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Merge branch 'ttl_codec' of scossu/lsup_rdf into master

scossu 2 lat temu
100 zmienionych plików z 29735 dodań i 847 usunięć
  1. 4 3
  2. 3 0
  3. 72 45
  4. 5 4
  5. 7 4
  6. 17 15
  7. 0 1
  8. 1 2
  9. 35 31
  10. BIN
  11. 14 0
  12. 1 0
  13. 5893 0
  14. 54 60
  15. 4 3
  16. 137 33
  17. 1 1
  18. 12 0
  19. 2 1
  20. 23 0
  21. 8 1
  22. 4 0
  23. 96 3
  24. 2 1
  25. 11 11
  26. 1 2
  27. 236 47
  28. 5 2
  29. 3 0
  30. 83 66
  31. 21 4
  32. 138 0
  33. 47 0
  34. 184 0
  35. 326 0
  36. 10 11
  37. 276 0
  38. 28 97
  39. 446 0
  40. 0 257
  41. 1 1
  42. 10 30
  43. 243 37
  44. 45 37
  45. 3 1
  46. 309 36
  47. 2 0
  48. 20 0
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  64. 88 0
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  83. 10002 0
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  91. 4 0
  92. 3 0
  93. 3 0
  94. 14 0
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  97. 6 0
  98. 22 0
  99. 1 0
  100. 12 0

+ 4 - 3

@@ -110,9 +110,10 @@ sandbox/
 # Lexer and parser artifacts.
 # IDE

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+graft include
+include cpython/*.h ext/hashmap/*.h ext/tpl/src/*.h ext/log/src/*.h ext/openldap/libraries/liblmdb/*.h
+include Makefile bin/.keep src/codec/Makefile src/codec/*.y src/codec/*.re ext/sqlite/tool/*.c

+ 72 - 45

@@ -4,43 +4,41 @@
 CC = gcc
 AR = ar
-LEXER = re2c
-PARSER = lemon
 ## Paths.
 PREFIX ?= /usr/local
-bindir := $(PREFIX)/bin
-libdir := $(PREFIX)/lib
+bindir ::= $(PREFIX)/bin
+libdir ::= $(PREFIX)/lib
 includedir = $(PREFIX)/include/lsup
 MDB_DIR = ext/openldap/libraries/liblmdb
 XXHASH_DIR = ext/xxHash
 VALGRIND_DUMP = /tmp/lsup_valgrind.log
 CALLGRIND_DUMP = /tmp/lsup_callgrind.out
+MASSIF_DUMP = /tmp/lsup_massif.out
-INCLUDE_BASE = . -Iinclude -I$(MDB_DIR) -I$(XXHASH_DIR) \
+INCLUDE_BASE ::= . -Iinclude -I$(MDB_DIR) -I$(XXHASH_DIR) \
 	-Iext/tpl/src -Iext/hashmap -Iext/log/src
-DBG_CFLAGS = -Itest -O0 -g3 -DDEBUG
+_CFLAGS ::= -std=gnu11 -Wall -fPIC -MMD $(INCLUDE)
+DBG_CFLAGS = $(_CFLAGS) -Itest -O0 -g3 -DDEBUG
 # NOTE: -luuid is a Linux system library. Other OS's might need a different
 # link or a non-system library built.
-LDFLAGS = -L. -L$(libdir) -llmdb -lxxhash -luuid
+LDFLAGS ::= -L. -L$(libdir) -llmdb -lxxhash -luuid
+PARSER = bin/lemon
+LEMON_SRC = ext/sqlite/tool/lemon.c
 CODEC_DIR = src/codec
-CODEC_SRC = $(wildcard src/codec/*_grammar.c) \
-	  		$(wildcard src/codec/*_parser.c)
-CODEC_DBG_OBJ = $(CODEC_SRC:.c=_dbg.o)
 # External sources compiled in core object.
-EXT_SRC = $(wildcard ext/log/src/*.c) \
+EXT_SRC ::= $(wildcard ext/log/src/*.c) \
 	  	  $(wildcard ext/hashmap/*.c) \
 	  	  $(wildcard ext/tpl/src/*.c)
 # External headers of libraries compiled in core.
-EXT_H = $(wildcard ext/log/src/*.h) \
+EXT_H ::= $(wildcard ext/log/src/*.h) \
 	  	$(wildcard ext/tpl/src/*.h) \
 	  	$(wildcard ext/hashmap/*.h)
@@ -48,16 +46,24 @@ LSUP_SRC = $(wildcard src/*.c)
 TEST_SRC = $(wildcard test/*.c) test.c
-EXT_OBJ = $(EXT_SRC:.c=.o) 
-OBJ = $(EXT_OBJ) $(CODEC_OBJ) $(LSUP_SRC:.c=.o)
-DBG_OBJ = $(EXT_OBJ) $(CODEC_DBG_OBJ) $(LSUP_SRC:.c=_dbg.o)
+EXT_OBJ ::= $(EXT_SRC:.c=.o)
+# TODO This is extremely convoluted, simplify if possible.
+CODEC_SRC ::= $(wildcard $(CODEC_DIR)/codec_*.c)
+ALL_CODEC_REL_SRC ::= $(CODEC_REL_SRC) $(CODEC_REL_SRC:codec_%=parser_%) \
+			$(CODEC_REL_SRC:codec_%=grammar_%)
+CODEC_DBG_OBJ = $(CODEC_SRC:.c=_dbg.o)
+OBJ = $(EXT_OBJ) $(LSUP_SRC:.c=.o)
+DBG_OBJ = $(EXT_OBJ) $(LSUP_SRC:.c=_dbg.o)
 DEPLIBS = libxxhash liblmdb
 LIBS = liblsuprdf.a
 DBG_LIBS = liblsuprdf_dbg.a
 # For visual dep graph.
-DEPS := $(shell echo "${INCLUDE_BASE}" | sed -e 's/ -I/,/g')
+DEPS := $(shell echo "${INCLUDE_BASE}" | sed -e 's/ -I/,/g'),include/codec
 DOCS = docs
@@ -71,7 +77,7 @@ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH = .:$(libdir)
-# Extract all rule comment into a help message.
+# Extract all rule comments into a help message.
 .PHONY: help
 	@echo "Command overview:"; echo; \
@@ -80,49 +86,50 @@ help:
 		| column -t  -s '|'
-lib: $(DEPLIBS) $(LIBS) ## Compile main library (static and dynamic linking).
+lib: $(DEPLIBS) codec $(LIBS) ## Compile main library (static and dynamic linking).
-debug: $(DEPLIBS) $(DBG_LIBS) ## Compile main library with debug symbols.
+debug: $(DEPLIBS) codec_dbg $(DBG_LIBS) ## Compile main library with debug symbols.
 # Static library.
 liblsuprdf.a: $(OBJ)
-	$(AR) rs $@ $^
+	$(AR) rs $@ $^ $(CODEC_OBJ)
 # Dynamic library. $(OBJ)
-	$(CC) -shared $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^
+	$(CC) -shared $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(CODEC_OBJ)
 # Static debug library.
 liblsuprdf_dbg.a: $(DBG_OBJ)
-	$(AR) rs $@ $^
+	$(AR) rs $@ $^ $(CODEC_DBG_OBJ)
 # Dynamic debug library. $(DBG_OBJ)
-	$(CC) -shared $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^
+	$(CC) -shared $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(CODEC_DBG_OBJ)
 # Debug objects.
 %_dbg.o: %.c
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DBG_CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -c $^ -o $@
+	$(CC) $(DBG_CFLAGS) -c $^ -o $@
-# Codecs.
+# Codecs in a subfolder.
-# Parser C sources.
-%_parser.c: %_grammar.c
-	$(LEXER) $< -o $@ -T --case-ranges
+.PHONY: codec
+codec: $(PARSER)
+	$(MAKE) -C $(CODEC_DIR) codec
+.PHONY: codec_dbg
+codec_dbg: $(PARSER)
+	$(MAKE) -C $(CODEC_DIR) debug
-# Parser generators.
-%_grammar.c: %_grammar.y
-	$(PARSER) $< -q -m -T$(CODEC_DIR)/lempar.c -d$(CODEC_DIR)
+# Build the parser executable.
+	$(CC) $^ -o $@
 # Ext libraries.
@@ -152,12 +159,16 @@ debug_install: install debug ## Install standard and debug libraries.
 	cp liblsuprdf_dbg.{a,so} $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)
-.PHONY: clean ## Clean up artifacts.
+.PHONY: clean ## Clean up artifacts, including language parsers.
-	rm -rf src/*.[aod] ./*[aod] src/codec/*[aod]
+	rm -f src/*.[aod] ./*.[aod] src/codec/*.[aod] src/codec/*.out
+	rm -rf build/ dist/ lsup_rdf.egg-info/
+	rm -f *.so
+	rm -f include/codec/grammar_*.h
+	rm -f src/codec/{grammar,parser}_*.c
-.PHONY: deepclean ## Clean up artifacts in external libraries as well.
+.PHONY: deepclean ## Clean up external libraries.
 deepclean: clean
 	cd $(MDB_DIR); make clean
 	cd $(XXHASH_DIR); make clean
@@ -172,7 +183,7 @@ uninstall:
 # For testing, use debug symbols.
 bin/test: debug $(TEST_SRC)
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DBG_CFLAGS) -Itest $(LDFLAGS) -llsuprdf_dbg \
+	$(CC) $(DBG_CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -llsuprdf_dbg \
 		test.c -o bin/test
@@ -226,20 +237,36 @@ perftest: bin/perftest ## Run a performance test by creating, inserting and look
 .PHONY: profile
-profile: bin/perftest ## Run a profiling session. Output can be inspected with KCachegrind.
+profile: bin/profile ## Run a profiling session. Output can be inspected with KCachegrind.
 	LSUP_MDB_MAPSIZE=800000 valgrind --tool=callgrind \
 		--callgrind-out-file="$(CALLGRIND_DUMP)" bin/perftest 1000
-	@echo "Profile dump written at $(CALLGRIND_DUMP)"
+	@echo "Profile dump written at $(CALLGRIND_DUMP). Open it with "\
+		"qcachegrind, kcachegrind, etc."
+.PHONY: footprint
+footprint: bin/perftest ## Measure memory footprint by generating and storing 100K triples.
+	LSUP_MDB_MAPSIZE=80000000 valgrind --tool=massif \
+		--massif-out-file=$(MASSIF_DUMP) bin/perftest 100000
+	@echo "Memory stats file written at $(MASSIF_DUMP). Open it with "\
+		"massif-visualizer or similar."
+.PHONY: py_module
+py_module: codec
+	pip3 install build==0.8.0
+	pip3 uninstall -y lsup_rdf
+	python3 -m build
+	pip3 install --no-index --find-links=dist/ lsup_rdf
 .PHONY: pytest
-pytest: ## Run a test suite for the Python package.
-	pip3 install --user .
+pytest: py_module ## Run a test suite for the Python package.
 	python3 test/
 # Requires cinclude2dot ( and Graphviz.
-depgraph: src/* include/* ## Build a visual dependency graph of the code.
+depgraph: $(LSUP_SRC) $(CODEC_SRC) include/* include/codec/* ## Build a visual dependency graph of the code.
 	cinclude2dot --merge=module --include=$(DEPS) \
 		--exclude='test|ext' >| $(DOCS)/dev/
 	dot $(DOCS)/dev/ -Tpdf >| $(DOCS)/dev/deps.pdf

+ 5 - 4

@@ -83,8 +83,7 @@ of features as a standalone library:
 - It is recommended to build and run LSUP_RDF on a Linux system. No other
   OS has been tested so far.
 - A C compiler. This has been only tested with `gcc` so far.
-- [re2c]( and [Lemon]( to
-  build the RDF language parsers.
+- [re2c]( to build the RDF language lexers.
 - [cinclude2dot]( and
   [Graphviz]( for generating dependency graph (optional).
@@ -101,7 +100,7 @@ prefix is used.
 Options to compile with debug symbols are available.
-### Compile-Time Constants
+### Compile-Time defines (`-D[...]`)
 `DEBUG`: Set debug mode: memory map is at reduced size, logging is forced to
 TRACE level, etc.
@@ -152,7 +151,9 @@ systems. The map size by itself does not use up any extra resources.
 ### C API Documentation
-*TODO*  Almost all header files are documented. Need a doc generator.
+Almost all header files are documented. Run `doxygen` (see
+[Doxygen]( to generate HTML documentation in
 ### Python API Documentation

+ 7 - 4

@@ -24,21 +24,24 @@
 - *D* Relative IRIs
 - *D* Flexible store interface
 - *D* Transaction control
-- *P* Turtle serialization / deserialization
+- *W* Turtle serialization / deserialization
+  - *D* TTL decoder
+  - *D* TTL encoder
+- *D* Enhanced graph operations
+    - *D* Extract unique terms and 2-term tuples
 - *P* Full UTF-8 support
 - *P* Extended tests
     - *P* C API
+      - *P* Codec (full W3C suite + custom cases)
     - *P* Python API
 ## Non-critical for MVP
+- Graph checksum and semantic equality
 - Term and triple validation
-- Enhanced graph operations
-    - Extract unique terms and 2-term tuples
 - NQ codec
 - TriG codec
-- UTF-16 support
 ## Long-term

+ 17 - 15

@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
 #include <structmember.h>
 #include "graph.h"
-#include "codec_nt.h"
+#include "codec/codec_nt.h"
+#include "codec/codec_ttl.h"
 #include "py_triple.h"
@@ -22,20 +23,21 @@
 typedef struct {
-    LSUP_CodecIterator *it;
-    unsigned char *line;
+    void *it;
+    const LSUP_Codec *codec;
+    char *line;
 } StringIteratorObject;
 static void
 StringIterator_dealloc (StringIteratorObject *it_obj)
-{ it_obj->it->codec->encode_graph_done (it_obj->it); }
+{ it_obj->codec->encode_graph_done (it_obj->it); }
 static PyObject *
 StringIterator_next (StringIteratorObject *it_obj)
-    LSUP_rc rc = it_obj->it->codec->encode_graph_iter (
+    LSUP_rc rc = it_obj->codec->encode_graph_iter (
             it_obj->it, &it_obj->line);
     if (rc != LSUP_OK) {
         if (rc != LSUP_END)
@@ -90,7 +92,7 @@ GraphIterator_dealloc (GraphIteratorObject *it_obj)
 static PyObject *
 GraphIterator_next (GraphIteratorObject *it_obj)
-    LSUP_rc rc = LSUP_graph_iter_next (it_obj->it, it_obj->spo);
+    LSUP_rc rc = LSUP_graph_iter_next (it_obj->it, &it_obj->spo);
     if (rc != LSUP_OK) {
         if (rc != LSUP_END)
             PyErr_SetString (PyExc_ValueError, "Error encoding graph.");
@@ -309,6 +311,7 @@ Graph_new_from_rdf (PyTypeObject *cls, PyObject *args)
     const LSUP_Codec *codec;
     if (strcmp(type, "nt") == 0) codec = &nt_codec;
+    else if (strcmp (type, "ttl") == 0) codec = &ttl_codec;
     // TODO other codecs here.
     else {
             PyErr_SetString (PyExc_ValueError, "Unsupported codec.");
@@ -557,23 +560,22 @@ Graph_encode (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
     if (! PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "s", &type)) return NULL;
-    const LSUP_Codec *codec;
-    if (strcmp(type, "nt") == 0) codec = &nt_codec;
+    // Initialize the generator object.
+    StringIteratorObject *it_obj = PyObject_New (
+            StringIteratorObject, &StringIteratorType);
+    if (!it_obj) return NULL;
+    if (strcmp (type, "nt") == 0) it_obj->codec = &nt_codec;
+    else if (strcmp (type, "ttl") == 0) it_obj->codec = &ttl_codec;
     // TODO other codecs here.
     else {
         PyErr_SetString (PyExc_ValueError, "Unsupported codec.");
         return NULL;
-    LSUP_CodecIterator *it = codec->encode_graph_init (
+    it_obj->it = it_obj->codec->encode_graph_init (
             ((GraphObject *)self)->ob_struct);
-    // Initialize the generator object.
-    StringIteratorObject *it_obj = PyObject_New (
-            StringIteratorObject, &StringIteratorType);
-    if (!it_obj) return NULL;
-    it_obj->it = it;
     it_obj->line = NULL;
     Py_INCREF (it_obj);

+ 0 - 1

@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
 #include <Python.h>
 #include "py_graph.h"
-#include "py_namespace.h"
 static PyObject *

+ 1 - 2

@@ -214,8 +214,7 @@ Term_lit_get_lang (TermObject *self, void *closure)
     if (
             self->ob_struct->type != LSUP_TERM_LT_LITERAL
-            || ! self->ob_struct->lang
-            || strlen (self->ob_struct->lang) == 0)
+            || self->ob_struct->lang[0] == '\0')
     return PyUnicode_FromString (self->ob_struct->lang);

+ 35 - 31

@@ -5,44 +5,48 @@ digraph "source tree" {
-	"py_term" -> "py_namespace"
-	"namespace" -> "core"
-	"py_lsup_rdf" -> "py_namespace"
-	"store_htable" -> "store_base"
-	"store_mdb" -> "buffer"
-	"py_term" -> "term"
+	"term" -> "namespace"
+	"profile" -> "lsup_rdf"
+	"store_htable" -> "buffer"
+	"grammar_ttl" -> "codec"
 	"graph" -> "environment"
-	"py_graph" -> "py_triple"
-	"store_mdb" -> "lmdb"
-	"store_base" -> "environment"
+	"lsup_rdf" -> "codec_ttl"
+	"store_interface" -> "environment"
+	"lsup_rdf" -> "codec_nt"
+	"namespace" -> "hashmap"
 	"core" -> "lmdb"
-	"store_htable" -> "buffer"
-	"store_htable" -> "hashmap"
+	"environment" -> "term"
 	"py_triple" -> "py_term"
+	"core" -> "xxhash"
+	"store_mdb" -> "buffer"
 	"py_namespace" -> "namespace"
-	"term" -> "tpl"
-	"nt_parser" -> "graph"
-	"environment" -> "bootstrap"
-	"codec_nt" -> "codec_base"
-	"py_graph" -> "codec_nt"
-	"nt_grammar" -> "graph"
+	"store_htable" -> "store_interface"
+	"term" -> "buffer"
 	"graph" -> "store"
-	"environment" -> "term"
-	"store" -> "store_htable"
-	"graph" -> "term"
-	"codec_nt" -> "nt_parser"
-	"namespace" -> "hashmap"
 	"py_lsup_rdf" -> "py_graph"
-	"lsup_rdf" -> "codec_nt"
+	"store_htable" -> "hashmap"
+	"py_term" -> "term"
 	"core" -> "log"
+	"parser_ttl" -> "codec"
+	"py_graph" -> "codec_ttl"
+	"store" -> "store_htable"
+	"codec_nt" -> "parser_nt"
 	"buffer" -> "core"
-	"term" -> "buffer"
-	"py_graph" -> "graph"
-	"store_mdb" -> "store_base"
-	"profile" -> "lsup_rdf"
-	"core" -> "xxhash"
-	"term" -> "namespace"
-	"codec_base" -> "graph"
+	"py_term" -> "py_namespace"
+	"store_mdb" -> "store_interface"
+	"parser_nt" -> "tokens_nt"
 	"store" -> "store_mdb"
-	"nt_parser" -> "nt_grammar"
+	"parser_nt" -> "codec"
+	"parser_ttl" -> "tokens_ttl"
+	"graph" -> "term"
+	"environment" -> "bootstrap"
+	"store_mdb" -> "lmdb"
+	"term" -> "tpl"
+	"codec" -> "graph"
+	"codec_ttl" -> "parser_ttl"
+	"py_graph" -> "graph"
+	"py_graph" -> "py_triple"
+	"grammar_nt" -> "codec"
+	"py_graph" -> "codec_nt"
+	"namespace" -> "core"


+ 14 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+This folder is NOT a git submodule.
+Files in this folder are extracted from the same SQLite release package. The
+release number is noted in VERSION. Basically only lemon.c and lempar.c are
+used for this project, which makes it not worth syncing a 106Mb git repo.
+To compile the lemon parser, enter
+cc lemon.c -o lemon
+This is taken care of by the Makefile in the `./src/codec` directory, which
+places the executable in `./bin`.

