            Print #iOut%, sLine$
-                                            ' 20070727 (comment only; no change) this puts the new
-                                            '   character at the top of the stanza, whether we want
-                                            '   it there or somewhere else; this is "probably" good
-                                            '   enough, given the context ...
-                                            If sLine$ = "[ScriptToRoman]" Then
-                                                Print #iOut%, "U+" + Mid(sNewField$, iRc% + 3, 4) + "=" + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.ReplaceCharacters(sField$, " ", "_")
-                                            End If
-                                        Loop
-                                        Close #iIn%
-                                        Close #iOut%
-                                        On Error GoTo RomanizationAssistanceBadKill
-                                        Kill sFile$
-                                        DoEvents
-                                        FileCopy sTempFile$, sFile$
-                                        DoEvents
-                                        Kill sTempFile$
-                                        ' add the character to the current version of the
-                                        '   romanization tables in memory
-                                        'sField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.ReplaceCharacters(sField$, "_", " ")
-                                        ' this is the "native" representation of the whole raw string (which should
-                                        '   just be one character)
-                                        'Debug.Print "RA 1"
-                                        sNewCharacter$ = RomanizeConvertText("U+" + Mid(sNewField$, iRc% + 3, 4), LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord, LocalMarcCharacterObject)
-                                        LocalMarcCharacterObject.UcsHex = Mid(sNewField$, iRc% + 3, 4) ' isolating the first character (there should only be the one)
-                                        If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular2Roman.Exists(LocalMarcCharacterObject.Utf8Char) Then
-                                            iElement% = gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular2Roman.item(LocalMarcCharacterObject.Utf8Char)
-                                        Else
-                                            gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).VernacularLast = gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).VernacularLast + 1
-                                            If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).VernacularLast > gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).VernacularMax Then
-                                                gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).VernacularMax = gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).VernacularMax + 10
-                                                ReDim Preserve gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(0 To gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).VernacularMax)
-                                            End If
-                                            iElement% = gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).VernacularLast
-                                            gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular2Roman.Add LocalMarcCharacterObject.Utf8Char, iElement%
-                                        End If
-                                        gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast = gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast + 1
-                                        If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast > gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).DetailMax Then
-                                            gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).DetailMax = gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).DetailMax + 5
-                                            ReDim Preserve gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(0 To gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).DetailMax)
-                                        End If
-                                        sField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.ReplaceCharacters(sField$, "_", " ")
-                                        gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast).FullStringLengthInCharacters = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SafeLen(sNewCharacter$)
-                                        gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast).FullStringLengthInBytes = Len(sNewCharacter$)
-                                        gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast).FullString = sNewCharacter$
-                                        gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast).Equivalent = sField$
-                                        gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast).EquivalentUpperCasePresent = False
-                                        'Debug.Print "Defined equivalent >" + gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast).Equivalent + "< for >" + "Y" + "<"
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Then
-                                        Debug.Print "Replacing all >" + sNewCharacter$ + "< with >" + sField$ + "< in >" + sOriginalLeft$ + "< >" + sOriginalField$ + "< >" + sOriginalRight$ + "<"
-#End If
-                                        If Right(sField$, 1) = " " Then
-                                            sOriginalField$ = sOriginalLeft$ + sOriginalField$ + sOriginalRight$
-                                            iRc% = InStr(sOriginalField$, sNewCharacter$)
-                                            Do While iRc% > 0
-                                                Select Case Mid(sOriginalField$, iRc% + Len(sNewCharacter$), 1)
-                                                    Case " "
-                                                        sOriginalField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SafeStuff(sOriginalField$, iRc%, Len(sNewCharacter$), sField$)
-                                                    Case Chr(34), "'", ";", ":", ",", ".", "/", "<", ">", "?", "[", "]", "\", "{", "}", "|", "-", "=", "!", "@", "#", "$%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "_", "+", ""
-                                                        sOriginalField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SafeStuff(sOriginalField$, iRc%, Len(sNewCharacter$), Trim(sField$))
-                                                    Case Else
-                                                        sOriginalField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SafeStuff(sOriginalField$, iRc%, Len(sNewCharacter$), sField$)
-                                                End Select
-                                                iRc% = InStr(sOriginalField$, sNewCharacter$)
-                                            Loop
-                                            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.RemoveRepeatedCharacters(sOriginalField$, " ")
-                                        Else
-                                            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.RemoveRepeatedCharacters(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.ReplaceCharacters(sOriginalLeft$ + sOriginalField$ + sOriginalRight$, sNewCharacter$, sField$), " ")
-                                        End If
-                                    Else
-                                        sNewField$ = InputBox("Please supply the replacement text.  Non-ASCII characters are shown as Unicode(TM) values within curly braces." + vbLf + "Original: " + sNewField$, "Replace text", sNewField$)
-                                        If Len(sNewField$) > 0 Then
-                                            Do
-                                                iRc% = InStr(sNewField$, "{U+")
-                                                If iRc% = 0 Then
-                                                    Exit Do
-                                                End If
-                                                sLeft2$ = Mid(sNewField$, 1, iRc% - 1)
-                                                sNewField$ = Mid(sNewField$, iRc% + 3)
-                                                iRc% = InStr(sNewField$, "}")
-                                                If iRc% > 1 Then
-                                                    sRight2$ = Mid(sNewField$, iRc% + 1)
-                                                    LocalMarcCharacterObject.UcsHex = Mid(sNewField$, 1, iRc% - 1)
-                                                    sNewField$ = LocalMarcCharacterObject.Utf8Char
-                                                Else
-                                                    sRight2$ = ""
-                                                End If
-                                                sNewField$ = sLeft2$ + sNewField$ + sRight2$
-                                            Loop
-                                            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = sLeft$ + sNewField$ + sRight$
-                                        End If
-                                    End If
-                                Case ROMANIZATIONACTION_UCaseEach%
-                                    sNewField$ = ""
-                                    Do While Len(sField$) > 0
-                                        GetNextPiece sField$, sWord$, " "
-                                        sNewField$ = Trim(sNewField$ + " " + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.UCaseFirstWord(sWord$))
-                                    Loop
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = sLeft$ + sNewField$ + sRight$
-                            End Select
-                            GoTo RomanAssist_DisplayTheFinishedRecord
-                        End If
-                    End If
-            End Select
-        Case ROMANIZATIONACTION_RomanizeWholeRecord%
-            ' 20070830: NoRomanization added
-'            If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).NoRomanization Then
-'                GoTo RomanizationAssistanceNoFileOpenResume
-'            End If
-            iRc% = RomanizationAssistanceConvertWholeRecord(sType$, iScript%, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord, LocalMarcCharacterObject)
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Then
-            Debug.Print "Return from ConvertWholeRecord: " + str(iRc%)
-#End If
-            If iRc% <> 0 Then
-                RomanizationAssistance = iRc%
-                Exit Function
-            End If
-            GoTo RomanAssist_DisplayTheFinishedRecord
-        Case ROMANIZATIONACTION_DisplayMarcRecord%
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Then
-            Debug.Print LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.TextFormatted(HexEquivalents, OclcMonospaced)
-#End If
-            If iFldTextFormattedOption% = 99 Then
-                Select Case iFixedFieldDisplayConvention%
-                    Case 2 ' FixedFieldDisplay_OCLCMonospaced%
-                        LocalRichTextBox.TextRTF = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.TextFormatted(rtfText, OclcMonospaced, "", True, sRtfFontName$, iFontSizeForDisplay%)
-                    Case 1 ' FixedFieldDisplay_OCLC
-                        LocalRichTextBox.TextRTF = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.TextFormatted(rtfText, oclc, "", True, sRtfFontName$, iFontSizeForDisplay%)
-                    Case Else ' zero; notis
-                        LocalRichTextBox.TextRTF = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.TextFormatted(rtfText, notis, "", True, sRtfFontName$, iFontSizeForDisplay%)
-                End Select
-            Else
-                Select Case iFixedFieldDisplayConvention%
-                    Case 2 ' FixedFieldDisplay_OCLCMonospaced%
-                        LocalRichTextBox.TextRTF = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.TextFormatted(rtfTextwithlabels, OclcMonospaced, "", True, sRtfFontName$, iFontSizeForDisplay%)
-                    Case 1 ' FixedFieldDisplay_OCLC
-                        LocalRichTextBox.TextRTF = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.TextFormatted(rtfTextwithlabels, oclc, "", True, sRtfFontName$, iFontSizeForDisplay%)
-                    Case Else ' zero; notis
-                        LocalRichTextBox.TextRTF = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.TextFormatted(rtfTextwithlabels, notis, "", True, sRtfFontName$, iFontSizeForDisplay%)
-                End Select
-            End If
-    End Select
-    Exit Function
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Then
-    Debug.Print Error(Err)
-#End If
-    RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_FileOpen%
-    On Error GoTo 0
-    Resume RomanizationAssistanceNoFileOpenResume
-End Function
-Public Function FindFieldCurrentlyPointedTo(ByRef cRichTextBox As Control, ByRef LocalMarcRecord As Utf8MarcRecordClass, Optional ByVal bSearch As Boolean = False) As Long
-    ' 20070207: created (so OK for Unicode already)
-    ' find in a MARC record the field that corresponds to the field-currently-clicked-on
-    '   in the rich text box
-    ' return the pointer to that field (if the pointer is nonzero, the MARC record object also
-    '   is currently pointed to that field, but the caller should probably not assume this)
-    Dim lSelStart As Long, lOriginalSelStart As Long, lPtr As Long, lStart As Long
-    Dim sField$, sRecord$, sFieldRemainderLeft$, sFieldRemainderRight$
-    Dim sTagToFind$, sNonfilingString$
-    Dim sLeft$, sRight$, sLineEnd$, sWholeField$
-    Dim iRc%, iRc2%
-    Dim bSkipTagTest As Boolean
-    ' assume that we didn't find anything
-    FindFieldCurrentlyPointedTo = -1
-    ' this is a useful thing to have, either way
-    lSelStart = cRichTextBox.SelStart
-    If Len(cRichTextBox.SelText) > 0 Then
-        ' the easier way out: at least one character is highlighted (we've
-        '   already figured this out for the toolkit's re-romanization button, so we'll
-        '   just translate that bit of business for the context here)
-        lOriginalSelStart = lSelStart
-        sField$ = cRichTextBox.SelRTF
-        sRecord$ = cRichTextBox.TextRTF
-        ' remove the closing brace from the selected text
-        If Right(sField$, 1) = "}" Then
-            sField$ = Mid(sField$, 1, Len(sField$) - 1)
-        End If
-        ' remove the RTF prefix from the selected text
-        iRc% = InStr(sField$, "}}")
-        If iRc% > 0 Then
-            sField$ = Trim(Mid(sField$, iRc% + 2))
-        End If
-        ' text should now start with some additional 'slash' commands, which
-        '   we will proceed to remove
-        Do While Mid(sField$, 1, 1) = "\"
-            If Mid(sField$, 1, 2) = "\u" Then
-                If InStr("0123456789", Mid(sField$, 3, 1)) > 0 Then
-                    Exit Do
-                End If
-            End If
-            sField$ = Mid(sField$, 2)
-            iRc% = InStr(sField$, "\")
-            If iRc% = 0 Then
-                iRc% = InStr(sField$, " ")
-                If iRc% > 0 Then
-                    sField$ = Mid(sField$, iRc% + 1)
-                    Exit Do
-                End If
-            Else
-                iRc2% = InStr(sField$, " ")
-                If iRc2% > 0 Then
-                    If iRc% < iRc2% Then
-                        sField$ = Mid(sField$, iRc%)
-                    Else
-                        sField$ = Mid(sField$, iRc2% + 1)
-                        Exit Do
-                    End If
-                Else
-                    sField$ = Mid(sField$, iRc%)
-                End If
-            End If
-        Loop
-        ' remove any trailing 'par' command
-        iRc% = LocalMarcRecord.Rat(sField$, "\par")
-        If iRc% > 0 Then
-            sField$ = Mid(sField$, 1, iRc% - 1)
-        End If
-        ' wrapping spaces are irrelevant
-        sField$ = Trim(sField$)
-        If Len(sField$) = 0 Then
-            ' maybe we can work this out using just the
-            '   SelStart pointer?
-            GoTo FFCPT_UseJustSelStart
-        End If
-        ' in sField$ we should now have the raw RTF text of interest minus the wrapper
-        ' oddly enough, the SelStart property of the rich text box
-        '   refers to the plain text version
-        '   of the field; there doesn't seem to be a corresponding SelStartRtf
-        '   or anything else useful; so we're going to use the supplied SelStart
-        '   property as a rough guide for finding the selection ourselves
-        ' remembering that SelStart is zero-based (so we don't have to back up 1
-        '   from lSelStart to find the "real" end of the preceding text, and we
-        '   have to add 1 to the combined start and length to find the beginning
-        '   of whatever follows the text (which is, from our point of view, possibly
-        '   irrelevant)
-        sFieldRemainderLeft$ = Mid(cRichTextBox.Text, 1, lSelStart)
-        lPtr = LocalMarcRecord.Rat(sFieldRemainderLeft$, vbLf)
-        If lPtr > 0 Then
-            sFieldRemainderLeft$ = Trim(Mid(sFieldRemainderLeft$, lPtr + 1) + sField$)
-            sTagToFind$ = Mid(sFieldRemainderLeft$, 1, 3)
-        Else
-            GoTo FFCPT_UseJustSelStart
-        End If
-        Select Case LocalMarcRecord.MarcRecordFormat
-            Case "A"
-                sNonfilingString$ = sAuthorityNonfilingString$
-            Case "B", "D", "F", "M", "P", "S", "U"
-                sNonfilingString$ = sBibliographicNonfilingString$
-            'Case else: ignore the whole issue
-        End Select
-        ' to help us find the highlighted text within the record,
-        '   give us the RTF version of the whole MARC record again
-        ' we don't need to worry here about specification for fixed fields or
-        '   font size, because they don't affect what we're up to here
-        sRecord$ = LocalMarcRecord.TextFormatted(rtfText, OclcMonospaced)
-        lStart = 1
-        Do
-            ' find the next occurrence of our text in the record
-            lSelStart = InStr(lStart, sRecord$, sField$)
-            DoEvents
-            If lSelStart = 0 Then
-                If lStart = 1 Then
-                    GoTo FFCPT_UseJustSelStart
-                End If
-                ' we found at least one place already; so let's back up to find
-                '   the first one (assuming that the first one is the right one!)
-                lSelStart = InStr(1, sRecord$, sField$)
-                If lSelStart = 0 Then
-                    GoTo FFCPT_UseJustSelStart
-                End If
-                bSkipTagTest = True
-            Else
-                lStart = lSelStart + 1
-            End If
-            sLeft$ = Mid(sRecord$, 1, lSelStart - 1)
-            sRight$ = Mid(sRecord$, lSelStart + Len(sField$))
-            ' sLeft$ = all of the record up to our selected text
-            ' sRight$ = and all of the record that follows the selected text
-            ' we want to back up in sLeft to the beginning of the current "line" (i.e., variable field)
-            lSelStart = LocalMarcRecord.Rat(sLeft$, sLineEnd$)
-            If lSelStart > 0 Then
-                sFieldRemainderLeft$ = LTrim(Mid(sLeft$, lSelStart + 5))
-                If Mid(sFieldRemainderLeft$, 1, 2) = "\f" Then
-                    sLeft$ = sLeft$ + Mid(sFieldRemainderLeft$, 1, 4)
-                    sFieldRemainderLeft$ = Mid(sFieldRemainderLeft$, 5)
-                End If
-            Else
-                sFieldRemainderLeft$ = ""
-            End If
-            If Mid(LTrim(sFieldRemainderLeft$ + sField$), 1, 3) = sTagToFind$ Or bSkipTagTest Then
-                ' this is the field we want!  hooray!
-                FindFieldCurrentlyPointedTo = LocalMarcRecord.FldPointer
-#If FindFieldCurrentlyPointedToDebug = -1 Then
-                Debug.Print "Found the one we want the easy way"
-#End If
-                Exit Function
-            End If
-        Loop
-        ' if we get here, we didn't find what we wanted, given the text highlighted by the
-        '   operator
-        ' we'll fall through and try the second method, using just the starting point of the
-        '   highlight
-    End If
-    ' if we get here, either the operator didn't highlight any text at all, or
-    '   we failed in the above attempt to find the highlighted text
-    ' if we *branch to* here, there was something amiss with the text selected by the
-    '   operator--maybe the operator just selected a space?
-    ' no matter how we get here, we're going to try a second and more difficult/complicated
-    '   operation, using just the start of the selection
-    ' this is a bit more difficult, because the SelStart pointer relates to
-    '   the plain-text version, not the RTF version; and in the plain text
-    '   the fancy characters are all replaced by question marks
-#If FindFieldCurrentlyPointedToDebug = -1 Then
-    Debug.Print "Will attempt to find field the hard way; sel start is " + str(lSelStart)
-#End If
-    ' isolate the text of the field
-    ' put the text to the right of the insert point into sRight, and
-    '   the text to the left of the insert point into sLeft
-    sLeft$ = Mid(cRichTextBox.Text, 1, lSelStart)
-    sRight$ = Mid(cRichTextBox.Text, lSelStart + 1)
-    'Debug.Print "Text of interest:"
-    'Debug.Print sLeft$ + sRight$
-    ' remove parts of any following fields from the right bit of the record,
-    '   leaving only the right part of the one field
-    lPtr = LocalMarcRecord.Rat(sLeft$, vbLf)
-    If lPtr = 0 Then
-        lPtr = LocalMarcRecord.Rat(sLeft$, vbCr)
-    End If
-    If lPtr > 0 Then ' it better be!
-        sLeft$ = Mid(sLeft$, lPtr + 1)
-    End If
-    ' remove parts of any preceding fields from the left bit of the record, leaving
-    '   only the left part of the one field
-    lPtr = InStr(sRight$, vbCr)
-    If lPtr = 0 Then
-        lPtr = LocalMarcRecord.Rat(sRight$, vbLf)
-    End If
-    If lPtr > 0 Then ' it better be!
-        sRight$ = Mid(sRight$, 1, lPtr - 1)
-    End If
-    ' and here's the whole field
-    sField$ = Trim(sLeft$ + sRight$)
-    ' if now we don't have anything, then we're in serious trouble
-    If Len(sField$) = 0 Then
-#If FindFieldCurrentlyPointedToDebug = -1 Then
-        Debug.Print "We don't have any field to work with"
-#End If
-        Exit Function ' with default return value of zero
-    End If
-    ' isolate the field's tag, and make sure that it's all numeric
-    sTagToFind$ = Mid(sField$, 1, 3)
-    If InStr("0123456789", Mid(sTagToFind$, 1, 1)) = 0 Or InStr("0123456789", Mid(sTagToFind$, 2, 1)) = 0 Or InStr("0123456789", Mid(sTagToFind$, 3, 1)) = 0 Then
-#If FindFieldCurrentlyPointedToDebug = -1 Then
-        Debug.Print "Tag is not numeric: >" + sField$ + "<"
-#End If
-        Exit Function ' with default return value of zero
-    End If
-    ' we only move 010 and higher
-    If sTagToFind$ < "010" Then
-        If Not bSearch Or (bSearch And sTagToFind$ <> "001") Then
-#If FindFieldCurrentlyPointedToDebug = -1 Then
-            Debug.Print "Tag is < 010 or otherwise unacceptable"
-#End If
-            Exit Function
-        End If
-    End If
-    ' does the field exist at all?
-    LocalMarcRecord.FldMoveTop
-    If Not LocalMarcRecord.FldFindFirst(sTagToFind$) Then
-#If FindFieldCurrentlyPointedToDebug = -1 Then
-        Debug.Print "Tag " + sTagToFind$ + " not found in record"
-#End If
-        Exit Function ' with default return value of zero
-    End If
-    ' if there is only one occurrence of the field, then
-    '    that one occurrence *must* be the one we want
-    If Not LocalMarcRecord.FldFindNext(sTagToFind$) Then
-        ' back up to the field we found just above
-        LocalMarcRecord.FldFindFirst sTagToFind$
-        FindFieldCurrentlyPointedTo = LocalMarcRecord.FldPointer
-#If FindFieldCurrentlyPointedToDebug = -1 Then
-        Debug.Print "Found field, because only one occurrence " + str(LocalMarcRecord.FldPointer)
-#End If
-        Exit Function
-    End If
-    ' OK, so there is more than one field with this tag; we'll have
-    '   to do this the hard way and hope for the best
-    ' the RTF version uses character 135 for the delimiter; translating that
-    '   back to the 'real' delimiter means that we won't have to do the
-    '   translation in the other direction for each field in the record
-    sField$ = LocalMarcRecord.ReplaceCharacters(sField$, Chr(135), LocalMarcRecord.MarcDelimiter)
-#If FindFieldCurrentlyPointedToDebug = -1 Then
-    Debug.Print "Looking for: " + sTagToFind$ + " with >" + sField$ + "<"
-#End If
-    LocalMarcRecord.FldMoveTop
-    Do While LocalMarcRecord.FldFindNext(sTagToFind$)
-        sLeft$ = LocalMarcRecord.FldTag + ":" + LocalMarcRecord.FldInd + ": " + LocalMarcRecord.AddSpacesAroundDelimiters(LocalMarcRecord.FldText)
-        ' replace all of the 'special' characters with question marks
-        For lPtr = Len(sLeft$) To 1 Step -1
-            Select Case Asc(Mid(sLeft$, lPtr, 1))
-                Case Is > 191 ' begins 1110 or 1100: first character in multi-byte sequence
-                    sLeft$ = LocalMarcRecord.SafeStuff(sLeft$, lPtr, 1, "?")
