import logging from libc.string cimport memcmp, memcpy from cpython.mem cimport PyMem_Malloc, PyMem_Realloc, PyMem_Free from cython.parallel import prange cimport lakesuperior.model.callbacks as cb from lakesuperior.model.base cimport NULL_TRP, TRP_KLEN, TripleKey logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) cdef class Keyset: """ Memory-contiguous array of ``TripleKey``s. The keys are ``size_t`` values that are linked to terms in the triplestore. Therefore, a triplestore lookup is necessary to view or use the terms, but several types of manipulation and filtering can be done very efficiently without looking at the term values. The set is not checked for duplicates all the time: e.g., when creating from a single set of triples coming from the store, the duplicate check is turned off for efficiency and because the source is guaranteed to provide unique values. When merging with other sets, duplicate checking should be turned on. Since this class is based on a contiguous block of memory, it is best not to do targeted manipulation. Several operations involve copying the whole data block, so e.g. bulk removal and intersection are much more efficient than individual record operations. """ def __cinit__(self, size_t capacity=0, float expand_ratio=.75): """ Initialize and allocate memory for the data set. :param size_t capacity: Number of elements to be accounted for. :param float expand_ratio: by how much, relatively to the current size, the memory block is expanded when full. A value of 0 disables automatic expansion, and inserting beyond capacity will raise an error. """ self.capacity = capacity self.expand_ratio = expand_ratio = PyMem_Malloc(self.capacity * TRP_KLEN) if capacity and not raise MemoryError('Error allocating Keyset data.') self.cur = 0 self.free_i = 0 def __dealloc__(self): """ Free the memory. This is called when the Python instance is garbage collected, which makes it handy to safely pass a Keyset instance across functions. """ PyMem_Free( # Access methods. cdef void seek(self, size_t idx=0): """ Place the cursor at a given index, 0 by default. :param size_t idx: Position to place the cursor. The position can be at maximum the next unused slot, any value higher than that will position the cursor at the next unused slot. """ self.cur = min(idx, self.free_i) cdef size_t size(self): """ Size of the object as the number of occupied data slots. Note that this is different from :py:data:`capacity`_, which indicates the number of allocated items in memory. """ return self.free_i cdef size_t tell(self): """ Tell the position of the cursor in the keyset. """ return self.cur cdef inline bint get_next(self, TripleKey* val): """ Get the current value and advance the cursor by 1. :param void *val: Addres of value returned. It is NULL if the end of the buffer was reached. :rtype: bint :return: True if a value was found, False if the end of the buffer has been reached. """ if self.cur >= self.free_i: return False val[0] =[self.cur] self.cur += 1 return True cdef inline int add( self, const TripleKey* val, bint check_dup=False, bint check_cap=True ) except -1: """ Add a triple key to the array. """ # Check for deleted triples and optionally duplicates. if check_dup and self.contains(val): return 1 if check_cap and self.free_i >= self.capacity: if self.expand_ratio > 0: # In some casees, a very small initial value and ratio may # round down to a zero increase, so the baseline increase is # 1 element. self.resize( 1 + (self.capacity * (1 + self.expand_ratio)) ) else: raise MemoryError('No space left in key set.')