import logging from abc import ABCMeta from collections import defaultdict from importlib import import_module from itertools import accumulate from uuid import uuid4 import arrow from rdflib import Graph from rdflib.resource import Resource from rdflib.namespace import RDF, XSD from lakesuperior.config_parser import config from lakesuperior.dictionaries.namespaces import ns_collection as nsc from lakesuperior.exceptions import InvalidResourceError, \ ResourceNotExistsError, ServerManagedTermError from lakesuperior.store_layouts.rdf.base_rdf_layout import BaseRdfLayout from lakesuperior.util.translator import Translator def transactional(fn): ''' Decorator for methods of the Ldpr class to handle transactions in an RDF store. ''' def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): try: ret = fn(self, *args, **kwargs)'Committing transaction.') return ret except: self._logger.warn('Rolling back transaction.') raise return wrapper def must_exist(fn): ''' Ensures that a method is applied to a stored resource. Decorator for methods of the Ldpr class. ''' def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.is_stored: raise ResourceNotExistsError(self.uuid) return fn(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper def must_not_exist(fn): ''' Ensures that a method is applied to a resource that is not stored. Decorator for methods of the Ldpr class. ''' def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.is_stored: raise ResourceExistsError(self.uuid) return fn(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper class Ldpr(metaclass=ABCMeta): '''LDPR (LDP Resource). Definition: This class and related subclasses contain the implementation pieces of the vanilla LDP specifications. This is extended by the `lakesuperior.fcrepo.Resource` class. Inheritance graph: Note: Even though LdpNr (which is a subclass of Ldpr) handles binary files, it still has an RDF representation in the triplestore. Hence, some of the RDF-related methods are defined in this class rather than in the LdpRs class. Convention notes: All the methods in this class handle internal UUIDs (URN). Public-facing URIs are converted from URNs and passed by these methods to the methods handling HTTP negotiation. The data passed to the store layout for processing should be in a graph. All conversion from request payload strings is done here. ''' FCREPO_PTREE_TYPE = nsc['fcrepo'].Pairtree LDP_NR_TYPE = nsc['ldp'].NonRDFSource LDP_RS_TYPE = nsc['ldp'].RDFSource _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) rdf_store_layout = config['application']['store']['ldp_rs']['layout'] non_rdf_store_layout = config['application']['store']['ldp_nr']['layout'] ## MAGIC METHODS ## def __init__(self, uuid): '''Instantiate an in-memory LDP resource that can be loaded from and persisted to storage. Persistence is done in this class. None of the operations in the store layout should commit an open transaction. Methods are wrapped in a transaction by using the `@transactional` decorator. @param uuid (string) UUID of the resource. ''' self.uuid = uuid self._urn = nsc['fcres'][uuid] if self.uuid is not None \ else BaseRdfLayout.ROOT_NODE_URN @property def urn(self): ''' The internal URI (URN) for the resource as stored in the triplestore. This is a URN that needs to be converted to a global URI for the LDP API. @return rdflib.URIRef ''' return self._urn @property def uri(self): ''' The URI for the resource as published by the REST API. @return rdflib.URIRef ''' return Translator.uuid_to_uri(self.uuid) @property def rdfly(self): ''' Load RDF store layout. ''' if not hasattr(self, '_rdfly'): self._rdfly = __class__.load_layout('rdf') return self._rdfly @property def rsrc(self): ''' The RDFLib resource representing this LDPR. This is a live representation of the stored data if present. @return rdflib.resource.Resource ''' if not hasattr(self, '_rsrc'): self._rsrc = self.rdfly.rsrc(self.urn) return self._rsrc @property def imr(self): ''' Extract an