{% extends 'base.html' %} {% block extra_js %} {% endblock %} {% block title %}System Statistics{% endblock %} {% block content %}


Current resource count: {{ '{:,}'.format(rsrc_stats['main']) }}

Historic snapshots: {{ '{:,}'.format(rsrc_stats['hist']) }}

Total triples: {{ '{:,}'.format(store_stats['num_triples']) }}

Binary Store

Current file count: {{ '{:,}'.format(nonrdf_stats['ct']) }}

Current size on disk: {{ fsize_fmt(nonrdf_stats['size']) }}

RDF Store

Overall size on disk: {{ fsize_fmt(store_stats['store_size'])}}

LMDB Store Details

Refer to the LMDB API documentation for details about the parameters below.

{% for db_label, db in store_stats['db_stats'].items() %}

{{ db_label }}

{% for p, v in db.items() | sort %} {% endfor %}
Property Value
{{ p }} {{ v }}
{% endfor %} {% endblock %}