import logging import rdflib from lakesuperior import env from libc.string cimport memcpy from libc.stdlib cimport free from cymem.cymem cimport Pool cimport lakesuperior.cy_include.collections as cc cimport lakesuperior.model.graph.callbacks as cb from lakesuperior.model.base cimport Buffer, buffer_dump from lakesuperior.model.structures.keyset cimport Keyset from lakesuperior.model.graph cimport term from lakesuperior.model.graph.triple cimport BufferTriple from lakesuperior.model.structures.hash cimport term_hash_seed32 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) cdef class Graph: """ Fast and simple implementation of a graph. Most functions should mimic RDFLib's graph with less overhead. It uses the same funny but functional slicing notation. A Graph can be instantiated from a store lookup. This makes it possible to use a Keyset to perform initial filtering via identity by key, then the filtered Keyset can be converted into a set of meaningful terms. An instance of this class can also be converted to and from a ``rdflib.Graph`` instance. """ def __cinit__( self, store, size_t ct=0, str uri=None, set data=set() ): """ Initialize the graph, optionally with Python data. :param set data: Initial data as a set of 3-tuples of RDFLib terms. """ self.pool = Pool() if not store: store = env.app_globals.ldprs_store # Initialize empty data set. if data: # Populate with provided Python set. self.keys = Keyset(len(data)) self.add_triples(data) else: self.keys = Keyset(ct) ## PROPERTIES ## @property def uri(self): """ Get resource identifier as a RDFLib URIRef. :rtype: rdflib.URIRef. """ return rdflib.URIRef( @property def data(self): """ Triple data as a Python set. :rtype: set """ cdef TripleKey spok ret = set() while self.get_next(&spok): ret.add(([0]),[1]),[2]) )) return ret ## MAGIC METHODS ## def __len__(self): """ Number of triples in the graph. """ return self.keys.size() def __eq__(self, other): """ Equality operator between ``Graph`` instances. """ return len(self ^ other) == 0 def __repr__(self): """ String representation of the graph. This includes the subject URI, number of triples contained and the memory address of the instance. """ id_repr = f' id={},' if else '' return ( f'<{self.__class__.__name__} @0x{id(self):02x}{id_repr} ' f'length={len(self)}>' ) def __str__(self): """ String dump of the graph triples. """ return str( def __add__(self, other): """ Alias for set-theoretical union. """ return self.union_(other) def __iadd__(self, other): """ Alias for in-place set-theoretical union. """ self.ip_union(other) return self def __sub__(self, other): """ Set-theoretical subtraction. """ return self.subtraction(other) def __isub__(self, other): """ In-place set-theoretical subtraction. """ self.ip_subtraction(other) return self def __and__(self, other): """ Set-theoretical intersection. """ return self.intersection(other) def __iand__(self, other): """ In-place set-theoretical intersection. """ self.ip_intersection(other) return self def __or__(self, other): """ Set-theoretical union. """ return self.union_(other) def __ior__(self, other): """ In-place set-theoretical union. """ self.ip_union(other) return self def __xor__(self, other): """ Set-theoretical exclusive disjunction (XOR). """ return self.xor(other) def __ixor__(self, other): """ In-place set-theoretical exclusive disjunction (XOR). """ self.ip_xor(other) return self def __contains__(self, trp): """ Whether the graph contains a triple. :rtype: boolean """ cdef TripleKey spok spok = [[0]),[1]),[2]), ] return def __iter__(self): """ Graph iterator. It iterates over the set triples. """ yield from # Slicing. def __getitem__(self, item): """ Slicing function. It behaves similarly to `RDFLib graph slicing `__ """ if isinstance(item, slice): s, p, o = item.start, item.stop, item.step return self._slice(s, p, o) elif and isinstance(item, rdflib.Node): # If a Node is given, return all values for that predicate. return self._slice(self.uri, item, None) else: raise TypeError(f'Wrong slice format: {item}.') def __hash__(self): """ TODO Bogus """ return ## BASIC PYTHON-ACCESSIBLE SET OPERATIONS ## def value(self, p, strict=False): """ Get an individual value. :param rdflib.termNode p: Predicate to search for. :param bool strict: If set to ``True`` the method raises an error if more than one value is found. If ``False`` (the default) only the first found result is returned. :rtype: rdflib.term.Node """ if not raise ValueError('Cannot use `value` on a non-named graph.') # TODO use slice. values = {trp[2] for trp in self.lookup((self.uri, p, None))} if strict and len(values) > 1: raise RuntimeError('More than one value found for {}, {}.'