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 5893 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5893 @@
+** This file contains all sources (including headers) to the LEMON
+** LALR(1) parser generator.  The sources have been combined into a
+** single file to make it easy to include LEMON in the source tree
+** and Makefile of another program.
+** The author of this program disclaims copyright.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#define ISSPACE(X) isspace((unsigned char)(X))
+#define ISDIGIT(X) isdigit((unsigned char)(X))
+#define ISALNUM(X) isalnum((unsigned char)(X))
+#define ISALPHA(X) isalpha((unsigned char)(X))
+#define ISUPPER(X) isupper((unsigned char)(X))
+#define ISLOWER(X) islower((unsigned char)(X))
+#ifndef __WIN32__
+#   if defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)
+#       define __WIN32__
+#   endif
+#ifdef __WIN32__
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+extern int access(const char *path, int mode);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include <unistd.h>
+/* #define PRIVATE static */
+#define PRIVATE
+#ifdef TEST
+#define MAXRHS 5       /* Set low to exercise exception code */
+#define MAXRHS 1000
+extern void memory_error();
+static int showPrecedenceConflict = 0;
+static char *msort(char*,char**,int(*)(const char*,const char*));
+** Compilers are getting increasingly pedantic about type conversions
+** as C evolves ever closer to Ada....  To work around the latest problems
+** we have to define the following variant of strlen().
+#define lemonStrlen(X)   ((int)strlen(X))
+** Compilers are starting to complain about the use of sprintf() and strcpy(),
+** saying they are unsafe.  So we define our own versions of those routines too.
+** There are three routines here:  lemon_sprintf(), lemon_vsprintf(), and
+** lemon_addtext(). The first two are replacements for sprintf() and vsprintf().
+** The third is a helper routine for vsnprintf() that adds texts to the end of a
+** buffer, making sure the buffer is always zero-terminated.
+** The string formatter is a minimal subset of stdlib sprintf() supporting only
+** a few simply conversions:
+**   %d
+**   %s
+**   %.*s
+static void lemon_addtext(
+  char *zBuf,           /* The buffer to which text is added */
+  int *pnUsed,          /* Slots of the buffer used so far */
+  const char *zIn,      /* Text to add */
+  int nIn,              /* Bytes of text to add.  -1 to use strlen() */
+  int iWidth            /* Field width.  Negative to left justify */
+  if( nIn<0 ) for(nIn=0; zIn[nIn]; nIn++){}
+  while( iWidth>nIn ){ zBuf[(*pnUsed)++] = ' '; iWidth--; }
+  if( nIn==0 ) return;
+  memcpy(&zBuf[*pnUsed], zIn, nIn);
+  *pnUsed += nIn;
+  while( (-iWidth)>nIn ){ zBuf[(*pnUsed)++] = ' '; iWidth++; }
+  zBuf[*pnUsed] = 0;
+static int lemon_vsprintf(char *str, const char *zFormat, va_list ap){
+  int i, j, k, c;
+  int nUsed = 0;
+  const char *z;
+  char zTemp[50];
+  str[0] = 0;
+  for(i=j=0; (c = zFormat[i])!=0; i++){
+    if( c=='%' ){
+      int iWidth = 0;
+      lemon_addtext(str, &nUsed, &zFormat[j], i-j, 0);
+      c = zFormat[++i];
+      if( ISDIGIT(c) || (c=='-' && ISDIGIT(zFormat[i+1])) ){
+        if( c=='-' ) i++;
+        while( ISDIGIT(zFormat[i]) ) iWidth = iWidth*10 + zFormat[i++] - '0';
+        if( c=='-' ) iWidth = -iWidth;
+        c = zFormat[i];
+      }
+      if( c=='d' ){
+        int v = va_arg(ap, int);
+        if( v<0 ){
+          lemon_addtext(str, &nUsed, "-", 1, iWidth);
+          v = -v;
+        }else if( v==0 ){
+          lemon_addtext(str, &nUsed, "0", 1, iWidth);
+        }
+        k = 0;
+        while( v>0 ){
+          k++;
+          zTemp[sizeof(zTemp)-k] = (v%10) + '0';
+          v /= 10;
+        }
+        lemon_addtext(str, &nUsed, &zTemp[sizeof(zTemp)-k], k, iWidth);
+      }else if( c=='s' ){
+        z = va_arg(ap, const char*);
+        lemon_addtext(str, &nUsed, z, -1, iWidth);
+      }else if( c=='.' && memcmp(&zFormat[i], ".*s", 3)==0 ){
+        i += 2;
+        k = va_arg(ap, int);
+        z = va_arg(ap, const char*);
+        lemon_addtext(str, &nUsed, z, k, iWidth);
+      }else if( c=='%' ){
+        lemon_addtext(str, &nUsed, "%", 1, 0);
+      }else{
+        fprintf(stderr, "illegal format\n");
+        exit(1);
+      }
+      j = i+1;
+    }
+  }
+  lemon_addtext(str, &nUsed, &zFormat[j], i-j, 0);
+  return nUsed;
+static int lemon_sprintf(char *str, const char *format, ...){
+  va_list ap;
+  int rc;
+  va_start(ap, format);
+  rc = lemon_vsprintf(str, format, ap);
+  va_end(ap);
+  return rc;
+static void lemon_strcpy(char *dest, const char *src){
+  while( (*(dest++) = *(src++))!=0 ){}
+static void lemon_strcat(char *dest, const char *src){
+  while( *dest ) dest++;
+  lemon_strcpy(dest, src);
+/* a few forward declarations... */
+struct rule;
+struct lemon;
+struct action;
+static struct action *Action_new(void);
+static struct action *Action_sort(struct action *);
+/********** From the file "build.h" ************************************/
+void FindRulePrecedences(struct lemon*);
+void FindFirstSets(struct lemon*);
+void FindStates(struct lemon*);
+void FindLinks(struct lemon*);
+void FindFollowSets(struct lemon*);
+void FindActions(struct lemon*);
+/********* From the file "configlist.h" *********************************/
+void Configlist_init(void);
+struct config *Configlist_add(struct rule *, int);
+struct config *Configlist_addbasis(struct rule *, int);
+void Configlist_closure(struct lemon *);
+void Configlist_sort(void);
+void Configlist_sortbasis(void);
+struct config *Configlist_return(void);
+struct config *Configlist_basis(void);
+void Configlist_eat(struct config *);
+void Configlist_reset(void);
+/********* From the file "error.h" ***************************************/
+void ErrorMsg(const char *, int,const char *, ...);
+/****** From the file "option.h" ******************************************/
+enum option_type { OPT_FLAG=1,  OPT_INT,  OPT_DBL,  OPT_STR,
+struct s_options {
+  enum option_type type;
+  const char *label;
+  char *arg;
+  const char *message;
+int    OptInit(char**,struct s_options*,FILE*);
+int    OptNArgs(void);
+char  *OptArg(int);
+void   OptErr(int);
+void   OptPrint(void);
+/******** From the file "parse.h" *****************************************/
+void Parse(struct lemon *lemp);
+/********* From the file "plink.h" ***************************************/
+struct plink *Plink_new(void);
+void Plink_add(struct plink **, struct config *);
+void Plink_copy(struct plink **, struct plink *);
+void Plink_delete(struct plink *);
+/********** From the file "report.h" *************************************/
+void Reprint(struct lemon *);
+void ReportOutput(struct lemon *);
+void ReportTable(struct lemon *, int, int);
+void ReportHeader(struct lemon *);
+void CompressTables(struct lemon *);
+void ResortStates(struct lemon *);
+/********** From the file "set.h" ****************************************/
+void  SetSize(int);             /* All sets will be of size N */
+char *SetNew(void);               /* A new set for element 0..N */
+void  SetFree(char*);             /* Deallocate a set */
+int SetAdd(char*,int);            /* Add element to a set */
+int SetUnion(char *,char *);    /* A <- A U B, thru element N */
+#define SetFind(X,Y) (X[Y])       /* True if Y is in set X */
+/********** From the file "struct.h" *************************************/
+** Principal data structures for the LEMON parser generator.
+typedef enum {LEMON_FALSE=0, LEMON_TRUE} Boolean;
+/* Symbols (terminals and nonterminals) of the grammar are stored
+** in the following: */
+enum symbol_type {
+enum e_assoc {
+    LEFT,
+    RIGHT,
+    NONE,
+    UNK
+struct symbol {
+  const char *name;        /* Name of the symbol */
+  int index;               /* Index number for this symbol */
+  enum symbol_type type;   /* Symbols are all either TERMINALS or NTs */
+  struct rule *rule;       /* Linked list of rules of this (if an NT) */
+  struct symbol *fallback; /* fallback token in case this token doesn't parse */
+  int prec;                /* Precedence if defined (-1 otherwise) */
+  enum e_assoc assoc;      /* Associativity if precedence is defined */
+  char *firstset;          /* First-set for all rules of this symbol */
+  Boolean lambda;          /* True if NT and can generate an empty string */
+  int useCnt;              /* Number of times used */
+  char *destructor;        /* Code which executes whenever this symbol is
+                           ** popped from the stack during error processing */
+  int destLineno;          /* Line number for start of destructor.  Set to
+                           ** -1 for duplicate destructors. */
+  char *datatype;          /* The data type of information held by this
+                           ** object. Only used if type==NONTERMINAL */
+  int dtnum;               /* The data type number.  In the parser, the value
+                           ** stack is a union.  The .yy%d element of this
+                           ** union is the correct data type for this object */
+  int bContent;            /* True if this symbol ever carries content - if
+                           ** it is ever more than just syntax */
+  /* The following fields are used by MULTITERMINALs only */
+  int nsubsym;             /* Number of constituent symbols in the MULTI */
+  struct symbol **subsym;  /* Array of constituent symbols */
+/* Each production rule in the grammar is stored in the following
+** structure.  */
+struct rule {
+  struct symbol *lhs;      /* Left-hand side of the rule */
+  const char *lhsalias;    /* Alias for the LHS (NULL if none) */
+  int lhsStart;            /* True if left-hand side is the start symbol */
+  int ruleline;            /* Line number for the rule */
+  int nrhs;                /* Number of RHS symbols */
+  struct symbol **rhs;     /* The RHS symbols */
+  const char **rhsalias;   /* An alias for each RHS symbol (NULL if none) */
+  int line;                /* Line number at which code begins */
+  const char *code;        /* The code executed when this rule is reduced */
+  const char *codePrefix;  /* Setup code before code[] above */
+  const char *codeSuffix;  /* Breakdown code after code[] above */
+  struct symbol *precsym;  /* Precedence symbol for this rule */
+  int index;               /* An index number for this rule */
+  int iRule;               /* Rule number as used in the generated tables */
+  Boolean noCode;          /* True if this rule has no associated C code */
+  Boolean codeEmitted;     /* True if the code has been emitted already */
+  Boolean canReduce;       /* True if this rule is ever reduced */
+  Boolean doesReduce;      /* Reduce actions occur after optimization */
+  Boolean neverReduce;     /* Reduce is theoretically possible, but prevented
+                           ** by actions or other outside implementation */
+  struct rule *nextlhs;    /* Next rule with the same LHS */
+  struct rule *next;       /* Next rule in the global list */
+/* A configuration is a production rule of the grammar together with
+** a mark (dot) showing how much of that rule has been processed so far.
+** Configurations also contain a follow-set which is a list of terminal
+** symbols which are allowed to immediately follow the end of the rule.
+** Every configuration is recorded as an instance of the following: */
+enum cfgstatus {
+struct config {
+  struct rule *rp;         /* The rule upon which the configuration is based */
+  int dot;                 /* The parse point */
+  char *fws;               /* Follow-set for this configuration only */
+  struct plink *fplp;      /* Follow-set forward propagation links */
+  struct plink *bplp;      /* Follow-set backwards propagation links */
+  struct state *stp;       /* Pointer to state which contains this */
+  enum cfgstatus status;   /* used during followset and shift computations */
+  struct config *next;     /* Next configuration in the state */
+  struct config *bp;       /* The next basis configuration */
+enum e_action {
+  SSCONFLICT,              /* A shift/shift conflict */
+  SRCONFLICT,              /* Was a reduce, but part of a conflict */
+  RRCONFLICT,              /* Was a reduce, but part of a conflict */
+  SH_RESOLVED,             /* Was a shift.  Precedence resolved conflict */
+  RD_RESOLVED,             /* Was reduce.  Precedence resolved conflict */
+  NOT_USED,                /* Deleted by compression */
+  SHIFTREDUCE              /* Shift first, then reduce */
+/* Every shift or reduce operation is stored as one of the following */
+struct action {
+  struct symbol *sp;       /* The look-ahead symbol */
+  enum e_action type;
+  union {
+    struct state *stp;     /* The new state, if a shift */
+    struct rule *rp;       /* The rule, if a reduce */
+  } x;
+  struct symbol *spOpt;    /* SHIFTREDUCE optimization to this symbol */
+  struct action *next;     /* Next action for this state */
+  struct action *collide;  /* Next action with the same hash */
+/* Each state of the generated parser's finite state machine
+** is encoded as an instance of the following structure. */
+struct state {
+  struct config *bp;       /* The basis configurations for this state */
+  struct config *cfp;      /* All configurations in this set */
+  int statenum;            /* Sequential number for this state */
+  struct action *ap;       /* List of actions for this state */
+  int nTknAct, nNtAct;     /* Number of actions on terminals and nonterminals */
+  int iTknOfst, iNtOfst;   /* yy_action[] offset for terminals and nonterms */
+  int iDfltReduce;         /* Default action is to REDUCE by this rule */
+  struct rule *pDfltReduce;/* The default REDUCE rule. */
+  int autoReduce;          /* True if this is an auto-reduce state */
+#define NO_OFFSET (-2147483647)
+/* A followset propagation link indicates that the contents of one
+** configuration followset should be propagated to another whenever
+** the first changes. */
+struct plink {
+  struct config *cfp;      /* The configuration to which linked */
+  struct plink *next;      /* The next propagate link */
+/* The state vector for the entire parser generator is recorded as
+** follows.  (LEMON uses no global variables and makes little use of
+** static variables.  Fields in the following structure can be thought
+** of as begin global variables in the program.) */
+struct lemon {
+  struct state **sorted;   /* Table of states sorted by state number */
+  struct rule *rule;       /* List of all rules */
+  struct rule *startRule;  /* First rule */
+  int nstate;              /* Number of states */
+  int nxstate;             /* nstate with tail degenerate states removed */
+  int nrule;               /* Number of rules */
+  int nruleWithAction;     /* Number of rules with actions */
+  int nsymbol;             /* Number of terminal and nonterminal symbols */
+  int nterminal;           /* Number of terminal symbols */
+  int minShiftReduce;      /* Minimum shift-reduce action value */
+  int errAction;           /* Error action value */
+  int accAction;           /* Accept action value */
+  int noAction;            /* No-op action value */
+  int minReduce;           /* Minimum reduce action */
+  int maxAction;           /* Maximum action value of any kind */
+  struct symbol **symbols; /* Sorted array of pointers to symbols */
+  int errorcnt;            /* Number of errors */
+  struct symbol *errsym;   /* The error symbol */
+  struct symbol *wildcard; /* Token that matches anything */
+  char *name;              /* Name of the generated parser */
+  char *arg;               /* Declaration of the 3rd argument to parser */
+  char *ctx;               /* Declaration of 2nd argument to constructor */
+  char *tokentype;         /* Type of terminal symbols in the parser stack */
+  char *vartype;           /* The default type of non-terminal symbols */
+  char *start;             /* Name of the start symbol for the grammar */
+  char *stacksize;         /* Size of the parser stack */
+  char *include;           /* Code to put at the start of the C file */
+  char *error;             /* Code to execute when an error is seen */
+  char *overflow;          /* Code to execute on a stack overflow */
+  char *failure;           /* Code to execute on parser failure */
+  char *accept;            /* Code to execute when the parser excepts */
+  char *extracode;         /* Code appended to the generated file */
+  char *tokendest;         /* Code to execute to destroy token data */
+  char *vardest;           /* Code for the default non-terminal destructor */
+  char *filename;          /* Name of the input file */
+  char *outname;           /* Name of the current output file */
+  char *tokenprefix;       /* A prefix added to token names in the .h file */
+  int nconflict;           /* Number of parsing conflicts */
+  int nactiontab;          /* Number of entries in the yy_action[] table */
+  int nlookaheadtab;       /* Number of entries in yy_lookahead[] */
+  int tablesize;           /* Total table size of all tables in bytes */
+  int basisflag;           /* Print only basis configurations */
+  int printPreprocessed;   /* Show preprocessor output on stdout */
+  int has_fallback;        /* True if any %fallback is seen in the grammar */
+  int nolinenosflag;       /* True if #line statements should not be printed */
+  char *argv0;             /* Name of the program */
+#define MemoryCheck(X) if((X)==0){ \
+  extern void memory_error(); \
+  memory_error(); \
+/**************** From the file "table.h" *********************************/
+** All code in this file has been automatically generated
+** from a specification in the file
+**              "table.q"
+** by the associative array code building program "aagen".
+** Do not edit this file!  Instead, edit the specification
+** file, then rerun aagen.
+** Code for processing tables in the LEMON parser generator.
+/* Routines for handling a strings */
+const char *Strsafe(const char *);
+void Strsafe_init(void);
+int Strsafe_insert(const char *);
+const char *Strsafe_find(const char *);
+/* Routines for handling symbols of the grammar */
+struct symbol *Symbol_new(const char *);
+int Symbolcmpp(const void *, const void *);
+void Symbol_init(void);
+int Symbol_insert(struct symbol *, const char *);
+struct symbol *Symbol_find(const char *);
+struct symbol *Symbol_Nth(int);
+int Symbol_count(void);
+struct symbol **Symbol_arrayof(void);
+/* Routines to manage the state table */
+int Configcmp(const char *, const char *);
+struct state *State_new(void);
+void State_init(void);
+int State_insert(struct state *, struct config *);
+struct state *State_find(struct config *);
+struct state **State_arrayof(void);
+/* Routines used for efficiency in Configlist_add */
+void Configtable_init(void);
+int Configtable_insert(struct config *);
+struct config *Configtable_find(struct config *);
+void Configtable_clear(int(*)(struct config *));
+/****************** From the file "action.c" *******************************/
+** Routines processing parser actions in the LEMON parser generator.
+/* Allocate a new parser action */
+static struct action *Action_new(void){
+  static struct action *actionfreelist = 0;
+  struct action *newaction;
+  if( actionfreelist==0 ){
+    int i;
+    int amt = 100;
+    actionfreelist = (struct action *)calloc(amt, sizeof(struct action));
+    if( actionfreelist==0 ){
+      fprintf(stderr,"Unable to allocate memory for a new parser action.");
+      exit(1);
+    }
+    for(i=0; i<amt-1; i++) actionfreelist[i].next = &actionfreelist[i+1];
+    actionfreelist[amt-1].next = 0;
+  }
+  newaction = actionfreelist;
+  actionfreelist = actionfreelist->next;
+  return newaction;
+/* Compare two actions for sorting purposes.  Return negative, zero, or
+** positive if the first action is less than, equal to, or greater than
+** the first
+static int actioncmp(
+  struct action *ap1,
+  struct action *ap2
+  int rc;
+  rc = ap1->sp->index - ap2->sp->index;
+  if( rc==0 ){
+    rc = (int)ap1->type - (int)ap2->type;
+  }
+  if( rc==0 && (ap1->type==REDUCE || ap1->type==SHIFTREDUCE) ){
+    rc = ap1->x.rp->index - ap2->x.rp->index;
+  }
+  if( rc==0 ){
+    rc = (int) (ap2 - ap1);
+  }
+  return rc;
+/* Sort parser actions */
+static struct action *Action_sort(
+  struct action *ap
+  ap = (struct action *)msort((char *)ap,(char **)&ap->next,
+                              (int(*)(const char*,const char*))actioncmp);
+  return ap;
+void Action_add(
+  struct action **app,
+  enum e_action type,
+  struct symbol *sp,
+  char *arg
+  struct action *newaction;
+  newaction = Action_new();
+  newaction->next = *app;
+  *app = newaction;
+  newaction->type = type;
+  newaction->sp = sp;
+  newaction->spOpt = 0;
+  if( type==SHIFT ){
+    newaction->x.stp = (struct state *)arg;
+  }else{
+    newaction->x.rp = (struct rule *)arg;
+  }
+/********************** New code to implement the "acttab" module ***********/
+** This module implements routines use to construct the yy_action[] table.
+** The state of the yy_action table under construction is an instance of
+** the following structure.
+** The yy_action table maps the pair (state_number, lookahead) into an
+** action_number.  The table is an array of integers pairs.  The state_number
+** determines an initial offset into the yy_action array.  The lookahead
+** value is then added to this initial offset to get an index X into the
+** yy_action array. If the aAction[X].lookahead equals the value of the
+** of the lookahead input, then the value of the action_number output is
+** aAction[X].action.  If the lookaheads do not match then the
+** default action for the state_number is returned.
+** All actions associated with a single state_number are first entered
+** into aLookahead[] using multiple calls to acttab_action().  Then the
+** actions for that single state_number are placed into the aAction[]
+** array with a single call to acttab_insert().  The acttab_insert() call
+** also resets the aLookahead[] array in preparation for the next
+** state number.
+struct lookahead_action {
+  int lookahead;             /* Value of the lookahead token */
+  int action;                /* Action to take on the given lookahead */
+typedef struct acttab acttab;
+struct acttab {
+  int nAction;                 /* Number of used slots in aAction[] */
+  int nActionAlloc;            /* Slots allocated for aAction[] */
+  struct lookahead_action
+    *aAction,                  /* The yy_action[] table under construction */
+    *aLookahead;               /* A single new transaction set */
+  int mnLookahead;             /* Minimum aLookahead[].lookahead */
+  int mnAction;                /* Action associated with mnLookahead */
+  int mxLookahead;             /* Maximum aLookahead[].lookahead */
+  int nLookahead;              /* Used slots in aLookahead[] */
+  int nLookaheadAlloc;         /* Slots allocated in aLookahead[] */
+  int nterminal;               /* Number of terminal symbols */
+  int nsymbol;                 /* total number of symbols */
+/* Return the number of entries in the yy_action table */
+#define acttab_lookahead_size(X) ((X)->nAction)
+/* The value for the N-th entry in yy_action */
+#define acttab_yyaction(X,N)  ((X)->aAction[N].action)
+/* The value for the N-th entry in yy_lookahead */
+#define acttab_yylookahead(X,N)  ((X)->aAction[N].lookahead)
+/* Free all memory associated with the given acttab */
+void acttab_free(acttab *p){
+  free( p->aAction );
+  free( p->aLookahead );
+  free( p );
+/* Allocate a new acttab structure */
+acttab *acttab_alloc(int nsymbol, int nterminal){
+  acttab *p = (acttab *) calloc( 1, sizeof(*p) );
+  if( p==0 ){
+    fprintf(stderr,"Unable to allocate memory for a new acttab.");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
+  p->nsymbol = nsymbol;
+  p->nterminal = nterminal;
+  return p;
+/* Add a new action to the current transaction set.
+** This routine is called once for each lookahead for a particular
+** state.
+void acttab_action(acttab *p, int lookahead, int action){
+  if( p->nLookahead>=p->nLookaheadAlloc ){
+    p->nLookaheadAlloc += 25;
+    p->aLookahead = (struct lookahead_action *) realloc( p->aLookahead,
+                             sizeof(p->aLookahead[0])*p->nLookaheadAlloc );
+    if( p->aLookahead==0 ){
+      fprintf(stderr,"malloc failed\n");
+      exit(1);
+    }
+  }
+  if( p->nLookahead==0 ){
+    p->mxLookahead = lookahead;
+    p->mnLookahead = lookahead;
+    p->mnAction = action;
+  }else{
+    if( p->mxLookahead<lookahead ) p->mxLookahead = lookahead;
+    if( p->mnLookahead>lookahead ){
+      p->mnLookahead = lookahead;
+      p->mnAction = action;
+    }
+  }
+  p->aLookahead[p->nLookahead].lookahead = lookahead;
+  p->aLookahead[p->nLookahead].action = action;
+  p->nLookahead++;
+** Add the transaction set built up with prior calls to acttab_action()
+** into the current action table.  Then reset the transaction set back
+** to an empty set in preparation for a new round of acttab_action() calls.
+** Return the offset into the action table of the new transaction.
+** If the makeItSafe parameter is true, then the offset is chosen so that
+** it is impossible to overread the yy_lookaside[] table regardless of
+** the lookaside token.  This is done for the terminal symbols, as they
+** come from external inputs and can contain syntax errors.  When makeItSafe
+** is false, there is more flexibility in selecting offsets, resulting in
+** a smaller table.  For non-terminal symbols, which are never syntax errors,
+** makeItSafe can be false.
+int acttab_insert(acttab *p, int makeItSafe){
+  int i, j, k, n, end;
+  assert( p->nLookahead>0 );
+  /* Make sure we have enough space to hold the expanded action table
+  ** in the worst case.  The worst case occurs if the transaction set
+  ** must be appended to the current action table
+  */
+  n = p->nsymbol + 1;
+  if( p->nAction + n >= p->nActionAlloc ){
+    int oldAlloc = p->nActionAlloc;
+    p->nActionAlloc = p->nAction + n + p->nActionAlloc + 20;
+    p->aAction = (struct lookahead_action *) realloc( p->aAction,
+                          sizeof(p->aAction[0])*p->nActionAlloc);
+    if( p->aAction==0 ){
+      fprintf(stderr,"malloc failed\n");
+      exit(1);
+    }
+    for(i=oldAlloc; i<p->nActionAlloc; i++){
+      p->aAction[i].lookahead = -1;
+      p->aAction[i].action = -1;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Scan the existing action table looking for an offset that is a
+  ** duplicate of the current transaction set.  Fall out of the loop
+  ** if and when the duplicate is found.
+  **
+  ** i is the index in p->aAction[] where p->mnLookahead is inserted.
+  */
+  end = makeItSafe ? p->mnLookahead : 0;
+  for(i=p->nAction-1; i>=end; i--){
+    if( p->aAction[i].lookahead==p->mnLookahead ){
+      /* All lookaheads and actions in the aLookahead[] transaction
+      ** must match against the candidate aAction[i] entry. */
+      if( p->aAction[i].action!=p->mnAction ) continue;
+      for(j=0; j<p->nLookahead; j++){
+        k = p->aLookahead[j].lookahead - p->mnLookahead + i;
+        if( k<0 || k>=p->nAction ) break;
+        if( p->aLookahead[j].lookahead!=p->aAction[k].lookahead ) break;
+        if( p->aLookahead[j].action!=p->aAction[k].action ) break;
+      }
+      if( j<p->nLookahead ) continue;
+      /* No possible lookahead value that is not in the aLookahead[]
+      ** transaction is allowed to match aAction[i] */
+      n = 0;
+      for(j=0; j<p->nAction; j++){
+        if( p->aAction[j].lookahead<0 ) continue;
+        if( p->aAction[j].lookahead==j+p->mnLookahead-i ) n++;
+      }
+      if( n==p->nLookahead ){
+        break;  /* An exact match is found at offset i */
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* If no existing offsets exactly match the current transaction, find an
+  ** an empty offset in the aAction[] table in which we can add the
+  ** aLookahead[] transaction.
+  */
+  if( i<end ){
+    /* Look for holes in the aAction[] table that fit the current
+    ** aLookahead[] transaction.  Leave i set to the offset of the hole.
+    ** If no holes are found, i is left at p->nAction, which means the
+    ** transaction will be appended. */
+    i = makeItSafe ? p->mnLookahead : 0;
+    for(; i<p->nActionAlloc - p->mxLookahead; i++){
+      if( p->aAction[i].lookahead<0 ){
+        for(j=0; j<p->nLookahead; j++){
+          k = p->aLookahead[j].lookahead - p->mnLookahead + i;
+          if( k<0 ) break;
+          if( p->aAction[k].lookahead>=0 ) break;
+        }
+        if( j<p->nLookahead ) continue;
+        for(j=0; j<p->nAction; j++){
+          if( p->aAction[j].lookahead==j+p->mnLookahead-i ) break;
+        }
+        if( j==p->nAction ){
+          break;  /* Fits in empty slots */
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* Insert transaction set at index i. */
+#if 0
+  printf("Acttab:");
+  for(j=0; j<p->nLookahead; j++){
+    printf(" %d", p->aLookahead[j].lookahead);
+  }
+  printf(" inserted at %d\n", i);
+  for(j=0; j<p->nLookahead; j++){
+    k = p->aLookahead[j].lookahead - p->mnLookahead + i;
+    p->aAction[k] = p->aLookahead[j];
+    if( k>=p->nAction ) p->nAction = k+1;
+  }
+  if( makeItSafe && i+p->nterminal>=p->nAction ) p->nAction = i+p->nterminal+1;
+  p->nLookahead = 0;
+  /* Return the offset that is added to the lookahead in order to get the
+  ** index into yy_action of the action */
+  return i - p->mnLookahead;
+** Return the size of the action table without the trailing syntax error
+** entries.
+int acttab_action_size(acttab *p){
+  int n = p->nAction;
+  while( n>0 && p->aAction[n-1].lookahead<0 ){ n--; }
+  return n;
+/********************** From the file "build.c" *****************************/
+** Routines to construction the finite state machine for the LEMON
+** parser generator.
+/* Find a precedence symbol of every rule in the grammar.
+** Those rules which have a precedence symbol coded in the input
+** grammar using the "[symbol]" construct will already have the
+** rp->precsym field filled.  Other rules take as their precedence
+** symbol the first RHS symbol with a defined precedence.  If there
+** are not RHS symbols with a defined precedence, the precedence
+** symbol field is left blank.
+void FindRulePrecedences(struct lemon *xp)
+  struct rule *rp;
+  for(rp=xp->rule; rp; rp=rp->next){
+    if( rp->precsym==0 ){
+      int i, j;
+      for(i=0; i<rp->nrhs && rp->precsym==0; i++){
+        struct symbol *sp = rp->rhs[i];
+        if( sp->type==MULTITERMINAL ){
+          for(j=0; j<sp->nsubsym; j++){
+            if( sp->subsym[j]->prec>=0 ){
+              rp->precsym = sp->subsym[j];
+              break;
+            }
+          }
+        }else if( sp->prec>=0 ){
+          rp->precsym = rp->rhs[i];
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return;
+/* Find all nonterminals which will generate the empty string.
+** Then go back and compute the first sets of every nonterminal.
+** The first set is the set of all terminal symbols which can begin
+** a string generated by that nonterminal.
+void FindFirstSets(struct lemon *lemp)
+  int i, j;
+  struct rule *rp;
+  int progress;
+  for(i=0; i<lemp->nsymbol; i++){
+    lemp->symbols[i]->lambda = LEMON_FALSE;
+  }
+  for(i=lemp->nterminal; i<lemp->nsymbol; i++){
+    lemp->symbols[i]->firstset = SetNew();
+  }
+  /* First compute all lambdas */
+  do{
+    progress = 0;
+    for(rp=lemp->rule; rp; rp=rp->next){
+      if( rp->lhs->lambda ) continue;
+      for(i=0; i<rp->nrhs; i++){
+        struct symbol *sp = rp->rhs[i];
+        assert( sp->type==NONTERMINAL || sp->lambda==LEMON_FALSE );
+        if( sp->lambda==LEMON_FALSE ) break;
+      }
+      if( i==rp->nrhs ){
+        rp->lhs->lambda = LEMON_TRUE;
+        progress = 1;
+      }
+    }
+  }while( progress );
+  /* Now compute all first sets */
+  do{
+    struct symbol *s1, *s2;
+    progress = 0;
+    for(rp=lemp->rule; rp; rp=rp->next){
+      s1 = rp->lhs;
+      for(i=0; i<rp->nrhs; i++){
+        s2 = rp->rhs[i];
+        if( s2->type==TERMINAL ){
+          progress += SetAdd(s1->firstset,s2->index);
+          break;
+        }else if( s2->type==MULTITERMINAL ){
+          for(j=0; j<s2->nsubsym; j++){
+            progress += SetAdd(s1->firstset,s2->subsym[j]->index);
+          }
+          break;
+        }else if( s1==s2 ){
+          if( s1->lambda==LEMON_FALSE ) break;
+        }else{
+          progress += SetUnion(s1->firstset,s2->firstset);
+          if( s2->lambda==LEMON_FALSE ) break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }while( progress );
+  return;
+/* Compute all LR(0) states for the grammar.  Links
+** are added to between some states so that the LR(1) follow sets
+** can be computed later.
+PRIVATE struct state *getstate(struct lemon *);  /* forward reference */
+void FindStates(struct lemon *lemp)
+  struct symbol *sp;
+  struct rule *rp;
+  Configlist_init();
+  /* Find the start symbol */
+  if( lemp->start ){
+    sp = Symbol_find(lemp->start);
+    if( sp==0 ){
+      ErrorMsg(lemp->filename,0,
+        "The specified start symbol \"%s\" is not "
+        "in a nonterminal of the grammar.  \"%s\" will be used as the start "
+        "symbol instead.",lemp->start,lemp->startRule->lhs->name);
+      lemp->errorcnt++;
+      sp = lemp->startRule->lhs;
+    }
+  }else if( lemp->startRule ){
+    sp = lemp->startRule->lhs;
+  }else{
+    ErrorMsg(lemp->filename,0,"Internal error - no start rule\n");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  /* Make sure the start symbol doesn't occur on the right-hand side of
+  ** any rule.  Report an error if it does.  (YACC would generate a new
+  ** start symbol in this case.) */
+  for(rp=lemp->rule; rp; rp=rp->next){
+    int i;
+    for(i=0; i<rp->nrhs; i++){
+      if( rp->rhs[i]==sp ){   /* FIX ME:  Deal with multiterminals */
+        ErrorMsg(lemp->filename,0,
+          "The start symbol \"%s\" occurs on the "
+          "right-hand side of a rule. This will result in a parser which "
+          "does not work properly.",sp->name);
+        lemp->errorcnt++;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* The basis configuration set for the first state
+  ** is all rules which have the start symbol as their
+  ** left-hand side */
+  for(rp=sp->rule; rp; rp=rp->nextlhs){
+    struct config *newcfp;
+    rp->lhsStart = 1;
+    newcfp = Configlist_addbasis(rp,0);
+    SetAdd(newcfp->fws,0);
+  }
+  /* Compute the first state.  All other states will be
+  ** computed automatically during the computation of the first one.
+  ** The returned pointer to the first state is not used. */
+  (void)getstate(lemp);
+  return;
+/* Return a pointer to a state which is described by the configuration
+** list which has been built from calls to Configlist_add.
+PRIVATE void buildshifts(struct lemon *, struct state *); /* Forwd ref */
+PRIVATE struct state *getstate(struct lemon *lemp)
+  struct config *cfp, *bp;
+  struct state *stp;
+  /* Extract the sorted basis of the new state.  The basis was constructed
+  ** by prior calls to "Configlist_addbasis()". */
+  Configlist_sortbasis();
+  bp = Configlist_basis();
+  /* Get a state with the same basis */
+  stp = State_find(bp);
+  if( stp ){
+    /* A state with the same basis already exists!  Copy all the follow-set
+    ** propagation links from the state under construction into the
+    ** preexisting state, then return a pointer to the preexisting state */
+    struct config *x, *y;
+    for(x=bp, y=stp->bp; x && y; x=x->bp, y=y->bp){
+      Plink_copy(&y->bplp,x->bplp);
+      Plink_delete(x->fplp);
+      x->fplp = x->bplp = 0;
+    }
+    cfp = Configlist_return();
+    Configlist_eat(cfp);
+  }else{
+    /* This really is a new state.  Construct all the details */
+    Configlist_closure(lemp);    /* Compute the configuration closure */
+    Configlist_sort();           /* Sort the configuration closure */
+    cfp = Configlist_return();   /* Get a pointer to the config list */
+    stp = State_new();           /* A new state structure */
+    MemoryCheck(stp);
+    stp->bp = bp;                /* Remember the configuration basis */
+    stp->cfp = cfp;              /* Remember the configuration closure */
+    stp->statenum = lemp->nstate++; /* Every state gets a sequence number */
+    stp->ap = 0;                 /* No actions, yet. */
+    State_insert(stp,stp->bp);   /* Add to the state table */
+    buildshifts(lemp,stp);       /* Recursively compute successor states */
+  }
+  return stp;
+** Return true if two symbols are the same.
+int same_symbol(struct symbol *a, struct symbol *b)
+  int i;
+  if( a==b ) return 1;
+  if( a->type!=MULTITERMINAL ) return 0;
+  if( b->type!=MULTITERMINAL ) return 0;
+  if( a->nsubsym!=b->nsubsym ) return 0;
+  for(i=0; i<a->nsubsym; i++){
+    if( a->subsym[i]!=b->subsym[i] ) return 0;
+  }
+  return 1;
+/* Construct all successor states to the given state.  A "successor"
+** state is any state which can be reached by a shift action.
+PRIVATE void buildshifts(struct lemon *lemp, struct state *stp)
+  struct config *cfp;  /* For looping thru the config closure of "stp" */
+  struct config *bcfp; /* For the inner loop on config closure of "stp" */
+  struct config *newcfg;  /* */
+  struct symbol *sp;   /* Symbol following the dot in configuration "cfp" */
+  struct symbol *bsp;  /* Symbol following the dot in configuration "bcfp" */
+  struct state *newstp; /* A pointer to a successor state */
+  /* Each configuration becomes complete after it contributes to a successor
+  ** state.  Initially, all configurations are incomplete */
+  for(cfp=stp->cfp; cfp; cfp=cfp->next) cfp->status = INCOMPLETE;
+  /* Loop through all configurations of the state "stp" */
+  for(cfp=stp->cfp; cfp; cfp=cfp->next){
+    if( cfp->status==COMPLETE ) continue;    /* Already used by inner loop */
+    if( cfp->dot>=cfp->rp->nrhs ) continue;  /* Can't shift this config */
+    Configlist_reset();                      /* Reset the new config set */
+    sp = cfp->rp->rhs[cfp->dot];             /* Symbol after the dot */
+    /* For every configuration in the state "stp" which has the symbol "sp"
+    ** following its dot, add the same configuration to the basis set under
+    ** construction but with the dot shifted one symbol to the right. */
+    for(bcfp=cfp; bcfp; bcfp=bcfp->next){
+      if( bcfp->status==COMPLETE ) continue;    /* Already used */
+      if( bcfp->dot>=bcfp->rp->nrhs ) continue; /* Can't shift this one */
+      bsp = bcfp->rp->rhs[bcfp->dot];           /* Get symbol after dot */
+      if( !same_symbol(bsp,sp) ) continue;      /* Must be same as for "cfp" */
+      bcfp->status = COMPLETE;                  /* Mark this config as used */
+      newcfg = Configlist_addbasis(bcfp->rp,bcfp->dot+1);
+      Plink_add(&newcfg->bplp,bcfp);
+    }
+    /* Get a pointer to the state described by the basis configuration set
+    ** constructed in the preceding loop */
+    newstp = getstate(lemp);
+    /* The state "newstp" is reached from the state "stp" by a shift action
+    ** on the symbol "sp" */
+    if( sp->type==MULTITERMINAL ){
+      int i;
+      for(i=0; i<sp->nsubsym; i++){
+        Action_add(&stp->ap,SHIFT,sp->subsym[i],(char*)newstp);
+      }
+    }else{
+      Action_add(&stp->ap,SHIFT,sp,(char *)newstp);
+    }
+  }
+** Construct the propagation links
+void FindLinks(struct lemon *lemp)
+  int i;
+  struct config *cfp, *other;
+  struct state *stp;
+  struct plink *plp;
+  /* Housekeeping detail:
+  ** Add to every propagate link a pointer back to the state to
+  ** which the link is attached. */
+  for(i=0; i<lemp->nstate; i++){
+    stp = lemp->sorted[i];
+    for(cfp=stp?stp->cfp:0; cfp; cfp=cfp->next){
+      cfp->stp = stp;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Convert all backlinks into forward links.  Only the forward
+  ** links are used in the follow-set computation. */
+  for(i=0; i<lemp->nstate; i++){
+    stp = lemp->sorted[i];
+    for(cfp=stp?stp->cfp:0; cfp; cfp=cfp->next){
+      for(plp=cfp->bplp; plp; plp=plp->next){
+        other = plp->cfp;
+        Plink_add(&other->fplp,cfp);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+/* Compute all followsets.
+** A followset is the set of all symbols which can come immediately
+** after a configuration.
+void FindFollowSets(struct lemon *lemp)
+  int i;
+  struct config *cfp;
+  struct plink *plp;
+  int progress;
+  int change;
+  for(i=0; i<lemp->nstate; i++){
+    assert( lemp->sorted[i]!=0 );
+    for(cfp=lemp->sorted[i]->cfp; cfp; cfp=cfp->next){
+      cfp->status = INCOMPLETE;
+    }
+  }
+  do{
+    progress = 0;
+    for(i=0; i<lemp->nstate; i++){
+      assert( lemp->sorted[i]!=0 );
+      for(cfp=lemp->sorted[i]->cfp; cfp; cfp=cfp->next){
+        if( cfp->status==COMPLETE ) continue;
+        for(plp=cfp->fplp; plp; plp=plp->next){
+          change = SetUnion(plp->cfp->fws,cfp->fws);
+          if( change ){
+            plp->cfp->status = INCOMPLETE;
+            progress = 1;
+          }
+        }
+        cfp->status = COMPLETE;
+      }
+    }
+  }while( progress );
+static int resolve_conflict(struct action *,struct action *);
+/* Compute the reduce actions, and resolve conflicts.
+void FindActions(struct lemon *lemp)
+  int i,j;
+  struct config *cfp;
+  struct state *stp;
+  struct symbol *sp;
+  struct rule *rp;
+  /* Add all of the reduce actions
+  ** A reduce action is added for each element of the followset of
+  ** a configuration which has its dot at the extreme right.
+  */
+  for(i=0; i<lemp->nstate; i++){   /* Loop over all states */
+    stp = lemp->sorted[i];
+    for(cfp=stp->cfp; cfp; cfp=cfp->next){  /* Loop over all configurations */
+      if( cfp->rp->nrhs==cfp->dot ){        /* Is dot at extreme right? */
+        for(j=0; j<lemp->nterminal; j++){
+          if( SetFind(cfp->fws,j) ){
+            /* Add a reduce action to the state "stp" which will reduce by the
+            ** rule "cfp->rp" if the lookahead symbol is "lemp->symbols[j]" */
+            Action_add(&stp->ap,REDUCE,lemp->symbols[j],(char *)cfp->rp);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* Add the accepting token */
+  if( lemp->start ){
+    sp = Symbol_find(lemp->start);
+    if( sp==0 ){
+      if( lemp->startRule==0 ){
+        fprintf(stderr, "internal error on source line %d: no start rule\n",
+                __LINE__);
+        exit(1);
+      }
+      sp = lemp->startRule->lhs;
+    }
+  }else{
+    sp = lemp->startRule->lhs;
+  }
+  /* Add to the first state (which is always the starting state of the
+  ** finite state machine) an action to ACCEPT if the lookahead is the
+  ** start nonterminal.  */
+  Action_add(&lemp->sorted[0]->ap,ACCEPT,sp,0);
+  /* Resolve conflicts */
+  for(i=0; i<lemp->nstate; i++){
+    struct action *ap, *nap;
+    stp = lemp->sorted[i];
+    /* assert( stp->ap ); */
+    stp->ap = Action_sort(stp->ap);
+    for(ap=stp->ap; ap && ap->next; ap=ap->next){
+      for(nap=ap->next; nap && nap->sp==ap->sp; nap=nap->next){
+         /* The two actions "ap" and "nap" have the same lookahead.
+         ** Figure out which one should be used */
+         lemp->nconflict += resolve_conflict(ap,nap);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* Report an error for each rule that can never be reduced. */
+  for(rp=lemp->rule; rp; rp=rp->next) rp->canReduce = LEMON_FALSE;
+  for(i=0; i<lemp->nstate; i++){
+    struct action *ap;
+    for(ap=lemp->sorted[i]->ap; ap; ap=ap->next){
+      if( ap->type==REDUCE ) ap->x.rp->canReduce = LEMON_TRUE;
+    }
+  }
+  for(rp=lemp->rule; rp; rp=rp->next){
+    if( rp->canReduce ) continue;
+    ErrorMsg(lemp->filename,rp->ruleline,"This rule can not be reduced.\n");
+    lemp->errorcnt++;
+  }
+/* Resolve a conflict between the two given actions.  If the
+** conflict can't be resolved, return non-zero.
+**   To resolve a conflict, first look to see if either action
+**   is on an error rule.  In that case, take the action which
+**   is not associated with the error rule.  If neither or both
+**   actions are associated with an error rule, then try to
+**   use precedence to resolve the conflict.
+** If either action is a SHIFT, then it must be apx.  This
+** function won't work if apx->type==REDUCE and apy->type==SHIFT.
+static int resolve_conflict(
+  struct action *apx,
+  struct action *apy
+  struct symbol *spx, *spy;
+  int errcnt = 0;
+  assert( apx->sp==apy->sp );  /* Otherwise there would be no conflict */
+  if( apx->type==SHIFT && apy->type==SHIFT ){
+    apy->type = SSCONFLICT;
+    errcnt++;
+  }
+  if( apx->type==SHIFT && apy->type==REDUCE ){
+    spx = apx->sp;
+    spy = apy->x.rp->precsym;
+    if( spy==0 || spx->prec<0 || spy->prec<0 ){
+      /* Not enough precedence information. */
+      apy->type = SRCONFLICT;
+      errcnt++;
+    }else if( spx->prec>spy->prec ){    /* higher precedence wins */
+      apy->type = RD_RESOLVED;
+    }else if( spx->prec<spy->prec ){
+      apx->type = SH_RESOLVED;
+    }else if( spx->prec==spy->prec && spx->assoc==RIGHT ){ /* Use operator */
+      apy->type = RD_RESOLVED;                             /* associativity */
+    }else if( spx->prec==spy->prec && spx->assoc==LEFT ){  /* to break tie */
+      apx->type = SH_RESOLVED;
+    }else{
+      assert( spx->prec==spy->prec && spx->assoc==NONE );
+      apx->type = ERROR;
+    }
+  }else if( apx->type==REDUCE && apy->type==REDUCE ){
+    spx = apx->x.rp->precsym;
+    spy = apy->x.rp->precsym;
+    if( spx==0 || spy==0 || spx->prec<0 ||
+    spy->prec<0 || spx->prec==spy->prec ){
+      apy->type = RRCONFLICT;
+      errcnt++;
+    }else if( spx->prec>spy->prec ){
+      apy->type = RD_RESOLVED;
+    }else if( spx->prec<spy->prec ){
+      apx->type = RD_RESOLVED;
+    }
+  }else{
+    assert(
+      apx->type==SH_RESOLVED ||
+      apx->type==RD_RESOLVED ||
+      apx->type==SSCONFLICT ||
+      apx->type==SRCONFLICT ||
+      apx->type==RRCONFLICT ||
+      apy->type==SH_RESOLVED ||
+      apy->type==RD_RESOLVED ||
+      apy->type==SSCONFLICT ||
+      apy->type==SRCONFLICT ||
+      apy->type==RRCONFLICT
+    );
+    /* The REDUCE/SHIFT case cannot happen because SHIFTs come before
+    ** REDUCEs on the list.  If we reach this point it must be because
+    ** the parser conflict had already been resolved. */
+  }
+  return errcnt;
+/********************* From the file "configlist.c" *************************/
+** Routines to processing a configuration list and building a state
+** in the LEMON parser generator.
+static struct config *freelist = 0;      /* List of free configurations */
+static struct config *current = 0;       /* Top of list of configurations */
+static struct config **currentend = 0;   /* Last on list of configs */
+static struct config *basis = 0;         /* Top of list of basis configs */
+static struct config **basisend = 0;     /* End of list of basis configs */
+/* Return a pointer to a new configuration */
+PRIVATE struct config *newconfig(void){
+  return (struct config*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct config));
+/* The configuration "old" is no longer used */
+PRIVATE void deleteconfig(struct config *old)
+  old->next = freelist;
+  freelist = old;
+/* Initialized the configuration list builder */
+void Configlist_init(void){
+  current = 0;
+  currentend = &current;
+  basis = 0;
+  basisend = &basis;
+  Configtable_init();
+  return;
+/* Initialized the configuration list builder */
+void Configlist_reset(void){
+  current = 0;
+  currentend = &current;
+  basis = 0;
+  basisend = &basis;
+  Configtable_clear(0);
+  return;
+/* Add another configuration to the configuration list */
+struct config *Configlist_add(
+  struct rule *rp,    /* The rule */
+  int dot             /* Index into the RHS of the rule where the dot goes */
+  struct config *cfp, model;
+  assert( currentend!=0 );
+  model.rp = rp;
+ = dot;
+  cfp = Configtable_find(&model);
+  if( cfp==0 ){
+    cfp = newconfig();
+    cfp->rp = rp;
+    cfp->dot = dot;
+    cfp->fws = SetNew();
+    cfp->stp = 0;
+    cfp->fplp = cfp->bplp = 0;
+    cfp->next = 0;
+    cfp->bp = 0;
+    *currentend = cfp;
+    currentend = &cfp->next;
+    Configtable_insert(cfp);
+  }
+  return cfp;
+/* Add a basis configuration to the configuration list */
+struct config *Configlist_addbasis(struct rule *rp, int dot)
+  struct config *cfp, model;
+  assert( basisend!=0 );
+  assert( currentend!=0 );
+  model.rp = rp;
+ = dot;
+  cfp = Configtable_find(&model);
+  if( cfp==0 ){
+    cfp = newconfig();
+    cfp->rp = rp;
+    cfp->dot = dot;
+    cfp->fws = SetNew();
+    cfp->stp = 0;
+    cfp->fplp = cfp->bplp = 0;
+    cfp->next = 0;
+    cfp->bp = 0;
+    *currentend = cfp;
+    currentend = &cfp->next;
+    *basisend = cfp;
+    basisend = &cfp->bp;
+    Configtable_insert(cfp);
+  }
+  return cfp;
+/* Compute the closure of the configuration list */
+void Configlist_closure(struct lemon *lemp)
+  struct config *cfp, *newcfp;
+  struct rule *rp, *newrp;
+  struct symbol *sp, *xsp;
+  int i, dot;
+  assert( currentend!=0 );
+  for(cfp=current; cfp; cfp=cfp->next){
+    rp = cfp->rp;
+    dot = cfp->dot;
+    if( dot>=rp->nrhs ) continue;
+    sp = rp->rhs[dot];
+    if( sp->type==NONTERMINAL ){
+      if( sp->rule==0 && sp!=lemp->errsym ){
+        ErrorMsg(lemp->filename,rp->line,"Nonterminal \"%s\" has no rules.",
+          sp->name);
+        lemp->errorcnt++;
+      }
+      for(newrp=sp->rule; newrp; newrp=newrp->nextlhs){
+        newcfp = Configlist_add(newrp,0);
+        for(i=dot+1; i<rp->nrhs; i++){
+          xsp = rp->rhs[i];
+          if( xsp->type==TERMINAL ){
+            SetAdd(newcfp->fws,xsp->index);
+            break;
+          }else if( xsp->type==MULTITERMINAL ){
+            int k;
+            for(k=0; k<xsp->nsubsym; k++){
+              SetAdd(newcfp->fws, xsp->subsym[k]->index);
+            }
+            break;
+          }else{
+            SetUnion(newcfp->fws,xsp->firstset);
+            if( xsp->lambda==LEMON_FALSE ) break;
+          }
+        }
+        if( i==rp->nrhs ) Plink_add(&cfp->fplp,newcfp);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return;
+/* Sort the configuration list */
+void Configlist_sort(void){
+  current = (struct config*)msort((char*)current,(char**)&(current->next),
+                                  Configcmp);
+  currentend = 0;
+  return;
+/* Sort the basis configuration list */
+void Configlist_sortbasis(void){
+  basis = (struct config*)msort((char*)current,(char**)&(current->bp),
+                                Configcmp);
+  basisend = 0;
+  return;
+/* Return a pointer to the head of the configuration list and
+** reset the list */
+struct config *Configlist_return(void){
+  struct config *old;
+  old = current;
+  current = 0;
+  currentend = 0;
+  return old;
+/* Return a pointer to the head of the configuration list and
+** reset the list */
+struct config *Configlist_basis(void){
+  struct config *old;
+  old = basis;
+  basis = 0;
+  basisend = 0;
+  return old;
+/* Free all elements of the given configuration list */
+void Configlist_eat(struct config *cfp)
+  struct config *nextcfp;
+  for(; cfp; cfp=nextcfp){
+    nextcfp = cfp->next;
+    assert( cfp->fplp==0 );
+    assert( cfp->bplp==0 );
+    if( cfp->fws ) SetFree(cfp->fws);
+    deleteconfig(cfp);
+  }
+  return;
+/***************** From the file "error.c" *********************************/
+** Code for printing error message.
+void ErrorMsg(const char *filename, int lineno, const char *format, ...){
+  va_list ap;
+  fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: ", filename, lineno);
+  va_start(ap, format);
+  vfprintf(stderr,format,ap);
+  va_end(ap);
+  fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+/**************** From the file "main.c" ************************************/
+** Main program file for the LEMON parser generator.
+/* Report an out-of-memory condition and abort.  This function
+** is used mostly by the "MemoryCheck" macro in struct.h
+void memory_error(void){
+  fprintf(stderr,"Out of memory.  Aborting...\n");
+  exit(1);
+static int nDefine = 0;      /* Number of -D options on the command line */
+static char **azDefine = 0;  /* Name of the -D macros */
+/* This routine is called with the argument to each -D command-line option.
+** Add the macro defined to the azDefine array.
+static void handle_D_option(char *z){
+  char **paz;
+  nDefine++;
+  azDefine = (char **) realloc(azDefine, sizeof(azDefine[0])*nDefine);
+  if( azDefine==0 ){
+    fprintf(stderr,"out of memory\n");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  paz = &azDefine[nDefine-1];
+  *paz = (char *) malloc( lemonStrlen(z)+1 );
+  if( *paz==0 ){
+    fprintf(stderr,"out of memory\n");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  lemon_strcpy(*paz, z);
+  for(z=*paz; *z && *z!='='; z++){}
+  *z = 0;
+/* Rember the name of the output directory 
+static char *outputDir = NULL;
+static void handle_d_option(char *z){
+  outputDir = (char *) malloc( lemonStrlen(z)+1 );
+  if( outputDir==0 ){
+    fprintf(stderr,"out of memory\n");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  lemon_strcpy(outputDir, z);
+static char *user_templatename = NULL;
+static void handle_T_option(char *z){
+  user_templatename = (char *) malloc( lemonStrlen(z)+1 );
+  if( user_templatename==0 ){
+    memory_error();
+  }
+  lemon_strcpy(user_templatename, z);
+/* Merge together to lists of rules ordered by rule.iRule */
+static struct rule *Rule_merge(struct rule *pA, struct rule *pB){
+  struct rule *pFirst = 0;
+  struct rule **ppPrev = &pFirst;
+  while( pA && pB ){
+    if( pA->iRule<pB->iRule ){
+      *ppPrev = pA;
+      ppPrev = &pA->next;
+      pA = pA->next;
+    }else{
+      *ppPrev = pB;
+      ppPrev = &pB->next;
+      pB = pB->next;
+    }
+  }
+  if( pA ){
+    *ppPrev = pA;
+  }else{
+    *ppPrev = pB;
+  }
+  return pFirst;
+** Sort a list of rules in order of increasing iRule value
+static struct rule *Rule_sort(struct rule *rp){
+  unsigned int i;
+  struct rule *pNext;
+  struct rule *x[32];
+  memset(x, 0, sizeof(x));
+  while( rp ){
+    pNext = rp->next;
+    rp->next = 0;
+    for(i=0; i<sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0])-1 && x[i]; i++){
+      rp = Rule_merge(x[i], rp);
+      x[i] = 0;
+    }
+    x[i] = rp;
+    rp = pNext;
+  }
+  rp = 0;
+  for(i=0; i<sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]); i++){
+    rp = Rule_merge(x[i], rp);
+  }
+  return rp;
+/* forward reference */
+static const char *minimum_size_type(int lwr, int upr, int *pnByte);
+/* Print a single line of the "Parser Stats" output
+static void stats_line(const char *zLabel, int iValue){
+  int nLabel = lemonStrlen(zLabel);
+  printf("  %s%.*s %5d\n", zLabel,
+         35-nLabel, "................................",
+         iValue);
+/* The main program.  Parse the command line and do it... */
+int main(int argc, char **argv){
+  static int version = 0;
+  static int rpflag = 0;
+  static int basisflag = 0;
+  static int compress = 0;
+  static int quiet = 0;
+  static int statistics = 0;
+  static int mhflag = 0;
+  static int nolinenosflag = 0;
+  static int noResort = 0;
+  static int sqlFlag = 0;
+  static int printPP = 0;
+  static struct s_options options[] = {
+    {OPT_FLAG, "b", (char*)&basisflag, "Print only the basis in report."},
+    {OPT_FLAG, "c", (char*)&compress, "Don't compress the action table."},
+    {OPT_FSTR, "d", (char*)&handle_d_option, "Output directory.  Default '.'"},
+    {OPT_FSTR, "D", (char*)handle_D_option, "Define an %ifdef macro."},
+    {OPT_FLAG, "E", (char*)&printPP, "Print input file after preprocessing."},
+    {OPT_FSTR, "f", 0, "Ignored.  (Placeholder for -f compiler options.)"},
+    {OPT_FLAG, "g", (char*)&rpflag, "Print grammar without actions."},
+    {OPT_FSTR, "I", 0, "Ignored.  (Placeholder for '-I' compiler options.)"},
+    {OPT_FLAG, "m", (char*)&mhflag, "Output a makeheaders compatible file."},
+    {OPT_FLAG, "l", (char*)&nolinenosflag, "Do not print #line statements."},
+    {OPT_FSTR, "O", 0, "Ignored.  (Placeholder for '-O' compiler options.)"},
+    {OPT_FLAG, "p", (char*)&showPrecedenceConflict,
+                    "Show conflicts resolved by precedence rules"},
+    {OPT_FLAG, "q", (char*)&quiet, "(Quiet) Don't print the report file."},
+    {OPT_FLAG, "r", (char*)&noResort, "Do not sort or renumber states"},
+    {OPT_FLAG, "s", (char*)&statistics,
+                                   "Print parser stats to standard output."},
+    {OPT_FLAG, "S", (char*)&sqlFlag,
+                    "Generate the *.sql file describing the parser tables."},
+    {OPT_FLAG, "x", (char*)&version, "Print the version number."},
+    {OPT_FSTR, "T", (char*)handle_T_option, "Specify a template file."},
+    {OPT_FSTR, "W", 0, "Ignored.  (Placeholder for '-W' compiler options.)"},
+    {OPT_FLAG,0,0,0}
+  };
+  int i;
+  int exitcode;
+  struct lemon lem;
+  struct rule *rp;
+  (void)argc;
+  OptInit(argv,options,stderr);
+  if( version ){
+     printf("Lemon version 1.0\n");
+     exit(0);
+  }
+  if( OptNArgs()!=1 ){
+    fprintf(stderr,"Exactly one filename argument is required.\n");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  memset(&lem, 0, sizeof(lem));
+  lem.errorcnt = 0;
+  /* Initialize the machine */
+  Strsafe_init();
+  Symbol_init();
+  State_init();
+  lem.argv0 = argv[0];
+  lem.filename = OptArg(0);
+  lem.basisflag = basisflag;
+  lem.nolinenosflag = nolinenosflag;
+  lem.printPreprocessed = printPP;
+  Symbol_new("$");
+  /* Parse the input file */
+  Parse(&lem);
+  if( lem.printPreprocessed || lem.errorcnt ) exit(lem.errorcnt);
+  if( lem.nrule==0 ){
+    fprintf(stderr,"Empty grammar.\n");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  lem.errsym = Symbol_find("error");
+  /* Count and index the symbols of the grammar */
+  Symbol_new("{default}");
+  lem.nsymbol = Symbol_count();
+  lem.symbols = Symbol_arrayof();
+  for(i=0; i<lem.nsymbol; i++) lem.symbols[i]->index = i;
+  qsort(lem.symbols,lem.nsymbol,sizeof(struct symbol*), Symbolcmpp);
+  for(i=0; i<lem.nsymbol; i++) lem.symbols[i]->index = i;
+  while( lem.symbols[i-1]->type==MULTITERMINAL ){ i--; }
+  assert( strcmp(lem.symbols[i-1]->name,"{default}")==0 );
+  lem.nsymbol = i - 1;
+  for(i=1; ISUPPER(lem.symbols[i]->name[0]); i++);
+  lem.nterminal = i;
+  /* Assign sequential rule numbers.  Start with 0.  Put rules that have no
+  ** reduce action C-code associated with them last, so that the switch()
+  ** statement that selects reduction actions will have a smaller jump table.
+  */
+  for(i=0, rp=lem.rule; rp; rp=rp->next){
+    rp->iRule = rp->code ? i++ : -1;
+  }
+  lem.nruleWithAction = i;
+  for(rp=lem.rule; rp; rp=rp->next){
+    if( rp->iRule<0 ) rp->iRule = i++;
+  }
+  lem.startRule = lem.rule;
+  lem.rule = Rule_sort(lem.rule);
+  /* Generate a reprint of the grammar, if requested on the command line */
+  if( rpflag ){
+    Reprint(&lem);
+  }else{
+    /* Initialize the size for all follow and first sets */
+    SetSize(lem.nterminal+1);
+    /* Find the precedence for every production rule (that has one) */
+    FindRulePrecedences(&lem);
+    /* Compute the lambda-nonterminals and the first-sets for every
+    ** nonterminal */
+    FindFirstSets(&lem);
+    /* Compute all LR(0) states.  Also record follow-set propagation
+    ** links so that the follow-set can be computed later */
+    lem.nstate = 0;
+    FindStates(&lem);
+    lem.sorted = State_arrayof();
+    /* Tie up loose ends on the propagation links */
+    FindLinks(&lem);
+    /* Compute the follow set of every reducible configuration */
+    FindFollowSets(&lem);
+    /* Compute the action tables */
+    FindActions(&lem);
+    /* Compress the action tables */
+    if( compress==0 ) CompressTables(&lem);
+    /* Reorder and renumber the states so that states with fewer choices
+    ** occur at the end.  This is an optimization that helps make the
+    ** generated parser tables smaller. */
+    if( noResort==0 ) ResortStates(&lem);
+    /* Generate a report of the parser generated.  (the "y.output" file) */
+    if( !quiet ) ReportOutput(&lem);
+    /* Generate the source code for the parser */
+    ReportTable(&lem, mhflag, sqlFlag);
+    /* Produce a header file for use by the scanner.  (This step is
+    ** omitted if the "-m" option is used because makeheaders will
+    ** generate the file for us.) */
+    if( !mhflag ) ReportHeader(&lem);
+  }
+  if( statistics ){
+    printf("Parser statistics:\n");
+    stats_line("terminal symbols", lem.nterminal);
+    stats_line("non-terminal symbols", lem.nsymbol - lem.nterminal);
+    stats_line("total symbols", lem.nsymbol);
+    stats_line("rules", lem.nrule);
+    stats_line("states", lem.nxstate);
+    stats_line("conflicts", lem.nconflict);
+    stats_line("action table entries", lem.nactiontab);
+    stats_line("lookahead table entries", lem.nlookaheadtab);
+    stats_line("total table size (bytes)", lem.tablesize);
+  }
+  if( lem.nconflict > 0 ){
+    fprintf(stderr,"%d parsing conflicts.\n",lem.nconflict);
+  }
+  /* return 0 on success, 1 on failure. */
+  exitcode = ((lem.errorcnt > 0) || (lem.nconflict > 0)) ? 1 : 0;
+  exit(exitcode);
+  return (exitcode);
+/******************** From the file "msort.c" *******************************/
