manifest.ttl 6.3 KB

  1. @prefix rdf: <> .
  2. @prefix rdfs: <> .
  3. @prefix mf: <> .
  4. @prefix qt: <> .
  5. <> rdf:type mf:Manifest ;
  6. rdfs:comment "Turtle good syntax test cases (must pass)" ;
  7. mf:entries
  8. (
  9. [ mf:name "test-00" ;
  10. rdfs:comment "Blank subject" ;
  11. mf:action [ qt:data <test-00.ttl> ] ;
  12. mf:result <test-00.out>
  13. ]
  14. [ mf:name "test-01" ;
  15. rdfs:comment "@prefix and qnames" ;
  16. mf:action [ qt:data <test-01.ttl> ] ;
  17. mf:result <test-01.out>
  18. ]
  19. [ mf:name "test-02" ;
  20. rdfs:comment ", operator" ;
  21. mf:action [ qt:data <test-02.ttl> ] ;
  22. mf:result <test-02.out>
  23. ]
  24. [ mf:name "test-03" ;
  25. rdfs:comment "; operator" ;
  26. mf:action [ qt:data <test-03.ttl> ] ;
  27. mf:result <test-03.out>
  28. ]
  29. [ mf:name "test-04" ;
  30. rdfs:comment "empty [] as subject and object" ;
  31. mf:action [ qt:data <test-04.ttl> ] ;
  32. mf:result <test-04.out>
  33. ]
  34. [ mf:name "test-05" ;
  35. rdfs:comment "non-empty [] as subject and object" ;
  36. mf:action [ qt:data <test-05.ttl> ] ;
  37. mf:result <test-05.out>
  38. ]
  39. [ mf:name "test-06" ;
  40. rdfs:comment "'a' as predicate" ;
  41. mf:action [ qt:data <test-06.ttl> ] ;
  42. mf:result <test-06.out>
  43. ]
  44. [ mf:name "test-07" ;
  45. rdfs:comment "simple collection" ;
  46. mf:action [ qt:data <test-07.ttl> ] ;
  47. mf:result <test-07.out>
  48. ]
  49. [ mf:name "test-08" ;
  50. rdfs:comment "empty collection" ;
  51. mf:action [ qt:data <test-08.ttl> ] ;
  52. mf:result <test-08.out>
  53. ]
  54. [ mf:name "test-09" ;
  55. rdfs:comment "integer datatyped literal" ;
  56. mf:action [ qt:data <test-09.ttl> ] ;
  57. mf:result <test-09.out>
  58. ]
  59. [ mf:name "test-10" ;
  60. rdfs:comment "decimal integer canonicalization" ;
  61. mf:action [ qt:data <test-10.ttl> ] ;
  62. mf:result <test-10.out>
  63. ]
  64. [ mf:name "test-11" ;
  65. rdfs:comment "- and _ in names and qnames" ;
  66. mf:action [ qt:data <test-11.ttl> ] ;
  67. mf:result <test-11.out>
  68. ]
  69. [ mf:name "test-12" ;
  70. rdfs:comment "tests for rdf:_<numbers> and other qnames starting with _" ;
  71. mf:action [ qt:data <test-12.ttl> ] ;
  72. mf:result <test-12.out>
  73. ]
  74. [ mf:name "test-13" ;
  75. rdfs:comment "bare : allowed" ;
  76. mf:action [ qt:data <test-13.ttl> ] ;
  77. mf:result <test-13.out>
  78. ]
  79. [ mf:name "test-14" ;
  80. rdfs:comment "10000 triples, more than the default Bison stack size" ;
  81. mf:action [ qt:data <test-14.ttl> ] ;
  82. mf:result <test-14.out>
  83. ]
  84. [ mf:name "test-15" ;
  85. rdfs:comment "10000 triple objects (10000 triples)" ;
  86. mf:action [ qt:data <test-15.ttl> ] ;
  87. mf:result <test-15.out>
  88. ]
  89. [ mf:name "test-16" ;
  90. rdfs:comment "10000 items (10000 triples)" ;
  91. mf:action [ qt:data <test-16.ttl> ] ;