.format(, p)) for ret in values: return ret return None def terms_by_type(self, type): """ Get all terms of a type: subject, predicate or object. :param str type: One of ``s``, ``p`` or ``o``. """ i = 'spo'.index(type) return {r[i] for r in} def add_triples(self, trp): """ Add triples to the graph. This method checks for duplicates. :param iterable triples: iterable of 3-tuple triples. """ for s, p, o in triples: self.keys.add([,,, ], True) def remove(self, pattern): """ Remove triples by pattern. The pattern used is similar to :py:meth:`LmdbTripleStore.delete`. """ self._match_ptn_callback( pattern, self, cb.del_trp_callback, NULL ) ## CYTHON-ACCESSIBLE BASIC METHODS ## cdef Graph empty_copy(self): """ Create an empty copy carrying over some key properties. Override in subclasses to accommodate for different init properties. """ return self.__class__(self.ct,, cpdef union_(self, Graph other): """ Perform set union resulting in a new Graph instance. TODO Allow union of multiple graphs at a time. :param Graph other: The other graph to merge. :rtype: Graph :return: A new Graph instance. """ cdef: void *cur cc.HashSetIter it BufferTriple *trp new_gr = self.empty_copy() for gr in (self, other): cc.hashset_iter_init(&it, gr._triples) while cc.hashset_iter_next(&it, &cur) != cc.CC_ITER_END: bt = cur new_gr.add_triple(bt, True) return new_gr cdef void ip_union(self, Graph other) except *: """ Perform an in-place set union that adds triples to this instance TODO Allow union of multiple graphs at a time. :param Graph other: The other graph to merge. :rtype: void """ cdef: void *cur cc.HashSetIter it cc.hashset_iter_init(&it, other._triples) while cc.hashset_iter_next(&it, &cur) != cc.CC_ITER_END: bt = cur self.add_triple(bt, True) cpdef intersection(self, Graph other): """ Graph intersection. :param Graph other: The other graph to intersect. :rtype: Graph :return: A new Graph instance. """ cdef: void *cur cc.HashSetIter it new_gr = self.empty_copy() cc.hashset_iter_init(&it, self._triples) while cc.hashset_iter_next(&it, &cur) != cc.CC_ITER_END: bt = cur if other.trp_contains(bt): new_gr.add_triple(bt, True) return new_gr cdef void ip_intersection(self, Graph other) except *: """ In-place graph intersection. Triples not in common with another graph are removed from the current one. :param Graph other: The other graph to intersect. :rtype: void """ cdef: void *cur cc.HashSetIter it cc.hashset_iter_init(&it, self._triples) while cc.hashset_iter_next(&it, &cur) != cc.CC_ITER_END: bt = cur if not other.trp_contains(bt): self.remove_triple(bt) cpdef subtraction(self, Graph other): """ Graph set-theoretical subtraction. Create a new graph with the triples of this graph minus the ones in common with the other graph. :param Graph other: The other graph to subtract to this. :rtype: Graph :return: A new Graph instance. """ cdef: void *cur cc.HashSetIter it new_gr = self.empty_copy() cc.hashset_iter_init(&it, self._triples) while cc.hashset_iter_next(&it, &cur) != cc.CC_ITER_END: bt = cur if not other.trp_contains(bt): new_gr.add_triple(bt, True) return new_gr cdef void ip_subtraction(self, Graph other) except *: """ In-place graph subtraction. Triples in common with another graph are removed from the current one. :param Graph other: The other graph to intersect. :rtype: void """ cdef: void *cur cc.HashSetIter it cc.hashset_iter_init(&it, self._triples) while cc.hashset_iter_next(&it, &cur) != cc.CC_ITER_END: bt = cur if other.trp_contains(bt): self.remove_triple(bt) cpdef xor(self, Graph other): """ Graph Exclusive disjunction (XOR). :param Graph other: The other graph to perform XOR with. :rtype: Graph :return: A new Graph instance. """ cdef: void *cur cc.HashSetIter it BufferTriple* bt new_gr = self.empty_copy() # Add triples in this and not in other. cc.hashset_iter_init(&it, self._triples) while cc.hashset_iter_next(&it, &cur) != cc.CC_ITER_END: bt = cur if not other.trp_contains(bt): new_gr.add_triple(bt, True) # Other