+** A generic merge-sort program.
+** USAGE:
+** Let "ptr" be a pointer to some structure which is at the head of
+** a null-terminated list.  Then to sort the list call:
+**     ptr = msort(ptr,&(ptr->next),cmpfnc);
+** In the above, "cmpfnc" is a pointer to a function which compares
+** two instances of the structure and returns an integer, as in
+** strcmp.  The second argument is a pointer to the pointer to the
+** second element of the linked list.  This address is used to compute
+** the offset to the "next" field within the structure.  The offset to
+** the "next" field must be constant for all structures in the list.
+** The function returns a new pointer which is the head of the list
+** after sorting.
+** Merge-sort.
+** Return a pointer to the next structure in the linked list.
+#define NEXT(A) (*(char**)(((char*)A)+offset))
+** Inputs:
+**   a:       A sorted, null-terminated linked list.  (May be null).
+**   b:       A sorted, null-terminated linked list.  (May be null).
+**   cmp:     A pointer to the comparison function.
+**   offset:  Offset in the structure to the "next" field.
+** Return Value:
+**   A pointer to the head of a sorted list containing the elements
+**   of both a and b.
+** Side effects:
+**   The "next" pointers for elements in the lists a and b are
+**   changed.
+static char *merge(
+  char *a,
+  char *b,
+  int (*cmp)(const char*,const char*),
+  int offset
+  char *ptr, *head;
+  if( a==0 ){
+    head = b;
+  }else if( b==0 ){
+    head = a;
+  }else{
+    if( (*cmp)(a,b)<=0 ){
+      ptr = a;
+      a = NEXT(a);
+    }else{
+      ptr = b;
+      b = NEXT(b);
+    }
+    head = ptr;
+    while( a && b ){
+      if( (*cmp)(a,b)<=0 ){
+        NEXT(ptr) = a;
+        ptr = a;
+        a = NEXT(a);
+      }else{
+        NEXT(ptr) = b;
+        ptr = b;
+        b = NEXT(b);
+      }
+    }
+    if( a ) NEXT(ptr) = a;
+    else    NEXT(ptr) = b;
+  }
+  return head;
+** Inputs:
+**   list:      Pointer to a singly-linked list of structures.
+**   next:      Pointer to pointer to the second element of the list.
+**   cmp:       A comparison function.
+** Return Value:
+**   A pointer to the head of a sorted list containing the elements
+**   originally in list.
+** Side effects:
+**   The "next" pointers for elements in list are changed.
+#define LISTSIZE 30
+static char *msort(
+  char *list,
+  char **next,
+  int (*cmp)(const char*,const char*)
+  unsigned long offset;
+  char *ep;
+  char *set[LISTSIZE];
+  int i;
+  offset = (unsigned long)((char*)next - (char*)list);
+  for(i=0; i<LISTSIZE; i++) set[i] = 0;
+  while( list ){
+    ep = list;
+    list = NEXT(list);
+    NEXT(ep) = 0;
+    for(i=0; i<LISTSIZE-1 && set[i]!=0; i++){
+      ep = merge(ep,set[i],cmp,offset);
+      set[i] = 0;
+    }
+    set[i] = ep;
+  }
+  ep = 0;
+  for(i=0; i<LISTSIZE; i++) if( set[i] ) ep = merge(set[i],ep,cmp,offset);
+  return ep;
+/************************ From the file "option.c" **************************/
+static char **g_argv;
+static struct s_options *op;
+static FILE *errstream;
+#define ISOPT(X) ((X)[0]=='-'||(X)[0]=='+'||strchr((X),'=')!=0)
+** Print the command line with a carrot pointing to the k-th character
+** of the n-th field.
+static void errline(int n, int k, FILE *err)
+  int spcnt, i;
+  if( g_argv[0] ){
+    fprintf(err,"%s",g_argv[0]);
+    spcnt = lemonStrlen(g_argv[0]) + 1;
+  }else{
+    spcnt = 0;
+  }
+  for(i=1; i<n && g_argv[i]; i++){
+    fprintf(err," %s",g_argv[i]);
+    spcnt += lemonStrlen(g_argv[i])+1;
+  }
+  spcnt += k;
+  for(; g_argv[i]; i++) fprintf(err," %s",g_argv[i]);
+  if( spcnt<20 ){
+    fprintf(err,"\n%*s^-- here\n",spcnt,"");
+  }else{
+    fprintf(err,"\n%*shere --^\n",spcnt-7,"");
+  }
+** Return the index of the N-th non-switch argument.  Return -1
+** if N is out of range.
+static int argindex(int n)
+  int i;
+  int dashdash = 0;
+  if( g_argv!=0 && *g_argv!=0 ){
+    for(i=1; g_argv[i]; i++){
+      if( dashdash || !ISOPT(g_argv[i]) ){
+        if( n==0 ) return i;
+        n--;
+      }
+      if( strcmp(g_argv[i],"--")==0 ) dashdash = 1;
+    }
+  }
+  return -1;
+static char emsg[] = "Command line syntax error: ";
+** Process a flag command line argument.
+static int handleflags(int i, FILE *err)
+  int v;
+  int errcnt = 0;
+  int j;
+  for(j=0; op[j].label; j++){
+    if( strncmp(&g_argv[i][1],op[j].label,lemonStrlen(op[j].label))==0 ) break;
+  }
+  v = g_argv[i][0]=='-' ? 1 : 0;
+  if( op[j].label==0 ){
+    if( err ){
+      fprintf(err,"%sundefined option.\n",emsg);
+      errline(i,1,err);
+    }
+    errcnt++;
+  }else if( op[j].arg==0 ){
+    /* Ignore this option */
+  }else if( op[j].type==OPT_FLAG ){
+    *((int*)op[j].arg) = v;
+  }else if( op[j].type==OPT_FFLAG ){
+    (*(void(*)(int))(op[j].arg))(v);
+  }else if( op[j].type==OPT_FSTR ){
+    (*(void(*)(char *))(op[j].arg))(&g_argv[i][2]);
+  }else{
+    if( err ){
+      fprintf(err,"%smissing argument on switch.\n",emsg);
+      errline(i,1,err);
+    }
+    errcnt++;
+  }
+  return errcnt;
+** Process a command line switch which has an argument.
+static int handleswitch(int i, FILE *err)
+  int lv = 0;
+  double dv = 0.0;
+  char *sv = 0, *end;
+  char *cp;
+  int j;
+  int errcnt = 0;
+  cp = strchr(g_argv[i],'=');
+  assert( cp!=0 );
+  *cp = 0;
+  for(j=0; op[j].label; j++){
+    if( strcmp(g_argv[i],op[j].label)==0 ) break;
+  }
+  *cp = '=';
+  if( op[j].label==0 ){
+    if( err ){
+      fprintf(err,"%sundefined option.\n",emsg);
+      errline(i,0,err);
+    }
+    errcnt++;
+  }else{
+    cp++;
+    switch( op[j].type ){
+      case OPT_FLAG:
+      case OPT_FFLAG:
+        if( err ){
+          fprintf(err,"%soption requires an argument.\n",emsg);
+          errline(i,0,err);
+        }
+        errcnt++;
+        break;
+      case OPT_DBL:
+      case OPT_FDBL:
+        dv = strtod(cp,&end);
+        if( *end ){
+          if( err ){
+            fprintf(err,
+               "%sillegal character in floating-point argument.\n",emsg);
+            errline(i,(int)((char*)end-(char*)g_argv[i]),err);
+          }
+          errcnt++;
+        }
+        break;
+      case OPT_INT:
+      case OPT_FINT:
+        lv = strtol(cp,&end,0);
+        if( *end ){
+          if( err ){
+            fprintf(err,"%sillegal character in integer argument.\n",emsg);
+            errline(i,(int)((char*)end-(char*)g_argv[i]),err);
+          }
+          errcnt++;
+        }
+        break;
+      case OPT_STR:
+      case OPT_FSTR:
+        sv = cp;
+        break;
+    }
+    switch( op[j].type ){
+      case OPT_FLAG:
+      case OPT_FFLAG:
+        break;
+      case OPT_DBL:
+        *(double*)(op[j].arg) = dv;
+        break;
+      case OPT_FDBL:
+        (*(void(*)(double))(op[j].arg))(dv);
+        break;
+      case OPT_INT:
+        *(int*)(op[j].arg) = lv;
+        break;
+      case OPT_FINT:
+        (*(void(*)(int))(op[j].arg))((int)lv);
+        break;
+      case OPT_STR:
+        *(char**)(op[j].arg) = sv;
+        break;
+      case OPT_FSTR:
+        (*(void(*)(char *))(op[j].arg))(sv);
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+  return errcnt;
+int OptInit(char **a, struct s_options *o, FILE *err)
+  int errcnt = 0;
+  g_argv = a;
+  op = o;
+  errstream = err;
+  if( g_argv && *g_argv && op ){
+    int i;
+    for(i=1; g_argv[i]; i++){
+      if( g_argv[i][0]=='+' || g_argv[i][0]=='-' ){
+        errcnt += handleflags(i,err);
+      }else if( strchr(g_argv[i],'=') ){
+        errcnt += handleswitch(i,err);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if( errcnt>0 ){
+    fprintf(err,"Valid command line options for \"%s\" are:\n",*a);
+    OptPrint();
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  return 0;
+int OptNArgs(void){
+  int cnt = 0;
+  int dashdash = 0;
+  int i;
+  if( g_argv!=0 && g_argv[0]!=0 ){
+    for(i=1; g_argv[i]; i++){
+      if( dashdash || !ISOPT(g_argv[i]) ) cnt++;
+      if( strcmp(g_argv[i],"--")==0 ) dashdash = 1;
+    }
+  }
+  return cnt;
+char *OptArg(int n)
+  int i;
+  i = argindex(n);
+  return i>=0 ? g_argv[i] : 0;
+void OptErr(int n)
+  int i;
+  i = argindex(n);
+  if( i>=0 ) errline(i,0,errstream);
+void OptPrint(void){
+  int i;
+  int max, len;
+  max = 0;
+  for(i=0; op[i].label; i++){
+    len = lemonStrlen(op[i].label) + 1;
+    switch( op[i].type ){
+      case OPT_FLAG:
+      case OPT_FFLAG:
+        break;
+      case OPT_INT:
+      case OPT_FINT:
+        len += 9;       /* length of "<integer>" */
+        break;
+      case OPT_DBL:
+      case OPT_FDBL:
+        len += 6;       /* length of "<real>" */
+        break;
+      case OPT_STR:
+      case OPT_FSTR:
+        len += 8;       /* length of "<string>" */
+        break;
+    }
+    if( len>max ) max = len;
+  }
+  for(i=0; op[i].label; i++){
+    switch( op[i].type ){
+      case OPT_FLAG:
+      case OPT_FFLAG:
+        fprintf(errstream,"  -%-*s  %s\n",max,op[i].label,op[i].message);
+        break;
+      case OPT_INT:
+      case OPT_FINT:
+        fprintf(errstream,"  -%s<integer>%*s  %s\n",op[i].label,
+          (int)(max-lemonStrlen(op[i].label)-9),"",op[i].message);
+        break;
+      case OPT_DBL:
+      case OPT_FDBL:
+        fprintf(errstream,"  -%s<real>%*s  %s\n",op[i].label,
+          (int)(max-lemonStrlen(op[i].label)-6),"",op[i].message);
+        break;
+      case OPT_STR:
+      case OPT_FSTR:
+        fprintf(errstream,"  -%s<string>%*s  %s\n",op[i].label,
+          (int)(max-lemonStrlen(op[i].label)-8),"",op[i].message);
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+/*********************** From the file "parse.c" ****************************/
+** Input file parser for the LEMON parser generator.
+/* The state of the parser */
+enum e_state {
+  IN_RHS,
+struct pstate {
+  char *filename;       /* Name of the input file */
+  int tokenlineno;      /* Linenumber at which current token starts */
+  int errorcnt;         /* Number of errors so far */
+  char *tokenstart;     /* Text of current token */
+  struct lemon *gp;     /* Global state vector */
+  enum e_state state;        /* The state of the parser */
+  struct symbol *fallback;   /* The fallback token */
+  struct symbol *tkclass;    /* Token class symbol */
+  struct symbol *lhs;        /* Left-hand side of current rule */
+  const char *lhsalias;      /* Alias for the LHS */
+  int nrhs;                  /* Number of right-hand side symbols seen */
+  struct symbol *rhs[MAXRHS];  /* RHS symbols */
+  const char *alias[MAXRHS]; /* Aliases for each RHS symbol (or NULL) */
+  struct rule *prevrule;     /* Previous rule parsed */
+  const char *declkeyword;   /* Keyword of a declaration */
+  char **declargslot;        /* Where the declaration argument should be put */
+  int insertLineMacro;       /* Add #line before declaration insert */
+  int *decllinenoslot;       /* Where to write declaration line number */
+  enum e_assoc declassoc;    /* Assign this association to decl arguments */
+  int preccounter;           /* Assign this precedence to decl arguments */
+  struct rule *firstrule;    /* Pointer to first rule in the grammar */
+  struct rule *lastrule;     /* Pointer to the most recently parsed rule */
+/* Parse a single token */
+static void parseonetoken(struct pstate *psp)
+  const char *x;
+  x = Strsafe(psp->tokenstart);     /* Save the token permanently */
+#if 0
+  printf("%s:%d: Token=[%s] state=%d\n",psp->filename,psp->tokenlineno,
+    x,psp->state);
+  switch( psp->state ){
+    case INITIALIZE:
+      psp->prevrule = 0;
+      psp->preccounter = 0;
+      psp->firstrule = psp->lastrule = 0;
+      psp->gp->nrule = 0;
+      /* fall through */
+      if( x[0]=='%' ){
+        psp->state = WAITING_FOR_DECL_KEYWORD;
+      }else if( ISLOWER(x[0]) ){
+        psp->lhs = Symbol_new(x);
+        psp->nrhs = 0;
+        psp->lhsalias = 0;
+        psp->state = WAITING_FOR_ARROW;
+      }else if( x[0]=='{' ){
+        if( psp->prevrule==0 ){
+          ErrorMsg(psp->filename,psp->tokenlineno,
+            "There is no prior rule upon which to attach the code "
+            "fragment which begins on this line.");
+          psp->errorcnt++;
+        }else if( psp->prevrule->code!=0 ){
+          ErrorMsg(psp->filename,psp->tokenlineno,
+            "Code fragment beginning on this line is not the first "
+            "to follow the previous rule.");
+          psp->errorcnt++;
+        }else if( strcmp(x, "{NEVER-REDUCE")==0 ){
+          psp->prevrule->neverReduce = 1;
+        }else{
+          psp->prevrule->line = psp->tokenlineno;
+          psp->prevrule->code = &x[1];
+          psp->prevrule->noCode = 0;
+        }
+      }else if( x[0]=='[' ){
+        psp->state = PRECEDENCE_MARK_1;
+      }else{
+        ErrorMsg(psp->filename,psp->tokenlineno,
+          "Token \"%s\" should be either \"%%\" or a nonterminal name.",
+          x);
+        psp->errorcnt++;
+      }
+      break;
+    case PRECEDENCE_MARK_1:
+      if( !ISUPPER(x[0]) ){
+        ErrorMsg(psp->filename,psp->tokenlineno,
+          "The precedence symbol must be a terminal.");
+        psp->errorcnt++;
+      }else if( psp->prevrule==0 ){
+        ErrorMsg(psp->filename,psp->tokenlineno,
+          "There is no prior rule to assign precedence \"[%s]\".",x);
+        psp->errorcnt++;
+      }else if( psp->prevrule->precsym!=0 ){
+        ErrorMsg(psp->filename,psp->tokenlineno,
+          "Precedence mark on this line is not the first "
+          "to follow the previous rule.");
+        psp->errorcnt++;
+      }else{
+        psp->prevrule->precsym = Symbol_new(x);
+      }
+      psp->state = PRECEDENCE_MARK_2;
+      break;
+    case PRECEDENCE_MARK_2:
+      if( x[0]!=']' ){
+        ErrorMsg(psp->filename,psp->tokenlineno,
+          "Missing \"]\" on precedence mark.");
+        psp->errorcnt++;
+      }
+      psp->state = WAITING_FOR_DECL_OR_RULE;
+      break;
+      if( x[0]==':' && x[1]==':' && x[2]=='=' ){
+        psp->state = IN_RHS;
+      }else if( x[0]=='(' ){
+        psp->state = LHS_ALIAS_1;
+      }else{
+        ErrorMsg(psp->filename,psp->tokenlineno,
+          "Expected to see a \":\" following the LHS symbol \"%s\".",
+          psp->lhs->name);
+        psp->errorcnt++;
+        psp->state = RESYNC_AFTER_RULE_ERROR;
+      }
+      break;
+    case LHS_ALIAS_1:
+      if( ISALPHA(x[0]) ){
+        psp->lhsalias = x;
+        psp->state = LHS_ALIAS_2;
+      }else{
+        ErrorMsg(psp->filename,psp->tokenlineno,
+          "\"%s\" is not a valid alias for the LHS \"%s\"\n",
+          x,psp->lhs->name);
+        psp->errorcnt++;
+        psp->state = RESYNC_AFTER_RULE_ERROR;
+      }
+      break;
+    case LHS_ALIAS_2:
+      if( x[0]==')' ){
+        psp->state = LHS_ALIAS_3;
+      }else{
+        ErrorMsg(psp->filename,psp->tokenlineno,
+          "Missing \")\" following LHS alias name \"%s\".",psp->lhsalias);
+        psp->errorcnt++;
+        psp->state = RESYNC_AFTER_RULE_ERROR;
+      }
+      break;
+    case LHS_ALIAS_3:
+      if( x[0]==':' && x[1]==':' && x[2]=='=' ){
+        psp->state = IN_RHS;
+      }else{
+        ErrorMsg(psp->filename,psp->tokenlineno,
+          "Missing \"->\" following: \"%s(%s)\".",
+           psp->lhs->name,psp->lhsalias);
+        psp->errorcnt++;
+        psp->state = RESYNC_AFTER_RULE_ERROR;
+      }
+      break;
+    case IN_RHS:
+      if( x[0]=='.' ){
+        struct rule *rp;
+        rp = (struct rule *)calloc( sizeof(struct rule) +
+             sizeof(struct symbol*)*psp->nrhs + sizeof(char*)*psp->nrhs, 1);
+        if( rp==0 ){
+          ErrorMsg(psp->filename,psp->tokenlineno,
+            "Can't allocate enough memory for this rule.");
+          psp->errorcnt++;
+          psp->prevrule = 0;
+        }else{
+          int i;
+          rp->ruleline = psp->tokenlineno;
+          rp->rhs = (struct symbol**)&rp[1];
+          rp->rhsalias = (const char**)&(rp->rhs[psp->nrhs]);
+          for(i=0; i<psp->nrhs; i++){
+            rp->rhs[i] = psp->rhs[i];
+            rp->rhsalias[i] = psp->alias[i];
+            if( rp->rhsalias[i]!=0 ){ rp->rhs[i]->bContent = 1; }
+          }
+          rp->lhs = psp->lhs;
+          rp->lhsalias = psp->lhsalias;
+          rp->nrhs = psp->nrhs;
+          rp->code = 0;
+          rp->noCode = 1;
+          rp->precsym = 0;
+          rp->index = psp->gp->nrule++;
+          rp->nextlhs = rp->lhs->rule;
+          rp->lhs->rule = rp;
+          rp->next = 0;
+          if( psp->firstrule==0 ){
+            psp->firstrule = psp->lastrule = rp;
+          }else{
+            psp->lastrule->next = rp;
+            psp->lastrule = rp;
+          }
+          psp->prevrule = rp;
+        }
+        psp->state = WAITING_FOR_DECL_OR_RULE;
+      }else if( ISALPHA(x[0]) ){
+        if( psp->nrhs>=MAXRHS ){
+          ErrorMsg(psp->filename,psp->tokenlineno,
+            "Too many symbols on RHS of rule beginning at \"%s\".",
+            x);
+          psp->errorcnt++;
+          psp->state = RESYNC_AFTER_RULE_ERROR;
+        }else{
+          psp->rhs[psp->nrhs] = Symbol_new(x);
+          psp->alias[psp->nrhs] = 0;
+          psp->nrhs++;
+        }
+      }else if( (x[0]=='|' || x[0]=='/') && psp->nrhs>0 && ISUPPER(x[1]) ){
+        struct symbol *msp = psp->rhs[psp->nrhs-1];
+        if( msp->type!=MULTITERMINAL ){
+          struct symbol *origsp = msp;
+          msp = (struct symbol *) calloc(1,sizeof(*msp));
+          memset(msp, 0, sizeof(*msp));
+          msp->type = MULTITERMINAL;
+          msp->nsubsym = 1;
+          msp->subsym = (struct symbol **) calloc(1,sizeof(struct symbol*));
+          msp->subsym[0] = origsp;
+          msp->name = origsp->name;
+          psp->rhs[psp->nrhs-1] = msp;
+        }
+        msp->nsubsym++;
+        msp->subsym = (struct symbol **) realloc(msp->subsym,
+          sizeof(struct symbol*)*msp->nsubsym);
+        msp->subsym[msp->nsubsym-1] = Symbol_new(&x[1]);
+        if( ISLOWER(x[1]) || ISLOWER(msp->subsym[0]->name[0]) ){
+          ErrorMsg(psp->filename,psp->tokenlineno,
+            "Cannot form a compound containing a non-terminal");
+          psp->errorcnt++;
+        }
+      }else if( x[0]=='(' && psp->nrhs>0 ){
+        psp->state = RHS_ALIAS_1;
+      }else{
+        ErrorMsg(psp->filename,psp->tokenlineno,
+          "Illegal character on RHS of rule: \"%s\".",x);
+        psp->errorcnt++;
+        psp->state = RESYNC_AFTER_RULE_ERROR;
+      }
+      break;
+    case RHS_ALIAS_1:
+      if( ISALPHA(x[0]) ){
+        psp->alias[psp->nrhs-1] = x;
+        psp->state = RHS_ALIAS_2;
+      }else{
+        ErrorMsg(psp->filename,psp->tokenlineno,
+          "\"%s\" is not a valid alias for the RHS symbol \"%s\"\n",
+          x,psp->rhs[psp->nrhs-1]->name);
+        psp->errorcnt++;
+        psp->state = RESYNC_AFTER_RULE_ERROR;
+      }
+      break;
+    case RHS_ALIAS_2:
+      if( x[0]==')' ){
+        psp->state = IN_RHS;
+      }else{
+        ErrorMsg(psp->filename,psp->tokenlineno,
+          "Missing \")\" following LHS alias name \"%s\".",psp->lhsalias);
+        psp->errorcnt++;
+        psp->state = RESYNC_AFTER_RULE_ERROR;
+      }
+      break;
+      if( ISALPHA(x[0]) ){
+        psp->declkeyword = x;
+        psp->declargslot = 0;
+        psp->decllinenoslot = 0;
+        psp->insertLineMacro = 1;
+        psp->state = WAITING_FOR_DECL_ARG;
+        if( strcmp(x,"name")==0 ){
+          psp->declargslot = &(psp->gp->name);
+          psp->insertLineMacro = 0;
+        }else if( strcmp(x,"include")==0 ){
+          psp->declargslot = &(psp->gp->include);
+        }else if( strcmp(x,"code")==0 ){
+          psp->declargslot = &(psp->gp->extracode);
+        }else if( strcmp(x,"token_destructor")==0 ){
+          psp->declargslot = &psp->gp->tokendest;
+        }else if( strcmp(x,"default_destructor")==0 ){
+          psp->declargslot = &psp->gp->vardest;
+        }else if( strcmp(x,"token_prefix")==0 ){
+          psp->declargslot = &psp->gp->tokenprefix;
+          psp->insertLineMacro = 0;
+        }else if( strcmp(x,"syntax_error")==0 ){
+          psp->declargslot = &(psp->gp->error);
+        }else if( strcmp(x,"parse_accept")==0 ){
+          psp->declargslot = &(psp->gp->accept);
+        }else if( strcmp(x,"parse_failure")==0 ){
+          psp->declargslot = &(psp->gp->failure);
+        }else if( strcmp(x,"stack_overflow")==0 ){
+          psp->declargslot = &(psp->gp->overflow);
+        }else if( strcmp(x,"extra_argument")==0 ){
+          psp->declargslot = &(psp->gp->arg);
+          psp->insertLineMacro = 0;
+        }else if( strcmp(x,"extra_context")==0 ){
+          psp->declargslot = &(psp->gp->ctx);
+          psp->insertLineMacro = 0;
+        }else if( strcmp(x,"token_type")==0 ){
+          psp->declargslot = &(psp->gp->tokentype);
+          psp->insertLineMacro = 0;
+        }else if( strcmp(x,"default_type")==0 ){
+          psp->declargslot = &(psp->gp->vartype);
+          psp->insertLineMacro = 0;
+        }else if( strcmp(x,"stack_size")==0 ){
+          psp->declargslot = &(psp->gp->stacksize);
+          psp->insertLineMacro = 0;
+        }else if( strcmp(x,"start_symbol")==0 ){
+          psp->declargslot = &(psp->gp->start);
+          psp->insertLineMacro = 0;
+        }else if( strcmp(x,"left")==0 ){
+          psp->preccounter++;
+          psp->declassoc = LEFT;
+          psp->state = WAITING_FOR_PRECEDENCE_SYMBOL;
+        }else if( strcmp(x,"right")==0 ){
+          psp->preccounter++;
+          psp->declassoc = RIGHT;
+          psp->state = WAITING_FOR_PRECEDENCE_SYMBOL;
+        }else if( strcmp(x,"nonassoc")==0 ){
+          psp->preccounter++;
+          psp->declassoc = NONE;
+          psp->state = WAITING_FOR_PRECEDENCE_SYMBOL;
+        }else if( strcmp(x,"destructor")==0 ){
+          psp->state = WAITING_FOR_DESTRUCTOR_SYMBOL;
+        }else if( strcmp(x,"type")==0 ){
+          psp->state = WAITING_FOR_DATATYPE_SYMBOL;
+        }else if( strcmp(x,"fallback")==0 ){
+          psp->fallback = 0;
+          psp->state = WAITING_FOR_FALLBACK_ID;
+        }else if( strcmp(x,"token")==0 ){
+          psp->state = WAITING_FOR_TOKEN_NAME;
+        }else if( strcmp(x,"wildcard")==0 ){
+          psp->state = WAITING_FOR_WILDCARD_ID;
+        }else if( strcmp(x,"token_class")==0 ){
+          psp->state = WAITING_FOR_CLASS_ID;
+        }else{
+          ErrorMsg(psp->filename,psp->tokenlineno,
+            "Unknown declaration keyword: \"%%%s\".",x);
+          psp->errorcnt++;
+          psp->state = RESYNC_AFTER_DECL_ERROR;
+        }
+      }else{
+        ErrorMsg(psp->filename,psp->tokenlineno,
+          "Illegal declaration keyword: \"%s\".",x);
+        psp->errorcnt++;
+        psp->state = RESYNC_AFTER_DECL_ERROR;
+      }
+      break;
+      if( !ISALPHA(x[0]) ){
+        ErrorMsg(psp->filename,psp->tokenlineno,
+          "Symbol name missing after %%destructor keyword");
+        psp->errorcnt++;
+        psp->state = RESYNC_AFTER_DECL_ERROR;
+      }else{
+        struct symbol *sp = Symbol_new(x);
+        psp->declargslot = &sp->destructor;
+        psp->decllinenoslot = &sp->destLineno;
+        psp->insertLineMacro = 1;
+        psp->state = WAITING_FOR_DECL_ARG;
+      }
+      break;
+      if( !ISALPHA(x[0]) ){
+        ErrorMsg(psp->filename,psp->tokenlineno,
+          "Symbol name missing after %%type keyword");
+        psp->errorcnt++;
+        psp->state = RESYNC_AFTER_DECL_ERROR;
+      }else{
+        struct symbol *sp = Symbol_find(x);
+        if((sp) && (sp->datatype)){
+          ErrorMsg(psp->filename,psp->tokenlineno,
+            "Symbol %%type \"%s\" already defined", x);
+          psp->errorcnt++;
+          psp->state = RESYNC_AFTER_DECL_ERROR;
+        }else{
+          if (!sp){
+            sp = Symbol_new(x);
+          }
+          psp->declargslot = &sp->datatype;
+          psp->insertLineMacro = 0;
+          psp->state = WAITING_FOR_DECL_ARG;
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+      if( x[0]=='.' ){
+        psp->state = WAITING_FOR_DECL_OR_RULE;
+      }else if( ISUPPER(x[0]) ){
+        struct symbol *sp;
+        sp = Symbol_new(x);
+        if( sp->prec>=0 ){
+          ErrorMsg(psp->filename,psp->tokenlineno,
+            "Symbol \"%s\" has already be given a precedence.",x);
+          psp->errorcnt++;
+        }else{
+          sp->prec = psp->preccounter;
+          sp->assoc = psp->declassoc;
+        }
+      }else{
+        ErrorMsg(psp->filename,psp->tokenlineno,
+          "Can't assign a precedence to \"%s\".",x);
+        psp->errorcnt++;
+      }
+      break;
+      if( x[0]=='{' || x[0]=='\"' || ISALNUM(x[0]) ){
+        const char *zOld, *zNew;
+        char *zBuf, *z;
+        int nOld, n, nLine = 0, nNew, nBack;
+        int addLineMacro;
+        char zLine[50];
+        zNew = x;
+        if( zNew[0]=='"' || zNew[0]=='{' ) zNew++;
+        nNew = lemonStrlen(zNew);
+        if( *psp->declargslot ){
+          zOld = *psp->declargslot;
+        }else{
+          zOld = "";
+        }
+        nOld = lemonStrlen(zOld);
+        n = nOld + nNew + 20;
+        addLineMacro = !psp->gp->nolinenosflag
+                       && psp->insertLineMacro
+                       && psp->tokenlineno>1
+                       && (psp->decllinenoslot==0 || psp->decllinenoslot[0]!=0);
+        if( addLineMacro ){
+          for(z=psp->filename, nBack=0; *z; z++){
+            if( *z=='\\' ) nBack++;
+          }
+          lemon_sprintf(zLine, "#line %d ", psp->tokenlineno);
+          nLine = lemonStrlen(zLine);
+          n += nLine + lemonStrlen(psp->filename) + nBack;
+        }
+        *psp->declargslot = (char *) realloc(*psp->declargslot, n);
+        zBuf = *psp->declargslot + nOld;
+        if( addLineMacro ){
+          if( nOld && zBuf[-1]!='\n' ){
+            *(zBuf++) = '\n';
+          }
+          memcpy(zBuf, zLine, nLine);
+          zBuf += nLine;
+          *(zBuf++) = '"';
+          for(z=psp->filename; *z; z++){
+            if( *z=='\\' ){
+              *(zBuf++) = '\\';
+            }
+            *(zBuf++) = *z;
+          }
+          *(zBuf++) = '"';
+          *(zBuf++) = '\n';
+        }
+        if( psp->decllinenoslot && psp->decllinenoslot[0]==0 ){
+          psp->decllinenoslot[0] = psp->tokenlineno;
+        }
+        memcpy(zBuf, zNew, nNew);
+        zBuf += nNew;
+        *zBuf = 0;
+        psp->state = WAITING_FOR_DECL_OR_RULE;
+      }else{
+        ErrorMsg(psp->filename,psp->tokenlineno,
+          "Illegal argument to %%%s: %s",psp->declkeyword,x);
+        psp->errorcnt++;
+        psp->state = RESYNC_AFTER_DECL_ERROR;
+      }
+      break;
+      if( x[0]=='.' ){
+        psp->state = WAITING_FOR_DECL_OR_RULE;
+      }else if( !ISUPPER(x[0]) ){
+        ErrorMsg(psp->filename, psp->tokenlineno,
+          "%%fallback argument \"%s\" should be a token", x);
+        psp->errorcnt++;
+      }else{
+        struct symbol *sp = Symbol_new(x);
+        if( psp->fallback==0 ){
+          psp->fallback = sp;
+        }else if( sp->fallback ){
+          ErrorMsg(psp->filename, psp->tokenlineno,
+            "More than one fallback assigned to token %s", x);
+          psp->errorcnt++;
+        }else{
+          sp->fallback = psp->fallback;
+          psp->gp->has_fallback = 1;
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+      /* Tokens do not have to be declared before use.  But they can be
+      ** in order to control their assigned integer number.  The number for
+      ** each token is assigned when it is first seen.  So by including
+      **
+      **     %token ONE TWO THREE.
+      **
+      ** early in the grammar file, that assigns small consecutive values
+      ** to each of the tokens ONE TWO and THREE.
+      */
+      if( x[0]=='.' ){
+        psp->state = WAITING_FOR_DECL_OR_RULE;
+      }else if( !ISUPPER(x[0]) ){
+        ErrorMsg(psp->filename, psp->tokenlineno,
+          "%%token argument \"%s\" should be a token", x);
+        psp->errorcnt++;
+      }else{
+        (void)Symbol_new(x);
+      }
+      break;
+      if( x[0]=='.' ){
+        psp->state = WAITING_FOR_DECL_OR_RULE;
+      }else if( !ISUPPER(x[0]) ){
+        ErrorMsg(psp->filename, psp->tokenlineno,
+          "%%wildcard argument \"%s\" should be a token", x);
+        psp->errorcnt++;
+      }else{
+        struct symbol *sp = Symbol_new(x);
+        if( psp->gp->wildcard==0 ){
+          psp->gp->wildcard = sp;
+        }else{
+          ErrorMsg(psp->filename, psp->tokenlineno,
+            "Extra wildcard to token: %s", x);
+          psp->errorcnt++;
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+      if( !ISLOWER(x[0]) ){
+        ErrorMsg(psp->filename, psp->tokenlineno,
+          "%%token_class must be followed by an identifier: %s", x);
+        psp->errorcnt++;
+        psp->state = RESYNC_AFTER_DECL_ERROR;
+     }else if( Symbol_find(x) ){
+        ErrorMsg(psp->filename, psp->tokenlineno,
+          "Symbol \"%s\" already used", x);
+        psp->errorcnt++;
+        psp->state = RESYNC_AFTER_DECL_ERROR;
+      }else{
+        psp->tkclass = Symbol_new(x);
+        psp->tkclass->type = MULTITERMINAL;
+        psp->state = WAITING_FOR_CLASS_TOKEN;
+      }
+      break;
+      if( x[0]=='.' ){
+        psp->state = WAITING_FOR_DECL_OR_RULE;
+      }else if( ISUPPER(x[0]) || ((x[0]=='|' || x[0]=='/') && ISUPPER(x[1])) ){
+        struct symbol *msp = psp->tkclass;
+        msp->nsubsym++;
+        msp->subsym = (struct symbol **) realloc(msp->subsym,
+          sizeof(struct symbol*)*msp->nsubsym);
+        if( !ISUPPER(x[0]) ) x++;
+        msp->subsym[msp->nsubsym-1] = Symbol_new(x);
+      }else{
+        ErrorMsg(psp->filename, psp->tokenlineno,
+          "%%token_class argument \"%s\" should be a token", x);
+        psp->errorcnt++;
+        psp->state = RESYNC_AFTER_DECL_ERROR;
+      }
+      break;
+/*      if( x[0]=='.' ) psp->state = WAITING_FOR_DECL_OR_RULE;
+**      break; */
+      if( x[0]=='.' ) psp->state = WAITING_FOR_DECL_OR_RULE;
+      if( x[0]=='%' ) psp->state = WAITING_FOR_DECL_KEYWORD;
+      break;
+  }
+/* The text in the input is part of the argument to an %ifdef or %ifndef.
+** Evaluate the text as a boolean expression.  Return true or false.
+static int eval_preprocessor_boolean(char *z, int lineno){
+  int neg = 0;
+  int res = 0;
+  int okTerm = 1;
+  int i;
+  for(i=0; z[i]!=0; i++){
+    if( ISSPACE(z[i]) ) continue;
+    if( z[i]=='!' ){
+      if( !okTerm ) goto pp_syntax_error;
+      neg = !neg;
+      continue;
+    }
+    if( z[i]=='|' && z[i+1]=='|' ){
+      if( okTerm ) goto pp_syntax_error;
+      if( res ) return 1;
+      i++;
+      okTerm = 1;
+      continue;
+    }
+    if( z[i]=='&' && z[i+1]=='&' ){
+      if( okTerm ) goto pp_syntax_error;
+      if( !res ) return 0;
+      i++;
+      okTerm = 1;
+      continue;
+    }
+    if( z[i]=='(' ){
+      int k;
+      int n = 1;
+      if( !okTerm ) goto pp_syntax_error;
+      for(k=i+1; z[k]; k++){
+        if( z[k]==')' ){
+          n--;
+          if( n==0 ){
+            z[k] = 0;
+            res = eval_preprocessor_boolean(&z[i+1], -1);
+            z[k] = ')';
+            if( res<0 ){
+              i = i-res;
+              goto pp_syntax_error;
+            }
+            i = k;
+            break;
+          }
+        }else if( z[k]=='(' ){
+          n++;
+        }else if( z[k]==0 ){
+          i = k;
+          goto pp_syntax_error;
+        }
+      }
+      if( neg ){
+        res = !res;
+        neg = 0;
+      }
+      okTerm = 0;
+      continue;
+    }
+    if( ISALPHA(z[i]) ){
+      int j, k, n;
+      if( !okTerm ) goto pp_syntax_error;
+      for(k=i+1; ISALNUM(z[k]) || z[k]=='_'; k++){}
+      n = k - i;
+      res = 0;
+      for(j=0; j<nDefine; j++){
+        if( strncmp(azDefine[j],&z[i],n)==0 && azDefine[j][n]==0 ){
+          res = 1;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      i = k-1;
+      if( neg ){
+        res = !res;
+        neg = 0;
+      }
+      okTerm = 0;
+      continue;
+    }
+    goto pp_syntax_error;
+  }
+  return res;
+  if( lineno>0 ){
+    fprintf(stderr, "%%if syntax error on line %d.\n", lineno);
+    fprintf(stderr, "  %.*s <-- syntax error here\n", i+1, z);
+    exit(1);
+  }else{
+    return -(i+1);
+  }
+/* Run the preprocessor over the input file text.  The global variables
+** azDefine[0] through azDefine[nDefine-1] contains the names of all defined
+** macros.  This routine looks for "%ifdef" and "%ifndef" and "%endif" and
+** comments them out.  Text in between is also commented out as appropriate.
+static void preprocess_input(char *z){
+  int i, j, k;
+  int exclude = 0;
+  int start = 0;
+  int lineno = 1;
+  int start_lineno = 1;
+  for(i=0; z[i]; i++){
+    if( z[i]=='\n' ) lineno++;
+    if( z[i]!='%' || (i>0 && z[i-1]!='\n') ) continue;
+    if( strncmp(&z[i],"%endif",6)==0 && ISSPACE(z[i+6]) ){
+      if( exclude ){
+        exclude--;
+        if( exclude==0 ){
+          for(j=start; j<i; j++) if( z[j]!='\n' ) z[j] = ' ';
+        }
+      }
+      for(j=i; z[j] && z[j]!='\n'; j++) z[j] = ' ';
+    }else if( strncmp(&z[i],"%else",5)==0 && ISSPACE(z[i+5]) ){
+      if( exclude==1){
+        exclude = 0;
+        for(j=start; j<i; j++) if( z[j]!='\n' ) z[j] = ' ';
+      }else if( exclude==0 ){
+        exclude = 1;
+        start = i;
+        start_lineno = lineno;
+      }
+      for(j=i; z[j] && z[j]!='\n'; j++) z[j] = ' ';
+    }else if( strncmp(&z[i],"%ifdef ",7)==0 
+          || strncmp(&z[i],"%if ",4)==0
+          || strncmp(&z[i],"%ifndef ",8)==0 ){
+      if( exclude ){
+        exclude++;
+      }else{
+        int isNot;
+        int iBool;
+        for(j=i; z[j] && !ISSPACE(z[j]); j++){}
+        iBool = j;
+        isNot = (j==i+7);
+        while( z[j] && z[j]!='\n' ){ j++; }
+        k = z[j];
+        z[j] = 0;
+        exclude = eval_preprocessor_boolean(&z[iBool], lineno);
+        z[j] = k;
+        if( !isNot ) exclude = !exclude;
+        if( exclude ){
+          start = i;
+          start_lineno = lineno;
+        }
+      }
+      for(j=i; z[j] && z[j]!='\n'; j++) z[j] = ' ';
+    }
+  }
+  if( exclude ){
+    fprintf(stderr,"unterminated %%ifdef starting on line %d\n", start_lineno);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+/* In spite of its name, this function is really a scanner.  It read
+** in the entire input file (all at once) then tokenizes it.  Each
+** token is passed to the function "parseonetoken" which builds all
+** the appropriate data structures in the global state vector "gp".
+void Parse(struct lemon *gp)
+  struct pstate ps;
+  FILE *fp;
+  char *filebuf;
+  unsigned int filesize;
+  int lineno;
+  int c;
+  char *cp, *nextcp;
+  int startline = 0;
+  memset(&ps, '\0', sizeof(ps));
+ = gp;
+  ps.filename = gp->filename;
+  ps.errorcnt = 0;
+  ps.state = INITIALIZE;
+  /* Begin by reading the input file */
+  fp = fopen(ps.filename,"rb");
+  if( fp==0 ){
+    ErrorMsg(ps.filename,0,"Can't open this file for reading.");
+    gp->errorcnt++;
+    return;
+  }
+  fseek(fp,0,2);
+  filesize = ftell(fp);
+  rewind(fp);
+  filebuf = (char *)malloc( filesize+1 );
+  if( filesize>100000000 || filebuf==0 ){
+    ErrorMsg(ps.filename,0,"Input file too large.");
+    free(filebuf);
+    gp->errorcnt++;
+    fclose(fp);
+    return;
+  }
+  if( fread(filebuf,1,filesize,fp)!=filesize ){
+    ErrorMsg(ps.filename,0,"Can't read in all %d bytes of this file.",
+      filesize);
+    free(filebuf);
+    gp->errorcnt++;
+    fclose(fp);
+    return;
+  }
+  fclose(fp);
+  filebuf[filesize] = 0;
+  /* Make an initial pass through the file to handle %ifdef and %ifndef */
+  preprocess_input(filebuf);
+  if( gp->printPreprocessed ){
+    printf("%s\n", filebuf);
+    return;
+  }
+  /* Now scan the text of the input file */
+  lineno = 1;
+  for(cp=filebuf; (c= *cp)!=0; ){
+    if( c=='\n' ) lineno++;              /* Keep track of the line number */
+    if( ISSPACE(c) ){ cp++; continue; }  /* Skip all white space */
+    if( c=='/' && cp[1]=='/' ){          /* Skip C++ style comments */
+      cp+=2;
+      while( (c= *cp)!=0 && c!='\n' ) cp++;
+      continue;
+    }
+    if( c=='/' && cp[1]=='*' ){          /* Skip C style comments */
+      cp+=2;
+      if( (*cp)=='/' ) cp++;
+      while( (c= *cp)!=0 && (c!='/' || cp[-1]!='*') ){
+        if( c=='\n' ) lineno++;
+        cp++;
+      }
+      if( c ) cp++;
+      continue;
+    }
+    ps.tokenstart = cp;                /* Mark the beginning of the token */
+    ps.tokenlineno = lineno;           /* Linenumber on which token begins */
+    if( c=='\"' ){                     /* String literals */
+      cp++;
+      while( (c= *cp)!=0 && c!='\"' ){
+        if( c=='\n' ) lineno++;
+        cp++;
+      }
+      if( c==0 ){
+        ErrorMsg(ps.filename,startline,
+            "String starting on this line is not terminated before "
+            "the end of the file.");
+        ps.errorcnt++;
+        nextcp = cp;
+      }else{
+        nextcp = cp+1;
+      }
+    }else if( c=='{' ){               /* A block of C code */
+      int level;
+      cp++;
+      for(level=1; (c= *cp)!=0 && (level>1 || c!='}'); cp++){
+        if( c=='\n' ) lineno++;
+        else if( c=='{' ) level++;
+        else if( c=='}' ) level--;
+        else if( c=='/' && cp[1]=='*' ){  /* Skip comments */
+          int prevc;
+          cp = &cp[2];
+          prevc = 0;
+          while( (c= *cp)!=0 && (c!='/' || prevc!='*') ){
+            if( c=='\n' ) lineno++;
+            prevc = c;
+            cp++;
+          }
+        }else if( c=='/' && cp[1]=='/' ){  /* Skip C++ style comments too */
+          cp = &cp[2];
+          while( (c= *cp)!=0 && c!='\n' ) cp++;
+          if( c ) lineno++;
+        }else if( c=='\'' || c=='\"' ){    /* String a character literals */
+          int startchar, prevc;
+          startchar = c;
+          prevc = 0;
+          for(cp++; (c= *cp)!=0 && (c!=startchar || prevc=='\\'); cp++){
+            if( c=='\n' ) lineno++;
+            if( prevc=='\\' ) prevc = 0;
+            else              prevc = c;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      if( c==0 ){
+        ErrorMsg(ps.filename,ps.tokenlineno,
+          "C code starting on this line is not terminated before "
+          "the end of the file.");
+        ps.errorcnt++;
+        nextcp = cp;
+      }else{
+        nextcp = cp+1;
+      }
+    }else if( ISALNUM(c) ){          /* Identifiers */
+      while( (c= *cp)!=0 && (ISALNUM(c) || c=='_') ) cp++;
+      nextcp = cp;
+    }else if( c==':' && cp[1]==':' && cp[2]=='=' ){ /* The operator "::=" */
+      cp += 3;
+      nextcp = cp;
+    }else if( (c=='/' || c=='|') && ISALPHA(cp[1]) ){
+      cp += 2;
+      while( (c = *cp)!=0 && (ISALNUM(c) || c=='_') ) cp++;
+      nextcp = cp;
+    }else{                          /* All other (one character) operators */
+      cp++;
+      nextcp = cp;
+    }
+    c = *cp;
+    *cp = 0;                        /* Null terminate the token */
+    parseonetoken(&ps);             /* Parse the token */
+    *cp = (char)c;                  /* Restore the buffer */
+    cp = nextcp;
+  }
+  free(filebuf);                    /* Release the buffer after parsing */
+  gp->rule = ps.firstrule;
+  gp->errorcnt = ps.errorcnt;
+/*************************** From the file "plink.c" *********************/
+** Routines processing configuration follow-set propagation links
+** in the LEMON parser generator.
+static struct plink *plink_freelist = 0;
+/* Allocate a new plink */
+struct plink *Plink_new(void){
+  struct plink *newlink;
+  if( plink_freelist==0 ){
+    int i;
+    int amt = 100;
+    plink_freelist = (struct plink *)calloc( amt, sizeof(struct plink) );
+    if( plink_freelist==0 ){
+      fprintf(stderr,
+      "Unable to allocate memory for a new follow-set propagation link.\n");
+      exit(1);
+    }
+    for(i=0; i<amt-1; i++) plink_freelist[i].next = &plink_freelist[i+1];
+    plink_freelist[amt-1].next = 0;
+  }
+  newlink = plink_freelist;
+  plink_freelist = plink_freelist->next;
+  return newlink;
+/* Add a plink to a plink list */
+void Plink_add(struct plink **plpp, struct config *cfp)
+  struct plink *newlink;
+  newlink = Plink_new();
+  newlink->next = *plpp;
+  *plpp = newlink;
+  newlink->cfp = cfp;
+/* Transfer every plink on the list "from" to the list "to" */
+void Plink_copy(struct plink **to, struct plink *from)
+  struct plink *nextpl;
+  while( from ){
+    nextpl = from->next;
+    from->next = *to;
+    *to = from;
+    from = nextpl;
+  }
+/* Delete every plink on the list */
+void Plink_delete(struct plink *plp)
+  struct plink *nextpl;
+  while( plp ){
+    nextpl = plp->next;
+    plp->next = plink_freelist;
+    plink_freelist = plp;
+    plp = nextpl;
+  }
+/*********************** From the file "report.c" **************************/
+** Procedures for generating reports and tables in the LEMON parser generator.
+/* Generate a filename with the given suffix.  Space to hold the
+** name comes from malloc() and must be freed by the calling
+** function.
+PRIVATE char *file_makename(struct lemon *lemp, const char *suffix)
+  char *name;
+  char *cp;
+  char *filename = lemp->filename;
+  int sz;
+  if( outputDir ){
+    cp = strrchr(filename, '/');
+    if( cp ) filename = cp + 1;
+  }
+  sz = lemonStrlen(filename);
+  sz += lemonStrlen(suffix);
+  if( outputDir ) sz += lemonStrlen(outputDir) + 1;
+  sz += 5;
+  name = (char*)malloc( sz );
+  if( name==0 ){
+    fprintf(stderr,"Can't allocate space for a filename.\n");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  name[0] = 0;
+  if( outputDir ){
+    lemon_strcpy(name, outputDir);
+    lemon_strcat(name, "/");
+  }
+  lemon_strcat(name,filename);
+  cp = strrchr(name,'.');
+  if( cp ) *cp = 0;
+  lemon_strcat(name,suffix);
+  return name;
+/* Open a file with a name based on the name of the input file,
+** but with a different (specified) suffix, and return a pointer
+** to the stream */
+PRIVATE FILE *file_open(
+  struct lemon *lemp,
+  const char *suffix,
+  const char *mode
+  FILE *fp;
+  if( lemp->outname ) free(lemp->outname);
+  lemp->outname = file_makename(lemp, suffix);
+  fp = fopen(lemp->outname,mode);
+  if( fp==0 && *mode=='w' ){
+    fprintf(stderr,"Can't open file \"%s\".\n",lemp->outname);
+    lemp->errorcnt++;
+    return 0;
+  }
+  return fp;
+/* Print the text of a rule
+void rule_print(FILE *out, struct rule *rp){
+  int i, j;
+  fprintf(out, "%s",rp->lhs->name);
+  /*    if( rp->lhsalias ) fprintf(out,"(%s)",rp->lhsalias); */
+  fprintf(out," ::=");
+  for(i=0; i<rp->nrhs; i++){
+    struct symbol *sp = rp->rhs[i];
+    if( sp->type==MULTITERMINAL ){
+      fprintf(out," %s", sp->subsym[0]->name);
+      for(j=1; j<sp->nsubsym; j++){
+        fprintf(out,"|%s", sp->subsym[j]->name);
+      }
+    }else{
+      fprintf(out," %s", sp->name);
+    }
+    /* if( rp->rhsalias[i] ) fprintf(out,"(%s)",rp->rhsalias[i]); */
+  }
+/* Duplicate the input file without comments and without actions
+** on rules */
+void Reprint(struct lemon *lemp)
+  struct rule *rp;
+  struct symbol *sp;
+  int i, j, maxlen, len, ncolumns, skip;
+  printf("// Reprint of input file \"%s\".\n// Symbols:\n",lemp->filename);
+  maxlen = 10;
+  for(i=0; i<lemp->nsymbol; i++){
+    sp = lemp->symbols[i];
+    len = lemonStrlen(sp->name);
+    if( len>maxlen ) maxlen = len;
+  }
+  ncolumns = 76/(maxlen+5);
+  if( ncolumns<1 ) ncolumns = 1;
+  skip = (lemp->nsymbol + ncolumns - 1)/ncolumns;
+  for(i=0; i<skip; i++){
+    printf("//");
+    for(j=i; j<lemp->nsymbol; j+=skip){
+      sp = lemp->symbols[j];
+      assert( sp->index==j );
+      printf(" %3d %-*.*s",j,maxlen,maxlen,sp->name);
+    }
+    printf("\n");
+  }
+  for(rp=lemp->rule; rp; rp=rp->next){
+    rule_print(stdout, rp);
+    printf(".");
+    if( rp->precsym ) printf(" [%s]",rp->precsym->name);
+    /* if( rp->code ) printf("\n    %s",rp->code); */
+    printf("\n");
+  }
+/* Print a single rule.
+void RulePrint(FILE *fp, struct rule *rp, int iCursor){
+  struct symbol *sp;
+  int i, j;
+  fprintf(fp,"%s ::=",rp->lhs->name);
+  for(i=0; i<=rp->nrhs; i++){
+    if( i==iCursor ) fprintf(fp," *");
+    if( i==rp->nrhs ) break;
+    sp = rp->rhs[i];
+    if( sp->type==MULTITERMINAL ){
+      fprintf(fp," %s", sp->subsym[0]->name);
+      for(j=1; j<sp->nsubsym; j++){
+        fprintf(fp,"|%s",sp->subsym[j]->name);
+      }
+    }else{
+      fprintf(fp," %s", sp->name);
+    }
+  }
+/* Print the rule for a configuration.
+void ConfigPrint(FILE *fp, struct config *cfp){
+  RulePrint(fp, cfp->rp, cfp->dot);
+/* #define TEST */
+#if 0
+/* Print a set */
+PRIVATE void SetPrint(out,set,lemp)
+FILE *out;
+char *set;
+struct lemon *lemp;
+  int i;
+  char *spacer;
+  spacer = "";
+  fprintf(out,"%12s[","");
+  for(i=0; i<lemp->nterminal; i++){
+    if( SetFind(set,i) ){
+      fprintf(out,"%s%s",spacer,lemp->symbols[i]->name);
+      spacer = " ";
+    }
+  }
+  fprintf(out,"]\n");
+/* Print a plink chain */
+PRIVATE void PlinkPrint(out,plp,tag)
+FILE *out;
+struct plink *plp;
+char *tag;
+  while( plp ){
+    fprintf(out,"%12s%s (state %2d) ","",tag,plp->cfp->stp->statenum);
+    ConfigPrint(out,plp->cfp);
+    fprintf(out,"\n");
+    plp = plp->next;
+  }
+/* Print an action to the given file descriptor.  Return FALSE if
+** nothing was actually printed.
+int PrintAction(
+  struct action *ap,          /* The action to print */
+  FILE *fp,                   /* Print the action here */
+  int indent                  /* Indent by this amount */
+  int result = 1;
+  switch( ap->type ){
+    case SHIFT: {
+      struct state *stp = ap->x.stp;
+      fprintf(fp,"%*s shift        %-7d",indent,ap->sp->name,stp->statenum);
+      break;
+    }
+    case REDUCE: {
+      struct rule *rp = ap->x.rp;
+      fprintf(fp,"%*s reduce       %-7d",indent,ap->sp->name,rp->iRule);
+      RulePrint(fp, rp, -1);
+      break;
+    }
+    case SHIFTREDUCE: {
+      struct rule *rp = ap->x.rp;
+      fprintf(fp,"%*s shift-reduce %-7d",indent,ap->sp->name,rp->iRule);
+      RulePrint(fp, rp, -1);
+      break;
+    }
+    case ACCEPT:
+      fprintf(fp,"%*s accept",indent,ap->sp->name);
+      break;
+    case ERROR:
+      fprintf(fp,"%*s error",indent,ap->sp->name);
+      break;
+    case SRCONFLICT:
+    case RRCONFLICT:
+      fprintf(fp,"%*s reduce       %-7d ** Parsing conflict **",
+        indent,ap->sp->name,ap->x.rp->iRule);
+      break;
+    case SSCONFLICT:
+      fprintf(fp,"%*s shift        %-7d ** Parsing conflict **",
+        indent,ap->sp->name,ap->x.stp->statenum);
+      break;
+    case SH_RESOLVED:
+      if( showPrecedenceConflict ){
+        fprintf(fp,"%*s shift        %-7d -- dropped by precedence",
+                indent,ap->sp->name,ap->x.stp->statenum);
+      }else{
+        result = 0;
+      }
+      break;
+    case RD_RESOLVED:
+      if( showPrecedenceConflict ){
+        fprintf(fp,"%*s reduce %-7d -- dropped by precedence",
+                indent,ap->sp->name,ap->x.rp->iRule);
+      }else{
+        result = 0;
+      }
+      break;
+    case NOT_USED:
+      result = 0;
+      break;
+  }
+  if( result && ap->spOpt ){
+    fprintf(fp,"  /* because %s==%s */", ap->sp->name, ap->spOpt->name);
+  }
+  return result;
+/* Generate the "*.out" log file */
+void ReportOutput(struct lemon *lemp)
+  int i, n;
+  struct state *stp;
+  struct config *cfp;
+  struct action *ap;
+  struct rule *rp;
+  FILE *fp;
+  fp = file_open(lemp,".out","wb");
+  if( fp==0 ) return;
+  for(i=0; i<lemp->nxstate; i++){
+    stp = lemp->sorted[i];
+    fprintf(fp,"State %d:\n",stp->statenum);
+    if( lemp->basisflag ) cfp=stp->bp;
+    else                  cfp=stp->cfp;
+    while( cfp ){
+      char buf[20];
+      if( cfp->dot==cfp->rp->nrhs ){
+        lemon_sprintf(buf,"(%d)",cfp->rp->iRule);
+        fprintf(fp,"    %5s ",buf);
+      }else{
+        fprintf(fp,"          ");
+      }
+      ConfigPrint(fp,cfp);
+      fprintf(fp,"\n");
+#if 0
+      SetPrint(fp,cfp->fws,lemp);
+      PlinkPrint(fp,cfp->fplp,"To  ");
+      PlinkPrint(fp,cfp->bplp,"From");
+      if( lemp->basisflag ) cfp=cfp->bp;
+      else                  cfp=cfp->next;
+    }
+    fprintf(fp,"\n");
+    for(ap=stp->ap; ap; ap=ap->next){
+      if( PrintAction(ap,fp,30) ) fprintf(fp,"\n");
+    }
+    fprintf(fp,"\n");
+  }
+  fprintf(fp, "----------------------------------------------------\n");
+  fprintf(fp, "Symbols:\n");
+  fprintf(fp, "The first-set of non-terminals is shown after the name.\n\n");
+  for(i=0; i<lemp->nsymbol; i++){
+    int j;
+    struct symbol *sp;
+    sp = lemp->symbols[i];
+    fprintf(fp, "  %3d: %s", i, sp->name);
+    if( sp->type==NONTERMINAL ){
+      fprintf(fp, ":");
+      if( sp->lambda ){
+        fprintf(fp, " <lambda>");
+      }
+      for(j=0; j<lemp->nterminal; j++){
+        if( sp->firstset && SetFind(sp->firstset, j) ){
+          fprintf(fp, " %s", lemp->symbols[j]->name);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if( sp->prec>=0 ) fprintf(fp," (precedence=%d)", sp->prec);
+    fprintf(fp, "\n");
+  }
+  fprintf(fp, "----------------------------------------------------\n");
+  fprintf(fp, "Syntax-only Symbols:\n");
+  fprintf(fp, "The following symbols never carry semantic content.\n\n");
+  for(i=n=0; i<lemp->nsymbol; i++){
+    int w;
+    struct symbol *sp = lemp->symbols[i];
+    if( sp->bContent ) continue;
+    w = (int)strlen(sp->name);
+    if( n>0 && n+w>75 ){
+      fprintf(fp,"\n");
+      n = 0;
+    }
+    if( n>0 ){
+      fprintf(fp, " ");
+      n++;
+    }
+    fprintf(fp, "%s", sp->name);
+    n += w;
+  }
+  if( n>0 ) fprintf(fp, "\n");
+  fprintf(fp, "----------------------------------------------------\n");
+  fprintf(fp, "Rules:\n");
+  for(rp=lemp->rule; rp; rp=rp->next){
+    fprintf(fp, "%4d: ", rp->iRule);
+    rule_print(fp, rp);
+    fprintf(fp,".");
+    if( rp->precsym ){
+      fprintf(fp," [%s precedence=%d]",
+              rp->precsym->name, rp->precsym->prec);
+    }
+    fprintf(fp,"\n");
+  }
+  fclose(fp);
+  return;
+/* Search for the file "name" which is in the same directory as
+** the executable */
+PRIVATE char *pathsearch(char *argv0, char *name, int modemask)
+  const char *pathlist;
+  char *pathbufptr = 0;
+  char *pathbuf = 0;
+  char *path,*cp;
+  char c;
+#ifdef __WIN32__
+  cp = strrchr(argv0,'\\');
+  cp = strrchr(argv0,'/');
+  if( cp ){
+    c = *cp;
+    *cp = 0;
+    path = (char *)malloc( lemonStrlen(argv0) + lemonStrlen(name) + 2 );
+    if( path ) lemon_sprintf(path,"%s/%s",argv0,name);
+    *cp = c;
+  }else{
+    pathlist = getenv("PATH");
+    if( pathlist==0 ) pathlist = ".:/bin:/usr/bin";
+    pathbuf = (char *) malloc( lemonStrlen(pathlist) + 1 );
+    path = (char *)malloc( lemonStrlen(pathlist)+lemonStrlen(name)+2 );
+    if( (pathbuf != 0) && (path!=0) ){
+      pathbufptr = pathbuf;
+      lemon_strcpy(pathbuf, pathlist);
+      while( *pathbuf ){
+        cp = strchr(pathbuf,':');
+        if( cp==0 ) cp = &pathbuf[lemonStrlen(pathbuf)];
+        c = *cp;
+        *cp = 0;
+        lemon_sprintf(path,"%s/%s",pathbuf,name);
+        *cp = c;
+        if( c==0 ) pathbuf[0] = 0;
+        else pathbuf = &cp[1];
+        if( access(path,modemask)==0 ) break;
+      }
+    }
+    free(pathbufptr);
+  }
+  return path;
+/* Given an action, compute the integer value for that action
+** which is to be put in the action table of the generated machine.
+** Return negative if no action should be generated.
+PRIVATE int compute_action(struct lemon *lemp, struct action *ap)
+  int act;
+  switch( ap->type ){
+    case SHIFT:  act = ap->x.stp->statenum;                        break;
+    case SHIFTREDUCE: {
+      /* Since a SHIFT is inherient after a prior REDUCE, convert any
+      ** SHIFTREDUCE action with a nonterminal on the LHS into a simple
+      ** REDUCE action: */
+      if( ap->sp->index>=lemp->nterminal
+       && (lemp->errsym==0 || ap->sp->index!=lemp->errsym->index)
+      ){
+        act = lemp->minReduce + ap->x.rp->iRule;
+      }else{
+        act = lemp->minShiftReduce + ap->x.rp->iRule;
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case REDUCE: act = lemp->minReduce + ap->x.rp->iRule;          break;
+    case ERROR:  act = lemp->errAction;                            break;
+    case ACCEPT: act = lemp->accAction;                            break;
+    default:     act = -1; break;
+  }
+  return act;
+#define LINESIZE 1000
+/* The next cluster of routines are for reading the template file
+** and writing the results to the generated parser */
+/* The first function transfers data from "in" to "out" until
+** a line is seen which begins with "%%".  The line number is
+** tracked.
+** if name!=0, then any word that begin with "Parse" is changed to
+** begin with *name instead.
+PRIVATE void tplt_xfer(char *name, FILE *in, FILE *out, int *lineno)
+  int i, iStart;
+  char line[LINESIZE];
+  while( fgets(line,LINESIZE,in) && (line[0]!='%' || line[1]!='%') ){
+    (*lineno)++;
+    iStart = 0;
+    if( name ){
+      for(i=0; line[i]; i++){
+        if( line[i]=='P' && strncmp(&line[i],"Parse",5)==0
+          && (i==0 || !ISALPHA(line[i-1]))
+        ){
+          if( i>iStart ) fprintf(out,"%.*s",i-iStart,&line[iStart]);
+          fprintf(out,"%s",name);
+          i += 4;
+          iStart = i+1;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    fprintf(out,"%s",&line[iStart]);
+  }
+/* Skip forward past the header of the template file to the first "%%"
+PRIVATE void tplt_skip_header(FILE *in, int *lineno)
+  char line[LINESIZE];
+  while( fgets(line,LINESIZE,in) && (line[0]!='%' || line[1]!='%') ){
+    (*lineno)++;
+  }
+/* The next function finds the template file and opens it, returning
+** a pointer to the opened file. */
+PRIVATE FILE *tplt_open(struct lemon *lemp)
+  static char templatename[] = "lempar.c";
+  char buf[1000];
+  FILE *in;
+  char *tpltname;
+  char *toFree = 0;
+  char *cp;
+  /* first, see if user specified a template filename on the command line. */
+  if (user_templatename != 0) {
+    if( access(user_templatename,004)==-1 ){
+      fprintf(stderr,"Can't find the parser driver template file \"%s\".\n",
+        user_templatename);
+      lemp->errorcnt++;
+      return 0;
+    }
+    in = fopen(user_templatename,"rb");
+    if( in==0 ){
+      fprintf(stderr,"Can't open the template file \"%s\".\n",
+              user_templatename);
+      lemp->errorcnt++;
+      return 0;
+    }
+    return in;
+  }
+  cp = strrchr(lemp->filename,'.');
+  if( cp ){
+    lemon_sprintf(buf,"%.*",(int)(cp-lemp->filename),lemp->filename);
+  }else{
+    lemon_sprintf(buf,"",lemp->filename);
+  }
+  if( access(buf,004)==0 ){
+    tpltname = buf;
+  }else if( access(templatename,004)==0 ){
+    tpltname = templatename;
+  }else{
+    toFree = tpltname = pathsearch(lemp->argv0,templatename,0);
+  }
+  if( tpltname==0 ){
+    fprintf(stderr,"Can't find the parser driver template file \"%s\".\n",
+    templatename);
+    lemp->errorcnt++;
+    return 0;
+  }
+  in = fopen(tpltname,"rb");
+  if( in==0 ){
+    fprintf(stderr,"Can't open the template file \"%s\".\n",tpltname);
+    lemp->errorcnt++;
+  }
+  free(toFree);
+  return in;
+/* Print a #line directive line to the output file. */
+PRIVATE void tplt_linedir(FILE *out, int lineno, char *filename)
+  fprintf(out,"#line %d \"",lineno);
+  while( *filename ){
+    if( *filename == '\\' ) putc('\\',out);
+    putc(*filename,out);
+    filename++;
+  }
+  fprintf(out,"\"\n");
+/* Print a string to the file and keep the linenumber up to date */
+PRIVATE void tplt_print(FILE *out, struct lemon *lemp, char *str, int *lineno)
+  if( str==0 ) return;
+  while( *str ){
+    putc(*str,out);
+    if( *str=='\n' ) (*lineno)++;
+    str++;
+  }
+  if( str[-1]!='\n' ){
+    putc('\n',out);
+    (*lineno)++;
+  }
+  if (!lemp->nolinenosflag) {
+    (*lineno)++; tplt_linedir(out,*lineno,lemp->outname);
+  }
+  return;
+** The following routine emits code for the destructor for the
+** symbol sp
+void emit_destructor_code(
+  FILE *out,
+  struct symbol *sp,
+  struct lemon *lemp,
+  int *lineno
+ char *cp = 0;
+ if( sp->type==TERMINAL ){
+   cp = lemp->tokendest;
+   if( cp==0 ) return;
+   fprintf(out,"{\n"); (*lineno)++;
+ }else if( sp->destructor ){
+   cp = sp->destructor;
+   fprintf(out,"{\n"); (*lineno)++;
+   if( !lemp->nolinenosflag ){
+     (*lineno)++;
+     tplt_linedir(out,sp->destLineno,lemp->filename);
+   }
+ }else if( lemp->vardest ){
+   cp = lemp->vardest;
+   if( cp==0 ) return;
+   fprintf(out,"{\n"); (*lineno)++;
+ }else{
+   assert( 0 );  /* Cannot happen */
+ }
+ for(; *cp; cp++){
+   if( *cp=='$' && cp[1]=='$' ){
+     fprintf(out,"(yypminor->yy%d)",sp->dtnum);
+     cp++;
+     continue;
+   }
+   if( *cp=='\n' ) (*lineno)++;
+   fputc(*cp,out);
+ }
+ fprintf(out,"\n"); (*lineno)++;
+ if (!lemp->nolinenosflag) {
+   (*lineno)++; tplt_linedir(out,*lineno,lemp->outname);
+ }
+ fprintf(out,"}\n"); (*lineno)++;
+ return;
+** Return TRUE (non-zero) if the given symbol has a destructor.
+int has_destructor(struct symbol *sp, struct lemon *lemp)
+  int ret;
+  if( sp->type==TERMINAL ){
+    ret = lemp->tokendest!=0;
+  }else{
+    ret = lemp->vardest!=0 || sp->destructor!=0;
+  }
+  return ret;
+** Append text to a dynamically allocated string.  If zText is 0 then
+** reset the string to be empty again.  Always return the complete text
+** of the string (which is overwritten with each call).
+** n bytes of zText are stored.  If n==0 then all of zText up to the first
+** \000 terminator is stored.  zText can contain up to two instances of
+** %d.  The values of p1 and p2 are written into the first and second
+** %d.
+** If n==-1, then the previous character is overwritten.
+PRIVATE char *append_str(const char *zText, int n, int p1, int p2){
+  static char empty[1] = { 0 };
+  static char *z = 0;
+  static int alloced = 0;
+  static int used = 0;
+  int c;
+  char zInt[40];
+  if( zText==0 ){
+    if( used==0 && z!=0 ) z[0] = 0;
+    used = 0;
+    return z;
+  }
+  if( n<=0 ){
+    if( n<0 ){
+      used += n;
+      assert( used>=0 );
+    }
+    n = lemonStrlen(zText);
+  }
+  if( (int) (n+sizeof(zInt)*2+used) >= alloced ){
+    alloced = n + sizeof(zInt)*2 + used + 200;
+    z = (char *) realloc(z,  alloced);
+  }
+  if( z==0 ) return empty;
+  while( n-- > 0 ){
+    c = *(zText++);
+    if( c=='%' && n>0 && zText[0]=='d' ){
+      lemon_sprintf(zInt, "%d", p1);
+      p1 = p2;
+      lemon_strcpy(&z[used], zInt);
+      used += lemonStrlen(&z[used]);
+      zText++;
+      n--;
+    }else{
+      z[used++] = (char)c;
+    }
+  }
+  z[used] = 0;
+  return z;
+** Write and transform the rp->code string so that symbols are expanded.
+** Populate the rp->codePrefix and rp->codeSuffix strings, as appropriate.
+** Return 1 if the expanded code requires that "yylhsminor" local variable
+** to be defined.
+PRIVATE int translate_code(struct lemon *lemp, struct rule *rp){
+  char *cp, *xp;
+  int i;
+  int rc = 0;            /* True if yylhsminor is used */
+  int dontUseRhs0 = 0;   /* If true, use of left-most RHS label is illegal */
+  const char *zSkip = 0; /* The zOvwrt comment within rp->code, or NULL */
+  char lhsused = 0;      /* True if the LHS element has been used */
+  char lhsdirect;        /* True if LHS writes directly into stack */
+  char used[MAXRHS];     /* True for each RHS element which is used */
+  char zLhs[50];         /* Convert the LHS symbol into this string */
+  char zOvwrt[900];      /* Comment that to allow LHS to overwrite RHS */
+  for(i=0; i<rp->nrhs; i++) used[i] = 0;
+  lhsused = 0;
+  if( rp->code==0 ){
+    static char newlinestr[2] = { '\n', '\0' };
+    rp->code = newlinestr;
+    rp->line = rp->ruleline;
+    rp->noCode = 1;
+  }else{
+    rp->noCode = 0;
+  }
+  if( rp->nrhs==0 ){
+    /* If there are no RHS symbols, then writing directly to the LHS is ok */
+    lhsdirect = 1;
+  }else if( rp->rhsalias[0]==0 ){
+    /* The left-most RHS symbol has no value.  LHS direct is ok.  But
+    ** we have to call the destructor on the RHS symbol first. */
+    lhsdirect = 1;
+    if( has_destructor(rp->rhs[0],lemp) ){
+      append_str(0,0,0,0);
+      append_str("  yy_destructor(yypParser,%d,&yymsp[%d].minor);\n", 0,
+                 rp->rhs[0]->index,1-rp->nrhs);
+      rp->codePrefix = Strsafe(append_str(0,0,0,0));
+      rp->noCode = 0;
+    }
+  }else if( rp->lhsalias==0 ){
+    /* There is no LHS value symbol. */
+    lhsdirect = 1;
+  }else if( strcmp(rp->lhsalias,rp->rhsalias[0])==0 ){
+    /* The LHS symbol and the left-most RHS symbol are the same, so
+    ** direct writing is allowed */
+    lhsdirect = 1;
+    lhsused = 1;
+    used[0] = 1;
+    if( rp->lhs->dtnum!=rp->rhs[0]->dtnum ){
+      ErrorMsg(lemp->filename,rp->ruleline,
+        "%s(%s) and %s(%s) share the same label but have "
+        "different datatypes.",
+        rp->lhs->name, rp->lhsalias, rp->rhs[0]->name, rp->rhsalias[0]);
+      lemp->errorcnt++;
+    }
+  }else{
+    lemon_sprintf(zOvwrt, "/*%s-overwrites-%s*/",
+                  rp->lhsalias, rp->rhsalias[0]);
+    zSkip = strstr(rp->code, zOvwrt);
+    if( zSkip!=0 ){
+      /* The code contains a special comment that indicates that it is safe
+      ** for the LHS label to overwrite left-most RHS label. */
+      lhsdirect = 1;
+    }else{
+      lhsdirect = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  if( lhsdirect ){