in-memory resource for harmless manipulation and output. If the resource is not stored (yet), initialize a new IMR with basic triples. @return rdflib.resource.Resource ''' if not hasattr(self, '_imr'): if not self.is_stored: self._imr = Resource(Graph(), self.urn) for t in self.base_types: self.imr.add(RDF.type, t) else: self._imr = self.rdfly.extract_imr(self.urn) return self._imr @imr.deleter def imr(self): ''' Delete in-memory buffered resource. ''' delattr(self, '_imr') @property def is_stored(self): return self.rdfly.ask_rsrc_exists(self.urn) @property def types(self): '''All RDF types. @return set(rdflib.term.URIRef) ''' if not hasattr(self, '_types'): self._types = set(self.rsrc[RDF.type]) return self._types @property def ldp_types(self): '''The LDP types. @return set(rdflib.term.URIRef) ''' if not hasattr(self, '_ldp_types'): self._ldp_types = set() for t in self.types: if t.qname()[:4] == 'ldp:': self._ldp_types.add(t) return self._ldp_types @property def containment(self): if not hasattr(self, '_containment'): q = ''' SELECT ?container ?contained { { ?s ldp:contains ?contained . } UNION { ?container ldp:contains ?s . } } ''' qres = self.rsrc.graph.query(q, initBindings={'s' : self.urn}) # There should only be one container. for t in qres: if t[0]: container = self.rdfly.ds.resource(t[0]) contains = ( self.rdfly.ds.resource(t[1]) for t in qres if t[1] ) self._containment = { 'container' : container, 'contains' : contains} return self._containment @containment.deleter def containment(self): ''' Reset containment variable when changing containment triples. ''' del self._containment @property def container(self): return self.containment['container'] @property def contains(self): return self.containment['contains'] ## STATIC & CLASS METHODS ## @classmethod def load_layout(cls, type, uuid=None): ''' Dynamically load the store layout indicated in the configuration. @param type (string) One of `rdf` or `non_rdf`. Determines the type of layout to be loaded. @param uuid (string) UUID of the base resource. For RDF layouts only. ''' layout_cls = getattr(cls, '{}_store_layout'.format(type)) store_mod = import_module('lakesuperior.store_layouts.{0}.{1}'.format( type, layout_cls)) layout_cls = getattr(store_mod, Translator.camelcase(layout_cls)) return layout_cls() @classmethod def readonly_inst(cls, uuid): ''' Factory method that creates and returns an instance of an LDPR subclass based on information that needs to be queried from the underlying graph store. This is used with retrieval methods for resources that already exist. @param uuid UUID of the instance. ''' rdfly = cls.load_layout('rdf') imr_urn = nsc['fcres'][uuid] if uuid else rdfly.ROOT_NODE_URN imr = rdfly.extract_imr(imr_urn, minimal=True) rdf_types = imr.objects(RDF.type) for t in rdf_types: cls._logger.debug('Checking RDF type: {}'.format(t.identifier)) if t.identifier == cls.LDP_NR_TYPE: from lakesuperior.model.ldp_nr import LdpNr'Resource is a LDP-NR.') return LdpNr(uuid) if t.identifier == cls.LDP_RS_TYPE: from lakesuperior.model.ldp_rs import LdpRs'Resource is a LDP-RS.') return LdpRs(uuid) raise ResourceNotExistsError(uuid) @classmethod def inst_for_post(cls, parent_uuid=None, slug=None): ''' Validate conditions to perform a POST and return an LDP resource instancefor using with the `post` method. This may raise an exception resulting in a 404 if the parent is not found or a 409 if the parent is not a valid container. ''' # Shortcut! if not slug and not parent_uuid: return cls(str(uuid4())) rdfly = cls.load_layout('rdf') parent_imr_urn = nsc['fcres'][parent_uuid] if parent_uuid \ else rdfly.ROOT_NODE_URN parent_imr = rdfly.extract_imr(parent_imr_urn, minimal=True) if not len(parent_imr.graph): raise ResourceNotExistsError(parent_uuid) # Set prefix. if parent_uuid: parent_types = { t.identifier for t in \ parent_imr.objects(RDF.type) } cls._logger.debug('Parent types: {}'.format( parent_types)) if nsc['ldp'].Container not in parent_types: raise