import hashlib import logging from lakesuperior import env from lakesuperior.config_parser import parse_config from lakesuperior.dictionaries.namespaces import ns_collection as nsc from lakesuperior.exceptions import ( ChecksumValidationError, IncompatibleLdpTypeError) from lakesuperior.migrator import Migrator from import DefaultLayout as FileLayout __doc__ = """ Admin API. This module contains maintenance utilities and stats. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def stats(): """ Get repository statistics. :rtype: dict :return: Store statistics, resource statistics. """ import lakesuperior.env_setup with env.app_globals.rdf_store.txn_ctx(): repo_stats = { 'rsrc_stats': env.app_globals.rdfly.count_rsrc(), 'store_stats': env.app_globals.rdf_store.stats(), 'nonrdf_stats': { 'ct': env.app_globals.nonrdfly.file_ct, 'size': env.app_globals.nonrdfly.store_size, }, } return repo_stats def migrate(src, dest, start_pts=None, list_file=None, **kwargs): """ Migrate an LDP repository to a new Lakesuperior instance. See :py:meth:`Migrator.__init__`. """ if start_pts: if not isinstance( start_pts, list) and not isinstance(start_pts, tuple): start_pts = (start_pts,) elif not list_file: start_pts = ('/',) return Migrator(src, dest, **kwargs).migrate(start_pts, list_file) def integrity_check(): """ Check integrity of the data set. At the moment this is limited to referential integrity. Other checks can be added and triggered by different argument flags. """ with return set(env.app_globals.rdfly.find_refint_violations()) def fixity_check(uid): """ Check fixity of a resource. This calculates the checksum of a resource and validates it against the checksum stored in its metadata (``premis:hasMessageDigest``). :param str uid: UID of the resource to be checked. :rtype: None :raises: lakesuperior.exceptions.ChecksumValidationError: the cecksums do not match. This indicates corruption. :raises: lakesuperior.exceptions.IncompatibleLdpTypeError: if the resource is not an LDP-NR. """ from lakesuperior.api import resource as rsrc_api from lakesuperior.model.ldp.ldp_factory import LDP_NR_TYPE rsrc = rsrc_api.get(uid) with env.app_globals.rdf_store.txn_ctx(): if LDP_NR_TYPE not in rsrc.ldp_types: raise IncompatibleLdpTypeError() ref_digest_term = rsrc.metadata.value(nsc['premis'].hasMessageDigest) ref_digest_parts = ref_digest_term.split(':') ref_cksum = ref_digest_parts[-1] ref_cksum_algo = ref_digest_parts[-2] calc_cksum =, if calc_cksum != ref_cksum: raise ChecksumValidationError(uid, ref_cksum, calc_cksum)'Fixity check passed for {uid}.')