+    sprintf(zLhs, "yymsp[%d].minor.yy%d",1-rp->nrhs,rp->lhs->dtnum);
+  }else{
+    rc = 1;
+    sprintf(zLhs, "yylhsminor.yy%d",rp->lhs->dtnum);
+  }
+  append_str(0,0,0,0);
+  /* This const cast is wrong but harmless, if we're careful. */
+  for(cp=(char *)rp->code; *cp; cp++){
+    if( cp==zSkip ){
+      append_str(zOvwrt,0,0,0);
+      cp += lemonStrlen(zOvwrt)-1;
+      dontUseRhs0 = 1;
+      continue;
+    }
+    if( ISALPHA(*cp) && (cp==rp->code || (!ISALNUM(cp[-1]) && cp[-1]!='_')) ){
+      char saved;
+      for(xp= &cp[1]; ISALNUM(*xp) || *xp=='_'; xp++);
+      saved = *xp;
+      *xp = 0;
+      if( rp->lhsalias && strcmp(cp,rp->lhsalias)==0 ){
+        append_str(zLhs,0,0,0);
+        cp = xp;
+        lhsused = 1;
+      }else{
+        for(i=0; i<rp->nrhs; i++){
+          if( rp->rhsalias[i] && strcmp(cp,rp->rhsalias[i])==0 ){
+            if( i==0 && dontUseRhs0 ){
+              ErrorMsg(lemp->filename,rp->ruleline,
+                 "Label %s used after '%s'.",
+                 rp->rhsalias[0], zOvwrt);
+              lemp->errorcnt++;
+            }else if( cp!=rp->code && cp[-1]=='@' ){
+              /* If the argument is of the form @X then substituted
+              ** the token number of X, not the value of X */
+              append_str("yymsp[%d].major",-1,i-rp->nrhs+1,0);
+            }else{
+              struct symbol *sp = rp->rhs[i];
+              int dtnum;
+              if( sp->type==MULTITERMINAL ){
+                dtnum = sp->subsym[0]->dtnum;
+              }else{
+                dtnum = sp->dtnum;
+              }
+              append_str("yymsp[%d].minor.yy%d",0,i-rp->nrhs+1, dtnum);
+            }
+            cp = xp;
+            used[i] = 1;
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      *xp = saved;
+    }
+    append_str(cp, 1, 0, 0);
+  } /* End loop */
+  /* Main code generation completed */
+  cp = append_str(0,0,0,0);
+  if( cp && cp[0] ) rp->code = Strsafe(cp);
+  append_str(0,0,0,0);
+  /* Check to make sure the LHS has been used */
+  if( rp->lhsalias && !lhsused ){
+    ErrorMsg(lemp->filename,rp->ruleline,
+      "Label \"%s\" for \"%s(%s)\" is never used.",
+        rp->lhsalias,rp->lhs->name,rp->lhsalias);
+    lemp->errorcnt++;
+  }
+  /* Generate destructor code for RHS minor values which are not referenced.
+  ** Generate error messages for unused labels and duplicate labels.
+  */
+  for(i=0; i<rp->nrhs; i++){
+    if( rp->rhsalias[i] ){
+      if( i>0 ){
+        int j;
+        if( rp->lhsalias && strcmp(rp->lhsalias,rp->rhsalias[i])==0 ){
+          ErrorMsg(lemp->filename,rp->ruleline,
+            "%s(%s) has the same label as the LHS but is not the left-most "
+            "symbol on the RHS.",
+            rp->rhs[i]->name, rp->rhsalias[i]);
+          lemp->errorcnt++;
+        }
+        for(j=0; j<i; j++){
+          if( rp->rhsalias[j] && strcmp(rp->rhsalias[j],rp->rhsalias[i])==0 ){
+            ErrorMsg(lemp->filename,rp->ruleline,
+              "Label %s used for multiple symbols on the RHS of a rule.",
+              rp->rhsalias[i]);
+            lemp->errorcnt++;
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      if( !used[i] ){
+        ErrorMsg(lemp->filename,rp->ruleline,
+          "Label %s for \"%s(%s)\" is never used.",
+          rp->rhsalias[i],rp->rhs[i]->name,rp->rhsalias[i]);
+        lemp->errorcnt++;
+      }
+    }else if( i>0 && has_destructor(rp->rhs[i],lemp) ){
+      append_str("  yy_destructor(yypParser,%d,&yymsp[%d].minor);\n", 0,
+         rp->rhs[i]->index,i-rp->nrhs+1);
+    }
+  }
+  /* If unable to write LHS values directly into the stack, write the
+  ** saved LHS value now. */
+  if( lhsdirect==0 ){
+    append_str("  yymsp[%d].minor.yy%d = ", 0, 1-rp->nrhs, rp->lhs->dtnum);
+    append_str(zLhs, 0, 0, 0);
+    append_str(";\n", 0, 0, 0);
+  }
+  /* Suffix code generation complete */
+  cp = append_str(0,0,0,0);
+  if( cp && cp[0] ){
+    rp->codeSuffix = Strsafe(cp);
+    rp->noCode = 0;
+  }
+  return rc;
+** Generate code which executes when the rule "rp" is reduced.  Write
+** the code to "out".  Make sure lineno stays up-to-date.
+PRIVATE void emit_code(
+  FILE *out,
+  struct rule *rp,
+  struct lemon *lemp,
+  int *lineno
+ const char *cp;
+ /* Setup code prior to the #line directive */
+ if( rp->codePrefix && rp->codePrefix[0] ){
+   fprintf(out, "{%s", rp->codePrefix);
+   for(cp=rp->codePrefix; *cp; cp++){ if( *cp=='\n' ) (*lineno)++; }
+ }
+ /* Generate code to do the reduce action */
+ if( rp->code ){
+   if( !lemp->nolinenosflag ){
+     (*lineno)++;
+     tplt_linedir(out,rp->line,lemp->filename);
+   }
+   fprintf(out,"{%s",rp->code);
+   for(cp=rp->code; *cp; cp++){ if( *cp=='\n' ) (*lineno)++; }
+   fprintf(out,"}\n"); (*lineno)++;
+   if( !lemp->nolinenosflag ){
+     (*lineno)++;
+     tplt_linedir(out,*lineno,lemp->outname);
+   }
+ }
+ /* Generate breakdown code that occurs after the #line directive */
+ if( rp->codeSuffix && rp->codeSuffix[0] ){
+   fprintf(out, "%s", rp->codeSuffix);
+   for(cp=rp->codeSuffix; *cp; cp++){ if( *cp=='\n' ) (*lineno)++; }
+ }
+ if( rp->codePrefix ){
+   fprintf(out, "}\n"); (*lineno)++;
+ }
+ return;
+** Print the definition of the union used for the parser's data stack.
+** This union contains fields for every possible data type for tokens
+** and nonterminals.  In the process of computing and printing this
+** union, also set the ".dtnum" field of every terminal and nonterminal
+** symbol.
+void print_stack_union(
+  FILE *out,                  /* The output stream */
+  struct lemon *lemp,         /* The main info structure for this parser */
+  int *plineno,               /* Pointer to the line number */
+  int mhflag                  /* True if generating makeheaders output */
+  int lineno;               /* The line number of the output */
+  char **types;             /* A hash table of datatypes */
+  int arraysize;            /* Size of the "types" array */
+  int maxdtlength;          /* Maximum length of any ".datatype" field. */
+  char *stddt;              /* Standardized name for a datatype */
+  int i,j;                  /* Loop counters */
+  unsigned hash;            /* For hashing the name of a type */
+  const char *name;         /* Name of the parser */
+  /* Allocate and initialize types[] and allocate stddt[] */
+  arraysize = lemp->nsymbol * 2;
+  types = (char**)calloc( arraysize, sizeof(char*) );
+  if( types==0 ){
+    fprintf(stderr,"Out of memory.\n");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  for(i=0; i<arraysize; i++) types[i] = 0;
+  maxdtlength = 0;
+  if( lemp->vartype ){
+    maxdtlength = lemonStrlen(lemp->vartype);
+  }
+  for(i=0; i<lemp->nsymbol; i++){
+    int len;
+    struct symbol *sp = lemp->symbols[i];
+    if( sp->datatype==0 ) continue;
+    len = lemonStrlen(sp->datatype);
+    if( len>maxdtlength ) maxdtlength = len;
+  }
+  stddt = (char*)malloc( maxdtlength*2 + 1 );
+  if( stddt==0 ){
+    fprintf(stderr,"Out of memory.\n");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  /* Build a hash table of datatypes. The ".dtnum" field of each symbol
+  ** is filled in with the hash index plus 1.  A ".dtnum" value of 0 is
+  ** used for terminal symbols.  If there is no %default_type defined then
+  ** 0 is also used as the .dtnum value for nonterminals which do not specify
+  ** a datatype using the %type directive.
+  */
+  for(i=0; i<lemp->nsymbol; i++){
+    struct symbol *sp = lemp->symbols[i];
+    char *cp;
+    if( sp==lemp->errsym ){
+      sp->dtnum = arraysize+1;
+      continue;
+    }
+    if( sp->type!=NONTERMINAL || (sp->datatype==0 && lemp->vartype==0) ){
+      sp->dtnum = 0;
+      continue;
+    }
+    cp = sp->datatype;
+    if( cp==0 ) cp = lemp->vartype;
+    j = 0;
+    while( ISSPACE(*cp) ) cp++;
+    while( *cp ) stddt[j++] = *cp++;
+    while( j>0 && ISSPACE(stddt[j-1]) ) j--;
+    stddt[j] = 0;
+    if( lemp->tokentype && strcmp(stddt, lemp->tokentype)==0 ){
+      sp->dtnum = 0;
+      continue;
+    }
+    hash = 0;
+    for(j=0; stddt[j]; j++){
+      hash = hash*53 + stddt[j];
+    }
+    hash = (hash & 0x7fffffff)%arraysize;
+    while( types[hash] ){
+      if( strcmp(types[hash],stddt)==0 ){
+        sp->dtnum = hash + 1;
+        break;
+      }
+      hash++;
+      if( hash>=(unsigned)arraysize ) hash = 0;
+    }
+    if( types[hash]==0 ){
+      sp->dtnum = hash + 1;
+      types[hash] = (char*)malloc( lemonStrlen(stddt)+1 );
+      if( types[hash]==0 ){
+        fprintf(stderr,"Out of memory.\n");
+        exit(1);
+      }
+      lemon_strcpy(types[hash],stddt);
+    }
+  }
+  /* Print out the definition of YYTOKENTYPE and YYMINORTYPE */
+  name = lemp->name ? lemp->name : "Parse";
+  lineno = *plineno;
+  if( mhflag ){ fprintf(out,"#if INTERFACE\n"); lineno++; }
+  fprintf(out,"#define %sTOKENTYPE %s\n",name,
+    lemp->tokentype?lemp->tokentype:"void*");  lineno++;
+  if( mhflag ){ fprintf(out,"#endif\n"); lineno++; }
+  fprintf(out,"typedef union {\n"); lineno++;
+  fprintf(out,"  int yyinit;\n"); lineno++;
+  fprintf(out,"  %sTOKENTYPE yy0;\n",name); lineno++;
+  for(i=0; i<arraysize; i++){
+    if( types[i]==0 ) continue;
+    fprintf(out,"  %s yy%d;\n",types[i],i+1); lineno++;
+    free(types[i]);
+  }
+  if( lemp->errsym && lemp->errsym->useCnt ){
+    fprintf(out,"  int yy%d;\n",lemp->errsym->dtnum); lineno++;
+  }
+  free(stddt);
+  free(types);
+  fprintf(out,"} YYMINORTYPE;\n"); lineno++;
+  *plineno = lineno;
+** Return the name of a C datatype able to represent values between
+** lwr and upr, inclusive.  If pnByte!=NULL then also write the sizeof
+** for that type (1, 2, or 4) into *pnByte.
+static const char *minimum_size_type(int lwr, int upr, int *pnByte){
+  const char *zType = "int";
+  int nByte = 4;
+  if( lwr>=0 ){
+    if( upr<=255 ){
+      zType = "unsigned char";
+      nByte = 1;
+    }else if( upr<65535 ){
+      zType = "unsigned short int";
+      nByte = 2;
+    }else{
+      zType = "unsigned int";
+      nByte = 4;
+    }
+  }else if( lwr>=-127 && upr<=127 ){
+    zType = "signed char";
+    nByte = 1;
+  }else if( lwr>=-32767 && upr<32767 ){
+    zType = "short";
+    nByte = 2;
+  }
+  if( pnByte ) *pnByte = nByte;
+  return zType;
+** Each state contains a set of token transaction and a set of
+** nonterminal transactions.  Each of these sets makes an instance
+** of the following structure.  An array of these structures is used
+** to order the creation of entries in the yy_action[] table.
+struct axset {
+  struct state *stp;   /* A pointer to a state */
+  int isTkn;           /* True to use tokens.  False for non-terminals */
+  int nAction;         /* Number of actions */
+  int iOrder;          /* Original order of action sets */
+** Compare to axset structures for sorting purposes
+static int axset_compare(const void *a, const void *b){
+  struct axset *p1 = (struct axset*)a;
+  struct axset *p2 = (struct axset*)b;
+  int c;
+  c = p2->nAction - p1->nAction;
+  if( c==0 ){
+    c = p1->iOrder - p2->iOrder;
+  }
+  assert( c!=0 || p1==p2 );
+  return c;
+** Write text on "out" that describes the rule "rp".
+static void writeRuleText(FILE *out, struct rule *rp){
+  int j;
+  fprintf(out,"%s ::=", rp->lhs->name);
+  for(j=0; j<rp->nrhs; j++){
+    struct symbol *sp = rp->rhs[j];
+    if( sp->type!=MULTITERMINAL ){
+      fprintf(out," %s", sp->name);
+    }else{
+      int k;
+      fprintf(out," %s", sp->subsym[0]->name);
+      for(k=1; k<sp->nsubsym; k++){
+        fprintf(out,"|%s",sp->subsym[k]->name);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+/* Generate C source code for the parser */
+void ReportTable(
+  struct lemon *lemp,
+  int mhflag,     /* Output in makeheaders format if true */
+  int sqlFlag     /* Generate the *.sql file too */
+  FILE *out, *in, *sql;
+  int  lineno;
+  struct state *stp;
+  struct action *ap;
+  struct rule *rp;
+  struct acttab *pActtab;
+  int i, j, n, sz;
+  int nLookAhead;
+  int szActionType;     /* sizeof(YYACTIONTYPE) */
+  int szCodeType;       /* sizeof(YYCODETYPE)   */
+  const char *name;
+  int mnTknOfst, mxTknOfst;
+  int mnNtOfst, mxNtOfst;
+  struct axset *ax;
+  char *prefix;
+  lemp->minShiftReduce = lemp->nstate;
+  lemp->errAction = lemp->minShiftReduce + lemp->nrule;
+  lemp->accAction = lemp->errAction + 1;
+  lemp->noAction = lemp->accAction + 1;
+  lemp->minReduce = lemp->noAction + 1;
+  lemp->maxAction = lemp->minReduce + lemp->nrule;
+  in = tplt_open(lemp);
+  if( in==0 ) return;
+  out = file_open(lemp,".c","wb");
+  if( out==0 ){
+    fclose(in);
+    return;
+  }
+  if( sqlFlag==0 ){
+    sql = 0;
+  }else{
+    sql = file_open(lemp, ".sql", "wb");
+    if( sql==0 ){
+      fclose(in);
+      fclose(out);
+      return;
+    }
+    fprintf(sql,
+       "BEGIN;\n"
+       "CREATE TABLE symbol(\n"
+       "  id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,\n"
+       "  name TEXT NOT NULL,\n"
+       "  isTerminal BOOLEAN NOT NULL,\n"
+       "  fallback INTEGER REFERENCES symbol"
+       ");\n"
+    );
+    for(i=0; i<lemp->nsymbol; i++){
+      fprintf(sql,
+         "INSERT INTO symbol(id,name,isTerminal,fallback)"
+         "VALUES(%d,'%s',%s",
+         i, lemp->symbols[i]->name,
+         i<lemp->nterminal ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"
+      );
+      if( lemp->symbols[i]->fallback ){
+        fprintf(sql, ",%d);\n", lemp->symbols[i]->fallback->index);
+      }else{
+        fprintf(sql, ",NULL);\n");
+      }
+    }
+    fprintf(sql,
+      "CREATE TABLE rule(\n"
+      "  ruleid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,\n"
+      "  lhs INTEGER REFERENCES symbol(id),\n"
+      "  txt TEXT\n"
+      ");\n"
+      "CREATE TABLE rulerhs(\n"
+      "  ruleid INTEGER REFERENCES rule(ruleid),\n"
+      "  pos INTEGER,\n"
+      "  sym INTEGER REFERENCES symbol(id)\n"
+      ");\n"
+    );
+    for(i=0, rp=lemp->rule; rp; rp=rp->next, i++){
+      assert( i==rp->iRule );
+      fprintf(sql,
+        "INSERT INTO rule(ruleid,lhs,txt)VALUES(%d,%d,'",
+        rp->iRule, rp->lhs->index
+      );
+      writeRuleText(sql, rp);
+      fprintf(sql,"');\n");
+      for(j=0; j<rp->nrhs; j++){
+        struct symbol *sp = rp->rhs[j];
+        if( sp->type!=MULTITERMINAL ){
+          fprintf(sql,
+            "INSERT INTO rulerhs(ruleid,pos,sym)VALUES(%d,%d,%d);\n",
+            i,j,sp->index
+          );
+        }else{
+          int k;
+          for(k=0; k<sp->nsubsym; k++){
+            fprintf(sql,
+              "INSERT INTO rulerhs(ruleid,pos,sym)VALUES(%d,%d,%d);\n",
+              i,j,sp->subsym[k]->index
+            );
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    fprintf(sql, "COMMIT;\n");
+  }
+  lineno = 1;
+  fprintf(out, 
+     "/* This file is automatically generated by Lemon from input grammar\n"
+     "** source file \"%s\". */\n", lemp->filename); lineno += 2;
+  /* The first %include directive begins with a C-language comment,
+  ** then skip over the header comment of the template file
+  */
+  if( lemp->include==0 ) lemp->include = "";
+  for(i=0; ISSPACE(lemp->include[i]); i++){
+    if( lemp->include[i]=='\n' ){
+      lemp->include += i+1;
+      i = -1;
+    }
+  }
+  if( lemp->include[0]=='/' ){
+    tplt_skip_header(in,&lineno);
+  }else{
+    tplt_xfer(lemp->name,in,out,&lineno);
+  }
+  /* Generate the include code, if any */
+  tplt_print(out,lemp,lemp->include,&lineno);
+  if( mhflag ){
+    char *incName = file_makename(lemp, ".h");
+    fprintf(out,"#include \"%s\"\n", incName); lineno++;
+    free(incName);
+  }
+  tplt_xfer(lemp->name,in,out,&lineno);
+  /* Generate #defines for all tokens */
+  if( lemp->tokenprefix ) prefix = lemp->tokenprefix;
+  else                    prefix = "";
+  if( mhflag ){
+    fprintf(out,"#if INTERFACE\n"); lineno++;
+  }else{
+    fprintf(out,"#ifndef %s%s\n", prefix, lemp->symbols[1]->name);
+  }
+  for(i=1; i<lemp->nterminal; i++){
+    fprintf(out,"#define %s%-30s %2d\n",prefix,lemp->symbols[i]->name,i);
+    lineno++;
+  }
+  fprintf(out,"#endif\n"); lineno++;
+  tplt_xfer(lemp->name,in,out,&lineno);
+  /* Generate the defines */
+  fprintf(out,"#define YYCODETYPE %s\n",
+    minimum_size_type(0, lemp->nsymbol, &szCodeType)); lineno++;
+  fprintf(out,"#define YYNOCODE %d\n",lemp->nsymbol);  lineno++;
+  fprintf(out,"#define YYACTIONTYPE %s\n",
+    minimum_size_type(0,lemp->maxAction,&szActionType)); lineno++;
+  if( lemp->wildcard ){
+    fprintf(out,"#define YYWILDCARD %d\n",
+       lemp->wildcard->index); lineno++;
+  }
+  print_stack_union(out,lemp,&lineno,mhflag);
+  fprintf(out, "#ifndef YYSTACKDEPTH\n"); lineno++;
+  if( lemp->stacksize ){
+    fprintf(out,"#define YYSTACKDEPTH %s\n",lemp->stacksize);  lineno++;
+  }else{
+    fprintf(out,"#define YYSTACKDEPTH 100\n");  lineno++;
+  }
+  fprintf(out, "#endif\n"); lineno++;
+  if( mhflag ){
+    fprintf(out,"#if INTERFACE\n"); lineno++;
+  }
+  name = lemp->name ? lemp->name : "Parse";
+  if( lemp->arg && lemp->arg[0] ){
+    i = lemonStrlen(lemp->arg);
+    while( i>=1 && ISSPACE(lemp->arg[i-1]) ) i--;
+    while( i>=1 && (ISALNUM(lemp->arg[i-1]) || lemp->arg[i-1]=='_') ) i--;
+    fprintf(out,"#define %sARG_SDECL %s;\n",name,lemp->arg);  lineno++;
+    fprintf(out,"#define %sARG_PDECL ,%s\n",name,lemp->arg);  lineno++;
+    fprintf(out,"#define %sARG_PARAM ,%s\n",name,&lemp->arg[i]);  lineno++;
+    fprintf(out,"#define %sARG_FETCH %s=yypParser->%s;\n",
+                 name,lemp->arg,&lemp->arg[i]);  lineno++;
+    fprintf(out,"#define %sARG_STORE yypParser->%s=%s;\n",
+                 name,&lemp->arg[i],&lemp->arg[i]);  lineno++;
+  }else{
+    fprintf(out,"#define %sARG_SDECL\n",name); lineno++;
+    fprintf(out,"#define %sARG_PDECL\n",name); lineno++;
+    fprintf(out,"#define %sARG_PARAM\n",name); lineno++;
+    fprintf(out,"#define %sARG_FETCH\n",name); lineno++;
+    fprintf(out,"#define %sARG_STORE\n",name); lineno++;
+  }
+  if( lemp->ctx && lemp->ctx[0] ){
+    i = lemonStrlen(lemp->ctx);
+    while( i>=1 && ISSPACE(lemp->ctx[i-1]) ) i--;
+    while( i>=1 && (ISALNUM(lemp->ctx[i-1]) || lemp->ctx[i-1]=='_') ) i--;
+    fprintf(out,"#define %sCTX_SDECL %s;\n",name,lemp->ctx);  lineno++;
+    fprintf(out,"#define %sCTX_PDECL ,%s\n",name,lemp->ctx);  lineno++;
+    fprintf(out,"#define %sCTX_PARAM ,%s\n",name,&lemp->ctx[i]);  lineno++;
+    fprintf(out,"#define %sCTX_FETCH %s=yypParser->%s;\n",
+                 name,lemp->ctx,&lemp->ctx[i]);  lineno++;
+    fprintf(out,"#define %sCTX_STORE yypParser->%s=%s;\n",
+                 name,&lemp->ctx[i],&lemp->ctx[i]);  lineno++;
+  }else{
+    fprintf(out,"#define %sCTX_SDECL\n",name); lineno++;
+    fprintf(out,"#define %sCTX_PDECL\n",name); lineno++;
+    fprintf(out,"#define %sCTX_PARAM\n",name); lineno++;
+    fprintf(out,"#define %sCTX_FETCH\n",name); lineno++;
+    fprintf(out,"#define %sCTX_STORE\n",name); lineno++;
+  }
+  if( mhflag ){
+    fprintf(out,"#endif\n"); lineno++;
+  }
+  if( lemp->errsym && lemp->errsym->useCnt ){
+    fprintf(out,"#define YYERRORSYMBOL %d\n",lemp->errsym->index); lineno++;
+    fprintf(out,"#define YYERRSYMDT yy%d\n",lemp->errsym->dtnum); lineno++;
+  }
+  if( lemp->has_fallback ){
+    fprintf(out,"#define YYFALLBACK 1\n");  lineno++;
+  }
+  /* Compute the action table, but do not output it yet.  The action
+  ** table must be computed before generating the YYNSTATE macro because
+  ** we need to know how many states can be eliminated.
+  */
+  ax = (struct axset *) calloc(lemp->nxstate*2, sizeof(ax[0]));
+  if( ax==0 ){
+    fprintf(stderr,"malloc failed\n");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  for(i=0; i<lemp->nxstate; i++){
+    stp = lemp->sorted[i];
+    ax[i*2].stp = stp;
+    ax[i*2].isTkn = 1;
+    ax[i*2].nAction = stp->nTknAct;
+    ax[i*2+1].stp = stp;
+    ax[i*2+1].isTkn = 0;
+    ax[i*2+1].nAction = stp->nNtAct;
+  }
+  mxTknOfst = mnTknOfst = 0;
+  mxNtOfst = mnNtOfst = 0;
+  /* In an effort to minimize the action table size, use the heuristic
+  ** of placing the largest action sets first */
+  for(i=0; i<lemp->nxstate*2; i++) ax[i].iOrder = i;
+  qsort(ax, lemp->nxstate*2, sizeof(ax[0]), axset_compare);
+  pActtab = acttab_alloc(lemp->nsymbol, lemp->nterminal);
+  for(i=0; i<lemp->nxstate*2 && ax[i].nAction>0; i++){
+    stp = ax[i].stp;
+    if( ax[i].isTkn ){
+      for(ap=stp->ap; ap; ap=ap->next){
+        int action;
+        if( ap->sp->index>=lemp->nterminal ) continue;
+        action = compute_action(lemp, ap);
+        if( action<0 ) continue;
+        acttab_action(pActtab, ap->sp->index, action);
+      }
+      stp->iTknOfst = acttab_insert(pActtab, 1);
+      if( stp->iTknOfst<mnTknOfst ) mnTknOfst = stp->iTknOfst;
+      if( stp->iTknOfst>mxTknOfst ) mxTknOfst = stp->iTknOfst;
+    }else{
+      for(ap=stp->ap; ap; ap=ap->next){
+        int action;
+        if( ap->sp->index<lemp->nterminal ) continue;
+        if( ap->sp->index==lemp->nsymbol ) continue;
+        action = compute_action(lemp, ap);
+        if( action<0 ) continue;
+        acttab_action(pActtab, ap->sp->index, action);
+      }
+      stp->iNtOfst = acttab_insert(pActtab, 0);
+      if( stp->iNtOfst<mnNtOfst ) mnNtOfst = stp->iNtOfst;
+      if( stp->iNtOfst>mxNtOfst ) mxNtOfst = stp->iNtOfst;
+    }
+#if 0  /* Uncomment for a trace of how the yy_action[] table fills out */
+    { int jj, nn;
+      for(jj=nn=0; jj<pActtab->nAction; jj++){
+        if( pActtab->aAction[jj].action<0 ) nn++;
+      }
+      printf("%4d: State %3d %s n: %2d size: %5d freespace: %d\n",
+             i, stp->statenum, ax[i].isTkn ? "Token" : "Var  ",
+             ax[i].nAction, pActtab->nAction, nn);
+    }
+  }
+  free(ax);
+  /* Mark rules that are actually used for reduce actions after all
+  ** optimizations have been applied
+  */
+  for(rp=lemp->rule; rp; rp=rp->next) rp->doesReduce = LEMON_FALSE;
+  for(i=0; i<lemp->nxstate; i++){
+    for(ap=lemp->sorted[i]->ap; ap; ap=ap->next){
+      if( ap->type==REDUCE || ap->type==SHIFTREDUCE ){
+        ap->x.rp->doesReduce = 1;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* Finish rendering the constants now that the action table has
+  ** been computed */
+  fprintf(out,"#define YYNSTATE             %d\n",lemp->nxstate);  lineno++;
+  fprintf(out,"#define YYNRULE              %d\n",lemp->nrule);  lineno++;
+  fprintf(out,"#define YYNRULE_WITH_ACTION  %d\n",lemp->nruleWithAction);
+         lineno++;
+  fprintf(out,"#define YYNTOKEN             %d\n",lemp->nterminal); lineno++;
+  fprintf(out,"#define YY_MAX_SHIFT         %d\n",lemp->nxstate-1); lineno++;
+  i = lemp->minShiftReduce;
+  fprintf(out,"#define YY_MIN_SHIFTREDUCE   %d\n",i); lineno++;
+  i += lemp->nrule;
+  fprintf(out,"#define YY_MAX_SHIFTREDUCE   %d\n", i-1); lineno++;
+  fprintf(out,"#define YY_ERROR_ACTION      %d\n", lemp->errAction); lineno++;
+  fprintf(out,"#define YY_ACCEPT_ACTION     %d\n", lemp->accAction); lineno++;
+  fprintf(out,"#define YY_NO_ACTION         %d\n", lemp->noAction); lineno++;
+  fprintf(out,"#define YY_MIN_REDUCE        %d\n", lemp->minReduce); lineno++;
+  i = lemp->minReduce + lemp->nrule;
+  fprintf(out,"#define YY_MAX_REDUCE        %d\n", i-1); lineno++;
+  tplt_xfer(lemp->name,in,out,&lineno);
+  /* Now output the action table and its associates:
+  **
+  **  yy_action[]        A single table containing all actions.
+  **  yy_lookahead[]     A table containing the lookahead for each entry in
+  **                     yy_action.  Used to detect hash collisions.
+  **  yy_shift_ofst[]    For each state, the offset into yy_action for
+  **                     shifting terminals.
+  **  yy_reduce_ofst[]   For each state, the offset into yy_action for
+  **                     shifting non-terminals after a reduce.
+  **  yy_default[]       Default action for each state.
+  */
+  /* Output the yy_action table */
+  lemp->nactiontab = n = acttab_action_size(pActtab);
+  lemp->tablesize += n*szActionType;
+  fprintf(out,"#define YY_ACTTAB_COUNT (%d)\n", n); lineno++;
+  fprintf(out,"static const YYACTIONTYPE yy_action[] = {\n"); lineno++;
+  for(i=j=0; i<n; i++){
+    int action = acttab_yyaction(pActtab, i);
+    if( action<0 ) action = lemp->noAction;
+    if( j==0 ) fprintf(out," /* %5d */ ", i);
+    fprintf(out, " %4d,", action);
+    if( j==9 || i==n-1 ){
+      fprintf(out, "\n"); lineno++;
+      j = 0;
+    }else{
+      j++;
+    }
+  }
+  fprintf(out, "};\n"); lineno++;
+  /* Output the yy_lookahead table */
+  lemp->nlookaheadtab = n = acttab_lookahead_size(pActtab);
+  lemp->tablesize += n*szCodeType;
+  fprintf(out,"static const YYCODETYPE yy_lookahead[] = {\n"); lineno++;
+  for(i=j=0; i<n; i++){
+    int la = acttab_yylookahead(pActtab, i);
+    if( la<0 ) la = lemp->nsymbol;
+    if( j==0 ) fprintf(out," /* %5d */ ", i);
+    fprintf(out, " %4d,", la);
+    if( j==9 ){
+      fprintf(out, "\n"); lineno++;
+      j = 0;
+    }else{
+      j++;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Add extra entries to the end of the yy_lookahead[] table so that
+  ** yy_shift_ofst[]+iToken will always be a valid index into the array,
+  ** even for the largest possible value of yy_shift_ofst[] and iToken. */
+  nLookAhead = lemp->nterminal + lemp->nactiontab;
+  while( i<nLookAhead ){
+    if( j==0 ) fprintf(out," /* %5d */ ", i);
+    fprintf(out, " %4d,", lemp->nterminal);
+    if( j==9 ){
+      fprintf(out, "\n"); lineno++;
+      j = 0;
+    }else{
+      j++;
+    }
+    i++;
+  }
+  if( j>0 ){ fprintf(out, "\n"); lineno++; }
+  fprintf(out, "};\n"); lineno++;
+  /* Output the yy_shift_ofst[] table */
+  n = lemp->nxstate;
+  while( n>0 && lemp->sorted[n-1]->iTknOfst==NO_OFFSET ) n--;
+  fprintf(out, "#define YY_SHIFT_COUNT    (%d)\n", n-1); lineno++;
+  fprintf(out, "#define YY_SHIFT_MIN      (%d)\n", mnTknOfst); lineno++;
+  fprintf(out, "#define YY_SHIFT_MAX      (%d)\n", mxTknOfst); lineno++;
+  fprintf(out, "static const %s yy_shift_ofst[] = {\n",
+       minimum_size_type(mnTknOfst, lemp->nterminal+lemp->nactiontab, &sz));
+       lineno++;
+  lemp->tablesize += n*sz;
+  for(i=j=0; i<n; i++){
+    int ofst;
+    stp = lemp->sorted[i];
+    ofst = stp->iTknOfst;
+    if( ofst==NO_OFFSET ) ofst = lemp->nactiontab;
+    if( j==0 ) fprintf(out," /* %5d */ ", i);
+    fprintf(out, " %4d,", ofst);
+    if( j==9 || i==n-1 ){
+      fprintf(out, "\n"); lineno++;
+      j = 0;
+    }else{
+      j++;
+    }
+  }
+  fprintf(out, "};\n"); lineno++;
+  /* Output the yy_reduce_ofst[] table */
+  n = lemp->nxstate;
+  while( n>0 && lemp->sorted[n-1]->iNtOfst==NO_OFFSET ) n--;
+  fprintf(out, "#define YY_REDUCE_COUNT (%d)\n", n-1); lineno++;
+  fprintf(out, "#define YY_REDUCE_MIN   (%d)\n", mnNtOfst); lineno++;
+  fprintf(out, "#define YY_REDUCE_MAX   (%d)\n", mxNtOfst); lineno++;
+  fprintf(out, "static const %s yy_reduce_ofst[] = {\n",
+          minimum_size_type(mnNtOfst-1, mxNtOfst, &sz)); lineno++;
+  lemp->tablesize += n*sz;
+  for(i=j=0; i<n; i++){
+    int ofst;
+    stp = lemp->sorted[i];
+    ofst = stp->iNtOfst;
+    if( ofst==NO_OFFSET ) ofst = mnNtOfst - 1;
+    if( j==0 ) fprintf(out," /* %5d */ ", i);
+    fprintf(out, " %4d,", ofst);
+    if( j==9 || i==n-1 ){
+      fprintf(out, "\n"); lineno++;
+      j = 0;
+    }else{
+      j++;
+    }
+  }
+  fprintf(out, "};\n"); lineno++;
+  /* Output the default action table */
+  fprintf(out, "static const YYACTIONTYPE yy_default[] = {\n"); lineno++;
+  n = lemp->nxstate;
+  lemp->tablesize += n*szActionType;
+  for(i=j=0; i<n; i++){
+    stp = lemp->sorted[i];
+    if( j==0 ) fprintf(out," /* %5d */ ", i);
+    if( stp->iDfltReduce<0 ){
+      fprintf(out, " %4d,", lemp->errAction);
+    }else{
+      fprintf(out, " %4d,", stp->iDfltReduce + lemp->minReduce);
+    }
+    if( j==9 || i==n-1 ){
+      fprintf(out, "\n"); lineno++;
+      j = 0;
+    }else{
+      j++;
+    }
+  }
+  fprintf(out, "};\n"); lineno++;
+  tplt_xfer(lemp->name,in,out,&lineno);
+  /* Generate the table of fallback tokens.
+  */
+  if( lemp->has_fallback ){
+    int mx = lemp->nterminal - 1;
+    /* 2019-08-28:  Generate fallback entries for every token to avoid
+    ** having to do a range check on the index */
+    /* while( mx>0 && lemp->symbols[mx]->fallback==0 ){ mx--; } */
+    lemp->tablesize += (mx+1)*szCodeType;
+    for(i=0; i<=mx; i++){
+      struct symbol *p = lemp->symbols[i];
+      if( p->fallback==0 ){
+        fprintf(out, "    0,  /* %10s => nothing */\n", p->name);
+      }else{
+        fprintf(out, "  %3d,  /* %10s => %s */\n", p->fallback->index,
+          p->name, p->fallback->name);
+      }
+      lineno++;
+    }
+  }
+  tplt_xfer(lemp->name, in, out, &lineno);
+  /* Generate a table containing the symbolic name of every symbol
+  */
+  for(i=0; i<lemp->nsymbol; i++){
+    fprintf(out,"  /* %4d */ \"%s\",\n",i, lemp->symbols[i]->name); lineno++;
+  }
+  tplt_xfer(lemp->name,in,out,&lineno);
+  /* Generate a table containing a text string that describes every
+  ** rule in the rule set of the grammar.  This information is used
+  ** when tracing REDUCE actions.
+  */
+  for(i=0, rp=lemp->rule; rp; rp=rp->next, i++){
+    assert( rp->iRule==i );
+    fprintf(out," /* %3d */ \"", i);
+    writeRuleText(out, rp);
+    fprintf(out,"\",\n"); lineno++;
+  }
+  tplt_xfer(lemp->name,in,out,&lineno);
+  /* Generate code which executes every time a symbol is popped from
+  ** the stack while processing errors or while destroying the parser.
+  ** (In other words, generate the %destructor actions)
+  */
+  if( lemp->tokendest ){
+    int once = 1;
+    for(i=0; i<lemp->nsymbol; i++){
+      struct symbol *sp = lemp->symbols[i];
+      if( sp==0 || sp->type!=TERMINAL ) continue;
+      if( once ){
+        fprintf(out, "      /* TERMINAL Destructor */\n"); lineno++;
+        once = 0;
+      }
+      fprintf(out,"    case %d: /* %s */\n", sp->index, sp->name); lineno++;
+    }
+    for(i=0; i<lemp->nsymbol && lemp->symbols[i]->type!=TERMINAL; i++);
+    if( i<lemp->nsymbol ){
+      emit_destructor_code(out,lemp->symbols[i],lemp,&lineno);
+      fprintf(out,"      break;\n"); lineno++;
+    }
+  }
+  if( lemp->vardest ){
+    struct symbol *dflt_sp = 0;
+    int once = 1;
+    for(i=0; i<lemp->nsymbol; i++){
+      struct symbol *sp = lemp->symbols[i];
+      if( sp==0 || sp->type==TERMINAL ||
+          sp->index<=0 || sp->destructor!=0 ) continue;
+      if( once ){
+        fprintf(out, "      /* Default NON-TERMINAL Destructor */\n");lineno++;
+        once = 0;
+      }
+      fprintf(out,"    case %d: /* %s */\n", sp->index, sp->name); lineno++;
+      dflt_sp = sp;
+    }
+    if( dflt_sp!=0 ){
+      emit_destructor_code(out,dflt_sp,lemp,&lineno);
+    }
+    fprintf(out,"      break;\n"); lineno++;
+  }
+  for(i=0; i<lemp->nsymbol; i++){
+    struct symbol *sp = lemp->symbols[i];
+    if( sp==0 || sp->type==TERMINAL || sp->destructor==0 ) continue;
+    if( sp->destLineno<0 ) continue;  /* Already emitted */
+    fprintf(out,"    case %d: /* %s */\n", sp->index, sp->name); lineno++;
+    /* Combine duplicate destructors into a single case */
+    for(j=i+1; j<lemp->nsymbol; j++){
+      struct symbol *sp2 = lemp->symbols[j];
+      if( sp2 && sp2->type!=TERMINAL && sp2->destructor
+          && sp2->dtnum==sp->dtnum
+          && strcmp(sp->destructor,sp2->destructor)==0 ){
+         fprintf(out,"    case %d: /* %s */\n",
+                 sp2->index, sp2->name); lineno++;
+         sp2->destLineno = -1;  /* Avoid emitting this destructor again */
+      }
+    }
+    emit_destructor_code(out,lemp->symbols[i],lemp,&lineno);
+    fprintf(out,"      break;\n"); lineno++;
+  }
+  tplt_xfer(lemp->name,in,out,&lineno);
+  /* Generate code which executes whenever the parser stack overflows */
+  tplt_print(out,lemp,lemp->overflow,&lineno);
+  tplt_xfer(lemp->name,in,out,&lineno);
+  /* Generate the tables of rule information.  yyRuleInfoLhs[] and
+  ** yyRuleInfoNRhs[].
+  **
+  ** Note: This code depends on the fact that rules are number
+  ** sequentially beginning with 0.
+  */
+  for(i=0, rp=lemp->rule; rp; rp=rp->next, i++){
+    fprintf(out,"  %4d,  /* (%d) ", rp->lhs->index, i);
+     rule_print(out, rp);
+    fprintf(out," */\n"); lineno++;
+  }
+  tplt_xfer(lemp->name,in,out,&lineno);
+  for(i=0, rp=lemp->rule; rp; rp=rp->next, i++){
+    fprintf(out,"  %3d,  /* (%d) ", -rp->nrhs, i);
+    rule_print(out, rp);
+    fprintf(out," */\n"); lineno++;
+  }
+  tplt_xfer(lemp->name,in,out,&lineno);
+  /* Generate code which execution during each REDUCE action */
+  i = 0;
+  for(rp=lemp->rule; rp; rp=rp->next){
+    i += translate_code(lemp, rp);
+  }
+  if( i ){
+    fprintf(out,"        YYMINORTYPE yylhsminor;\n"); lineno++;
+  }
+  /* First output rules other than the default: rule */
+  for(rp=lemp->rule; rp; rp=rp->next){
+    struct rule *rp2;               /* Other rules with the same action */
+    if( rp->codeEmitted ) continue;
+    if( rp->noCode ){
+      /* No C code actions, so this will be part of the "default:" rule */
+      continue;
+    }
+    fprintf(out,"      case %d: /* ", rp->iRule);
+    writeRuleText(out, rp);
+    fprintf(out, " */\n"); lineno++;
+    for(rp2=rp->next; rp2; rp2=rp2->next){
+      if( rp2->code==rp->code && rp2->codePrefix==rp->codePrefix
+             && rp2->codeSuffix==rp->codeSuffix ){
+        fprintf(out,"      case %d: /* ", rp2->iRule);
+        writeRuleText(out, rp2);
+        fprintf(out," */ yytestcase(yyruleno==%d);\n", rp2->iRule); lineno++;
+        rp2->codeEmitted = 1;
+      }
+    }
+    emit_code(out,rp,lemp,&lineno);
+    fprintf(out,"        break;\n"); lineno++;
+    rp->codeEmitted = 1;
+  }
+  /* Finally, output the default: rule.  We choose as the default: all
+  ** empty actions. */
+  fprintf(out,"      default:\n"); lineno++;
+  for(rp=lemp->rule; rp; rp=rp->next){
+    if( rp->codeEmitted ) continue;
+    assert( rp->noCode );
+    fprintf(out,"      /* (%d) ", rp->iRule);
+    writeRuleText(out, rp);
+    if( rp->neverReduce ){
+      fprintf(out, " (NEVER REDUCES) */ assert(yyruleno!=%d);\n",
+              rp->iRule); lineno++;
+    }else if( rp->doesReduce ){
+      fprintf(out, " */ yytestcase(yyruleno==%d);\n", rp->iRule); lineno++;
+    }else{
+      fprintf(out, " (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=%d);\n",
+              rp->iRule); lineno++;
+    }
+  }
+  fprintf(out,"        break;\n"); lineno++;
+  tplt_xfer(lemp->name,in,out,&lineno);
+  /* Generate code which executes if a parse fails */
+  tplt_print(out,lemp,lemp->failure,&lineno);
+  tplt_xfer(lemp->name,in,out,&lineno);
+  /* Generate code which executes when a syntax error occurs */
+  tplt_print(out,lemp,lemp->error,&lineno);
+  tplt_xfer(lemp->name,in,out,&lineno);
+  /* Generate code which executes when the parser accepts its input */
+  tplt_print(out,lemp,lemp->accept,&lineno);
+  tplt_xfer(lemp->name,in,out,&lineno);
+  /* Append any addition code the user desires */
+  tplt_print(out,lemp,lemp->extracode,&lineno);
+  acttab_free(pActtab);
+  fclose(in);
+  fclose(out);
+  if( sql ) fclose(sql);
+  return;
+/* Generate a header file for the parser */
+void ReportHeader(struct lemon *lemp)
+  FILE *out, *in;
+  const char *prefix;
+  char line[LINESIZE];
+  char pattern[LINESIZE];
+  int i;
+  if( lemp->tokenprefix ) prefix = lemp->tokenprefix;
+  else                    prefix = "";
+  in = file_open(lemp,".h","rb");
+  if( in ){
+    int nextChar;
+    for(i=1; i<lemp->nterminal && fgets(line,LINESIZE,in); i++){
+      lemon_sprintf(pattern,"#define %s%-30s %3d\n",
+                    prefix,lemp->symbols[i]->name,i);
+      if( strcmp(line,pattern) ) break;
+    }
+    nextChar = fgetc(in);
+    fclose(in);
+    if( i==lemp->nterminal && nextChar==EOF ){
+      /* No change in the file.  Don't rewrite it. */
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  out = file_open(lemp,".h","wb");
+  if( out ){
+    for(i=1; i<lemp->nterminal; i++){
+      fprintf(out,"#define %s%-30s %3d\n",prefix,lemp->symbols[i]->name,i);
+    }
+    fclose(out);
+  }
+  return;
+/* Reduce the size of the action tables, if possible, by making use
+** of defaults.
+** In this version, we take the most frequent REDUCE action and make
+** it the default.  Except, there is no default if the wildcard token
+** is a possible look-ahead.
+void CompressTables(struct lemon *lemp)
+  struct state *stp;
+  struct action *ap, *ap2, *nextap;
+  struct rule *rp, *rp2, *rbest;
+  int nbest, n;
+  int i;
+  int usesWildcard;
+  for(i=0; i<lemp->nstate; i++){
+    stp = lemp->sorted[i];
+    nbest = 0;
+    rbest = 0;
+    usesWildcard = 0;
+    for(ap=stp->ap; ap; ap=ap->next){
+      if( ap->type==SHIFT && ap->sp==lemp->wildcard ){
+        usesWildcard = 1;
+      }
+      if( ap->type!=REDUCE ) continue;
+      rp = ap->x.rp;
+      if( rp->lhsStart ) continue;
+      if( rp==rbest ) continue;
+      n = 1;
+      for(ap2=ap->next; ap2; ap2=ap2->next){
+        if( ap2->type!=REDUCE ) continue;
+        rp2 = ap2->x.rp;
+        if( rp2==rbest ) continue;
+        if( rp2==rp ) n++;
+      }
+      if( n>nbest ){
+        nbest = n;
+        rbest = rp;
+      }
+    }
+    /* Do not make a default if the number of rules to default
+    ** is not at least 1 or if the wildcard token is a possible
+    ** lookahead.
+    */
+    if( nbest<1 || usesWildcard ) continue;
+    /* Combine matching REDUCE actions into a single default */
+    for(ap=stp->ap; ap; ap=ap->next){
+      if( ap->type==REDUCE && ap->x.rp==rbest ) break;
+    }
+    assert( ap );
+    ap->sp = Symbol_new("{default}");
+    for(ap=ap->next; ap; ap=ap->next){
+      if( ap->type==REDUCE && ap->x.rp==rbest ) ap->type = NOT_USED;
+    }
+    stp->ap = Action_sort(stp->ap);
+    for(ap=stp->ap; ap; ap=ap->next){
+      if( ap->type==SHIFT ) break;
+      if( ap->type==REDUCE && ap->x.rp!=rbest ) break;
+    }
+    if( ap==0 ){
+      stp->autoReduce = 1;
+      stp->pDfltReduce = rbest;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Make a second pass over all states and actions.  Convert
+  ** every action that is a SHIFT to an autoReduce state into
+  ** a SHIFTREDUCE action.
+  */
+  for(i=0; i<lemp->nstate; i++){
+    stp = lemp->sorted[i];
+    for(ap=stp->ap; ap; ap=ap->next){
+      struct state *pNextState;
+      if( ap->type!=SHIFT ) continue;
+      pNextState = ap->x.stp;
+      if( pNextState->autoReduce && pNextState->pDfltReduce!=0 ){
+        ap->type = SHIFTREDUCE;
+        ap->x.rp = pNextState->pDfltReduce;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* If a SHIFTREDUCE action specifies a rule that has a single RHS term
+  ** (meaning that the SHIFTREDUCE will land back in the state where it
+  ** started) and if there is no C-code associated with the reduce action,
+  ** then we can go ahead and convert the action to be the same as the
+  ** action for the RHS of the rule.
+  */
+  for(i=0; i<lemp->nstate; i++){
+    stp = lemp->sorted[i];
+    for(ap=stp->ap; ap; ap=nextap){
+      nextap = ap->next;
+      if( ap->type!=SHIFTREDUCE ) continue;
+      rp = ap->x.rp;
+      if( rp->noCode==0 ) continue;
+      if( rp->nrhs!=1 ) continue;
+#if 1
+      /* Only apply this optimization to non-terminals.  It would be OK to
+      ** apply it to terminal symbols too, but that makes the parser tables
+      ** larger. */
+      if( ap->sp->index<lemp->nterminal ) continue;
+      /* If we reach this point, it means the optimization can be applied */
+      nextap = ap;
+      for(ap2=stp->ap; ap2 && (ap2==ap || ap2->sp!=rp->lhs); ap2=ap2->next){}
+      assert( ap2!=0 );
+      ap->spOpt = ap2->sp;
+      ap->type = ap2->type;
+      ap->x = ap2->x;
+    }
+  }
+** Compare two states for sorting purposes.  The smaller state is the
+** one with the most non-terminal actions.  If they have the same number
+** of non-terminal actions, then the smaller is the one with the most
+** token actions.
+static int stateResortCompare(const void *a, const void *b){
+  const struct state *pA = *(const struct state**)a;
+  const struct state *pB = *(const struct state**)b;
+  int n;
+  n = pB->nNtAct - pA->nNtAct;
+  if( n==0 ){
+    n = pB->nTknAct - pA->nTknAct;
+    if( n==0 ){
+      n = pB->statenum - pA->statenum;
+    }
+  }
+  assert( n!=0 );
+  return n;
+** Renumber and resort states so that states with fewer choices
+** occur at the end.  Except, keep state 0 as the first state.
+void ResortStates(struct lemon *lemp)
+  int i;
+  struct state *stp;
+  struct action *ap;
+  for(i=0; i<lemp->nstate; i++){
+    stp = lemp->sorted[i];
+    stp->nTknAct = stp->nNtAct = 0;
+    stp->iDfltReduce = -1; /* Init dflt action to "syntax error" */
+    stp->iTknOfst = NO_OFFSET;
+    stp->iNtOfst = NO_OFFSET;
+    for(ap=stp->ap; ap; ap=ap->next){
+      int iAction = compute_action(lemp,ap);
+      if( iAction>=0 ){
+        if( ap->sp->index<lemp->nterminal ){
+          stp->nTknAct++;
+        }else if( ap->sp->index<lemp->nsymbol ){
+          stp->nNtAct++;
+        }else{
+          assert( stp->autoReduce==0 || stp->pDfltReduce==ap->x.rp );
+          stp->iDfltReduce = iAction;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  qsort(&lemp->sorted[1], lemp->nstate-1, sizeof(lemp->sorted[0]),
+        stateResortCompare);
+  for(i=0; i<lemp->nstate; i++){
+    lemp->sorted[i]->statenum = i;
+  }
+  lemp->nxstate = lemp->nstate;
+  while( lemp->nxstate>1 && lemp->sorted[lemp->nxstate-1]->autoReduce ){
+    lemp->nxstate--;
+  }
+/***************** From the file "set.c" ************************************/
+** Set manipulation routines for the LEMON parser generator.
+static int size = 0;
+/* Set the set size */
+void SetSize(int n)
+  size = n+1;
+/* Allocate a new set */
+char *SetNew(void){
+  char *s;
+  s = (char*)calloc( size, 1);
+  if( s==0 ){
+    memory_error();
+  }
+  return s;
+/* Deallocate a set */
+void SetFree(char *s)
+  free(s);
+/* Add a new element to the set.  Return TRUE if the element was added
+** and FALSE if it was already there. */
+int SetAdd(char *s, int e)
+  int rv;
+  assert( e>=0 && e<size );
+  rv = s[e];
+  s[e] = 1;
+  return !rv;
+/* Add every element of s2 to s1.  Return TRUE if s1 changes. */
+int SetUnion(char *s1, char *s2)
+  int i, progress;
+  progress = 0;
+  for(i=0; i<size; i++){
+    if( s2[i]==0 ) continue;
+    if( s1[i]==0 ){
+      progress = 1;
+      s1[i] = 1;
+    }
+  }
+  return progress;
+/********************** From the file "table.c" ****************************/
+** All code in this file has been automatically generated
+** from a specification in the file
+**              "table.q"
+** by the associative array code building program "aagen".
+** Do not edit this file!  Instead, edit the specification
+** file, then rerun aagen.
+** Code for processing tables in the LEMON parser generator.
+PRIVATE unsigned strhash(const char *x)
+  unsigned h = 0;
+  while( *x ) h = h*13 + *(x++);
+  return h;
+/* Works like strdup, sort of.  Save a string in malloced memory, but
+** keep strings in a table so that the same string is not in more
+** than one place.
+const char *Strsafe(const char *y)
+  const char *z;
+  char *cpy;
+  if( y==0 ) return 0;
+  z = Strsafe_find(y);
+  if( z==0 && (cpy=(char *)malloc( lemonStrlen(y)+1 ))!=0 ){
+    lemon_strcpy(cpy,y);
+    z = cpy;
+    Strsafe_insert(z);
+  }
+  MemoryCheck(z);
+  return z;
+/* There is one instance of the following structure for each
+** associative array of type "x1".
+struct s_x1 {
+  int size;               /* The number of available slots. */
+                          /*   Must be a power of 2 greater than or */
+                          /*   equal to 1 */
+  int count;              /* Number of currently slots filled */
+  struct s_x1node *tbl;  /* The data stored here */
+  struct s_x1node **ht;  /* Hash table for lookups */
+/* There is one instance of this structure for every data element
+** in an associative array of type "x1".
+typedef struct s_x1node {
+  const char *data;        /* The data */
+  struct s_x1node *next;   /* Next entry with the same hash */
+  struct s_x1node **from;  /* Previous link */
+} x1node;
+/* There is only one instance of the array, which is the following */
+static struct s_x1 *x1a;
+/* Allocate a new associative array */
+void Strsafe_init(void){
+  if( x1a ) return;
+  x1a = (struct s_x1*)malloc( sizeof(struct s_x1) );
+  if( x1a ){
+    x1a->size = 1024;
+    x1a->count = 0;
+    x1a->tbl = (x1node*)calloc(1024, sizeof(x1node) + sizeof(x1node*));
+    if( x1a->tbl==0 ){
+      free(x1a);
+      x1a = 0;
+    }else{
+      int i;
+      x1a->ht = (x1node**)&(x1a->tbl[1024]);
+      for(i=0; i<1024; i++) x1a->ht[i] = 0;
+    }
+  }
+/* Insert a new record into the array.  Return TRUE if successful.
+** Prior data with the same key is NOT overwritten */
+int Strsafe_insert(const char *data)
+  x1node *np;
+  unsigned h;
+  unsigned ph;
+  if( x1a==0 ) return 0;
+  ph = strhash(data);
+  h = ph & (x1a->size-1);
+  np = x1a->ht[h];
+  while( np ){
+    if( strcmp(np->data,data)==0 ){
+      /* An existing entry with the same key is found. */
+      /* Fail because overwrite is not allows. */
+      return 0;
+    }
+    np = np->next;
+  }
+  if( x1a->count>=x1a->size ){
+    /* Need to make the hash table bigger */
+    int i,arrSize;
+    struct s_x1 array;
+    array.size = arrSize = x1a->size*2;
+    array.count = x1a->count;
+    array.tbl = (x1node*)calloc(arrSize, sizeof(x1node) + sizeof(x1node*));
+    if( array.tbl==0 ) return 0;  /* Fail due to malloc failure */
+ = (x1node**)&(array.tbl[arrSize]);
+    for(i=0; i<arrSize; i++)[i] = 0;
+    for(i=0; i<x1a->count; i++){
+      x1node *oldnp, *newnp;
+      oldnp = &(x1a->tbl[i]);
+      h = strhash(oldnp->data) & (arrSize-1);
+      newnp = &(array.tbl[i]);
+      if([h] )[h]->from = &(newnp->next);
+      newnp->next =[h];
+      newnp->data = oldnp->data;
+      newnp->from = &([h]);
+[h] = newnp;
+    }
+    /* free(x1a->tbl); // This program was originally for 16-bit machines.
+    ** Don't worry about freeing memory on modern platforms. */
+    *x1a = array;
+  }
+  /* Insert the new data */
+  h = ph & (x1a->size-1);
+  np = &(x1a->tbl[x1a->count++]);
+  np->data = data;
+  if( x1a->ht[h] ) x1a->ht[h]->from = &(np->next);
+  np->next = x1a->ht[h];
+  x1a->ht[h] = np;
+  np->from = &(x1a->ht[h]);
+  return 1;
+/* Return a pointer to data assigned to the given key.  Return NULL
+** if no such key. */
+const char *Strsafe_find(const char *key)
+  unsigned h;
+  x1node *np;
+  if( x1a==0 ) return 0;
+  h = strhash(key) & (x1a->size-1);
+  np = x1a->ht[h];
+  while( np ){
+    if( strcmp(np->data,key)==0 ) break;
+    np = np->next;
+  }
+  return np ? np->data : 0;
+/* Return a pointer to the (terminal or nonterminal) symbol "x".
+** Create a new symbol if this is the first time "x" has been seen.
+struct symbol *Symbol_new(const char *x)
+  struct symbol *sp;
+  sp = Symbol_find(x);
+  if( sp==0 ){
+    sp = (struct symbol *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct symbol) );
+    MemoryCheck(sp);
+    sp->name = Strsafe(x);
+    sp->type = ISUPPER(*x) ? TERMINAL : NONTERMINAL;
+    sp->rule = 0;
+    sp->fallback = 0;
+    sp->prec = -1;
+    sp->assoc = UNK;
+    sp->firstset = 0;
+    sp->lambda = LEMON_FALSE;
+    sp->destructor = 0;
+    sp->destLineno = 0;
+    sp->datatype = 0;
+    sp->useCnt = 0;
+    Symbol_insert(sp,sp->name);
+  }
+  sp->useCnt++;
+  return sp;
+/* Compare two symbols for sorting purposes.  Return negative,
+** zero, or positive if a is less then, equal to, or greater
+** than b.
+** Symbols that begin with upper case letters (terminals or tokens)
+** must sort before symbols that begin with lower case letters
+** (non-terminals).  And MULTITERMINAL symbols (created using the
+** %token_class directive) must sort at the very end. Other than
+** that, the order does not matter.
+** We find experimentally that leaving the symbols in their original
+** order (the order they appeared in the grammar file) gives the
+** smallest parser tables in SQLite.
+int Symbolcmpp(const void *_a, const void *_b)
+  const struct symbol *a = *(const struct symbol **) _a;
+  const struct symbol *b = *(const struct symbol **) _b;
+  int i1 = a->type==MULTITERMINAL ? 3 : a->name[0]>'Z' ? 2 : 1;
+  int i2 = b->type==MULTITERMINAL ? 3 : b->name[0]>'Z' ? 2 : 1;
+  return i1==i2 ? a->index - b->index : i1 - i2;
+/* There is one instance of the following structure for each
+** associative array of type "x2".
+struct s_x2 {
+  int size;               /* The number of available slots. */
+                          /*   Must be a power of 2 greater than or */
+                          /*   equal to 1 */
+  int count;              /* Number of currently slots filled */
+  struct s_x2node *tbl;  /* The data stored here */
+  struct s_x2node **ht;  /* Hash table for lookups */
+/* There is one instance of this structure for every data element
+** in an associative array of type "x2".
+typedef struct s_x2node {
+  struct symbol *data;     /* The data */
+  const char *key;         /* The key */
+  struct s_x2node *next;   /* Next entry with the same hash */
+  struct s_x2node **from;  /* Previous link */
+} x2node;
+/* There is only one instance of the array, which is the following */
+static struct s_x2 *x2a;
+/* Allocate a new associative array */
+void Symbol_init(void){
+  if( x2a ) return;
+  x2a = (struct s_x2*)malloc( sizeof(struct s_x2) );
+  if( x2a ){
+    x2a->size = 128;
+    x2a->count = 0;
+    x2a->tbl = (x2node*)calloc(128, sizeof(x2node) + sizeof(x2node*));
+    if( x2a->tbl==0 ){
+      free(x2a);
+      x2a = 0;
+    }else{
+      int i;
+      x2a->ht = (x2node**)&(x2a->tbl[128]);
+      for(i=0; i<128; i++) x2a->ht[i] = 0;
+    }
+  }
+/* Insert a new record into the array.  Return TRUE if successful.
+** Prior data with the same key is NOT overwritten */
+int Symbol_insert(struct symbol *data, const char *key)
+  x2node *np;
+  unsigned h;
+  unsigned ph;
+  if( x2a==0 ) return 0;
+  ph = strhash(key);
+  h = ph & (x2a->size-1);
+  np = x2a->ht[h];
+  while( np ){
+    if( strcmp(np->key,key)==0 ){
+      /* An existing entry with the same key is found. */
+      /* Fail because overwrite is not allows. */
+      return 0;
+    }
+    np = np->next;
+  }
+  if( x2a->count>=x2a->size ){
+    /* Need to make the hash table bigger */
+    int i,arrSize;
+    struct s_x2 array;
+    array.size = arrSize = x2a->size*2;
+    array.count = x2a->count;
+    array.tbl = (x2node*)calloc(arrSize, sizeof(x2node) + sizeof(x2node*));
+    if( array.tbl==0 ) return 0;  /* Fail due to malloc failure */
+ = (x2node**)&(array.tbl[arrSize]);
+    for(i=0; i<arrSize; i++)[i] = 0;
+    for(i=0; i<x2a->count; i++){
+      x2node *oldnp, *newnp;
+      oldnp = &(x2a->tbl[i]);
+      h = strhash(oldnp->key) & (arrSize-1);
+      newnp = &(array.tbl[i]);
+      if([h] )[h]->from = &(newnp->next);
+      newnp->next =[h];
+      newnp->key = oldnp->key;
+      newnp->data = oldnp->data;
+      newnp->from = &([h]);
+[h] = newnp;
+    }
+    /* free(x2a->tbl); // This program was originally written for 16-bit
+    ** machines.  Don't worry about freeing this trivial amount of memory
+    ** on modern platforms.  Just leak it. */
+    *x2a = array;
+  }
+  /* Insert the new data */
+  h = ph & (x2a->size-1);
+  np = &(x2a->tbl[x2a->count++]);
+  np->key = key;
+  np->data = data;
+  if( x2a->ht[h] ) x2a->ht[h]->from = &(np->next);
+  np->next = x2a->ht[h];
+  x2a->ht[h] = np;
+  np->from = &(x2a->ht[h]);
+  return 1;
+/* Return a pointer to data assigned to the given key.  Return NULL
+** if no such key. */
+struct symbol *Symbol_find(const char *key)
+  unsigned h;
+  x2node *np;
+  if( x2a==0 ) return 0;
+  h = strhash(key) & (x2a->size-1);
+  np = x2a->ht[h];
+  while( np ){
+    if( strcmp(np->key,key)==0 ) break;
+    np = np->next;
+  }
+  return np ? np->data : 0;
+/* Return the n-th data.  Return NULL if n is out of range. */
+struct symbol *Symbol_Nth(int n)
+  struct symbol *data;
+  if( x2a && n>0 && n<=x2a->count ){
+    data = x2a->tbl[n-1].data;
+  }else{
+    data = 0;
+  }
+  return data;
+/* Return the size of the array */
+int Symbol_count()
+  return x2a ? x2a->count : 0;
+/* Return an array of pointers to all data in the table.
+** The array is obtained from malloc.  Return NULL if memory allocation
+** problems, or if the array is empty. */
+struct symbol **Symbol_arrayof()
+  struct symbol **array;
+  int i,arrSize;
+  if( x2a==0 ) return 0;
+  arrSize = x2a->count;
+  array = (struct symbol **)calloc(arrSize, sizeof(struct symbol *));
+  if( array ){
+    for(i=0; i<arrSize; i++) array[i] = x2a->tbl[i].data;
+  }
+  return array;
+/* Compare two configurations */
+int Configcmp(const char *_a,const char *_b)
+  const struct config *a = (struct config *) _a;
+  const struct config *b = (struct config *) _b;
+  int x;
+  x = a->rp->index - b->rp->index;
+  if( x==0 ) x = a->dot - b->dot;
+  return x;
+/* Compare two states */
+PRIVATE int statecmp(struct config *a, struct config *b)
+  int rc;
+  for(rc=0; rc==0 && a && b;  a=a->bp, b=b->bp){
+    rc = a->rp->index - b->rp->index;
+    if( rc==0 ) rc = a->dot - b->dot;
+  }
+  if( rc==0 ){
+    if( a ) rc = 1;
+    if( b ) rc = -1;
+  }
+  return rc;
+/* Hash a state */
+PRIVATE unsigned statehash(struct config *a)
+  unsigned h=0;
+  while( a ){
+    h = h*571 + a->rp->index*37 + a->dot;
+    a = a->bp;
+  }
+  return h;
+/* Allocate a new state structure */
+struct state *State_new()
+  struct state *newstate;
+  newstate = (struct state *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct state) );
+  MemoryCheck(newstate);
+  return newstate;
+/* There is one instance of the following structure for each
+** associative array of type "x3".
+struct s_x3 {
+  int size;               /* The number of available slots. */
+                          /*   Must be a power of 2 greater than or */
+                          /*   equal to 1 */
+  int count;              /* Number of currently slots filled */
+  struct s_x3node *tbl;  /* The data stored here */
+  struct s_x3node **ht;  /* Hash table for lookups */
+/* There is one instance of this structure for every data element
+** in an associative array of type "x3".
+typedef struct s_x3node {
+  struct state *data;                  /* The data */
+  struct config *key;                   /* The key */
+  struct s_x3node *next;   /* Next entry with the same hash */
+  struct s_x3node **from;  /* Previous link */
+} x3node;
+/* There is only one instance of the array, which is the following */
+static struct s_x3 *x3a;
+/* Allocate a new associative array */
+void State_init(void){
+  if( x3a ) return;
+  x3a = (struct s_x3*)malloc( sizeof(struct s_x3) );
+  if( x3a ){
+    x3a->size = 128;
+    x3a->count = 0;
+    x3a->tbl = (x3node*)calloc(128, sizeof(x3node) + sizeof(x3node*));
+    if( x3a->tbl==0 ){
+      free(x3a);
+      x3a = 0;
+    }else{
+      int i;
+      x3a->ht = (x3node**)&(x3a->tbl[128]);
+      for(i=0; i<128; i++) x3a->ht[i] = 0;
+    }
+  }
+/* Insert a new record into the array.  Return TRUE if successful.
+** Prior data with the same key is NOT overwritten */
+int State_insert(struct state *data, struct config *key)
+  x3node *np;
+  unsigned h;
+  unsigned ph;
+  if( x3a==0 ) return 0;
+  ph = statehash(key);
+  h = ph & (x3a->size-1);
+  np = x3a->ht[h];
+  while( np ){
+    if( statecmp(np->key,key)==0 ){
+      /* An existing entry with the same key is found. */
+      /* Fail because overwrite is not allows. */
+      return 0;
+    }
+    np = np->next;
+  }
+  if( x3a->count>=x3a->size ){
+    /* Need to make the hash table bigger */
+    int i,arrSize;
+    struct s_x3 array;
+    array.size = arrSize = x3a->size*2;
+    array.count = x3a->count;
+    array.tbl = (x3node*)calloc(arrSize, sizeof(x3node) + sizeof(x3node*));
+    if( array.tbl==0 ) return 0;  /* Fail due to malloc failure */
+ = (x3node**)&(array.tbl[arrSize]);
+    for(i=0; i<arrSize; i++)[i] = 0;
+    for(i=0; i<x3a->count; i++){
+      x3node *oldnp, *newnp;
+      oldnp = &(x3a->tbl[i]);
+      h = statehash(oldnp->key) & (arrSize-1);
+      newnp = &(array.tbl[i]);
+      if([h] )[h]->from = &(newnp->next);
+      newnp->next =[h];
+      newnp->key = oldnp->key;
+      newnp->data = oldnp->data;
+      newnp->from = &([h]);
+[h] = newnp;
+    }
+    free(x3a->tbl);
+    *x3a = array;
+  }
+  /* Insert the new data */
+  h = ph & (x3a->size-1);
+  np = &(x3a->tbl[x3a->count++]);
+  np->key = key;
+  np->data = data;
+  if( x3a->ht[h] ) x3a->ht[h]->from = &(np->next);
+  np->next = x3a->ht[h];
+  x3a->ht[h] = np;
+  np->from = &(x3a->ht[h]);
+  return 1;
+/* Return a pointer to data assigned to the given key.  Return NULL
+** if no such key. */
+struct state *State_find(struct config *key)
+  unsigned h;
+  x3node *np;
+  if( x3a==0 ) return 0;
+  h = statehash(key) & (x3a->size-1);
+  np = x3a->ht[h];
+  while( np ){
+    if( statecmp(np->key,key)==0 ) break;
+    np = np->next;
+  }
+  return np ? np->data : 0;
+/* Return an array of pointers to all data in the table.
+** The array is obtained from malloc.  Return NULL if memory allocation
+** problems, or if the array is empty. */
+struct state **State_arrayof(void)
+  struct state **array;
+  int i,arrSize;
+  if( x3a==0 ) return 0;
+  arrSize = x3a->count;
+  array = (struct state **)calloc(arrSize, sizeof(struct state *));
+  if( array ){
+    for(i=0; i<arrSize; i++) array[i] = x3a->tbl[i].data;
+  }
+  return array;
+/* Hash a configuration */
+PRIVATE unsigned confighash(struct config *a)
+  unsigned h=0;
+  h = h*571 + a->rp->index*37 + a->dot;
+  return h;
+/* There is one instance of the following structure for each
+** associative array of type "x4".
+struct s_x4 {
+  int size;               /* The number of available slots. */
+                          /*   Must be a power of 2 greater than or */
+                          /*   equal to 1 */
+  int count;              /* Number of currently slots filled */
+  struct s_x4node *tbl;  /* The data stored here */
+  struct s_x4node **ht;  /* Hash table for lookups */
+/* There is one instance of this structure for every data element
+** in an associative array of type "x4".
+typedef struct s_x4node {
+  struct config *data;                  /* The data */
+  struct s_x4node *next;   /* Next entry with the same hash */
+  struct s_x4node **from;  /* Previous link */
+} x4node;
+/* There is only one instance of the array, which is the following */
+static struct s_x4 *x4a;
+/* Allocate a new associative array */
+void Configtable_init(void){
+  if( x4a ) return;
+  x4a = (struct s_x4*)malloc( sizeof(struct s_x4) );
+  if( x4a ){
+    x4a->size = 64;
+    x4a->count = 0;
+    x4a->tbl = (x4node*)calloc(64, sizeof(x4node) + sizeof(x4node*));
+    if( x4a->tbl==0 ){
+      free(x4a);
+      x4a = 0;
+    }else{
+      int i;
+      x4a->ht = (x4node**)&(x4a->tbl[64]);
+      for(i=0; i<64; i++) x4a->ht[i] = 0;
+    }
+  }
+/* Insert a new record into the array.  Return TRUE if successful.
+** Prior data with the same key is NOT overwritten */
+int Configtable_insert(struct config *data)
+  x4node *np;
+  unsigned h;
+  unsigned ph;
+  if( x4a==0 ) return 0;
+  ph = confighash(data);
+  h = ph & (x4a->size-1);
+  np = x4a->ht[h];
+  while( np ){
+    if( Configcmp((const char *) np->data,(const char *) data)==0 ){
+      /* An existing entry with the same key is found. */
+      /* Fail because overwrite is not allows. */
+      return 0;
+    }
+    np = np->next;
+  }
+  if( x4a->count>=x4a->size ){
+    /* Need to make the hash table bigger */
+    int i,arrSize;
+    struct s_x4 array;
+    array.size = arrSize = x4a->size*2;
+    array.count = x4a->count;
+    array.tbl = (x4node*)calloc(arrSize, sizeof(x4node) + sizeof(x4node*));
+    if( array.tbl==0 ) return 0;  /* Fail due to malloc failure */
+ = (x4node**)&(array.tbl[arrSize]);
+    for(i=0; i<arrSize; i++)[i] = 0;
+    for(i=0; i<x4a->count; i++){
+      x4node *oldnp, *newnp;
+      oldnp = &(x4a->tbl[i]);
+      h = confighash(oldnp->data) & (arrSize-1);
+      newnp = &(array.tbl[i]);
+      if([h] )[h]->from = &(newnp->next);
+      newnp->next =[h];
+      newnp->data = oldnp->data;
+      newnp->from = &([h]);
+[h] = newnp;
+    }
+    /* free(x4a->tbl); // This code was originall written for 16-bit machines.
+    ** on modern machines, don't worry about freeing this trival amount of
+    ** memory. */
+    *x4a = array;
+  }
+  /* Insert the new data */
+  h = ph & (x4a->size-1);
+  np = &(x4a->tbl[x4a->count++]);
+  np->data = data;
+  if( x4a->ht[h] ) x4a->ht[h]->from = &(np->next);
+  np->next = x4a->ht[h];
+  x4a->ht[h] = np;
+  np->from = &(x4a->ht[h]);
+  return 1;
+/* Return a pointer to data assigned to the given key.  Return NULL
+** if no such key. */
+struct config *Configtable_find(struct config *key)
+  int h;
+  x4node *np;
+  if( x4a==0 ) return 0;
+  h = confighash(key) & (x4a->size-1);
+  np = x4a->ht[h];
+  while( np ){
+    if( Configcmp((const char *) np->data,(const char *) key)==0 ) break;
+    np = np->next;
+  }
+  return np ? np->data : 0;
+/* Remove all data from the table.  Pass each data to the function "f"
+** as it is removed.  ("f" may be null to avoid this step.) */
+void Configtable_clear(int(*f)(struct config *))
+  int i;
+  if( x4a==0 || x4a->count==0 ) return;
+  if( f ) for(i=0; i<x4a->count; i++) (*f)(x4a->tbl[i].data);
+  for(i=0; i<x4a->size; i++) x4a->ht[i] = 0;
+  x4a->count = 0;
+  return;

