import pdb import pytest import uuid from hashlib import sha1 from flask import g from rdflib import Graph from import isomorphic from rdflib.namespace import RDF from rdflib.term import Literal, URIRef from lakesuperior.dictionaries.namespaces import ns_collection as nsc from lakesuperior.model.ldpr import Ldpr @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def random_uuid(): return str(uuid.uuid4()) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('client_class') @pytest.mark.usefixtures('db') class TestLdp: ''' Test HTTP interaction with LDP endpoint. ''' def test_get_root_node(self): ''' Get the root node from two different endpoints. The test triplestore must be initialized, hence the `db` fixture. ''' ldp_resp = self.client.get('/ldp') rest_resp = self.client.get('/rest') assert ldp_resp.status_code == 200 assert rest_resp.status_code == 200 def test_put_empty_resource(self, random_uuid): ''' Check response headers for a PUT operation with empty payload. ''' resp = self.client.put('/ldp/new_resource') assert resp.status_code == 201 assert == bytes( '{}/new_resource'.format(g.webroot), 'utf-8') def test_put_existing_resource(self, random_uuid): ''' Trying to PUT an existing resource should return a 204 if the payload is empty. ''' path = '/ldp/nonidempotent01' put1_resp = self.client.put(path) assert put1_resp.status_code == 201 assert self.client.get(path).status_code == 200 put2_resp = self.client.put(path) with open('tests/data/marcel_duchamp_single_subject.ttl', 'rb') as f: put2_resp = self.client.put( path, data=f, content_type='text/turtle') assert put2_resp.status_code == 204 put2_resp = self.client.put(path) assert put2_resp.status_code == 204 def test_put_tree(self, client): ''' PUT a resource with several path segments. The test should create intermediate path segments that are LDPCs, accessible to PUT or POST. ''' path = '/ldp/test_tree/a/b/c/d/e/f/g' self.client.put(path) assert self.client.get(path).status_code == 200 assert self.client.get('/ldp/test_tree/a/b/c').status_code == 200 assert'/ldp/test_tree/a/b').status_code == 201 with open('tests/data/marcel_duchamp_single_subject.ttl', 'rb') as f: put_int_resp = self.client.put( 'ldp/test_tree/a', data=f, content_type='text/turtle') assert put_int_resp.status_code == 204 # @TODO More thorough testing of contents def test_put_nested_tree(self, client): ''' Verify that containment is set correctly in nested hierarchies. First put a new hierarchy and verify that the root node is its container; then put another hierarchy under it and verify that the first hierarchy is the container of the second one. ''' uuid1 = 'test_nested_tree/a/b/c/d' uuid2 = uuid1 + '/e/f/g' path1 = '/ldp/' + uuid1 path2 = '/ldp/' + uuid2 self.client.put(path1) cont1_data = self.client.get('/ldp').data gr1 = Graph().parse(data=cont1_data, format='turtle') assert gr1[ URIRef(g.webroot + '/') : nsc['ldp'].contains : \ URIRef(g.webroot + '/test_nested_tree') ] self.client.put(path2) cont2_data = self.client.get(path1).data gr2 = Graph().parse(data=cont2_data, format='turtle') assert gr2[ URIRef(g.webroot + '/' + uuid1) : \ nsc['ldp'].contains : \ URIRef(g.webroot + '/' + uuid1 + '/e') ] def test_put_ldp_rs(self, client): ''' PUT a resource with RDF payload and verify. ''' with open('tests/data/marcel_duchamp_single_subject.ttl', 'rb') as f: self.client.put('/ldp/ldprs01', data=f, content_type='text/turtle') resp = self.client.get('/ldp/ldprs01', headers={'accept' : 'text/turtle'}) assert resp.status_code == 200 gr = Graph().parse(, format='text/turtle') assert