InvalidResourceError('Parent {} is not a container.' .format(parent_uuid)) pfx = parent_uuid + '/' else: pfx = '' # Create candidate UUID and validate. if slug: cnd_uuid = pfx + slug cnd_rsrc = Resource(rdfly.ds, nsc['fcres'][cnd_uuid]) if rdfly.ask_rsrc_exists(cnd_rsrc.identifier): return cls(pfx + str(uuid4())) else: return cls(cnd_uuid) else: return cls(pfx + str(uuid4())) ## LDP METHODS ## def head(self): ''' Return values for the headers. ''' out_headers = defaultdict(list) digest = self.imr.value(nsc['premis'].hasMessageDigest) if digest: etag = digest.identifier.split(':')[-1] out_headers['ETag'] = 'W/"{}"'.format(etag), last_updated_term = self.imr.value(nsc['fcrepo'].lastModified) if last_updated_term: out_headers['Last-Modified'] = arrow.get(last_updated_term)\ .format('ddd, D MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss Z') for t in self.ldp_types: out_headers['Link'].append( '{};rel="type"'.format(t.identifier.n3())) return out_headers def get(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError() def post(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError() def put(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError() def patch(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError() @transactional @must_exist def delete(self): ''' ''' self.rdfly.delete_rsrc(self.urn) ## PROTECTED METHODS ## def _set_containment_rel(self): '''Find the closest parent in the path indicated by the UUID and establish a containment triple. E.g. - If only urn:fcres:a (short: a) exists: - If a/b/c/d is being created, a becomes container of a/b/c/d. Also, pairtree nodes are created for a/b and a/b/c. - If e is being created, the root node becomes container of e. ''' if '/' in self.uuid: # Traverse up the hierarchy to find the parent. cparent_uri = self._find_parent_or_create_pairtree(self.uuid) # Reroute possible containment relationships between parent and new # resource. #self._splice_in(cparent) if cparent_uri: self.rdfly.ds.add((cparent_uri, nsc['ldp'].contains, self.rsrc.identifier)) else: self.rsrc.graph.add((nsc['fcsystem'].root, nsc['ldp'].contains, self.rsrc.identifier)) # If a resource has no parent and should be parent of the new resource, # add the relationship. #for child_uri in self.find_lost_children(): # self.rsrc.add(nsc['ldp'].contains, child_uri) def _find_parent_or_create_pairtree(self, uuid): ''' Check the path-wise parent of the new resource. If it exists, return its URI. Otherwise, create pairtree resources up the path until an actual resource or the root node is found. @return rdflib.term.URIRef ''' path_components = uuid.split('/') if len(path_components) < 2: return None # Build search list, e.g. for a/b/c/d/e would be a/b/c/d, a/b/c, a/b, a'Path components: {}'.format(path_components)) fwd_search_order = accumulate( list(path_components)[:-1], func=lambda x,y : x + '/' + y ) rev_search_order = reversed(list(fwd_search_order)) cur_child_uri = nsc['fcres'][uuid] for cparent_uuid in rev_search_order: cparent_uri = nsc['fcres'][cparent_uuid] if self.rdfly.ask_rsrc_exists(cparent_uri): return cparent_uri else: self._create_path_segment(cparent_uri, cur_child_uri) cur_child_uri = cparent_uri return None def _create_path_segment(self, uri, child_uri): ''' Create a path segment with a non-LDP containment statement. This diverges from the default fcrepo4 behavior which creates pairtree resources. If a resource such as `fcres:a/b/c` is created, and neither fcres:a or fcres:a/b exists, we have to create two "hidden" containment statements between a and a/b and between a/b and a/b/c in order to maintain the `containment chain. ''' g = Graph() g.add((uri, RDF.type, nsc['ldp'].Container)) g.add((uri, RDF.type, nsc['ldp'].BasicContainer)) g.add((uri, RDF.type, nsc['ldp'].RDFSource)) g.add((uri, nsc['fcrepo'].contains, child_uri)) # If the path segment is just below root if '/' not in str(uri): g.add((nsc['fcsystem'].root, nsc['fcrepo'].contains, uri)) self.rdfly.create_rsrc(g)