+ 54 - 60
src/codec/lempar.c → ext/sqlite/tool/lempar.c

@@ -223,9 +223,9 @@ struct yyParser {
 typedef struct yyParser yyParser;
+#include <assert.h>
 #ifndef NDEBUG
 #include <stdio.h>
-#include <assert.h>
 static FILE *yyTraceFILE = 0;
 static char *yyTracePrompt = 0;
 #endif /* NDEBUG */
@@ -718,55 +718,6 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
   yymsp = yypParser->yytos;
-  assert( yyruleno<(int)(sizeof(yyRuleName)/sizeof(yyRuleName[0])) );
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-  if( yyTraceFILE ){
-    yysize = yyRuleInfoNRhs[yyruleno];
-    if( yysize ){
-      fprintf(yyTraceFILE, "%sReduce %d [%s]%s, pop back to state %d.\n",
-        yyTracePrompt,
-        yyruleno, yyRuleName[yyruleno],
-        yyruleno<YYNRULE_WITH_ACTION ? "" : " without external action",
-        yymsp[yysize].stateno);
-    }else{
-      fprintf(yyTraceFILE, "%sReduce %d [%s]%s.\n",
-        yyTracePrompt, yyruleno, yyRuleName[yyruleno],
-        yyruleno<YYNRULE_WITH_ACTION ? "" : " without external action");
-    }
-  }
-#endif /* NDEBUG */
-  /* Check that the stack is large enough to grow by a single entry
-  ** if the RHS of the rule is empty.  This ensures that there is room
-  ** enough on the stack to push the LHS value */
-  if( yyRuleInfoNRhs[yyruleno]==0 ){
-    if( (int)(yypParser->yytos - yypParser->yystack)>yypParser->yyhwm ){
-      yypParser->yyhwm++;
-      assert( yypParser->yyhwm == (int)(yypParser->yytos - yypParser->yystack));
-    }
-    if( yypParser->yytos>=yypParser->yystackEnd ){
-      yyStackOverflow(yypParser);
-      /* The call to yyStackOverflow() above pops the stack until it is
-      ** empty, causing the main parser loop to exit.  So the return value
-      ** is never used and does not matter. */
-      return 0;
-    }
-    if( yypParser->yytos>=&yypParser->yystack[yypParser->yystksz-1] ){
-      if( yyGrowStack(yypParser) ){
-        yyStackOverflow(yypParser);
-        /* The call to yyStackOverflow() above pops the stack until it is
-        ** empty, causing the main parser loop to exit.  So the return value
-        ** is never used and does not matter. */
-        return 0;
-      }
-      yymsp = yypParser->yytos;
-    }
-  }
   switch( yyruleno ){
   /* Beginning here are the reduction cases.  A typical example
@@ -925,12 +876,56 @@ void Parse(
-  do{
+  while(1){ /* Exit by "break" */
+    assert( yypParser->yytos>=yypParser->yystack );
     assert( yyact==yypParser->yytos->stateno );
     yyact = yy_find_shift_action((YYCODETYPE)yymajor,yyact);
     if( yyact >= YY_MIN_REDUCE ){
-      yyact = yy_reduce(yypParser,yyact-YY_MIN_REDUCE,yymajor,
-                        yyminor ParseCTX_PARAM);
+      unsigned int yyruleno = yyact - YY_MIN_REDUCE; /* Reduce by this rule */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+      assert( yyruleno<(int)(sizeof(yyRuleName)/sizeof(yyRuleName[0])) );
+      if( yyTraceFILE ){
+        int yysize = yyRuleInfoNRhs[yyruleno];
+        if( yysize ){
+          fprintf(yyTraceFILE, "%sReduce %d [%s]%s, pop back to state %d.\n",
+            yyTracePrompt,
+            yyruleno, yyRuleName[yyruleno],
+            yyruleno<YYNRULE_WITH_ACTION ? "" : " without external action",
+            yypParser->yytos[yysize].stateno);
+        }else{
+          fprintf(yyTraceFILE, "%sReduce %d [%s]%s.\n",
+            yyTracePrompt, yyruleno, yyRuleName[yyruleno],
+            yyruleno<YYNRULE_WITH_ACTION ? "" : " without external action");
+        }
+      }
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
+      /* Check that the stack is large enough to grow by a single entry
+      ** if the RHS of the rule is empty.  This ensures that there is room
+      ** enough on the stack to push the LHS value */
+      if( yyRuleInfoNRhs[yyruleno]==0 ){
+        if( (int)(yypParser->yytos - yypParser->yystack)>yypParser->yyhwm ){
+          yypParser->yyhwm++;
+          assert( yypParser->yyhwm ==
+                  (int)(yypParser->yytos - yypParser->yystack));
+        }
+        if( yypParser->yytos>=yypParser->yystackEnd ){
+          yyStackOverflow(yypParser);
+          break;
+        }
+        if( yypParser->yytos>=&yypParser->yystack[yypParser->yystksz-1] ){
+          if( yyGrowStack(yypParser) ){
+            yyStackOverflow(yypParser);
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      yyact = yy_reduce(yypParser,yyruleno,yymajor,yyminor ParseCTX_PARAM);
     }else if( yyact <= YY_MAX_SHIFTREDUCE ){
@@ -986,14 +981,13 @@ void Parse(
         yy_destructor(yypParser, (YYCODETYPE)yymajor, &yyminorunion);
         yymajor = YYNOCODE;
-        while( yypParser->yytos >= yypParser->yystack
-            && (yyact = yy_find_reduce_action(
-                        yypParser->yytos->stateno,
-                        YYERRORSYMBOL)) > YY_MAX_SHIFTREDUCE
-        ){
+        while( yypParser->yytos > yypParser->yystack ){
+          yyact = yy_find_reduce_action(yypParser->yytos->stateno,
+                                        YYERRORSYMBOL);
+          if( yyact<=YY_MAX_SHIFTREDUCE ) break;
-        if( yypParser->yytos < yypParser->yystack || yymajor==0 ){
+        if( yypParser->yytos <= yypParser->yystack || yymajor==0 ){
@@ -1043,7 +1037,7 @@ void Parse(
-  }while( yypParser->yytos>yypParser->yystack );
+  }
 #ifndef NDEBUG
   if( yyTraceFILE ){
     yyStackEntry *i;

+ 4 - 3

@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
  * without being freed between iterations, by using #LSUP_buffer_init.
 typedef struct LSUP_Buffer {
-    /*@null@*/ void *addr;
+    /*@null@*/ unsigned char *addr;
     size_t size;
 } LSUP_Buffer;
@@ -61,7 +61,8 @@ typedef enum {
  *  existing data are preserved as with a normal realloc().
-LSUP_buffer_init (LSUP_Buffer *buf, const size_t size, const void *data);
+LSUP_buffer_init (
+        LSUP_Buffer *buf, const size_t size, const unsigned char *data);
 /** @brief Create a new buffer and optionally populate it with data.
@@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ LSUP_buffer_init (LSUP_Buffer *buf, const size_t size, const void *data);
  *  on error.
 inline LSUP_Buffer *
-LSUP_buffer_new (const void *data, const size_t size)
+LSUP_buffer_new (const unsigned char *data, const size_t size)
     LSUP_Buffer *buf;
     CALLOC_GUARD (buf, NULL);

+ 137 - 33
include/codec_base.h → include/codec.h

@@ -4,31 +4,27 @@
 #include "graph.h"
-typedef struct codec_t LSUP_Codec;
+ * Max data size passed to the scanner and parser at each iteration.
+ */
+#define CHUNK_SIZE 8192
-/** @brief Codec iterator type.
- *
- * This structure holds state data including input and output for encoding a
- * graph into RDF. Normally it should not be inspected or manipulated directly,
- * but rather passed to codec iteration functions for processing RDF.
- *
- * NOTE: This should be used as an opaque handle, however it is exposed here
- * for easier inclusion into each codec.
- */
-typedef struct codec_iter_t {
-    const LSUP_Codec *  codec;      // Codec that generated this iterator.
-    LSUP_Triple *       trp;        // RDF fragment being encoded.
-    LSUP_GraphIterator *gr_it;      // Graph iterator.
-    const LSUP_NSMap *  nsm;        // Namespace map.
-    size_t              cur;        // Internal cursor.
-    LSUP_rc             rc;         // Internal return code.
-    char *              rep,        // String representation of a RDF fragment.
-         *              str_s,      // Temporary string.
-         *              str_p,      // Temporary string.
-         *              str_o;      // Temporary string.
-} LSUP_CodecIterator;
+typedef struct codec_t LSUP_Codec;
+/// Parser state.
+typedef struct {
+    LSUP_GraphIterator *    it;     ///< Iterator used to build the graph.
+    LSUP_NSMap *            nsm;    ///< NS map used in the document.
+    LSUP_Term *             base;   ///< Base IRI used in the document.
+    size_t                  ct;     ///< Statements parsed.
+    LSUP_rc                 rc;     ///< Internal return code.
+} LSUP_TTLParserState;
 /** @brief Parse error information.
@@ -42,6 +38,10 @@ typedef struct parse_error_t {
+ * Interface prototypes.
+ */
 /** @brief Term encoder callback type.
  * @param[in] term Single term handle.
@@ -49,8 +49,9 @@ typedef struct parse_error_t {
  * @param[in] nsm Namespace map. May be NULL for no prefix shortening.
  * @param[out] rep Pointer to a string to be filled with the encoded term. The
- *  caller is in charge of freeing the string after use. Returns undefined on
- *  error.
+ *  string is reallocated and, if reused for multiple calls to this function,
+ *  it only needs to be freed after the last call. It should be initialized to
+ *  NULL at the beginning.
  * @return LSUP_OK on successful encoding; <0 for other errors.
@@ -71,9 +72,10 @@ typedef LSUP_rc (*term_enc_fn_t)(
  * loop is finalized.
  * @return A codec iterator handle to be passed to a #gr_codec_iter_fn_t
- * function and, eventually, to a #gr_codec_done_fn_t function.
+ * function and, eventually, to a #gr_codec_done_fn_t function. This
+ * structure is opaque and defined by each codec according to its own needs.
-typedef LSUP_CodecIterator * (*gr_encode_init_fn_t)(const LSUP_Graph *gr);
+typedef void * (*gr_encode_init_fn_t)(const LSUP_Graph *gr);
 /** @brief Perform one encoding iteration.
@@ -86,16 +88,15 @@ typedef LSUP_CodecIterator * (*gr_encode_init_fn_t)(const LSUP_Graph *gr);
  * @param[in] it Iterator handle.
  * @param[out] res Handle to be populated with a string obtained from encoding.
- *  The output data should be UTF-8 [TODO or UTF-16] encoded. This pointer
- *  must be initialized (even to NULL) and should be eventually freed manually
- *  at the end of the loop. It is reallocated at each iteration, so memory from
- *  a previous iteration may be overwritten with new data.
+ *  The output data should be UTF-8 encoded. This pointer must be initialized
+ *  (even to NULL) and should be eventually freed manually at the end of the
+ *  loop. It is reallocated at each iteration, so memory from a previous
+ *  iteration may be overwritten with new data.
  * @return LSUP_OK if a new token was processed; LSUP_END if the end of the
  *  loop was reached.
-typedef LSUP_rc (*gr_encode_iter_fn_t)(
-        LSUP_CodecIterator *it, unsigned char **res);
+typedef LSUP_rc (*gr_encode_iter_fn_t)(void *it, char **res);
 /** @brief Finalize an encoding operation.
@@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ typedef LSUP_rc (*gr_encode_iter_fn_t)(
  * @param[in] it Iterator handle.
-typedef void (*gr_encode_done_fn_t)(LSUP_CodecIterator *it);
+typedef void (*gr_encode_done_fn_t)(void *it);
 /** @brief Prototype for decoding a string into a LSUP_Term.
@@ -190,4 +191,107 @@ struct codec_t {
     gr_decode_fn_t      decode_graph;     // Graph decoder function.
+ * Common utility functions.
+ */
+/** @brief strdup() for unsigned char.
+ *
+ * This is to be used with uint8_t sequences considered to be UTF-8 sequences,
+ * requird by re2c (it won't work with byte sequences containing `NUL`).
+ */
+inline uint8_t
+*uint8_dup (const uint8_t *str)
+{ return (uint8_t *) strdup ((char *) str); }
+/** @brief strndup() for unsigned char.
+ *
+ * This is to be used with uint8_t sequences considered to be UTF-8 sequences,
+ * requird by re2c (it won't work with byte sequences containing `NUL`).
+ */
+inline uint8_t
+*uint8_ndup (const uint8_t *str, size_t size)
+{ return (uint8_t *) strndup ((char *) str, size); }
+/** @brief Add escape character (backslash) to illegal literal characters.
+ *
+ * @param[in] in Input string.
+ *
+ * @param out[out] Output string.
+ *
+ * @return LSUP_OK on success; LSUP_MEM_ERR on memory error.
+ */
+escape_lit (const char *in, char **out);
+/** @brief Replace non-printable characters with their literal byte.
+ *
+ *  Escape backslash is to be added separately.
+ */
+static inline char
+escape_char (const char c) {
+    switch (c) {
+        case '\t': return 't';
+        case '\b': return 'b';
+        case '\n': return 'n';
+        case '\r': return 'r';
+        case '\f': return 'f';
+        default: return c;
+    }
+/** @brief Unescape a single character.
+ *
+ * Convert escaped special characters such as `\t`, `\n`, etc. into their
+ * corresponding code points.
+ *
+ * Non-special characters are returned unchanged.
+ *
+ * @param[in] c Character to unescape. Note that this is the single character
+ * after `\`.
+ * 
+ * @return Code point corresponding to the escaped character.
+ */
+inline char
+unescape_char (const char c)
+    switch (c) {
+        case 't': return '\t';
+        case 'b': return '\b';
+        case 'n': return '\n';
+        case 'r': return '\r';
+        case 'f': return '\f';
+        default: return c;
+    }
+/** @brief Replace \uxxxx and \Uxxxxxxxx with Unicode bytes.
+ *
+ * @param[in] esc_str Escaped string.
+ *
+ * @param[in] size Maximum number of characters to scan, à la strncpy().
+ *
+ * @return String with escape sequences replaced by Unicode bytes.
+ */
+uint8_t *unescape_unicode (const uint8_t *esc_str, size_t size);
+/** @brief Format an informational header.
+ *
+ * The information includes software version and current date. It is terminated
+ * by a newline + NUL and prefixed with the string specified in `pfx`. It is
+ * NOT prefixed by any comment characters.
+ *
+ * @param[in] pfx Prefix to add to the string. It may be a comment starter,
+ *  such as `# `.
+ */
+char *fmt_header (char *pfx);

+ 1 - 1
include/codec_nt.h → include/codec/codec_nt.h

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #ifndef _LSUP_CODEC_NT_H
 #define _LSUP_CODEC_NT_H
-#include "codec_base.h"
+#include "codec/parser_nt.h"
 /** @brief N-Triples codec.

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#ifndef _LSUP_CODEC_TTL_H
+#define _LSUP_CODEC_TTL_H
+#include "codec/parser_ttl.h"
+/** @brief Turtle codec.
+ *
+ * @sa #codec_t
+ */
+extern const LSUP_Codec ttl_codec;

+ 2 - 1
include/nt_parser.h → include/codec/parser_nt.h

@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 #ifndef _LSUP_NT_PARSER_H
 #define _LSUP_NT_PARSER_H
-#include "graph.h"
+#include "codec.h"
 /** @brief Parse a single term.

+ 23 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#include "codec.h"
+/** @brief Parse a N-Triples document from a file handle.
+ *
+ * @param[in] doc N-Triples document.
+ *
+ * @param[out] Pointer to a graph handle to be created. The new graph will have
+ *  a random UUID URN.
+ *
+ * @param[out] ct If not NULL it is populated with the number of triples
+ *  parsed. This may be more than the triples in the resulting graph.
+ *
+ * @return LSUP_OK on success, LSUP_VALUE_ERR if a parsing error was
+ *  encountered. TODO Add line/char info for parsing error
+ */
+LSUP_ttl_parse_doc (FILE *stream, LSUP_Graph **gr, size_t *ct, char **err);

+ 8 - 1

@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
 #ifndef _LSUP_CORE_H
 #define _LSUP_CORE_H
+#ifndef NOCOLOR
+#define LOG_USE_COLOR
 #include <ctype.h>
 #include <dirent.h>
 #include <inttypes.h>
@@ -17,6 +21,9 @@
 #include "xxhash.h"
+#define LSUP_VERSION "1.0a3"
 // Logging and debugging.
 #ifdef DEBUG
@@ -235,7 +242,7 @@ LSUP_strerror (LSUP_rc rc);
  * @return number of bytes on success, 0 on failure (also produces U+FFFD,
  *  which uses 3 bytes)
-inline int utf8_encode(const uint32_t utf, unsigned char *out)
+inline int utf8_encode (const uint32_t utf, unsigned char *out)
   if (utf <= 0x7F) {
     // Plain ASCII

+ 4 - 0

@@ -23,6 +23,10 @@
 #define LSUP_IS_INIT (LSUP_term_cache != NULL)
+ * External variables.
+ */
 extern LSUP_NSMap *LSUP_default_nsm; /// Default namespace prefix map.
 extern LSUP_Term *LSUP_default_ctx; /// Default context.
 extern LSUP_Buffer *LSUP_default_ctx_buf; /// Serialized default context.

+ 96 - 3

@@ -293,14 +293,21 @@ LSUP_graph_lookup (const LSUP_Graph *gr, const LSUP_Term *s,
  * @param it[in] Iterator handle obtained through #LSUP_graph_lookup.
- * @param spo[out] Triple to be populated with the next result. May be NULL
- *  (e.g. for counters).
+ * @param spo[out] Triple handle pointer to be populated with the next result.
+ * If not NULL, it will allocate a new triple and new terms, and should be
+ * freed with LSUP_triple_free().
  * @return LSUP_OK if a result was found; LSUP_END if the end of the match list
  *  was reached.
-LSUP_graph_iter_next (LSUP_GraphIterator *it, LSUP_Triple *spo);
+LSUP_graph_iter_next (LSUP_GraphIterator *it, LSUP_Triple **spo);
+/** @brief Return the graph related to an iterator.
+ */
+const LSUP_Graph *
+LSUP_graph_iter_graph (LSUP_GraphIterator *it);
 /** @brief Free a graph iterator.
@@ -313,4 +320,90 @@ LSUP_graph_iter_next (LSUP_GraphIterator *it, LSUP_Triple *spo);
 LSUP_graph_iter_free (LSUP_GraphIterator *it);
+/** @brief Get term pairs connected to a term in a graph.
+ *
+ * This returns a #LSUP_LinkMap extracted from a graph for a given term. The
+ * map can generate triples using #LSUP_link_map_triples().
+ *
+ * Depending on the type requested (`LSUP_CONN_*), the term can be leveraged
+ * as a subject, predicate, or object.
+ *
+ * @param[in] gr Graph to extract the connection list from.
+ *
+ * @param[in] t Term to query for connections.
+ *
+ * @param[in] type Type of connections to look up.
+ *
+ * @return Link map for the requested term. It should be freed with
+ *  #LSUP_conn_list_free().
+ */
+LSUP_LinkMap *
+LSUP_graph_connections (
+        const LSUP_Graph *gr, LSUP_Term *t, LSUP_LinkType type);
+/** @brief Get a list of terms related to a term pair in a graph.
+ *
+ * @param[in] gr Graph to extract terms from.
+ *
+ * @param[in] t1 First term.
+ *
+ * @param[in] t1_pos Position of the first term in the triples to look up.
+ *
+ * @param[in] t2 Second term.
+ *
+ * @param[in] t2_pos Position of the second term in the triples to look up.
+ *
+ * @return Term set of results.
+ */
+LSUP_TermSet *
+LSUP_graph_term_set (
+        const LSUP_Graph *gr, LSUP_Term *t1, LSUP_TriplePos t1_pos,
+        LSUP_Term *t2, LSUP_TriplePos t2_pos);
+/** @brief Get all unique subjcts, predicates, or objects in a graph.
+ *
+ * @param[in] gr Graph handle.
+ *
+ * @param[in] pos Position in the triples of the terms to look for.
+ */
+LSUP_TermSet *
+LSUP_graph_unique_terms (const LSUP_Graph *gr, LSUP_TriplePos pos);
+/** @brief Add triples for a term and related connection list to a graph.
+ *
+ * The connection list can be of inbound, outbound, or edge type; depending on
+ * that, triples are added with the given term as the subject, the predicate,
+ * or the object.
+ *
+ * @param[in] it Graph iterator obtained with #LSUP_graph_add_init().
+ *
+ * @param[in] t Term to be associated with the collection list.
+ *
+ * @param[in] cl Link map.
+ *
+ * @return Number of triples parsed on success, or <0 (LSUP_*_ERR) on error.
+ */
+LSUP_graph_add_link_map (
+        LSUP_GraphIterator *it, LSUP_Term *t, LSUP_LinkMap *cl);
+/** @brief Add triples for an anonymous collection to a graph.
+ *
+ * The `rdf:first`, `rdf:rest`, etc. terms are automatically added and the term
+ * for the first item in the list is returned.
+ *
+ * @param[in] it Graph iterator to use for insertion.
+ *
+ * @param[in] ol NUL-terminated term array.
+ *
+ * @return Blank node representing the first list item.
+ */
+LSUP_Term *
+LSUP_bnode_add_collection (LSUP_GraphIterator *it, LSUP_TermSet *ts);

+ 2 - 1

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 #ifndef _LSUP_RDF_H
 #define _LSUP_RDF_H
-#include "codec_nt.h"
+#include "codec/codec_nt.h"
+#include "codec/codec_ttl.h"

+ 11 - 11

@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ LSUP_nsmap_remove (LSUP_NSMap *map, const char *pfx);
  *  should not be modified directly.
 const char *
-LSUP_nsmap_get_ns (LSUP_NSMap *map, const char *pfx);
+LSUP_nsmap_get_ns (const LSUP_NSMap *map, const char *pfx);
 /** @brief Get the prefix for a namespace.
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ LSUP_nsmap_get_ns (LSUP_NSMap *map, const char *pfx);
  * @return Found prefix, or NULL if the namespace is not mapped.
 const char *
-LSUP_nsmap_get_pfx (LSUP_NSMap *map, const char *ns);
+LSUP_nsmap_get_pfx (const LSUP_NSMap *map, const char *ns);
 /** @brief Convert a namespace-prefixed string to a FQ URI sring if mapped.
@@ -101,15 +101,15 @@ LSUP_nsmap_get_pfx (LSUP_NSMap *map, const char *ns);
  * @param[in] uri URI string to denormalize.
  * @param[out] fq_uri String pointer to be filled with the FQ URI. If the
- *  namespace is not in the map or an error occurred, this will be NULL.
- *  The caller is in charge of freeing the memory.
+ *  namespace is not in the map or an error occurred, this will be NULL. The
+ *  caller is in charge of freeing the memory.
- * @return LSUP_OK on success, LSUP_NORESULT if no entry was found in the map,
+ * @return LSUP_OK on success, LSUP_VALUE_ERR if no entry was found in the map,
  *  LSUP_MEM_ERR if a memory allocation error ocurred.
 LSUP_nsmap_normalize_uri (
-        LSUP_NSMap *map, const char *pfx_uri, char **fq_uri);
+        const LSUP_NSMap *map, const char *pfx_uri, char **fq_uri);
 /** @brief Convert a FQ URI string to a prefixed string if the prefix is found.
@@ -124,16 +124,16 @@ LSUP_nsmap_normalize_uri (
  * @param[in] uri URI string to normalize.
- * @param[out] String pointer to be filled with the prefixed URI. If the
- *  namespace is not in the map or an error occurred, this will be NULL.
- *  The caller is in charge of freeing the memory.
+ * @param[out] pfx_uri String pointer to be filled with the prefixed URI. If
+ *  the namespace is not in the map, this will be a duplicate of the original
+ *  FQ URI. The caller is in charge of freeing the memory.
  * @return LSUP_OK on success, LSUP_NORESULT if no entry was found in the map,
  *  LSUP_MEM_ERR if a memory allocation error ocurred.
 LSUP_nsmap_denormalize_uri (
-        LSUP_NSMap *map, const char *fq_uri, char **pfx_uri);
+        const LSUP_NSMap *map, const char *fq_uri, char **pfx_uri);
 /** @brief Dump all entries of a namespace map.
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ LSUP_nsmap_denormalize_uri (
  * @return 2-dimensional array of strings, with as many rows as namespace
  *  entries, and two columns: the first for the namespace prefix, the second
- *  for the namespace.
+ *  for the namespace. The last entry is NULL.
 const char ***
 LSUP_nsmap_dump (const LSUP_NSMap *map);

+ 1 - 2

@@ -391,8 +391,7 @@ typedef LSUP_NSMap * (*store_nsm_get_fn_t)(void *store);
  * @param[in] it Opaque iterator handle obtained with the store's #lookup_fn.
  * @param[out] sspo #LSUP_BufferTriple to be populated with three serialized
- * terms if found. It may be NULL. NOTE: the content of this variable is
- * undefined on rc != LSUP_OK.
+ * terms if found. It may be NULL, in which case it is not populated.
  * @param[out] ctx If not NULL, it is populated with a NULL-terminated array of
  *  LSUP_Buffer structs, one for each context associated with the matching