URIRef('') in \ gr.objects(None, RDF.type) def test_put_ldp_nr(self, rnd_img): ''' PUT a resource with binary payload and verify checksums. ''' rnd_img['content'].seek(0) resp = self.client.put('/ldp/ldpnr01', data=rnd_img['content'], headers={ 'Content-Type': 'image/png', 'Content-Disposition' : 'attachment; filename={}'.format( rnd_img['filename'])}) assert resp.status_code == 201 resp = self.client.get( '/ldp/ldpnr01', headers={'accept' : 'image/png'}) assert resp.status_code == 200 assert sha1( == rnd_img['hash'] def test_put_ldp_nr_multipart(self, rnd_img): ''' PUT a resource with a multipart/form-data payload. ''' rnd_img['content'].seek(0) resp = self.client.put( '/ldp/ldpnr02', data={ 'file': ( rnd_img['content'], rnd_img['filename'], 'image/png', ) } ) assert resp.status_code == 201 resp = self.client.get( '/ldp/ldpnr02', headers={'accept' : 'image/png'}) assert resp.status_code == 200 assert sha1( == rnd_img['hash'] def test_put_mismatched_ldp_rs(self, rnd_img): ''' Verify MIME type / LDP mismatch. PUT a LDP-RS, then PUT a LDP-NR on the same location and verify it fails. ''' path = '/ldp/' + str(uuid.uuid4()) rnd_img['content'].seek(0) ldp_nr_resp = self.client.put(path, data=rnd_img['content'], headers={ 'Content-Disposition' : 'attachment; filename={}'.format( rnd_img['filename'])}) assert ldp_nr_resp.status_code == 201 with open('tests/data/marcel_duchamp_single_subject.ttl', 'rb') as f: ldp_rs_resp = self.client.put(path, data=f, content_type='text/turtle') assert ldp_rs_resp.status_code == 415 def test_put_mismatched_ldp_nr(self, rnd_img): ''' Verify MIME type / LDP mismatch. PUT a LDP-NR, then PUT a LDP-RS on the same location and verify it fails. ''' path = '/ldp/' + str(uuid.uuid4()) with open('tests/data/marcel_duchamp_single_subject.ttl', 'rb') as f: ldp_rs_resp = self.client.put(path, data=f, content_type='text/turtle') assert ldp_rs_resp.status_code == 201 rnd_img['content'].seek(0) ldp_nr_resp = self.client.put(path, data=rnd_img['content'], headers={ 'Content-Disposition' : 'attachment; filename={}'.format( rnd_img['filename'])}) assert ldp_nr_resp.status_code == 415 def test_missing_reference(self, client): ''' PUT a resource with RDF payload referencing a non-existing in-repo resource. ''' self.client.get('/ldp') data = ''' PREFIX ns: PREFIX res: <> ns:p1 res:bogus ; ns:p2 <{0}> ; ns:p3 <{0}/> ; ns:p4 <{0}/nonexistent> . '''.format(g.webroot) put_rsp = self.client.put('/ldp/test_missing_ref', data=data, headers={ 'content-type': 'text/turtle'}) assert put_rsp.status_code == 201 resp = self.client.get('/ldp/test_missing_ref', headers={'accept' : 'text/turtle'}) assert resp.status_code == 200 gr = Graph().parse(, format='text/turtle') assert URIRef('') in \ gr.objects(None, URIRef('')) assert URIRef(g.webroot + '/') in ( gr.objects(None, URIRef(''))) assert URIRef(g.webroot + '/') in ( gr.objects(None, URIRef(''))) assert URIRef(g.webroot + '/nonexistent') not in ( gr.objects(None, URIRef(''))) def test_post_resource(self, client): ''' Check response headers for a POST operation with empty payload. ''' res ='/ldp/') assert res.status_code == 201 assert 'Location' in res.headers def test_post_ldp_nr(self, rnd_img): ''' POST a resource with binary payload and verify checksums. ''' rnd_img['content'].seek(0) resp ='/ldp/', data=rnd_img['content'], headers={ 'slug': 'ldpnr03', 'Content-Type': 'image/png', 'Content-Disposition' : 'attachment; filename={}'.format( rnd_img['filename'])}) assert resp.status_code == 201 resp = self.client.get( '/ldp/ldpnr03', headers={'accept' : 'image/png'}) assert