  92. mf:result <test-16.out>
  93. ]
  94. [ mf:name "test-17" ;
  95. rdfs:comment "simple long literal" ;
  96. mf:action [ qt:data <test-17.ttl> ] ;
  97. mf:result <test-17.out>
  98. ]
  99. [ mf:name "test-18" ;
  100. rdfs:comment "long literals with escapes" ;
  101. mf:action [ qt:data <test-18.ttl> ] ;
  102. mf:result <test-18.out>
  103. ]
  104. [ mf:name "test-19" ;
  105. rdfs:comment "floating point number" ;
  106. mf:action [ qt:data <test-19.ttl> ] ;
  107. mf:result <test-19.out>
  108. ]
  109. [ mf:name "test-20" ;
  110. rdfs:comment "empty literals, normal and long variant" ;
  111. mf:action [ qt:data <test-20.ttl> ] ;
  112. mf:result <test-20.out>
  113. ]
  114. [ mf:name "test-21" ;
  115. rdfs:comment "positive integer, decimal and doubles" ;
  116. mf:action [ qt:data <test-21.ttl> ] ;
  117. mf:result <test-21.out>
  118. ]
  119. [ mf:name "test-22" ;
  120. rdfs:comment "negative integer, decimal and doubles" ;
  121. mf:action [ qt:data <test-22.ttl> ] ;
  122. mf:result <test-22.out>
  123. ]
  124. [ mf:name "test-23" ;
  125. rdfs:comment "long literal ending in double quote" ;
  126. mf:action [ qt:data <test-23.ttl> ] ;
  127. mf:result <test-23.out>
  128. ]
  129. [ mf:name "test-24" ;
  130. rdfs:comment "boolean literals" ;
  131. mf:action [ qt:data <test-24.ttl> ] ;
  132. mf:result <test-24.out>
  133. ]
  134. [ mf:name "test-25" ;
  135. rdfs:comment "comments" ;
  136. mf:action [ qt:data <test-25.ttl> ] ;
  137. mf:result <test-25.out>
  138. ]
  139. [ mf:name "test-26" ;
  140. rdfs:comment "no final mewline" ;
  141. mf:action [ qt:data <test-26.ttl> ] ;
  142. mf:result <test-26.out>
  143. ]
  144. [ mf:name "test-27" ;
  145. rdfs:comment "duplicate prefix" ;
  146. mf:action [ qt:data <test-27.ttl> ] ;
  147. mf:result <test-27.out>
  148. ]
  149. [ mf:name "test-28" ;
  150. rdfs:comment "decimal data types (serializing test)" ;
  151. mf:action [ qt:data <test-28.ttl> ] ;
  152. mf:result <test-28.out>
  153. ]
  154. [ mf:name "test-29" ;
  155. rdfs:comment "Escaping U+0001 to U+007F in a URI" ;
  156. mf:action [ qt:data <test-29.ttl> ] ;
  157. mf:result <test-29.out>
  158. ]
  159. [ mf:name "test-30" ;
  160. rdfs:comment "@base" ;
  161. mf:action [ qt:data <test-30.ttl> ] ;
  162. mf:result <test-30.out>
  163. ]
  164. [ mf:name "rdf-schema" ;
  165. rdfs:comment "RDF Namespace document converted into Turtle" ;
  166. mf:action [ qt:data <rdf-schema.ttl> ] ;
  167. mf:result <rdf-schema.out>
  168. ]
  169. [ mf:name "rdfs-namespace" ;
  170. rdfs:comment "RDFS Namespace document converted into Turtle" ;
  171. mf:action [ qt:data <rdfs-namespace.ttl> ] ;
  172. mf:result <rdfs-namespace.out>
  173. ]
  174. [ mf:name "rdfq-results" ;
  175. rdfs:comment "Example query result from" ;
  176. mf:action [ qt:data <rdfq-results.ttl> ] ;
  177. mf:result <rdfq-results.out>
  178. ]
  179. # End of tests
  180. ).