-                Case Is > 127 ' second or third character in multi-byte sequence
-                    sLeft$ = LocalMarcRecord.SafeStuff(sLeft$, lPtr, 1, "")
-            End Select
-        Next ' lptr
-#If FindFieldCurrentlyPointedToDebug = -1 Then
-        Debug.Print ""
-        Debug.Print "Compare:"
-        Debug.Print sField$
-        Debug.Print sLeft$
-#End If
-        If sField$ = sLeft$ Then
-            FindFieldCurrentlyPointedTo = LocalMarcRecord.FldPointer
-            Exit Function
-        End If
-    Loop
-    ' if we fall through to here, we were not able to find the field either way;
-    ' 20100402: changed by David Bucknum from zero to -1:
-    '   so we'll return with the default return value of -1
-End Function
-Public Function RomanizationAssistanceConvertWholeRecord(ByVal sRecordType$, ByVal iScript%, ByRef LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord As Utf8MarcRecordClass, ByRef LocalMarcCharacterObject As Utf8CharClass) As Integer
-    Dim sField$, sTag$, sTagToFind$, sIndicators$, s880Indicators$, sNative6$, s8806$, sLeftEnd$, sRecord$
-    Dim sSelText$, sLeft$, sRight$, sRightAfterSelection$, sWholeField$, sWord$, sNewField$, sOldField$
-    Dim sFieldRemainderRight$, sFieldRemainderLeft$, s6$, sOriginalField$, sSfd$, s066$
-    Dim sTagToCopy$, sIndicatorsToCopy$, sFieldToCopy$, sNewFields$, sOldFields$
-    Dim sSubfieldsExcludedUniversally$, sSubfieldsExcludedByTag$, sSubfield6Code$
-    Dim sRLM$, sLRE$, sPDF$
-    Dim iRc%, iRc2%, iRepeat%, iNext6%, iRomanizationStyle%, iDirection%
-    Dim lPtr As Long, lSelLength As Long, lSelStart As Long, lStart As Long
-    Dim lFldPointer As Long, lEnd As Long
-    Dim bFound As Boolean, bSkipTagTest As Boolean
-    Dim bCreateEmptyFields As Boolean, bCreateEmpty880s As Boolean
-    Dim bLcPattern As Boolean
-    Const sLineEnd = "\par"
-    Const iLineEndLen = 5
-#If RomanizeWholeRecordDebug = -1 Then
-    Debug.Print "WholeRecord entry"
-#End If
-    If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).DoNotUse880Field Then
-#If RomanizeWholeRecordDebug = -1 Then
-        Debug.Print "Exit because not using 880"
-#End If
-        RomanizationAssistanceConvertWholeRecord = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_880NotAllowed%
-        Exit Function
-    End If
-    If LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldFindFirst("880") Then
-#If RomanizeWholeRecordDebug = -1 Then
-        Debug.Print "Exiting because 880 already there"
-#End If
-        RomanizationAssistanceConvertWholeRecord = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_880AlreadyPresent%
-        Exit Function
-    End If
-    ' if the record contains *any* vernacular, then we assume that we're going
-    '   from vernacular to roman; otherwise, we assume that we're going from
-    '   roman to vernacular
-    ' we need to know the direction before we meet up the first field during
-    '   translation, so we know which set of tags to apply
-    With LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord
-        iDirection% = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Roman2Vernacular%
-        .FldMoveTop
-        Do While .FldMoveNext
-            '20101213: Bucknum changed to "V2RFieldsIncluded" check to fix R2V/V2R logic below
-            'If .FldTag > "009" Then
-            If InStr(gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).V2RFieldsIncluded, .FldTag) > 0 Then
-                Do
-                    'Debug.Print "Evaluating " + .FldTag + ":" + .SfdCode + ":" + .SfdText
-                    If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).V2RCreateEmptyFields = True And _
-                        .Utf8TextContainsOnlyMarc8Characters(.SfdText) = False Then
-                        iDirection% = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Vernacular2Roman%
-                        GoTo RomanAssist_HaveDirection
-                    ElseIf EvaluateFirstCharacter(.SfdText, iScript%, LocalMarcCharacterObject) = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Vernacular2Roman% Then
-                        iDirection% = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Vernacular2Roman%
-                        GoTo RomanAssist_HaveDirection
-                    End If
-                    If Not .SfdMoveNext Then
-                        Exit Do
-                    End If
-                Loop
-            End If
-        Loop
-    End With
-#If RomanizeWholeRecordDebug = -1 Then
-     Debug.Print "Direction " + str(iDirection%) + " table " + gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Name
-#End If
-    ' 20070227: if we're going from romanized to vernacular, then
-    '   figure out if we're going to try to do the work, or just
-    '   create dummy fields for the operator to complete
-    If iDirection% = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Roman2Vernacular% Then
-        If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VCreateEmpty880s Then
-            bCreateEmpty880s = True
-            ' 20070425: pick up a script code if it's been defined--we'll include this
-            '   in $6 of "empty" 880 fields, and also in 066
-            ' 20070830: LC addition: if there is no such code, pick up
-            '   a transmogrification of the langauge code instead; area reorganized
-            sSubfield6Code$ = gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VSubfield6Code
-            If LenB(sSubfield6Code$) = 0 Then
-                sSubfield6Code$ = Language2ScriptCode(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.Get008Value(35, 3))
-            End If
-            If LenB(sSubfield6Code$) > 0 Then
-                s066$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "c" + sSubfield6Code$
-                If sSubfield6Code$ = CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_HebrewAsG0$ Or _
-                   sSubfield6Code$ = CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_BasicArabicAsG0$ Then
-                    ' add R2L orientation code
-                    sSubfield6Code$ = sSubfield6Code$ & "/r"
-                End If
-                ' add "/" prefix
-                sSubfield6Code$ = "/" + sSubfield6Code$
-            End If
-        End If
-        ' 20070710: set a variable for the MarcRightToLeftMarker
-        '   LC wants a RTL marker before and after each delimiter,
-        '   EXCEPT immediately following the $6 code itself
-        If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VIncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern Or _
-           InStr(sSubfield6Code$, "/r") > 0 Then
-            ' set IncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern = True to insert UFCs
-            ' 20070830: Bucknum code forces value of this here; but we think
-            '   this should come from the configuration file
-            ' instead, we're going to set directly what DB was using this
-            '   as a proxy for
-            'gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VIncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern = True
-            bLcPattern = True
-            With LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord
-                sRLM$ = .MarcRightToLeftMarker
-                sLRE$ = .MarcLeftToRightEmbedding
-                sPDF$ = .MarcPopDirectionalFormatting
-            End With
-        Else
-            ' set IncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern = False to not insert UFCs
-            ' 20070830: Bucknum code forces value of this here; but we think
-            '   this should come from the configuration file
-            ' instead, we're going to leave sRLM at its ground state of null,
-            '   which seems to be the point of all of this, anyway
-            'gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VIncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern = False
-            bLcPattern = False
-        End If
-    Else
-        If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).V2RCreateEmptyFields = True Then
-            bCreateEmptyFields = True
-        End If
-    End If
-    ' go through the record one field at a time
-    ' if the field contains vernacular data, copy the field to 880 and create the
-    '   parallel normal field with romanized vernacular data
-    ' if the field contains no vernacular data, copy the field to 880, converting
-    '   romanized text to vernacular as you go
-    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldMoveTop
-    Do While LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldMoveNext
-        DoEvents
-        If Not LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldDeleted Then
-#If RomanizeWholeRecordDebug = -1 Then
-            Debug.Print "Field " + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag + " not deleted; included? " + gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).V2RFieldsIncluded + "<"
-#End If
-            If iDirection% = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Vernacular2Roman Then
-                If InStr(gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).V2RFieldsIncluded, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag) = 0 Then
-                    'Debug.Print LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag + " field excluded V2$"
-#If RomanizeWholeRecordDebug = -1 Then
-                    Debug.Print "Skipped V2R"
-#End If
-                    GoTo RomanAssist_WholeRecordNextField
-                End If
-                sSubfieldsExcludedUniversally$ = gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).V2RSubfieldsAlwaysExcluded
-                sSubfieldsExcludedByTag$ = gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).V2ROtherSubfieldsExcludedByTag
-            Else
-                If InStr(gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VFieldsIncluded, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag) = 0 Then
-#If RomanizeWholeRecordDebug = -1 Then
-                    Debug.Print "Skipped R2V"
-#End If
-                    GoTo RomanAssist_WholeRecordNextField
-                End If
-                sSubfieldsExcludedUniversally$ = gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VSubfieldsAlwaysExcluded
-                sSubfieldsExcludedByTag$ = gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VOtherSubfieldsExcludedByTag
-            End If
-            sTag$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag
-            sNewField$ = ""
-            sOldField$ = ""
-            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdMoveFirst
-            Do
-                ' 20070710: add RLMs before and after the delimiter/subfield codes,
-                '   as appropriate, but *only* if the Right2LeftMark variable is set
-                ' 20070713: add a LeftToRightEmbedding character (LRE) only
-                '   before the 880 $6 260-xx $c [dates] - a PDF is added below
-                ' 20121121: added 264 (RDA) to logic
-                If bLcPattern Then
-                    sNewField$ = sNewField$ + sRLM$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode + sRLM$
-                    If sTag$ Like "26[04]" And LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode = "c" Then
-                        sNewField$ = sNewField$ + sLRE$
-                    End If
-                Else
-                    sNewField$ = sNewField$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode
-                End If
-                sOldField$ = sOldField$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText
-                If bCreateEmpty880s Or bCreateEmptyFields Then
-' added 20070308 by David Bucknum
-#If True Then
-                    ' replacement proposed by Bucknum
-                    ' include this subfield, but change it to a plus sign
-                    '   if the 260 $c contains an ending period, add it for PDF processing
-                    ' 20121121: added 264 (RDA) to logic
-                    If sTag$ Like "26[04]" And LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode = "c" And Right(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText, 1) = "." Then
-                        sNewField$ = sNewField$ + "+."
-                    Else
-                        sNewField$ = sNewField$ + "+"
-                    End If
-                    ' include this subfield without attampting to change it
-                    sNewField$ = sNewField$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText
-#End If
-                ElseIf InStr(sSubfieldsExcludedUniversally$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode) > 0 Then
-                    ' include this subfield attempting to change it
-                    sNewField$ = sNewField$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText
-                ElseIf InStr(sSubfieldsExcludedByTag$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag + "/" + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode) > 0 Then
-                    ' include this subfield without attampting to change it
-                    sNewField$ = sNewField$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText
-                Else ' we attempt to change this subfield
-#If RomanizeWholeRecordDebug = -1 Then
-                    Debug.Print "Sfd included: " + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode + ":" + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdTextFormatted(HexEquivalents)
-#End If
-                    Select Case iDirection% ' EvaluateFirstCharacter(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText, iScript%, LocalMarcCharacterObject)
-                        Case ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Vernacular2Roman%, ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Roman2Vernacular%
-                            If LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode = "a" Then
-                                sSfd$ = ReRomanizeText(sRecordType$, sTag$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText, iScript%, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord, LocalMarcCharacterObject, iDirection%)
-                                'Debug.Print "Subfield changed: >" + sSfd$ + "<"
-                                If sSfd$ <> LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText Then
-                                    sNewField$ = sNewField$ + ReRomanizeText(sRecordType$, sTag$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText, iScript%, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord, LocalMarcCharacterObject, iDirection%, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode)
-                                Else
-                                    sNewField$ = sNewField$ + ReRomanizeText(sRecordType$, sTag$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText, iScript%, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord, LocalMarcCharacterObject, iDirection%, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode)
-                                End If
-                            Else
-                                 sNewField$ = sNewField$ + ReRomanizeText(sRecordType$, sTag$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText, iScript%, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord, LocalMarcCharacterObject, iDirection%, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode)
-                            End If
-                        Case Else
-                            sNewField$ = sNewField$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText
-                    End Select
-                End If
-                ' 20070713: add a POPDirectionalFormatting character (PDF) only
-                '   at the end of the 880 $6 260-xx $c [dates] - an LRE is added above
-                ' 20121121: added 264 (RDA) to logic
-                If bLcPattern Then
-                    If sTag$ Like "26[04]" And LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode = "c" Then
-                        ' if the subfield ends with a period, place the period after the PDF
-                        If Right(sNewField$, 1) = "." Then
-                            sNewField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SafeStuff(sNewField$, InStrRev(sNewField$, "."), 1, sPDF$ + ".")
-                        Else
-                            sNewField$ = sNewField$ + sPDF$
-                        End If
-                    End If
-                End If
-                If Not LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdMoveNext Then
-                    Exit Do
-                End If
-            Loop
-#If RomanizeWholeRecordDebug = -1 Then
-            Debug.Print "Finished fields:"
-            Debug.Print "O>" + sOldField$ + "<"
-            Debug.Print "N>" + sNewField$ + "<"
-#End If
-            sIndicators$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldInd
-            ' change 880 $6 6xx-xx 2nd indicator to "4" (source not specified)
-            If sTag$ >= 600 And sTag$ <= 651 Then
-                s880Indicators$ = Mid$(sIndicators$, 1, 1) & "4"
-            Else
-                s880Indicators$ = sIndicators$
-            End If
-            If bCreateEmpty880s Then
-                ' we're only creating an "empty" 880 field
-                iNext6% = iNext6% + 1
-                If Len(sNewFields$) > 0 Then
-                    sNewFields$ = sNewFields$ + vbLf
-                    sOldFields$ = sOldFields$ + vbLf
-                End If
-                ' 20070425 script code added if available (only available if roman-to-vernacular)
-#If True Then
-                ' changed 20070308 by David Bucknum
-                ' use this line if you want a truly empty 880 field *OR* fields with "+" as subfield text
-                If bLcPattern Then
-                    sNewFields$ = sNewFields$ + "880" + s880Indicators$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6" + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag + "-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sSubfield6Code$ + sRLM$ + sNewField$
-                Else
-                    sNewFields$ = sNewFields$ + "880" + s880Indicators$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6" + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag + "-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sSubfield6Code$ + sNewField$
-                End If
-                ' use this line if you want the 880 field to start out with text as given in the original field
-                If bLcPattern Then
-                    sNewFields$ = sNewFields$ + "880" + s880Indicators$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6" + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag + "-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sSubfield6Code$ + sRLM$ + sOldField$
-                Else
-                    sNewFields$ = sNewFields$ + "880" + s880Indicators$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6" + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag + "-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sSubfield6Code$ + sOldField$
-                End If
-#End If
-                sOldFields$ = sOldFields$ + Trim(str(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer)) + vbTab + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6" + "880-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sOldField$
-            ElseIf bCreateEmptyFields Then
-                ' we're only creating an "empty" romanized field
-                iNext6% = iNext6% + 1
-                If Len(sNewFields$) > 0 Then
-                    sNewFields$ = sNewFields$ + vbLf
-                    sOldFields$ = sOldFields$ + vbLf
-                End If
-#If True Then
-                ' changed 20090524 by David Bucknum
-                ' use this line if you want a truly empty romanized field *OR* fields with "+" as subfield text
-                sNewFields$ = sNewFields$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag + sIndicators$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6880-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sNewField$
-                ' use this line if you want the 880 field to start out with text as given in the original field
-                sNewFields$ = sNewFields$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag + sIndicators$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6880-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sOldField$
-#End If
-                sOldFields$ = sOldFields$ + Trim(str(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer)) + vbTab + s880Indicators$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6" + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag + "-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sOldField$
-            Else
-                If sNewField$ <> sOldField$ Then ' we changed *something*!
-                    iNext6% = iNext6% + 1
-                    If Len(sNewFields$) > 0 Then
-                        sNewFields$ = sNewFields$ + vbLf
-                        sOldFields$ = sOldFields$ + vbLf
-                    End If
-                    If iDirection% = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Vernacular2Roman% Then
-                        sOldFields$ = sOldFields$ + Trim(str(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer)) + vbTab + s880Indicators$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6" + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag + "-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sOldField$
-                        sNewFields$ = sNewFields$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag + sIndicators$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6880-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sNewField$
-                    Else
-                        sNewFields$ = sNewFields$ + "880" + s880Indicators$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6" + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag + "-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sNewField$
-                        sOldFields$ = sOldFields$ + Trim(str(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer)) + vbTab + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6" + "880-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sOldField$
-                    End If
-                End If
-            End If
-        End If
-    Loop
-    Do While Len(sOldFields$) > 0
-        DoEvents
-        GetNextPiece sOldFields$, sField$, vbLf
-        If iDirection% = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Vernacular2Roman% Then
-            GetNextPiece sField$, sTag$, vbTab
-            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer = Val(sTag$)
-            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldDelete
-            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldAdd "880", Mid(sField$, 1, 2), Mid(sField$, 3)
-        Else
-            GetNextPiece sField$, sTag$, vbTab
-            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer = Val(sTag$)
-            ' 20100809 Bucknum added: remove temporary VowelMarker character before export
-            If LenB(gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VVowelMarker) > 0 Then
-                sField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.ReplaceCharacters(sField$, gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VVowelMarker)
-            End If
-            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = sField$
-        End If
-    Loop
-    Do While Len(sNewFields$) > 0
-        GetNextPiece sNewFields$, sField$, vbLf
-        If iDirection% = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Vernacular2Roman% Then
-            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldAdd Mid(sField$, 1, 3), Mid(sField$, 4, 2), LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.UCaseFirstWord(Mid(sField$, 6))
-        Else
-            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldAdd Mid(sField$, 1, 3), Mid(sField$, 4, 2), Mid(sField$, 6)
-        End If
-    Loop
-    ' 20070425 build an 066 if the script identification code is available
-    '   only possible if building empty 880s and if roman-to-vernacular
-    If bCreateEmpty880s And LenB(s066$) > 0 Then
-        If Not LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldFindFirst("066") Then
-            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldAdd "066", "  ", s066$
-        End If
-    End If
-End Function
-Public Sub ReRomanizeAdjustNonfilingIndicators(iScript%, ByVal sNonfilingTagString$, ByVal lPointerToOriginalField As Long, ByVal lPointerToNewField As Long, ByRef LocalMarcRecord As Utf8MarcRecordClass, ByRef LocalCharacterObject As Utf8CharClass)
-    Dim iNonfiling%, iNonfilingIndicator%, iRc%, iLen%
-    Dim sOriginal$
-#If ReRomanizeAdjustNFIDebug = -1 Then
-    Debug.Print "Entered RRANI " + str(lPointerToOriginalField) + " " + str(lPointerToNewField) + " script " + str(iScript%)
-#End If
-    With LocalMarcRecord
-#If ReRomanizeAdjustNFIDebug = -1 Then
-        .DumpArray
-#End If
-        .FldPointer = lPointerToOriginalField
-#If ReRomanizeAdjustNFIDebug = -1 Then
-        Debug.Print "Original field: " + .FldTag + ":" + .FldInd + ":" + .FldText
-#End If
-        If .SfdFindFirst("a") Then
-            If .FldTag = "880" Then
-                If .SfdFindFirst("6") Then
-                    iRc% = InStr(sNonfilingTagString$, Mid(.SfdText, 1, 3))
-                End If
-                .SfdFindFirst "a"
-            Else
-                iRc% = InStr(sNonfilingTagString$, .FldTag)
-            End If
-#If ReRomanizeAdjustNFIDebug = -1 Then
-            Debug.Print "Tag has nonfiling? " + str(iRc%)
-#End If
-            If iRc% > 0 Then
-                iNonfiling% = Val(Mid(sNonfilingTagString$, iRc% + 4, 1))
-#If ReRomanizeAdjustNFIDebug = -1 Then
-                Debug.Print "Nonfiling indicator for this field: " + str(iNonfiling%)
-#End If
-                If iNonfiling% > 0 Then
-                    ' we're going to ignore nonfiling indicator values of 1,
-                    '   because they almost certainly refer to an error (such as
-                    '   skipping an opening quotation mark)
-                    iNonfilingIndicator% = Val(Mid(.FldInd, iNonfiling%, 1))
-#If ReRomanizeAdjustNFIDebug = -1 Then
-                    Debug.Print "Value of the indicator: " + str(iNonfilingIndicator%)
-#End If
-                    If iNonfilingIndicator% > 0 Then
-                        sOriginal$ = .SafeMid(.SfdText, 1, iNonfilingIndicator%)
-#If ReRomanizeAdjustNFIDebug = -1 Then
-                        Debug.Print "Isolated bit: >" + sOriginal$ + "<"
-#End If
-                        .FldPointer = lPointerToNewField
-#If ReRomanizeAdjustNFIDebug = -1 Then
-                        Debug.Print "New field: " + .FldTag + ":" + .FldInd + ":" + .FldText
-#End If
-                        If .SfdFindFirst("a") Then
-                            If Mid(.SfdText, 1, Len(sOriginal$)) <> sOriginal$ Then
-                                ' the beginning of subfield $a in the modified field is
-                                '   not same as the beginning of subfield $a in the original
-                                '   field: therefore, the current operation changed the value
-                                '   of subfield $a, and we need to address the problem of the
-                                '   initial articla
-                                ' at this point we have to know whether the conversion was
-                                '   vernacular-to-script or script-to-vernacular
-                                If .FldTag = "880" Then
-                                    ' the tag of the new field is 880; therefore, the conversion
-                                    '   was from romanized-to-vernacular; sOriginal$ contains the
-                                    '   romanized form of the critical text
-                                    sOriginal$ = ReRomanizeText("B", "500", sOriginal$, iScript%, LocalMarcRecord, LocalCharacterObject, ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Roman2Vernacular%)
-                                Else
-                                    ' the tag of the new field is NOT 880; therefore, the conversion
-                                    '   was from vernacular-to-romanized; sOriginal$ contains the
-                                    '   romanized form of the critical text
-                                    sOriginal$ = ReRomanizeText("B", "500", sOriginal$, iScript%, LocalMarcRecord, LocalCharacterObject, ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Vernacular2Roman%)
-                                End If
-#If ReRomanizeAdjustNFIDebug = -1 Then
-                                Debug.Print "Comaprison: >" + sOriginal$ + "< >" + Mid(.SfdText, 1, Len(sOriginal$)) + "< >" + .SfdText + "<"
-#End If
-                                If Mid(.SfdText, 1, Len(sOriginal$)) = sOriginal$ Then
-                                    iLen% = .SafeLen(sOriginal$)
-                                    If iLen% < 9 Then
-                                        'Debug.Print ">" + .FldInd + "< " + str(iNonfiling%) + " " + str(iLen%)
-                                        .FldInd = .SafeStuff(.FldInd, iNonfiling%, 1, Trim(str(iLen%)))
-                                        'Debug.Print "After change: >" + .FldInd + "<"
-                                    End If
-                                End If
-                            End If
-                        End If
-                    End If
-                End If
-            End If
-        End If
-    End With
-End Sub
-Public Function Language2ScriptCode(ByVal sLanguageCode$) As String
-    Select Case sLanguageCode$
-'        Case ""
-'            Language2ScriptCode = CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_BasicAsG0$
-        Case "heb", "yid"
-            Language2ScriptCode = CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_HebrewAsG0$
-        Case "bel", "mac", "rus", "scc", "ukr"
-            Language2ScriptCode = CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_BasicCyrillicAsG0$
-        Case "ara", "per", "urd"
-            Language2ScriptCode = CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_BasicArabicAsG0$
-        Case "gre"
-            Language2ScriptCode = CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_GreekAsG0$
-        Case "chi", "jap", "kor"
-            Language2ScriptCode = CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_CJKAsG0$
-' don't know which, if any, languages belong here by default:
-'        Case ""
-'            Language2ScriptCode = CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_ExtendedCyrillicAsG1$
-'        Case ""
-'            Language2ScriptCode = CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_ExtendedArabicAsG1$
-'        Case ""
-'            Language2ScriptCode = CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_ExtendedLatinAsG1$
-        Case Else
-            Language2ScriptCode = ""
-    End Select
-End Function
-Public Function ReSequencePairedFields(ByRef LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord As Utf8MarcRecordClass)
-    Dim iCtr%
-    Dim lPtr&
-    Dim sSfdText$
-    Dim bMatchFound As Boolean