resp.status_code == 200 assert sha1( == rnd_img['hash'] def test_post_slug(self): ''' Verify that a POST with slug results in the expected URI only if the resource does not exist already. ''' slug01_resp ='/ldp', headers={'slug' : 'slug01'}) assert slug01_resp.status_code == 201 assert slug01_resp.headers['location'] == \ g.webroot + '/slug01' slug02_resp ='/ldp', headers={'slug' : 'slug01'}) assert slug02_resp.status_code == 201 assert slug02_resp.headers['location'] != \ g.webroot + '/slug01' def test_post_404(self): ''' Verify that a POST to a non-existing parent results in a 404. ''' assert'/ldp/{}'.format(uuid.uuid4()))\ .status_code == 404 def test_post_409(self, rnd_img): ''' Verify that you cannot POST to a binary resource. ''' rnd_img['content'].seek(0) self.client.put('/ldp/post_409', data=rnd_img['content'], headers={ 'Content-Disposition' : 'attachment; filename={}'.format( rnd_img['filename'])}) assert'/ldp/post_409').status_code == 409 def test_patch_root(self): ''' Test patching root node. ''' path = '/ldp/' self.client.get(path) uri = g.webroot + '/' with open('tests/data/sparql_update/simple_insert.sparql') as data: resp = self.client.patch(path, data=data, headers={'content-type' : 'application/sparql-update'}) assert resp.status_code == 204 resp = self.client.get(path) gr = Graph().parse(, format='text/turtle') assert gr[ URIRef(uri) : nsc['dc'].title : Literal('Hello') ] def test_patch(self): ''' Test patching a resource. ''' path = '/ldp/test_patch01' self.client.put(path) uri = g.webroot + '/test_patch01' with open('tests/data/sparql_update/simple_insert.sparql') as data: resp = self.client.patch(path, data=data, headers={'content-type' : 'application/sparql-update'}) assert resp.status_code == 204 resp = self.client.get(path) gr = Graph().parse(, format='text/turtle') assert gr[ URIRef(uri) : nsc['dc'].title : Literal('Hello') ] self.client.patch(path, data=open('tests/data/sparql_update/delete+insert+where.sparql'), headers={'content-type' : 'application/sparql-update'}) resp = self.client.get(path) gr = Graph().parse(, format='text/turtle') assert gr[ URIRef(uri) : nsc['dc'].title : Literal('Ciao') ] def test_patch_ssr(self): ''' Test patching a resource violating the single-subject rule. ''' path = '/ldp/test_patch_ssr' self.client.put(path) uri = g.webroot + '/test_patch_ssr' nossr_qry = 'INSERT { a . } WHERE {}' abs_qry = 'INSERT {{ <{}> a . }} WHERE {{}}'.format(uri) frag_qry = 'INSERT {{ <{}#frag> a . }} WHERE {{}}'\ .format(uri) # @TODO Leave commented until a decision is made about SSR. assert self.client.patch( path, data=nossr_qry, headers={'content-type': 'application/sparql-update'} ).status_code == 204 assert self.client.patch( path, data=abs_qry, headers={'content-type': 'application/sparql-update'} ).status_code == 204 assert self.client.patch( path, data=frag_qry, headers={'content-type': 'application/sparql-update'} ).status_code == 204 def test_patch_ldp_nr_metadata(self): ''' Test patching a LDP-NR metadata resource from the fcr:metadata URI. ''' path = '/ldp/ldpnr01' with open('tests/data/sparql_update/simple_insert.sparql') as data: self.client.patch(path + '/fcr:metadata', data=data, headers={'content-type' : 'application/sparql-update'}) resp = self.client.get(path + '/fcr:metadata') assert resp.status_code == 200 uri = g.webroot + '/ldpnr01' gr = Graph().parse(, format='text/turtle') assert gr[URIRef(uri) : nsc['dc'].title : Literal('Hello')] with open( 'tests/data/sparql_update/delete+insert+where.sparql') as data: patch_resp = self.client.patch(path + '/fcr:metadata', data=data, headers={'content-type' : 'application/sparql-update'}) assert patch_resp.status_code == 204 resp = self.client.get(path + '/fcr:metadata') assert resp.status_code == 200 gr = Graph().parse(, format='text/turtle') assert gr[ URIRef(uri) : nsc['dc'].title : Literal('Ciao') ] def test_patch_ldpnr(self): ''' Verify that a direct PATCH to a LDP-NR results in a 415. ''' with open( 'tests/data/sparql_update/delete+insert+where.sparql') as data: patch_resp = self.client.patch('/ldp/ldpnr01', data=data, headers={'content-type': 'application/sparql-update'}) assert patch_resp.status_code == 415 def test_patch_invalid_mimetype(self, rnd_img): ''' Verify that a PATCH using anything other than an `application/sparql-update` MIME type results in an error. ''' self.client.put('/ldp/test_patch_invalid_mimetype') rnd_img['content'].seek(0) ldpnr_resp = self.client.patch('/ldp/ldpnr01/fcr:metadata', data=rnd_img, headers={'content-type' : 'image/jpeg'}) ldprs_resp = self.client.patch('/ldp/test_patch_invalid_mimetype', data=b'Hello, I\'m not a SPARQL update.', headers={'content-type' : 'text/plain'}) assert ldprs_resp.status_code == ldpnr_resp.status_code == 415 def test_delete(self): ''' Test delete response codes. ''' self.client.put('/ldp/test_delete01') delete_resp = self.client.delete('/ldp/test_delete01') assert delete_resp.status_code == 204 bogus_delete_resp = self.client.delete('/ldp/test_delete101') assert bogus_delete_resp.status_code == 404 def test_tombstone(self): ''' Test tombstone behaviors. For POST on a tombstone, check `test_resurrection`. ''' tstone_resp = self.client.get('/ldp/test_delete01') assert tstone_resp.status_code == 410 assert tstone_resp.headers['Link'] == \ '<{}/test_delete01/fcr:tombstone>; rel="hasTombstone"'\ .format(g.webroot) tstone_path = '/ldp/test_delete01/fcr:tombstone' assert self.client.get(tstone_path).status_code == 405 assert self.client.put(tstone_path).status_code == 405 assert self.client.delete(tstone_path).status_code == 204 assert self.client.get('/ldp/test_delete01').status_code == 404 def test_delete_recursive(self): ''' Test response codes for resources deleted recursively and their tombstones. ''' child_suffixes = ('a', 'a/b', 'a/b/c', 'a1', 'a1/b1') self.client.put('/ldp/test_delete_recursive01') for cs in child_suffixes: self.client.put('/ldp/test_delete_recursive01/{}'.format(cs)) assert self.client.delete( '/ldp/test_delete_recursive01').status_code == 204 tstone_resp = self.client.get('/ldp/test_delete_recursive01') assert tstone_resp.status_code == 410 assert tstone_resp.headers['Link'] == \ '<{}/test_delete_recursive01/fcr:tombstone>; rel="hasTombstone"'\ .format(g.webroot) for cs in child_suffixes: child_tstone_resp = self.client.get( '/ldp/test_delete_recursive01/{}'.format(cs)) assert child_tstone_resp.status_code == tstone_resp.status_code assert 'Link' not in child_tstone_resp.headers.keys() def test_put_fragments(self): ''' Test the correct handling of fragment URIs on PUT and GET. ''' with open('tests/data/fragments.ttl', 'rb') as f: self.client.put( '/ldp/test_fragment01', headers={ 'Content-Type' : 'text/turtle', }, data=f ) rsp = self.client.get('/ldp/test_fragment01') gr = Graph().parse(, format='text/turtle') assert gr[ URIRef(g.webroot + '/test_fragment01#hash1') : URIRef('') : URIRef('')] def test_patch_fragments(self): ''' Test the correct handling of fragment URIs on PATCH. ''' self.client.put('/ldp/test_fragment_patch') with open('tests/data/fragments_insert.sparql', 'rb') as f: self.client.patch( '/ldp/test_fragment_patch', headers={ 