Sample Usage ------------ LDP API ======= The following are very basic examples of LDP interaction. For a more complete reference, please consult the `Fedora API guide `__. **Note**: At the moment the LDP API only support the Turtle format for serializing and deserializing RDF. Create an empty LDP container (LDPC) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/ldp Create a resource with RDF payload ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: curl -X POST -H'Content-Type:text/turtle' --data-binary '<> .' http://localhost:8000/ldp Create a resource at a specific location ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: curl -X PUT http://localhost:8000/ldp/res1 Create a binary resource ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: curl -X PUT -H'Content-Type:image/png' --data-binary '@/home/me/image.png' http://localhost:8000/ldp/bin1 Retrieve an RDF resource (LDP-RS) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: curl http://localhost:8000/ldp/res1 Retrieve a non-RDF source (LDP-NR) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: curl http://localhost:8000/ldp/bin1 Or:: curl http://localhost:8000/ldp/bin1/fcr:content Or:: curl -H'Accept:image/png' http://localhost:8000/ldp/bin1 Retrieve RDF metadata of a LDP-NR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: curl http://localhost:8000/ldp/bin1/fcr:metadata Or:: curl -H'Accept:text/turtle' http://localhost:8000/ldp/bin1 Soft-delete a resource ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8000/ldp/bin1 Restore ("resurrect") a resource ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/ldp/bin1/fcr:tombstone Permanently delete ("forget") a soft-deleted resource ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Note**: the following command cannot be issued after the previous one. It has to be issued on a soft-deleted, non-resurrected resource. :: curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8000/ldp/bin1/fcr:tombstone Immediately forget a resource ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: curl -X DELETE -H'Prefer:no-tombstone' http://localhost:8000/ldp/res1 Python API ---------- **TODO**