from rdflib import URIRef, BNode, Literal #from cpython.mem cimport PyMem_Malloc, PyMem_Free from libc.stdint cimport uint64_t from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free from libc.string cimport memcpy #from lakesuperior.cy_include.cyspookyhash cimport spookyhash_128 from lakesuperior.cy_include cimport cytpl as tpl DEF LSUP_TERM_TYPE_URIREF = 1 DEF LSUP_TERM_TYPE_BNODE = 2 DEF LSUP_TERM_TYPE_LITERAL = 3 DEF LSUP_PK_FMT_ID = b'S(cs)' DEF LSUP_PK_FMT_LIT = b'S(csss)' DEF _SEED_LEN = 8 DEF _HLEN = 16 HLEN = _HLEN SEED_LEN = _SEED_LEN term_hash_seed = b'\xff\xf2Q\xf2j\x0bG\xc1\x8a}\xca\x92\x98^y\x12' """ Seed for computing the term hash. This is a 16-byte string that will be split up into two ``uint64`` numbers to make up the ``spookyhash_128`` seeds. """ memcpy(&term_hash_seed1, term_hash_seed, SEED_LEN) memcpy(&term_hash_seed2, term_hash_seed + SEED_LEN, SEED_LEN) # We only need one function from spookyhash. No need for a pxd file. cdef extern from 'spookyhash_api.h': void spookyhash_128( const void *input, size_t input_size, uint64_t *hash_1, uint64_t *hash_2) cdef int serialize( term, unsigned char **pack_data, size_t *pack_size) except -1: cdef: bytes term_data = term.encode() bytes term_datatype bytes term_lang IdentifierTerm id_t LiteralTerm lit_t if isinstance(term, Literal): term_datatype = (getattr(term, 'datatype') or '').encode() term_lang = (getattr(term, 'language') or '').encode() lit_t.type = LSUP_TERM_TYPE_LITERAL = term_data lit_t.datatype = term_datatype lit_t.lang = term_lang tpl.tpl_jot(tpl.TPL_MEM, pack_data, pack_size, LSUP_PK_FMT_LIT, &lit_t) else: if isinstance(term, URIRef): id_t.type = LSUP_TERM_TYPE_URIREF elif isinstance(term, BNode): id_t.type = LSUP_TERM_TYPE_BNODE else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported term type: {type(term)}') = term_data tpl.tpl_jot(tpl.TPL_MEM, pack_data, pack_size, LSUP_PK_FMT_ID, &id_t) cdef deserialize(const unsigned char *data, const size_t data_size): cdef: char term_type char *fmt = NULL char *_pk = NULL unsigned char *term_data = NULL unsigned char *term_lang = NULL unsigned char *term_datatype = NULL datatype = None lang = None fmt = tpl.tpl_peek(tpl.TPL_MEM, data, data_size) try: if fmt == LSUP_PK_FMT_LIT: _pk = tpl.tpl_peek( tpl.TPL_MEM | tpl.TPL_DATAPEEK, data, data_size, b'csss', &term_type, &term_data, &term_datatype, &term_lang) if len(term_datatype) > 0: datatype = term_datatype.decode() elif len(term_lang) > 0: lang = term_lang.decode() return Literal(term_data.decode(), datatype=datatype, lang=lang) elif fmt == LSUP_PK_FMT_ID: _pk = tpl.tpl_peek( tpl.TPL_MEM | tpl.TPL_DATAPEEK, data, data_size, b'cs', &term_type, &term_data) uri = term_data.decode() if term_type == LSUP_TERM_TYPE_URIREF: return URIRef(uri) elif term_type == LSUP_TERM_TYPE_BNODE: return BNode(uri) else: raise IOError(f'Unknown term type code: {term_type}') else: msg = f'Unknown structure pack format: {fmt}' raise IOError(msg) finally: free(term_data) free(term_datatype) free(term_lang) free(_pk) free(fmt) cdef inline void hash_( const unsigned char *message, size_t message_size, Hash *digest): """ Get the hash value of a serialized object. The hashing algorithm is `SpookyHash `_ which produces 128-bit (16-byte) digests. The initial seeds are determined in the application configuration. """ cdef Hash_128 seed = [term_hash_seed1, term_hash_seed2] spookyhash_128(message, message_size, seed, seed + 1) memcpy(digest, seed, sizeof(Hash))