'Content-Type' : 'application/sparql-update', }, data=f ) ins_rsp = self.client.get('/ldp/test_fragment_patch') ins_gr = Graph().parse(, format='text/turtle') assert ins_gr[ URIRef(g.webroot + '/test_fragment_patch#hash1234') : URIRef('') : URIRef('')] with open('tests/data/fragments_delete.sparql', 'rb') as f: self.client.patch( '/ldp/test_fragment_patch', headers={ 'Content-Type' : 'application/sparql-update', }, data=f ) del_rsp = self.client.get('/ldp/test_fragment_patch') del_gr = Graph().parse(, format='text/turtle') assert not del_gr[ URIRef(g.webroot + '/test_fragment_patch#hash1234') : URIRef('') : URIRef('')] @pytest.mark.usefixtures('client_class') @pytest.mark.usefixtures('db') class TestPrefHeader: ''' Test various combinations of `Prefer` header. ''' @pytest.fixture(scope='class') def cont_structure(self): ''' Create a container structure to be used for subsequent requests. ''' parent_path = '/ldp/test_parent' self.client.put(parent_path) self.client.put(parent_path + '/child1') self.client.put(parent_path + '/child2') self.client.put(parent_path + '/child3') return { 'path' : parent_path, 'response' : self.client.get(parent_path), 'subject' : URIRef(g.webroot + '/test_parent') } def test_put_prefer_handling(self, random_uuid): ''' Trying to PUT an existing resource should: - Return a 204 if the payload is empty - Return a 204 if the payload is RDF, server-managed triples are included and the 'Prefer' header is set to 'handling=lenient' - Return a 412 (ServerManagedTermError) if the payload is RDF, server-managed triples are included and handling is set to 'strict', or not set. ''' path = '/ldp/put_pref_header01' assert self.client.put(path).status_code == 201 assert self.client.get(path).status_code == 200 assert self.client.put(path).status_code == 204 # Default handling is strict. with open('tests/data/rdf_payload_w_srv_mgd_trp.ttl', 'rb') as f: rsp_default = self.client.put( path, headers={ 'Content-Type' : 'text/turtle', }, data=f ) assert rsp_default.status_code == 412 with open('tests/data/rdf_payload_w_srv_mgd_trp.ttl', 'rb') as f: rsp_len = self.client.put( path, headers={ 'Prefer' : 'handling=lenient', 'Content-Type' : 'text/turtle', }, data=f ) assert rsp_len.status_code == 204 with open('tests/data/rdf_payload_w_srv_mgd_trp.ttl', 'rb') as f: rsp_strict = self.client.put( path, headers={ 'Prefer' : 'handling=strict', 'Content-Type' : 'text/turtle', }, data=f ) assert rsp_strict.status_code == 412 # @HOLD Embed children is debated. def _disabled_test_embed_children(self, cont_structure): ''' verify the "embed children" prefer header. ''' parent_path = cont_structure['path'] cont_resp = cont_structure['response'] cont_subject = cont_structure['subject'] #minimal_resp = self.client.get(parent_path, headers={ # 'Prefer' : 'return=minimal', #}) incl_embed_children_resp = self.client.get(parent_path, headers={ 'Prefer' : 'return=representation; include={}'\ .format(Ldpr.EMBED_CHILD_RES_URI), }) omit_embed_children_resp = self.client.get(parent_path, headers={ 'Prefer' : 'return=representation; omit={}'\ .format(Ldpr.EMBED_CHILD_RES_URI), }) default_gr = Graph().parse(, format='turtle') incl_gr = Graph().parse(, format='turtle') omit_gr = Graph().parse(, format='turtle') assert isomorphic(omit_gr, default_gr) children = set(incl_gr[cont_subject : nsc['ldp'].contains]) assert len(children) == 3 children = set(incl_gr[cont_subject : nsc['ldp'].contains]) for child_uri in children: assert set(incl_gr[ child_uri : : ]) assert not set(omit_gr[ child_uri : : ]) def test_return_children(self, cont_structure): ''' verify