from rdflib import Graph from rdflib.namespace import RDF, XSD from rdflib.resource import Resource from rdflib.term import URIRef, Literal, Variable from lakesuperior.config_parser import config from lakesuperior.dictionaries.namespaces import ns_collection as nsc from lakesuperior.model.ldpr import Ldpr, transactional, must_exist from lakesuperior.util.digest import Digest class LdpNr(Ldpr): '''LDP-NR (Non-RDF Source). Definition: ''' base_types = { nsc['fcrepo'].Binary, nsc['fcrepo'].Resource, nsc['ldp'].Resource, nsc['ldp'].NonRDFSource, } @property def nonrdfly(self): ''' Load non-RDF (binary) store layout. ''' if not hasattr(self, '_nonrdfly'): self._nonrdfly = __class__.load_layout('non_rdf') return self._nonrdfly @property def filename(self): return self.imr.value(nsc['ebucore'].filename) @property def local_path(self): cksum_term = self.imr.value(nsc['premis'].hasMessageDigest) cksum = str(cksum_term.identifier.replace('urn:sha1:','')) return self.nonrdfly.local_path(cksum) ## LDP METHODS ## def get(self, **kwargs): return LdpRs(self.uuid).get(**kwargs) @transactional def post(self, stream, mimetype=None, disposition=None): ''' Create a new binary resource with a corresponding RDF representation. @param file (Stream) A Stream resource representing the uploaded file. ''' # Persist the stream. uuid = self.nonrdfly.persist(stream) # Gather RDF metadata. self._add_metadata(stream, mimetype=mimetype, disposition=disposition) # Try to persist metadata. If it fails, delete the file. self._logger.debug('Persisting LDP-NR triples in {}'.format( self.urn)) try: rsrc = self.rdfly.create_rsrc(self.imr) except: self.nonrdfly.delete(uuid) else: return rsrc def put(self, stream, **kwargs): return, **kwargs) ## PROTECTED METHODS ## def _add_metadata(self, stream, mimetype='application/octet-stream', disposition=None): ''' Add all metadata for the RDF representation of the LDP-NR. @param stream (BufferedIO) The uploaded data stream. @param mimetype (string) MIME type of the uploaded file. @param disposition (defaultdict) The `Content-Disposition` header content, parsed through `parse_rfc7240`. ''' # File size. self._logger.debug('Data stream size: {}'.format(stream.limit)) self.imr.add(nsc['premis'].hasSize, Literal(stream.limit, datatype=XSD.long)) # Checksum. cksum_term = URIRef('urn:sha1:{}'.format(self.uuid)) self.imr.add(nsc['premis'].hasMessageDigest, cksum_term) # MIME type. self.imr.add(nsc['ebucore']['hasMimeType'], Literal( mimetype, datatype=XSD.string)) # File name. self._logger.debug('Disposition: {}'.format(disposition)) try: self.imr.add(nsc['ebucore']['filename'], Literal( disposition['attachment']['parameters']['filename'], datatype=XSD.string)) except KeyError: pass