import logging from lakesuperior.config_parser import parse_config from lakesuperior.env import env from lakesuperior.globals import AppGlobals from lakesuperior.migrator import Migrator from import DefaultLayout as FileLayout from import TxnManager __doc__ = """ Admin API. This module contains maintenance utilities and stats. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def stats(): """ Get repository statistics. :rtype: dict :return: Store statistics, resource statistics. """ import lakesuperior.env_setup repo_stats = {'rsrc_stats': env.app_globals.rdfly.count_rsrc()} with TxnManager(env.app_globals.rdf_store) as txn: repo_stats['store_stats'] = env.app_globals.rdf_store.stats() return repo_stats def migrate(src, dest, start_pts=None, list_file=None, **kwargs): """ Migrate an LDP repository to a new LAKEsuperior instance. See :py:meth:`Migrator.__init__`. """ if start_pts: if not isinstance( start_pts, list) and not isinstance(start_pts, tuple): start_pts = (start_pts,) elif not list_file: start_pts = ('/',) return Migrator(src, dest, **kwargs).migrate(start_pts, list_file) def integrity_check(config_dir=None): """ Check integrity of the data set. At the moment this is limited to referential integrity. Other checks can be added and triggered by different argument flags. """ if config_dir: env.app_globals = AppGlobals(parse_config(config_dir)) else: import lakesuperior.env_setup with TxnManager( return { t for t in env.app_globals.rdfly.find_refint_violations()}