the "return children" prefer header. ''' parent_path = cont_structure['path'] cont_resp = cont_structure['response'] cont_subject = cont_structure['subject'] incl_children_resp = self.client.get(parent_path, headers={ 'Prefer' : 'return=representation; include={}'\ .format(Ldpr.RETURN_CHILD_RES_URI), }) omit_children_resp = self.client.get(parent_path, headers={ 'Prefer' : 'return=representation; omit={}'\ .format(Ldpr.RETURN_CHILD_RES_URI), }) default_gr = Graph().parse(, format='turtle') incl_gr = Graph().parse(, format='turtle') omit_gr = Graph().parse(, format='turtle') assert isomorphic(incl_gr, default_gr) children = incl_gr[cont_subject : nsc['ldp'].contains] for child_uri in children: assert not omit_gr[cont_subject : nsc['ldp'].contains : child_uri] def test_inbound_rel(self, cont_structure): ''' verify the "inbound relationships" prefer header. ''' self.client.put('/ldp/test_target') data = '<> <{}> .'.format( g.webroot + '/test_target') self.client.put('/ldp/test_shooter', data=data, headers={'Content-Type': 'text/turtle'}) cont_resp = self.client.get('/ldp/test_target') incl_inbound_resp = self.client.get('/ldp/test_target', headers={ 'Prefer' : 'return=representation; include="{}"'\ .format(Ldpr.RETURN_INBOUND_REF_URI), }) omit_inbound_resp = self.client.get('/ldp/test_target', headers={ 'Prefer' : 'return=representation; omit="{}"'\ .format(Ldpr.RETURN_INBOUND_REF_URI), }) default_gr = Graph().parse(, format='turtle') incl_gr = Graph().parse(, format='turtle') omit_gr = Graph().parse(, format='turtle') subject = URIRef(g.webroot + '/test_target') inbd_subject = URIRef(g.webroot + '/test_shooter') assert isomorphic(omit_gr, default_gr) assert len(set(incl_gr[inbd_subject : : ])) == 1 assert incl_gr[ inbd_subject : URIRef('') : subject] assert not len(set(omit_gr[inbd_subject : :])) def test_srv_mgd_triples(self, cont_structure): ''' verify the "server managed triples" prefer header. ''' parent_path = cont_structure['path'] cont_resp = cont_structure['response'] cont_subject = cont_structure['subject'] incl_srv_mgd_resp = self.client.get(parent_path, headers={ 'Prefer' : 'return=representation; include={}'\ .format(Ldpr.RETURN_SRV_MGD_RES_URI), }) omit_srv_mgd_resp = self.client.get(parent_path, headers={ 'Prefer' : 'return=representation; omit={}'\ .format(Ldpr.RETURN_SRV_MGD_RES_URI), }) default_gr = Graph().parse(, format='turtle') incl_gr = Graph().parse(, format='turtle') omit_gr = Graph().parse(, format='turtle') assert isomorphic(incl_gr, default_gr) for pred in { nsc['fcrepo'].created, nsc['fcrepo'].createdBy, nsc['fcrepo'].lastModified, nsc['fcrepo'].lastModifiedBy, nsc['ldp'].contains, }: assert set(incl_gr[ cont_subject : pred : ]) assert not set(omit_gr[ cont_subject : pred : ]) for type in { nsc['fcrepo'].Resource, nsc['ldp'].Container, nsc['ldp'].Resource, }: assert incl_gr[ cont_subject : RDF.type : type ] assert not omit_gr[ cont_subject : RDF.type : type ] def test_delete_no_tstone(self): ''' Test the `no-tombstone` Prefer option. ''' self.client.put('/ldp/test_delete_no_tstone01') self.client.put('/ldp/test_delete_no_tstone01/a') self.client.delete('/ldp/test_delete_no_tstone01', headers={ 'prefer' : 'no-tombstone'}) resp = self.client.get('/ldp/test_delete_no_tstone01') assert resp.status_code == 404 child_resp = self.client.get('/ldp/test_delete_no_tstone01/a') assert child_resp.status_code == 404 @pytest.mark.usefixtures('client_class') @pytest.mark.usefixtures('db') class TestVersion: ''' Test version creation, retrieval and deletion. ''' def