-    gbliReSequenceTableLast% = 0
-    With LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord
-        ' loop through record to find non-880s with subfield $6
-        .FldMoveTop
-        Do While .FldMoveNext
-            ' create array of non-880 fields with subfield $6
-            ' with new consecutive sequence numbers
-            If .FldTag <> "880" Then
-                If .SfdFindFirst("6") = True Then
-                    If Mid$(.SfdText, 5, 2) <> "00" Then
-                        gbliReSequenceTableLast% = gbliReSequenceTableLast% + 1
-                        ReDim Preserve gblaReSequenceTable(gbliReSequenceTableLast%)
-                        gblaReSequenceTable(gbliReSequenceTableLast%).Tag = .FldTag
-                        gblaReSequenceTable(gbliReSequenceTableLast%).Field = .FldText
-                        gblaReSequenceTable(gbliReSequenceTableLast%).Sequence = gbliReSequenceTableLast%
-                    ' "00" (non-paired) should not appear in a non-880 subfield $6
-                    ' but we'll not delete it for now
-'                   Else: .SfdDelete
-                    End If
-                End If
-            End If
-        Loop
-        ' cannot resequence, if no non-880 subfield $6s are found
-        If gbliReSequenceTableLast% = 0 Then Exit Function
-        ' loop through the record again to match 880s with non-880s
-        .FldMoveTop
-        Do While .FldMoveNext
-            ' add paired and non-paired 880s to the array
-            If .FldTag = "880" Then
-                If .SfdFindFirst("6") = True Then
-                    ' make sure 880 $6 6xx-xx 2nd indicators are set to "4" (source not specified)
-                    If Mid$(.SfdText, 1, 3) >= 600 And Mid$(.SfdText, 1, 3) <= 651 Then
-                        .FldInd2 = "4"
-                    End If
-                    If Mid$(.SfdText, 5, 2) <> "00" Then
-                        bMatchFound = False
-                        For iCtr% = 1 To gbliReSequenceTableLast%
-                            ' first make sure the 880 sequence number is zero
-                            If gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).Sequence880 = 0 Then
-                                ' if there is a match, pair the sequence numbers
-                                ' add the link tag and field text for comparison later
-                                If Mid$(.SfdText, 1, 3) = gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).Tag Then
-                                    gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).LinkTag = gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).Tag
-                                    gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).Field880 = .FldText
-                                    gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).Sequence880 = gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).Sequence
-                                    bMatchFound = True
-                                    Exit For
-                                End If
-                            End If
-                        Next ' iCtr%
-                    End If
-                    ' add non-paired 880s to the array with a "00" sequence number
-                    If bMatchFound = False Or Mid$(.SfdText, 5, 2) = "00" Then
-                        gbliReSequenceTableLast% = gbliReSequenceTableLast% + 1
-                        ReDim Preserve gblaReSequenceTable(gbliReSequenceTableLast%)
-                        gblaReSequenceTable(gbliReSequenceTableLast%).Tag = .FldTag
-                        gblaReSequenceTable(gbliReSequenceTableLast%).Field = .FldText
-                        gblaReSequenceTable(gbliReSequenceTableLast%).Sequence = 0
-                        gblaReSequenceTable(gbliReSequenceTableLast%).Sequence880 = 0
-                    End If
-                End If
-            End If
-        Loop
-        ' loop through record again to resequence the paired fields
-        .FldMoveTop
-        Do While .FldMoveNext
-            ' get field pointer
-            lPtr& = .FldPointer
-            If Val(.FldTag) > 99 Then
-                If .SfdFindFirst("6") = True Then
-                    ' loop through the field/sequence array
-                    For iCtr% = 1 To gbliReSequenceTableLast%
-                        ' 20080826: compare the tags and field data, if matched,
-                        '  adjust the sequence numbers in the field, and
-                        '  delete the field data to prevent a rematch
-                        ' non-880s
-                        If .FldTag = gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).Tag And _
-                           .FldText = gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).Field Then
-                            .SfdText = .SafeStuff(.SfdText, 5, 2, Right("00" & CStr(gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).Sequence), 2))
-                            ' change field text to avoid re-matching an "empty" field (i.e. with "+" subfields)
-                            gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).Field = ""
-                            Exit For
-                        ' 880s
-                        ElseIf Mid$(.SfdText, 1, 3) = gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).LinkTag And _
-                           .FldText = gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).Field880 Then
-                            .SfdText = .SafeStuff(.SfdText, 5, 2, Right("00" & CStr(gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).Sequence880), 2))
-                            ' change field text to avoid re-matching an "empty" 880 (i.e. with "+" subfields)
-                            gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).Field880 = ""
-                            Exit For
-                        End If
-                    Next ' iCtr%
-                End If
-            End If
-            ' reset field pointer
-            .FldPointer = lPtr&
-        Loop
-    End With
-    ' clear the array from memory
-    Erase gblaReSequenceTable
-End Function
-Public Function AddCharSetCodes2Utf8Record(ByRef LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord As Utf8MarcRecordClass, ByVal iScript%)
-    Dim iPtr%, iCtr%, iNonfiling%, iIndicator%
-    Dim bChanged As Boolean, bError As Boolean
-    Dim sTag$, sIndicators$, sField$, sNonfiling$, sChar$
-    Dim sCharacterSetsPresent$, s066$, sSfd6$, sPiece$
-    Dim bLcPattern As Boolean
-    If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VIncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern Then bLcPattern = True
-    With LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord
-        .FldMoveTop
-        Do While .FldMoveNext
-            iPtr% = .FldPointer
-            ' remove any existing 066 fields, but *not* in records with "empty" 880s
-            If .FldTag = "066" And gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VCreateEmpty880s = False Then .FldDelete
-            ' get the $6, including script codes, using a fake Utf82Marc translation
-            If .FldTag = "880" Then
-                .FldLoadInfo sTag$, sIndicators$, sField$
-                .TranslateUtf82MarcOneField sCharacterSetsPresent$, sTag$, sField$, bChanged, bError
-                If bChanged Then
-                    If .SfdFindFirst("6") = True And _
-                       .ExtractSubfield(sField$, "6", sSfd6$) > 0 Then
-                        ' 20070710: add RLM to the end of subfield $6 in "empty" fields for R2L scripts
-                        If bLcPattern Or InStr(sSfd6$, "/r") > 0 Then
-                            sSfd6$ = sSfd6$ & .MarcRightToLeftMarker
-                        End If
-                        .SfdChange "6", sSfd6$
-                    End If
-                End If
-                ' 20070710: check for and add the RLMs in the 880 fields for
-                ' the R2L scripts, if they have not been inserted elsewhere
-                If bLcPattern Or InStr(sSfd6$, "/r") > 0 Then
-                    .FldText = .TranslateMarc2Utf8OneFieldLcPattern("880", .FldText)
-                    ' remove any multiple UFCs from the field
-                    .FldText = .RemoveRepeatedCharacters(.FldText, .MarcRightToLeftMarker)
-                    .FldText = .RemoveRepeatedCharacters(.FldText, .MarcLeftToRightEmbedding)
-                    .FldText = .RemoveRepeatedCharacters(.FldText, .MarcPopDirectionalFormatting)
-                End If
-            End If
-            .FldPointer = iPtr%
-        Loop
-        ' convert the string of codes representing character sets present in the record into
-        '   an 066 field, and add it to or change it in the record, but *not* in records with "empty" 880s
-        ' remove multiple spaces from the string
-        sCharacterSetsPresent$ = .RemoveRepeatedCharacters(Trim(sCharacterSetsPresent$), " ")
-        s066$ = .TranslateUtf82MarcCharacterSetString(sCharacterSetsPresent$, .MarcDelimiter + "c")
-        If Len(s066$) > 0 Then
-            If Not .FldFindFirst("066") Or gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VCreateEmpty880s = False Then
-                .FldAddGeneric "066", "  ", s066$, 3
-            ElseIf .FldText <> s066$ Then
-                .FldChange "066", "  ", s066$
-            End If
-        End If
-    End With
-End Function
-Public Function RomanizeConvertDecimalChars(ByVal sIn$, ByRef LocalMarcRecordObject As Utf8MarcRecordClass, ByRef LocalCharacterObject As Utf8CharClass) As String
-    ' convert "&#\d{4,5}" numeric character references to the equivalent, leaving other stuff as you find it
-    Dim lPtr As Long
-    Dim sLeader$, sOriginal$, sHexChar$
-    Dim iDigits%
-    Dim bShow As Boolean
-    'If InStr(sIn$, "&#") > 0 Then
-    '    bShow = True
-    '    sOriginal$ = sIn$
-    'End If
-    sLeader$ = "&#"
-    Do
-        lPtr = InStr(sIn$, sLeader$)
-        Do While lPtr > 0
-            ' allow conversion of up to 5-digit character references
-            iDigits% = Len(CStr(Val(Mid$(sIn$, lPtr + 2, 5))))
-            sHexChar$ = Hex$(Mid$(sIn$, lPtr + 2, iDigits%))
-            LocalCharacterObject.UcsHex = Right$(String$(4 - Len(sHexChar$), "0") & sHexChar$, 4)
-            sIn$ = LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeStuff(sIn$, lPtr, iDigits% + 2, LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char)
-            lPtr = InStr(sIn$, sLeader$)
-        Loop
-        Select Case sLeader$
-            Case "&#"
-                sLeader$ = "\\"
-            Case "\\"
-                Exit Do
-        End Select
-    Loop
-    'If bShow Then
-    '    Debug.Print "RCT >" + sOriginal$ + "< >" + sIn$ + "<"
-    'End If
-    RomanizeConvertDecimalChars = sIn$
-End Function
-Public Function FindScriptByKeyPress(ByRef c As Control, ByRef KeyAscii As Integer)
-    Dim cb As Long
-    Dim FindString As String
-    If KeyAscii < 32 Or KeyAscii > 127 Then Exit Function
-    If c.SelLength = 0 Then
-        FindString = c.Text & Chr$(KeyAscii)
-    Else
-        FindString = Left$(c.Text, c.SelStart) & Chr$(KeyAscii)
-    End If
-    cb = SendMessage(c.hWnd, CB_FINDSTRING, -1, ByVal FindString)
-    If cb <> CB_ERR Then
-        c.ListIndex = cb
-        c.SelStart = Len(FindString)
-        c.SelLength = Len(c.Text) - c.SelStart
-    End If
-    KeyAscii = 0
-End Function
-Public Function IsFontInstalled(FontName As String) As Boolean
-    ' Returns true in function name
-    ' if parameter font name exists
-    Dim oFont As New StdFont
-On Error Resume Next
-    IsFontInstalled = False
-    If LenB(FontName) > 0 Then
-        With oFont
-            .Name = FontName
-            If StrComp(FontName, .Name, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then IsFontInstalled = True
-        End With
-    End If
-    Set oFont = Nothing
-End Function
-Public Function CreateRomanizationScriptList(ByRef sConfigurationFilePath$, ByRef sScripts2Load As String)
-    Dim sMasterFile$, sFile$
-    Dim sScripts2LoadList$()
-    Dim iCtr%, iPtr%
-    Dim bLoadAllScripts As Boolean
-    sMasterFile$ = sConfigurationFilePath$ + "RomanizationMaster.cfg"
-    If sScripts2Load$ = vbNullString Then
-        bLoadAllScripts = True
-    Else
-        sScripts2LoadList$() = Split(sScripts2Load$)
-    End If
-    gbliRomanizationScriptLast% = 0
-    gbliRomanizationTablesBytes# = 0
-    Do
-        iCtr% = gbliRomanizationScriptLast% + 1
-        sFile$ = ReadIniFileOrNothing(sMasterFile$, "Files", Trim(str(iCtr%)), 250)
-        If LenB(sFile$) = 0 Then Exit Do
-        gbliRomanizationScriptLast% = gbliRomanizationScriptLast% + 1
-        ReDim Preserve gblaRomanizationScript(gbliRomanizationScriptLast%)
-        If InStr(sFile$, "\") = 0 Then
-            If LenB(Dir$(sConfigurationFilePath$ + sFile$)) Then
-                gblaRomanizationScript(gbliRomanizationScriptLast%).Name = ReadIniFileOrNothing(sConfigurationFilePath$ + sFile$, "General", "Name", 100)
-                gblaRomanizationScript(gbliRomanizationScriptLast%).FileSize = FileLen(sConfigurationFilePath$ + sFile$)
-            End If
-        Else
-            If LenB(Dir$(sFile$)) Then
-                gblaRomanizationScript(gbliRomanizationScriptLast%).Name = ReadIniFileOrNothing(sFile$, "General", "Name", 100)
-                gblaRomanizationScript(gbliRomanizationScriptLast%).FileSize = FileLen(sFile$)
-            End If
-        End If
-        If bLoadAllScripts Then
-            gblaRomanizationScript(gbliRomanizationScriptLast%).LoadScript = True
-            gbliRomanizationTablesBytes# = gbliRomanizationTablesBytes# + gblaRomanizationScript(gbliRomanizationScriptLast%).FileSize
-        Else
-            gblaRomanizationScript(gbliRomanizationScriptLast%).LoadScript = False
-            For iPtr% = 0 To UBound(sScripts2LoadList$)
-                If CInt(sScripts2LoadList$(iPtr%)) = gbliRomanizationScriptLast% Then
-                    gblaRomanizationScript(gbliRomanizationScriptLast%).LoadScript = True
-                    gbliRomanizationTablesBytes# = gbliRomanizationTablesBytes# + gblaRomanizationScript(gbliRomanizationScriptLast%).FileSize
-                End If
-            Next ' iPtr%
-        End If
-    Loop
-End Function
-Public Sub LoadRomanizationTablesProgress(l As Long, ProgressBarCtrl As Control)
-    If ProgressBarCtrl.Value < (ProgressBarCtrl.Max - l) Then
-        ProgressBarCtrl.Value = ProgressBarCtrl.Value + l
-    End If
-End Sub

+ 0 - 3423

@@ -1,3423 +0,0 @@
-Attribute VB_Name = "ReRomanize"
-Option Explicit
-#Const EvaluateFirstCharacterDebug = 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1
-#Const FindFieldCurrentlyPointedToDebug = 0 ' -1
-#Const ReRomanizeAdjustNFIDebug = 0 ' -1
-#Const ReRomanizeTextDebug = 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1  ' 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1
-#Const ReRomanizeTextDetailsDebug = 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1
-#Const ReRomanizeTextDetailsBasicsDebug = 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1
-#Const RomanizationAssistanceDebug = 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1 ' 0 ' -1
-#Const RomanizeHighlightedTextDebug = 0 ' -1
-#Const RomanizeWholeRecordDebug = 0 ' -1 ' 0 '-1
-' 20180926 Bucknum: added Unicode-compliant font constants for RTF formatting
-Private Const ArialUnicodeMS$ = "Arial Unicode MS"       ' Monotype
-Private Const LucidaSansUnicode$ = "Lucida Sans Unicode" ' Microsoft
-Private Const NotoSans$ = "Noto Sans"   ' Google
-Private Const NotoSerif$ = "Noto Serif" ' Google
-Private Const TextFormattedDefaultFont$ = ArialUnicodeMS$
-Private Const sAuthorityNonfilingString$ = "130:2 430:2 530:2"
-Private Const sBibliographicNonfilingString$ = "130:1 240:2 242:2 243:2 245:2 440:2 630:1 730:1 740:1 830:2"
-Private Const sCommunityInfoNonfilingString$ = "245:2 440:2 630:1 730:1 740:1"
-Private prvsRightToLeftMarker$, prvsLeftToRightMarker$
-Private Const CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_BasicAsG0$ = "(B"
-Private Const CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_HebrewAsG0$ = "(2"
-Private Const CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_BasicCyrillicAsG0$ = "(N"
-Private Const CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_BasicArabicAsG0$ = "(3"
-Private Const CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_GreekAsG0$ = "(S"
-Private Const CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_CJKAsG0$ = "$1"
-Private Const CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_ExtendedCyrillicAsG1$ = ")Q"
-Private Const CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_ExtendedArabicAsG1$ = ")4"
-Private Const CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_ExtendedLatinAsG1$ = ")!E"
-' convert this constant into its ASCII value subtract 48; and multiply this
-'   remainder by 6 to transform it into an offset into the following hyphen-delimited string
-' the first character (0) is the MARC-8'code table' number; same as above, with extensions
-' the second character (1) is the code to use for the set in non-880 fields after escape ("?"=illegal in non-880);
-' 4rd-5th chars (3-4) are the code to use after escape in 880 field
-' ignore other characters--turned out not to be needed
-'                                             1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      :      ;
-'                                             012345 012345 012345 012345 012345 012345 012345 012345 012345 012345 012345
-Private Const CharSetU2MTranslation$ = "*****-1s s  -2g*g *-3b b  -4p p  -5? (2 -6? (N -7? (3 -8g*(S*-9? $1 -:? (Q -;? (4 "
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONACTION_DisplayMarcRecord% = 1
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONACTION_RomanizeHighlightedText% = 2
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONACTION_RomanizeWholeRecord% = 3
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONACTION_UCaseWord% = 4
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONACTION_LCaseWord% = 5
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONACTION_ReplaceText% = 6
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONACTION_UCaseEach% = 7
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONACTION_Define% = 8
-Enum RomanizationAction
-    DefineSubstitution = ROMANIZATIONACTION_Define%
-    DisplayMarcRecord = ROMANIZATIONACTION_DisplayMarcRecord%
-    LowercaseWord = ROMANIZATIONACTION_LCaseWord%
-    ReplaceText = ROMANIZATIONACTION_ReplaceText%
-    RomanizeHighlightedText = ROMANIZATIONACTION_RomanizeHighlightedText%
-    RomanizeWholeRecord = ROMANIZATIONACTION_RomanizeWholeRecord%
-    UppercaseWord = ROMANIZATIONACTION_UCaseWord%
-    UppercaseEachWord = ROMANIZATIONACTION_UCaseEach%
-End Enum
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONRESULT_Success% = 0
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONRESULT_TextNotHighlighted% = 1
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONRESULT_HighlightedTextBecomesNothing% = 2
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONRESULT_TextNotFindable% = 3
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONRESULT_ActionUnclear% = 4
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONRESULT_FieldNotFound% = 5
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONRESULT_880WithNoSubfield6% = 6
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONRESULT_880NotAllowed% = 7
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONRESULT_880AlreadyPresent% = 8
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONRESULT_NoCharacterToDefine% = 9
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONRESULT_FileOpen% = 10
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Unknown% = 0
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Roman2Vernacular% = 1
-Global Const ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Vernacular2Roman% = 2
-    FullString As String
-    Equivalent As String
-    EquivalentUpperCase As String
-    FullStringLengthInCharacters As Integer
-    FullStringLengthInBytes As Integer
-    EquivalentUpperCasePresent As Boolean
-    InitialOnly As Boolean
-    TerminalOnly As Boolean
-    MedialOnly As Boolean
-End Type
-    DetailLast As Long
-    DetailMax As Long
-End Type
-    Vernacular2Roman As Object
-    Roman2Vernacular As Object
-    Name As String
-    FullFileName As String
-    VernacularLast As Long
-    VernacularMax As Long
-    RomanLast As Long
-    RomanMax As Long
-    AllowCaseVariation As Boolean
-    AllowDefineButton As Boolean
-    ApostropheCharacters As String
-    ApostropheCharactersPresent As Boolean
-    BySyllables As Boolean
-    DoNotUse880Field As Boolean
-    FontName As String
-    NoRomanization As Boolean
-    ' things that pertain only to romanized-to-vernacular
-    R2VCreateEmpty880s As Boolean
-    R2VFieldsIncluded As String
-    R2VIncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern As Boolean
-    R2VOtherSubfieldsExcludedByTag As String
-    R2VSubfieldsAlwaysExcluded As String
-    R2VSubfield6Code As String
-    R2VVowelMarker As String
-    ' things that pertain only to vernacular-to-romanized
-    V2RCreateEmptyFields As Boolean
-    V2RFieldsIncluded As String
-    V2ROtherSubfieldsExcludedByTag As String
-    V2RSubfieldsAlwaysExcluded As String
-    V2RUppercaseFirstCharacterInSubfield As String
-    V2RPersonalNameUppercase As Boolean
-End Type
-    Tag As String * 3
-    LinkTag As String * 3
-    Field As String
-    Field880 As String
-    Sequence As Integer
-    Sequence880 As Integer
-End Type
-    Name As String
-    LoadScript As Boolean
-    FileSize As Long
-End Type
-Global gblaReSequenceTable() As RESEQUENCETABLETYPE
-Global gblaRomanizationScript() As ROMANIZATIONSCRIPTTYPE
-Global gblaRomanizationTable() As ROMANIZATIONTABLETYPE
-Global gbliReSequenceTableLast%
-Global gbliRomanizationScriptLast%
-Global gbliRomanizationTableLast%, gbliRomanizationTableMax%
-Global gbliRomanizationTablesBytes#
-Public Function ReRomanizeText(ByVal sRecordType$, ByVal sTag$, ByVal sText$, ByVal iRomanizationTable%, ByRef LocalMarcRecordObject As Utf8MarcRecordClass, ByRef LocalMarcCharacter As Utf8CharClass, Optional ByRef iRomanizationDirection% = -1, Optional ByVal sSubfieldCode$ = "") As String
-    Dim sOut$, sLeft$, sRight$, sWord$
-    Dim iLength%
-    Dim lPtr As Long, lLength As Long
-    Dim bFound As Boolean
-    On Error GoTo 0
-    If iRomanizationTable% < 1 Or iRomanizationTable% > gbliRomanizationTableLast% Then
-        sOut$ = sText$
-    Else
-        If iRomanizationDirection% = -1 Then
-            iRomanizationDirection% = EvaluateFirstCharacter(sText$, iRomanizationTable%, LocalMarcCharacter)
-        End If
-        Select Case iRomanizationDirection%
-            Case ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Unknown%
-                sOut$ = sText$
-            Case ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Roman2Vernacular%
-                sOut$ = ReRomanizeTextDetails(sText$, gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).Roman2Vernacular, gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).Roman(), LocalMarcRecordObject, LocalMarcCharacter, True, iRomanizationTable%)
-            Case ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Vernacular2Roman%
-                sOut$ = ReRomanizeTextDetails(sText$, gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).Vernacular2Roman, gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).Vernacular(), LocalMarcRecordObject, LocalMarcCharacter, False, iRomanizationTable%)
-                If gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).V2RPersonalNameUppercase Then
-                    ' todo: in reality, we should *only* add the comma if the first
-                    '   indicator is one or two (regardless of indicator, we should
-                    '   uppercase every word in the string)
-                    Select Case sRecordType$
-                        Case "A"
-                            If InStr("100 400 500", sTag$) > 0 Then
-                                lPtr = InStr(sOut$, LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter + "a")
-                                If lPtr > 0 Then
-                                    sLeft$ = Mid(sOut$, 1, lPtr + 1)
-                                    sOut$ = Mid(sOut$, lPtr + 2)
-                                ElseIf Mid(sOut$, 1, 1) = LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter Then
-                                    GoTo ReRomanizeTextNoPNH
-                                Else
-                                    sLeft$ = ""
-                                End If
-                                lPtr = InStr(sOut$, LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter)
-                                If lPtr > 0 Then
-                                    sRight$ = Mid(sOut$, lPtr)
-                                    sOut$ = Mid(sOut$, 1, lPtr - 1)
-                                Else
-                                    sRight$ = ""
-                                End If
-                                sOut$ = Trim(sOut$)
-                                ' first "word" in the heading remains as such
-                                lPtr = InStr(sOut$, " ")
-                                If lPtr > 0 Then
-                                    sLeft$ = sLeft$ + LocalMarcRecordObject.UCaseFirstWord(Mid(sOut$, 1, lPtr - 1) + ",")
-                                    sOut$ = Trim(Mid(sOut$, lPtr + 1))
-                                    Do While Len(sOut$) > 0
-                                        GetNextPiece sOut$, sWord$, " "
-                                        sLeft$ = sLeft$ + " " + LocalMarcRecordObject.UCaseFirstWord(sWord$)
-                                    Loop
-                                End If
-                                sOut$ = sLeft$ + sOut$ + sRight$
-                            End If
-ReRomanizeTextNoPNH:        ' NOTE label in left margin
-                        Case "B"
-                            If InStr("100 400 600 700 800", sTag$) > 0 Then
-                                GoTo ReRomanizeTextPersonalNameHandling
-                            End If
-                    End Select
-                End If
-                If Len(gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).V2RUppercaseFirstCharacterInSubfield) > 0 Then
-                    If InStr(gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).V2RUppercaseFirstCharacterInSubfield, sTag$) > 0 Then
-                        If InStr(sOut$, LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter) > 0 Then
-                            ' potentially interesting
-                            For lPtr = Len(sOut$) - 2 To 1 Step -1
-                                If Mid(sOut$, lPtr, 1) = LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter Then
-                                    If InStr(gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).V2RUppercaseFirstCharacterInSubfield, sTag$ + "/" + Mid(sOut$, lPtr + 1, 1)) > 0 Then
-                                        sOut$ = Mid(sOut$, 1, lPtr + 1) + LocalMarcRecordObject.UCaseFirstWord(Mid(sOut$, lPtr + 2))
-                                    End If
-                                End If
-                            Next ' lptr
-                        ElseIf Len(sSubfieldCode$) > 0 Then
-                            If InStr(gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).V2RUppercaseFirstCharacterInSubfield, sTag$ + "/" + sSubfieldCode$) > 0 Then
-                                sOut$ = LocalMarcRecordObject.UCaseFirstWord(sOut$)
-                            End If
-                        End If
-                    End If
-                End If
-        End Select
-    End If
-    ReRomanizeText = LocalMarcRecordObject.RemoveRepeatedCharacters(sOut$, " ")
-    'DumpRomanizationTables
-End Function
-Public Sub LoadOneRomanizationTable(ByVal sFileNameIncludingPath$, ByRef LocalMarcRecordObject As Utf8MarcRecordClass, ByRef LocalCharacterObject As Utf8CharClass, ByRef sDefaultFieldsIncluded$, Optional ByRef ProgressBarCtrl As Control = Nothing)
-    ' we're going to read the file line-by-line, even though it has the
-    '   general appearance of an INI file, because it may be more than
-    '   32K (for Chinese)
-    Dim iIn%, iMode%, iElement%, iRc%, iRc2%, iRc3%
-    Dim sRight$, sLeft$, sUpperCase$, sTruncation$, sOriginal$
-    Dim bLeft As Boolean, bRight As Boolean
-    sTruncation$ = "%"
-    iIn% = FreeFile
-    On Error GoTo LRFT_FileOpenError
-    Open sFileNameIncludingPath$ For Input As #iIn%
-    On Error GoTo 0
-    ' if we get this far we must have *something*
-    gbliRomanizationTableLast% = gbliRomanizationTableLast% + 1
-    If gbliRomanizationTableLast% > gbliRomanizationTableMax% Then
-        gbliRomanizationTableMax% = gbliRomanizationTableMax% + 5
-        ReDim Preserve gblaRomanizationTable(0 To gbliRomanizationTableMax%)
-    End If
-    With gblaRomanizationTable(gbliRomanizationTableLast%)
-        ' save the file name, in case we need to add to it later
-        .FullFileName = sFileNameIncludingPath$
-        ' by default, include everything 100 through 840
-        .R2VFieldsIncluded = sDefaultFieldsIncluded$
-        .V2RFieldsIncluded = sDefaultFieldsIncluded$
-        ' these subfields are always excluded
-        .R2VSubfieldsAlwaysExcluded = "uvxy0123456789"
-        .V2RSubfieldsAlwaysExcluded = "uvxy0123456789"
-        ' there is no additional tag-based exclusion of subfields
-        .R2VOtherSubfieldsExcludedByTag = ""
-        .V2ROtherSubfieldsExcludedByTag = ""
-        ' 20070703: added IncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern; default False
-        .R2VIncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern = False
-        ' set default script identification code
-        .R2VSubfield6Code = ""
-        ' 20100809 Bucknum added: VowelMarker
-        ' set default script vowel marker
-        .R2VVowelMarker = ""
-        Set .Roman2Vernacular = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
-        Set .Vernacular2Roman = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
-        .AllowDefineButton = False
-        .FontName = ""
-        Do While Not EOF(iIn%)
-            Line Input #iIn%, sRight$
-            '20090322 added by Bucknum:
-            'monitor progress of romanization table load
-            If Not ProgressBarCtrl Is Nothing Then
-                DoEvents
-                'add 2 to the line input for line-feed characters
-                LoadRomanizationTablesProgress Len(sRight$) + 2, ProgressBarCtrl
-            End If
-            If Len(sRight$) > 0 Then
-                If Mid(sRight$, 1, 1) <> "#" Then
-                    If Mid(sRight$, 1, 1) = "[" Then
-                        Select Case Trim(UCase(sRight$))
-                            Case "[GENERAL]"
-                                iMode% = 1
-                            Case "[ROMANTOSCRIPT]"
-                                iMode% = 2
-                            Case "[SCRIPTTOROMAN]"
-                                iMode% = 3
-                            Case Else
-                                If .NoRomanization Then ' 20070830 added
-                                    Exit Do
-                                End If
-                                iMode% = 4 ' we'll ignore all of this!
