from libc.string cimport memcmp from libc.stdlib cimport free cimport lakesuperior.cy_include.collections as cc cimport lakesuperior.model.structures.callbacks as cb from lakesuperior.model.base cimport ( TRP_KLEN, KeyIdx, Key, DoubleKey, TripleKey, Buffer ) cdef class Keyset: """ Pre-allocated result set. """ def __cinit__(self, size_t ct=1): """ Initialize and allocate memory for the data set. :param size_t ct: Number of elements to be accounted for. """ cc.array_conf_init(&self.conf) self.conf.capacity = ct or 1 self.conf.exp_factor = .5 cc.array_new_conf(&self.conf, & if not raise MemoryError() def __dealloc__(self): """ Free the memory. This is called when the Python instance is garbage collected, which makes it handy to safely pass a Keyset instance across functions. """ if free( # Access methods. cdef Keyset lookup( self, const KeyIdx* sk, const KeyIdx* pk, const KeyIdx* ok ): """ Look up triple keys. This works in a similar way that the ``SimpleGraph`` and ``LmdbStore`` methods work. Any and all the terms may be NULL. A NULL term is treated as unbound. :param const KeyIdx* sk: s key pointer. :param const KeyIdx* pk: p key pointer. :param const KeyIdx* ok: o key pointer. """ cdef: void* cur cc.ArrayIter it TripleKey spok Keyset ret KeyIdx* k1 = NULL KeyIdx* k2 = NULL key_cmp_fn_t cmp_fn cc.array_iter_init(&it, if sk and pk and ok: # s p o pass # TODO elif sk: k1 = sk if pk: # s p ? k2 = pk cmp_fn = cb.lookup_skpk_cmp_fn elif ok: # s ? o k2 = ok cmp_fn = cb.lookup_skok_cmp_fn else: # s ? ? cmp_fn = cb.lookup_sk_cmp_fn elif pk: k1 = pk if ok: # ? p o k2 = ok cmp_fn = cb.lookup_pkok_cmp_fn else: # ? p ? cmp_fn = cb.lookup_pk_cmp_fn elif ok: # ? ? o k1 = ok cmp_fn = cb.lookup_ok_cmp_fn else: # ? ? ? return self # TODO Placeholder. This should actually return a copy. ret = Keyset(256) # TODO Totally arbitrary. while cc.array_iter_next(&it, &cur) != cc.CC_ITER_END: if cmp_fn(spok, k1, k2): if cc.array_add(, spok) != cc.CC_OK: raise RuntimeError('Error adding triple key.') return ret