import logging import shutil from contextlib import ContextDecorator from os import makedirs, path from urllib.parse import urldefrag import requests import yaml from rdflib import Graph, URIRef from lakesuperior.dictionaries.namespaces import ns_collection as nsc from lakesuperior.env import env from lakesuperior.globals import AppGlobals, ROOT_UID from lakesuperior.config_parser import parse_config from import TxnManager logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class StoreWrapper(ContextDecorator): """ Open and close a store. """ def __init__(self, store): = store def __enter__(self): env.config['application']['store']['ldp_rs']) def __exit__(self, *exc): class Migrator: """ Class to handle a database migration. This class holds state of progress and shared variables as it crawls through linked resources in an LDP server. Since a repository migration can be a very long operation but it is impossible to know the number of the resources to gather by LDP interaction alone, a progress ticker outputs the number of processed resources at regular intervals. """ """ LMDB database parameters. See :meth:`lmdb.Environment.__init__` """ db_params = { 'map_size': 1024 ** 4, 'metasync': False, 'readahead': False, 'meminit': False, } """List of predicates to ignore when looking for links.""" ignored_preds = ( nsc['fcrepo'].hasParent, nsc['fcrepo'].hasTransactionProvider, nsc['fcrepo'].hasFixityService, ) def __init__( self, src, dest, zero_binaries=False, compact_uris=False, skip_errors=False): """ Set up base paths and clean up existing directories. :param rdflib.URIRef src: Webroot of source repository. This must correspond to the LDP root node (for Fedora it can be e.g. ``http://localhost:8080fcrepo/rest/``) and is used to determine if URIs retrieved are managed by this repository. :param str dest: Destination repository path. If the location exists it must be a writable directory. It will be deleted and recreated. If it does not exist, it will be created along with its parents if missing. :param str binary_handling: One of ``include``, ``truncate`` or ``split``. :param bool compact_uris: NOT IMPLEMENTED. Whether the process should attempt to compact URIs generated with broken up path segments. If the UID matches a pattern such as `/12/34/56/123456...` it is converted to `/123456...`. This would remove a lot of cruft caused by the pairtree segments. Note that this will change the publicly exposed URIs. If durability is a concern, a rewrite directive can be added to the HTTP server that proxies the WSGI endpoint. """ # Set up repo folder structure and copy default configuration to # destination file. cur_dir = path.dirname(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__))) self.dbpath = '{}/data/ldprs_store'.format(dest) self.fpath = '{}/data/ldpnr_store'.format(dest) self.config_dir = '{}/etc'.format(dest) shutil.rmtree(dest, ignore_errors=True) shutil.copytree( '{}/etc.defaults'.format(cur_dir), self.config_dir) # Modify and overwrite destination configuration. orig_config, _ = parse_config(self.config_dir) orig_config['application']['store']['ldp_rs']['location'] = self.dbpath orig_config['application']['store']['ldp_nr']['path'] = self.fpath with open('{}/application.yml'.format(self.config_dir), 'w') \ as config_file: config_file.write(yaml.dump(orig_config['application'])) env.config = parse_config(self.config_dir)[0] env.app_globals = AppGlobals(env.config) self.rdfly = env.app_globals.rdfly self.nonrdfly = env.app_globals.nonrdfly with TxnManager(env.app_globals.rdf_store, write=True) as txn: self.rdfly.bootstrap() env.app_globals.nonrdfly.bootstrap() self.src = src.rstrip('/') self.zero_binaries = zero_binaries self.skip_errors = skip_errors def migrate(self, start_pts=None, list_file=None): """ Migrate the database. This method creates a fully functional and configured LAKEsuperior data set contained in a folder from an LDP repository. :param start_pts: List of starting points to retrieve :type start_pts: tuple or list resources from. It would typically be the repository root in case of a full dump or one or more resources in the repository for a partial one. :param str listf_ile: path to a local file containing a list of URIs, one per line. """ from lakesuperior.api import resource as rsrc_api self._ct = 0 with StoreWrapper( if start_pts: for start in start_pts: if not start.startswith('/'): raise ValueError( 'Starting point {} does not begin with a slash.' .format(start)) if start != ROOT_UID: # Create the full hierarchy with link to the parents. rsrc_api.create_or_replace(start) # Then populate the new resource and crawl for more # relationships. self._crawl(start) elif list_file: with open(list_file, 'r') as fp: for uri in fp: uid = uri.strip().replace(self.src, '') if uid != ROOT_UID: rsrc_api.create_or_replace(uid) self._crawl(uid)'Dumped {} resources.'.format(self._ct)) return self._ct def _crawl(self, uid): """ Get the contents of a resource and its relationships recursively. This method recurses into itself each time a reference to a resource managed by the repository is encountered. :param str uid: The path relative to the source server webroot pointing to the resource to crawl, effectively the resource UID. """ ibase = str(nsc['fcres']) # Public URI of source repo. uri = self.src + uid # Internal URI of destination. iuri = ibase + uid rsp = requests.head(uri) if not self.skip_errors: rsp.raise_for_status() elif rsp.status_code > 399: print('Error retrieving resource {} headers: {} {}'.format( uri, rsp.status_code, rsp.text)) # Determine LDP type. ldp_type = 'ldp_nr' try: for link in requests.utils.parse_header_links( rsp.headers.get('link')): if ( link.get('rel') == 'type' and ( link.get('url') == str(nsc['ldp'].RDFSource) or link.get('url') == str(nsc['ldp'].Container)) ): # Resource is an LDP-RS. ldp_type = 'ldp_rs' break except TypeError: ldp_type = 'ldp_rs' #raise ValueError('URI {} is not an LDP resource.'.format(uri)) # Get the whole RDF document now because we have to know all outbound # links. get_uri = ( uri if ldp_type == 'ldp_rs' else '{}/fcr:metadata'.format(uri)) get_rsp = requests.get(get_uri) if not self.skip_errors: get_rsp.raise_for_status() elif get_rsp.status_code > 399: print('Error retrieving resource {} body: {} {}'.format( uri, get_rsp.status_code, get_rsp.text)) data = get_rsp.content.replace( self.src.encode('utf-8'), ibase.encode('utf-8')) gr = Graph(identifier=iuri).parse(data=data, format='turtle') # Store raw graph data. No checks. with TxnManager(, True): self.rdfly.modify_rsrc(uid, add_trp=set(gr)) # Grab binary and set new resource parameters. if ldp_type == 'ldp_nr': provided_imr = gr.resource(URIRef(iuri)) if self.zero_binaries: data = b'' else: bin_rsp = requests.get(uri) if not self.skip_errors: bin_rsp.raise_for_status() elif bin_rsp.status_code > 399: print('Error retrieving resource {} body: {} {}'.format( uri, bin_rsp.status_code, bin_rsp.text)) data = bin_rsp.content #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() uuid = str(gr.value( URIRef(iuri), nsc['premis'].hasMessageDigest)).split(':')[-1] fpath = self.nonrdfly.local_path( self.nonrdfly.config['path'], uuid) makedirs(path.dirname(fpath), exist_ok=True) with open(fpath, 'wb') as fh: fh.write(data) self._ct += 1 if self._ct % 10 == 0: print('{} resources processed so far.'.format(self._ct)) # Now, crawl through outbound links. # LDP-NR fcr:metadata must be checked too. for pred, obj in gr.predicate_objects(): #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() obj_uid = obj.replace(ibase, '') with TxnManager(, True): conditions = bool( isinstance(obj, URIRef) and obj.startswith(iuri) # Avoid ∞ loop with fragment URIs. and str(urldefrag(obj).url) != str(iuri) # Avoid ∞ loop with circular references. and not self.rdfly.ask_rsrc_exists(obj_uid) and pred not in self.ignored_preds ) if conditions: print('Object {} will be crawled.'.format(obj_uid)) self._crawl(urldefrag(obj_uid).url)