-                        End Select
-                    Else
-                        Select Case iMode%
-                            Case 1 ' general stanza: options and switches
-                                GetNextPiece sRight$, sLeft$, "="
-                                Select Case sLeft$
-                                    Case "Name"
-                                        .Name = sRight$
-                                    Case "FontName"
-                                        ' 20180928 added for font customization by language/script
-                                        '   for Swiss-type, proportionally-spaced, sans-serif fonts
-                                        .FontName = sRight$
-                                    Case "NoRomanization"
-                                        ' 20070830 added NoRomanization concept
-                                        .NoRomanization = LocalMarcRecordObject.IsTrue(sRight$)
-                                    Case "DoNotUse880Field"
-                                        .DoNotUse880Field = LocalMarcRecordObject.IsTrue(sRight$)
-                                    Case "AllowCaseVariation"
-                                        .AllowCaseVariation = LocalMarcRecordObject.IsTrue(sRight$)
-                                    Case "ApostropheCharacters"
-                                        'Debug.Print "RA 2"
-                                        .ApostropheCharacters = RomanizeConvertText(sRight$, LocalMarcRecordObject, LocalCharacterObject)
-                                        If Len(.ApostropheCharacters) > 0 Then
-                                            .ApostropheCharactersPresent = True
-                                        End If
-                                    Case "AllowDefineButton"
-                                        .AllowDefineButton = LocalMarcRecordObject.IsTrue(sRight$)
-                                    Case "BySyllables"
-                                        .BySyllables = LocalMarcRecordObject.IsTrue(sRight$)
-                                    Case "Truncation"
-                                        sTruncation$ = sRight$
-                                End Select
-                            Case 2 ' roman to vernacular script (including Wade-Giles to Pinyin)
-                                If InStr(sRight$, "=") > 0 Then
-                                    GetNextPiece sRight$, sLeft$, "="
-                                    Select Case sLeft$
-                                        Case "FieldsIncluded"
-                                            .R2VFieldsIncluded = sRight$
-                                            GoTo LORT_NextLine
-                                        Case "IncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern"
-                                            ' 20070703: added
-                                            .R2VIncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern = True
-                                            GoTo LORT_NextLine
-                                        Case "CreateEmpty880s"
-                                            .R2VCreateEmpty880s = True
-                                            GoTo LORT_NextLine
-                                        Case "Subfield6Code"
-                                            .R2VSubfield6Code = sRight$
-                                            GoTo LORT_NextLine
-                                        Case "SubfieldsAlwaysExcluded"
-                                            .R2VSubfieldsAlwaysExcluded = sRight$
-                                            GoTo LORT_NextLine
-                                        Case "OtherSubfieldsExcludedByTag"
-                                            .R2VOtherSubfieldsExcludedByTag = sRight$
-                                            GoTo LORT_NextLine
-                                        Case "VowelMarker"
-                                            ' 20100809 Bucknum added:
-                                            .R2VVowelMarker = sRight$
-                                            GoTo LORT_NextLine
-                                    End Select
-LORT_RTV_ContinueWithDividedLine:   ' NOTE label in left margin
-                                    bLeft = False
-                                    bRight = False
-                                    If Mid(sLeft$, 1, 1) = sTruncation$ Then
-                                        bLeft = True
-                                        sLeft$ = Mid(sLeft$, 2)
-                                    End If
-                                    If Right(sLeft$, 1) = sTruncation$ Then
-                                        bRight = True
-                                        sLeft$ = Mid(sLeft$, 1, Len(sLeft$) - 1)
-                                    End If
-                                    'Debug.Print "RA 3"
-                                    sRight$ = RomanizeConvertText(sRight$, LocalMarcRecordObject, LocalCharacterObject)
-                                    sLeft$ = RomanizeConvertText(sLeft$, LocalMarcRecordObject, LocalCharacterObject)
-                                    'If Mid(sLeft$, 1, 1) = "v" Then
-                                    '    Debug.Print "After 3: >" + sLeft$ + "< >" + sRight$ + "<"
-                                    'End If
-                                    iRc% = InStr(sRight$, "/")
-                                    If iRc% > 0 Then
-                                        sUpperCase$ = Mid(sRight$, 1, iRc% - 1)
-                                        sRight$ = Mid(sRight$, iRc% + 1)
-                                    Else
-                                        sUpperCase$ = ""
-                                    End If
-                                    LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char = sLeft$ ' isolating the first character
-                                    If .Roman2Vernacular.Exists(LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char) Then
-                                        iElement% = .Roman2Vernacular.item(LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char)
-                                    Else
-                                        .RomanLast = .RomanLast + 1
-                                        If .RomanLast > .RomanMax Then
-                                            .RomanMax = .RomanMax + 10
-                                            ReDim Preserve .Roman(0 To .RomanMax)
-                                        End If
-                                        iElement% = .RomanLast
-                                        .Roman2Vernacular.Add LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char, iElement%
-                                    End If
-                                    .Roman(iElement%).DetailLast = .Roman(iElement%).DetailLast + 1
-                                    If .Roman(iElement%).DetailLast > .Roman(iElement%).DetailMax Then
-                                        .Roman(iElement%).DetailMax = .Roman(iElement%).DetailMax + 5
-                                        ReDim Preserve .Roman(iElement%).Detail(0 To .Roman(iElement%).DetailMax)
-                                    End If
-                                    If .AllowCaseVariation Then
-                                        .Roman(iElement%).Detail(.Roman(iElement%).DetailLast).FullString = LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeLCase(sLeft$)
-                                        'Debug.Print "Before and after: >" + sLeft$ + "< >" + .Roman(iElement%).Detail(.Roman(iElement%).DetailLast).FullString + "<"
-                                    Else
-                                        .Roman(iElement%).Detail(.Roman(iElement%).DetailLast).FullString = sLeft$
-                                    End If
-                                    .Roman(iElement%).Detail(.Roman(iElement%).DetailLast).FullStringLengthInCharacters = LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeLen(sLeft$)
-                                    .Roman(iElement%).Detail(.Roman(iElement%).DetailLast).FullStringLengthInBytes = Len(sLeft$)
-                                    .Roman(iElement%).Detail(.Roman(iElement%).DetailLast).Equivalent = sRight$
-                                    .Roman(iElement%).Detail(.Roman(iElement%).DetailLast).EquivalentUpperCasePresent = False
-                                    If Len(sUpperCase$) > 0 Then
-                                        .Roman(iElement%).Detail(.Roman(iElement%).DetailLast).EquivalentUpperCase = sUpperCase$
-                                        .Roman(iElement%).Detail(.Roman(iElement%).DetailLast).EquivalentUpperCasePresent = True
-                                    End If
-                                    If bLeft Then
-                                        If bRight Then
-                                            .Roman(iElement%).Detail(.Roman(iElement%).DetailLast).MedialOnly = True
-                                        Else
-                                            .Roman(iElement%).Detail(.Roman(iElement%).DetailLast).TerminalOnly = True
-                                        End If
-                                    ElseIf bRight Then
-                                        .Roman(iElement%).Detail(.Roman(iElement%).DetailLast).InitialOnly = True
-                                    End If
-                                ElseIf InStr(sRight$, vbTab) > 0 Then
-                                    GetNextPiece sRight$, sLeft$, vbTab
-                                    GoTo LORT_RTV_ContinueWithDividedLine
-                                End If
-                            Case 3 ' vernacular script to roman
-                                If InStr(sRight$, "=") > 0 Then
-                                    GetNextPiece sRight$, sLeft$, "="
-                                    Select Case sLeft$
-                                        Case "CreateEmptyFields" ' added 20070830
-                                            .V2RCreateEmptyFields = True
-                                            GoTo LORT_NextLine
-                                        Case "FieldsIncluded"
-                                            .V2RFieldsIncluded = sRight$
-                                            GoTo LORT_NextLine
-                                        Case "SubfieldsAlwaysExcluded"
-                                            .V2RSubfieldsAlwaysExcluded = sRight$
-                                            GoTo LORT_NextLine
-                                        Case "OtherSubfieldsExcludedByTag"
-                                            .V2ROtherSubfieldsExcludedByTag = sRight$
-                                            GoTo LORT_NextLine
-                                        Case "UppercaseFirstCharacterInSubfield"
-                                            .V2RUppercaseFirstCharacterInSubfield = sRight$
-                                            GoTo LORT_NextLine
-                                        Case "PersonalNameHandling"
-                                            .V2RPersonalNameUppercase = LocalMarcRecordObject.IsTrue(sRight$)
-                                            GoTo LORT_NextLine
-                                    End Select
-                                    bLeft = False
-                                    bRight = False
-                                    If Mid(sLeft$, 1, 1) = sTruncation$ Then
-                                        bLeft = True
-                                        sLeft$ = Mid(sLeft$, 2)
-                                    End If
-                                    If Right(sLeft$, 1) = sTruncation$ Then
-                                        bRight = True
-                                        sLeft$ = Mid(sLeft$, 1, Len(sLeft$) - 1)
-                                    End If
-                                    'Debug.Print "RA 4"
-                                    sRight$ = RomanizeConvertText(sRight$, LocalMarcRecordObject, LocalCharacterObject)
-                                    sLeft$ = RomanizeConvertText(sLeft$, LocalMarcRecordObject, LocalCharacterObject)
-                                    iRc% = InStr(sRight$, "/")
-                                    If iRc% > 0 Then
-                                        sUpperCase$ = Mid(sRight$, 1, iRc% - 1)
-                                        sRight$ = Mid(sRight$, iRc% + 1)
-                                    Else
-                                        sUpperCase$ = ""
-                                    End If
-                                    LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char = sLeft$ ' isolating the first character
-                                    If .Vernacular2Roman.Exists(LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char) Then
-                                        iElement% = .Vernacular2Roman.item(LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char)
-                                    Else
-                                        .VernacularLast = .VernacularLast + 1
-                                        If .VernacularLast > .VernacularMax Then
-                                            .VernacularMax = .VernacularMax + 10
-                                            ReDim Preserve .Vernacular(0 To .VernacularMax)
-                                        End If
-                                        iElement% = .VernacularLast
-                                        .Vernacular2Roman.Add LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char, iElement%
-                                    End If
-                                    .Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast = .Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast + 1
-                                    If .Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast > .Vernacular(iElement%).DetailMax Then
-                                        .Vernacular(iElement%).DetailMax = .Vernacular(iElement%).DetailMax + 5
-                                        ReDim Preserve .Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(0 To .Vernacular(iElement%).DetailMax)
-                                    End If
-                                    .Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(.Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast).FullString = sLeft$
-                                    .Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(.Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast).FullStringLengthInCharacters = LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeLen(sLeft$)
-                                    .Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(.Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast).FullStringLengthInBytes = Len(sLeft$)
-                                    .Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(.Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast).Equivalent = sRight$
-                                    .Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(.Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast).EquivalentUpperCasePresent = False
-                                    If bLeft Then
-                                        If bRight Then
-                                            .Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(.Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast).MedialOnly = True
-                                        Else
-                                            .Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(.Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast).TerminalOnly = True
-                                        End If
-                                    ElseIf bRight Then
-                                        .Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(.Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast).InitialOnly = True
-                                    End If
-                                ' main condition is: contains equals sign?
-                                ElseIf InStr(sRight$, vbTab) > 0 Then
-                                    GetNextPiece sRight$, sLeft$, vbTab
-                                    GoTo LORT_VTR_ContinueWithDividedLine
-                                End If
-                        End Select
-                    End If
-                End If
-            End If
-        Loop
-        If Len(.Name) = 0 Then
-            .Name = "Unknown script #" + Trim(str(gbliRomanizationTableLast%))
-        End If
-    End With
-    Close #iIn%
-    Exit Sub
-    Resume LRFT_FileOpenErrorresume
-End Sub
-Public Function RomanizeConvertText(ByVal sIn$, ByRef LocalMarcRecordObject As Utf8MarcRecordClass, ByRef LocalCharacterObject As Utf8CharClass) As String
-    ' convert "&H notations to the equivalent, leaving other stuff as you find it
-    Dim lPtr As Long
-    Dim sLeader$, sOriginal$
-    Dim bShow As Boolean
-'    If InStr(sIn$, "U+") > 0 Then
-'        bShow = True
-'        sOriginal$ = sIn$
-'    End If
-    sIn$ = LocalMarcRecordObject.ReplaceCharacters(sIn$, "_", " ")
-    sLeader$ = "&H"
-    Do
-        lPtr = InStr(sIn$, sLeader$)
-        Do While lPtr > 0
-            LocalCharacterObject.UcsHex = Mid(sIn$, lPtr + 2, 4)
-            sIn$ = LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeStuff(sIn$, lPtr, 6, LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char)
-            lPtr = InStr(sIn$, sLeader$)
-        Loop
-        Select Case sLeader$
-            Case "&H"
-                sLeader$ = "U+"
-            Case "U+"
-                sLeader$ = "&x"
-            Case "&x"
-                sLeader$ = "&X"
-            Case "&X"
-                sLeader$ = "&h"
-            Case "&h"
-                Exit Do
-        End Select
-    Loop
-'    If bShow Then
-'        Debug.Print "RCT >" + sOriginal$ + "< >" + sIn$ + "<"
-'    End If
-    RomanizeConvertText = sIn$
-End Function
-Public Sub LoadRomanizationTables(ByVal sConfigurationFilePath$, ByRef LocalMarcRecordObject As Utf8MarcRecordClass, ByRef LocalCharacterObject As Utf8CharClass, Optional ByRef ProgressBarCtrl As Control = Nothing)
-    Dim sMasterFile$, sFile$, sDefaultFieldsIncluded$
-    Dim iCtr%
-'    Static bLoaded As Boolean
-    Dim bDebug As Boolean
-    ' 20090322 changed by Bucknum:
-    ' removed bLoaded to allow reloading tables
-'    If bLoaded Then
-'        Exit Sub
-'    End If
-    'prvsRightToLeftMarker$ , prvsLeftToRightMarker$
-    'prvsRightToLeftMarker$ = LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcRightToLeftMarker
-    'prvsLeftToRightMarker$ = LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcLeftToRightMarker
-    For iCtr% = 100 To 840
-        sDefaultFieldsIncluded$ = sDefaultFieldsIncluded$ + " " + Trim(str(iCtr%))
-    Next ' irc%
-    sMasterFile$ = sConfigurationFilePath$ + "RomanizationMaster.cfg"
-    bDebug = LocalMarcRecordObject.IsTrue(ReadIniFile(sMasterFile$, "Files", "Debug", "False", 15))
-    iCtr% = 1
-    Do
-        sFile$ = ReadIniFileOrNothing(sMasterFile$, "Files", Trim(str(iCtr%)), 250)
-        If Len(sFile$) = 0 Then
-            If bDebug Then
-                MsgBox "For " + Trim(str(iCtr%)) + " read: >" + sFile$ + "<"
-            End If
-            Exit Do
-        End If
-        If InStr(sFile$, "\") = 0 Then
-            If LenB(Dir$(sConfigurationFilePath$ + sFile$)) > 0 And gblaRomanizationScript(iCtr%).LoadScript Then
-                LoadOneRomanizationTable sConfigurationFilePath$ + sFile$, LocalMarcRecordObject, LocalCharacterObject, sDefaultFieldsIncluded$, ProgressBarCtrl
-                If bDebug Then
-                    MsgBox "For " + Trim(str(iCtr%)) + " read: >" + sConfigurationFilePath$ + sFile$ + "< vernacular entries " + str(gblaRomanizationTable(gbliRomanizationTableLast%).VernacularLast) + " roman entries " + str(gblaRomanizationTable(gbliRomanizationTableLast%).RomanLast)
-                End If
-            End If
-        Else
-            If LenB(Dir$(sFile$)) > 0 And gblaRomanizationScript(iCtr%).LoadScript Then
-                LoadOneRomanizationTable sFile$, LocalMarcRecordObject, LocalCharacterObject, sDefaultFieldsIncluded$, ProgressBarCtrl
-                If bDebug Then
-                    MsgBox "For " + Trim(str(iCtr%)) + " read: >" + sFile$ + "< vernacular entries " + str(gblaRomanizationTable(gbliRomanizationTableLast%).VernacularLast) + " roman entries " + str(gblaRomanizationTable(gbliRomanizationTableLast%).RomanLast)
-                End If
-            End If
-        End If
-        iCtr% = iCtr% + 1
-    Loop
-'    bLoaded = True
-End Sub
-Public Sub DumpRomanizationTables()
-    Dim iCtr%, iCtr2%, iCtr3%
-    For iCtr% = 1 To gbliRomanizationTableLast%
-        With gblaRomanizationTable(iCtr%)
-            Debug.Print "Name: " + .Name
-            Debug.Print "Roman to vernacular"
-            For iCtr2% = 1 To .RomanLast
-                With .Roman(iCtr2%)
-                    For iCtr3% = 1 To .DetailLast
-                        Debug.Print vbTab + .Detail(iCtr3%).FullString + vbTab + .Detail(iCtr3%).Equivalent
-                    Next ' ictr3%
-                End With
-            Next ' ictr2%
-            Debug.Print "Vernacular to roman"
-            For iCtr2% = 1 To .VernacularLast
-                With .Vernacular(iCtr2%)
-                    For iCtr3% = 1 To .DetailLast
-                        Debug.Print vbTab + .Detail(iCtr3%).FullString + vbTab + .Detail(iCtr3%).Equivalent
-                    Next ' ictr3%
-                End With
-            Next ' ictr2%
-        End With
-    Next ' ictr%
-End Sub
-Public Sub LoadListOfScriptsIntoControl(ByRef c As Control)
-    Dim iCtr%
-    With c
-        If = vbListBoxCheckbox Then
-            c.Clear
-            For iCtr% = 1 To gbliRomanizationScriptLast%
-                .AddItem gblaRomanizationScript(iCtr%).Name
-                .Selected(iCtr% - 1) = gblaRomanizationScript(iCtr%).LoadScript
-            Next ' ictr%
-        Else
-            If .ListCount = 0 Then
-                For iCtr% = 1 To gbliRomanizationTableLast%
-                    .AddItem gblaRomanizationTable(iCtr%).Name
-                Next ' ictr%
-                If .ListCount > 0 Then
-                    .ListIndex = 0
-                End If
-            End If
-        End If
-    End With
-End Sub
-Private Function ReRomanizeTextDetails(ByVal sText$, ByRef oRomanizationTable As Object, ByRef RomanizationTable() As ROMANIZATIONDETAILARRAY, ByRef LocalMarcRecordObject As Utf8MarcRecordClass, ByRef LocalMarcCharacter As Utf8CharClass, ByVal bRoman2Vernacular As Boolean, ByVal iRomanizationTable%)
-    Dim iLen%, iLengthBeforeApostropheSubstitution%
-    Dim lPtr As Long, lPtr2 As Long, lMember As Long, lCtr As Long, lEnd As Long
-    Dim sOut$, sPreviousCharacter$, sSyllable$, sChar1$, sChar2$, sOriginalSyllable$
-    Dim bFound As Boolean, bFirstCharacter As Boolean, bFirstCharacterIsUppercase As Boolean
-    Dim bApostrophes As Boolean, bWholeThingIsUppercase As Boolean, bChanged As Boolean
-    Dim bAllowCaseVariation
-    ' we have to manipulate pointers directly, ourselves, because
-    '   of varying character length
-    lPtr = 1
-    lEnd = Len(sText$)
-    bApostrophes = gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).ApostropheCharactersPresent
-    If gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).AllowCaseVariation Then
-        bAllowCaseVariation = True
-    End If
-    If Not gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).BySyllables Then
-        ' we're working by characters
-        bFirstCharacter = True
-        Do While lPtr <= lEnd
-            bFound = False
-            If lPtr > 1 Then
-                sPreviousCharacter$ = LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char
-                If sPreviousCharacter$ = " " Then
-                    bFirstCharacterIsUppercase = False
-                End If
-            End If
-            LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = Mid(sText$, lPtr)
-            ' 20061129: if we're going to be ignoring case, then
-            '   convert to lowercase
-            If bAllowCaseVariation Then
-                If LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharCategory = "Lu" Then
-                    LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeLCase(LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char)
-                    If bFirstCharacter Or sPreviousCharacter$ = " " Then
-                        bFirstCharacterIsUppercase = True
-                    End If
-                End If
-            End If
-            If InStr("Lu Ll Lo", LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharCategory) > 0 Then
-                bFirstCharacter = False
-            End If
-            If LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = LocalMarcCharacter.MarcDelimiter Then
-                sOut$ = sOut$ + Mid(sText$, lPtr, 2) ' delimiter and subfield code
-                lPtr = lPtr + 1 ' we'll add one more at the bottom of the loop as per usual
-                iLen% = 1 ' make sure we only skip one more!
-            Else ' not at a delimiter: must be some character worthy of inspection
-                iLen% = LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharOctets
-                If oRomanizationTable.Exists(LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char) Then
-                    lMember = oRomanizationTable.item(LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char)
-                    With RomanizationTable(lMember)
-                        For lCtr = 1 To .DetailLast
-                            If .Detail(lCtr).InitialOnly Then
-                                ' 20100103 added by Bucknum:
-                                '  we are expecting more character(s) to follow, so the
-                                '  following 2 statements check for end of the word
-                                If lPtr + .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes >= lEnd Then
-                                    ' this is the end of the word; so no dice
-                                    GoTo RRTD_NextDetail
-                                ElseIf InStr(" -.?,;:!""])" + LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter, Mid(sText$, lPtr + .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes, 1)) > 0 Then
-                                    ' this is also the end of the word; so no dice
-                                    GoTo RRTD_NextDetail
-                                ElseIf lPtr = 1 Then
-                                    ' this is OK: first character in the string is taken
-                                    '   to be start of a word
-                                    ' 20180801: Bucknum added left bracket and parenthesis
-                                ElseIf InStr(" -""[(", Mid(sText$, lPtr - 1, 1)) > 0 Then
-                                    ' this is OK, too: previous character is a word-breaker
-                                    '   (following space, hyphen, quote, bracket or parenthesis), so current
-                                    '   character is the first in this word
-                                ElseIf lPtr > 2 Then
-                                    If Mid(sText$, lPtr - 2, 1) = LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter Then
-                                        ' this is OK, too: character is first in its subfield
-                                    Else
-                                        GoTo RRTD_NextDetail
-                                    End If
-                                Else
-                                    ' not at the beginning of a word
-                                    GoTo RRTD_NextDetail
-                                End If
-                            ElseIf .Detail(lCtr).TerminalOnly Then
-                                ' 20070731: we were using iLen% here as the length; but we should be using
-                                '   the length of the character(s) in the defined terminal-only string
-                                '   (for example, the current character may be "o" but if we're looking for
-                                '   terminal "ot" then we need to compare and skip over 2 characters, not 1)
-                                ' fortunately, we already have FullStringLengthInBytes giving the length of
-                                '   the string to be found in the original record
-                                If lPtr + .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes > lEnd Then
-                                    ' this is OK: must be last character in the string
-                                ElseIf InStr(" -.?,;:!""])" + LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter, Mid(sText$, lPtr + .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes, 1)) > 0 Then
-                                    ' this is OK, too: next character is a word-breaker,
-                                    '   so current character is the last in this word
-                                Else
-                                    ' not at the end of a word
-                                    GoTo RRTD_NextDetail
-                                End If
-                                ' if we get here then we're at the end of the word and so ready
-                                '   to test the characters
-                            ElseIf .Detail(lCtr).MedialOnly Then
-                                ' can not be either the beginning or the ending of a word
-                                ' we'll simply reverse all of the above tests; in this case the
-                                '   leftovers are the things that aren't either beginning or
-                                '   end--they must be medial
-                                If lPtr = 1 Then
-                                    ' initial: so no dice
-                                    GoTo RRTD_NextDetail
-                                ElseIf InStr(" -""[(", Mid(sText$, lPtr - 1, 1)) > 0 Then
-                                    ' initial (following space, hyphen, quote, bracket or parenthesis): so no dice
-                                    ' 20180801: Bucknum added left bracket and parenthesis
-                                    GoTo RRTD_NextDetail
-                                ElseIf lPtr > 2 Then
-                                    If Mid(sText$, lPtr - 2, 1) = LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter Then
-                                        ' beginning of a subfield: so no dice
-                                        GoTo RRTD_NextDetail
-                                    End If
-                                ' 20070731: see comment above (at TerminalOnly) regarding the
-                                '   length to be used in the following 2 statements
-                                ElseIf lPtr + .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes >= lEnd Then
-                                    ' this is the end of the word; so no dice
-                                    GoTo RRTD_NextDetail
-                                ElseIf InStr(" -.?,;:!""])" + LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter, Mid(sText$, lPtr + .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes, 1)) > 0 Then
-                                    ' this is also the end of the word; so no dice
-                                    GoTo RRTD_NextDetail
-                                End If
-                                ' if we get here, then we're somewhere within a word and ready to
-                                '   test the characters
-                            End If
-                            ' if we get here, either we don't care what position the character
-                            '   bears within its word, or whatever conditions were specified have
-                            '   been met
-                            If bRoman2Vernacular Then
-                                If LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharCategory = "Lu" Then
-                                    If Not bApostrophes Then
-                                        If Mid(sText, lPtr, .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes) = .Detail(lCtr).FullString Then
-                                            bFound = True
-                                            If .Detail(lCtr).EquivalentUpperCasePresent Then
-                                                If Len(sPreviousCharacter$) = 0 Then
-                                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-                                                Else
-                                                    LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = sPreviousCharacter$
-                                                    If LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharCategory = "Lu" Then
-                                                        sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).EquivalentUpperCase
-                                                    Else
-                                                        sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-                                                    End If
-                                                End If
-                                                bChanged = True
-                                                iLen% = .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes
-                                            Else
-                                                If bFirstCharacterIsUppercase Then
-                                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + LocalMarcRecordObject.UCaseFirstWord(.Detail(lCtr).Equivalent)
-                                                    bFirstCharacterIsUppercase = False
-                                                Else
-                                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-                                                End If
-                                                bChanged = True
-                                                iLen% = .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes
-                                            End If
-                                            Exit For
-                                        End If
-                                    Else ' apostrophes were defined
-                                        If ReRomanizeTextDetailsReplaceApostrophes(LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeUCase(LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeMid(sText, lPtr, .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInCharacters)), iRomanizationTable%, LocalMarcCharacter, iLengthBeforeApostropheSubstitution%) = .Detail(lCtr).FullString Then
-                                            bFound = True
-                                            If .Detail(lCtr).EquivalentUpperCasePresent Then
-                                                If Len(sPreviousCharacter$) = 0 Then
-                                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-                                                Else
-                                                    LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = sPreviousCharacter$
-                                                    If LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharCategory = "Lu" Then
-                                                        sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).EquivalentUpperCase
-                                                    Else
-                                                        sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-                                                    End If
-                                                End If
-                                                bChanged = True
-                                                iLen% = iLengthBeforeApostropheSubstitution% '.Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInCharacters
-                                            Else
-                                                If bFirstCharacterIsUppercase Then
-                                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + LocalMarcRecordObject.UCaseFirstWord(.Detail(lCtr).Equivalent)
-                                                    bFirstCharacterIsUppercase = False
-                                                Else
-                                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-                                                End If
-                                                bChanged = True
-                                                iLen% = iLengthBeforeApostropheSubstitution% '.Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInCharacters
-                                            End If
-                                            Exit For
-                                        End If
-                                    End If
-                                Else ' category is not letter/uppercase
-                                    If Not bApostrophes Then
-                                        If Mid(sText, lPtr, .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes) = .Detail(lCtr).FullString Or (bAllowCaseVariation And LCase(Mid(sText, lPtr, .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes)) = .Detail(lCtr).FullString) Then
-                                        'If Mid(sText, lPtr, .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes) = .Detail(lCtr).FullString Then
-                                            bFound = True
-                                            If .Detail(lCtr).EquivalentUpperCasePresent Then
-                                                If Len(sPreviousCharacter$) = 0 Then
-                                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-                                                Else
-                                                    LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = sPreviousCharacter$
-                                                    'Debug.Print "Previous " + sPreviousCharacter$ + " category " + LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharCategory
-                                                    If LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharCategory = "Lu" Then
-                                                        sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).EquivalentUpperCase
-                                                    Else
-                                                        sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-                                                    End If
-                                                End If
-                                                bChanged = True
-                                                iLen% = .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes
-                                            Else
-                                                If bFirstCharacterIsUppercase Then
-                                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + LocalMarcRecordObject.UCaseFirstWord(.Detail(lCtr).Equivalent)
-                                                    bFirstCharacterIsUppercase = False
-                                                Else
-                                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-                                                End If
-                                                bChanged = True
-                                                iLen% = .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes
-                                            End If
-                                            Exit For
-                                        End If
-                                    Else ' apostrophes are defined
-                                        If ReRomanizeTextDetailsReplaceApostrophes(LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeLCase(LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeMid(sText, lPtr, .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInCharacters)), iRomanizationTable%, LocalMarcCharacter, iLengthBeforeApostropheSubstitution%) = .Detail(lCtr).FullString Then
-                                            bFound = True
-                                            If .Detail(lCtr).EquivalentUpperCasePresent Then
-                                                If Len(sPreviousCharacter$) = 0 Then
-                                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-                                                Else
-                                                    LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = sPreviousCharacter$
-                                                    'Debug.Print "Previous " + sPreviousCharacter$ + " category " + LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharCategory
-                                                    If LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharCategory = "Lu" Then
-                                                        sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).EquivalentUpperCase
-                                                    Else
-                                                        sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-                                                    End If
-                                                End If
-                                                iLen% = iLengthBeforeApostropheSubstitution% '.Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInCharacters
-                                            Else
-                                                If bFirstCharacterIsUppercase Then
-                                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + LocalMarcRecordObject.UCaseFirstWord(.Detail(lCtr).Equivalent)
-                                                    bFirstCharacterIsUppercase = False
-                                                Else
-                                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-                                                End If
-                                                iLen% = iLengthBeforeApostropheSubstitution% ' .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInCharacters
-                                            End If
-                                            Exit For
-                                        End If
-                                    End If
-                                End If
-                            Else ' vernacular to roman
-                                'Debug.Print "Considering " + str(.Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes) + "< and >" + .Detail(lCtr).FullString + "<"
-                                If Mid(sText, lPtr, .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes) = .Detail(lCtr).FullString Then
-                                    bFound = True
-                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-                                    iLen% = .Detail(lCtr).FullStringLengthInBytes
-                                    If Right(sOut$, 1) = " " Then
-                                        lPtr2 = lPtr + iLen%
-                                        If lPtr2 <= lEnd Then
-                                            LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = Mid(sText$, lPtr2)
-                                            If Mid(LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharCategory, 1, 1) = "P" Then
-                                                sOut$ = RTrim(sOut$)
-                                            End If
-                                        End If
-                                    End If
-                                    Exit For
-                                End If
-                            End If
-RRTD_NextDetail:            ' NOTE label in left margin
-                        Next ' lctr
-                    End With
-                Else
-                    bFound = False
-                End If
-                If Not bFound Then
-                    sOut$ = sOut$ + LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char
-                End If
-                'Debug.Print "Disposition: " + str(bFound) + " >" + LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char + "< >" + sOut$ + "<"
-            End If
-            lPtr = lPtr + iLen%
-        Loop
-        'Debug.Print "LC PATTERN? " + str(gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).R2VIncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern) + " " + str(bChanged)
-        ' 20070703: it seems simplest to throw this on at the end
-        ' LC wants a RTL marker before and after each delimiter,
-        '   EXCEPT immediately following the $6 marker itself
-        ' note that this can ONLY apply to things done character-by-character; doesn't apply
-        '   to "by syllables" (I think!)
