from flask import Blueprint, request # Query endpoint. raw SPARQL queries exposing the underlying layout can be made # available. Also convenience methods that allow simple lookups based on simple # binary comparisons should be added. Binary lookups—maybe? # N.B All data sources are read-only for this endpoint. query = Blueprint('query', __name__) @query.route('/find', methods=['GET']) def find(): ''' Search by entering a search term and optional property and comparison term. ''' valid_operands = ('=', '>', '<', '<>') term = request.args.get('term') prop = request.args.get('prop', default=1) cmp = request.args.get('cmp', default='=') # @TODO @query.route('/sparql', methods=['POST']) def sparql(q): ''' Perform a direct SPARQL query on the underlying triplestore. @param q SPARQL query string. ''' # @TODO pass