import os from hashlib import sha1 from uuid import uuid4 from lakesuperior.store_layouts.non_rdf.base_non_rdf_layout import \ BaseNonRdfLayout class DefaultLayout(BaseNonRdfLayout): ''' This is momentarily a stub until more non-RDF layouts use cases are gathered. ''' ## INTERFACE METHODS ## def persist(self, stream, bufsize=8192): ''' Store the stream in the file system. This method handles the file in chunks. for each chunk it writes to a temp file and adds to a checksum. Once the whole file is written out to disk and hashed, the temp file is moved to its final location which is determined by the hash value. @param stream (IOstream): file-like object to persist. @param bufsize (int) Chunk size. 2**12 to 2**15 is a good range. ''' tmp_file = '{}/tmp/{}'.format(self.root, uuid4()) try: with open(tmp_file, 'wb') as f: self._logger.debug('Writing temp file to {}.'.format(tmp_file)) hash = sha1() while True: buf = if not buf: break hash.update(buf) f.write(buf) except: self._logger.exception('File write failed on {}.'.format(tmp_file)) os.unlink(tmp_file) raise # Move temp file to final destination. uuid = hash.hexdigest() dst = self.local_path(uuid) self._logger.debug('Saving file to disk: {}'.format(dst)) if not os.access(os.path.dirname(dst), os.X_OK): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst)) # If the file exists already, don't bother rewriting it. if os.path.exists(dst): 'File exists on {}. Not overwriting.'.format(dst)) os.unlink(tmp_file) else: os.rename(tmp_file, dst) return uuid def delete(self, uuid): ''' See BaseNonRdfLayout.delete. ''' os.unlink(self.local_path(uuid)) ## PROTECTED METHODS ## def local_path(self, uuid): ''' Generate the resource path splitting the resource checksum according to configuration parameters. @param uuid (string) The resource UUID. This corresponds to the content checksum. ''' self._logger.debug('Generating path from uuid: {}'.format(uuid)) bl = self._conf['pairtree_branch_length'] bc = self._conf['pairtree_branches'] term = len(uuid) if bc==0 else min(bc*bl, len(uuid)) path = [ uuid[i:i+bl] for i in range(0, term, bl) ] if bc > 0: path.append(uuid[term:]) path.insert(0, self.root) return '/'.join(path)