-        If gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).R2VIncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern And bChanged Then
-            For lPtr = Len(sOut$) - 1 To 1 Step -1
-                If Mid(sOut$, lPtr, 1) = LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter Then
-                    lPtr2 = InStr(Mid(sOut$, lPtr + 1), LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter)
-                    'Debug.Print "At delim: " + str(lPtr) + " " + str(lPtr2) + " >" + sOut$ + "< marker >" + LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcRightToLeftMarker + "< " + str(Len(LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcRightToLeftMarker))
-                    If lPtr2 <> 0 Then
-                        sOut$ = LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeStuff(sOut$, lPtr + lPtr2, 0, LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcRightToLeftMarker)
-                    End If
-                    ' there should not be a $6 in the text!
-                    If Mid(sOut$, lPtr + 1, 1) <> "6" Then
-                        sOut$ = LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeStuff(sOut$, lPtr + 2, 0, LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcRightToLeftMarker)
-                    End If
-                    'Debug.Print "After:  >" + sOut$ + "<"
-                End If
-            Next ' lptr
-        End If
-    Else ' we *are* proceeding by syllables
-        ' move any troublesome lead characters to the output, so we end up pointed
-        '   to the first "real" character in the first syllable--as close as we can
-        '   determine it, anyway
-        ' we'll include the apostrophe here, because it's only *internal* ones that
-        '   we need to pay attention to
-        ' todo: this might be better if done via the character object, and with
-        '   character categories ...
-        bFirstCharacter = True
-        Do
-            Select Case Mid(sText$, lPtr, 1)
-                Case "-", " ", ".", ";", ":", "(", ")", "[", "]", "!", "?", "'", Chr(34)
-                    lPtr = lPtr + 1
-                Case LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter
-                    lPtr = lPtr + 2
-                Case Else
-                    Exit Do
-            End Select
-            If lPtr > lEnd Then
-                Exit Do
-            End If
-        Loop
-        ' attach any skipped characters to the output
-        If lPtr > 1 Then
-            sOut$ = Mid(sText$, 1, lPtr - 1)
-        End If
-        ' when we arrive here, lPtr points to the first character of real interest
-        Do While lPtr <= lEnd
-            ' starting from the character pointed to by lPtr, which we will assume
-            '   to be the first character in a "syllable", find the end of the
-            '   next syllable
-            iLen% = 0
-            ' do NOT here break at a hyphen!
-            For lPtr2 = lPtr + 1 To lEnd
-                If InStr("- .;:)([]!?" + Chr(34) + LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter, Mid(sText, lPtr2, 1)) > 0 Then
-                    iLen% = lPtr2 - lPtr
-                    Exit For
-                End If
-            Next ' lptr2
-            ' if we didn't find any more words, we assume that
-            '   we're at the end of the string altogether
-            If iLen% = 0 Then
-                iLen% = Len(Mid(sText$, lPtr))
-            End If
-            sSyllable$ = Mid(sText, lPtr, iLen%)
-            If Right(sSyllable$, 1) = "'" Then
-                iLen% = iLen% - 1
-                lPtr2 = lPtr2 - 1
-                sSyllable$ = Mid(sSyllable$, 1, Len(sSyllable$) - 1)
-            End If
-            sOriginalSyllable$ = sSyllable$
-            ' in the next paragraph, we're determining whether the first character
-            '   is uppercase, or the whole thing is uppercase--we'll preserve
-            '   case in the finished string to the extent possible
-#If True Then
-            ' 20070109: paradigm changed (now much simpler); changed mostly because
-            '   the old one didn't work properly anyway
-            If sSyllable$ = LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeUCase(sSyllable$) Then
-                ' the only way this can happen is if it's all uppercase
-                bWholeThingIsUppercase = True
-                bFirstCharacterIsUppercase = False
-                If gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).AllowCaseVariation Then
-                    sSyllable$ = LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeLCase(sSyllable$)
-                End If
-            ElseIf sSyllable$ = LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeLCase(sSyllable$) Then
-                bWholeThingIsUppercase = False
-                bFirstCharacterIsUppercase = False
-            Else
-                ' there is some difference between the lowercase and uppercase versions:
-                '   for Wade-Giles, we *should* be able to assume that the difference
-                '   is on the first character
-                bWholeThingIsUppercase = False
-                bFirstCharacterIsUppercase = True
-                If gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).AllowCaseVariation Then
-                    sSyllable$ = LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeLCase(sSyllable$)
-                End If
-            End If
-            LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = sSyllable$
-            ' get the first character of this syllable
-            LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = sSyllable$
-            If gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).AllowCaseVariation Then
-                If LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharCategory = "Lu" Then
-                    bFirstCharacterIsUppercase = True
-                    bWholeThingIsUppercase = True
-                    Do
-                        sSyllable$ = Mid(sSyllable$, LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharOctets + 1)
-                        If Len(sSyllable$) = 0 Then
-                            Exit Do
-                        End If
-                        'Debug.Print "Remaining syllable: >" + sSyllable$ + "<"
-                        LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = sSyllable$
-                        'Debug.Print "Category: >" + LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharCategory + "<"
-                        If LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharCategory <> "Lu" Then
-                            bWholeThingIsUppercase = False
-                            Exit Do
-                        End If
-                    Loop
-                    ' re-get the whole syllable
-                    sSyllable$ = Mid(sText, lPtr, iLen%)
-                    LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = sSyllable$
-                End If
-                ' in any case, because case variation is allowed, we'll
-                '   convert the syllable to lowercase
-                sSyllable$ = LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeLCase(sSyllable$)
-                LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = sSyllable$
-            End If
-#End If ' alternative methods for determining casing of the existing syllable
-            ' deal with things that look like apostrophes
-            If bApostrophes Then
-                sSyllable$ = ReRomanizeTextDetailsReplaceApostrophes(sSyllable$, iRomanizationTable%, LocalMarcCharacter, iLengthBeforeApostropheSubstitution%)
-            End If
-            bFound = False
-            If oRomanizationTable.Exists(LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char) Then
-                lMember = oRomanizationTable.item(LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char)
-                With RomanizationTable(lMember)
-                    For lCtr = 1 To .DetailLast
-                        If bRoman2Vernacular Then
-                            If sSyllable$ = .Detail(lCtr).FullString Then
-                                bFound = True
-                                If bWholeThingIsUppercase Then
-                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeUCase(.Detail(lCtr).Equivalent)
-                                    bFirstCharacterIsUppercase = False
-                                ElseIf bFirstCharacterIsUppercase Then
-                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + LocalMarcRecordObject.UCaseFirstWord(.Detail(lCtr).Equivalent)
-                                    bFirstCharacterIsUppercase = False
-                                Else
-                                    sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-                                End If
-                                Exit For
-                            End If
-                        Else ' vernacular to roman
-                            If sSyllable$ = .Detail(lCtr).FullString Then
-                                bFound = True
-                                sOut$ = sOut$ + .Detail(lCtr).Equivalent
-                                Exit For
-                            End If
-                        End If
-                    Next ' lctr
-                End With
-            Else
-                sSyllable$ = sOriginalSyllable$
-                bFound = False
-            End If
-            If Not bFound Then
-                sOut$ = sOut$ + sSyllable$
-            End If
-            ' skip the syllable in input
-            lPtr = lPtr + iLen%
-            If lPtr > lEnd Then
-                ' no more input: all done
-                Exit Do
-            End If
-            ' move additional characters to the output string until
-            '   you hit the first that's not a "division" character
-            Do
-                Select Case Mid(sText$, lPtr, 1)
-                    Case "-", " ", ".", ";", ":", "(", ")", "[", "]", "!", "?", "'", Chr(34)
-                        sOut$ = sOut$ + Mid(sText$, lPtr, 1)
-                        lPtr = lPtr + 1
-                        If lPtr > lEnd Then
-                            Exit Do
-                        End If
-                    Case LocalMarcRecordObject.MarcDelimiter
-                        sOut$ = sOut$ + Mid(sText$, lPtr, 2)
-                        lPtr = lPtr + 2
-                        If lPtr > lEnd Then
-                            Exit Do
-                        End If
-                    Case Else
-                            Exit Do
-                End Select
-            Loop
-            If lPtr > lEnd Then
-                Exit Do
-            End If
-        Loop ' for each syllable
-    End If
-    'DumpRomanizationTables
-    ReRomanizeTextDetails = sOut$
-End Function
-Public Function EvaluateFirstCharacter(ByVal sText$, ByVal iRomanizationTable%, ByRef LocalMarcCharacter As Utf8CharClass) As Integer
-    Dim lPtr As Long, lLength As Long
-    Dim iLength%
-    EvaluateFirstCharacter = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Unknown%
-    If iRomanizationTable% < 1 Or iRomanizationTable% > gbliRomanizationTableLast% Then
-        ' do nothing: already set to unknown
-    Else
-        With gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%)
-            ' first determination: are we converting script from vernacular into
-            '   roman or from roman into vernacular: the first charcter will tell
-            '   us everything we need to know
-            lPtr = 1
-            lLength = Len(sText$)
-            Do While lPtr <= lLength
-                LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = Mid(sText$, lPtr)
-                If LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char = LocalMarcCharacter.MarcDelimiter Then
-                    ' we'll skip this, and the following character, but do nothing
-                    '   about either of 'em
-                    iLength% = 2
-                Else
-                    iLength% = LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8CharOctets
-    #If EvaluateFirstCharacterDebug = -1 Then
-                    Debug.Print "Char: >" + LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char + "< " + str(iLength%)
-    #End If
-                    If .Roman2Vernacular.Exists(LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char) Then
-                        EvaluateFirstCharacter = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Roman2Vernacular%
-                        Exit Do
-                    ElseIf .Vernacular2Roman.Exists(LocalMarcCharacter.Utf8Char) Then
-                        EvaluateFirstCharacter = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Vernacular2Roman%
-                        Exit Do
-                    End If
-                End If
-                lPtr = lPtr + iLength%
-            Loop
-        End With
-    End If
-End Function
-Public Function ReRomanizeTextDetailsReplaceApostrophes(ByVal sString$, ByVal iRomanizationTable%, ByRef LocalCharacterObject As Utf8CharClass, ByRef iLengthBeforeApostropheSubstitution%) As String
-    Dim lPtr As Long
-    Dim iLen%
-    Dim sSaveIncomingCharacter$, sOut$
-    'Debug.Print "RRTDRA received: >" + sString$ + "<"
-    iLengthBeforeApostropheSubstitution% = Len(sString$)
-    If Not gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).ApostropheCharactersPresent Then
-        sOut$ = sString$
-    Else
-        sSaveIncomingCharacter$ = LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char
-        lPtr = 1
-        Do While lPtr <= iLengthBeforeApostropheSubstitution%
-            LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char = Mid(sString$, lPtr)
-            If InStr(gblaRomanizationTable(iRomanizationTable%).ApostropheCharacters, LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char) > 0 Then
-                sOut$ = sOut$ + "'"
-            Else
-                sOut$ = sOut$ + LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char
-            End If
-            lPtr = lPtr + LocalCharacterObject.Utf8CharOctets
-        Loop
-        LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char = sSaveIncomingCharacter$
-    End If
-    ReRomanizeTextDetailsReplaceApostrophes = sOut$
-    'Debug.Print "RRTDRA output: >" + sOut$ + "<"
-End Function
-Public Function RomanizationAssistance(ByVal iAction As RomanizationAction, ByRef LocalRichTextBox As Control, ByVal iScript%, ByRef LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord As Utf8MarcRecordClass, ByRef LocalMarcCharacterObject As Utf8CharClass, ByVal iFldTextFormattedOption%, Optional ByVal sFontNameForDisplay$ = TextFormattedDefaultFont$, Optional ByVal iFontSizeForDisplay% = 10, Optional ByVal iFixedFieldDisplayConvention% = 2) As Integer
-    Dim sField$, sTag$, sTagToFind$, sIndicators$, s880Indicators$, sNative6$, s8806$, sLeftEnd$, sRecord$, sSubfield6Code$
-    Dim sSelText$, sLeft$, sLeft2$, sRight$, sRight2$, sRightAfterSelection$, sWholeField$
-    Dim sWord$, sNewField$, sOldField$, sFile$, sTempFile$, sLine$, sNewCharacter$
-    Dim sFieldRemainderRight$, sFieldRemainderLeft$, s6$, sOriginalField$, sType$
-    Dim sTagToCopy$, sIndicatorsToCopy$, sFieldToCopy$, sNewFields$, sOldFields$
-    Dim sSubfieldsExcludedUniversally$, sSubfieldsExcludedByTag$, sOriginalLeft$, sOriginalRight$
-    Dim sNonfilingString$, sIntermediate$
-    Dim sRLM$, sLRE$, sPDF$
-    Dim sRtfFontName$
-    Dim iRc%, iRc2%, iRepeat%, iNext6%, iRomanizationStyle%, iDirection%, iIn%, iOut%, iElement%
-    Dim iLen%
-    Dim lPtr As Long, lPtr2 As Long, lSelLength As Long, lSelStart As Long, lStart As Long
-    Dim lFldPointer As Long, lFldPointer2 As Long, lEnd As Long, lOriginalSelStart As Long
-    Dim bFound As Boolean, bSkipTagTest As Boolean, bStringHasTerminalSpace As Boolean
-    Dim bOnlyMarc8 As Boolean, bCreateEmpty880s As Boolean, bLcPattern As Boolean
-    'Const sLineEnd = "\line"
-    Const sLineEnd$ = "\par"
-    Const iLineEndLen% = 5
-    ' 20180926 Bucknum: check for and use custom language/script font for RTF display
-    '   overrides the default Unicode font setting
-    sRtfFontName$ = gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).FontName
-    If LenB(sRtfFontName$) = 0 Or Not IsFontInstalled(sRtfFontName$) Then
-        sRtfFontName$ = sFontNameForDisplay$
-    End If
-    If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VCreateEmpty880s Then
-        ' 20070425: pick up a script identification code if it's been defined
-        '   otherwise, we'll attempt to match it to the language code in 008/35-37
-        '   we'll include this in $6 of "empty" 880 fields
-        ' 20070830: LC addition: if there is no such code, pick up
-        '   a transmogrification of the langauge code instead; area reorganized
-        sSubfield6Code$ = gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VSubfield6Code
-        If LenB(sSubfield6Code$) = 0 Then
-            sSubfield6Code$ = Language2ScriptCode(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.Get008Value(35, 3))
-        End If
-        If LenB(sSubfield6Code$) > 0 Then
-            If sSubfield6Code$ = CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_HebrewAsG0$ Or _
-               sSubfield6Code$ = CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_BasicArabicAsG0$ Then
-                ' add R2L orientation code
-                sSubfield6Code$ = sSubfield6Code$ & "/r"
-            End If
-            ' add "/" prefix
-            sSubfield6Code$ = "/" + sSubfield6Code$
-        End If
-    End If
-    If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VIncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern Or _
-       InStr(sSubfield6Code$, "/r") > 0 Then
-        ' set IncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern = True to insert UFCs
-        ' 20070830: Bucknum code forces value of this here; but we think
-        '   this should come from the configuration file
-        ' instead, we're going to set directly what DB was using this
-        '   as a proxy for
-        'gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VIncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern = True
-        bLcPattern = True
-        ' 20070710: set a variable for the MarcRightToLeftMarker
-        '   LC wants a RTL marker before and after each delimiter,
-        '   EXCEPT immediately following the $6 code itself
-        With LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord
-            sRLM$ = .MarcRightToLeftMarker
-            sLRE$ = .MarcLeftToRightEmbedding
-            sPDF$ = .MarcPopDirectionalFormatting
-        End With
-    Else
-        ' set IncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern = False to not insert UFCs
-        ' 20070830: Bucknum code forces value of this here; but we think
-        '   this should come from the configuration file
-        ' instead, we're going to leave sRLM at its ground state of null,
-        '   which seems to be the point of all of this, anyway
-        'gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VIncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern = False
-        bLcPattern = False
-    End If
-    sType$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcRecordFormat
-    ' assume everything will be OK
-    RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_Success%
-    Select Case iAction
-            ' 20070830: NoRomanization added
-            If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).NoRomanization Then
-                If iAction = ROMANIZATIONACTION_Define% Then
-                    GoTo RomanizationAssistanceNoFileOpenResume
-                End If
-            End If
-            ' these have similar complicated beginnings, so we'll do some code-sharing
-            ' get the current state of the MARC record
-            ' isolate the selected text, remove any carriage returns and line feeds
-            sField$ = LocalRichTextBox.SelRTF
-            ' for some reason, delimiters are getting converted to something we don't recognize ...
-            sField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.ReplaceCharacters(sField$, "\'87", "\u8225?")
-            ' 20180926 added by Bucknum: for some reason, the rich text box is inserting alternating font codes
-            '   (e.g., "\f0") into the selected text, which is corrupting it, so we're going to strip them out
-            If InStr(sField$, "\f0 ") Or InStr(sField$, "\f1 ") Then
-                sField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.ReplaceCharacters(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.ReplaceCharacters(sField$, "\f0 "), "\f1 ")
-            ElseIf InStr(sField$, "\f0") Or InStr(sField$, "\f1") Then
-                sField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.ReplaceCharacters(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.ReplaceCharacters(sField$, "\f0"), "\f1")
-            End If
-            'Debug.Print "Initial extraction of field: >" + sField$ + "< len " + str(LocalRichTextBox.SelLength)
-            If Len(sField$) = 0 Or LocalRichTextBox.SelLength = 0 Then
-                'Debug.Print "Action: " + str(ROMANIZATIONACTION_RomanizeHighlightedText%)
-                If iAction = ROMANIZATIONACTION_RomanizeHighlightedText% Then
-                    ' 20070830: if we are clicked somewhere within a field and the selection length
-                    '   is zero, we'll assume that what we really want to do is convert the
-                    '   whole field
-                    lPtr = FindFieldCurrentlyPointedTo(LocalRichTextBox, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord)
-                    'Debug.Print "Ptr: " + str(lPtr)
-                    ' 20100402 changed by Bucknum to allow for returned default of -1 (i.e. no text selected):
-                    'If lPtr = 0 Then
-                    If lPtr <= 0 Then
-                        RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_TextNotHighlighted%
-                        Exit Function
-                    End If
-                Else
-                    RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_TextNotHighlighted%
-                    Exit Function
-                End If
-                ' if we get here, we've found the field of interest
-                LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer = lPtr
-                sFieldRemainderLeft$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldInd
-                sFieldRemainderRight$ = ""
-                sWholeField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText
-                ' 20100202 added by Bucknum: to enable
-                '  non-empty field transliteration below
-                sTag$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag
-                sIndicators$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldInd
-                sField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText
-                GoTo RA_WeHaveOurFieldTheEasyWay
-            End If
-            ' if we ended up with carriage returns or line feeds, remove them (inserting no space)
-            sField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.ReplaceCharacters(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.ReplaceCharacters(sField$, vbCr, ""), vbLf, "")
-            ' we'll use these two values in a bit, to find the field
-            '   within the non-RTF version of the record
-            ' NOTE that the TextRTF returns delimiters correctly (as opposed to SelRTF, as
-            '   shown above) so we don't need to do any conversion here; in any case, this
-            '   step appears to be irrelevant, because we replace this value of sRecord with
-            '   a fresh copy of the TextFormatted(rtf) version of the record before we
-            '   ever use sRecord for anything; go figure
-            ' see note below about the contents of SelStart for rich text boxes
-            lSelStart = LocalRichTextBox.SelStart
-            lOriginalSelStart = lSelStart
-            sRecord$ = LocalRichTextBox.TextRTF
-            ' remove the closing brace from the selected text
-            If Right(sField$, 1) = "}" Then
-                sField$ = Mid(sField$, 1, Len(sField$) - 1)
-            End If
-            ' remove the RTF prefix from the selected text
-            iRc% = InStr(sField$, "}}")
-            If iRc% > 0 Then
-                sField$ = Trim(Mid(sField$, iRc% + 2))
-            End If
-            ' text should now start with some additional 'slash' commands, which
-            '   we will proceed to remove
-            Do While Mid(sField$, 1, 1) = "\"
-                If Mid(sField$, 1, 2) = "\u" Then
-                    If InStr("0123456789", Mid(sField$, 3, 1)) > 0 Then
-                        Exit Do
-                    End If
-                End If
-                sField$ = Mid(sField$, 2)
-                iRc% = InStr(sField$, "\")
-                If iRc% = 0 Then
-                    iRc% = InStr(sField$, " ")
-                    If iRc% > 0 Then
-                        sField$ = Mid(sField$, iRc% + 1)
-                        Exit Do
-                    End If
-                Else
-                    iRc2% = InStr(sField$, " ")
-                    If iRc2% > 0 Then
-                        If iRc% < iRc2% Then
-                            sField$ = Mid(sField$, iRc%)
-                        Else
-                            sField$ = Mid(sField$, iRc2% + 1)
-                            Exit Do
-                        End If
-                    Else
-                        sField$ = Mid(sField$, iRc%)
-                    End If
-                End If
-            Loop
-            ' remove any trailing 'par' command
-            iRc% = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.Rat(sField$, "\par")
-            If iRc% > 0 Then
-                sField$ = Mid(sField$, 1, iRc% - 1)
-            End If
-            If Len(sField$) = 0 Then
-                RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_HighlightedTextBecomesNothing%
-                Exit Function
-            End If
-            ' wrapping spaces are irrelevant
-            sField$ = Trim(sField$)
-            ' we should now have the raw text of interest, isolated in sField$
-            ' oddly enough, the SelStart property of the rich text box
-            '   refers to the plain text version
-            '   of the field; there doesn't seem to be a corresponding SelStartRtf
-            '   or anything else useful; so we're going to use the supplied SelStart
-            '   property as a rough guide for finding the selection ourselves
-            ' remembering that SelStart is zero-based (so we don't have to back up 1
-            '   from lSelStart to find the "real" end of the preceding text, and we
-            '   have to add 1 to the combined start and length to find the beginning
-            '   of whatever follows the text (which is, from our point of view, possibly
-            '   irrelevant)
-            sFieldRemainderLeft$ = Mid(LocalRichTextBox.Text, 1, lSelStart)
-            lPtr = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.Rat(sFieldRemainderLeft$, vbLf)
-            If lPtr > 0 Then
-                sFieldRemainderLeft$ = Trim(Mid(sFieldRemainderLeft$, lPtr + 1) + sField$)
-                sTagToFind$ = Mid(sFieldRemainderLeft$, 1, 3)
-            Else
-                RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_TextNotFindable%
-                Exit Function
-            End If
-            Select Case LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcRecordFormat
-                Case "A"
-                    sNonfilingString$ = sAuthorityNonfilingString$
-                Case "B", "D", "F", "M", "P", "S", "U"
-                    sNonfilingString$ = sBibliographicNonfilingString$
-                'Case else: ignore the whole issue
-            End Select
-            ' to help us find the highlighted text within the record,
-            '   give us the RTF version of the whole MARC record again
-            ' we don't need to worry here about specification for fixed fields or
-            '   font size, because they don't affect what we're up to here
-            sRecord$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.TextFormatted(rtfText)
-            lStart = 1
-            Do
-                ' find the next occurrence of our text in the record
-                lSelStart = InStr(lStart, sRecord$, sField$)
-                DoEvents
-                If lSelStart = 0 Then
-                    If lStart = 1 Then
-                        RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_TextNotFindable%
-                        Exit Function
-                    End If
-                    ' we found at least one place already; so let's back up to find
-                    '   the first one (assuming that the first one is the right one!)
