from copy import deepcopy import arrow from rdflib import Graph from rdflib.namespace import XSD from rdflib.resource import Resource from rdflib.term import Literal, URIRef, Variable from lakesuperior.core.namespaces import ns_collection as nsc from lakesuperior.core.namespaces import ns_mgr as nsm from lakesuperior.store_strategies.rdf.base_rdf_strategy import BaseRdfStrategy from lakesuperior.util.digest import Digest class SimpleStrategy(BaseRdfStrategy): ''' This is the simplest strategy. It uses a flat triple structure without named graphs aimed at performance. Changes are destructive. In theory it could be used on top of a triplestore instead of a quad-store for (possible) improved speed and reduced storage. ''' @property def headers(self): ''' See base_rdf_strategy.headers. ''' headers = { 'Link' : [], } digest = self.rsrc.value(nsc['premis'].hasMessageDigest) if digest: etag = digest.identifier.split(':')[-1] headers['ETag'] = 'W/"{}"'.format(etag), last_updated_term = self.rsrc.value(nsc['fedora'].lastUpdated) if last_updated_term: headers['Last-Modified'] = arrow.get(last_updated_term)\ .format('ddd, D MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss Z') return headers def out_graph(self, inbound=False): ''' See base_rdf_strategy.out_graph. ''' inbound_qry = '\n?s1 ?p1 {}'.format(self.base_urn.n3()) \ if inbound else '' q = ''' CONSTRUCT {{ {0} ?p ?o .{1} }} WHERE {{ {0} ?p ?o .{1} }} '''.format(self.base_urn.n3(), inbound_qry) qres = self.rsrc.graph.query(q) return Resource(qres.graph, self.base_urn) def ask_rsrc_exists(self, rsrc=None): ''' See base_rdf_strategy.ask_rsrc_exists. ''' if not rsrc: if self.rsrc is not None: rsrc = self.rsrc else: return False'Searching for resource: {}' .format(rsrc.identifier)) return (rsrc.identifier, Variable('p'), Variable('o')) in self.ds def create_or_replace_rsrc(self, g): ''' See base_rdf_strategy.create_or_replace_rsrc. ''' # @TODO Use gunicorn to get request timestamp. ts = Literal(arrow.utcnow(), datatype=XSD.dateTime) if self.ask_rsrc_exists(): 'Resource {} exists. Removing all outbound triples.' .format(self.rsrc.identifier)) # Delete all triples but keep creation date and creator. created = self.rsrc.value(nsc['fedora'].created) created_by = self.rsrc.value(nsc['fedora'].createdBy) self.delete_rsrc() else: created = ts created_by = Literal('BypassAdmin') self.rsrc.set(nsc['fedora'].created, created) self.rsrc.set(nsc['fedora'].createdBy, created_by) self.rsrc.set(nsc['fedora'].lastUpdated, ts) self.rsrc.set(nsc['fedora'].lastUpdatedBy, Literal('BypassAdmin')) for s, p, o in g: self.ds.add((s, p, o)) def create_rsrc(self, g): ''' See base_rdf_strategy.create_rsrc. ''' # @TODO Use gunicorn to get request timestamp. ts = Literal(arrow.utcnow(), datatype=XSD.dateTime) self.rsrc.set(nsc['fedora'].created, ts) self.rsrc.set(nsc['fedora'].createdBy, Literal('BypassAdmin')) cksum = Digest.rdf_cksum(self.rsrc.graph) self.rsrc.set(nsc['premis'].hasMessageDigest, URIRef('urn:sha1:{}'.format(cksum))) for s, p, o in g: self.ds.add((s, p, o)) def patch_rsrc(self, data): ''' Perform a SPARQL UPDATE on a resource. ''' # @TODO Use gunicorn to get request timestamp. ts = Literal(arrow.utcnow(), datatype=XSD.dateTime) q = Translator.localize_string(data).replace( '<>', self.rsrc.identifier.n3()) self.rsrc.set(nsc['fedora'].lastUpdated, ts) self.rsrc.set(nsc['fedora'].lastUpdatedBy, Literal('BypassAdmin')) self.ds.update(q) def delete_rsrc(self, inbound=False): ''' Delete a resource. If `inbound` is specified, delete all inbound relationships as well. ''' print('Removing resource {}.'.format(self.rsrc.identifier)) self.rsrc.remove(Variable('p')) if inbound: self.ds.remove((Variable('s'), Variable('p'), self.rsrc.identifier)) ## PROTECTED METHODS ## def _unique_value(self, p): ''' Use this to retrieve a single value knowing that there SHOULD be only one (e.g. `skos:prefLabel`), If more than one is found, raise an exception. @param rdflib.Resource rsrc The resource to extract value from. @param rdflib.term.URIRef p The predicate to serach for. @throw ValueError if more than one value is found. ''' values = self.rsrc[p] value = next(values) try: next(values) except StopIteration: return value # If the second next() did not raise a StopIteration, something is # wrong. raise ValueError('Predicate {} should be single valued. Found: {}.'\ .format(set(values)))