import pytest from io import BytesIO from uuid import uuid4 from lakesuperior import env from lakesuperior.api import resource as rsrc_api @pytest.mark.usefixtures('client_class') @pytest.mark.usefixtures('db') class TestAdminApi: """ Test admin endpoint. """ def test_fixity_check_ok(self): """ Verify that fixity check passes for a non-corrupted resource. """ uid = uuid4() content = uuid4().bytes path = f'/ldp/{uid}' fix_path = f'/admin/{uid}/fixity' self.client.put( path, data=content, headers={'content-type': 'text/plain'}) assert self.client.get(fix_path).status_code == 200 def test_fixity_check_corrupt(self): """ Verify that fixity check fails for a corrupted resource. """ uid = uuid4() content = uuid4().bytes path = f'/ldp/{uid}' fix_path = f'/admin/{uid}/fixity' self.client.put( path, data=content, headers={'content-type': 'text/plain'}) rsrc = rsrc_api.get(f'/{uid}') with env.app_globals.rdf_store.txn_ctx(): fname = rsrc.local_path with open(fname, 'wb') as fh: fh.write(uuid4().bytes) assert self.client.get(fix_path).status_code == 412 def test_fixity_check_missing(self): """ Verify that fixity check is not performed on a missing resource. """ uid = uuid4() content = uuid4().bytes path = f'/ldp/{uid}' fix_path = f'/admin/{uid}/fixity' assert self.client.get(fix_path).status_code == 404 self.client.put( path, data=content, headers={'content-type': 'text/plain'}) self.client.delete(path) assert self.client.get(fix_path).status_code == 410