-                    lSelStart = InStr(1, sRecord$, sField$)
-                    If lSelStart = 0 Then
-                        RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_TextNotFindable%
-                        Exit Function
-                    End If
-                    bSkipTagTest = True
-                Else
-                    lStart = lSelStart + 1
-                End If
-                sLeft$ = Mid(sRecord$, 1, lSelStart - 1)
-                sRight$ = Mid(sRecord$, lSelStart + Len(sField$))
-                ' sLeft$ = all of the record up to our selected text
-                ' sRight$ = and all of the record that follows the selected text
-                ' we want to back up in sLeft to the beginning of the current "line" (i.e., variable field)
-                lSelStart = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.Rat(sLeft$, sLineEnd$)
-                If lSelStart > 0 Then
-                    sFieldRemainderLeft$ = LTrim(Mid(sLeft$, lSelStart + 5))
-                    If Mid(sFieldRemainderLeft$, 1, 2) = "\f" Then
-                        sLeft$ = sLeft$ + Mid(sFieldRemainderLeft$, 1, 4)
-                        sFieldRemainderLeft$ = Mid(sFieldRemainderLeft$, 5)
-                    End If
-                Else
-                    sFieldRemainderLeft$ = ""
-                End If
-                If Mid(LTrim(sFieldRemainderLeft$ + sField$), 1, 3) = sTagToFind$ Or bSkipTagTest Then
-                    ' we want to include from sRight any remainder of the current line (i.e., the
-                    '   remainder of our variable field)
-                    lSelStart = InStr(sRight$, sLineEnd$)
-                    If lSelStart > 1 Then
-                        sFieldRemainderRight$ = Mid(sRight$, 1, lSelStart - 1)
-                    Else
-                        sFieldRemainderRight$ = ""
-                    End If
-                    sFieldRemainderLeft$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.TranslateRTF2Marc(sFieldRemainderLeft$)
-                    sField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.RemoveSpacesAroundDelimiters(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.TranslateRTF2Marc(sField$))
-                    sFieldRemainderRight$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.TranslateRTF2Marc(sFieldRemainderRight$)
-                    sWholeField$ = Trim(sFieldRemainderLeft$ + sField$ + sFieldRemainderRight$)
-                    Exit Do
-                End If
-            Loop
-            'Debug.Print "Easy way"
-            Select Case iAction
-                Case ROMANIZATIONACTION_RomanizeHighlightedText%
-                    sTag$ = Mid(sWholeField$, 1, 3) ' the tag of the current field
-                    sIndicators$ = Mid(sWholeField$, 5, 2)
-                    sWholeField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.RemoveSpacesAroundDelimiters(Trim(Mid(sWholeField$, 8)))
-                    If Mid(sWholeField$, 1, 2) = "\f" Then
-                        sWholeField$ = Mid(sWholeField$, 4)
-                    End If
-                    'Debug.Print "Pieces: >" + sTag$ + "< >" + sIndicators$ + "< >" + sWholeField$ + "<"
-                    ' change 880 $6 6xx-xx 2nd indicator to "4" (source not specified)
-                    If sTag$ >= 600 And sTag$ <= 651 Then
-                        s880Indicators$ = Mid$(sIndicators$, 1, 1) & "4"
-                    Else
-                        s880Indicators$ = sIndicators$
-                    End If
-                    iRc% = InStr(sWholeField$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6")
-                    If iRc% > 0 Then
-                        ' 20070830: NoRomanization added
-                        If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).NoRomanization Then
-                            ' if we we're not actually converting text then there's nothing for us to do
-                            '   if $6 is present
-                            GoTo RomanizationAssistanceNoFileOpenResume
-                        End If
-                        s6$ = Mid(sWholeField$, iRc% + 2)
-                        iRc% = InStr(s6$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter)
-                        If iRc% > 0 Then
-                            s6$ = Mid(s6$, 1, iRc% - 1)
-                        End If
-                    Else
-                        ' field does not yet contain $6
-                        ' calculate the next value for sequence of subfield $6
-                        LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldMoveTop
-                        Do While LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldMoveNext
-                            If LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdFindFirst("6") Then
-                                iRc% = InStr(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText, "-")
-                                If iRc% > 0 Then
-                                    iRepeat% = Val(Trim(Mid(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText, iRc% + 1)))
-                                    If iRepeat% > iNext6% Then
-                                        iNext6% = iRepeat%
-                                    End If
-                                End If
-                            End If
-                        Loop
-                        iNext6% = iNext6% + 1
-                        ' 20070830: NoRomanization added
-                        If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).NoRomanization Then
-                            ' if we're not actually converting text, then (until we hear more
-                            '   from David B. at LC) we're going to add $6 to the current field and
-                            '   copy the current field to 880
-                            ' we can do this much, now that we've got the next repeat number
-                            '   calculated
-                            bFound = False
-                            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldMoveTop
-                            Do While LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldFindNext(sTag$)
-                                If LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = sWholeField$ Then
-                                    lFldPointer = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer
-                                    bFound = True
-                                End If
-                            Loop
-                            If Not bFound Then
-                                RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_FieldNotFound%
-                                Exit Function
-                            End If
-                            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer = lFldPointer
-                            sTag$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag
-                            sIndicators$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldInd
-                            ' change 880 $6 6xx-xx 2nd indicator to "4" (source not specified)
-                            If sTag$ >= 600 And sTag$ <= 651 Then
-                                s880Indicators$ = Mid$(sIndicators$, 1, 1) & "4"
-                            Else
-                                s880Indicators$ = sIndicators$
-                            End If
-                            sField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText
-                            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdMoveFirst
-                            bOnlyMarc8 = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.Utf8TextContainsOnlyMarc8Characters(sField$)
-                            'Debug.Print "Only marc 8? " + str(bOnlyMarc8)
-                            ' 20100412 changed by David Bucknum: since we're romanizing the field above
-                            ' original version:
-                            'LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdAdd "6", "880-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2)
-                            ' replacement:
-                            With LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord
-                                .FldDelete
-                                .FldAdd .FldTag, .FldInd, .MarcDelimiter + "6" + "880-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sField$
-                            End With
-                            ' adding subfield $6 has the effect of deleting the original field and replacing
-                            '   it with a new one; so we need to reset the pointer too
-                            lFldPointer = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer
-                            ' 20100412 changed by David Bucknum: since we're romanizing the field above
-                            ' original version:
-                            'LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldAdd "880", s880Indicators$, sField$
-                            'LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdAdd "6", sTag$ + "-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2)
-                            ' replacement:
-                            With LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord
-                                .FldAdd .FldTag, .FldInd, .MarcDelimiter + "6" + sTag$ + "-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sField$
-                            End With
-                            lFldPointer2 = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer
-                            ' now, the matrix of options
-                            If bOnlyMarc8 Then
-                                ' the field we copied into the 880 contains only MARC-8 characters; so
-                                '   we assume that this is romanized text for which we need to
-                                '   supply the vernacular form
-                                'Debug.Print "Create empty 1? " + str(gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VCreateEmpty880s)
-                                If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VCreateEmpty880s Then
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer = lFldPointer2
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdMoveFirst
-                                    Do While True
-                                        If InStr("68", LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode) = 0 Then
-                                        ' include this subfield, but change it to a plus sign
-                                            ' 20070831: in the new "empty" 880 field:
-                                            '   add RLMs before and after the delimiter/subfield codes,
-                                            '   as appropriate, but *only* if the Right2LeftMark variable is set
-                                            If bLcPattern Then
-                                                ' 20070831: add a LeftToRightEmbedding character (LRE) only before
-                                                '   and add a POPDirectionalFormatting character (PDF) only
-                                                '   at the end of the 880 $6 260-xx $c [dates]
-                                                ' 20121121: added 264 (RDA) to logic
-                                                If sTag$ Like "26[04]" And LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode = "c" Then
-                                                    ' if the 260 ends with a period, place the period after the PDF
-                                                    If Right(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText, 1) = "." Then
-                                                        LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText = sRLM$ + sLRE$ + "+" + sPDF$ + "."
-                                                    Else
-                                                        LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText = sRLM$ + sLRE$ + "+" + sPDF$
-                                                    End If
-                                                Else
-                                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText = sRLM$ + "+" + sRLM$
-                                                End If
-                                            Else
-                                                LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText = "+"
-                                            End If
-                                        Else
-                                            ' 20070831: add an RLM at the end of $6 as appropriate
-                                            If bLcPattern Then
-                                                LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText + sSubfield6Code$ + sRLM$
-                                            Else
-                                                LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText + sSubfield6Code$
-                                            End If
-                                        End If
-                                        If Not LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdMoveNext Then
-                                            ' 20070831: remove the final RLM at the end of the field
-                                            If bLcPattern And Right(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText, 3) = sRLM$ Then
-                                                LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = Left(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText, Len(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText) - 3)
-                                            End If
-                                            Exit Do
-                                        End If
-                                    Loop
-                                End If
-                            Else
-                                ' the field we copied into the 880 contains non-MARC-8 characters; so
-                                '   we assume that this is vernacular text and the original field
-                                '   needs to be romanized
-                                'Debug.Print "Create empty 2? " + str(gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).V2RCreateEmptyFields)
-                                If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).V2RCreateEmptyFields Then
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer = lFldPointer
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdMoveFirst
-                                    sField$ = ""
-                                    Do While True
-                                        If InStr("68", LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode) = 0 Then
-                                            ' include this subfield, but change it to a plus sign
-                                            sField$ = sField$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode + "+"
-                                        Else
-                                            sField$ = sField$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText
-                                        End If
-                                        If Not LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdMoveNext Then
-                                            Exit Do
-                                        End If
-                                    Loop
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = sField$
-                                End If
-                            End If
-'                            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.DumpArray "100 880", True
-                            GoTo RomanAssist_DisplayTheFinishedRecord
-                        End If
-                    End If
-                    iRomanizationStyle% = EvaluateFirstCharacter(sField$, iScript%, LocalMarcCharacterObject)
-                    If iRomanizationStyle% = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Unknown% Then
-                        RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_ActionUnclear%
-                        Exit Function
-                    End If
-                    ' at this point we need to make the critical determination: are we converting
-                    '   romanized text into vernacular, or are we converting vernacular text into romanized?
-                    ' here go the scenarios we've developed, based on a
-                    '   matrix of these factors:
-                    '   1) whether the field is 880, or something else
-                    '   2) whether the field already contains subfield $6
-                    '   3) whether the highlighted text is vernacular or romanized
-                    If sTag$ <> "880" Then
-                        If Len(s6$) = 0 Then
-                            ' we need lFldPointer regardless of what happens
-                            '   to remaining scenarios here
-                            bFound = False
-                            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldMoveTop
-                            Do While LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldFindNext(sTag$)
-                                'Debug.Print "Comparing: >" + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText + "< >" + sWholeField$ + "<"
-                                If LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = sWholeField$ Then
-                                    lFldPointer = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer
-                                    bFound = True
-                                End If
-                            Loop
-                            If Not bFound Then
-                                RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_FieldNotFound%
-                                Exit Function
-                            End If
-                            If iRomanizationStyle% = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Vernacular2Roman% Then
-                                ' not an 880 field; no $6 yet; we're moving from vernacular to romanized
-                                ' copy the current field as 880 (which adds $6 to the
-                                '   original field and also the new 880 field); otherwise
-                                '   leave the 880 field alone
-                                iRc% = InStr(sWholeField$, sField$)
-                                If iRc% > 0 Then ' it sure better be!
-                                    ' find the original field (again!) and get a copy of it
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer = lFldPointer
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldLoadInfo sTagToCopy$, sIndicatorsToCopy$, sFieldToCopy$
-                                    lFldPointer2 = lFldPointer
-                                    ' copy the field as it stands to an 880, with $6 added
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldAdd "880", sIndicatorsToCopy$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6" + sTagToCopy$ + "-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sSubfield6Code$ + sFieldToCopy$
-                                    ' save the pointer to the new 880 field for later use in resolving
-                                    '   the nonfiling characters indicator
-                                    lFldPointer = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer
-                                    ' isolate the bits that we're NOT going to romanize
-                                    sLeft$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6880-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + Mid(sWholeField$, 1, iRc% - 1)
-                                    If Right(sLeft$, 1) = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter Then
-                                        sLeft$ = Mid(sLeft$, 1, Len(sLeft$) - 1)
-                                        sIntermediate$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter
-                                    ElseIf Mid(Right(sLeft$, 2), 1, 1) = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter Then
-                                        sIntermediate$ = Right(sLeft$, 2)
-                                        sLeft$ = Mid(sLeft$, 1, Len(sLeft$) - 2)
-                                    End If
-                                    sRight$ = Mid(sWholeField$, iRc% + Len(sField$))
-                                    sField$ = sIntermediate$ + sField$
-                                    ' change the text of the native field to match
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer = lFldPointer2
-                                    If Right(sField$, 1) = " " Then
-                                        bStringHasTerminalSpace = True
-                                    Else
-                                        bStringHasTerminalSpace = False
-                                    End If
-                                    ' 20070731: make sure first word is uppercased
-                                    sField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.UCaseFirstWord(ReRomanizeText(sType$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag, sField$, iScript%, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord, LocalMarcCharacterObject))
-                                    If Not bStringHasTerminalSpace Then
-                                        sField$ = RTrim(sField$)
-                                    End If
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = sLeft$ + sField$ + sRight$
-                                    ' just in case we've done a delete/re-add
-                                    lFldPointer2 = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer
-                                    ' adjust nonfiling characters as necessary
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Then
-                                    Debug.Print "Adjust NON #1"
-#End If
-                                    ReRomanizeAdjustNonfilingIndicators iScript%, sNonfilingString$, lFldPointer, lFldPointer2, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord, LocalMarcCharacterObject
-                                    GoTo RomanAssist_DisplayTheFinishedRecord
-                                Else
-                                    iRc% = InStr(sField$, sWholeField$)
-                                    If iRc% > 0 Then
-                                        sField$ = sWholeField$
-                                        iRc% = InStr(sWholeField$, sField$)
-                                        If iRc% > 0 Then
-                                            GoTo RomanAssist_ReplayWithSubstitution
-                                        End If
-                                    End If
-                                    ' todo: if we get here, nothing is going to happen; tell the operator?
-                                End If
-                            Else ' not an 880 field; no $6 yet; we're moving from romanized to vernacular
-                                ' find the field in the bib record
-                                ' INCLUDES Wade-Giles to Pinyin
-                                iRc% = InStr(sWholeField$, sField$)
-                                If iRc% > 0 Then ' it sure better be!
-                                    ' isolate the bits that we're NOT going to romanize
-                                    sRight$ = Mid(sWholeField$, iRc% + Len(sField$))
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer = lFldPointer
-                                    sTagToCopy$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag
-                                    If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).DoNotUse880Field Then
-                                        ' probably wade-giles to pinyin
-                                        sLeft$ = Mid(sWholeField$, 1, iRc% - 1)
-                                        LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = sLeft$ + ReRomanizeText(sType$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag, sField$, iScript%, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord, LocalMarcCharacterObject) + sRight$
-                                    Else
-                                        sLeft$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6" + sTag$ + "-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sSubfield6Code$ + Mid(sWholeField$, 1, iRc% - 1)
-                                        ' add subfield $6 to the original field (to make things easier, we'll
-                                        '   actually achieve this with a delete/insert operation)
-                                        'Debug.Print "Text before delete: " + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText
-                                        LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldDelete
-                                        ' 20070703: in the original version (retained here as a comment), we use the text of the new field
-                                        '   as run through the ReRomanize function. the reason for this is not clear, and
-                                        '   at least in the Hebrew stuff we're testing with just now this results in
-                                        '   a field with uppercase letters rendered as lowercase
-                                        ' the obvious solution appears to be to use the original field text in the
-                                        '   new field, without any changes
-                                        ' perhaps only time will reveal the need that led to our use of ReRomanize
-                                        '   here in the first place ...
-                                        ' original version:
-                                        'LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldInsertAfter sTagToCopy$, sIndicators$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6" + "880-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + ReRomanizeText(sType$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText, iScript%, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord, LocalMarcCharacterObject, 2)
-                                        ' replacement:
-                                        ' 20100809 Bucknum added: remove temporary VowelMarker character before export
-                                        If LenB(gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VVowelMarker) > 0 Then
-                                            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.ReplaceCharacters(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText, gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VVowelMarker)
-                                        End If
-                                        LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldInsertAfter sTagToCopy$, sIndicators$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6" + "880-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText
-                                        ' pointer to the "changed" field
-                                        lFldPointer = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer
-                                        ' 20070719: convert the text for the 880 here, instead of below
-                                        sField$ = ReRomanizeText(sType$, sTagToCopy$, sField$, iScript%, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord, LocalMarcCharacterObject)
-                                        ' add right-to-left marker to the end of subfield $6 as appropriate
-                                        If bLcPattern Then
-                                            lPtr = InStr(sLeft$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6")
-                                            If lPtr > 0 Then
-                                                sLeft$ = sLeft$ & LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcRightToLeftMarker
-                                            End If
-                                            ' add LRE and PDF markers to the 880 $6 260-xx $c [dates]
-                                            '   after the $c RLM and at the end of the subfield
-                                            ' 20121121: added 264 (RDA) to logic
-                                            lPtr2 = InStr(sField$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "c")
-                                            If lPtr2 <> 0 And sTagToCopy$ Like "26[04]" Then
-                                                sField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SafeStuff(sField$, lPtr2 + 5, 0, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcLeftToRightEmbedding)
-                                                ' if the subfield ends with a period, place the period after the PDF
-                                                If Right(sField$, 1) = "." Then
-                                                    sField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SafeStuff(sField$, InStrRev(sField$, "."), 1, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcPopDirectionalFormatting + ".")
-                                                Else
-                                                    sField$ = sField$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcPopDirectionalFormatting
-                                                End If
-                                            End If
-                                        End If
-                                        ' create an 880 field with text converted
-                                        ' 20070719 changed by David Bucknum: since we're romanizing the field above
-                                        ' original version:
-                                        'LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldInsertAfter "880", s880Indicators$, sLeft$ + ReRomanizeText(sType$, sTagToCopy$, sField$, iScript%, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord, LocalMarcCharacterObject) + sRight$
-                                        ' replacement:
-                                        LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldInsertAfter "880", s880Indicators$, sLeft$ + sField$ + sRight$
-                                        ' this is, for our purposes, the "original" field
-                                        lFldPointer2 = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer
-                                        'LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.DumpArray "", False
-#If RomanizationAssistanceDebug = -1 Then
-                                        Debug.Print "Adjust NON #2"
-#End If
-                                        ReRomanizeAdjustNonfilingIndicators iScript%, sNonfilingString$, lFldPointer, lFldPointer2, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord, LocalMarcCharacterObject
-                                        ' does this achieve anything at all?
-                                        LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer = lFldPointer
-                                    End If
-                                    GoTo RomanAssist_DisplayTheFinishedRecord
-                                Else
-                                    iRc% = InStr(sField$, sWholeField$)
-                                    If iRc% > 0 Then
-                                        sField$ = sWholeField$
-                                        iRc% = InStr(sWholeField$, sField$)
-                                        If iRc% > 0 Then
-                                            GoTo RomanAssist_ReplayWithSubstitution2
-                                        End If
-                                    End If
-                                    ' todo: if we get here, nothing is going to happen; tell the operator?
-                                End If
-                            End If
-                        Else ' tag not 880, subfield $6 is present
-                            If iRomanizationStyle% = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Vernacular2Roman% Then
-                                ' not an 880 field; already contains $6; moving from vernacular to roman
-                                ' todo: romanize the text in place, leaving the 880 field alone
-                                ' NOTE that if field already contains $6, we're not going to
-                                '   do anything about initial articles
-                                bFound = False
-                                sTag$ = Mid(sFieldRemainderLeft$, 1, 3)
-                                LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldMoveTop
-                                Do While LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldFindNext(sTag$)
-                                    If LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = sWholeField$ Then
-                                        lFldPointer = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer
-                                        bFound = True
-                                    End If
-                                Loop
-                                If Not bFound Then
-                                    RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_FieldNotFound%
-                                    Exit Function
-                                Else
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer = lFldPointer
-                                    If Len(sFieldRemainderLeft$) > 0 Then
-                                        lFldPointer = InStr(sFieldRemainderLeft$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter)
-                                        If lFldPointer > 0 Then
-                                            sFieldRemainderLeft$ = Mid(sFieldRemainderLeft$, lFldPointer)
-                                        End If
-                                    End If
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = sFieldRemainderLeft$ + ReRomanizeText(sType$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag, sField$, iScript%, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord, LocalMarcCharacterObject) + sFieldRemainderRight$
-                                    GoTo RomanAssist_DisplayTheFinishedRecord
-                                End If
-                            Else
-                                ' not an 880 field; already contains $6; we're moving from romanized to vernacular
-                                ' todo: find the parallel text in the 880 field, and vernacularize the
-                                '   parallel text in the 880 field; leave the user-marked field alone
-                            End If
-                        End If
-                    Else
-                        ' the operator selected text within an 880 field
-                        If Len(s6$) = 0 Then
-                            RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_880WithNoSubfield6%
-                            Exit Function
-                        Else
-                            ' 880 field; field already contains $6
-                            GoTo RomanAssist_ReRomanizeInPlace
-                        End If
-                    End If
-                    sTag$ = Mid(sWholeField$, 1, 3) ' the tag of the current field
-                    sIndicators$ = Mid(sWholeField$, 5, 2)
-                    sWholeField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.RemoveSpacesAroundDelimiters(Trim(Mid(sWholeField$, 8)))
-                    If Mid(sWholeField$, 1, 2) = "\f" Then
-                        sWholeField$ = Mid(sWholeField$, 4)
-                    End If
-                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldMoveTop
-                    Do While LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldFindNext(sTag$)
-                        If LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = sWholeField$ Then
-                            lFldPointer = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer
-                            bFound = True
-                        End If
-                    Loop
-                    If Not bFound Then
-                        RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_FieldNotFound%
-                        Exit Function
-                    End If
-                    iRc% = InStr(sWholeField$, sField$)
-                    If iRc% > 0 Then ' it sure better be!
-                        iRc% = InStr(sWholeField$, sField$)
-                        If iRc% > 0 Then ' it sure better be!
-                            ' find the original field (again!) and get a copy of it
-                            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer = lFldPointer
-                            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldLoadInfo sTagToCopy$, sIndicatorsToCopy$, sFieldToCopy$
-                            ' isolate the bits that we're NOT going to romanize
-                            sLeft$ = Mid(sWholeField$, 1, iRc% - 1)
-                            If Right(sLeft$, 1) = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter Then
-                                sLeft$ = Mid(sLeft$, 1, Len(sLeft$) - 1)
-                                sIntermediate$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter
-                            ElseIf Mid(Right(sLeft$, 2), 1, 1) = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter Then
-                                sIntermediate$ = Right(sLeft$, 2)
-                                sLeft$ = Mid(sLeft$, 1, Len(sLeft$) - 2)
-                            End If
-                            sRight$ = Mid(sWholeField$, iRc% + Len(sField$))
-                            sField$ = sIntermediate$ + sField$
-                            sOriginalField$ = sField$
-                            Select Case iAction
-                                Case ROMANIZATIONACTION_LCaseWord%
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = sLeft$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.LCaseFirstWord(sField$) + sRight$
-                                Case ROMANIZATIONACTION_UCaseWord%
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = sLeft$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.UCaseFirstWord(sField$) + sRight$
-                                Case ROMANIZATIONACTION_ReplaceText%, ROMANIZATIONACTION_Define%
-                                    sNewField$ = ""
-                                    sOriginalLeft$ = sLeft$
-                                    sOriginalRight$ = sRight$
-                                    Do While Len(sField$) > 0
-                                        If Asc(Mid(sField$, 1, 1)) > 127 Then
-                                            LocalMarcCharacterObject.Utf8Char = sField$
-                                            sField$ = Mid(sField$, LocalMarcCharacterObject.Utf8CharOctets + 1)
-                                            sNewField$ = sNewField$ + "{U+" + LocalMarcCharacterObject.UcsHex + "}"
-                                        Else
-                                            sNewField$ = sNewField$ + Mid(sField$, 1, 1)
-                                            sField$ = Mid(sField$, 2)
-                                        End If
-                                    Loop
-                                    If iAction = ROMANIZATIONACTION_Define% Then
-                                        sFile$ = gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).FullFileName
-                                        sTempFile$ = sFile$
-                                        iRc2% = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.Rat(sTempFile$, "\")
-                                        If iRc2% = 0 Then
-                                            Exit Function
-                                        End If
-                                        sTempFile$ = Mid(sTempFile$, 1, iRc2%) + "Temp.$$$"
-                                        On Error GoTo RomanizationAssistanceNoFileOpen
-                                        iOut% = FreeFile
-                                        Open sTempFile$ For Output As #iOut%
-                                        On Error GoTo 0
-                                        iIn% = FreeFile
-                                        Open sFile$ For Input As #iIn%
-                                        iRc% = InStr(sNewField$, "{U+")
-                                        If iRc% = 0 Then
-                                            RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_NoCharacterToDefine%
-                                            Exit Function
-                                        End If
-                                        ' iRc% points to the character in question
-                                        ' PRESERVE THE VALUE OF iRC!
-                                        sField$ = InputBox("Please supply the replacement text for U+" + Mid(sNewField$, iRc% + 3, 4) + ".  (Supply empty text to cancel.)", "Define replacement for vernacular character", "")
-                                        If Len(sField$) = 0 Then
-                                            Close #iIn%
-                                            Close #iOut%
-                                            Exit Function ' operation canceled
-                                        End If
-                                        ' iRc% still points to the character in question
-                                        ' PRESERVE THE VALUE OF iRC!
-                                        If sField$ = Mid(sNewField$, iRc% + 3, 4) Then
-                                            Close #iIn%
-                                            Close #iOut%
-                                            Exit Function ' operator didn't make a change: nothing to do
-                                        End If
-                                        ' iRc% still points to the character in question
-                                        ' PRESERVE THE VALUE OF iRC!
-                                        ' todo: if we need to allow for the possibility of Unicode
-                                        '   notations within the replacement text, handle them here
-                                        '   (not needed for Chinese, which is the object of this
-                                        '   exercise)
-                                        ' add a new line to the configuration file,
-                                        '   defining this new character (we opened the files
-                                        '   above, so we could make sure we're allowed to do this
-                                        '   before we actually go to work)
-                                        '
-                                        ' 20070606 added by David Bucknum
-                                        sField$ = Trim(sField$) & " "
-                                        Do While Not EOF(iIn%)
-                                            DoEvents
-                                            Line Input #iIn%, sLine$
-                                            Print #iOut%, sLine$
-                                            ' 20070727 (comment only; no change) this puts the new
-                                            '   character at the top of the stanza, whether we want
-                                            '   it there or somewhere else; this is "probably" good
-                                            '   enough, given the context ...
