import logging from collections import defaultdict from uuid import uuid4 from flask import Blueprint, request, send_file from werkzeug.datastructures import FileStorage from lakesuperior.exceptions import InvalidResourceError, \ ResourceExistsError, ResourceNotExistsError, \ InvalidResourceError, ServerManagedTermError from lakesuperior.model.ldp_rs import Ldpr, Ldpc, LdpRs from lakesuperior.model.ldp_nr import LdpNr from lakesuperior.store_layouts.rdf.base_rdf_layout import BaseRdfLayout from lakesuperior.util.translator import Translator logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Blueprint for LDP REST API. This is what is usually found under `/rest/` in # standard fcrepo4. Here, it is under `/ldp` but initially `/rest` can be kept # for backward compatibility. ldp = Blueprint('ldp', __name__) accept_patch = ( 'application/sparql-update', ) accept_rdf = ( 'application/ld+json', 'application/n-triples', 'application/rdf+xml', #'application/x-turtle', #'application/xhtml+xml', #'application/xml', #'text/html', 'text/n3', #'text/plain', 'text/rdf+n3', 'text/turtle', ) #allow = ( # 'COPY', # 'DELETE', # 'GET', # 'HEAD', # 'MOVE', # 'OPTIONS', # 'PATCH', # 'POST', # 'PUT', #) std_headers = { 'Accept-Patch' : ','.join(accept_patch), 'Accept-Post' : ','.join(accept_rdf), #'Allow' : ','.join(allow), } ## REST SERVICES ## @ldp.route('/', methods=['GET']) @ldp.route('/', defaults={'uuid': None}, methods=['GET'], strict_slashes=False) def get_resource(uuid): ''' Retrieve RDF or binary content. ''' rsrc = Ldpr.readonly_inst(uuid) if isinstance(rsrc, LdpRs) or request.headers['accept'] in accept_rdf: return _get_rdf(rsrc) else: return _get_bitstream(rsrc) @ldp.route('//fcr:metadata', methods=['GET']) def get_metadata(uuid): ''' Retrieve RDF metadata of a LDP-NR. ''' return _get_rdf(LdpRs(uuid)) @ldp.route('/', methods=['POST']) @ldp.route('/', defaults={'parent': None}, methods=['POST'], strict_slashes=False) def post_resource(parent): ''' Add a new resource in a new URI. ''' out_headers = std_headers try: slug = request.headers['Slug'] except KeyError: slug = None cls, data = class_from_req_body() try: rsrc = cls.inst_for_post(parent, slug) except ResourceNotExistsError as e: return str(e), 404 except InvalidResourceError as e: return str(e), 409 if cls == LdpNr: try: cont_disp = Translator.parse_rfc7240( request.headers['content-disposition']) except KeyError: cont_disp = None, mimetype=request.content_type, disposition=cont_disp) else: try: except ServerManagedTermError as e: return str(e), 412 out_headers.update({ 'Location' : rsrc.uri, }) return rsrc.uri, out_headers, 201 @ldp.route('/', methods=['PUT']) def put_resource(uuid): ''' Add a new resource at a specified URI. ''''Request headers: {}'.format(request.headers)) rsp_headers = std_headers cls, data = class_from_req_body() rsrc = cls(uuid) # Parse headers. pref_handling = None if cls == LdpNr: try: logger.debug('Headers: {}'.format(request.headers)) cont_disp = Translator.parse_rfc7240( request.headers['content-disposition']) except KeyError: cont_disp = None try: ret = rsrc.put(data, disposition=cont_disp) except InvalidResourceError as e: return str(e), 409 except ResourceExistsError as e: return str(e), 409 else: if 'prefer' in request.headers: prefer = Translator.parse_rfc7240(request.headers['prefer']) logger.debug('Parsed Prefer header: {}'.format(prefer)) if 'handling' in prefer: pref_handling = prefer['handling']['value'] try: ret = rsrc.put(data, handling=pref_handling) except InvalidResourceError as e: return str(e), 409 except ResourceExistsError as e: return str(e), 409 except ServerManagedTermError as e: return str(e), 412 res_code = 201 if ret == BaseRdfLayout.RES_CREATED else 204 return '', res_code, rsp_headers @ldp.route('/', methods=['PATCH']) def patch_resource(uuid): ''' Update an existing resource with a SPARQL-UPDATE payload. ''' headers = std_headers rsrc = Ldpc(uuid) try: rsrc.patch(request.get_data().decode('utf-8')) except ResourceNotExistsError: return 'Resource #{} not found.'.format(rsrc.uuid), 404 except ServerManagedTermError as e: return str(e), 412 return '', 204, headers @ldp.route('/', methods=['DELETE']) def delete_resource(uuid): ''' Delete a resource. ''' headers = std_headers rsrc = Ldpc(uuid) try: rsrc.delete() except ResourceNotExistsError: return 'Resource #{} not found.'.format(rsrc.uuid), 404 return '', 204, headers def class_from_req_body(): logger.debug('Content type: {}'.format(request.mimetype)) logger.debug('files: {}'.format(request.files)) logger.debug('stream: {}'.format( if request.mimetype in accept_rdf: cls = Ldpc # Parse out the RDF string. data ='utf-8') else: cls = LdpNr if request.mimetype == 'multipart/form-data': # This seems the "right" way to upload a binary file, with a # multipart/form-data MIME type and the file in the `file` field. # This however is not supported by FCREPO4. data = request.files.get('file').stream else: # This is a less clean way, with the file in the form body and the # request as application/x-www-form-urlencoded. # This is how FCREPO4 accepts binary uploads. data ='POSTing resource of type: {}'.format(cls.__name__))'POST data: {}'.format(data)) return cls, data def _get_rdf(rsrc): ''' Get the RDF representation of a resource. @param rsrc An in-memory resource. ''' out_headers = std_headers pref_return = defaultdict(dict) if 'prefer' in request.headers: prefer = Translator.parse_rfc7240(request.headers['prefer']) logger.debug('Parsed Prefer header: {}'.format(prefer)) if 'return' in prefer: pref_return = prefer['return'] try: imr = rsrc.get('rdf', pref_return=pref_return) logger.debug('GET RDF: {}'.format(imr)) except ResourceNotExistsError as e: return str(e), 404 else: out_headers.update(rsrc.head()) return (imr.graph.serialize(format='turtle'), out_headers) def _get_bitstream(rsrc): out_headers = std_headers # @TODO This may change in favor of more low-level handling if the file # system is not local. return send_file(rsrc.local_path, as_attachment=True, attachment_filename=rsrc.filename)