+ 236 - 47

@@ -9,25 +9,12 @@
- * Term types.
- */
-/* Undefined placeholder or result of an error. Invalid for most operations. */
-#define LSUP_TERM_UNDEFINED     0
-/* IRI reference. */
-#define LSUP_TERM_IRIREF        1
-/* Namespace-prefixed IRI reference. */
-#define LSUP_TERM_NS_IRIREF     2
-/* Literal without language tag. */
-#define LSUP_TERM_LITERAL       3
-/* Language-tagged string literal. */
-#define LSUP_TERM_LT_LITERAL    4
-/* Blank node. */
-#define LSUP_TERM_BNODE         5
-/** @brief Default data type for untyped literals (prefixed IRI).
- */
-#define DEFAULT_DTYPE           ""
+// Some common RDF term values.
+#define LSUP_RDF_TYPE       ""
+#define LSUP_RDF_TYPE_NS    "rdf:type"
+/// Default data type for untyped literals (prefixed IRI).
+#define DEFAULT_DTYPE       ""
+#define DEFAULT_DTYPE_NS    "xsd:string"
 /** @brief URI parsing regular expression.
@@ -55,15 +42,31 @@
  * Data types.
-typedef char LSUP_TermType;
+/// Language tag, currently restricted to 7 characters.
 typedef char LSUP_LangTag[8];
+/// Term type.
+typedef enum {
+                              * Undefined placeholder or result of an error.
+                              * Invalid for most operations.
+                              */
+    LSUP_TERM_IRIREF,       ///< IRI reference.
+    LSUP_TERM_NS_IRIREF,    ///< Namespace-prefixed IRI reference.
+    LSUP_TERM_LITERAL,      ///< Literal without language tag.
+    LSUP_TERM_LT_LITERAL,   ///< Language-tagged string literal.
+    LSUP_TERM_BNODE,        ///< Blank node.
+} LSUP_TermType;
 /** @brief IRI information.
  * See regex matching group for #LSUP_URI_REGEX_STR for more information.
 typedef struct iri_info_t LSUP_IRIInfo;
+typedef struct link_map_iter LSUP_LinkMapIterator;
+/// RDF term.
 typedef struct term_t {
     char *              data;       // URI, literal value, or BNode label.
     union {
@@ -87,30 +90,54 @@ typedef struct term_t {
     ((term)->type == LSUP_TERM_LITERAL || (term)->type == LSUP_TERM_LT_LITERAL)
+/** @brief RDF triple.
+ *
+ * This represents a complete RDF statement. Triple terms can be accessed
+ * directly via the `s`, `p`, `o` members or sequentially via
+ * #LSUP_triple_pos().
+ */
 typedef struct triple_t {
-    LSUP_Term *s;
-    LSUP_Term *p;
-    LSUP_Term *o;
+    LSUP_Term *s;                   ///< Subject.
+    LSUP_Term *p;                   ///< Predicate.
+    LSUP_Term *o;                   ///< Object.
 } LSUP_Triple;
-/** @brief Key-term pair.
- */
-typedef struct term_cache_entry_t {
-    LSUP_Key            key;        // Key (hash) of the term.
-    LSUP_Term *         term;       // Term handle.
-} LSUP_KeyedTerm;
+/// Link type.
+typedef enum {
+    LSUP_LINK_INBOUND,              ///< Inbound link (sp).
+    LSUP_LINK_OUTBOUND,             ///< Outbound link (po).
+    LSUP_LINK_EDGE,                 ///< Edge link (so).
+} LSUP_LinkType;
- * Extern variables.
+/** @brief The immediate neighborhood of terms connected to a term.
+ *
+ * This is a hash map whose each term is related to a set of one or more other
+ * terms. The hash map is inside an opaque handle and is manipulated via the
+ * `LSUP_link_map_*` functions.
+ *
+ * If the type of the link map is `LSUP_LINK_INBOUND`, the map keys
+ * represent predicates and the sets related to them are the objects, and the
+ * term associated to the link map is the object; if
+ * `LSUP_LINK_OUTBOUND`, the keys represent predicates, the related sets
+ * objects, and the associated term is the subject. If `LSUP_LINK_EDGE`, the
+ * keys represent subjects and the related sets objects, and the associated
+ * term is the predicate.
+typedef struct link_map LSUP_LinkMap;
-/** @brief Global term cache.
+/** @brief a set of unique terms.
- * Stores frequently used terms, e.g. data type URIs.
+ * This is used to bulk-add terms to a link map.
+ */
+typedef struct hashmap LSUP_TermSet;
+ * External variables.
-extern struct hashmap *LSUP_term_cache;
 /** @brief Compiled hash of default literal data type.
@@ -127,9 +154,15 @@ extern regex_t *LSUP_uri_ptn;
 extern LSUP_Term *LSUP_default_datatype;
+/** @brief Global term cache.
+ *
+ * Stores frequently used terms, e.g. data type URIs.
+ */
+extern LSUP_TermSet *LSUP_term_cache;
- * Function prototypes.
+ * API functions.
 /** @brief Create a new term.
@@ -141,7 +174,8 @@ extern LSUP_Term *LSUP_default_datatype;
  * @param type[in] Term type. One of #LSUP_TermType.
  * @param data[in] Term data: textual URI, literal value without data type
- *  or langtag, etc.
+ *  or langtag, etc. It may be NULL for IRI refs and BNodes, in which case a
+ *  random identifier is generated.
  * @param metadata[in] Namespace map (LSUP_NSMap *) for IRI refs; language tag
  * (LSUP_LangTag *) for language-tagged literals; or data type (LSUP_Term *)
@@ -188,16 +222,16 @@ LSUP_iriref_new (const char *data, LSUP_NSMap *nsm)
  * If the provided IRI is already a fully qualified IRI (i.e. it has a prefix)
  * the result is semantically identical to the input.
- * If the provided IRI begins with a '/', the resulting IRI is relative to the
+ * If the relative IRI begins with a '/', the resulting IRI is relative to the
  * web root of the root IRI. I.e. if a root IRI has a path after the webroot,
  * it is ignored.
  * Otherwise, the resulting IRI is relative to the full root string.
- * @param[in] iri Term with an IRI relative to the webroot.
- *
  * @param[in] root Root IRI that the new IRI should be relative to.
+ * @param[in] iri Term with an IRI relative to the webroot.
+ *
  * @return New absolute IRI, or NULL if either term is not an IRI.
 LSUP_Term *
@@ -458,24 +492,179 @@ LSUP_triple_hash (const LSUP_Triple *trp)
-/** @brief Add an identifier to the term cache.
+/** @brief Create a new term set.
- * @param[in] key Hash of the inserted term.
+ * @return New empty term set.
+ */
+LSUP_TermSet *
+LSUP_term_set_new (void);
+/** @brief Free a term set.
- * @param[in] term Term to insert. A copy of the term is stored in the cache,
- *  which is freed on application teardown.
+ * @param[in] ts Term set handle.
+ */
+LSUP_term_set_free (LSUP_TermSet *ts);
+/** @brief Add term to a term set.
+ *
+ * If the same term is already in the set, it is not replaced, and the existing
+ * term's handle is made available in the `existing` variable. In this case,
+ * the caller may want to free the passed term which has not been added.
+ *
+ * @param[in] tl Term set to be added to.
+ *
+ * @param[in] term Term to be added to the list. The term set will take
+ * ownership of the term and free it when it's freed with
+ * #LSUP_term_set_free()—only if the return code is LSUP_OK.
+ *
+ * @param[out] existing If not NULL, and if the term being added is a
+ * duplicate, this variable will be populated with the existing term handle.
+ *
+ * @return LSUP_OK on success; LSUP_NOACTION if the term is duplicate;
+ *  LSUP_MEM_ERR on memory error. Note: if not LSUP_OK, the caller is in charge
+ *  of freeing the `term` handle.
-LSUP_tcache_add (const LSUP_Key key, const LSUP_Term *term);
+LSUP_term_set_add (LSUP_TermSet *ts, LSUP_Term *term, LSUP_Term **existing);
-/** @brief Get an identifier from the cache.
+/** @brief Get a term from a term set.
+ *
+ * @param[in] ts Term set handle.
  * @param[in] key Key for the queried term.
- * @return The retrieved term if found, or NULL. The string must not be
+ * @return The retrieved term if found, or NULL. The term must not be
  *  modified or freed.
 const LSUP_Term *
-LSUP_tcache_get (LSUP_Key key);
+LSUP_term_set_get (LSUP_TermSet *ts, LSUP_Key key);
+/** @brief Iterate trough a term set.
+ *
+ * @param[in] ts Term set handle.
+ *
+ * @param[in,out] i Iterator to be initially set to 0.
+ *
+ * @param[out] term Pointer to be populated with the next term on success. It
+ *  may be NULL.
+ *
+ * @return LSUP_OK if the next term was retrieved; LSUP_END if the end of the
+ *  set has been reached.
+ */
+LSUP_term_set_next (LSUP_TermSet *ts, size_t *i, LSUP_Term **term);
+/** @brief New link map.
+ *
+ * The initial state of the returned list is: `{t: [NULL], tl: [NULL]}`
+ *
+ * Predicates and term lists can be added with #LSUP_link_map_add, and terms
+ * can be added to a term list with #LSUP_term_list_add.
+ *
+ * @return a new empty predicate-object list.
+ */
+LSUP_LinkMap *
+LSUP_link_map_new (LSUP_LinkType type);
+/** @brief Free a link map.
+ *
+ * All arrays and term handles are recursively freed.
+ *
+ * @param[in] pol link map handle obtained with #LSUP_link_map_new().
+ */
+LSUP_link_map_free (LSUP_LinkMap *pol);
+/// Return the link map type.
+LSUP_link_map_type (const LSUP_LinkMap *map);
+/** @brief Add a term - term set pair to a link map.
+ *
+ * If there is already a term set for the given term, items from the added term
+ * are added to the existing term set (if not duplicated). Otherwise, the term
+ * set handle is linked to the new term.
+ *
+ * In any case, the caller should not directly use the term and term set after
+ * passing them to this function.
+ *
+ * @param[in] cm Link map handle obtained with #LSUP_link_map_new().
+ *
+ *  @param[in] t Term to be associated with the given object list. The
+ *   link map structure takes ownership of the term.
+ *
+ * @param[in] ts term set to be associated with the given term. The link
+ *  list structire takes ownership of the term set and the terms in it.
+ *
+ * @return LSUP_OK on success; LSUP_MEM_ERR on allocation error.
+ */
+LSUP_link_map_add (
+        LSUP_LinkMap *cmap, LSUP_Term *term, LSUP_TermSet *tset);
+/** @brief Create a new iterator to loop through a link map.
+ *
+ * @param[in] lmap Map handle to iterate.
+ *
+ * @param[in] ext External term to look for connections.
+ */
+LSUP_LinkMapIterator *
+LSUP_link_map_iter_new (const LSUP_LinkMap *lmap, LSUP_Term *ext);
+/// Free a link map iterator.
+LSUP_link_map_iter_free (LSUP_LinkMapIterator *it);
+/** @brief Iterate through a link map.
+ *
+ * Each call to this function yields a linked term and the related term set.
+ *
+ * @param[in] it Link map iterator obtained with #LSUP_link_map_iter_new().
+ *
+ * @param[out] lt Linked term returned.
+ *
+ * @param[out] ts Term set returned.
+ *
+ * @return LSUP_OK if a result was yielded; LSUP_END if the end of the link map
+ *  has been reached.
+ */
+LSUP_link_map_next (
+        LSUP_LinkMapIterator *it, LSUP_Term **lt, LSUP_TermSet **ts);
+/**@brief Iterate over a link map and generate triples.
+ *
+ * Calling this function repeatedly builds triples for all the linked terms and
+ * term sets in the map, based on a given related term.
+ *
+ * @param[in] it Link map iterator handle, obtained with
+ *  #LSUP_link_map_iter_new().
+ *
+ * @param[in] term Term to relate to the link map.
+ *
+ * @param[in|out] spo Result triple. The triple handle must be pre-allocated
+ *  (it may be TRP_DUMMY) and calls to this function will be set its memebers
+ *  to term handles owned by the link map. If rc != LSUP_OK, the contents are
+ *  undefined.
+ *
+ * @return LSUP_OK if a new triple was yielded; LSUP_END if the end of the loop
+ *  has been reached; <0 on error.
+ */
+LSUP_link_map_triples (
+        LSUP_LinkMapIterator *it, LSUP_Triple *spo);

+ 5 - 2

@@ -78,15 +78,18 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     log_info ("Lookup...");
     ct = 0;
-    LSUP_Triple *spo = TRP_DUMMY;
     LSUP_Term *s = LSUP_iriref_new ("urn:s:8", NULL);
     LSUP_Term *p = LSUP_iriref_new ("urn:p:0", NULL);
     LSUP_Term *o = LSUP_iriref_new ("urn:o:300", NULL);
     LSUP_GraphIterator *it = LSUP_graph_lookup(gr, s, NULL, NULL, &ct);
     log_info ("Found triples by count: %lu", ct);
+    LSUP_Triple *spo = NULL;
     ct = 0;
-    while (LSUP_graph_iter_next (it, spo) != LSUP_END)
+    while (LSUP_graph_iter_next (it, &spo) != LSUP_END) {
         ct ++;
+        LSUP_triple_free (spo);
+        spo = NULL;
+    }
     log_info ("Found triples by iteration: %lu", ct);
     LSUP_graph_iter_free (it);
     end = clock();

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+requires = ["setuptools>=60"]
+build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

+ 83 - 66

@@ -1,46 +1,64 @@
 from glob import glob
-from os import path
-from setuptools import Extension, setup
+from os import environ
+from setuptools import Extension, find_packages, setup
 from setuptools.command.install import install
-from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError
+from subprocess import check_output
-ROOT_DIR = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__))
-MOD_DIR = path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'cpython')
-SRC_DIR = path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'src')
-CODEC_DIR = path.join(SRC_DIR, 'codec')
-INCL_DIR = path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'include')
-EXT_DIR = path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'ext')
+ROOT_DIR = "."
+SRC_DIR = f"{ROOT_DIR}/src"
+CODEC_DIR = f"{SRC_DIR}/codec"
+CPY_DIR = f"{ROOT_DIR}/cpython"
+INCL_DIR = f"{ROOT_DIR}/include"
+EXT_DIR = f"{ROOT_DIR}/ext"
-LEXER = 're2c'
-PARSER = 'lemon'
+LEXER = "re2c"
+PARSER = "lemon"
 sources = (
-    glob(path.join(SRC_DIR, '*.c')) +
-    glob(path.join(CODEC_DIR, '*_grammar.c')) +
-    glob(path.join(SRC_DIR, 'codec', '*_parser.c')) +
-    glob(path.join(MOD_DIR, '*.c')) +
+    glob(f"{SRC_DIR}/*.c") +
+    glob(f"{CODEC_DIR}/grammar_*.c") +
+    glob(f"{CODEC_DIR}/parser_*.c") +
+    glob(f"{CODEC_DIR}/codec_*.c") +
+    glob(f"{CPY_DIR}/*.c") +
-        path.join(EXT_DIR, 'openldap', 'libraries', 'liblmdb', 'mdb.c'),
-        path.join(EXT_DIR, 'openldap', 'libraries', 'liblmdb', 'midl.c'),
-        path.join(EXT_DIR, 'xxHash', 'xxhash.c'),
-        path.join(EXT_DIR, 'hashmap', 'hashmap.c'),
-        path.join(EXT_DIR, 'tpl', 'src', 'tpl.c'),
-        path.join(EXT_DIR, 'log', 'src', 'log.c'),
+        f"{EXT_DIR}/openldap/libraries/liblmdb/mdb.c",
+        f"{EXT_DIR}/openldap/libraries/liblmdb/midl.c",
+        f"{EXT_DIR}/xxHash/xxhash.c",
+        f"{EXT_DIR}/hashmap/hashmap.c",
+        f"{EXT_DIR}/tpl/src/tpl.c",
+        f"{EXT_DIR}/log/src/log.c",
-debug = True
+include_dirs = [
+    # ROOT_DIR,
+    INCL_DIR,
+    f"{INCL_DIR}/codec",
+    CPY_DIR,
+    f"{EXT_DIR}/hashmap",
+    f"{EXT_DIR}/tpl/src",
+    f"{EXT_DIR}/log/src",
+debug = bool(environ.get("DEBUG"))
 compile_args = [
-    # '-std=c99',
+    "-std=gnu11",
+    "-Wall",
+    # "-Wextra",
+    "-fPIC",
+    "-MMD",
 if debug:
-    compile_args.extend(['-DDEBUG', '-g3', '-O0'])
+    print("Compiling with debug flags.")
+    compile_args.extend(["-DDEBUG", "-g3", "-O1"])
-    compile_args.extend(['-g0', '-O3'])
+    compile_args.extend(["-g0", "-O3"])
+# with open(path.join(ROOT_DIR, ""), "r") as fh:
+#     long_description =
 class LSUPInstallCmd(install):
@@ -52,57 +70,56 @@ class LSUPInstallCmd(install):
     def run(self):
-        # Run grammar and parser generators.
-        try:
-            lexer_ex_path = check_output(['which', LEXER])
-        except CalledProcessError:
-            raise SystemError(f'Lexer program `{LEXER}` is not installed.')
-        try:
-            parser_ex_path = check_output(['which', PARSER])
-        except CalledProcessError:
-            raise SystemError(f'Lexer program `{PARSER}` is not installed.')
-        print("Generating grammar.")
-        for fpath in glob(path.join(CODEC_DIR, '*_grammar.y')):
-            check_output([
-                parser_ex_path, fpath, 'q', '-m',
-                '-T' + fpath.join(CODEC_DIR, 'lempar.c'), f'-d{CODEC_DIR}'
-            ])
-        print("Generating parser.")
-        for fpath in glob(path.join(CODEC_DIR, '*')):
-            check_output([
-                lexer_ex_path, fpath, '-o',
-                fpath.replace('', '_parser.c'), '-T', '--case-ranges',
-            ])
+        print("Generating parsers.")
+        target = "debug" if debug else "codec_dbg"
+        check_output(["make", target])
-    version="1.0a2",
-    description='Ultra-compact RDF library.',
-    author='Stefano Cossu <>',
-    url='',
-    license='',
-    package_dir={'lsup_rdf': path.join(MOD_DIR, 'lsup_rdf')},
-    packages=['lsup_rdf'],
-    cmdclasss={'install': LSUPInstallCmd},
+    version="1.0a3",
+    description="Ultra-compact RDF library.",
+    # long_description=long_description,
+    # long_description_content_type="text/markdown",
+    author="Stefano Cossu <>",
+    url="",
+    license="",
+    package_dir={"": "."},
+    packages=find_packages(where="."),
+    include_package_data=True,
+    cmdclass={"install": LSUPInstallCmd},
+    classifiers=[
+        "Development Status :: 3 - Alpha",
+        "Environment :: Console",
+        "Intended Audience :: Developers",
+        "Intended Audience :: Information Technology",
+        "Intended Audience :: Science/Research",
+        "Intended Audience :: Telecommunications Industry",
+        "License :: Public Domain",
+        "Natural Language :: English",
+        "Operating System :: POSIX :: BSD",
+        "Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux",
+        "Operating System :: POSIX :: Other",
+        "Programming Language :: C",
+        "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
+        "Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython",
+        "Topic :: Database :: Database Engines/Servers",
+        "Topic :: Internet",
+        "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering",
+        "Topic :: Software Development :: Embedded Systems",
+        "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries",
+    ],
-            include_dirs=[
-                ROOT_DIR,
-                INCL_DIR,
-                path.join(EXT_DIR, 'hashmap'),
-                path.join(EXT_DIR, 'tpl', 'src'),
-                path.join(EXT_DIR, 'log', 'src'),
-            ],
-            libraries=['uuid'],
+            language="c",
+            include_dirs=include_dirs,
+            libraries=["xxhash", "lmdb", "uuid"],
+    python_requires=">=3.8",

+ 21 - 4

@@ -2,20 +2,22 @@
 /* * * Inline extern prototypes * * */
-LSUP_Buffer *LSUP_buffer_new (const void *data, const size_t size);
+LSUP_Buffer *LSUP_buffer_new (const unsigned char *data, const size_t size);
 LSUP_rc LSUP_buffer_init (
-        LSUP_Buffer *buf, const size_t size, const void *data);
+        LSUP_Buffer *buf, const size_t size, const unsigned char *data);
 bool LSUP_buffer_eq (const LSUP_Buffer *buf1, const LSUP_Buffer *buf2);
 int LSUP_buffer_cmp (const LSUP_Buffer *buf1, const LSUP_Buffer *buf2);
+static inline char unescape_char (const char c);
 /* * * API * * */
-LSUP_buffer_init (LSUP_Buffer *buf, const size_t size, const void *data)
+LSUP_buffer_init (
+        LSUP_Buffer *buf, const size_t size, const unsigned char *data)
     // If size is zero, addr becomes NULL.
-    void *tmp = realloc (buf->addr, size);
+    unsigned char *tmp = realloc (buf->addr, size);
     if (UNLIKELY (size > 0 && tmp == NULL)) return LSUP_MEM_ERR;
     buf->addr = tmp;
@@ -153,6 +155,21 @@ LSUP_btriple_free_shallow (LSUP_BufferTriple *sspo)
+ * Statics.
+ */
+static inline char unescape_char (const char c) {
+    switch (c) {
+        case 't': return '\t';
+        case 'b': return '\b';
+        case 'n': return '\n';
+        case 'r': return '\r';
+        case 'f': return '\f';
+        default: return c;
+    }
 /* Extern inline prototypes. */

+ 138 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+#include "codec.h"
+/** @brief List of characters to be escaped in serialized literals.
+ *
+ * @sa
+ */
+#define LIT_ECHAR "\t\b\n\r\f\"\'\\"
+uint8_t *unescape_unicode (const uint8_t *esc_str, size_t size)
+    // Output will not be longer than the escaped sequence.
+    uint8_t *data = malloc (size + 1);
+    size_t len = 0; // Size of output string.
+    uint8_t tmp_chr[9];
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < size;) {
+        int esc_len; // Size of escape sequence.
+        if (esc_str[i] == '\\') {
+            i++; // Skip over '\\'
+            if (esc_str[i] == 'u') {
+                // 4-hex (2 bytes) sequence.
+                esc_len = 4;
+            } else if (esc_str[i] == 'U') {
+                // 8-hex (4 bytes) sequence.
+                esc_len = 8;
+            } else {
+                // Unescape other escaped characters.
+                data[len++] = unescape_char (esc_str[i++]);
+                continue;
+            }
+            // Continue encoding UTF code point.
+            i ++; // Skip over 'u' / 'U'
+            // Use tmp_chr to hold the hex string for the code point.
+            memcpy (tmp_chr, esc_str + i, esc_len);
+            tmp_chr[esc_len] = '\0';
+            uint32_t tmp_val = strtol ((char *) tmp_chr, NULL, 16);
+            //log_debug ("tmp_val: %d", tmp_val);
+            // Reuse tmp_chr to hold the byte values for the code point.
+            int cp_len = utf8_encode (tmp_val, tmp_chr);
+            if (cp_len == 0) {
+                log_error ("Error encoding sequence: %s", tmp_chr);
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            // Copy bytes into destination.
+            memcpy (data + len, tmp_chr, cp_len);
+#if 0
+            // This can generate a LOT of output.
+            if (esc_len == 4)
+                log_trace ("UC byte value: %2x %2x", data[len], data[len + 1]);
+            else
+                log_trace (
+                    "UC byte value: %2x %2x %2x %2x",
+                    data[len], data[len + 1], data[len + 2], data[len + 3]
+                );
+            len += cp_len;
+            i += esc_len;
+        } else {
+            data[len++] = esc_str[i++];
+        }
+    }
+    data[len++] = '\0';
+    uint8_t *ret = realloc (data, len); // Compact result.
+    if (UNLIKELY (!ret)) return NULL;
+    return ret;
+escape_lit (const char *in, char **out_p)
+    size_t out_size = strlen (in) + 1;
+    // Expand output string size to accommodate escape characters.
+    for (
+            size_t i = strcspn (in, LIT_ECHAR);
+            i < strlen (in);
+            i += strcspn (in + i + 1, LIT_ECHAR) + 1) {
+        out_size ++;
+    }
+    char *out = calloc (1, out_size);
+    if (UNLIKELY (!out)) return LSUP_MEM_ERR;
+    size_t boundary;
+    boundary = strcspn (in, LIT_ECHAR);
+    for (size_t i = 0, j = 0;;) {
+        out = strncat (out, in + i, boundary);
+        i += boundary;
+        j += boundary;
+        if (i >= strlen (in)) break;
+        out[j++] = '\\';
+        out[j++] = escape_char (in[i++]);
+        boundary = strcspn (in + i, LIT_ECHAR);
+    }
+    *out_p = out;
+    return LSUP_OK;
+char *
+fmt_header (char *pfx)
+    char *body = "Generated by lsup_rdf v" LSUP_VERSION " on ";
+    time_t now = time (NULL);
+    char date[16];
+    strftime (date, sizeof (date), "%m/%d/%Y", gmtime (&now));
+    char *out = malloc (strlen (pfx) + strlen (body) + strlen (date) + 2);
+    if (UNLIKELY (!out)) return NULL;
+    sprintf (out, "%s%s%s\n", pfx, body, date);
+    return out;
+ * Extern inline functions.
+ */
+char escape_char (const char c);
+char unescape_char (const char c);
+uint8_t *uint8_dup (const uint8_t *str);
+uint8_t *uint8_ndup (const uint8_t *str, size_t size);

+ 47 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+BASEDIR = ../..
+CC = gcc
+LEXER = re2c
+PARSER = $(BASEDIR)/bin/lemon
+LEMON_SRC_DIR = $(BASEDIR)/ext/sqlite/tool
+CODEC_SRC ::= $(wildcard codec_*.c)
+PARSER_SRC ::= $(CODEC_SRC:codec_%=parser_%)
+CODEC_OBJ ::= $(CODEC_SRC:.c=.o)
+PARSER_OBJ ::= $(CODEC_OBJ:codec_%=parser_%)
+GRAMMAR_OBJ ::= $(CODEC_OBJ:codec_%=grammar_%)
+DBG_OBJ = $(OBJ:%.o=%_dbg.o)
+INCLUDE ::= -I$(INCLUDE_DIR) -I../../ext/openldap/libraries/liblmdb \
+	-I../../ext/xxHash -I../../ext/tpl/src -I../../ext/hashmap \
+	-I../../ext/log/src
+CFLAGS = -std=gnu11 -Wall -fPIC -MMD $(INCLUDE)
+DBG_CFLAGS = -I../../test -O0 -g3 -DDEBUG
+.DEFAULT_GOAL := codec
+.PHONY: codec
+codec: $(OBJ)
+.PHONY: debug
+debug: $(DBG_OBJ)
+.PHONY: parsers
+parsers: $(PARSER_SRC)
+%_dbg.o: %.c
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DBG_CFLAGS) -c $^ -o $@
+# Parser C sources.
+parser_%.c: grammar_%.c ../codec.c
+	$(LEXER) $< -o $@ -T --case-ranges
+.PRECIOUS: grammar_%.c $(CODEC_INCLUDE_DIR)/tokens_%.h
+# Parser generators.
+grammar_%.c $(CODEC_INCLUDE_DIR)/tokens_%.h: grammar_%.y
+	$(PARSER) $< -p -T$(LEMON_SRC_DIR)/lempar.c -d.
+	mv grammar_$*.h $(CODEC_INCLUDE_DIR)/tokens_$*.h

+ 184 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+#include "codec/codec_nt.h"
+/// NT codec iterator type.
+typedef struct {
+    const LSUP_Codec *  codec;      // Codec that generated this iterator.
+    LSUP_GraphIterator *gr_it;      // Graph iterator.
+    const LSUP_NSMap *  nsm;        // Namespace map.
+    size_t              cur;        // Internal cursor.
+    LSUP_rc             rc;         // Internal return code.
+    char *              str_s,      // Temporary string.
+         *              str_p,      // Temporary string.
+         *              str_o;      // Temporary string.
+} LSUP_NTCodecIterator;
+/* * * Codec functions. * * */
+static LSUP_rc
+term_to_nt (const LSUP_Term *term, const LSUP_NSMap *nsm, char **out_p)
+    LSUP_rc rc;
+    char *out = NULL, *escaped;
+    const char *metadata = NULL;
+    size_t buf_len;
+    char *data = term->data;
+    switch (term->type) {
+        case LSUP_TERM_NS_IRIREF:
+            LSUP_nsmap_normalize_uri (nsm, term->data, &data);
+        case LSUP_TERM_IRIREF:
+            out = realloc (*out_p, strlen (data) + 3);
+            if (UNLIKELY (!out)) return LSUP_MEM_ERR;
+            sprintf (out, "<%s>", data);
+            if (data != term->data) free (data);
+            rc = LSUP_OK;
+            break;
+        case LSUP_TERM_LITERAL:
+            // Calculate string length.
+            if (escape_lit (term->data, &escaped) != LSUP_OK)
+                return LSUP_ERROR;
+            buf_len = strlen (escaped) + 3; // Room for "" and terminator
+            if (
+                term->datatype != 0
+                && term->datatype != LSUP_default_datatype
+            ) {
+                metadata = term->datatype->data;
+                buf_len += strlen (metadata) + 4; // Room for ^^<>
+            }
+            out = realloc (*out_p, buf_len);
+            if (UNLIKELY (!out)) return LSUP_MEM_ERR;
+            sprintf (out, "\"%s\"", escaped);
+            free (escaped);
+            // Add datatype.
+            if (metadata)
+                out = strcat (strcat (strcat (out, "^^<"), metadata), ">");
+            rc = LSUP_OK;
+            break;
+        case LSUP_TERM_LT_LITERAL:
+            // Calculate string length.
+            if (escape_lit (term->data, &escaped) != LSUP_OK)
+                return LSUP_ERROR;
+            buf_len = strlen (escaped) + 3; // Room for "" and terminator
+            if (term->lang[0] != '\0') {
+                metadata = term->lang;
+                buf_len += strlen (metadata) + 1; // Room for @
+            }
+            out = realloc (*out_p, buf_len);
+            if (UNLIKELY (!out)) return LSUP_MEM_ERR;
+            sprintf (out, "\"%s\"", escaped);
+            free (escaped);
+            // Add lang.
+            if (metadata) out = strcat (strcat (out, "@"), metadata);
+            rc = LSUP_OK;
+            break;
+        case LSUP_TERM_BNODE:
+            out = realloc (*out_p, strlen (term->data) + 3);
+            if (UNLIKELY (!out)) return LSUP_MEM_ERR;
+            sprintf (out, "_:%s", term->data);
+            rc = LSUP_OK;
+            break;
+        default:
+            out = *out_p;  // This is considered garbage.
+            rc = LSUP_PARSE_ERR;
+    }
+    *out_p = out;
+    return rc;
+static void *
+gr_to_nt_init (const LSUP_Graph *gr)
+    LSUP_NTCodecIterator *it;
+    it->codec = &nt_codec;
+    it->gr_it = LSUP_graph_lookup(gr, NULL, NULL, NULL, &it->cur);
+    it->nsm = LSUP_graph_namespace (gr);
+    return it;
+static LSUP_rc
+gr_to_nt_iter (void *h, char **res) {
+    LSUP_NTCodecIterator *it = h;
+    LSUP_Triple *spo = NULL;
+    LSUP_rc rc = LSUP_graph_iter_next (it->gr_it, &spo);
+    if (rc != LSUP_OK) goto finally;
+    term_to_nt (spo->s, it->nsm, &it->str_s);
+    term_to_nt (spo->p, it->nsm, &it->str_p);
+    term_to_nt (spo->o, it->nsm, &it->str_o);
+    LSUP_triple_free (spo);
+    // 3 term separators + dot + newline + terminal = 6
+    char *tmp = realloc (
+            *res, strlen (it->str_s) + strlen (it->str_p)
+            + strlen (it->str_o) + 6);
+    if (UNLIKELY (!tmp)) {
+        *res = NULL;
+        rc = LSUP_MEM_ERR;
+        goto finally;
+    }
+    sprintf (tmp, "%s %s %s .\n", it->str_s, it->str_p, it->str_o);
+    *res = tmp;
+    it->cur++;
+    return rc;
+static void
+gr_to_nt_done (void *h)
+    LSUP_NTCodecIterator *it = h;
+    LSUP_graph_iter_free (it->gr_it);
+    free (it->str_s);
+    free (it->str_p);
+    free (it->str_o);
+    free (it);
+const LSUP_Codec nt_codec = {
+    .name               = "N-Triples",
+    .mimetype           = "application/n-triples",
+    .extension          = "nt",
+    .encode_term        = term_to_nt,
+    .encode_graph_init  = gr_to_nt_init,
+    .encode_graph_iter  = gr_to_nt_iter,
+    .encode_graph_done  = gr_to_nt_done,
+    .decode_term        = LSUP_nt_parse_term,
+    .decode_graph       = LSUP_nt_parse_doc,

+ 326 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+#include "codec/codec_ttl.h"
+/** @brief NT codec iterator.
+ *
+ * This iterator yields one or more triples at a time, one group per subject,
+ * with the most compact form allowed by Turtle, e.g.
+ *
+ * :s :p1 :o1, :o2, o3; p2 o4, o5, <> .
+ */
+typedef struct {
+    const LSUP_Codec *  codec;      ///< Codec that generated this iterator.
+    const LSUP_Graph *  gr;        ///< Graph being encoded.
+    LSUP_TermSet *      subjects;   ///< All subjects in the graph.
+    size_t              s_cur;      ///< Term set cursor.
+    LSUP_rc             rc;         ///< Internal return code.
+    char *              s_str;      ///< Serialized subject block (output).
+    char *              p_str;      ///< Serialized predicate block.
+    char *              o_str;      ///< Serialized object block.
+} LSUP_TTLCodecIterator;
+/* * * Codec functions. * * */
+static LSUP_rc
+term_to_ttl (const LSUP_Term *term, const LSUP_NSMap *nsm, char **out_p)
+    LSUP_rc rc;
+    char *tmp = NULL, *out;
+    char *metadata = NULL;
+    size_t buf_len;
+    LSUP_rc md_rc = LSUP_NORESULT;
+    switch (term->type) {
+        case LSUP_TERM_IRIREF:
+            if (strcmp (term->data, LSUP_RDF_TYPE) == 0) {
+                // Shorten RDF type
+                buf_len = 2;
+                tmp = "a";
+            } else {
+                md_rc = LSUP_nsmap_denormalize_uri (nsm, term->data, &tmp);
+                PRCCK (md_rc);
+                if (md_rc == LSUP_NORESULT) {
+                    // If URI counld not be shortened, add `<>`
+                    out = realloc (*out_p, strlen (tmp) + 3);
+                    if (UNLIKELY (!out)) return LSUP_MEM_ERR;
+                    sprintf (out, "<%s>", tmp);
+                    free (tmp);
+                } else {
+                    free (*out_p);
+                    out = tmp;
+                }
+            }
+            rc = LSUP_OK;
+            break;
+        case LSUP_TERM_NS_IRIREF:
+            if (strcmp (term->data, LSUP_RDF_TYPE_NS) == 0) {
+                // Shorten RDF type
+                tmp = "a";
+                buf_len = 2;
+            } else {
+                tmp = term->data;
+                buf_len = strlen (term->data) + 1;
+            }
+            out = realloc (*out_p, buf_len);
+            if (UNLIKELY (!out)) return LSUP_MEM_ERR;
+            strcpy (out, tmp);
+            rc = LSUP_OK;
+            break;
+        case LSUP_TERM_LITERAL:
+            // Calculate string length.
+            if (escape_lit (term->data, &tmp) != LSUP_OK)
+                return LSUP_ERROR;
+            buf_len = strlen (tmp) + 3; // Room for "" and terminator
+            // Data type.
+            bool shorten = false;
+            if (
+                term->datatype != 0
+                && term->datatype != LSUP_default_datatype
+            ) {
+                md_rc = LSUP_nsmap_denormalize_uri (
+                        nsm, term->datatype->data, &metadata);
+                PRCCK (md_rc);
+                unsigned padding = 0;
+                // Shorten numeric and boolean types.
+                if (strcmp (metadata, "xsd:integer") == 0) {
+                    // TODO check for valid format.
+                    shorten = true;
+                } else if (strcmp (metadata, "xsd:double") == 0) {
+                    // TODO check for valid format.
+                    shorten = true;
+                } else if (strcmp (metadata, "xsd:decimal") == 0) {
+                    // TODO check for valid format.
+                    shorten = true;
+                } else if (strcmp (metadata, "xsd:boolean") == 0) {
+                    // TODO check for valid format.
+                    shorten = true;
+                } else {
+                    // Room for `^^<>` for FQURI, `^^` for NS URI
+                    padding = md_rc == LSUP_NORESULT ? 4 : 2;
+                }
+                buf_len += strlen (metadata) + padding;
+            }
+            out = realloc (*out_p, buf_len);
+            if (UNLIKELY (!out)) return LSUP_MEM_ERR;
+            if (shorten) {
+                strcpy (out, tmp);
+            } else if (metadata) {
+                char *fmt = (
+                        md_rc == LSUP_NORESULT ? "\"%s\"^^<%s>"
+                        : "\"%s\"^^%s");
+                sprintf (out, fmt, tmp, metadata);
+            }
+            else {
+                sprintf (out, "\"%s\"", tmp);
+            }
+            free (tmp);
+            rc = LSUP_OK;
+            break;
+        case LSUP_TERM_LT_LITERAL:
+            // Calculate string length.
+            if (escape_lit (term->data, &tmp) != LSUP_OK)
+                return LSUP_ERROR;
+            buf_len = strlen (tmp) + 3; // Room for "" and terminator
+            if (term->lang[0] != '\0') {
+                metadata = strndup (term->lang, sizeof (LSUP_LangTag));
+                buf_len += strlen (metadata) + 1; // Room for @
+            }
+            out = realloc (*out_p, buf_len);
+            if (UNLIKELY (!out)) return LSUP_MEM_ERR;
+            sprintf (out, "\"%s\"", tmp);
+            free (tmp);
+            // Add lang.
+            if (metadata) out = strcat (strcat (out, "@"), metadata);
+            rc = LSUP_OK;
+            break;
+        case LSUP_TERM_BNODE:
+            out = realloc (*out_p, strlen (term->data) + 3);
+            if (UNLIKELY (!out)) return LSUP_MEM_ERR;
+            sprintf (out, "_:%s", term->data);
+            rc = LSUP_OK;
+            break;
+        default:
+            out = *out_p;  // This is considered garbage.
+            rc = LSUP_PARSE_ERR;
+    }
+    free (metadata);
+    *out_p = out;
+    return rc;
+static void *
+gr_to_ttl_init (const LSUP_Graph *gr)
+    LSUP_TTLCodecIterator *it;
+    it->codec = &ttl_codec;
+    it->gr = gr;
+    it->subjects = LSUP_graph_unique_terms (gr, TRP_POS_S);
+    // Sets the condition to build the prolog on 1st iteration.
+    it->rc = LSUP_NORESULT;
+    return it;
+/// Build header and prolog.
+static LSUP_rc
+build_prolog (LSUP_TTLCodecIterator *it, char **res_p)
+    char *res = fmt_header ("# ");
+    const char ***nsm = LSUP_nsmap_dump (LSUP_graph_namespace (it->gr));
+    char *ns_tpl = "@prefix %s: <%s> .\n";
+    // Prefix map.
+    for (size_t i = 0; nsm[i]; i++) {
+        const char **ns = nsm[i];
+        size_t old_len = strlen (res);
+        size_t ns_len = strlen (ns[0]) + strlen (ns[1]) + strlen (ns_tpl);
+        char *tmp = realloc (res, old_len + ns_len + 1);
+        if (UNLIKELY (!tmp)) return LSUP_MEM_ERR;
+        res = tmp;
+        sprintf (res + old_len, ns_tpl, ns[0], ns[1]);
+        free (ns);
+    }
+    free (nsm);
+    // Base.
+    char *base_uri_str = NULL;
+    LSUP_rc rc = LSUP_nsmap_denormalize_uri (
+            LSUP_graph_namespace (it->gr), LSUP_graph_uri (it->gr)->data,
+            &base_uri_str);
+    PRCCK (rc);
+    char *base_stmt_tpl = "\n@base <%s> .\n\n";
+    char *base_stmt = malloc (strlen (base_stmt_tpl) + strlen (base_uri_str));
+    if (!UNLIKELY (base_stmt)) return LSUP_MEM_ERR;
+    sprintf (base_stmt, base_stmt_tpl, base_uri_str);
+    free (base_uri_str);
+    res = realloc (res, strlen (res) + strlen (base_stmt) + 1);
+    if (!UNLIKELY (res)) return LSUP_MEM_ERR;
+    res = strcat (res, base_stmt);
+    free (base_stmt);
+    *res_p = res;
+    it->rc = LSUP_OK;
+    return LSUP_OK;
+/// Encode all the triples for a single subject.
+static LSUP_rc
+gr_to_ttl_iter (void *h, char **res_p) {
+    LSUP_TTLCodecIterator *it = h;
+    if (it->rc == LSUP_NORESULT) return build_prolog (it, res_p);
+    LSUP_Term *s = NULL;
+    char *res = *res_p;  // Result string will be reallocated.
+    RCCK (LSUP_term_set_next (it->subjects, &it->s_cur, &s));
+    term_to_ttl (s, LSUP_graph_namespace (it->gr), &res);
+    LSUP_LinkMap *lmap = LSUP_graph_connections (
+            it->gr, s, LSUP_LINK_OUTBOUND);
+    LSUP_LinkMapIterator *lmit = LSUP_link_map_iter_new (lmap, s);
+    LSUP_Term *p = NULL;
+    LSUP_TermSet *o_ts = NULL;
+    char *p_join = " ";
+    // Begin predicate loop.
+    while (LSUP_link_map_next (lmit, &p, &o_ts) != LSUP_END) {
+        // Add predicate representation.
+        RCCK (term_to_ttl (p, LSUP_graph_namespace (it->gr), &it->p_str));
+        char *tmp = realloc (
+                res, strlen (res) + strlen (it->p_str) + strlen (p_join) + 1);
+        if (UNLIKELY (!tmp)) goto memfail;
+        res = strcat (strcat (tmp, p_join), it->p_str);
+        p_join = " ; ";
+        // Add objects for predicate.
+        size_t i = 0;
+        LSUP_Term *o = NULL;
+        char *o_join = " ";
+        while (LSUP_term_set_next (o_ts, &i, &o) != LSUP_END) {
+            it->rc = term_to_ttl (
+                    o, LSUP_graph_namespace (it->gr), &it->o_str);
+            RCCK (it->rc);
+            char *tmp = realloc (
+                    res, strlen (res) + strlen (it->o_str) + strlen (o_join) + 1);
+            if (UNLIKELY (!tmp)) goto memfail;
+            res = strcat (strcat (tmp, o_join), it->o_str);
+            o_join = " , ";
+        }
+    }
+    char *s_sep = " .\n";
+    char *tmp = realloc (res, strlen (res) + strlen (s_sep) + 1);
+    if (UNLIKELY (!tmp)) goto memfail;
+    *res_p = strcat (tmp, s_sep);
+    LSUP_link_map_iter_free (lmit);
+    LSUP_link_map_free (lmap);
+    return it->rc;
+    free (res);
+    *res_p = NULL;
+    return LSUP_MEM_ERR;
+static void
+gr_to_ttl_done (void *h)
+    LSUP_TTLCodecIterator *it = h;
+    LSUP_term_set_free (it->subjects);
+    free (it->s_str);
+    free (it->p_str);
+    free (it->o_str);
+    free (it);
+const LSUP_Codec ttl_codec = {
+    .name               = "Turtle",
+    .mimetype           = "text/turtle",
+    .extension          = "ttl",
+    .encode_term        = term_to_ttl,
+    .encode_graph_init  = gr_to_ttl_init,
+    .encode_graph_iter  = gr_to_ttl_iter,
+    .encode_graph_done  = gr_to_ttl_done,
+    //.decode_term        = LSUP_ttl_parse_term,
+    .decode_graph       = LSUP_ttl_parse_doc,

+ 10 - 11
src/codec/nt_grammar.y → src/codec/grammar_nt.y

@@ -8,23 +8,15 @@
  * To generate the parser, run: `lemon ${FILE}'
-#include "graph.h"
+#include "codec.h"
+%name NTParse
 %token_type { LSUP_Term * }
 %token_prefix "T_"
-%type triple            { LSUP_Triple * }
-%destructor triple      { LSUP_triple_free ($$); }
-%type subject           { LSUP_Term * }
-%destructor subject     { LSUP_term_free ($$); }
-%type predicate         { LSUP_Term * }
-%destructor predicate   { LSUP_term_free ($$); }
-%type object            { LSUP_Term * }
-%destructor object      { LSUP_term_free ($$); }
 %default_type           { void * }
 %extra_argument         { LSUP_GraphIterator *it }
@@ -36,17 +28,24 @@ triples     ::= eol.
 triples     ::= triple eol.
 triples     ::= triples triple eol.
+%type triple            { LSUP_Triple * }
+%destructor triple      { LSUP_triple_free ($$); }
 triple(A)   ::= ws subject(S) ws predicate(P) ws object(O) ws DOT. {
                 A = LSUP_triple_new (S, P, O);
                 LSUP_graph_add_iter (it, A);
+%type subject           { LSUP_Term * }
+%destructor subject     { (void)(it); LSUP_term_free ($$); }
 subject     ::= IRIREF.
 subject     ::= BNODE.
+%type predicate         { LSUP_Term * }
+%destructor predicate   { LSUP_term_free ($$); }
 predicate   ::= IRIREF.
+%type object            { LSUP_Term * }
+%destructor object      { LSUP_term_free ($$); }
 object      ::= IRIREF.
 object      ::= BNODE.
 object      ::= LITERAL.

+ 276 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+%include {
+/** @brief Lemon parser grammar for Turtle.
+ *
+ * The `lemon' parser generator executable must be in your PATH:
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "codec.h"
+%name TTLParse
+%stack_overflow {
+    log_error ("Stack oveflow in TTL parsing.");
+    state->rc = LSUP_MEM_ERR;
+%parse_failure {
+    log_error ("TTL parse error. Cannot continue.");
+    state->rc = LSUP_PARSE_ERR;
+%syntax_error {
+    // Fail immediately on first error.
+    yy_parse_failed (yypParser);
+//%stack_size 1024
+%token_prefix "T_"
+%token_type { char * }
+%token_destructor { (void) state; free ($$); }
+%default_type           { char * }
+%extra_argument         { LSUP_TTLParserState *state }
+// Low- to high-priority.
+%left PERIOD .
+%left SEMICOLON .
+%left COMMA .
+%nonassoc LANGTAG PREFIX .
+%nonassoc COLON .
+ * Rules.
+ */
+turtleDoc   ::= statements EOF .
+statements  ::= statements statement .
+statements  ::= .
+statement 	::= prefixID .
+statement   ::= base .
+statement   ::= triples .
+statement   ::= WS .
+prefixID    ::= PREFIX(P) WS IRIREF(N) PERIOD . {
+                LSUP_nsmap_add (
+                    LSUP_graph_namespace (
+                        LSUP_graph_iter_graph (state->it)
+                    ), P, N
+                );
+                free (P);
+                free (N);
+            }
+base        ::= BASE WS IRIREF(D) PERIOD . {
+                LSUP_term_free (state->base);
+                state->base = LSUP_iriref_new (D, NULL);
+                free (D);
+            }
+triples 	::= subject(S) ows predObjList(L) PERIOD . {
+                size_t ct = LSUP_graph_add_link_map (state->it, S, L);
+                state->ct += ct;
+                state->rc = LSUP_OK;
+                log_trace ("Added %lu triples.", ct);
+                LSUP_term_free (S);
+                LSUP_link_map_free (L);
+            }
+triples 	::= subject(S) ows predObjList(L) SEMICOLON PERIOD . [PERIOD] {
+                size_t ct = LSUP_graph_add_link_map (state->it, S, L);
+                state->ct += ct;
+                state->rc = LSUP_OK;
+                log_trace ("Added %lu triples.", ct);
+                LSUP_term_free (S);
+                LSUP_link_map_free (L);
+            }
+%type predObjList       { LSUP_LinkMap * }
+%destructor predObjList { LSUP_link_map_free ($$); }
+predObjList(A) ::= predicate(P) ows objectList(O) . [SEMICOLON] {
+                A = LSUP_link_map_new (LSUP_LINK_OUTBOUND);
+                LSUP_link_map_add (A, P, O);
+            }
+predObjList(A) ::= predObjList(L) SEMICOLON predicate(P) ows objectList(O) . {
+                LSUP_link_map_add (L, P, O);
+                A = L;
+            }
+%type objectList { LSUP_TermSet * }
+%destructor objectList { LSUP_term_set_free ($$); }
+objectList(A) ::= objectList(L) COMMA object(O) . {
+                if (LSUP_term_set_add (L, O, NULL) == LSUP_NOACTION)
+                    LSUP_term_free (O);
+                A = L;
+            }
+objectList(A) ::= object(O) . [IRIREF] {
+                A = LSUP_term_set_new();
+                LSUP_term_set_add (A, O, NULL);
+            }
+%type subject { LSUP_Term * }
+%destructor subject { LSUP_term_free ($$); }
+subject 	::= resource .
+subject 	::= blank .
+%type predicate { LSUP_Term * }
+%destructor predicate { LSUP_term_free ($$); }
+predicate   ::= resource .
+predicate(A)::= RDF_TYPE . {
+                A = LSUP_iriref_new (
+                        "rdf:type",
+                        LSUP_graph_namespace (LSUP_graph_iter_graph (state->it)));
+                }
+%type object { LSUP_Term * }
+%destructor object { LSUP_term_free ($$); }
+object 	    ::= resource .
+object 	    ::= blank .
+object 	    ::= literal .
+%type literal { LSUP_Term * }
+%destructor literal { LSUP_term_free ($$); }
+literal(A)  ::= STRING(D) . {
+                A = LSUP_term_new (LSUP_TERM_LITERAL, D, NULL);
+                log_trace ("Created plain literal: \"%s\"", A->data);
+                free (D);
+            }
+literal(A)  ::= STRING(D) LANGTAG(L) . {
+                A = LSUP_term_new (LSUP_TERM_LT_LITERAL, D, L);
+                log_trace ("Created LT-literal: \"%s\"@%s", A->data, A->lang);
+                free (D);
+                free (L);
+            }
+literal(A)  ::= STRING(D) DTYPE_MARKER resource(M) . {
+                A = LSUP_term_new (LSUP_TERM_LITERAL, D, M);
+                log_trace (
+                        "Created DT-literal: \"%s\"^^%s",
+                        A->data, A->datatype);
+                free (D);
+            }
+literal(A)  ::= INTEGER(D) . {
+                A = LSUP_term_new (
+                    LSUP_TERM_LITERAL, D,
+                    LSUP_iriref_new (
+                        "xsd:integer", 
+                        LSUP_graph_namespace (LSUP_graph_iter_graph (state->it))
+                    )
+                );
+                free (D);
+            }
+literal(A)  ::= DOUBLE(D) . {
+                A = LSUP_term_new (
+                    LSUP_TERM_LITERAL, D,
+                    LSUP_iriref_new (
+                        "xsd:double", 
+                        LSUP_graph_namespace (LSUP_graph_iter_graph (state->it))
+                    )
+                );
+                free (D);
+            }
+literal(A)  ::= DECIMAL(D) . {
+                A = LSUP_term_new (
+                    LSUP_TERM_LITERAL, D,
+                    LSUP_iriref_new (
+                        "xsd:decimal", 
+                        LSUP_graph_namespace (LSUP_graph_iter_graph (state->it))
+                    )
+                );
+                free (D);
+            }
+literal(A)  ::= BOOLEAN(D) . {
+                A = LSUP_term_new (
+                    LSUP_TERM_LITERAL, D,
+                    LSUP_iriref_new (
+                        "xsd:boolean", 
+                        LSUP_graph_namespace (LSUP_graph_iter_graph (state->it))
+                    )
+                );
+                free (D);
+            }
+%type blank { LSUP_Term * }
+%destructor blank { LSUP_term_free ($$); }
+blank(A)    ::= BNODE_ID(D) . {
+                A = LSUP_term_new (LSUP_TERM_BNODE, D, NULL);
+                log_trace ("Created blank node: _:%s", A->data);
+                free (D);
+            }
+blank(A)    ::= LBRACKET RBRACKET . [BNODE_ID] {
+                A = LSUP_term_new (LSUP_TERM_BNODE, NULL, NULL);
+                log_trace ("Created empty list BN: _:%s", A->data);
+            }
+blank(A)    ::= LBRACKET predObjList(L) RBRACKET . [BNODE_ID] {
+                A = LSUP_term_new (LSUP_TERM_BNODE, NULL, NULL);
+                state->ct += LSUP_graph_add_link_map (state->it, A, L);
+                log_trace ("Created list BN: _:%s", A->data);
+                LSUP_link_map_free (L);
+            }
+blank       ::= collection . [BNODE_ID]
+blank(A)    ::= LPAREN RPAREN . [BNODE_ID] {
+                A = LSUP_iriref_new (
+                    "rdf:nil",
+                    LSUP_graph_namespace (LSUP_graph_iter_graph (state->it))
+                );
+                log_trace ("Created list terminator: %s", A->data);
+            }
+// "collection" is the subject of the first collection item.
+%type collection { LSUP_Term * }
+%destructor collection { LSUP_term_free ($$); }
+// Collection triples are added here to the graph.
+collection(A) ::= LPAREN itemList(L) RPAREN . {
+                A = LSUP_bnode_add_collection (state->it, L);
+                LSUP_term_set_free (L);
+            }
+%type itemList { LSUP_TermSet * }
+%destructor itemList { LSUP_term_set_free ($$); }
+itemList(A) ::= itemList(L) ows object(O) . {
+                if (LSUP_term_set_add (L, O, NULL) == LSUP_NOACTION)
+                    LSUP_term_free (O);
+                A = L;
+            }
+itemList(A) ::= object(O) . {
+                A = LSUP_term_set_new ();
+                LSUP_term_set_add (A, O, NULL);
+            }
+%type resource { LSUP_Term * }
+%destructor resource { LSUP_term_free ($$); }
+resource(A) ::= IRIREF(D) . {
+                LSUP_Term *rel_iri = LSUP_iriref_new (D, NULL);
+                free (D);
+                if (state->base) {
+                    A = LSUP_iriref_absolute (rel_iri, state->base);
+                    LSUP_term_free (rel_iri);
+                } else {
+                    A = rel_iri;
+                }
+                log_trace ("Created IRI: <%s>", A->data);
+            }
+resource(A) ::= QNAME(D) . {
+                A = LSUP_iriref_new (
+                    D, LSUP_graph_namespace (LSUP_graph_iter_graph (state->it))
+                );
+                log_trace ("Created IRI: %s", A->data);
+                free (D);
+            }
+ows         ::= WS .
+ows         ::= .