-                                            If sLine$ = "[ScriptToRoman]" Then
-                                                Print #iOut%, "U+" + Mid(sNewField$, iRc% + 3, 4) + "=" + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.ReplaceCharacters(sField$, " ", "_")
-                                            End If
-                                        Loop
-                                        Close #iIn%
-                                        Close #iOut%
-                                        On Error GoTo RomanizationAssistanceBadKill
-                                        Kill sFile$
-                                        DoEvents
-                                        FileCopy sTempFile$, sFile$
-                                        DoEvents
-                                        Kill sTempFile$
-                                        ' add the character to the current version of the
-                                        '   romanization tables in memory
-                                        'sField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.ReplaceCharacters(sField$, "_", " ")
-                                        ' this is the "native" representation of the whole raw string (which should
-                                        '   just be one character)
-                                        'Debug.Print "RA 1"
-                                        sNewCharacter$ = RomanizeConvertText("U+" + Mid(sNewField$, iRc% + 3, 4), LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord, LocalMarcCharacterObject)
-                                        LocalMarcCharacterObject.UcsHex = Mid(sNewField$, iRc% + 3, 4) ' isolating the first character (there should only be the one)
-                                        If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular2Roman.Exists(LocalMarcCharacterObject.Utf8Char) Then
-                                            iElement% = gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular2Roman.item(LocalMarcCharacterObject.Utf8Char)
-                                        Else
-                                            gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).VernacularLast = gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).VernacularLast + 1
-                                            If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).VernacularLast > gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).VernacularMax Then
-                                                gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).VernacularMax = gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).VernacularMax + 10
-                                                ReDim Preserve gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(0 To gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).VernacularMax)
-                                            End If
-                                            iElement% = gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).VernacularLast
-                                            gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular2Roman.Add LocalMarcCharacterObject.Utf8Char, iElement%
-                                        End If
-                                        gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast = gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast + 1
-                                        If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast > gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).DetailMax Then
-                                            gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).DetailMax = gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).DetailMax + 5
-                                            ReDim Preserve gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(0 To gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).DetailMax)
-                                        End If
-                                        sField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.ReplaceCharacters(sField$, "_", " ")
-                                        gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast).FullStringLengthInCharacters = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SafeLen(sNewCharacter$)
-                                        gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast).FullStringLengthInBytes = Len(sNewCharacter$)
-                                        gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast).FullString = sNewCharacter$
-                                        gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast).Equivalent = sField$
-                                        gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast).EquivalentUpperCasePresent = False
-                                        'Debug.Print "Defined equivalent >" + gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).Detail(gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).Vernacular(iElement%).DetailLast).Equivalent + "< for >" + "Y" + "<"
-                                        If Right(sField$, 1) = " " Then
-                                            sOriginalField$ = sOriginalLeft$ + sOriginalField$ + sOriginalRight$
-                                            iRc% = InStr(sOriginalField$, sNewCharacter$)
-                                            Do While iRc% > 0
-                                                Select Case Mid(sOriginalField$, iRc% + Len(sNewCharacter$), 1)
-                                                    Case " "
-                                                        sOriginalField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SafeStuff(sOriginalField$, iRc%, Len(sNewCharacter$), sField$)
-                                                    Case Chr(34), "'", ";", ":", ",", ".", "/", "<", ">", "?", "[", "]", "\", "{", "}", "|", "-", "=", "!", "@", "#", "$%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "_", "+", ""
-                                                        sOriginalField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SafeStuff(sOriginalField$, iRc%, Len(sNewCharacter$), Trim(sField$))
-                                                    Case Else
-                                                        sOriginalField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SafeStuff(sOriginalField$, iRc%, Len(sNewCharacter$), sField$)
-                                                End Select
-                                                iRc% = InStr(sOriginalField$, sNewCharacter$)
-                                            Loop
-                                            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.RemoveRepeatedCharacters(sOriginalField$, " ")
-                                        Else
-                                            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.RemoveRepeatedCharacters(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.ReplaceCharacters(sOriginalLeft$ + sOriginalField$ + sOriginalRight$, sNewCharacter$, sField$), " ")
-                                        End If
-                                    Else
-                                        sNewField$ = InputBox("Please supply the replacement text.  Non-ASCII characters are shown as Unicode(TM) values within curly braces." + vbLf + "Original: " + sNewField$, "Replace text", sNewField$)
-                                        If Len(sNewField$) > 0 Then
-                                            Do
-                                                iRc% = InStr(sNewField$, "{U+")
-                                                If iRc% = 0 Then
-                                                    Exit Do
-                                                End If
-                                                sLeft2$ = Mid(sNewField$, 1, iRc% - 1)
-                                                sNewField$ = Mid(sNewField$, iRc% + 3)
-                                                iRc% = InStr(sNewField$, "}")
-                                                If iRc% > 1 Then
-                                                    sRight2$ = Mid(sNewField$, iRc% + 1)
-                                                    LocalMarcCharacterObject.UcsHex = Mid(sNewField$, 1, iRc% - 1)
-                                                    sNewField$ = LocalMarcCharacterObject.Utf8Char
-                                                Else
-                                                    sRight2$ = ""
-                                                End If
-                                                sNewField$ = sLeft2$ + sNewField$ + sRight2$
-                                            Loop
-                                            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = sLeft$ + sNewField$ + sRight$
-                                        End If
-                                    End If
-                                Case ROMANIZATIONACTION_UCaseEach%
-                                    sNewField$ = ""
-                                    Do While Len(sField$) > 0
-                                        GetNextPiece sField$, sWord$, " "
-                                        sNewField$ = Trim(sNewField$ + " " + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.UCaseFirstWord(sWord$))
-                                    Loop
-                                    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = sLeft$ + sNewField$ + sRight$
-                            End Select
-                            GoTo RomanAssist_DisplayTheFinishedRecord
-                        End If
-                    End If
-            End Select
-        Case ROMANIZATIONACTION_RomanizeWholeRecord%
-            ' 20070830: NoRomanization added
-'            If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).NoRomanization Then
-'                GoTo RomanizationAssistanceNoFileOpenResume
-'            End If
-            iRc% = RomanizationAssistanceConvertWholeRecord(sType$, iScript%, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord, LocalMarcCharacterObject)
-            If iRc% <> 0 Then
-                RomanizationAssistance = iRc%
-                Exit Function
-            End If
-            GoTo RomanAssist_DisplayTheFinishedRecord
-        Case ROMANIZATIONACTION_DisplayMarcRecord%
-            If iFldTextFormattedOption% = 99 Then
-                Select Case iFixedFieldDisplayConvention%
-                    Case 2 ' FixedFieldDisplay_OCLCMonospaced%
-                        LocalRichTextBox.TextRTF = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.TextFormatted(rtfText, OclcMonospaced, "", True, sRtfFontName$, iFontSizeForDisplay%)
-                    Case 1 ' FixedFieldDisplay_OCLC
-                        LocalRichTextBox.TextRTF = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.TextFormatted(rtfText, oclc, "", True, sRtfFontName$, iFontSizeForDisplay%)
-                    Case Else ' zero; notis
-                        LocalRichTextBox.TextRTF = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.TextFormatted(rtfText, notis, "", True, sRtfFontName$, iFontSizeForDisplay%)
-                End Select
-            Else
-                Select Case iFixedFieldDisplayConvention%
-                    Case 2 ' FixedFieldDisplay_OCLCMonospaced%
-                        LocalRichTextBox.TextRTF = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.TextFormatted(rtfTextwithlabels, OclcMonospaced, "", True, sRtfFontName$, iFontSizeForDisplay%)
-                    Case 1 ' FixedFieldDisplay_OCLC
-                        LocalRichTextBox.TextRTF = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.TextFormatted(rtfTextwithlabels, oclc, "", True, sRtfFontName$, iFontSizeForDisplay%)
-                    Case Else ' zero; notis
-                        LocalRichTextBox.TextRTF = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.TextFormatted(rtfTextwithlabels, notis, "", True, sRtfFontName$, iFontSizeForDisplay%)
-                End Select
-            End If
-    End Select
-    Exit Function
-    RomanizationAssistance = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_FileOpen%
-    On Error GoTo 0
-    Resume RomanizationAssistanceNoFileOpenResume
-End Function
-Public Function FindFieldCurrentlyPointedTo(ByRef cRichTextBox As Control, ByRef LocalMarcRecord As Utf8MarcRecordClass, Optional ByVal bSearch As Boolean = False) As Long
-    ' 20070207: created (so OK for Unicode already)
-    ' find in a MARC record the field that corresponds to the field-currently-clicked-on
-    '   in the rich text box
-    ' return the pointer to that field (if the pointer is nonzero, the MARC record object also
-    '   is currently pointed to that field, but the caller should probably not assume this)
-    Dim lSelStart As Long, lOriginalSelStart As Long, lPtr As Long, lStart As Long
-    Dim sField$, sRecord$, sFieldRemainderLeft$, sFieldRemainderRight$
-    Dim sTagToFind$, sNonfilingString$
-    Dim sLeft$, sRight$, sLineEnd$, sWholeField$
-    Dim iRc%, iRc2%
-    Dim bSkipTagTest As Boolean
-    ' assume that we didn't find anything
-    FindFieldCurrentlyPointedTo = -1
-    ' this is a useful thing to have, either way
-    lSelStart = cRichTextBox.SelStart
-    If Len(cRichTextBox.SelText) > 0 Then
-        ' the easier way out: at least one character is highlighted (we've
-        '   already figured this out for the toolkit's re-romanization button, so we'll
-        '   just translate that bit of business for the context here)
-        lOriginalSelStart = lSelStart
-        sField$ = cRichTextBox.SelRTF
-        sRecord$ = cRichTextBox.TextRTF
-        ' remove the closing brace from the selected text
-        If Right(sField$, 1) = "}" Then
-            sField$ = Mid(sField$, 1, Len(sField$) - 1)
-        End If
-        ' remove the RTF prefix from the selected text
-        iRc% = InStr(sField$, "}}")
-        If iRc% > 0 Then
-            sField$ = Trim(Mid(sField$, iRc% + 2))
-        End If
-        ' text should now start with some additional 'slash' commands, which
-        '   we will proceed to remove
-        Do While Mid(sField$, 1, 1) = "\"
-            If Mid(sField$, 1, 2) = "\u" Then
-                If InStr("0123456789", Mid(sField$, 3, 1)) > 0 Then
-                    Exit Do
-                End If
-            End If
-            sField$ = Mid(sField$, 2)
-            iRc% = InStr(sField$, "\")
-            If iRc% = 0 Then
-                iRc% = InStr(sField$, " ")
-                If iRc% > 0 Then
-                    sField$ = Mid(sField$, iRc% + 1)
-                    Exit Do
-                End If
-            Else
-                iRc2% = InStr(sField$, " ")
-                If iRc2% > 0 Then
-                    If iRc% < iRc2% Then
-                        sField$ = Mid(sField$, iRc%)
-                    Else
-                        sField$ = Mid(sField$, iRc2% + 1)
-                        Exit Do
-                    End If
-                Else
-                    sField$ = Mid(sField$, iRc%)
-                End If
-            End If
-        Loop
-        ' remove any trailing 'par' command
-        iRc% = LocalMarcRecord.Rat(sField$, "\par")
-        If iRc% > 0 Then
-            sField$ = Mid(sField$, 1, iRc% - 1)
-        End If
-        ' wrapping spaces are irrelevant
-        sField$ = Trim(sField$)
-        If Len(sField$) = 0 Then
-            ' maybe we can work this out using just the
-            '   SelStart pointer?
-            GoTo FFCPT_UseJustSelStart
-        End If
-        ' in sField$ we should now have the raw RTF text of interest minus the wrapper
-        ' oddly enough, the SelStart property of the rich text box
-        '   refers to the plain text version
-        '   of the field; there doesn't seem to be a corresponding SelStartRtf
-        '   or anything else useful; so we're going to use the supplied SelStart
-        '   property as a rough guide for finding the selection ourselves
-        ' remembering that SelStart is zero-based (so we don't have to back up 1
-        '   from lSelStart to find the "real" end of the preceding text, and we
-        '   have to add 1 to the combined start and length to find the beginning
-        '   of whatever follows the text (which is, from our point of view, possibly
-        '   irrelevant)
-        sFieldRemainderLeft$ = Mid(cRichTextBox.Text, 1, lSelStart)
-        lPtr = LocalMarcRecord.Rat(sFieldRemainderLeft$, vbLf)
-        If lPtr > 0 Then
-            sFieldRemainderLeft$ = Trim(Mid(sFieldRemainderLeft$, lPtr + 1) + sField$)
-            sTagToFind$ = Mid(sFieldRemainderLeft$, 1, 3)
-        Else
-            GoTo FFCPT_UseJustSelStart
-        End If
-        Select Case LocalMarcRecord.MarcRecordFormat
-            Case "A"
-                sNonfilingString$ = sAuthorityNonfilingString$
-            Case "B", "D", "F", "M", "P", "S", "U"
-                sNonfilingString$ = sBibliographicNonfilingString$
-            'Case else: ignore the whole issue
-        End Select
-        ' to help us find the highlighted text within the record,
-        '   give us the RTF version of the whole MARC record again
-        ' we don't need to worry here about specification for fixed fields or
-        '   font size, because they don't affect what we're up to here
-        sRecord$ = LocalMarcRecord.TextFormatted(rtfText, OclcMonospaced)
-        lStart = 1
-        Do
-            ' find the next occurrence of our text in the record
-            lSelStart = InStr(lStart, sRecord$, sField$)
-            DoEvents
-            If lSelStart = 0 Then
-                If lStart = 1 Then
-                    GoTo FFCPT_UseJustSelStart
-                End If
-                ' we found at least one place already; so let's back up to find
-                '   the first one (assuming that the first one is the right one!)
-                lSelStart = InStr(1, sRecord$, sField$)
-                If lSelStart = 0 Then
-                    GoTo FFCPT_UseJustSelStart
-                End If
-                bSkipTagTest = True
-            Else
-                lStart = lSelStart + 1
-            End If
-            sLeft$ = Mid(sRecord$, 1, lSelStart - 1)
-            sRight$ = Mid(sRecord$, lSelStart + Len(sField$))
-            ' sLeft$ = all of the record up to our selected text
-            ' sRight$ = and all of the record that follows the selected text
-            ' we want to back up in sLeft to the beginning of the current "line" (i.e., variable field)
-            lSelStart = LocalMarcRecord.Rat(sLeft$, sLineEnd$)
-            If lSelStart > 0 Then
-                sFieldRemainderLeft$ = LTrim(Mid(sLeft$, lSelStart + 5))
-                If Mid(sFieldRemainderLeft$, 1, 2) = "\f" Then
-                    sLeft$ = sLeft$ + Mid(sFieldRemainderLeft$, 1, 4)
-                    sFieldRemainderLeft$ = Mid(sFieldRemainderLeft$, 5)
-                End If
-            Else
-                sFieldRemainderLeft$ = ""
-            End If
-            If Mid(LTrim(sFieldRemainderLeft$ + sField$), 1, 3) = sTagToFind$ Or bSkipTagTest Then
-                ' this is the field we want!  hooray!
-                FindFieldCurrentlyPointedTo = LocalMarcRecord.FldPointer
-                Exit Function
-            End If
-        Loop
-        ' if we get here, we didn't find what we wanted, given the text highlighted by the
-        '   operator
-        ' we'll fall through and try the second method, using just the starting point of the
-        '   highlight
-    End If
-    ' if we get here, either the operator didn't highlight any text at all, or
-    '   we failed in the above attempt to find the highlighted text
-    ' if we *branch to* here, there was something amiss with the text selected by the
-    '   operator--maybe the operator just selected a space?
-    ' no matter how we get here, we're going to try a second and more difficult/complicated
-    '   operation, using just the start of the selection
-    ' this is a bit more difficult, because the SelStart pointer relates to
-    '   the plain-text version, not the RTF version; and in the plain text
-    '   the fancy characters are all replaced by question marks
-    ' isolate the text of the field
-    ' put the text to the right of the insert point into sRight, and
-    '   the text to the left of the insert point into sLeft
-    sLeft$ = Mid(cRichTextBox.Text, 1, lSelStart)
-    sRight$ = Mid(cRichTextBox.Text, lSelStart + 1)
-    'Debug.Print "Text of interest:"
-    'Debug.Print sLeft$ + sRight$
-    ' remove parts of any following fields from the right bit of the record,
-    '   leaving only the right part of the one field
-    lPtr = LocalMarcRecord.Rat(sLeft$, vbLf)
-    If lPtr = 0 Then
-        lPtr = LocalMarcRecord.Rat(sLeft$, vbCr)
-    End If
-    If lPtr > 0 Then ' it better be!
-        sLeft$ = Mid(sLeft$, lPtr + 1)
-    End If
-    ' remove parts of any preceding fields from the left bit of the record, leaving
-    '   only the left part of the one field
-    lPtr = InStr(sRight$, vbCr)
-    If lPtr = 0 Then
-        lPtr = LocalMarcRecord.Rat(sRight$, vbLf)
-    End If
-    If lPtr > 0 Then ' it better be!
-        sRight$ = Mid(sRight$, 1, lPtr - 1)
-    End If
-    ' and here's the whole field
-    sField$ = Trim(sLeft$ + sRight$)
-    ' if now we don't have anything, then we're in serious trouble
-    If Len(sField$) = 0 Then
-        Exit Function ' with default return value of zero
-    End If
-    ' isolate the field's tag, and make sure that it's all numeric
-    sTagToFind$ = Mid(sField$, 1, 3)
-    If InStr("0123456789", Mid(sTagToFind$, 1, 1)) = 0 Or InStr("0123456789", Mid(sTagToFind$, 2, 1)) = 0 Or InStr("0123456789", Mid(sTagToFind$, 3, 1)) = 0 Then
-        Exit Function ' with default return value of zero
-    End If
-    ' we only move 010 and higher
-    If sTagToFind$ < "010" Then
-        If Not bSearch Or (bSearch And sTagToFind$ <> "001") Then
-            Exit Function
-        End If
-    End If
-    ' does the field exist at all?
-    LocalMarcRecord.FldMoveTop
-    If Not LocalMarcRecord.FldFindFirst(sTagToFind$) Then
-        Exit Function ' with default return value of zero
-    End If
-    ' if there is only one occurrence of the field, then
-    '    that one occurrence *must* be the one we want
-    If Not LocalMarcRecord.FldFindNext(sTagToFind$) Then
-        ' back up to the field we found just above
-        LocalMarcRecord.FldFindFirst sTagToFind$
-        FindFieldCurrentlyPointedTo = LocalMarcRecord.FldPointer
-        Exit Function
-    End If
-    ' OK, so there is more than one field with this tag; we'll have
-    '   to do this the hard way and hope for the best
-    ' the RTF version uses character 135 for the delimiter; translating that
-    '   back to the 'real' delimiter means that we won't have to do the
-    '   translation in the other direction for each field in the record
-    sField$ = LocalMarcRecord.ReplaceCharacters(sField$, Chr(135), LocalMarcRecord.MarcDelimiter)
-    LocalMarcRecord.FldMoveTop
-    Do While LocalMarcRecord.FldFindNext(sTagToFind$)
-        sLeft$ = LocalMarcRecord.FldTag + ":" + LocalMarcRecord.FldInd + ": " + LocalMarcRecord.AddSpacesAroundDelimiters(LocalMarcRecord.FldText)
-        ' replace all of the 'special' characters with question marks
-        For lPtr = Len(sLeft$) To 1 Step -1
-            Select Case Asc(Mid(sLeft$, lPtr, 1))
-                Case Is > 191 ' begins 1110 or 1100: first character in multi-byte sequence
-                    sLeft$ = LocalMarcRecord.SafeStuff(sLeft$, lPtr, 1, "?")
-                Case Is > 127 ' second or third character in multi-byte sequence
-                    sLeft$ = LocalMarcRecord.SafeStuff(sLeft$, lPtr, 1, "")
-            End Select
-        Next ' lptr
-        If sField$ = sLeft$ Then
-            FindFieldCurrentlyPointedTo = LocalMarcRecord.FldPointer
-            Exit Function
-        End If
-    Loop
-    ' if we fall through to here, we were not able to find the field either way;
-    ' 20100402: changed by David Bucknum from zero to -1:
-    '   so we'll return with the default return value of -1
-End Function
-Public Function RomanizationAssistanceConvertWholeRecord(ByVal sRecordType$, ByVal iScript%, ByRef LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord As Utf8MarcRecordClass, ByRef LocalMarcCharacterObject As Utf8CharClass) As Integer
-    Dim sField$, sTag$, sTagToFind$, sIndicators$, s880Indicators$, sNative6$, s8806$, sLeftEnd$, sRecord$
-    Dim sSelText$, sLeft$, sRight$, sRightAfterSelection$, sWholeField$, sWord$, sNewField$, sOldField$
-    Dim sFieldRemainderRight$, sFieldRemainderLeft$, s6$, sOriginalField$, sSfd$, s066$
-    Dim sTagToCopy$, sIndicatorsToCopy$, sFieldToCopy$, sNewFields$, sOldFields$
-    Dim sSubfieldsExcludedUniversally$, sSubfieldsExcludedByTag$, sSubfield6Code$
-    Dim sRLM$, sLRE$, sPDF$
-    Dim iRc%, iRc2%, iRepeat%, iNext6%, iRomanizationStyle%, iDirection%
-    Dim lPtr As Long, lSelLength As Long, lSelStart As Long, lStart As Long
-    Dim lFldPointer As Long, lEnd As Long
-    Dim bFound As Boolean, bSkipTagTest As Boolean
-    Dim bCreateEmptyFields As Boolean, bCreateEmpty880s As Boolean
-    Dim bLcPattern As Boolean
-    Const sLineEnd = "\par"
-    Const iLineEndLen = 5
-    If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).DoNotUse880Field Then
-        RomanizationAssistanceConvertWholeRecord = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_880NotAllowed%
-        Exit Function
-    End If
-    If LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldFindFirst("880") Then
-        RomanizationAssistanceConvertWholeRecord = ROMANIZATIONRESULT_880AlreadyPresent%
-        Exit Function
-    End If
-    ' if the record contains *any* vernacular, then we assume that we're going
-    '   from vernacular to roman; otherwise, we assume that we're going from
-    '   roman to vernacular
-    ' we need to know the direction before we meet up the first field during
-    '   translation, so we know which set of tags to apply
-    With LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord
-        iDirection% = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Roman2Vernacular%
-        .FldMoveTop
-        Do While .FldMoveNext
-            '20101213: Bucknum changed to "V2RFieldsIncluded" check to fix R2V/V2R logic below
-            'If .FldTag > "009" Then
-            If InStr(gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).V2RFieldsIncluded, .FldTag) > 0 Then
-                Do
-                    'Debug.Print "Evaluating " + .FldTag + ":" + .SfdCode + ":" + .SfdText
-                    If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).V2RCreateEmptyFields = True And _
-                        .Utf8TextContainsOnlyMarc8Characters(.SfdText) = False Then
-                        iDirection% = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Vernacular2Roman%
-                        GoTo RomanAssist_HaveDirection
-                    ElseIf EvaluateFirstCharacter(.SfdText, iScript%, LocalMarcCharacterObject) = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Vernacular2Roman% Then
-                        iDirection% = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Vernacular2Roman%
-                        GoTo RomanAssist_HaveDirection
-                    End If
-                    If Not .SfdMoveNext Then
-                        Exit Do
-                    End If
-                Loop
-            End If
-        Loop
-    End With
-    ' 20070227: if we're going from romanized to vernacular, then
-    '   figure out if we're going to try to do the work, or just
-    '   create dummy fields for the operator to complete
-    If iDirection% = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Roman2Vernacular% Then
-        If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VCreateEmpty880s Then
-            bCreateEmpty880s = True
-            ' 20070425: pick up a script code if it's been defined--we'll include this
-            '   in $6 of "empty" 880 fields, and also in 066
-            ' 20070830: LC addition: if there is no such code, pick up
-            '   a transmogrification of the langauge code instead; area reorganized
-            sSubfield6Code$ = gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VSubfield6Code
-            If LenB(sSubfield6Code$) = 0 Then
-                sSubfield6Code$ = Language2ScriptCode(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.Get008Value(35, 3))
-            End If
-            If LenB(sSubfield6Code$) > 0 Then
-                s066$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "c" + sSubfield6Code$
-                If sSubfield6Code$ = CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_HebrewAsG0$ Or _
-                   sSubfield6Code$ = CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_BasicArabicAsG0$ Then
-                    ' add R2L orientation code
-                    sSubfield6Code$ = sSubfield6Code$ & "/r"
-                End If
-                ' add "/" prefix
-                sSubfield6Code$ = "/" + sSubfield6Code$
-            End If
-        End If
-        ' 20070710: set a variable for the MarcRightToLeftMarker
-        '   LC wants a RTL marker before and after each delimiter,
-        '   EXCEPT immediately following the $6 code itself
-        If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VIncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern Or _
-           InStr(sSubfield6Code$, "/r") > 0 Then
-            ' set IncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern = True to insert UFCs
-            ' 20070830: Bucknum code forces value of this here; but we think
-            '   this should come from the configuration file
-            ' instead, we're going to set directly what DB was using this
-            '   as a proxy for
-            'gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VIncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern = True
-            bLcPattern = True
-            With LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord
-                sRLM$ = .MarcRightToLeftMarker
-                sLRE$ = .MarcLeftToRightEmbedding
-                sPDF$ = .MarcPopDirectionalFormatting
-            End With
-        Else
-            ' set IncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern = False to not insert UFCs
-            ' 20070830: Bucknum code forces value of this here; but we think
-            '   this should come from the configuration file
-            ' instead, we're going to leave sRLM at its ground state of null,
-            '   which seems to be the point of all of this, anyway
-            'gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VIncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern = False
-            bLcPattern = False
-        End If
-    Else
-        If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).V2RCreateEmptyFields = True Then
-            bCreateEmptyFields = True
-        End If
-    End If
-    ' go through the record one field at a time
-    ' if the field contains vernacular data, copy the field to 880 and create the
-    '   parallel normal field with romanized vernacular data
-    ' if the field contains no vernacular data, copy the field to 880, converting
-    '   romanized text to vernacular as you go
-    LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldMoveTop
-    Do While LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldMoveNext
-        DoEvents
-        If Not LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldDeleted Then
-            If iDirection% = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Vernacular2Roman Then
-                If InStr(gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).V2RFieldsIncluded, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag) = 0 Then
-                    'Debug.Print LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag + " field excluded V2$"
-                    GoTo RomanAssist_WholeRecordNextField
-                End If
-                sSubfieldsExcludedUniversally$ = gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).V2RSubfieldsAlwaysExcluded
-                sSubfieldsExcludedByTag$ = gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).V2ROtherSubfieldsExcludedByTag
-            Else
-                If InStr(gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VFieldsIncluded, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag) = 0 Then
-                    GoTo RomanAssist_WholeRecordNextField
-                End If
-                sSubfieldsExcludedUniversally$ = gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VSubfieldsAlwaysExcluded
-                sSubfieldsExcludedByTag$ = gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VOtherSubfieldsExcludedByTag
-            End If
-            sTag$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag
-            sNewField$ = ""
-            sOldField$ = ""
-            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdMoveFirst
-            Do
-                ' 20070710: add RLMs before and after the delimiter/subfield codes,
-                '   as appropriate, but *only* if the Right2LeftMark variable is set
-                ' 20070713: add a LeftToRightEmbedding character (LRE) only
-                '   before the 880 $6 260-xx $c [dates] - a PDF is added below
-                ' 20121121: added 264 (RDA) to logic
-                If bLcPattern Then
-                    sNewField$ = sNewField$ + sRLM$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode + sRLM$
-                    If sTag$ Like "26[04]" And LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode = "c" Then
-                        sNewField$ = sNewField$ + sLRE$
-                    End If
-                Else
-                    sNewField$ = sNewField$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode
-                End If
-                sOldField$ = sOldField$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText
-                If bCreateEmpty880s Or bCreateEmptyFields Then
-' added 20070308 by David Bucknum
-#If True Then
-                    ' replacement proposed by Bucknum
-                    ' include this subfield, but change it to a plus sign
-                    '   if the 260 $c contains an ending period, add it for PDF processing
-                    ' 20121121: added 264 (RDA) to logic
-                    If sTag$ Like "26[04]" And LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode = "c" And Right(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText, 1) = "." Then
-                        sNewField$ = sNewField$ + "+."
