#!/usr/bin/env python import click import json import os import sys import lakesuperior.env_setup from lakesuperior.api import admin as admin_api from lakesuperior.config_parser import config from lakesuperior.globals import AppGlobals from lakesuperior.env import env from lakesuperior.store.ldp_rs.lmdb_store import TxnManager rdfly = env.app_globals.rdfly nonrdfly = env.app_globals.nonrdfly @click.group() def admin(): pass @click.command() def bootstrap(): ''' Bootstrap binary and graph stores. This script will parse configuration files and initialize a filesystem and triplestore with an empty FCREPO repository. It is used in test suites and on a first run. Additional scaffolding files may be parsed to create initial contents. ''' click.echo( click.style( 'WARNING: This operation will WIPE ALL YOUR DATA.\n', bold=True, fg='red') + 'Are you sure? (Please type `yes` to continue) > ', nl=False) choice = input().lower() if choice != 'yes': click.echo('Aborting.') sys.exit(1) click.echo('Initializing graph store at {}'.format(rdfly.store.path)) with TxnManager(env.app_globals.rdf_store, write=True) as txn: rdfly.bootstrap() rdfly.store.close() click.echo('Graph store initialized.') click.echo('Initializing binary store at {}'.format(nonrdfly.root)) nonrdfly.bootstrap() click.echo('Binary store initialized.') click.echo('Repository successfully set up. Go to town.') @click.command() @click.option( '--human', '-h', is_flag=True, flag_value=True, help='Print a human-readable string. By default, JSON is printed.') def stats(human=False): ''' Print repository statistics. @param human (bool) Whether to output the data in human-readable format. ''' stat_data = admin_api.stats() if human: click.echo( 'This option is not supported yet. Sorry.\nUse the `/admin/stats`' ' endpoint in the web UI for a pretty printout.') else: click.echo(json.dumps(stat_data)) @click.command() def check_fixity(uid): ''' [STUB] Check fixity of a resource. ''' pass @click.command() def check_refint(): ''' [STUB] Check referential integrity. This command scans the graph store to verify that all references to resources within the repository are effectively pointing to existing resources. For repositories set up with the `referencial_integrity` option (the default), this is a pre-condition for a consistent data set. ''' pass @click.command() def cleanup(): ''' [STUB] Clean up orphan database items. ''' pass @click.command() def copy(): ''' [STUB] Copy (backup) repository data. This s a low-level copy, which backs up the data directories containing graph and binary data. It may not even be a necessary command since to back up the repository one just needs to copy the binary and metadata folders. ''' pass @click.command() @click.argument('src') @click.argument('dest') @click.option( '--start', '-s', default='/', show_default=True, help='Starting point for looking for resources in the repository.\n' 'The default `/` value starts at the root, i.e. dumps the whole ' 'repository.') @click.option( '--binaries', '-b', default='include', show_default=True, help='If set to `include`, full binaries are included in the dump. If ' 'set to `truncate`, binaries are created as zero-byte files in the proper ' 'folder structure. If set to `skip`, binaries are not exported. Data ' 'folders are not created.') def dump(src, dest, start, binaries): ''' Dump a repository or parts of it to disk. Dump an LDP repository to disk. The source repo can be LAKEsuperior or another LDP-compatible implementation. ''' return admin_api.dump(src, dest, start, binaries) @click.command() @click.argument('src') @click.argument('dest') def load(src, dest): ''' [STUB] Load serialized repository data. Load serialized data from a filesystem location into a Fedora repository. The Fedora repo can be LAKEsuperior or another compatible implementation. ''' pass admin.add_command(bootstrap) admin.add_command(check_fixity) admin.add_command(check_refint) admin.add_command(cleanup) admin.add_command(copy) admin.add_command(dump) admin.add_command(load) admin.add_command(stats) if __name__ == '__main__': admin()