+ 28 - 97
src/codec/ → src/codec/

@@ -1,26 +1,17 @@
-#include "nt_grammar.h"
-#include "nt_parser.h"
+#include "codec/parser_nt.h"
+#include "codec/tokens_nt.h"
-#define YYCTYPE     unsigned char
+#define YYCTYPE     uint8_t
 #define YYCURSOR    it->cur
 #define YYMARKER    it->mar
 #define YYLIMIT     it->lim
 #define YYFILL      fill(it) == 0
- * Max chunk size passed to scanner at each iteration.
- */
-#define CHUNK_SIZE 8192
 typedef struct {
     FILE *          fh;                 // Input file handle.
-    YYCTYPE         buf[CHUNK_SIZE + 1],// Start of buffer.
+    YYCTYPE         buf[CHUNK_SIZE],    // Start of buffer.
             *       lim,                // Position after the last available
                                         //   input character (YYLIMIT).
             *       cur,                // Next input character to be read
@@ -36,19 +27,6 @@ typedef struct {
 } ParseIterator;
-// TODO The opposite of this is in codec_nt.c. Find a better place for both.
-static inline char unescape_char(const char c) {
-    switch (c) {
-        case 't': return '\t';
-        case 'b': return '\b';
-        case 'n': return '\n';
-        case 'r': return '\r';
-        case 'f': return '\f';
-        default: return c;
-    }
 static int fill(ParseIterator *it)
     if (it->eof) {
@@ -67,7 +45,7 @@ static int fill(ParseIterator *it)
     it->lim += fread(it->lim, 1, shift, it->fh);
     /*!stags:re2c format = "if (it->@@) it->@@ -= shift; "; */
     it->lim[0] = 0;
-    it->eof |= it->lim < it->buf + CHUNK_SIZE;
+    it->eof |= it->lim < it->buf + CHUNK_SIZE - 1;
     return 0;
@@ -75,7 +53,7 @@ static int fill(ParseIterator *it)
 static void parse_init(ParseIterator *it, FILE *fh)
     it->fh = fh;
-    it->cur = it->mar = it->tok = it->lim = it->buf + CHUNK_SIZE;
+    it->cur = it->mar = it->tok = it->lim = it->buf + CHUNK_SIZE - 1;
     it->line = 1;
     it->bol = it->buf;
     it->ct = 0;
@@ -85,68 +63,13 @@ static void parse_init(ParseIterator *it, FILE *fh)
-/** @brief Replace \uxxxx and \Uxxxxxxxx with Unicode bytes.
- */
-static YYCTYPE *unescape_unicode (const YYCTYPE *esc_str, size_t size)
-    YYCTYPE *uc_str = malloc (size + 1);
-    size_t j = 0;
-    YYCTYPE tmp_chr[5];
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < size;) {
-        if (esc_str[i] == '\\') {
-            i++; // Skip over '\\'
-            // 4-hex sequence.
-            if (esc_str[i] == 'u') {
-                i ++; // Skip over 'u'
-                // Use tmp_chr to hold the hex string for the code point.
-                memcpy(tmp_chr, esc_str + i, sizeof (tmp_chr) - 1);
-                tmp_chr[4] = '\0';
-                uint32_t tmp_val = strtol ((char*)tmp_chr, NULL, 16);
-                log_debug ("tmp_val: %d", tmp_val);
-                // Reuse tmp_chr to hold the byte values for the code point.
-                int nbytes = utf8_encode (tmp_val, tmp_chr);
-                // Copy bytes into destination.
-                memcpy (uc_str + j, tmp_chr, nbytes);
-                log_debug ("UC byte value: %x %x", uc_str[j], uc_str[j + 1]);
-                j += nbytes;
-                i += 4;
-            // 8-hex sequence.
-            } else if (esc_str[i] == 'U') {
-                i ++; // Skip over 'U'
-                log_error ("UTF-16 sequence unescaping not yet implemented.");
-                return NULL; // TODO encode UTF-16
-            // Unescape other escaped characters.
-            } else uc_str[j++] = unescape_char(esc_str[i++]);
-        } else {
-            // Copy ASCII char verbatim.
-            uc_str[j++] = esc_str[i++];
-        }
-    }
-    YYCTYPE *tmp = realloc (uc_str, j + 1);
-    if (UNLIKELY (!tmp)) return NULL;
-    uc_str = tmp;
-    uc_str[j] = '\0';
-    return uc_str;
-// Parser interface.
-void *ParseAlloc();
-void Parse();
-void ParseFree();
+// Parser interface. Required here to silence linters.
+void *NTParseAlloc();
+void NTParse();
+void NTParseFree();
+#ifdef DEBUG
+void NTParseTrace(FILE *TraceFILE, char *zTracePrompt);
 // Lexer.
@@ -174,7 +97,7 @@ loop:
     _WS                 = [\x09\x20];
     WS                  = _WS+;
     EOL                 = [\x0D\x0A] (_WS | [\x0D\x0A])*;
-    DOT                 = [.];
+    DOT                 = ".";
     HEX                 = [0-9A-Fa-f];
     ECHAR               = [\\] [tbnrf"'\\];
     UCHAR               = "\\u" HEX{4} | "\\U" HEX{8};
@@ -211,6 +134,7 @@ loop:
         *term = LSUP_iriref_new ((char*)data, NULL);
         free (data);
+        if (!UNLIKELY (term)) return -1;
         return T_IRIREF;
@@ -252,6 +176,7 @@ loop:
         free (data);
         free (metadata);
+        if (!UNLIKELY (term)) return -1;
         return T_LITERAL;
@@ -263,6 +188,7 @@ loop:
         *term = LSUP_term_new (LSUP_TERM_BNODE, (char*)data, NULL);
         free (data);
+        if (!UNLIKELY (term)) return -1;
         return T_BNODE;
@@ -320,7 +246,7 @@ LSUP_nt_parse_term (const char *rep, const LSUP_NSMap *map, LSUP_Term **term)
         case T_BNODE:
             return LSUP_OK;
-            return LSUP_VALUE_ERR;
+            return LSUP_PARSE_ERR;
@@ -333,7 +259,11 @@ LSUP_nt_parse_doc (FILE *fh, LSUP_Graph **gr_p, size_t *ct, char **err_p)
     ParseIterator parse_it;
     parse_init (&parse_it, fh);
-    void *parser = ParseAlloc (malloc);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    NTParseTrace (stdout, "NT Parser > ");
+    void *parser = NTParseAlloc (malloc);
     LSUP_rc rc;
@@ -367,13 +297,14 @@ LSUP_nt_parse_doc (FILE *fh, LSUP_Graph **gr_p, size_t *ct, char **err_p)
             char *err_str = malloc (err_size);
             sprintf (err_str, "%s%s%s", err_start, token, err_info);
-            rc = LSUP_VALUE_ERR;
+            rc = LSUP_PARSE_ERR;
             *err_p = err_str;
+            log_error (err_str);
             goto finally;
-        Parse (parser, ttype, term, it);
+        NTParse (parser, ttype, term, it);
         if (ttype == T_EOF) break;
@@ -387,8 +318,8 @@ LSUP_nt_parse_doc (FILE *fh, LSUP_Graph **gr_p, size_t *ct, char **err_p)
     *gr_p = gr;
-    Parse (parser, 0, NULL, it);
-    ParseFree (parser, free);
+    NTParse (parser, 0, NULL, it);
+    NTParseFree (parser, free);
     LSUP_graph_add_done (it);
     LSUP_term_free (term);

+ 446 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+#include "codec/parser_ttl.h"
+#include "codec/tokens_ttl.h"
+/** @brief TTL is UTF-8 encoded.
+ *
+ * @sa
+ *
+ * `char` should be considered to be UTF-8 throughout this library, however,
+ * setting YYCTYPE to char generates case labels outside of the char range.
+ */
+#define YYCTYPE     uint8_t
+#define YYCURSOR    it->cur
+#define YYMARKER    it->mar
+#define YYLIMIT     it->lim
+#define YYFILL      fill(it) == 0
+typedef struct {
+    FILE *          fh;                 // Input file handle.
+    YYCTYPE         buf[CHUNK_SIZE],    // Start of buffer.
+            *       lim,                // Position after the last available
+                                        //   input character (YYLIMIT).
+            *       cur,                // Next input character to be read
+                                        //   (YYCURSOR)
+            *       mar,                // Most recent match (YYMARKER)
+            *       tok,                // Start of current token.
+            *       bol;                // Address of the beginning of the
+                                        //   current line (for debugging).
+    unsigned        line;               // Current line no. (for debugging).
+    unsigned        stmt;               // Current statement.
+    bool            eof;                // if we have reached EOF.
+    /*!stags:re2c format = "YYCTYPE *@@;"; */
+} ParseIterator;
+typedef struct {
+    YYCTYPE *       data;
+    size_t          size;
+} ParserToken;
+static int fill (ParseIterator *it)
+    if (it->eof) {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    const size_t shift = it->tok - it->buf;
+    if (shift < 1) {
+        return 2;
+    }
+    log_trace ("Shifting bytes: %lu", shift);
+    memmove(it->buf, it->tok, it->lim - it->tok);
+    it->lim -= shift;
+    it->cur -= shift;
+    it->mar -= shift;
+    it->tok -= shift;
+    it->lim += fread(it->lim, 1, shift, it->fh);
+    /*!stags:re2c format = "if (it->@@) it->@@ -= shift; "; */
+    it->lim[0] = 0;
+    it->eof |= it->lim < it->buf + CHUNK_SIZE - 1;
+    return 0;
+static void parse_init (ParseIterator *it, FILE *fh)
+    it->fh = fh;
+    it->cur = it->mar = it->tok = it->lim = it->buf + CHUNK_SIZE - 1;
+    it->line = 1;
+    it->stmt = 1;
+    it->bol = it->buf;
+    it->eof = 0;
+    /*!stags:re2c format = "it->@@ = NULL; "; */
+    fill (it);
+static inline void newline (ParseIterator *it) {
+    it->line ++;
+    it->bol = YYCURSOR;
+    log_trace ("New line: #%u.", it->line);
+// Parser interface. Required here to silence linters.
+void *TTLParseAlloc();
+void TTLParse();
+void TTLParseFree();
+#ifdef DEBUG
+void TTLParseTrace(FILE *TraceFILE, char *zTracePrompt);
+// Lexer.
+static int lex (ParseIterator *it, YYCTYPE **token_p)
+    const YYCTYPE *pfx;
+    /*!re2c
+    re2c:eof = 0;
+    re2c:flags:8 = 1;
+    re2c:flags:tags = 1;
+    re2c:tags:expression = "it->@@";
+    re2c:api:style = functions;
+    re2c:define:YYFILL:naked = 1;
+    // Character classes.
+    EOL             = [\n\r];
+    DIG             = [0-9];
+    HEX             = [\x30-\x39\x41-\x46];
+    CHAR_BASE       = "\\u" HEX{4} | "\\U" HEX{8} | '\\'
+                    | [\U0000005D-\U0010FFFF];
+    CHARACTER       = CHAR_BASE | [\x20-\x5B];
+    // Prefix start character.
+    PSTART_CHAR     = [a-zA-Z] | [\u00C0-\u00D6] | [\u00D8-\u00F6]
+                    | [\u00F8-\u02FF] | [\u0370-\u037D] | [\u037F-\u1FFF]
+                    | [\u200C-\u200D] | [\u2070-\u218F] | [\u2C00-\u2FEF]
+                    | [\u3001-\uD7FF] | [\uF900-\uFDCF] | [\uFDF0-\uFFFD]
+                    | [\U00010000-\U000EFFFF];
+    // Name start character.
+    NSTART_CHAR     = PSTART_CHAR | '_';
+    NAME_CHAR       = NSTART_CHAR | [0-9\-\u00B7\u0300-\u036F\u203F-\u2040];
+    ECHAR           = CHARACTER | ([\\] [tnr]);
+    UCHAR           = (CHAR_BASE | ([\x20-\x5B] \ [>])) | ([\\] [>]);
+    SCHAR           = (CHAR_BASE | ([\x20-\x5B] \ ["])) | ([\\] ["]);
+    LCHAR           = ECHAR | ([\\] ["]) | [\t\n\r];
+    // Constructs.
+    COMMENT         = '#' [^\n\r]*;
+    WS              = ([\t\x20] | EOL | COMMENT)+;
+    INTEGER         = [-+]? DIG+;
+    EXPONENT        = [eE] INTEGER;
+    DOUBLE          = [-+]? (DIG+ '.' DIG* EXPONENT | '.'? DIG+ EXPONENT);
+    DECIMAL         = [-+]? (DIG+ '.' DIG* | '.'? DIG+);
+     */
+loop: // Start new token.
+    it->tok = it->cur;
+    *token_p = NULL;
+    /*!re2c
+    * {
+        log_warn (
+            "Invalid token @ %lu: %s (\\x%x)",
+            YYCURSOR - it->buf - 1, it->tok, *it->tok);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    $ {
+        log_trace ("End of document.");
+        return T_EOF;
+    }
+    EOL {
+        newline (it);
+        goto loop;
+    }
+    [\x22]{3} { goto lchar; }
+    [\x22] { goto schar; }
+    "true" | "false" {
+        *token_p = uint8_ndup (it->tok, YYCURSOR - it->tok);
+        log_trace ("Boolean: %s", *token_p);
+        return T_BOOLEAN;
+    }
+    '<' UCHAR* '>' {
+        *token_p = uint8_ndup (it->tok + 1, YYCURSOR - it->tok - 2);
+        log_trace ("URI data: %s", *token_p);
+        return T_IRIREF;
+    }
+    '@prefix' WS @pfx (PSTART_CHAR NAME_CHAR*)? ":" {
+        *token_p = uint8_ndup (pfx, YYCURSOR - pfx - 1);
+        log_trace ("Prefix declaration: '%s'", *token_p);
+        return T_PREFIX;
+    }
+    '@base' {
+        log_trace ("'@base' keyword.");
+        return T_BASE;
+    }
+        *token_p = uint8_ndup (it->tok, YYCURSOR - it->tok);
+        log_trace ("ID name: %s", *token_p);
+        return T_QNAME;
+    }
+        *token_p = uint8_ndup (it->tok + 2, YYCURSOR - it->tok - 2);
+        log_trace ("BNode name: %s", *token_p);
+        return T_BNODE_ID;
+    }
+    COMMENT {
+        log_trace ("Comment: `%s`", it->tok);
+        goto loop;
+    }
+    WS {
+        uint8_t *ws = uint8_ndup (it->tok, YYCURSOR - it->tok);
+        log_trace ("Whitespace: '%s'", ws);
+        // Count newlines in mixed whitespace.
+        // That's not great because it scans through the whole whitespace again
+        // but it's the simplest and safest.
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen ((char *)ws); i++)
+            if (ws[i] == '\n' || ws[i] == '\r') newline (it);
+        free (ws);
+        return T_WS;
+    }
+    '@' [a-z]+ ('-' [a-zA-Z0-9]+)* {
+        *token_p = uint8_ndup (it->tok + 1, YYCURSOR - it->tok - 1);
+        log_trace ("Lang tag: '%s'", *token_p);
+        return T_LANGTAG;
+    }
+    INTEGER {
+        // Normalize sign.
+        size_t offset = *it->tok == '+' ? 1 : 0;
+        *token_p = uint8_ndup (it->tok + offset, YYCURSOR - it->tok - offset);
+        log_trace ("Integer: %s", *token_p);
+        return T_INTEGER;
+    }
+    DOUBLE {
+        // Normalize sign.
+        size_t offset = *it->tok == '+' ? 1 : 0;
+        *token_p = uint8_ndup (it->tok + offset, YYCURSOR - it->tok - offset);
+        log_trace ("Integer: %s", *token_p);
+        return T_DOUBLE;
+    }
+    DECIMAL {
+        // Normalize sign.
+        YYCTYPE offset = *it->tok == '+' ? 1 : 0;
+        // Normalize trailing zeros in fractional part.
+        size_t size = YYCURSOR - it->tok - offset;
+        if (strchr ((char *)it->tok, '.'))
+            for (YYCTYPE *i = YYCURSOR; *i == '0'; i--) size--;
+        *token_p = uint8_ndup (it->tok + offset, size);
+        log_trace ("Integer: %s", *token_p);
+        return T_DECIMAL;
+    }
+    '(' WS? { return T_LPAREN; }
+    WS? ')' { return T_RPAREN; }
+    '[' WS? { return T_LBRACKET; }
+    WS? ']' { return T_RBRACKET; }
+    ':' { return T_COLON; }
+    WS? ';' WS? {
+        log_trace ("End of object list.");
+        return T_SEMICOLON;
+    }
+    WS? ',' WS? { return T_COMMA; }
+    WS? '.' {
+        log_trace ("End of statement #%u.", it->stmt);
+        it->stmt++;
+        return T_PERIOD;
+    }
+    '^^' { return T_DTYPE_MARKER; }
+    "a" {
+        log_trace ("RDF type shorthand 'a'.");
+        return T_RDF_TYPE;
+    }
+    */
+    /*!re2c
+    * {
+        log_warn (
+            "Invalid token in string @ %lu: %s (\\x%x)",
+            YYCURSOR - it->buf - 1, it->tok, *it->tok);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    $ {
+        log_warn ("Unterminated string!");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    SCHAR { goto schar; }
+    [\x22] {
+        *token_p = unescape_unicode (it->tok + 1, YYCURSOR - it->tok - 2);
+        log_trace ("String: %s", *token_p);
+        return T_STRING;
+    }
+    */
+    /*!re2c
+    $ {
+        log_warn ("Unterminated long string!");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    LCHAR { goto lchar; }
+    [\x22]{3} {
+        *token_p = unescape_unicode (it->tok + 3, YYCURSOR - it->tok - 6);
+        log_trace ("Long string: %s", it->tok);
+        return T_STRING;
+    }
+    * {
+        log_warn (
+            "Invalid token in long string @ %lu: %s (\\x%x)",
+            YYCURSOR - it->buf - 1, it->tok, *it->tok);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    */
+LSUP_ttl_parse_doc (FILE *fh, LSUP_Graph **gr_p, size_t *ct, char **err_p)
+    *err_p = NULL;
+    *gr_p = NULL;
+    LSUP_TTLParserState *state = malloc (sizeof (*state));
+    if (UNLIKELY (!state)) return LSUP_MEM_ERR;
+    state->base = NULL;
+    state->ct = 0;
+    state->rc = LSUP_NORESULT;
+    ParseIterator parse_it;
+    parse_init (&parse_it, fh);
+    void *parser = TTLParseAlloc (malloc);
+    // TODO add basic NS, critically xsd: and rdf:
+    LSUP_Graph *gr = LSUP_graph_new (
+            LSUP_iriref_new (NULL, NULL), LSUP_STORE_HTABLE, NULL, NULL, 0);
+    if (UNLIKELY (!gr)) return LSUP_MEM_ERR;
+    state->it = LSUP_graph_add_init (gr);
+    if (UNLIKELY (!state->it)) {
+        LSUP_graph_free (gr);
+        return LSUP_MEM_ERR;
+    }
+    YYCTYPE *token;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    TTLParseTrace (stdout, "TTL Parser > ");
+    for (;;) {
+        int ttype = lex (&parse_it, &token);
+        if (ttype == -1) {
+            char err_token[16] = {'\0'};
+            strncpy (err_token, (const char *)parse_it.tok, 15);
+            char *err_start = "Lexer error near token `";
+            char err_info [64];
+            sprintf(
+                    err_info, "[...]' at line %u, character %ld.\n",
+                    parse_it.line, parse_it.cur - parse_it.bol);
+            size_t err_size = strlen (err_start) + 16 + strlen(err_info);
+            char *err_str = malloc (err_size);
+            sprintf (err_str, "%s%s%s", err_start, err_token, err_info);
+            log_error (err_str);
+            state->rc = LSUP_PARSE_ERR;
+            *err_p = err_str;
+            goto finally;
+        }
+        TTLParse (parser, ttype, token, state);
+        if (ttype == T_EOF) break;
+    };
+    if (ct) *ct = state->ct;
+    log_info ("Parsed %u triples.", state->ct);
+    log_debug ("Graph size: %lu", LSUP_graph_size (gr));
+    *gr_p = gr;
+    LSUP_rc rc = state->rc;
+    log_trace ("rc is %d", rc);
+    TTLParseFree (parser, free);
+    LSUP_graph_add_done (state->it);
+    LSUP_term_free (state->base);
+    free (state);
+    if (rc < 0) LSUP_graph_free (gr);
+    return rc;

+ 0 - 257

@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-#include "codec_nt.h"
-#include "nt_parser.h"
-/** @brief List of characters to be escaped in serialized literals.
- *
- * @sa
- */
-#define LIT_ECHAR "\t\b\n\r\f\"\'\\"
-/** @brief Regex of characters to be escaped in serialized IRIs.
- *
- * @sa
- */
-#define IRI_ECHAR_PTN "[\x00-\x20<>\"\\{\\}\\|\\^`\\\\]"
-/* * * Static prototypes. * * */
-static LSUP_rc escape_lit (const char *in, char **out_p);
-/* * * Codec functions. * * */
-static LSUP_rc
-term_to_nt (const LSUP_Term *term, const LSUP_NSMap *nsm, char **out_p)
-    LSUP_rc rc;
-    char *out = NULL, *tmp, *escaped;
-    const char *metadata = NULL;
-    size_t buf_len;
-    // Free previous content if not NULL.
-    if (*out_p != NULL) out = realloc (*out_p, 0);
-    switch (term->type) {
-        case LSUP_TERM_IRIREF:
-            tmp = realloc (out, strlen (term->data) + 3);
-            if (UNLIKELY (!tmp)) return LSUP_MEM_ERR;
-            out = tmp;
-            sprintf (out, "<%s>", term->data);
-            rc = LSUP_OK;
-            break;
-        case LSUP_TERM_LITERAL:
-            // Calculate string length.
-            if (escape_lit (term->data, &escaped) != LSUP_OK)
-                return LSUP_ERROR;
-            buf_len = strlen (escaped) + 3; // Room for "" and terminator
-            if (
-                term->datatype != 0
-                && term->datatype != LSUP_default_datatype
-            ) {
-                metadata = term->datatype->data;
-                buf_len += strlen (metadata) + 4; // Room for ^^<>
-            }
-            tmp = realloc (out, buf_len);
-            if (UNLIKELY (!tmp)) return LSUP_MEM_ERR;
-            out = tmp;
-            sprintf (out, "\"%s\"", escaped);
-            free (escaped);
-            // Add datatype.
-            if (metadata)
-                out = strcat (strcat (strcat (out, "^^<"), metadata), ">");
-            rc = LSUP_OK;
-            break;
-        case LSUP_TERM_LT_LITERAL:
-            // Calculate string length.
-            if (escape_lit (term->data, &escaped) != LSUP_OK)
-                return LSUP_ERROR;
-            buf_len = strlen (escaped) + 3; // Room for "" and terminator
-            if (term->lang != 0) {
-                metadata = term->lang;
-                buf_len += strlen (metadata) + 1; // Room for @
-            }
-            tmp = realloc (out, buf_len);
-            if (UNLIKELY (!tmp)) return LSUP_MEM_ERR;
-            out = tmp;
-            sprintf (out, "\"%s\"", escaped);
-            free (escaped);
-            // Add lang.
-            if (metadata) out = strcat (strcat (out, "@"), metadata);
-            rc = LSUP_OK;
-            break;
-        case LSUP_TERM_BNODE:
-            tmp = realloc (out, strlen (term->data) + 3);
-            if (UNLIKELY (!tmp)) return LSUP_MEM_ERR;
-            out = tmp;
-            sprintf (out, "_:%s", term->data);
-            rc = LSUP_OK;
-            break;
-        default:
-            out = NULL;
-            rc = LSUP_VALUE_ERR;
-    }
-    *out_p = out;
-    return rc;
-static LSUP_CodecIterator *
-gr_to_nt_init (const LSUP_Graph *gr);
-static LSUP_rc
-gr_to_nt_iter (LSUP_CodecIterator *it, unsigned char **res) {
-    LSUP_rc rc = LSUP_graph_iter_next (it->gr_it, it->trp);
-    if (rc != LSUP_OK) goto finally;
-    term_to_nt (it->trp->s, it->nsm, &it->str_s);
-    term_to_nt (it->trp->p, it->nsm, &it->str_p);
-    term_to_nt (it->trp->o, it->nsm, &it->str_o);
-    // 3 term separators + dot + newline + terminal = 6
-    unsigned char *tmp = realloc (
-            *res, strlen (it->str_s) + strlen (it->str_p)
-            + strlen (it->str_o) + 6);
-    if (UNLIKELY (!tmp)) {
-        *res = NULL;
-        rc = LSUP_MEM_ERR;
-        goto finally;
-    }
-    sprintf ((char*)tmp, "%s %s %s .\n", it->str_s, it->str_p, it->str_o);
-    *res = tmp;
-    it->cur++;
-    LSUP_term_free (it->trp->s); it->trp->s = NULL;
-    LSUP_term_free (it->trp->p); it->trp->p = NULL;
-    LSUP_term_free (it->trp->o); it->trp->o = NULL;
-    return rc;
-static void
-gr_to_nt_done (LSUP_CodecIterator *it)
-    LSUP_graph_iter_free (it->gr_it);
-    LSUP_triple_free (it->trp);
-    free (it->rep);
-    free (it->str_s);
-    free (it->str_p);
-    free (it->str_o);
-    free (it);
-const LSUP_Codec nt_codec = {
-    .name               = "N-Triples",
-    .mimetype           = "application/n-triples",
-    .extension          = "nt",
-    .encode_term        = term_to_nt,
-    .encode_graph_init  = gr_to_nt_init,
-    .encode_graph_iter  = gr_to_nt_iter,
-    .encode_graph_done  = gr_to_nt_done,
-    .decode_term        = LSUP_nt_parse_term,
-    .decode_graph       = LSUP_nt_parse_doc,
-/* * * Other internal functions. * * */
-/** Replace non-printable characters with their literal byte.
- *
- *  Escape backslash is to be added separately.
- */
-static inline char replace_char(const char c) {
-    switch (c) {
-        case '\t': return 't';
-        case '\b': return 'b';
-        case '\n': return 'n';
-        case '\r': return 'r';
-        case '\f': return 'f';
-        default: return c;
-    }
-static LSUP_CodecIterator *
-gr_to_nt_init (const LSUP_Graph *gr)
-    LSUP_CodecIterator *it;
-    it->codec = &nt_codec;
-    it->gr_it = LSUP_graph_lookup(gr, NULL, NULL, NULL, &it->cur);
-    it->nsm = LSUP_graph_namespace (gr);
-    it->cur = 0;
-    it->trp = TRP_DUMMY;
-    it->rep = NULL;
-    it->str_s = NULL;
-    it->str_p = NULL;
-    it->str_o = NULL;
-    return it;
-/** @brief Add escape character (backslash) to illegal literal characters.
- */
-static LSUP_rc
-escape_lit (const char *in, char **out_p)
-    size_t out_size = strlen (in) + 1;
-    // Expand output string size to accommodate escape characters.
-    for (
-            size_t i = strcspn (in, LIT_ECHAR);
-            i < strlen (in);
-            i += strcspn (in + i + 1, LIT_ECHAR) + 1) {
-        out_size ++;
-    }
-    char *out = calloc (1, out_size);
-    if (UNLIKELY (!out)) return LSUP_MEM_ERR;
-    size_t boundary;
-    boundary = strcspn (in, LIT_ECHAR);
-    for (size_t i = 0, j = 0;;) {
-        out = strncat (out, in + i, boundary);
-        i += boundary;
-        j += boundary;
-        if (i >= strlen (in)) break;
-        out[j++] = '\\';
-        out[j++] = replace_char (in[i++]);
-        boundary = strcspn (in + i, LIT_ECHAR);
-    }
-    *out_p = out;
-    return 0;

+ 1 - 1

@@ -118,4 +118,4 @@ LSUP_strerror (LSUP_rc rc)
 /* Inline extern functions. */
-int utf8_encode(const uint32_t utf, unsigned char *out);
+int utf8_encode (const uint32_t utf, unsigned char *out);

+ 10 - 30

@@ -13,35 +13,12 @@
  * External variables.
+LSUP_TermSet *LSUP_term_cache = NULL;
 LSUP_NSMap *LSUP_default_nsm = NULL;
 LSUP_Term *LSUP_default_ctx = NULL;
 LSUP_Buffer *LSUP_default_ctx_buf = NULL;
- * Hashmap callbacks.
- */
-static uint64_t
-term_cache_hash_fn (
-        const void *item, uint64_t seed0, uint64_t seed1)
-{ return ((const LSUP_KeyedTerm *) item)->key; }
-static int
-term_cache_cmp_fn (const void *a, const void *b, void *udata)
-    return 
-            ((const LSUP_KeyedTerm *) a)->key -
-            ((const LSUP_KeyedTerm *) b)->key;
-static void
-term_cache_free_fn (void *item)
-{ LSUP_term_free (((LSUP_KeyedTerm *) item)->term); }
  * API
@@ -92,19 +69,22 @@ LSUP_init (void)
     // Default context URI.
     char *default_ctx_str = getenv ("LSUP_DEFAULT_CTX");
     if (!default_ctx_str ) default_ctx_str = DEFAULT_CTX_LABEL;
-    LSUP_default_ctx = LSUP_iriref_new (default_ctx_str, LSUP_default_nsm);
+    LSUP_default_ctx = LSUP_iriref_new (default_ctx_str, NULL);
     if (UNLIKELY (!LSUP_default_ctx)) return LSUP_ERROR;
     LSUP_default_ctx_buf = LSUP_term_serialize (LSUP_default_ctx);
     if (UNLIKELY (!LSUP_default_ctx_buf)) return LSUP_ERROR;
     // Initialize term cache.
-    LSUP_term_cache = hashmap_new (
-            sizeof(LSUP_KeyedTerm), 0, LSUP_HASH_SEED, 0,
-            term_cache_hash_fn, term_cache_cmp_fn, term_cache_free_fn, NULL);
+    LSUP_term_cache = LSUP_term_set_new();
+    if (UNLIKELY (!LSUP_term_cache)) return LSUP_MEM_ERR;
     // Create and cache default literal datatype key.
+    // This will be done only once in the program, so no need to check for
+    // duplicates.
     LSUP_default_datatype = LSUP_iriref_new (DEFAULT_DTYPE, NULL);
-    uint32_t dtype_hash = LSUP_term_hash (LSUP_default_datatype );
-    LSUP_tcache_add (dtype_hash, LSUP_default_datatype);
+    LSUP_rc rc = LSUP_term_set_add (
+            LSUP_term_cache, LSUP_default_datatype, NULL);
+    PRCCK (rc);
     // Set automatic teardown TODO Is this a good idea?
     atexit (LSUP_done);

+ 243 - 37

@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ struct graph_iter_t {
     const LSUP_Graph *      graph;          ///< Parent graph.
     void *                  data;           ///< Iterator state.
     size_t                  ct;             ///< Total lookup matches.
+    LSUP_BufferTriple *     sspo;           ///< Buffer triple for temp values.
@@ -27,7 +28,11 @@ struct graph_iter_t {
 inline static LSUP_rc
-graph_iter_next_buffer (LSUP_GraphIterator *it, LSUP_BufferTriple *sspo);
+graph_iter_next_buffer (LSUP_GraphIterator *it);
+inline static LSUP_rc
+graph_iter_alloc_buffers (LSUP_GraphIterator *it);
 #define ENTRY(a, b) (be) == (LSUP_STORE_##a) ||
 static inline bool
@@ -249,7 +254,9 @@ LSUP_graph_add_init (LSUP_Graph *gr)
 LSUP_graph_add_iter (LSUP_GraphIterator *it, const LSUP_Triple *spo)
+    log_trace (
+            "Adding triple: {%s, %s, %s}",
+            spo->s->data, spo->p->data, spo->o->data);
     LSUP_BufferTriple *sspo = LSUP_triple_serialize (spo);
     if (UNLIKELY (!sspo)) return LSUP_MEM_ERR;
     const LSUP_StoreInt *sif = it->graph->store->sif;
@@ -359,12 +366,11 @@ LSUP_graph_copy_contents (const LSUP_Graph *src, LSUP_Graph *dest)
     LSUP_GraphIterator *it = LSUP_graph_lookup (src, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-    LSUP_Triple spo;
+    LSUP_Triple *spo = NULL;
     LSUP_GraphIterator *add_it = LSUP_graph_add_init (dest);
     while (LSUP_graph_iter_next (it, &spo) != LSUP_END) {
-        LSUP_rc add_rc = LSUP_graph_add_iter (add_it, &spo);
-        LSUP_triple_done (&spo);
+        LSUP_rc add_rc = LSUP_graph_add_iter (add_it, spo);
+        LSUP_triple_free (spo);
         if (LIKELY (add_rc == LSUP_OK)) rc = LSUP_OK;
         else if (add_rc < 0) {
             rc = add_rc;
@@ -407,50 +413,51 @@ LSUP_graph_lookup (
     it->graph = gr;
+    RCNL (graph_iter_alloc_buffers (it));
     return it;
-LSUP_graph_iter_next (LSUP_GraphIterator *it, LSUP_Triple *spo)
+LSUP_graph_iter_next (LSUP_GraphIterator *it, LSUP_Triple **spo_p)
-    LSUP_Buffer *ss, *sp, *so;
-    LSUP_BufferTriple *sspo;
-    if (it->graph->store->sif->features & LSUP_STORE_COW) {
-        sspo = LSUP_btriple_new (ss, sp, so);
-    } else {
-        // TODO copy-on-retrieval stores. None yet.
-    }
+    LSUP_rc rc = graph_iter_next_buffer (it);
+    PRCCK (rc);
+    if (rc != LSUP_OK) return rc;
-    LSUP_rc rc = graph_iter_next_buffer (it, sspo);
+    LSUP_Triple *spo = LSUP_triple_new (
+        LSUP_term_new_from_buffer (it->sspo->s),
+        LSUP_term_new_from_buffer (it->sspo->p),
+        LSUP_term_new_from_buffer (it->sspo->o)
+    );
+    if (UNLIKELY (!spo)) return LSUP_MEM_ERR;
-    if (rc == LSUP_OK) {
-        spo->s = LSUP_term_new_from_buffer (sspo->s);
-        if (!spo->s) return LSUP_ERROR;
-        spo->p = LSUP_term_new_from_buffer (sspo->p);
-        if (!spo->p) return LSUP_ERROR;
-        spo->o = LSUP_term_new_from_buffer (sspo->o);
-        if (!spo->o) return LSUP_ERROR;
-    }
+    *spo_p = spo;
-    if (it->graph->store->sif->features & LSUP_STORE_COW) {
-        LSUP_btriple_free_shallow (sspo);
-    } else {
-        // TODO copy-on-retrieval stores. None yet.
-    }
-    return rc;
+    return LSUP_OK;
+const LSUP_Graph *
+LSUP_graph_iter_graph (LSUP_GraphIterator *it)
+{ return it->graph; }
 LSUP_graph_iter_free (LSUP_GraphIterator *it)
     it->graph->store->sif->lu_free_fn (it->data);
+    /*
+     * This deallocates resources properly by preserving borrowed pointers from
+     * the store in case of LSUP_STORE_COW stores.
+     */
+    if (it->graph->store->sif->features & LSUP_STORE_COW) {
+        LSUP_btriple_free_shallow (it->sspo);
+    } else {
+        // TODO copy-on-retrieval stores. None yet.
+    }
     free (it);
@@ -460,8 +467,8 @@ LSUP_graph_contains (const LSUP_Graph *gr, const LSUP_Triple *spo)
     LSUP_GraphIterator *it = LSUP_graph_lookup (
             gr, spo->s, spo->p, spo->o, NULL);
-    LSUP_Triple *tmp_spo = TRP_DUMMY;
-    bool rc = LSUP_graph_iter_next (it, tmp_spo) != LSUP_END;
+    LSUP_Triple *tmp_spo = NULL;
+    bool rc = LSUP_graph_iter_next (it, &tmp_spo) != LSUP_END;
     LSUP_triple_free (tmp_spo);
     LSUP_graph_iter_free (it);
@@ -497,6 +504,185 @@ LSUP_graph_abort (LSUP_Graph *gr)
+LSUP_LinkMap *
+LSUP_graph_connections (
+        const LSUP_Graph *gr, LSUP_Term *t, LSUP_LinkType type)
+    LSUP_Term
+        *s = NULL,
+        *p = NULL,
+        *o = NULL;
+    // Position of passed term and link terms, respectively.
+    LSUP_TriplePos pos1, pos2;
+    if (type == LSUP_LINK_INBOUND) {
+        o = t;
+        pos1 = TRP_POS_O;
+        pos2 = TRP_POS_P;
+    } else if (type == LSUP_LINK_OUTBOUND) {
+        s = t;
+        pos1 = TRP_POS_S;
+        pos2 = TRP_POS_P;
+    } else if (type == LSUP_LINK_EDGE) {
+        p = t;
+        pos1 = TRP_POS_P;
+        pos2 = TRP_POS_S;
+    } else {
+        // Very unlikely.
+        log_error ("Invalid connection type: %d", type);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    // Gather all linking terms in a set first.
+    LSUP_GraphIterator *it = LSUP_graph_lookup (gr, s, p, o, NULL);
+    LSUP_TermSet *lts = LSUP_term_set_new();
+    while (graph_iter_next_buffer (it) != LSUP_END) {
+        LSUP_Term
+            *ex = NULL,
+            *ins = LSUP_term_new_from_buffer (
+                    LSUP_btriple_pos (it->sspo, pos2));
+        LSUP_term_set_add (lts, ins, &ex);
+        if (ex) LSUP_term_free (ins);
+    }
+    LSUP_graph_iter_free(it);
+    LSUP_LinkMap *ret = LSUP_link_map_new (type);
+    size_t i = 0;
+    LSUP_Term *lt;
+    while (LSUP_term_set_next (lts, &i, &lt) != LSUP_END) {
+        LSUP_link_map_add (
+                ret, LSUP_term_copy (lt),
+                LSUP_graph_term_set (gr, t, pos1, lt, pos2));
+    }
+    LSUP_term_set_free (lts);
+    return ret;
+LSUP_TermSet *
+LSUP_graph_term_set (
+        const LSUP_Graph *gr, LSUP_Term *t1, LSUP_TriplePos t1_pos,
+        LSUP_Term *t2, LSUP_TriplePos t2_pos)
+    if (t1_pos == t2_pos) {
+        log_error ("Term 1 and 2 positions cannot be the same!");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    LSUP_Term *spo_l[3] = {NULL};
+    spo_l[t1_pos] = t1;
+    spo_l[t2_pos] = t2;
+    LSUP_TriplePos rpos = 0;  // Position of term to be added to results.
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+        if (t1_pos != i && t2_pos != i) rpos = i;
+    LSUP_GraphIterator *it = LSUP_graph_lookup (
+            gr, spo_l[0], spo_l[1], spo_l[2], NULL);
+    LSUP_TermSet *ts = LSUP_term_set_new();
+    while (graph_iter_next_buffer (it) != LSUP_END) {
+        // There cannot be duplicates in a 2-bound lookup.
+        LSUP_term_set_add (
+                ts,
+                LSUP_term_new_from_buffer (LSUP_btriple_pos (it->sspo, rpos)),
+                NULL);
+    }
+    LSUP_graph_iter_free (it);
+    return ts;
+LSUP_TermSet *
+LSUP_graph_unique_terms (const LSUP_Graph *gr, LSUP_TriplePos pos)
+    // TODO We should use spo indices for stores that have them...
+    LSUP_GraphIterator *it = LSUP_graph_lookup (gr, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+    LSUP_TermSet *ts = LSUP_term_set_new();
+    while (graph_iter_next_buffer (it) != LSUP_END) {
+        LSUP_Term
+            *ex = NULL,
+            *ins = LSUP_term_new_from_buffer (LSUP_btriple_pos (it->sspo, pos));
+        LSUP_term_set_add (ts, ins, &ex);
+        if (ex) LSUP_term_free (ins);
+    }
+    LSUP_graph_iter_free(it);
+    return ts;
+LSUP_graph_add_link_map (
+        LSUP_GraphIterator *it, LSUP_Term *t, LSUP_LinkMap *lmap)
+    LSUP_Triple *spo = TRP_DUMMY;
+    size_t ct = 0;
+    LSUP_LinkMapIterator *lmit = LSUP_link_map_iter_new (lmap, t);
+    while (LSUP_link_map_triples (lmit, spo) != LSUP_END) {
+        LSUP_rc rc = LSUP_graph_add_iter (it, spo);
+        if (rc >= 0) ct++;
+        PRCCK (rc);
+    }
+    LSUP_link_map_iter_free (lmit);
+    free (spo);
+    return ct;
+LSUP_Term *
+LSUP_bnode_add_collection (LSUP_GraphIterator *it, LSUP_TermSet *ts)
+    LSUP_NSMap *nsm = LSUP_graph_namespace (LSUP_graph_iter_graph (it));
+    LSUP_Term
+        *s = LSUP_term_new (LSUP_TERM_BNODE, NULL, NULL),
+        *rdf_first = LSUP_iriref_new ("rdf:first", nsm),
+        *rdf_rest = LSUP_iriref_new ("rdf:rest", nsm),
+        *rdf_nil = LSUP_iriref_new ("rdf:nil", nsm),
+        *link;
+    LSUP_Triple *spo = TRP_DUMMY;
+    link = s;
+    size_t i = 0;
+    LSUP_Term *t;
+    while (LSUP_term_set_next (ts, &i, &t) != LSUP_END) {
+        spo->s = link;
+        spo->p = rdf_first;
+        spo->o = t;
+        PRCNL (LSUP_graph_add_iter (it, spo));
+        spo->p = rdf_rest;
+        size_t save_i = i; // Save iterator position to restore it after peek.
+        spo->o = (
+                // Peek into the next result.
+                LSUP_term_set_next (ts, &i, NULL) != LSUP_END ?
+                LSUP_term_new (LSUP_TERM_BNODE, NULL, NULL)
+                : rdf_nil);
+        i = save_i; // Restore the iterator that advanced when peeking.
+        PRCNL (LSUP_graph_add_iter (it, spo));
+        if (link != s) LSUP_term_free (link);
+        // Current object becomes next subject. Irrelevant for last item.
+        link = spo->o;
+    }
+    LSUP_term_free (rdf_first);
+    LSUP_term_free (rdf_rest);
+    LSUP_term_free (rdf_nil);
+    free (spo);
+    return s;
  * Static functions.
@@ -505,10 +691,30 @@ LSUP_graph_abort (LSUP_Graph *gr)
  * This is an internal function to pass raw buffers between higher-level
  * functions without serializing and deserializing triples.
+ *
+ * The results are stored in it->sspo.
 inline static LSUP_rc
-graph_iter_next_buffer (LSUP_GraphIterator *it, LSUP_BufferTriple *sspo)
-{ return it->graph->store->sif->lu_next_fn (it->data, sspo, NULL); }
+graph_iter_next_buffer (LSUP_GraphIterator *it)
+{ return it->graph->store->sif->lu_next_fn (it->data, it->sspo, NULL); }
+/** @brief Properly allocate temporary byte buffers in advance of iteration.
+ */
+inline LSUP_rc
+graph_iter_alloc_buffers (LSUP_GraphIterator *it)
+    if (it->graph->store->sif->features & LSUP_STORE_COW) {
+        it->sspo = BTRP_DUMMY;
+        CALLOC_GUARD (it->sspo->s, LSUP_MEM_ERR);
+        CALLOC_GUARD (it->sspo->p, LSUP_MEM_ERR);
+        CALLOC_GUARD (it->sspo->o, LSUP_MEM_ERR);
+    } else {
+        // TODO copy-on-retrieval stores. None yet.
+    }
+    return LSUP_OK;

+ 45 - 37

@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ static uint64_t nsmap_hash_fn (
         const void *item, uint64_t seed0, uint64_t seed1)
     const NSEntry *nse = item;
-    return (uint64_t) LSUP_HASH64 (nse->pfx, PFX_LEN, seed0);
+    return (uint64_t) LSUP_HASH64 (nse->pfx, strlen (nse->pfx), seed0);
 static void nsmap_free_fn (void *item)
@@ -73,23 +73,29 @@ LSUP_nsmap_free (NSMap *map)
 LSUP_nsmap_add (NSMap *map, const char *pfx, const char *nsstr)
-    NSEntry entry_s;
+    NSEntry entry_s = {};
     if (strlen(pfx) >= PFX_LEN)
                 "Prefix `%s` is longer than the maximum allowed size "
                 "(%d characters). Truncating.", pfx, PFX_LEN - 1);
-    strncpy (entry_s.pfx, pfx, sizeof (entry_s.pfx));
+    strncpy (entry_s.pfx, pfx, PFX_LEN -1);
     char *ns = strdup (nsstr);
-    entry_s.ns = ns;
-    NSEntry *ret = hashmap_set (map, &entry_s);
-    if (hashmap_oom (map)) return LSUP_MEM_ERR;
-    // Free replaced NS string.
-    if (ret) {
+    NSEntry *ret = hashmap_get (map, &entry_s);
+    if (!ret) {
+        entry_s.ns = ns;
+        hashmap_set (map, &entry_s);
+        if (hashmap_oom (map)) return LSUP_MEM_ERR;
+        log_debug ("Added prefix '%s' to NS map.", entry_s.pfx);
+    } else {
+        log_debug (
+                "Replacing NS '%s' with '%s' for preix '%s'.",
+                ret->ns, ns, entry_s.pfx);
         free (ret->ns);
-        free (ret);
+        ret->ns = ns;
+    // Free replaced NS string.
     return LSUP_OK;
@@ -98,8 +104,8 @@ LSUP_nsmap_add (NSMap *map, const char *pfx, const char *nsstr)
 LSUP_nsmap_remove (NSMap *map, const char *pfx)
-    NSEntry entry_s;
-    strncpy (entry_s.pfx, pfx, PFX_LEN);
+    NSEntry entry_s = {};
+    strncpy (entry_s.pfx, pfx, PFX_LEN - 1);
     NSEntry *entry = hashmap_delete (map, &entry_s);
     if (!entry) return LSUP_NOACTION;
@@ -111,22 +117,22 @@ LSUP_nsmap_remove (NSMap *map, const char *pfx)
 const char *
-LSUP_nsmap_get_ns (NSMap *map, const char *pfx)
+LSUP_nsmap_get_ns (const NSMap *map, const char *pfx)
-    NSEntry entry_s;
-    strncpy (entry_s.pfx, pfx, PFX_LEN);
-    NSEntry *entry = hashmap_get (map, &entry_s);
+    NSEntry entry_s = {};
+    strncpy (entry_s.pfx, pfx, PFX_LEN - 1);
+    NSEntry *entry = hashmap_get ((NSMap *)map, &entry_s);
     return (entry) ? entry->ns : NULL;
 const char *
-LSUP_nsmap_get_pfx (NSMap *map, const char *ns)
+LSUP_nsmap_get_pfx (const NSMap *map, const char *ns)
     const NSEntry *entry;
     size_t i = 0;
-    while (hashmap_iter (map, &i, (void **) &entry)) {
+    while (hashmap_iter ((NSMap *)map, &i, (void **) &entry)) {
         if (strncmp (entry->ns, ns, strlen (ns)) == 0)
             return entry->pfx;
@@ -137,13 +143,14 @@ LSUP_nsmap_get_pfx (NSMap *map, const char *ns)
 LSUP_nsmap_normalize_uri (
-        NSMap *map, const char *pfx_uri, char **fq_uri_p)
+        const NSMap *map, const char *pfx_uri, char **fq_uri_p)
+    LSUP_rc rc;
     char *fq_uri = NULL;
     size_t pfx_len = strcspn (pfx_uri, ":");
     if (pfx_len >= PFX_LEN) {
-        log_warn(
+        log_warn (
                 "Prefix in `%s` is longer than the maximum allowed size "
                 "(%d characters). Truncating.", pfx_uri, PFX_LEN - 1);
         pfx_len = PFX_LEN - 1;
@@ -151,16 +158,9 @@ LSUP_nsmap_normalize_uri (
     ns_pfx pfx;
     strncpy (pfx, pfx_uri, pfx_len);
-    pfx[pfx_len] = 0;
+    pfx[pfx_len] = '\0';
-    /*
-    Namespace *entry;
-    for (entry = map; entry != NULL; entry = entry-> {
-        if (strncmp (entry->pfx, pfx_uri, strlen (entry->pfx)) == 0)
-            break;
-    }
-    */
-    const char *ns = LSUP_nsmap_get_ns (map, pfx);
+    const char *ns = LSUP_nsmap_get_ns ((NSMap *)map, pfx);
     if (ns) {
         // -1 for :, +1 for terminator.
@@ -170,19 +170,22 @@ LSUP_nsmap_normalize_uri (
         strcpy (fq_uri, ns);
         strcat (fq_uri, pfx_uri + pfx_len + 1);
-    }
-    else fq_uri = strdup (pfx_uri);
+        rc = LSUP_OK;
+    } else {
+        log_error ("No NS prefix found in map to normalize %s", pfx_uri);
+        rc = LSUP_VALUE_ERR;
+    }
     *fq_uri_p = fq_uri;
-    return LSUP_OK;
+    return rc;
 LSUP_nsmap_denormalize_uri (
-        NSMap *map, const char *fq_uri, char **pfx_uri_p)
+        const NSMap *map, const char *fq_uri, char **pfx_uri_p)
      * This is different from LSUP_nsmap_get_ns, in that the URI being looked
@@ -190,11 +193,13 @@ LSUP_nsmap_denormalize_uri (
      * This function has to count the characters left over from the match in
      * order to add the URI suffix.
+    LSUP_rc rc;
     const NSEntry *entry;
     const char *pfx = NULL;
     size_t i = 0, offset;
-    while (hashmap_iter (map, &i, (void **) &entry)) {
-        offset = strlen(entry->ns);
+    while (hashmap_iter ((NSMap *)map, &i, (void **) &entry)) {
+        offset = strlen (entry->ns);
         if (strncmp (entry->ns, fq_uri, offset) == 0) {
             pfx = entry->pfx;
@@ -209,13 +214,16 @@ LSUP_nsmap_denormalize_uri (
         sprintf (pfx_uri, "%s:%s", pfx, fq_uri + offset);
-    }
+        rc = LSUP_OK;
-    else pfx_uri = strdup (fq_uri);
+    } else {
+        pfx_uri = strdup (fq_uri);
+        rc = LSUP_NORESULT;
+    }
     *pfx_uri_p = pfx_uri;
-    return LSUP_OK;
+    return rc;

+ 3 - 1

@@ -984,7 +984,9 @@ mdbstore_remove (
         const LSUP_Buffer *so, const LSUP_Buffer *sc, void *th, size_t *ct)
     MDBStore *store = h;
-    LSUP_rc rc = LSUP_NOACTION, db_rc;
+    LSUP_rc
+        rc = LSUP_NOACTION,
+        db_rc = 0;
     LSUP_Key ck = NULL_KEY;