test_create_versions(self): ''' Test that POSTing multiple times to fcr:versions creates the 'hasVersions' triple and yields multiple version snapshots. ''' self.client.put('/ldp/test_version') create_rsp ='/ldp/test_version/fcr:versions') assert create_rsp.status_code == 201 rsrc_rsp = self.client.get('/ldp/test_version') rsrc_gr = Graph().parse(, format='turtle') assert len(set(rsrc_gr[: nsc['fcrepo'].hasVersions :])) == 1 info_rsp = self.client.get('/ldp/test_version/fcr:versions') assert info_rsp.status_code == 200 info_gr = Graph().parse(, format='turtle') assert len(set(info_gr[: nsc['fcrepo'].hasVersion :])) == 1'/ldp/test_version/fcr:versions') info2_rsp = self.client.get('/ldp/test_version/fcr:versions') info2_gr = Graph().parse(, format='turtle') assert len(set(info2_gr[: nsc['fcrepo'].hasVersion :])) == 2 def test_version_with_slug(self): ''' Test a version with a slug. ''' self.client.put('/ldp/test_version_slug') create_rsp ='/ldp/test_version_slug/fcr:versions', headers={'slug' : 'v1'}) new_ver_uri = create_rsp.headers['Location'] assert new_ver_uri == g.webroot + '/test_version_slug/fcr:versions/v1' info_rsp = self.client.get('/ldp/test_version_slug/fcr:versions') info_gr = Graph().parse(, format='turtle') assert info_gr[ URIRef(new_ver_uri) : nsc['fcrepo'].hasVersionLabel : Literal('v1')] def test_dupl_version(self): ''' Make sure that two POSTs with the same slug result in two different versions. ''' path = '/ldp/test_duplicate_slug' self.client.put(path) v1_rsp = + '/fcr:versions', headers={'slug' : 'v1'}) v1_uri = v1_rsp.headers['Location'] dup_rsp = + '/fcr:versions', headers={'slug' : 'v1'}) dup_uri = dup_rsp.headers['Location'] assert v1_uri != dup_uri # @TODO Reverting from version and resurrecting is not fully functional. def _disabled_test_revert_version(self): ''' Take a version snapshot, update a resource, and then revert to the previous vresion. ''' rsrc_path = '/ldp/test_revert_version' payload1 = '<> .' payload2 = '<> .' self.client.put(rsrc_path, headers={ 'content-type': 'text/turtle'}, data=payload1) rsrc_path + '/fcr:versions', headers={'slug': 'v1'}) v1_rsp = self.client.get(rsrc_path) v1_gr = Graph().parse(, format='turtle') assert v1_gr[ URIRef(g.webroot + '/test_revert_version') : URIRef('urn:demo:p1') : URIRef('urn:demo:o1') ] self.client.put(rsrc_path, headers={ 'content-type': 'text/turtle'}, data=payload2) v2_rsp = self.client.get(rsrc_path) v2_gr = Graph().parse(, format='turtle') assert v2_gr[ URIRef(g.webroot + '/test_revert_version') : URIRef('urn:demo:p1') : URIRef('urn:demo:o2') ] self.client.patch(rsrc_path + '/fcr:versions/v1') revert_rsp = self.client.get(rsrc_path) revert_gr = Graph().parse(, format='turtle') assert revert_gr[ URIRef(g.webroot + '/test_revert_version') : URIRef('urn:demo:p1') : URIRef('urn:demo:o1') ] #def test_resurrection(self): # ''' # Delete and then resurrect a resource. # Make sure that the resource is resurrected to the latest version. # ''' # path = '/ldp/test_lazarus' # self.client.put(path) # + '/fcr:versions', headers={'slug': 'v1'}) # self.client.put( # path, headers={'content-type': 'text/turtle'}, # data=b'<> .') # + '/fcr:versions', headers={'slug': 'v2'}) # self.client.put( # path, headers={'content-type': 'text/turtle'}, # data=b'<> .') # self.client.delete(path) # assert self.client.get(path).status_code == 410 # + '/fcr:tombstone') # laz_data = self.client.get(path).data # laz_gr = Graph().parse(data=laz_data, format='turtle') # assert laz_gr[ # URIRef(g.webroot + '/test_lazarus') # : URIRef('urn:demo:p1') # : URIRef('urn:demo:o2') # ]