from copy import deepcopy import arrow from rdflib import Graph from rdflib.namespace import RDF, XSD from rdflib.query import ResultException from rdflib.resource import Resource from rdflib.term import Literal, URIRef, Variable from lakesuperior.dictionaries.namespaces import ns_collection as nsc from lakesuperior.dictionaries.namespaces import ns_mgr as nsm from lakesuperior.dictionaries.srv_mgd_terms import srv_mgd_subjects, \ srv_mgd_predicates, srv_mgd_types from lakesuperior.exceptions import InvalidResourceError from lakesuperior.store_layouts.rdf.base_rdf_layout import BaseRdfLayout from lakesuperior.util.translator import Translator class SimpleLayout(BaseRdfLayout): ''' This is the simplest layout. It uses a flat triple structure without named graphs aimed at performance. Changes are destructive. In theory it could be used on top of a triplestore instead of a quad-store for (possible) improved speed and reduced storage. ''' def extract_imr(self, uri, graph=None, minimal=False, incl_inbound=False, embed_children=False, incl_srv_mgd=True): ''' See base_rdf_layout.extract_imr. ''' inbound_qry = '\n?s1 ?p1 {}'.format(uri.n3()) \ if incl_inbound else '' embed_children_qry = ''' OPTIONAL {{ {0} ldp:contains ?c . ?c ?cp ?co . }} '''.format(uri.n3()) if embed_children else '' q = ''' CONSTRUCT {{ {0} ?p ?o .{1} ?c ?cp ?co . }} WHERE {{ {0} ?p ?o .{1}{2} #FILTER (?p != premis:hasMessageDigest) . }} '''.format(uri.n3(), inbound_qry, embed_children_qry) try: qres = self.query(q) except ResultException: # RDFlib bug: g = Graph() else: g = qres.graph # @FIXME This can be expensive with many children. Move this in # query string. if not incl_srv_mgd:'Removing server managed triples.') for p in srv_mgd_predicates: self._logger.debug('Removing predicate: {}'.format(p)) rsrc.remove(p) for t in srv_mgd_types: self._logger.debug('Removing type: {}'.format(t)) rsrc.remove(RDF.type, t) return Resource(g, uri) def ask_rsrc_exists(self, urn): ''' See base_rdf_layout.ask_rsrc_exists. ''''Checking if resource exists: {}'.format(urn)) return (urn, Variable('p'), Variable('o')) in self.ds def create_rsrc(self, imr): ''' See base_rdf_layout.create_rsrc. ''' self.ds |= imr.graph return self.RES_CREATED def replace_rsrc(self, imr): ''' See base_rdf_layout.replace_rsrc. ''' # @TODO Move this to LDP. rsrc = self.rsrc(imr.identifier) # Delete all triples but keep creation date and creator. created = rsrc.value(nsc['fcrepo'].created) created_by = rsrc.value(nsc['fcrepo'].createdBy) if not created or not created_by: raise InvalidResourceError(urn) imr.set(nsc['fcrepo'].created, created) imr.set(nsc['fcrepo'].createdBy, created_by) # Delete the stored triples. self.delete_rsrc() self.ds |= imr.graph return self.RES_UPDATED def modify_dataset(self, remove_trp, add_trp): ''' See base_rdf_layout.update_rsrc. ''' self.ds -= remove_trp self.ds += add_trp #for t in remove.predicate_objects(): # self.rsrc.remove(t[0], t[1]) #for t in add.predicate_objects(): # self.rsrc.add(t[0], t[1]) def delete_rsrc(self, urn, inbound=True): ''' Delete a resource. If `inbound` is specified, delete all inbound relationships as well (this is the default). ''' rsrc = self.rsrc(urn) print('Removing resource {}.'.format(rsrc.identifier)) rsrc.remove(Variable('p')) # @TODO Remove children recursively if inbound: self.ds.remove( (Variable('s'), Variable('p'), rsrc.identifier))