from glob import glob from os import path from setuptools import Extension, setup from setuptools.command.install import install from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError ROOT_DIR = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)) MOD_DIR = path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'cpython') SRC_DIR = path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'src') CODEC_DIR = path.join(SRC_DIR, 'codec') INCL_DIR = path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'include') EXT_DIR = path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'ext') LEXER = 're2c' PARSER = 'lemon' sources = ( glob(path.join(SRC_DIR, '*.c')) + glob(path.join(CODEC_DIR, '*_grammar.c')) + glob(path.join(SRC_DIR, 'codec', '*_parser.c')) + glob(path.join(MOD_DIR, '*.c')) + [ path.join(EXT_DIR, 'openldap', 'libraries', 'liblmdb', 'mdb.c'), path.join(EXT_DIR, 'openldap', 'libraries', 'liblmdb', 'midl.c'), path.join(EXT_DIR, 'xxHash', 'xxhash.c'), path.join(EXT_DIR, 'tpl', 'src', 'tpl.c'), path.join(EXT_DIR, 'log', 'src', 'log.c'), ] ) debug = True compile_args = [ '-DLOG_USE_COLOR', # '-std=c99', ] if debug: compile_args.extend(['-DDEBUG', '-g3', '-O0']) else: compile_args.extend(['-g0', '-O3']) class LSUPInstallCmd(install): """ Run LSUP-specific hooks in extension build phase. TODO Extending the Extension class may be best to narrow the scope to the C module. """ def run(self): # Run grammar and parser generators. try: lexer_ex_path = check_output(['which', LEXER]) except CalledProcessError: raise SystemError(f'Lexer program `{LEXER}` is not installed.') try: parser_ex_path = check_output(['which', PARSER]) except CalledProcessError: raise SystemError(f'Lexer program `{PARSER}` is not installed.') print("Generating grammar.") for fpath in glob(path.join(CODEC_DIR, '*_grammar.y')): check_output([ parser_ex_path, fpath, 'q', '-m', '-T' + fpath.join(CODEC_DIR, 'lempar.c'), f'-d{CODEC_DIR}' ]) print("Generating parser.") for fpath in glob(path.join(CODEC_DIR, '*')): check_output([ lexer_ex_path, fpath, '-o', fpath.replace('', '_parser.c'), '-T', '--case-ranges', ]) setup( name="lsup_rdf", version="1.0a1", description='Ultra-compact RDF library.', author='Stefano Cossu ', url='', license='', package_dir={'lsup_rdf': path.join(MOD_DIR, 'lsup_rdf')}, packages=['lsup_rdf'], cmdclasss={'install': LSUPInstallCmd}, ext_modules=[ Extension( "_lsup_rdf", sources, include_dirs=[ ROOT_DIR, INCL_DIR, path.join(EXT_DIR, 'uthash', 'src'), path.join(EXT_DIR, 'tpl', 'src'), path.join(EXT_DIR, 'log', 'src'), ], libraries=['uuid'], extra_compile_args=compile_args, ), ], )