way around. cc.hashset_iter_init(&it, other._triples) while cc.hashset_iter_next(&it, &cur) != cc.CC_ITER_END: bt = cur if not self.trp_contains(bt): new_gr.add_triple(bt, True) return new_gr cdef void ip_xor(self, Graph other) except *: """ In-place graph XOR. Triples in common with another graph are removed from the current one, and triples not in common will be added from the other one. :param Graph other: The other graph to perform XOR with. :rtype: void """ cdef: void *cur cc.HashSetIter it # TODO This could be more efficient to stash values in a simple # array, but how urgent is it to improve an in-place XOR? Graph tmp = Graph() # Add *to the tmp graph* triples in other graph and not in this graph. cc.hashset_iter_init(&it, other._triples) while cc.hashset_iter_next(&it, &cur) != cc.CC_ITER_END: bt = cur if not self.trp_contains(bt): tmp.add_triple(bt) # Remove triples in common. cc.hashset_iter_init(&it, self._triples) while cc.hashset_iter_next(&it, &cur) != cc.CC_ITER_END: bt = cur if other.trp_contains(bt): self.remove_triple(bt) self |= tmp cdef bint trp_contains(self, const BufferTriple* btrp): cdef: cc.HashSetIter it void* cur cc.hashset_iter_init(&it, self._triples) while cc.hashset_iter_next(&it, &cur) != cc.CC_ITER_END: if self.trp_cmp_fn(cur, btrp) == 0: return True return False cpdef void set(self, tuple trp) except *: """ Set a single value for subject and predicate. Remove all triples matching ``s`` and ``p`` before adding ``s p o``. """ if None in trp: raise ValueError(f'Invalid triple: {trp}') self.remove((trp[0], trp[1], None)) self.add((trp,)) def as_rdflib(self): """ Return the data set as an RDFLib Graph. :rtype: rdflib.Graph """ gr = Graph( for trp in gr.add(trp) return gr def _slice(self, s, p, o): """ Return terms filtered by other terms. This behaves like the rdflib.Graph slicing policy. """ # If no terms are unbound, check for containment. if s is not None and p is not None and o is not None: # s p o return (s, p, o) in self # If some terms are unbound, do a lookup. res = self.lookup((s, p, o)) if s is not None: if p is not None: # s p ? return {r[2] for r in res} if o is not None: # s ? o return {r[1] for r in res} # s ? ? return {(r[1], r[2]) for r in res} if p is not None: if o is not None: # ? p o return {r[0] for r in res} # ? p ? return {(r[0], r[2]) for r in res} if o is not None: # ? ? o return {(r[0], r[1]) for r in res} # ? ? ? return res def lookup(self, pattern): """ Look up triples by a pattern. This function converts RDFLib terms into the serialized format stored in the graph's internal structure and compares them bytewise. Any and all of the lookup terms msy be ``None``. :rtype: Graph "return: New Graph instance with matching triples. """ cdef: void* cur BufferTriple trp Graph res_gr = Graph() self._match_ptn_callback(pattern, res_gr, cb.add_trp_callback, NULL) return res_gr cdef void _match_ptn_callback( self, pattern, Graph gr, lookup_callback_fn_t callback_fn, void* ctx=NULL ) except *: """ Execute an arbitrary function on a list of triples matching a pattern. The arbitrary function is appied to each triple found in the current graph, and to a discrete graph that can be the current graph itself or a different one. """ cdef: void* cur Buffer t1, t2 Buffer ss, sp, so BufferTriple trp BufferTriple* trp_p lookup_fn_t cmp_fn cc.HashSetIter it TripleKey spok s, p, o = pattern # Decide comparison logic outside the loop. if s is not None and p is not None and o is not None: # Shortcut for 3-term match. spok = [,,, ] if self.keys.contains(spok): callback_fn(gr, &spok, ctx) return if s is not None: term.serialize_from_rdflib(s, &t1) if p is not None: cmp_fn = cb.lookup_sp_cmp_fn term.serialize_from_rdflib(p, &t2) elif o is not None: cmp_fn = cb.lookup_so_cmp_fn term.serialize_from_rdflib(o, &t2) else: cmp_fn = cb.lookup_s_cmp_fn elif p is not None: term.serialize_from_rdflib(p, &t1) if o is not None: cmp_fn = cb.lookup_po_cmp_fn term.serialize_from_rdflib(o, &t2) else: cmp_fn = cb.lookup_p_cmp_fn elif o is not None: cmp_fn = cb.lookup_o_cmp_fn term.serialize_from_rdflib(o, &t1) else: cmp_fn = cb.lookup_none_cmp_fn # Iterate over serialized triples. cc.hashset_iter_init(&it, self._triples) while cc.hashset_iter_next(&it, &cur) != cc.CC_ITER_END: trp_p = cur if cmp_fn(trp_p, &t1, &t2): callback_fn(gr, trp_p, ctx)