+ 309 - 36

@@ -16,19 +16,61 @@
  * Data structures.
+/// Matching sub-patterns for IRI parts.
 struct iri_info_t {
-    LSUP_NSMap *        nsm;        // NSM handle for prefixed IRI.
-    regmatch_t          prefix;     // Matching group #1.
-    regmatch_t          path;       // Matching group #5.
-    regmatch_t          frag;       // Matching group #10.
+    LSUP_NSMap *        nsm;        ///< NSM handle for prefixed IRI.
+    regmatch_t          prefix;     ///< Matching group #1.
+    regmatch_t          path;       ///< Matching group #5.
+    regmatch_t          frag;       ///< Matching group #10.
+/// Key-term pair in term set.
+typedef struct keyed_term {
+    LSUP_Key            key;        ///< Key (hash) of the term.
+    LSUP_Term *         term;       ///< Term handle.
+} KeyedTerm;
+/** @brief Single link between a term and a term set.
+ *
+ * This link is not qualified and may not be used by itself. It belongs
+ * in a #LSUP_LinkMap which qualifies all links of the same type.
+ */
+typedef struct link {
+    KeyedTerm *         term;       ///< Linked term.
+    LSUP_TermSet *      tset;       ///< Term set linked to the term.
+} Link;
+/// Opaque link map iterator.
+struct link_map_iter {
+    const LSUP_LinkMap *map;        ///< Link map to iterate.
+    size_t              i;          ///< Linking term loop cursor.
+    size_t              j;          ///< Term set loop cursor.
+    LSUP_Term *         ext;        ///< External link to look for connections.
+    Link *              link;       ///< Current link being retrieved.
- * Extern variables.
+ * A link map is thus nested:
+ *
+ * - A link map contains a hash map of Link instances (link).
+ * - Each Link contains a KeyedTerm (term) and a TermSet (tset).
+ * - Each term set is a hash map of KeyedTerm instances.
+ * - Each KeyedTerm contains a Term and its hash.
+ */
+typedef struct link_map {
+    LSUP_LinkType       type;       ///< Link type.
+    struct hashmap *    links;       ///< Map of #Link instances.
+} LSUP_LinkMap;
+ * External variables.
-struct hashmap *LSUP_term_cache = NULL;
 uint32_t LSUP_default_dtype_key = 0;
 regex_t *LSUP_uri_ptn;
 LSUP_Term *LSUP_default_datatype = NULL;
@@ -52,6 +94,59 @@ term_init (
+ * Term set callbacks.
+ */
+static uint64_t
+tset_hash_fn (
+        const void *item, uint64_t seed0, uint64_t seed1)
+{ return ((const KeyedTerm *) item)->key; }
+static int
+tset_cmp_fn (const void *a, const void *b, void *udata)
+    return 
+            ((const KeyedTerm *) a)->key -
+            ((const KeyedTerm *) b)->key;
+static void
+tset_free_fn (void *item)
+{ LSUP_term_free (((KeyedTerm *) item)->term); }
+ * Link map callbacks.
+ */
+static uint64_t
+link_map_hash_fn (
+        const void *item, uint64_t seed0, uint64_t seed1)
+{ return ((const Link *)item)->term->key; }
+static int
+link_map_cmp_fn (const void *a, const void *b, void *udata)
+    return 
+            ((const Link *)a)->term->key -
+            ((const Link *)b)->term->key;
+static void
+link_map_free_fn (void *item)
+    Link *link = item;
+    LSUP_term_free (link->term->term);
+    free (link->term);
+    LSUP_term_set_free (link->tset);
+ /*
  * Term API.
@@ -98,7 +193,7 @@ LSUP_term_new_from_buffer (const LSUP_Buffer *sterm)
     if (UNLIKELY (!sterm)) return NULL;
     LSUP_Term *term = NULL;
-    LSUP_TermType type;
+    LSUP_TermType type = LSUP_TERM_UNDEFINED;
     char *data = NULL;
     void *metadata;
@@ -268,11 +363,11 @@ LSUP_term_hash (const LSUP_Term *term)
 LSUP_term_free (LSUP_Term *term)
-    if (LIKELY (term != NULL)) {
-        if (LSUP_IS_IRI (term)) free (term->iri_info);
-        free (term->data);
-        free (term);
-    }
+    if (UNLIKELY (!term)) return;
+    if (LSUP_IS_IRI (term)) free (term->iri_info);
+    free (term->data);
+    free (term);
@@ -431,25 +526,46 @@ LSUP_triple_free (LSUP_Triple *spo)
+ * Multi-add functions.
+ */
+LSUP_TermSet *
+LSUP_term_set_new ()
+    // Capacity of 4 is an arbitrary guess.
+    LSUP_TermSet *ts = hashmap_new (
+            sizeof (KeyedTerm), 4, LSUP_HASH_SEED, 0,
+            tset_hash_fn, tset_cmp_fn, tset_free_fn, NULL);
+    if (UNLIKELY (hashmap_oom (ts))) return NULL;
+    return ts;
-LSUP_tcache_add (const LSUP_Key key, const LSUP_Term *term)
+LSUP_term_set_add (LSUP_TermSet *ts, LSUP_Term *term, LSUP_Term **existing)
-    LSUP_KeyedTerm entry_s = {.key=key, .term=(LSUP_Term *)term};
+    LSUP_Hash key = LSUP_term_hash (term);
+    KeyedTerm entry_s = {.key=key, .term=term};
-    // Many calls will likely attempt inserting duplicates after the first one.
-    if (LIKELY (hashmap_get (LSUP_term_cache, &entry_s))) return LSUP_NOACTION;
+    KeyedTerm *ex = hashmap_get (ts, &entry_s);
+    if (ex) {
+        if (existing) *existing = ex->term;
+        return LSUP_NOACTION;
+    }
-    hashmap_set (LSUP_term_cache, &entry_s);
+    hashmap_set (ts, &entry_s);
+    if (hashmap_oom (ts)) return LSUP_MEM_ERR;
     return LSUP_OK;
 const LSUP_Term *
-LSUP_tcache_get (LSUP_Key key)
+LSUP_term_set_get (LSUP_TermSet *ts, LSUP_Key key)
-    LSUP_KeyedTerm *entry = hashmap_get (
-            LSUP_term_cache, &(LSUP_KeyedTerm){.key=key});
+    KeyedTerm *entry = hashmap_get (ts, &(KeyedTerm){.key=key});
     if (entry) log_trace ("ID found for key %lx: %s", key, entry->term->data);
     else log_trace ("No ID found for key %lx.", key);
@@ -457,8 +573,165 @@ LSUP_tcache_get (LSUP_Key key)
+LSUP_term_set_next (LSUP_TermSet *ts, size_t *i, LSUP_Term **term)
+    KeyedTerm *kt = NULL;
+    if (!hashmap_iter (ts, i, (void **)&kt)) return LSUP_END;
+    if (term) *term = kt->term;
+    return LSUP_OK;
+LSUP_term_set_free (LSUP_TermSet *ts)
+{ hashmap_free (ts); }
+LSUP_LinkMap *
+LSUP_link_map_new (LSUP_LinkType type)
+    LSUP_LinkMap *cm;
+    cm->type = type;
+    cm->links = hashmap_new (
+            sizeof (Link), 0, LSUP_HASH_SEED, 0,
+            link_map_hash_fn, link_map_cmp_fn, link_map_free_fn, NULL);
+    return cm;
+LSUP_link_map_free (LSUP_LinkMap *cm)
+    hashmap_free (cm->links);
+    free (cm);
+LSUP_link_map_type (const LSUP_LinkMap *map)
+{ return map->type; }
+// TODO Memory error handling.
+LSUP_link_map_add (
+        LSUP_LinkMap *cmap, LSUP_Term *term, LSUP_TermSet *tset)
+    // Keyed term to look up the link term and insert it, if necessary.
+    KeyedTerm entry_s = {.key=LSUP_term_hash (term), .term=term};
+    Link *ex = hashmap_get (cmap->links, &(Link){.term=&entry_s});
+    if (ex) {
+        // Add terms one by one to the existing term set.
+        log_trace (
+                "Linking term %s exists. Adding individual terms.",
+                ex->term->term->data);
+        size_t i = 0;
+        KeyedTerm *kt;
+        while (hashmap_iter (tset, &i, (void **)&kt)) {
+            log_trace (
+                    "Adding term %s to link %s",
+                    kt->term->data, ex->term->term->data);
+            if (hashmap_get (ex->tset, kt))
+                // Term already exist, free the new one and move on.
+                LSUP_term_free (kt->term);
+            else
+                // Insert KeyedTerm, the term set now owns the underlying term.
+                hashmap_set (ex->tset, kt);
+        }
+        // Free link term that hasn't been used.
+        LSUP_term_free (term);
+    } else {
+        // Add the new term and the termset wholesale.
+        log_trace ("Adding new linking term %s.", term->data);
+        // Allocate inserted member on heap, it will be owned by the map.
+        KeyedTerm *ins;
+        MALLOC_GUARD (ins, LSUP_MEM_ERR);
+        memcpy (ins, &entry_s, sizeof (entry_s));
+        Link link = {.term=ins, tset=tset};
+        hashmap_set (cmap->links, &link);
+    }
+    return LSUP_OK;
+LSUP_LinkMapIterator *
+LSUP_link_map_iter_new (const LSUP_LinkMap *lmap, LSUP_Term *ext)
+    LSUP_LinkMapIterator *it;
+    it->map = lmap;
+    it->ext = ext;
+    return it;
+LSUP_link_map_iter_free (LSUP_LinkMapIterator *it)
+{ free (it); }
+LSUP_link_map_next (
+        LSUP_LinkMapIterator *it, LSUP_Term **lt, LSUP_TermSet **ts)
+    if (!hashmap_iter (it->map->links, &it->i, (void **)&it->link))
+        return LSUP_END;
+    *lt = it->link->term->term;
+    *ts = it->link->tset;
+    return LSUP_OK;
+// TODO dismantle if the only triple generator is for the graph.
+LSUP_link_map_triples (
+        LSUP_LinkMapIterator *it, LSUP_Triple *spo)
+    // Assign external (related) term.
+    if (it->map->type == LSUP_LINK_INBOUND)
+        spo->o = it->ext;
+    else if (it->map->type == LSUP_LINK_OUTBOUND)
+        spo->s = it->ext;
+    else spo->p = it->ext;
+    KeyedTerm *kt;
+    // If we are already handling a link, continue the internal loop.
+    if (it->link) goto int_loop;
+    // Advance external counter and start new internal loop.
+    it->j = 0;
+    if (!hashmap_iter (it->map->links, &it->i, (void **)&it->link))
+        return LSUP_END;
+    // If end of the term set is reached, start with a new linking term.
+    if (!hashmap_iter (it->link->tset, &it->j, (void **)&kt)) goto ext_loop;
+    // Continue pulling from term set.
+    // Assign linking term.
+    if (it->map->type == LSUP_LINK_EDGE) spo->s = it->link->term->term;
+    else spo->p = it->link->term->term;
+    // Assign term in term set.
+    if (it->map->type == LSUP_LINK_INBOUND) spo->s = kt->term;
+    else spo->o = kt->term;
+    return LSUP_OK;
- * Internal functions.
+ * Static functions.
 static LSUP_rc
@@ -471,7 +744,7 @@ term_init (
         return LSUP_ERROR;
     // This can never be LSUP_TERM_UNDEFINED.
-    if (type <= LSUP_TERM_UNDEFINED || type > MAX_VALID_TERM_TYPE) {
+    if (type == LSUP_TERM_UNDEFINED) {
         log_error ("%d is not a valid term type.", type);
         return LSUP_VALUE_ERR;
@@ -485,22 +758,22 @@ term_init (
             // Find fully qualified IRI to parse.
             if (term->type == LSUP_TERM_NS_IRIREF) {
-                if (LSUP_nsmap_normalize_uri (
-                    metadata, data, &fquri) != LSUP_OK
-                ) {
+                if (LSUP_nsmap_normalize_uri (metadata, data, &fquri) < 0) {
                     log_error ("Error normalizing IRI data.");
                     return LSUP_VALUE_ERR;
                 log_debug ("Fully qualified IRI: %s", fquri);
             } else fquri = (char *) data;
             if (strpbrk (fquri, invalid_uri_chars) != NULL) {
-                log_error (
-                        "Characters %s are not allowed. Got: %s\n",
+                log_warn (
+                        "Characters %s are not valid in a URI. Got: %s\n",
                         invalid_uri_chars, fquri);
+#if 0
+                // TODO This causes W3C TTL test #29 to fail. Remove?
                 return LSUP_VALUE_ERR;
             // Capture interesting IRI parts.
@@ -560,7 +833,7 @@ term_init (
             term->type = LSUP_TERM_LITERAL;
         } else {
             char *lang_str = (char *) metadata;
-            log_trace("Lang string: %s", lang_str);
+            log_trace("Lang string: '%s'", lang_str);
             // Lang tags longer than 7 characters will be truncated.
             strncpy(term->lang, lang_str, sizeof (term->lang) - 1);
             if (strlen (term->lang) < 1) {
@@ -584,14 +857,14 @@ term_init (
             return LSUP_VALUE_ERR;
-        uint32_t dtype_hash = LSUP_term_hash (term->datatype);
-        const LSUP_Term *tmp = LSUP_tcache_get (dtype_hash);
-        if (!tmp) LSUP_tcache_add (dtype_hash, term->datatype);
-        else if (term->datatype != tmp) {
+        LSUP_Term *ex = NULL;
+        LSUP_term_set_add (LSUP_term_cache, term->datatype, &ex);
+        if (ex && ex != term->datatype) {
+            // Replace datatype handle with the one in term cache, and free
+            // the new one.
             if (term->datatype != LSUP_default_datatype)
                 LSUP_term_free (term->datatype);
-            term->datatype = (LSUP_Term *)tmp;
+            term->datatype = ex;
         //log_trace ("Datatype address: %p", term->datatype);

+ 2 - 0

@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 #include "test_term.c"
 #include "test_namespace.c"
 #include "test_codec_nt.c"
+#include "test_codec_ttl.c"
 #include "test_store.c"
 #include "test_graph.c"
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
         store_tests() ||
         graph_tests() ||
         codec_nt_tests() ||
+        codec_ttl_tests() ||
     ) {
         log_error ("Test failed.");

+ 20 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+These are the tests for the Turtle Terse RDF Triple Language
+that must be passed by conformant systems.  See
+for the full conformance information.
+The format is a set of good tests and bad tests.
+Good tests are a pair of files:
+  abc.ttl abc.out
+which are the input Turtle file and the expected output RDF triples,
+written in N-Triples.
+bad tests are of the form
+  bad-XX.ttl
+which must fail.
+The tests should be performed with an assumed base URI

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# prefix name must end in a :
+@prefix a <#> .

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Forbidden by RDF - predicate cannot be blank
+@prefix : <> .
+:a [ :b :c ] :d .

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Forbidden by RDF - predicate cannot be blank
+@prefix : <> .
+:a [] :b .

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# 'a' only allowed as a predicate
+@prefix : <> .
+a :a :b .

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# No comma is allowed in collections
+@prefix : <> .
+:a :b ( "apple", "banana" ) .

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# N3 {}s are not in Turtle
+@prefix : <> .
+{ :a :b :c . } :d :e .

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# is and of are not in turtle
+@prefix : <> .
+:a is :b of :c .

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# paths are not in turtle
+@prefix : <> .
+:a.:b.:c .
+:a^:b^:c .

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+@keywords something.
+# @keywords is not in turtle

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# implies is not in turtle
+@prefix : <> .
+:a => :b .

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# equivalence is not in turtle
+@prefix : <> .
+:a = :b .

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# @forAll is not in turtle
+@prefix : <> .
+@forAll :x .

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# @forSome is not in turtle
+@prefix : <> .
+@forSome :x .

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# <= is not in turtle
+@prefix : <> .
+:a <= :b .

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Test long literals with missing end
+@prefix :  <> .
+:a :b """a long
+	literal

+ 88 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+@prefix rdf:    <> .
+@prefix rdfs:	<> .
+@prefix mf:     <> .
+@prefix qt:     <> .
+<>  rdf:type mf:Manifest ;
+    rdfs:comment "Turtle bad syntax test cases (must fail)" ;
+    mf:entries
+    (
+     [  mf:name      "bad-00" ;
+        rdfs:comment "prefix name must end in a :" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <bad-00.ttl> ] ;
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "bad-01" ;
+        rdfs:comment "blank predicate forbidden" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <bad-01.ttl> ] ;
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "bad-02" ;
+        rdfs:comment "blank predicate forbidden" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <bad-02.ttl> ] ;
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "bad-03" ;
+        rdfs:comment "a forbidden as subject" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <bad-03.ttl> ] ;
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "bad-04" ;
+        rdfs:comment ", not allowed in collections" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <bad-04.ttl> ] ;
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "bad-05" ;
+        rdfs:comment "{} not allowed in Turtle" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <bad-05.ttl> ] ;
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "bad-06" ;
+        rdfs:comment "is and of not allowed in Turtle" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <bad-06.ttl> ] ;
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "bad-07" ;
+        rdfs:comment "paths not allowed in Turtle" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <bad-07.ttl> ] ;
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "bad-08" ;
+        rdfs:comment "@keywords not allowed in Turtle" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <bad-08.ttl> ] ;
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "bad-09" ;
+        rdfs:comment "=> not allowed in Turtle" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <bad-09.ttl> ] ;
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "bad-10" ;
+        rdfs:comment "= not allowed in Turtle" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <bad-10.ttl> ] ;
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "bad-11" ;
+        rdfs:comment "@forAll not allowed in Turtle" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <bad-11.ttl> ] ;
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "bad-12" ;
+        rdfs:comment "@forSome not allowed in Turtle" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <bad-12.ttl> ] ;
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "bad-13" ;
+        rdfs:comment "<= not allowed in Turtle" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <bad-13.ttl> ] ;
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "bad-14" ;
+        rdfs:comment "long literal with missing end" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <bad-14.ttl> ] ;
+     ]
+    # End of tests
+   ).

+ 215 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+@prefix rdf:    <> .
+@prefix rdfs:	<> .
+@prefix mf:     <> .
+@prefix qt:     <> .
+<>  rdf:type mf:Manifest ;
+    rdfs:comment "Turtle good syntax test cases (must pass)" ;
+    mf:entries
+    (
+     [  mf:name      "test-00" ;
+        rdfs:comment "Blank subject" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-00.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-00.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-01" ;
+        rdfs:comment "@prefix and qnames" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-01.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-01.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-02" ;
+        rdfs:comment ", operator" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-02.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-02.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-03" ;
+        rdfs:comment "; operator" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-03.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-03.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-04" ;
+        rdfs:comment "empty [] as subject and object" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-04.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-04.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-05" ;
+        rdfs:comment "non-empty [] as subject and object" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-05.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-05.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-06" ;
+        rdfs:comment "'a' as predicate" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-06.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-06.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-07" ;
+        rdfs:comment "simple collection" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-07.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-07.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-08" ;
+        rdfs:comment "empty collection" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-08.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-08.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-09" ;
+        rdfs:comment "integer datatyped literal" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-09.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-09.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-10" ;
+        rdfs:comment "decimal integer canonicalization" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-10.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-10.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-11" ;
+        rdfs:comment "- and _ in names and qnames" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-11.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-11.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-12" ;
+        rdfs:comment "tests for rdf:_<numbers> and other qnames starting with _" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-12.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-12.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-13" ;
+        rdfs:comment "bare : allowed" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-13.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-13.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-14" ;
+        rdfs:comment "10000 triples, more than the default Bison stack size" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-14.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-14.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-15" ;
+        rdfs:comment "10000 triple objects (10000 triples)" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-15.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-15.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-16" ;
+        rdfs:comment "10000 items (10000 triples)" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-16.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-16.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-17" ;
+        rdfs:comment "simple long literal" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-17.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-17.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-18" ;
+        rdfs:comment "long literals with escapes" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-18.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-18.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-19" ;
+        rdfs:comment "floating point number" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-19.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-19.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-20" ;
+        rdfs:comment "empty literals, normal and long variant" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-20.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-20.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-21" ;
+        rdfs:comment "positive integer, decimal and doubles" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-21.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-21.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-22" ;
+        rdfs:comment "negative integer, decimal and doubles" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-22.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-22.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-23" ;
+        rdfs:comment "long literal ending in double quote" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-23.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-23.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-24" ;
+        rdfs:comment "boolean literals" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-24.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-24.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-25" ;
+        rdfs:comment "comments" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-25.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-25.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-26" ;
+        rdfs:comment "no final mewline" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-26.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-26.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-27" ;
+        rdfs:comment "duplicate prefix" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-27.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-27.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-28" ;
+        rdfs:comment "decimal data types (serializing test)" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-28.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-28.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-29" ;
+        rdfs:comment "Escaping U+0001 to U+007F in a URI" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-29.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-29.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "test-30" ;
+        rdfs:comment "@base" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <test-30.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <test-30.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "rdf-schema" ;
+        rdfs:comment "RDF Namespace document converted into Turtle" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <rdf-schema.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <rdf-schema.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "rdfs-namespace" ;
+        rdfs:comment "RDFS Namespace document converted into Turtle" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <rdfs-namespace.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <rdfs-namespace.out>
+     ]
+     [  mf:name      "rdfq-results" ;
+        rdfs:comment "Example query result from" ;
+        mf:action [ qt:data   <rdfq-results.ttl> ] ;
+        mf:result  <rdfq-results.out>
+     ]
+    # End of tests
+   ).

+ 156 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+# RDF Namespace document converted into Turtle
+@prefix : <> .
+@prefix rdf: <> .
+rdf:type     a rdf:Property;
+     :comment "Indicates membership of a class";
+     :label "type"@en,
+            "type"@fr;
+     :range :Class .
+:Class     a :Class;
+     :comment "The concept of Class";
+     :label "Class"@en,
+            "Classe"@fr;
+     :subClassOf :Resource .
+:ConstraintProperty     a :Class;
+     :comment "Properties used to express RDF Schema constraints.";
+     :label "ConstraintProperty"@en,
+            "Propri\u00E9t\u00E9Contrainte"@fr;
+     :subClassOf :ConstraintResource,
+            rdf:Property .
+:ConstraintResource     a :Class,
+            :Class;
+     :comment "Resources used to express RDF Schema constraints.";
+     :label "ConstraintResource"@en,
+            "RessourceContrainte"@fr;
+     :subClassOf :Resource .
+:Container     a :Class;
+     :comment "This represents the set Containers.";
+     :label "Container"@en,
+            "Enveloppe"@fr;
+     :subClassOf :Resource .
+:ContainerMembershipProperty     a :Class;
+     :label "ContainerMembershipProperty"@en;
+     :subClassOf rdf:Property .
+:Literal     a :Class,
+            :Class;
+     :comment "This represents the set of atomic values, eg. textual strings.";
+     :label "Literal"@en,
+            "Litt\u00E9ral"@fr .
+:Resource     a :Class;
+     :comment "The most general class";
+     :label "Resource"@en,
+            "Ressource"@fr .
+:comment     a rdf:Property;
+     :comment "Use this for descriptions";
+     :domain :Resource;
+     :label "comment"@en,
+            "commentaire"@fr;
+     :range :Literal .
+:domain     a :ConstraintProperty;
+     :comment "This is how we associate a class with properties that its instances can have";
+     :label "domain"@en,
+            "domaine"@fr .
+:isDefinedBy     a rdf:Property;
+     :comment "Indicates a resource containing and defining the subject resource.";
+     :domain :Resource;
+     :label "esD\u00E9finiPar"@fr,
+            "isDefinedBy"@en;
+     :range :Resource;
+     :subPropertyOf :seeAlso .
+:label     a rdf:Property;
+     :comment "Provides a human-readable version of a resource name.";
+     :domain :Resource;
+     :label "label"@en,
+            "label"@fr;
+     :range :Literal .
+:range     a :ConstraintProperty;
+     :comment "Properties that can be used in a schema to provide constraints";
+     :domain rdf:Property;
+     :label "range"@en,
+            "\u00E9tendue"@fr;
+     :range :Class .
+:seeAlso     a rdf:Property;
+     :comment "Indicates a resource that provides information about the subject resource.";
+     :domain :Resource;
+     :label "seeAlso"@en,
+            "voirAussi"@fr;
+     :range :Resource .
+:subClassOf     a rdf:Property;
+     :comment "Indicates membership of a class";
+     :domain :Class;
+     :label "sousClasseDe"@fr,
+            "subClassOf"@en;
+     :range :Class .
+:subPropertyOf     a rdf:Property;
+     :comment "Indicates specialization of properties";
+     :domain rdf:Property;
+     :label "sousPropri\u00E9t\u00E9De"@fr,
+            "subPropertyOf"@en;
+     :range rdf:Property .
+rdf:Alt     a :Class;
+     :label "Alt"@en,
+            "Choix"@fr;
+     :subClassOf :Container .
+rdf:Bag     a :Class;
+     :label "Bag"@en,
+            "Ensemble"@fr;
+     :subClassOf :Container .
+rdf:Property     a :Class;
+     :comment "The concept of a property.";
+     :label "Property"@en,
+            "Propri\u00E9t\u00E9"@fr;
+     :subClassOf :Resource .
+rdf:Seq     a :Class;
+     :label "Sequence"@en,
+            "S\u00E9quence"@fr;
+     :subClassOf :Container .
+rdf:Statement     a :Class;
+     :comment "This represents the set of reified statements.";
+     :label "D\u00E9claration"@fr,
+            "Statement"@en;
+     :subClassOf :Resource .
+rdf:object     a rdf:Property;
+     :domain rdf:Statement;
+     :label "object"@en,
+            "objet"@fr .
+rdf:predicate     a rdf:Property;
+     :domain rdf:Statement;
+     :label "predicate"@en,
+            "pr\u00E9dicat"@fr;
+     :range rdf:Property .
+rdf:subject     a rdf:Property;
+     :domain rdf:Statement;
+     :label "subject"@en,
+            "sujet"@fr;
+     :range :Resource .
+rdf:value     a rdf:Property;
+     :label "object"@en,
+            "value"@fr .
+:     :seeAlso <> .

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# from
+@prefix rdf:    <> .
+@prefix rs:     <> .
+<>  rdf:type rs:ResultSet ;
+    rs:size 4 ;
+    rs:resultVariable "x" ; rs:resultVariable "y" ;
+    rs:solution
+        [ rdf:type rs:ResultSolution ;
+          rs:binding [ rs:variable "x" ; rs:value 123 ] ;
+          rs:binding [ rs:variable "y" ; rs:value <> ]
+        ] ;
+    rs:solution
+        [ rdf:type rs:ResultSolution ;
+          rs:binding [ rs:variable "x" ;
+                      rs:value "2003-01-21" ] ;
+          rs:binding [ rs:variable "y" ;
+                      rs:value <> ]
+        ] ;
+    rs:solution
+        [ rdf:type rs:ResultSolution ;
+          rs:binding [ rs:variable "x" ;
+                      rs:value "anon1" ] ;
+          rs:binding [ rs:variable "y" ;
+                      rs:value _:a ]
+        ] ;
+    rs:solution
+        [ rdf:type rs:ResultSolution ;
+          rs:binding [ rs:variable "x" ;
+                      rs:value "anon2" ] ;
+          rs:binding [ rs:variable "y" ;
+                      rs:value _:a ]
+        ] ;
+    .

+ 160 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+# RDFS Namespace document converted into Turtle
+@prefix : <> .
+@prefix rdf: <> .
+rdf:type     a rdf:Property;
+     :comment "Indicates membership of a class";
+     :domain :Resource;
+     :isDefinedBy rdf:;
+     :label "type"@en;
+     :range :Class .
+rdf:Alt     a :Class;
+     :comment "A collection of alternatives."@en;
+     :isDefinedBy rdf:;
+     :label "Alt"@en;
+     :subClassOf :Container .
+rdf:Bag     a :Class;
+     :comment "An unordered collection."@en;
+     :isDefinedBy rdf:;
+     :label "Bag"@en;
+     :subClassOf :Container .
+rdf:Property     a :Class;
+     :comment "The concept of a property.";
+     :isDefinedBy rdf:;
+     :label "Property"@en;
+     :subClassOf :Resource .
+rdf:Seq     a :Class;
+     :comment "An ordered collection."@en;
+     :isDefinedBy rdf:;
+     :label "Seq"@en;
+     :subClassOf :Container .
+rdf:Statement     a :Class;
+     :comment "The class of RDF statements.";
+     :isDefinedBy rdf:;
+     :label "Statement"@en;
+     :subClassOf :Resource .
+rdf:object     a rdf:Property;
+     :comment "The object of an RDF statement.";
+     :domain rdf:Statement;
+     :isDefinedBy rdf:;
+     :label "object"@en .
+rdf:predicate     a rdf:Property;
+     :comment "the predicate of an RDF statement.";
+     :domain rdf:Statement;
+     :isDefinedBy rdf:;
+     :label "predicate"@en;
+     :range rdf:Property .
+rdf:subject     a rdf:Property;
+     :comment "The subject of an RDF statement.";
+     :domain rdf:Statement;
+     :isDefinedBy rdf:;
+     :label "subject"@en;
+     :range :Resource .
+rdf:value     a rdf:Property;
+     :comment "Identifies the principal value (usually a string) of a property when the property value is a structured resource";
+     :domain :Resource;
+     :isDefinedBy rdf:;
+     :label "value"@en .
+:     :seeAlso <> .
+:Class     a :Class;
+     :comment "The concept of Class";
+     :isDefinedBy :;
+     :label "Class"@en;
+     :subClassOf :Resource .
+:Container     a :Class;
+     :comment "This represents the set Containers.";
+     :isDefinedBy :;
+     :label "Container"@en;
+     :subClassOf :Resource .
+:ContainerMembershipProperty     a :Class;
+     :comment "The container membership properties, rdf:1, rdf:2, ..., all of which are sub-properties of 'member'.";
+     :isDefinedBy :;
+     :label "ContainerMembershipProperty"@en;
+     :subClassOf rdf:Property .
+:Literal     a :Class;
+     :comment "This represents the set of atomic values, eg. textual strings.";
+     :isDefinedBy :;
+     :label "Literal"@en .
+:Resource     a :Class;
+     :comment "The class resource, everything.";
+     :isDefinedBy :;
+     :label "Resource"@en .
+:comment     a rdf:Property;
+     :comment "Use this for descriptions";
+     :domain :Resource;
+     :isDefinedBy :;
+     :label "comment"@en;
+     :range :Literal .
+:domain     a rdf:Property;
+     :comment "A domain class for a property type";
+     :domain rdf:Property;
+     :isDefinedBy :;
+     :label "domain"@en;
+     :range :Class .
+:isDefinedBy     a rdf:Property;
+     :comment "Indicates the namespace of a resource";
+     :domain :Resource;
+     :isDefinedBy :;
+     :label "isDefinedBy"@en;
+     :range :Resource;
+     :subPropertyOf :seeAlso .
+:label     a rdf:Property;
+     :comment "Provides a human-readable version of a resource name.";
+     :domain :Resource;
+     :isDefinedBy :;
+     :label "label"@en;
+     :range :Literal .
+:member     a rdf:Property;
+     :comment "a member of a container";
+     :domain :Container;
+     :isDefinedBy :;
+     :label "member"@en .
+:range     a rdf:Property;
+     :comment "A range class for a property type";
+     :domain rdf:Property;
+     :isDefinedBy :;
+     :label "range"@en;
+     :range :Class .
+:seeAlso     a rdf:Property;
+     :comment "A resource that provides information about the subject resource";
+     :domain :Resource;
+     :isDefinedBy :;
+     :label "seeAlso"@en;
+     :range :Resource .
+:subClassOf     a rdf:Property;
+     :comment "Indicates membership of a class";
+     :domain :Class;
+     :isDefinedBy :;
+     :label "subClassOf"@en;
+     :range :Class .
+:subPropertyOf     a rdf:Property;
+     :comment "Indicates specialization of properties";
+     :domain rdf:Property;
+     :isDefinedBy :;
+     :label "subPropertyOf"@en;
+     :range rdf:Property .

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+@prefix : <#> .
+[] :x :y .

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Test @prefix and qnames
+@prefix :  <> .
+@prefix a: <> .
+@prefix b: <> .
+:a :b :c .
+a:a a:b a:c .
+:a a:a b:a .

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Test , operator
+@prefix : <> .
+:a :b :c,
+      :d,
+      :e .

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Test ; operator
+@prefix : <> .
+:a :b :c ;
+   :d :e ;
+   :f :g .

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Test empty [] operator; not allowed as predicate
+@prefix : <> .
+[] :a :b .
+:c :d [] .

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Test non empty [] operator; not allowed as predicate
+@prefix : <> .
+[ :a :b ] :c :d .
+:e :f [ :g :h ] .

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# 'a' only allowed as a predicate
+@prefix : <> .
+:a a :b .

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+@prefix : <> .
+:a :b ( "apple" "banana" ) .

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+@prefix : <> .
+:a :b ( ) .

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Test integer datatyped literals using an OWL cardinality constraint
+@prefix owl: <> .
+# based on examples in the OWL Reference
+_:hasParent a owl:ObjectProperty .
+[] a owl:Restriction ;
+  owl:onProperty _:hasParent ;
+  owl:maxCardinality 2 .

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<> <> 000000 .
+<> <> 0 .
+<> <> 000001 .
+<> <> 2 .
+<> <> 4 .

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Tests for - and _ in names, qnames
+@prefix ex1: <> .
+@prefix ex-2: <> .
+@prefix ex3_: <> .
+@prefix ex4-: <> .
+ex1:foo-bar ex1:foo_bar "a" .
+ex-2:foo-bar ex-2:foo_bar "b" .
+ex3_:foo-bar ex3_:foo_bar "c" .
+ex4-:foo-bar ex4-:foo_bar "d" .

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Tests for rdf:_<numbers> and other qnames starting with _
+@prefix rdf: <> .
+@prefix ex:  <> .
+@prefix :    <> .
+ex:foo rdf:_1 "1" .
+ex:foo rdf:_2 "2" .
+ex:foo :_abc "def" .
+ex:foo :_345 "678" .

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Test for : allowed
+@prefix :    <> .
+[] : [] .
+: : : .

+ 10002 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10002 @@
+# 10000 triples, more than the default Bison stack size
+@prefix : <> .
+:a1 :a1 :a1.
+:a2 :a2 :a2.
+:a3 :a3 :a3.
+:a4 :a4 :a4.
+:a5 :a5 :a5.
+:a6 :a6 :a6.
+:a7 :a7 :a7.
+:a8 :a8 :a8.
+:a9 :a9 :a9.
+:a10 :a10 :a10.
+:a11 :a11 :a11.
+:a12 :a12 :a12.
+:a13 :a13 :a13.
+:a14 :a14 :a14.
+:a15 :a15 :a15.
+:a16 :a16 :a16.
+:a17 :a17 :a17.
+:a18 :a18 :a18.
+:a19 :a19 :a19.
+:a20 :a20 :a20.
+:a21 :a21 :a21.
+:a22 :a22 :a22.
+:a23 :a23 :a23.
+:a24 :a24 :a24.
+:a25 :a25 :a25.
+:a26 :a26 :a26.
+:a27 :a27 :a27.
+:a28 :a28 :a28.
+:a29 :a29 :a29.
+:a30 :a30 :a30.
+:a31 :a31 :a31.
+:a32 :a32 :a32.
+:a33 :a33 :a33.
+:a34 :a34 :a34.
+:a35 :a35 :a35.
+:a36 :a36 :a36.
+:a37 :a37 :a37.
+:a38 :a38 :a38.
+:a39 :a39 :a39.
+:a40 :a40 :a40.
+:a41 :a41 :a41.
+:a42 :a42 :a42.
+:a43 :a43 :a43.
+:a44 :a44 :a44.
+:a45 :a45 :a45.
+:a46 :a46 :a46.
+:a47 :a47 :a47.
+:a48 :a48 :a48.
+:a49 :a49 :a49.
+:a50 :a50 :a50.
+:a51 :a51 :a51.
+:a52 :a52 :a52.
+:a53 :a53 :a53.
+:a54 :a54 :a54.
+:a55 :a55 :a55.
+:a56 :a56 :a56.
+:a57 :a57 :a57.
+:a58 :a58 :a58.
+:a59 :a59 :a59.
+:a60 :a60 :a60.
+:a61 :a61 :a61.
+:a62 :a62 :a62.
+:a63 :a63 :a63.
+:a64 :a64 :a64.
+:a65 :a65 :a65.
+:a66 :a66 :a66.
+:a67 :a67 :a67.
+:a68 :a68 :a68.
+:a69 :a69 :a69.
+:a70 :a70 :a70.
+:a71 :a71 :a71.
+:a72 :a72 :a72.
+:a73 :a73 :a73.
+:a74 :a74 :a74.
+:a75 :a75 :a75.
+:a76 :a76 :a76.
+:a77 :a77 :a77.
+:a78 :a78 :a78.
+:a79 :a79 :a79.
+:a80 :a80 :a80.
+:a81 :a81 :a81.
+:a82 :a82 :a82.
+:a83 :a83 :a83.
+:a84 :a84 :a84.
+:a85 :a85 :a85.
+:a86 :a86 :a86.
+:a87 :a87 :a87.
+:a88 :a88 :a88.
+:a89 :a89 :a89.
+:a90 :a90 :a90.
+:a91 :a91 :a91.
+:a92 :a92 :a92.
+:a93 :a93 :a93.
+:a94 :a94 :a94.
+:a95 :a95 :a95.
+:a96 :a96 :a96.
+:a97 :a97 :a97.
+:a98 :a98 :a98.
+:a99 :a99 :a99.
+:a100 :a100 :a100.
+:a101 :a101 :a101.
+:a102 :a102 :a102.
+:a103 :a103 :a103.
+:a104 :a104 :a104.
+:a105 :a105 :a105.
+:a106 :a106 :a106.
+:a107 :a107 :a107.
+:a108 :a108 :a108.
+:a109 :a109 :a109.
+:a110 :a110 :a110.
+:a111 :a111 :a111.
+:a112 :a112 :a112.
+:a113 :a113 :a113.
+:a114 :a114 :a114.
+:a115 :a115 :a115.
+:a116 :a116 :a116.
+:a117 :a117 :a117.
+:a118 :a118 :a118.
+:a119 :a119 :a119.
+:a120 :a120 :a120.
+:a121 :a121 :a121.
+:a122 :a122 :a122.
+:a123 :a123 :a123.
+:a124 :a124 :a124.
+:a125 :a125 :a125.
+:a126 :a126 :a126.
+:a127 :a127 :a127.
+:a128 :a128 :a128.
+:a129 :a129 :a129.
+:a130 :a130 :a130.
+:a131 :a131 :a131.
+:a132 :a132 :a132.
+:a133 :a133 :a133.
+:a134 :a134 :a134.
+:a135 :a135 :a135.
+:a136 :a136 :a136.
+:a137 :a137 :a137.
+:a138 :a138 :a138.
+:a139 :a139 :a139.
+:a140 :a140 :a140.
+:a141 :a141 :a141.
+:a142 :a142 :a142.
+:a143 :a143 :a143.
+:a144 :a144 :a144.
+:a145 :a145 :a145.
+:a146 :a146 :a146.
+:a147 :a147 :a147.
+:a148 :a148 :a148.
+:a149 :a149 :a149.
+:a150 :a150 :a150.
+:a151 :a151 :a151.
+:a152 :a152 :a152.
+:a153 :a153 :a153.
+:a154 :a154 :a154.
+:a155 :a155 :a155.
+:a156 :a156 :a156.
+:a157 :a157 :a157.
+:a158 :a158 :a158.
+:a159 :a159 :a159.
+:a160 :a160 :a160.
+:a161 :a161 :a161.
+:a162 :a162 :a162.
+:a163 :a163 :a163.
+:a164 :a164 :a164.
+:a165 :a165 :a165.
+:a166 :a166 :a166.
+:a167 :a167 :a167.
+:a168 :a168 :a168.
+:a169 :a169 :a169.
+:a170 :a170 :a170.
+:a171 :a171 :a171.
+:a172 :a172 :a172.
+:a173 :a173 :a173.
+:a174 :a174 :a174.
+:a175 :a175 :a175.
+:a176 :a176 :a176.
+:a177 :a177 :a177.
+:a178 :a178 :a178.
+:a179 :a179 :a179.
+:a180 :a180 :a180.
+:a181 :a181 :a181.
+:a182 :a182 :a182.
+:a183 :a183 :a183.
+:a184 :a184 :a184.
+:a185 :a185 :a185.
+:a186 :a186 :a186.
+:a187 :a187 :a187.
+:a188 :a188 :a188.
+:a189 :a189 :a189.
+:a190 :a190 :a190.
+:a191 :a191 :a191.
+:a192 :a192 :a192.
+:a193 :a193 :a193.
+:a194 :a194 :a194.
+:a195 :a195 :a195.
+:a196 :a196 :a196.
+:a197 :a197 :a197.
+:a198 :a198 :a198.
+:a199 :a199 :a199.
+:a200 :a200 :a200.
+:a201 :a201 :a201.
+:a202 :a202 :a202.
+:a203 :a203 :a203.
+:a204 :a204 :a204.
+:a205 :a205 :a205.
+:a206 :a206 :a206.
+:a207 :a207 :a207.
+:a208 :a208 :a208.
+:a209 :a209 :a209.
+:a210 :a210 :a210.
+:a211 :a211 :a211.
+:a212 :a212 :a212.
+:a213 :a213 :a213.
+:a214 :a214 :a214.
+:a215 :a215 :a215.
+:a216 :a216 :a216.
+:a217 :a217 :a217.
+:a218 :a218 :a218.
+:a219 :a219 :a219.
+:a220 :a220 :a220.
+:a221 :a221 :a221.
+:a222 :a222 :a222.
+:a223 :a223 :a223.
+:a224 :a224 :a224.
+:a225 :a225 :a225.
+:a226 :a226 :a226.
+:a227 :a227 :a227.
+:a228 :a228 :a228.
+:a229 :a229 :a229.
+:a230 :a230 :a230.
+:a231 :a231 :a231.
+:a232 :a232 :a232.
+:a233 :a233 :a233.
+:a234 :a234 :a234.
+:a235 :a235 :a235.
+:a236 :a236 :a236.
+:a237 :a237 :a237.
+:a238 :a238 :a238.
+:a239 :a239 :a239.
+:a240 :a240 :a240.
+:a241 :a241 :a241.
+:a242 :a242 :a242.
+:a243 :a243 :a243.
+:a244 :a244 :a244.
+:a245 :a245 :a245.
+:a246 :a246 :a246.
+:a247 :a247 :a247.
+:a248 :a248 :a248.
+:a249 :a249 :a249.
+:a250 :a250 :a250.
+:a251 :a251 :a251.
+:a252 :a252 :a252.
+:a253 :a253 :a253.
+:a254 :a254 :a254.
+:a255 :a255 :a255.
+:a256 :a256 :a256.
+:a257 :a257 :a257.
+:a258 :a258 :a258.
+:a259 :a259 :a259.
+:a260 :a260 :a260.
+:a261 :a261 :a261.
+:a262 :a262 :a262.
+:a263 :a263 :a263.
+:a264 :a264 :a264.
+:a265 :a265 :a265.
+:a266 :a266 :a266.
+:a267 :a267 :a267.
+:a268 :a268 :a268.
+:a269 :a269 :a269.
+:a270 :a270 :a270.
+:a271 :a271 :a271.
+:a272 :a272 :a272.
+:a273 :a273 :a273.
+:a274 :a274 :a274.
+:a275 :a275 :a275.
+:a276 :a276 :a276.
+:a277 :a277 :a277.
+:a278 :a278 :a278.
+:a279 :a279 :a279.
+:a280 :a280 :a280.
+:a281 :a281 :a281.
+:a282 :a282 :a282.
+:a283 :a283 :a283.
+:a284 :a284 :a284.
+:a285 :a285 :a285.
+:a286 :a286 :a286.
+:a287 :a287 :a287.
+:a288 :a288 :a288.
+:a289 :a289 :a289.
+:a290 :a290 :a290.
+:a291 :a291 :a291.
+:a292 :a292 :a292.
+:a293 :a293 :a293.
+:a294 :a294 :a294.
+:a295 :a295 :a295.
+:a296 :a296 :a296.
+:a297 :a297 :a297.
+:a298 :a298 :a298.
+:a299 :a299 :a299.
+:a300 :a300 :a300.
+:a301 :a301 :a301.
+:a302 :a302 :a302.
+:a303 :a303 :a303.
+:a304 :a304 :a304.
+:a305 :a305 :a305.
+:a306 :a306 :a306.
+:a307 :a307 :a307.
+:a308 :a308 :a308.
+:a309 :a309 :a309.
+:a310 :a310 :a310.
+:a311 :a311 :a311.
+:a312 :a312 :a312.
+:a313 :a313 :a313.
+:a314 :a314 :a314.
+:a315 :a315 :a315.
+:a316 :a316 :a316.
+:a317 :a317 :a317.
+:a318 :a318 :a318.
+:a319 :a319 :a319.
+:a320 :a320 :a320.
+:a321 :a321 :a321.
+:a322 :a322 :a322.
+:a323 :a323 :a323.
+:a324 :a324 :a324.
+:a325 :a325 :a325.
+:a326 :a326 :a326.
+:a327 :a327 :a327.
+:a328 :a328 :a328.
+:a329 :a329 :a329.
+:a330 :a330 :a330.
+:a331 :a331 :a331.
+:a332 :a332 :a332.
+:a333 :a333 :a333.
+:a334 :a334 :a334.
+:a335 :a335 :a335.
+:a336 :a336 :a336.
+:a337 :a337 :a337.
+:a338 :a338 :a338.
+:a339 :a339 :a339.
+:a340 :a340 :a340.
+:a341 :a341 :a341.
+:a342 :a342 :a342.
+:a343 :a343 :a343.
+:a344 :a344 :a344.
+:a345 :a345 :a345.
+:a346 :a346 :a346.
+:a347 :a347 :a347.
+:a348 :a348 :a348.
+:a349 :a349 :a349.
+:a350 :a350 :a350.
+:a351 :a351 :a351.
+:a352 :a352 :a352.
+:a353 :a353 :a353.
+:a354 :a354 :a354.
+:a355 :a355 :a355.
+:a356 :a356 :a356.
+:a357 :a357 :a357.
+:a358 :a358 :a358.
+:a359 :a359 :a359.
+:a360 :a360 :a360.
+:a361 :a361 :a361.
+:a362 :a362 :a362.
+:a363 :a363 :a363.
+:a364 :a364 :a364.
+:a365 :a365 :a365.
+:a366 :a366 :a366.
+:a367 :a367 :a367.
+:a368 :a368 :a368.
+:a369 :a369 :a369.
+:a370 :a370 :a370.
+:a371 :a371 :a371.
+:a372 :a372 :a372.
+:a373 :a373 :a373.
+:a374 :a374 :a374.
+:a375 :a375 :a375.
+:a376 :a376 :a376.
+:a377 :a377 :a377.
+:a378 :a378 :a378.
+:a379 :a379 :a379.
+:a380 :a380 :a380.
+:a381 :a381 :a381.
+:a382 :a382 :a382.
+:a383 :a383 :a383.
+:a384 :a384 :a384.
+:a385 :a385 :a385.
+:a386 :a386 :a386.
+:a387 :a387 :a387.
+:a388 :a388 :a388.
+:a389 :a389 :a389.
+:a390 :a390 :a390.
+:a391 :a391 :a391.
+:a392 :a392 :a392.
+:a393 :a393 :a393.
+:a394 :a394 :a394.
+:a395 :a395 :a395.
+:a396 :a396 :a396.
+:a397 :a397 :a397.
+:a398 :a398 :a398.
+:a399 :a399 :a399.
+:a400 :a400 :a400.
+:a401 :a401 :a401.
+:a402 :a402 :a402.
+:a403 :a403 :a403.
+:a404 :a404 :a404.
+:a405 :a405 :a405.
+:a406 :a406 :a406.
+:a407 :a407 :a407.
+:a408 :a408 :a408.
+:a409 :a409 :a409.
+:a410 :a410 :a410.
+:a411 :a411 :a411.
+:a412 :a412 :a412.
+:a413 :a413 :a413.
+:a414 :a414 :a414.
+:a415 :a415 :a415.
+:a416 :a416 :a416.
+:a417 :a417 :a417.
+:a418 :a418 :a418.
+:a419 :a419 :a419.
+:a420 :a420 :a420.
+:a421 :a421 :a421.
+:a422 :a422 :a422.
+:a423 :a423 :a423.
+:a424 :a424 :a424.
+:a425 :a425 :a425.
+:a426 :a426 :a426.
+:a427 :a427 :a427.
+:a428 :a428 :a428.
+:a429 :a429 :a429.
+:a430 :a430 :a430.
+:a431 :a431 :a431.
+:a432 :a432 :a432.
+:a433 :a433 :a433.
+:a434 :a434 :a434.
+:a435 :a435 :a435.
+:a436 :a436 :a436.
+:a437 :a437 :a437.
+:a438 :a438 :a438.
+:a439 :a439 :a439.
+:a440 :a440 :a440.
+:a441 :a441 :a441.
+:a442 :a442 :a442.
+:a443 :a443 :a443.
+:a444 :a444 :a444.
+:a445 :a445 :a445.
+:a446 :a446 :a446.
+:a447 :a447 :a447.
+:a448 :a448 :a448.
+:a449 :a449 :a449.
+:a450 :a450 :a450.
+:a451 :a451 :a451.
+:a452 :a452 :a452.
+:a453 :a453 :a453.
+:a454 :a454 :a454.
+:a455 :a455 :a455.
+:a456 :a456 :a456.
+:a457 :a457 :a457.
+:a458 :a458 :a458.
+:a459 :a459 :a459.
+:a460 :a460 :a460.
+:a461 :a461 :a461.
+:a462 :a462 :a462.
+:a463 :a463 :a463.
+:a464 :a464 :a464.
+:a465 :a465 :a465.
+:a466 :a466 :a466.
+:a467 :a467 :a467.
+:a468 :a468 :a468.
+:a469 :a469 :a469.
+:a470 :a470 :a470.
+:a471 :a471 :a471.
+:a472 :a472 :a472.
+:a473 :a473 :a473.
+:a474 :a474 :a474.
+:a475 :a475 :a475.
+:a476 :a476 :a476.
+:a477 :a477 :a477.
+:a478 :a478 :a478.
+:a479 :a479 :a479.
+:a480 :a480 :a480.
+:a481 :a481 :a481.
+:a482 :a482 :a482.
+:a483 :a483 :a483.
+:a484 :a484 :a484.
+:a485 :a485 :a485.
+:a486 :a486 :a486.
+:a487 :a487 :a487.
+:a488 :a488 :a488.
+:a489 :a489 :a489.
+:a490 :a490 :a490.
+:a491 :a491 :a491.
+:a492 :a492 :a492.
+:a493 :a493 :a493.
+:a494 :a494 :a494.
+:a495 :a495 :a495.
+:a496 :a496 :a496.
+:a497 :a497 :a497.
+:a498 :a498 :a498.
+:a499 :a499 :a499.
+:a500 :a500 :a500.
+:a501 :a501 :a501.
+:a502 :a502 :a502.
+:a503 :a503 :a503.
+:a504 :a504 :a504.
+:a505 :a505 :a505.
+:a506 :a506 :a506.
+:a507 :a507 :a507.
+:a508 :a508 :a508.
+:a509 :a509 :a509.
+:a510 :a510 :a510.
+:a511 :a511 :a511.
+:a512 :a512 :a512.
+:a513 :a513 :a513.
+:a514 :a514 :a514.
+:a515 :a515 :a515.
+:a516 :a516 :a516.
+:a517 :a517 :a517.
+:a518 :a518 :a518.
+:a519 :a519 :a519.
+:a520 :a520 :a520.
+:a521 :a521 :a521.
+:a522 :a522 :a522.
+:a523 :a523 :a523.
+:a524 :a524 :a524.
+:a525 :a525 :a525.
+:a526 :a526 :a526.
+:a527 :a527 :a527.
+:a528 :a528 :a528.
+:a529 :a529 :a529.
+:a530 :a530 :a530.
+:a531 :a531 :a531.
+:a532 :a532 :a532.
+:a533 :a533 :a533.
+:a534 :a534 :a534.
+:a535 :a535 :a535.
+:a536 :a536 :a536.
+:a537 :a537 :a537.
+:a538 :a538 :a538.
+:a539 :a539 :a539.
+:a540 :a540 :a540.
+:a541 :a541 :a541.
+:a542 :a542 :a542.
+:a543 :a543 :a543.
+:a544 :a544 :a544.
+:a545 :a545 :a545.
+:a546 :a546 :a546.
+:a547 :a547 :a547.
+:a548 :a548 :a548.
+:a549 :a549 :a549.
+:a550 :a550 :a550.
+:a551 :a551 :a551.
+:a552 :a552 :a552.
+:a553 :a553 :a553.
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+:a9999 :a9999 :a9999.
+:a10000 :a10000 :a10000.

Plik diff jest za duży
+ 2 - 0

+ 10002 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10002 @@
+# 10000 items (10000 triples) more than the default Bison stack size
+@prefix : <> .
+:a :b :c1;
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+   :b :c9966;
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+   :b :c9975;
+   :b :c9976;
+   :b :c9977;
+   :b :c9978;
+   :b :c9979;
+   :b :c9980;
+   :b :c9981;
+   :b :c9982;
+   :b :c9983;
+   :b :c9984;
+   :b :c9985;
+   :b :c9986;
+   :b :c9987;
+   :b :c9988;
+   :b :c9989;
+   :b :c9990;
+   :b :c9991;
+   :b :c9992;
+   :b :c9993;
+   :b :c9994;
+   :b :c9995;
+   :b :c9996;
+   :b :c9997;
+   :b :c9998;
+   :b :c9999;
+   :b :c10000 .

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Test long literal
+@prefix :  <> .
+:a :b """a long
+	literal
+newlines""" .

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+@prefix : <> .
+:a :b """\nthis \ris a \U00015678long\t
+""" .
+:d :e """\tThis \uABCDis\r \U00015678another\n
+""" .

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+@prefix : <> .
+:a :b  1.0 .

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+@prefix : <> .
+:a :b "" .
+:c :d """""" .

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+@prefix : <> .
+:a :b 1.0 .
+:c :d 1 .
+:e :f 1.0e0 .

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+@prefix : <> .
+:a :b -1.0 .
+:c :d -1 .
+:e :f -1.0e0 .

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Test long literal
+@prefix :  <> .
+:a :b """John said: "Hello World!\"""" .

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+@prefix : <> .
+:a :b true .
+:c :d false .

+ 14 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# comment test
+@prefix : <> .
+:a :b :c . # end of line comment
+:d # ignore me
+  :e # and me
+      :f # and me
+        .
+:g :h #ignore me
+     :i,  # and me
+     :j . # and me
+:k :l :m ; #ignore me
+   :n :o ; # and me
+   :p :q . # and me

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# comment line with no final newline test
+@prefix : <> .
+:a :b :c .

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+@prefix foo: <>  .
+@prefix foo: <>  .
+foo:blah foo:blah foo:blah .

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+@base <> .
+@prefix rdf: <../../../../../1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
+    <> 2.345, 1, 1.0, 1., 1.000000000, 2.3, 2.234000005, 2.2340000005, 2.23400000005, 2.234000000005, 2.2340000000005, 2.23400000000005, 2.234000000000005, 2.2340000000000005, 2.23400000000000005, 2.234000000000000005, 2.2340000000000000005, 2.23400000000000000005, 2.234000000000000000005, 2.2340000000000000000005, 2.23400000000000000000005, 1.2345678901234567890123457890 .

+ 22 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<> <> "2.345"^^<> .
+<> <> "1"^^<> .
+<> <> "1.0"^^<> .
+<> <> "1."^^<> .
+<> <> "1.000000000"^^<> .
+<> <> "2.3"^^<> .
+<> <> "2.234000005"^^<> .
+<> <> "2.2340000005"^^<> .
+<> <> "2.23400000005"^^<> .
+<> <> "2.234000000005"^^<> .
+<> <> "2.2340000000005"^^<> .
+<> <> "2.23400000000005"^^<> .
+<> <> "2.234000000000005"^^<> .
+<> <> "2.2340000000000005"^^<> .
+<> <> "2.23400000000000005"^^<> .
+<> <> "2.234000000000000005"^^<> .
+<> <> "2.2340000000000000005"^^<> .
+<> <> "2.23400000000000000005"^^<> .
+<> <> "2.234000000000000000005"^^<> .
+<> <> "2.2340000000000000000005"^^<> .
+<> <> "2.23400000000000000000005"^^<> .
+<> <> "1.2345678901234567890123457890"^^<> .

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<> <> <scheme:\u0001\u0002\u0003\u0004\u0005\u0006\u0007\u0008\t\n\u000B\u000C\r\u000E\u000F\u0010\u0011\u0012\u0013\u0014\u0015\u0016\u0017\u0018\u0019\u001A\u001B\u001C\u001D\u001E\u001F !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:/<=\u003E?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~\u007F> .

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# In-scope base URI is at this point
+<a1> <b1> <c1> .
+@base <> .
+# In-scope base URI is at this point
+<a2> <> <c2> .
+@base <foo/> .
+# In-scope base URI is at this point
+<a3> <b3> <c3> .
+@prefix : <bar#> .
+:a4 :b4 :c4 .
+@prefix : <> .
+:a5 :b5 :c5 .

Niektóre pliki nie zostały wyświetlone z powodu dużej ilości zmienionych plików