[self.free_i] = val[0] self.free_i += 1 return 0 cdef void remove(self, const TripleKey* val) except *: """ Remove a triple key. This method replaces a triple with NULL_TRP if found. It does not reclaim space. Therefore, if many removal operations are forseen, using :py:meth:`subtract`_ is advised. """ cdef: TripleKey stored_val while self.get_next(&stored_val): if memcmp(val, stored_val, TRP_KLEN) == 0: memcpy(&stored_val, NULL_TRP, TRP_KLEN) return cdef bint contains(self, const TripleKey* val): """ Whether a value exists in the set. """ cdef size_t i for i in range(self.free_i): # o is least likely to match. if ( val[0][2] ==[i][2] and val[0][0] ==[i][0] and val[0][1] ==[i][1] ): return True return False cdef Keyset copy(self): """ Copy a Keyset. """ cdef Keyset new_ks = Keyset( self.capacity, expand_ratio=self.expand_ratio ) memcpy(,, self.capacity * TRP_KLEN) new_ks.free_i = self.free_i return new_ks cdef Keyset sparse_copy(self): """ Copy a Keyset and plug holes. ``NULL_TRP`` values left from removing triple keys are skipped in the copy and the set is shrunk to its used size. """ cdef: TripleKey val Keyset new_ks = Keyset(self.capacity, self.expand_ratio) while self.get_next(&val): if val != NULL_TRP: new_ks.add(&val) new_ks.resize() return new_ks cdef void resize(self, size_t size=0) except *: """ Change the array capacity. :param size_t size: The new capacity size. If not specified or 0, the array is shrunk to the last used item. The resulting size therefore will always be greater than 0. The only exception to this is if the specified size is 0 and no items have been added to the array, in which case the array will be effectively shrunk to 0. """ if not size: size = self.free_i tmp = PyMem_Realloc(, size * TRP_KLEN) if not tmp: raise MemoryError('Could not reallocate Keyset data.') = tmp self.capacity = size cdef Keyset lookup(self, const Key sk, const Key pk, const Key ok): """ Look up triple keys. This works in a similar way that the ``Graph`` and ``LmdbStore`` methods work. Any and all the terms may be NULL. A NULL term is treated as unbound. :param const Key* sk: s key pointer. :param const Key* pk: p key pointer. :param const Key* ok: o key pointer. """ cdef: TripleKey spok Keyset ret = Keyset(self.capacity) Key k1, k2 key_cmp_fn_t cmp_fn if sk and pk and ok: # s p o pass # TODO elif sk: k1 = sk if pk: # s p ? k2 = pk cmp_fn = cb.lookup_skpk_cmp_fn elif ok: # s ? o k2 = ok cmp_fn = cb.lookup_skok_cmp_fn else: # s ? ? cmp_fn = cb.lookup_sk_cmp_fn elif pk: k1 = pk if ok: # ? p o k2 = ok cmp_fn = cb.lookup_pkok_cmp_fn else: # ? p ? cmp_fn = cb.lookup_pk_cmp_fn elif ok: # ? ? o k1 = ok cmp_fn = cb.lookup_ok_cmp_fn else: # ? ? ? return self.copy() while self.get_next(&spok): if cmp_fn(&spok, k1, k2): ret.add(&spok) ret.resize() return ret ## Boolean operations. cdef Keyset merge(Keyset ks1, Keyset ks2): """ Create a Keyset by merging an``ks2`` Keyset with the current one. :rtype: Keyset """ cdef: TripleKey val Keyset ks3 = ks1.copy() while ks2.get_next(&val): ks3.add(&val, True) ks3.resize() return ks3 cdef Keyset subtract(Keyset ks1, Keyset ks2): """ Create a Keyset by subtracting an``ks2`` Keyset from the current one. :rtype: Keyset """ cdef: TripleKey val Keyset ks3 = Keyset(ks1.capacity) while ks1.get_next(&val): if val != NULL_TRP and not ks2.contains(&val): ks3.add(&val) ks3.resize() return ks3 cdef Keyset intersect(Keyset ks1, Keyset ks2): """ Create a Keyset by intersection with an``ks2`` Keyset. :rtype: Keyset """ cdef: TripleKey val Keyset ks3 = Keyset(ks1.capacity) while ks1.get_next(&val): if val != NULL_TRP and ks2.contains(&val): ks3.add(&val) ks3.resize() return ks3 cdef Keyset xor(Keyset ks1, Keyset ks2): """ Create a Keyset by disjunction (XOR) with an``ks2`` Keyset. :rtype: Keyset """ cdef: TripleKey val Keyset ks3 = Keyset(ks1.capacity + ks2.capacity) while ks1.get_next(&val): if val != NULL_TRP and not ks2.contains(&val): ks3.add(&val) while ks2.get_next(&val): if val != NULL_TRP and not ks1.contains(&val): ks3.add(&val) ks3.resize() return ks3