-                    Else
-                        sNewField$ = sNewField$ + "+"
-                    End If
-                    ' include this subfield without attampting to change it
-                    sNewField$ = sNewField$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText
-#End If
-                ElseIf InStr(sSubfieldsExcludedUniversally$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode) > 0 Then
-                    ' include this subfield attempting to change it
-                    sNewField$ = sNewField$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText
-                ElseIf InStr(sSubfieldsExcludedByTag$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag + "/" + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode) > 0 Then
-                    ' include this subfield without attampting to change it
-                    sNewField$ = sNewField$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText
-                Else ' we attempt to change this subfield
-                    Select Case iDirection% ' EvaluateFirstCharacter(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText, iScript%, LocalMarcCharacterObject)
-                        Case ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Vernacular2Roman%, ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Roman2Vernacular%
-                            If LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode = "a" Then
-                                sSfd$ = ReRomanizeText(sRecordType$, sTag$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText, iScript%, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord, LocalMarcCharacterObject, iDirection%)
-                                'Debug.Print "Subfield changed: >" + sSfd$ + "<"
-                                If sSfd$ <> LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText Then
-                                    sNewField$ = sNewField$ + ReRomanizeText(sRecordType$, sTag$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText, iScript%, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord, LocalMarcCharacterObject, iDirection%, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode)
-                                Else
-                                    sNewField$ = sNewField$ + ReRomanizeText(sRecordType$, sTag$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText, iScript%, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord, LocalMarcCharacterObject, iDirection%, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode)
-                                End If
-                            Else
-                                 sNewField$ = sNewField$ + ReRomanizeText(sRecordType$, sTag$, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText, iScript%, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord, LocalMarcCharacterObject, iDirection%, LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode)
-                            End If
-                        Case Else
-                            sNewField$ = sNewField$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdText
-                    End Select
-                End If
-                ' 20070713: add a POPDirectionalFormatting character (PDF) only
-                '   at the end of the 880 $6 260-xx $c [dates] - an LRE is added above
-                ' 20121121: added 264 (RDA) to logic
-                If bLcPattern Then
-                    If sTag$ Like "26[04]" And LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdCode = "c" Then
-                        ' if the subfield ends with a period, place the period after the PDF
-                        If Right(sNewField$, 1) = "." Then
-                            sNewField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SafeStuff(sNewField$, InStrRev(sNewField$, "."), 1, sPDF$ + ".")
-                        Else
-                            sNewField$ = sNewField$ + sPDF$
-                        End If
-                    End If
-                End If
-                If Not LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.SfdMoveNext Then
-                    Exit Do
-                End If
-            Loop
-            sIndicators$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldInd
-            ' change 880 $6 6xx-xx 2nd indicator to "4" (source not specified)
-            If sTag$ >= 600 And sTag$ <= 651 Then
-                s880Indicators$ = Mid$(sIndicators$, 1, 1) & "4"
-            Else
-                s880Indicators$ = sIndicators$
-            End If
-            If bCreateEmpty880s Then
-                ' we're only creating an "empty" 880 field
-                iNext6% = iNext6% + 1
-                If Len(sNewFields$) > 0 Then
-                    sNewFields$ = sNewFields$ + vbLf
-                    sOldFields$ = sOldFields$ + vbLf
-                End If
-                ' 20070425 script code added if available (only available if roman-to-vernacular)
-#If True Then
-                ' changed 20070308 by David Bucknum
-                ' use this line if you want a truly empty 880 field *OR* fields with "+" as subfield text
-                If bLcPattern Then
-                    sNewFields$ = sNewFields$ + "880" + s880Indicators$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6" + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag + "-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sSubfield6Code$ + sRLM$ + sNewField$
-                Else
-                    sNewFields$ = sNewFields$ + "880" + s880Indicators$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6" + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag + "-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sSubfield6Code$ + sNewField$
-                End If
-                ' use this line if you want the 880 field to start out with text as given in the original field
-                If bLcPattern Then
-                    sNewFields$ = sNewFields$ + "880" + s880Indicators$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6" + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag + "-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sSubfield6Code$ + sRLM$ + sOldField$
-                Else
-                    sNewFields$ = sNewFields$ + "880" + s880Indicators$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6" + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag + "-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sSubfield6Code$ + sOldField$
-                End If
-#End If
-                sOldFields$ = sOldFields$ + Trim(str(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer)) + vbTab + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6" + "880-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sOldField$
-            ElseIf bCreateEmptyFields Then
-                ' we're only creating an "empty" romanized field
-                iNext6% = iNext6% + 1
-                If Len(sNewFields$) > 0 Then
-                    sNewFields$ = sNewFields$ + vbLf
-                    sOldFields$ = sOldFields$ + vbLf
-                End If
-#If True Then
-                ' changed 20090524 by David Bucknum
-                ' use this line if you want a truly empty romanized field *OR* fields with "+" as subfield text
-                sNewFields$ = sNewFields$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag + sIndicators$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6880-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sNewField$
-                ' use this line if you want the 880 field to start out with text as given in the original field
-                sNewFields$ = sNewFields$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag + sIndicators$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6880-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sOldField$
-#End If
-                sOldFields$ = sOldFields$ + Trim(str(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer)) + vbTab + s880Indicators$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6" + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag + "-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sOldField$
-            Else
-                If sNewField$ <> sOldField$ Then ' we changed *something*!
-                    iNext6% = iNext6% + 1
-                    If Len(sNewFields$) > 0 Then
-                        sNewFields$ = sNewFields$ + vbLf
-                        sOldFields$ = sOldFields$ + vbLf
-                    End If
-                    If iDirection% = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Vernacular2Roman% Then
-                        sOldFields$ = sOldFields$ + Trim(str(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer)) + vbTab + s880Indicators$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6" + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag + "-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sOldField$
-                        sNewFields$ = sNewFields$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag + sIndicators$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6880-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sNewField$
-                    Else
-                        sNewFields$ = sNewFields$ + "880" + s880Indicators$ + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6" + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldTag + "-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sNewField$
-                        sOldFields$ = sOldFields$ + Trim(str(LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer)) + vbTab + LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.MarcDelimiter + "6" + "880-" + Right("00" + Trim(str(iNext6%)), 2) + sOldField$
-                    End If
-                End If
-            End If
-        End If
-    Loop
-    Do While Len(sOldFields$) > 0
-        DoEvents
-        GetNextPiece sOldFields$, sField$, vbLf
-        If iDirection% = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Vernacular2Roman% Then
-            GetNextPiece sField$, sTag$, vbTab
-            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer = Val(sTag$)
-            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldDelete
-            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldAdd "880", Mid(sField$, 1, 2), Mid(sField$, 3)
-        Else
-            GetNextPiece sField$, sTag$, vbTab
-            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldPointer = Val(sTag$)
-            ' 20100809 Bucknum added: remove temporary VowelMarker character before export
-            If LenB(gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VVowelMarker) > 0 Then
-                sField$ = LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.ReplaceCharacters(sField$, gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VVowelMarker)
-            End If
-            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldText = sField$
-        End If
-    Loop
-    Do While Len(sNewFields$) > 0
-        GetNextPiece sNewFields$, sField$, vbLf
-        If iDirection% = ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Vernacular2Roman% Then
-            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldAdd Mid(sField$, 1, 3), Mid(sField$, 4, 2), LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.UCaseFirstWord(Mid(sField$, 6))
-        Else
-            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldAdd Mid(sField$, 1, 3), Mid(sField$, 4, 2), Mid(sField$, 6)
-        End If
-    Loop
-    ' 20070425 build an 066 if the script identification code is available
-    '   only possible if building empty 880s and if roman-to-vernacular
-    If bCreateEmpty880s And LenB(s066$) > 0 Then
-        If Not LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldFindFirst("066") Then
-            LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord.FldAdd "066", "  ", s066$
-        End If
-    End If
-End Function
-Public Sub ReRomanizeAdjustNonfilingIndicators(iScript%, ByVal sNonfilingTagString$, ByVal lPointerToOriginalField As Long, ByVal lPointerToNewField As Long, ByRef LocalMarcRecord As Utf8MarcRecordClass, ByRef LocalCharacterObject As Utf8CharClass)
-    Dim iNonfiling%, iNonfilingIndicator%, iRc%, iLen%
-    Dim sOriginal$
-    With LocalMarcRecord
-        .FldPointer = lPointerToOriginalField
-        If .SfdFindFirst("a") Then
-            If .FldTag = "880" Then
-                If .SfdFindFirst("6") Then
-                    iRc% = InStr(sNonfilingTagString$, Mid(.SfdText, 1, 3))
-                End If
-                .SfdFindFirst "a"
-            Else
-                iRc% = InStr(sNonfilingTagString$, .FldTag)
-            End If
-            If iRc% > 0 Then
-                iNonfiling% = Val(Mid(sNonfilingTagString$, iRc% + 4, 1))
-                If iNonfiling% > 0 Then
-                    ' we're going to ignore nonfiling indicator values of 1,
-                    '   because they almost certainly refer to an error (such as
-                    '   skipping an opening quotation mark)
-                    iNonfilingIndicator% = Val(Mid(.FldInd, iNonfiling%, 1))
-                    If iNonfilingIndicator% > 0 Then
-                        sOriginal$ = .SafeMid(.SfdText, 1, iNonfilingIndicator%)
-                        .FldPointer = lPointerToNewField
-                        If .SfdFindFirst("a") Then
-                            If Mid(.SfdText, 1, Len(sOriginal$)) <> sOriginal$ Then
-                                ' the beginning of subfield $a in the modified field is
-                                '   not same as the beginning of subfield $a in the original
-                                '   field: therefore, the current operation changed the value
-                                '   of subfield $a, and we need to address the problem of the
-                                '   initial articla
-                                ' at this point we have to know whether the conversion was
-                                '   vernacular-to-script or script-to-vernacular
-                                If .FldTag = "880" Then
-                                    ' the tag of the new field is 880; therefore, the conversion
-                                    '   was from romanized-to-vernacular; sOriginal$ contains the
-                                    '   romanized form of the critical text
-                                    sOriginal$ = ReRomanizeText("B", "500", sOriginal$, iScript%, LocalMarcRecord, LocalCharacterObject, ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Roman2Vernacular%)
-                                Else
-                                    ' the tag of the new field is NOT 880; therefore, the conversion
-                                    '   was from vernacular-to-romanized; sOriginal$ contains the
-                                    '   romanized form of the critical text
-                                    sOriginal$ = ReRomanizeText("B", "500", sOriginal$, iScript%, LocalMarcRecord, LocalCharacterObject, ROMANIZATIONDIRECTION_Vernacular2Roman%)
-                                End If
-                                If Mid(.SfdText, 1, Len(sOriginal$)) = sOriginal$ Then
-                                    iLen% = .SafeLen(sOriginal$)
-                                    If iLen% < 9 Then
-                                        'Debug.Print ">" + .FldInd + "< " + str(iNonfiling%) + " " + str(iLen%)
-                                        .FldInd = .SafeStuff(.FldInd, iNonfiling%, 1, Trim(str(iLen%)))
-                                        'Debug.Print "After change: >" + .FldInd + "<"
-                                    End If
-                                End If
-                            End If
-                        End If
-                    End If
-                End If
-            End If
-        End If
-    End With
-End Sub
-Public Function Language2ScriptCode(ByVal sLanguageCode$) As String
-    Select Case sLanguageCode$
-'        Case ""
-'            Language2ScriptCode = CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_BasicAsG0$
-        Case "heb", "yid"
-            Language2ScriptCode = CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_HebrewAsG0$
-        Case "bel", "mac", "rus", "scc", "ukr"
-            Language2ScriptCode = CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_BasicCyrillicAsG0$
-        Case "ara", "per", "urd"
-            Language2ScriptCode = CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_BasicArabicAsG0$
-        Case "gre"
-            Language2ScriptCode = CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_GreekAsG0$
-        Case "chi", "jap", "kor"
-            Language2ScriptCode = CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_CJKAsG0$
-' don't know which, if any, languages belong here by default:
-'        Case ""
-'            Language2ScriptCode = CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_ExtendedCyrillicAsG1$
-'        Case ""
-'            Language2ScriptCode = CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_ExtendedArabicAsG1$
-'        Case ""
-'            Language2ScriptCode = CHARACTERSET_CODES_FOR_880_ExtendedLatinAsG1$
-        Case Else
-            Language2ScriptCode = ""
-    End Select
-End Function
-Public Function ReSequencePairedFields(ByRef LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord As Utf8MarcRecordClass)
-    Dim iCtr%
-    Dim lPtr&
-    Dim sSfdText$
-    Dim bMatchFound As Boolean
-    gbliReSequenceTableLast% = 0
-    With LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord
-        ' loop through record to find non-880s with subfield $6
-        .FldMoveTop
-        Do While .FldMoveNext
-            ' create array of non-880 fields with subfield $6
-            ' with new consecutive sequence numbers
-            If .FldTag <> "880" Then
-                If .SfdFindFirst("6") = True Then
-                    If Mid$(.SfdText, 5, 2) <> "00" Then
-                        gbliReSequenceTableLast% = gbliReSequenceTableLast% + 1
-                        ReDim Preserve gblaReSequenceTable(gbliReSequenceTableLast%)
-                        gblaReSequenceTable(gbliReSequenceTableLast%).Tag = .FldTag
-                        gblaReSequenceTable(gbliReSequenceTableLast%).Field = .FldText
-                        gblaReSequenceTable(gbliReSequenceTableLast%).Sequence = gbliReSequenceTableLast%
-                    ' "00" (non-paired) should not appear in a non-880 subfield $6
-                    ' but we'll not delete it for now
-'                   Else: .SfdDelete
-                    End If
-                End If
-            End If
-        Loop
-        ' cannot resequence, if no non-880 subfield $6s are found
-        If gbliReSequenceTableLast% = 0 Then Exit Function
-        ' loop through the record again to match 880s with non-880s
-        .FldMoveTop
-        Do While .FldMoveNext
-            ' add paired and non-paired 880s to the array
-            If .FldTag = "880" Then
-                If .SfdFindFirst("6") = True Then
-                    ' make sure 880 $6 6xx-xx 2nd indicators are set to "4" (source not specified)
-                    If Mid$(.SfdText, 1, 3) >= 600 And Mid$(.SfdText, 1, 3) <= 651 Then
-                        .FldInd2 = "4"
-                    End If
-                    If Mid$(.SfdText, 5, 2) <> "00" Then
-                        bMatchFound = False
-                        For iCtr% = 1 To gbliReSequenceTableLast%
-                            ' first make sure the 880 sequence number is zero
-                            If gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).Sequence880 = 0 Then
-                                ' if there is a match, pair the sequence numbers
-                                ' add the link tag and field text for comparison later
-                                If Mid$(.SfdText, 1, 3) = gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).Tag Then
-                                    gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).LinkTag = gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).Tag
-                                    gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).Field880 = .FldText
-                                    gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).Sequence880 = gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).Sequence
-                                    bMatchFound = True
-                                    Exit For
-                                End If
-                            End If
-                        Next ' iCtr%
-                    End If
-                    ' add non-paired 880s to the array with a "00" sequence number
-                    If bMatchFound = False Or Mid$(.SfdText, 5, 2) = "00" Then
-                        gbliReSequenceTableLast% = gbliReSequenceTableLast% + 1
-                        ReDim Preserve gblaReSequenceTable(gbliReSequenceTableLast%)
-                        gblaReSequenceTable(gbliReSequenceTableLast%).Tag = .FldTag
-                        gblaReSequenceTable(gbliReSequenceTableLast%).Field = .FldText
-                        gblaReSequenceTable(gbliReSequenceTableLast%).Sequence = 0
-                        gblaReSequenceTable(gbliReSequenceTableLast%).Sequence880 = 0
-                    End If
-                End If
-            End If
-        Loop
-        ' loop through record again to resequence the paired fields
-        .FldMoveTop
-        Do While .FldMoveNext
-            ' get field pointer
-            lPtr& = .FldPointer
-            If Val(.FldTag) > 99 Then
-                If .SfdFindFirst("6") = True Then
-                    ' loop through the field/sequence array
-                    For iCtr% = 1 To gbliReSequenceTableLast%
-                        ' 20080826: compare the tags and field data, if matched,
-                        '  adjust the sequence numbers in the field, and
-                        '  delete the field data to prevent a rematch
-                        ' non-880s
-                        If .FldTag = gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).Tag And _
-                           .FldText = gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).Field Then
-                            .SfdText = .SafeStuff(.SfdText, 5, 2, Right("00" & CStr(gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).Sequence), 2))
-                            ' change field text to avoid re-matching an "empty" field (i.e. with "+" subfields)
-                            gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).Field = ""
-                            Exit For
-                        ' 880s
-                        ElseIf Mid$(.SfdText, 1, 3) = gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).LinkTag And _
-                           .FldText = gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).Field880 Then
-                            .SfdText = .SafeStuff(.SfdText, 5, 2, Right("00" & CStr(gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).Sequence880), 2))
-                            ' change field text to avoid re-matching an "empty" 880 (i.e. with "+" subfields)
-                            gblaReSequenceTable(iCtr%).Field880 = ""
-                            Exit For
-                        End If
-                    Next ' iCtr%
-                End If
-            End If
-            ' reset field pointer
-            .FldPointer = lPtr&
-        Loop
-    End With
-    ' clear the array from memory
-    Erase gblaReSequenceTable
-End Function
-Public Function AddCharSetCodes2Utf8Record(ByRef LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord As Utf8MarcRecordClass, ByVal iScript%)
-    Dim iPtr%, iCtr%, iNonfiling%, iIndicator%
-    Dim bChanged As Boolean, bError As Boolean
-    Dim sTag$, sIndicators$, sField$, sNonfiling$, sChar$
-    Dim sCharacterSetsPresent$, s066$, sSfd6$, sPiece$
-    Dim bLcPattern As Boolean
-    If gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VIncludeFormattingCharactersLcPattern Then bLcPattern = True
-    With LocalMarcRecordObjectAlreadyLoadedWithRecord
-        .FldMoveTop
-        Do While .FldMoveNext
-            iPtr% = .FldPointer
-            ' remove any existing 066 fields, but *not* in records with "empty" 880s
-            If .FldTag = "066" And gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VCreateEmpty880s = False Then .FldDelete
-            ' get the $6, including script codes, using a fake Utf82Marc translation
-            If .FldTag = "880" Then
-                .FldLoadInfo sTag$, sIndicators$, sField$
-                .TranslateUtf82MarcOneField sCharacterSetsPresent$, sTag$, sField$, bChanged, bError
-                If bChanged Then
-                    If .SfdFindFirst("6") = True And _
-                       .ExtractSubfield(sField$, "6", sSfd6$) > 0 Then
-                        ' 20070710: add RLM to the end of subfield $6 in "empty" fields for R2L scripts
-                        If bLcPattern Or InStr(sSfd6$, "/r") > 0 Then
-                            sSfd6$ = sSfd6$ & .MarcRightToLeftMarker
-                        End If
-                        .SfdChange "6", sSfd6$
-                    End If
-                End If
-                ' 20070710: check for and add the RLMs in the 880 fields for
-                ' the R2L scripts, if they have not been inserted elsewhere
-                If bLcPattern Or InStr(sSfd6$, "/r") > 0 Then
-                    .FldText = .TranslateMarc2Utf8OneFieldLcPattern("880", .FldText)
-                    ' remove any multiple UFCs from the field
-                    .FldText = .RemoveRepeatedCharacters(.FldText, .MarcRightToLeftMarker)
-                    .FldText = .RemoveRepeatedCharacters(.FldText, .MarcLeftToRightEmbedding)
-                    .FldText = .RemoveRepeatedCharacters(.FldText, .MarcPopDirectionalFormatting)
-                End If
-            End If
-            .FldPointer = iPtr%
-        Loop
-        ' convert the string of codes representing character sets present in the record into
-        '   an 066 field, and add it to or change it in the record, but *not* in records with "empty" 880s
-        ' remove multiple spaces from the string
-        sCharacterSetsPresent$ = .RemoveRepeatedCharacters(Trim(sCharacterSetsPresent$), " ")
-        s066$ = .TranslateUtf82MarcCharacterSetString(sCharacterSetsPresent$, .MarcDelimiter + "c")
-        If Len(s066$) > 0 Then
-            If Not .FldFindFirst("066") Or gblaRomanizationTable(iScript%).R2VCreateEmpty880s = False Then
-                .FldAddGeneric "066", "  ", s066$, 3
-            ElseIf .FldText <> s066$ Then
-                .FldChange "066", "  ", s066$
-            End If
-        End If
-    End With
-End Function
-Public Function RomanizeConvertDecimalChars(ByVal sIn$, ByRef LocalMarcRecordObject As Utf8MarcRecordClass, ByRef LocalCharacterObject As Utf8CharClass) As String
-    ' convert "&#\d{4,5}" numeric character references to the equivalent, leaving other stuff as you find it
-    Dim lPtr As Long
-    Dim sLeader$, sOriginal$, sHexChar$
-    Dim iDigits%
-    Dim bShow As Boolean
-    'If InStr(sIn$, "&#") > 0 Then
-    '    bShow = True
-    '    sOriginal$ = sIn$
-    'End If
-    sLeader$ = "&#"
-    Do
-        lPtr = InStr(sIn$, sLeader$)
-        Do While lPtr > 0
-            ' allow conversion of up to 5-digit character references
-            iDigits% = Len(CStr(Val(Mid$(sIn$, lPtr + 2, 5))))
-            sHexChar$ = Hex$(Mid$(sIn$, lPtr + 2, iDigits%))
-            LocalCharacterObject.UcsHex = Right$(String$(4 - Len(sHexChar$), "0") & sHexChar$, 4)
-            sIn$ = LocalMarcRecordObject.SafeStuff(sIn$, lPtr, iDigits% + 2, LocalCharacterObject.Utf8Char)
-            lPtr = InStr(sIn$, sLeader$)
-        Loop
-        Select Case sLeader$
-            Case "&#"
-                ' scossu: added a third backslash because 2 backslashes mess up syntax coloring in Vim.
-                sLeader$ = "\\\"
-            ' scossu: added a third backslash because 2 backslashes mess up syntax coloring in Vim.
-            Case "\\\"
-                Exit Do
-        End Select
-    Loop
-    RomanizeConvertDecimalChars = sIn$
-End Function
-Public Function FindScriptByKeyPress(ByRef c As Control, ByRef KeyAscii As Integer)
-    Dim cb As Long
-    Dim FindString As String
-    If KeyAscii < 32 Or KeyAscii > 127 Then Exit Function
-    If c.SelLength = 0 Then
-        FindString = c.Text & Chr$(KeyAscii)
-    Else
-        FindString = Left$(c.Text, c.SelStart) & Chr$(KeyAscii)
-    End If
-    cb = SendMessage(c.hWnd, CB_FINDSTRING, -1, ByVal FindString)
-    If cb <> CB_ERR Then
-        c.ListIndex = cb
-        c.SelStart = Len(FindString)
-        c.SelLength = Len(c.Text) - c.SelStart
-    End If
-    KeyAscii = 0
-End Function
-Public Function IsFontInstalled(FontName As String) As Boolean
-    ' Returns true in function name
-    ' if parameter font name exists
-    Dim oFont As New StdFont
-On Error Resume Next
-    IsFontInstalled = False
-    If LenB(FontName) > 0 Then
-        With oFont
-            .Name = FontName
-            If StrComp(FontName, .Name, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then IsFontInstalled = True
-        End With
-    End If
-    Set oFont = Nothing
-End Function
-Public Function CreateRomanizationScriptList(ByRef sConfigurationFilePath$, ByRef sScripts2Load As String)
-    Dim sMasterFile$, sFile$
-    Dim sScripts2LoadList$()
-    Dim iCtr%, iPtr%
-    Dim bLoadAllScripts As Boolean
-    sMasterFile$ = sConfigurationFilePath$ + "RomanizationMaster.cfg"
-    If sScripts2Load$ = vbNullString Then
-        bLoadAllScripts = True
-    Else
-        sScripts2LoadList$() = Split(sScripts2Load$)
-    End If
-    gbliRomanizationScriptLast% = 0
-    gbliRomanizationTablesBytes# = 0
-    Do
-        iCtr% = gbliRomanizationScriptLast% + 1
-        sFile$ = ReadIniFileOrNothing(sMasterFile$, "Files", Trim(str(iCtr%)), 250)
-        If LenB(sFile$) = 0 Then Exit Do
-        gbliRomanizationScriptLast% = gbliRomanizationScriptLast% + 1
-        ReDim Preserve gblaRomanizationScript(gbliRomanizationScriptLast%)
-        If InStr(sFile$, "\") = 0 Then
-            If LenB(Dir$(sConfigurationFilePath$ + sFile$)) Then
-                gblaRomanizationScript(gbliRomanizationScriptLast%).Name = ReadIniFileOrNothing(sConfigurationFilePath$ + sFile$, "General", "Name", 100)
-                gblaRomanizationScript(gbliRomanizationScriptLast%).FileSize = FileLen(sConfigurationFilePath$ + sFile$)
-            End If
-        Else
-            If LenB(Dir$(sFile$)) Then
-                gblaRomanizationScript(gbliRomanizationScriptLast%).Name = ReadIniFileOrNothing(sFile$, "General", "Name", 100)
-                gblaRomanizationScript(gbliRomanizationScriptLast%).FileSize = FileLen(sFile$)
-            End If
-        End If
-        If bLoadAllScripts Then
-            gblaRomanizationScript(gbliRomanizationScriptLast%).LoadScript = True
-            gbliRomanizationTablesBytes# = gbliRomanizationTablesBytes# + gblaRomanizationScript(gbliRomanizationScriptLast%).FileSize
-        Else
-            gblaRomanizationScript(gbliRomanizationScriptLast%).LoadScript = False
-            For iPtr% = 0 To UBound(sScripts2LoadList$)
-                If CInt(sScripts2LoadList$(iPtr%)) = gbliRomanizationScriptLast% Then
-                    gblaRomanizationScript(gbliRomanizationScriptLast%).LoadScript = True
-                    gbliRomanizationTablesBytes# = gbliRomanizationTablesBytes# + gblaRomanizationScript(gbliRomanizationScriptLast%).FileSize
-                End If
-            Next ' iPtr%
-        End If
-    Loop
-End Function
-Public Sub LoadRomanizationTablesProgress(l As Long, ProgressBarCtrl As Control)
-    If ProgressBarCtrl.Value < (ProgressBarCtrl.Max - l) Then
-        ProgressBarCtrl.Value = ProgressBarCtrl.Value + l
-    End If
-End Sub