import pytest from shutil import rmtree from rdflib import Graph, Namespace, URIRef from lakesuperior.model.graph.graph import SimpleGraph, Imr from import LmdbStore @pytest.fixture(scope='class') def store(): """ Test LMDB store. This store has a different life cycle than the one used for tests in higher levels of the stack and is not bootstrapped (i.e. starts completely empty). """ env_path = '/tmp/test_lmdbstore' # Remove previous test DBs rmtree(env_path, ignore_errors=True) store = LmdbStore(env_path) yield store store.close() store.destroy() @pytest.fixture(scope='class') def trp(): return ( (URIRef('urn:s:0'), URIRef('urn:p:0'), URIRef('urn:o:0')), # Exact same as [0]. (URIRef('urn:s:0'), URIRef('urn:p:0'), URIRef('urn:o:0')), # NOTE: s and o are in reversed order. (URIRef('urn:o:0'), URIRef('urn:p:0'), URIRef('urn:s:0')), (URIRef('urn:s:0'), URIRef('urn:p:1'), URIRef('urn:o:0')), (URIRef('urn:s:0'), URIRef('urn:p:1'), URIRef('urn:o:1')), (URIRef('urn:s:1'), URIRef('urn:p:1'), URIRef('urn:o:1')), (URIRef('urn:s:1'), URIRef('urn:p:2'), URIRef('urn:o:2')), ) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('trp') @pytest.mark.usefixtures('store') class TestGraphInit: """ Test initialization of graphs with different base data sets. """ def test_empty(self): """ Test creation of an empty graph. """ gr = SimpleGraph() assert len(gr) == 0 def test_init_triples(self, trp): """ Test creation using a Python set. """ gr = SimpleGraph(data=set(trp)) assert len(gr) == 6 for t in trp: assert t in gr @pytest.mark.usefixtures('trp') class TestGraphLookup: """ Test triple lookup. TODO """ @pytest.mark.skip(reason='TODO') def test_lookup_pattern(self, trp): """ Test lookup by basic pattern. """ pass @pytest.mark.usefixtures('trp') class TestGraphOps: """ Test various graph operations. """ def test_len(self, trp): """ Test the length of a graph with and without duplicates. """ gr = SimpleGraph() assert len(gr) == 0 gr.add((trp[0],)) assert len(gr) == 1 gr.add((trp[1],)) # Same values assert len(gr) == 1 gr.add((trp[2],)) assert len(gr) == 2 gr.add(trp) assert len(gr) == 6 def test_dup(self, trp): """ Test operations with duplicate triples. """ gr = SimpleGraph() #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() gr.add((trp[0],)) assert trp[1] in gr assert trp[2] not in gr def test_remove(self, trp): """ Test adding and removing triples. """ gr = SimpleGraph() gr.add(trp) gr.remove(trp[0]) assert len(gr) == 5 assert trp[0] not in gr assert trp[1] not in gr # This is the duplicate triple. gr.remove(trp[1]) assert len(gr) == 5 # This is the triple in reverse order. gr.remove(trp[2]) assert len(gr) == 4 gr.remove(trp[4]) assert len(gr) == 3 def test_union(self, trp): """ Test graph union. """ gr1 = SimpleGraph() gr2 = SimpleGraph() gr1.add(trp[0:3]) gr2.add(trp[2:6]) gr3 = gr1 | gr2 assert len(gr3) == 5 assert trp[0] in gr3 assert trp[4] in gr3 def test_ip_union(self, trp): """ Test graph in-place union. """ gr1 = SimpleGraph() gr2 = SimpleGraph() gr1.add(trp[0:3]) gr2.add(trp[2:6]) gr1 |= gr2 assert len(gr1) == 5 assert trp[0] in gr1 assert trp[4] in gr1 def test_addition(self, trp): """ Test graph addition. """ gr1 = SimpleGraph() gr2 = SimpleGraph() gr1.add(trp[0:3]) gr2.add(trp[2:6]) gr3 = gr1 + gr2 assert len(gr3) == 5 assert trp[0] in gr3 assert trp[4] in gr3 def test_ip_addition(self, trp): """ Test graph in-place addition. """ gr1 = SimpleGraph() gr2 = SimpleGraph() gr1.add(trp[0:3]) gr2.add(trp[2:6]) gr1 += gr2 assert len(gr1) == 5 assert trp[0] in gr1 assert trp[4] in gr1 def test_subtraction(self, trp): """ Test graph addition. """ gr1 = SimpleGraph() gr2 = SimpleGraph() gr1.add(trp[0:4]) gr2.add(trp[2:6]) gr3 = gr1 - gr2 assert len(gr3) == 1 assert trp[0] in gr3 assert trp[1] in gr3 assert trp[2] not in gr3 assert trp[3] not in gr3 assert trp[4] not in gr3 gr3 = gr2 - gr1 assert len(gr3) == 2 assert trp[0] not in gr3 assert trp[1] not in gr3 assert trp[2] not in gr3 assert trp[3] not in gr3 assert trp[4] in gr3 assert trp[5] in gr3 def test_ip_subtraction(self, trp): """ Test graph in-place addition. """ gr1 = SimpleGraph() gr2 = SimpleGraph() gr1.add(trp[0:4]) gr2.add(trp[2:6]) gr1 -= gr2 assert len(gr1) == 1 assert trp[0] in gr1 assert trp[1] in gr1 assert trp[2] not in gr1 assert trp[3] not in gr1 assert trp[4] not in gr1 def test_intersect(self, trp): """ Test graph intersextion. """ gr1 = SimpleGraph() gr2 = SimpleGraph() gr1.add(trp[0:4]) gr2.add(trp[2:6]) gr3 = gr1 & gr2 assert len(gr3) == 2 assert trp[2] in gr3 assert trp[3] in gr3 assert trp[0] not in gr3 assert trp[5] not in gr3 def test_ip_intersect(self, trp): """ Test graph intersextion. """ gr1 = SimpleGraph() gr2 = SimpleGraph() gr1.add(trp[0:4]) gr2.add(trp[2:6]) gr1 &= gr2 assert len(gr1) == 2 assert trp[2] in gr1 assert trp[3] in gr1 assert trp[0] not in gr1 assert trp[5] not in gr1 def test_xor(self, trp): """ Test graph intersextion. """ gr1 = SimpleGraph() gr2 = SimpleGraph() gr1.add(trp[0:4]) gr2.add(trp[2:6]) gr3 = gr1 ^ gr2 assert len(gr3) == 3 assert trp[2] not in gr3 assert trp[3] not in gr3 assert trp[0] in gr3 assert trp[5] in gr3 def test_ip_xor(self, trp): """ Test graph intersextion. """ gr1 = SimpleGraph() gr2 = SimpleGraph() gr1.add(trp[0:4]) gr2.add(trp[2:6]) gr1 ^= gr2 assert len(gr1) == 3 assert trp[2] not in gr1 assert trp[3] not in gr1 assert trp[0] in gr1 assert trp[5] in gr1 @pytest.mark.usefixtures('trp') class TestImrOps: """ Test various graph operations. """ def test_len(self, trp): """ Test the length of a graph with and without duplicates. """ imr = Imr(uri='') assert len(imr) == 0 imr.add((trp[0],)) assert len(imr) == 1 imr.add((trp[1],)) # Same values assert len(imr) == 1 imr.add((trp[2],)) assert len(imr) == 2 imr.add(trp) assert len(imr) == 6 def test_dup(self, trp): """ Test operations with duplicate triples. """ imr = Imr(uri='') #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() imr.add((trp[0],)) assert trp[1] in imr assert trp[2] not in imr def test_remove(self, trp): """ Test adding and removing triples. """ imr = Imr(uri='') imr.add(trp) imr.remove(trp[0]) assert len(imr) == 5 assert trp[0] not in imr assert trp[1] not in imr # This is the duplicate triple. imr.remove(trp[1]) assert len(imr) == 5 # This is the triple in reverse order. imr.remove(trp[2]) assert len(imr) == 4 imr.remove(trp[4]) assert len(imr) == 3 def test_union(self, trp): """ Test graph union. """ gr1 = Imr(uri='') gr2 = Imr(uri='') gr1.add(trp[0:3]) gr2.add(trp[2:6]) gr3 = gr1 | gr2 assert len(gr3) == 5 assert trp[0] in gr3 assert trp[4] in gr3 assert gr3.uri == URIRef('') def test_ip_union(self, trp): """ Test graph in-place union. """ gr1 = Imr(uri='') gr2 = Imr(uri='') gr1.add(trp[0:3]) gr2.add(trp[2:6]) gr1 |= gr2 assert len(gr1) == 5 assert trp[0] in gr1 assert trp[4] in gr1 assert gr1.uri == URIRef('') def test_addition(self, trp): """ Test graph addition. """ gr1 = Imr(uri='') gr2 = Imr(uri='') gr1.add(trp[0:3]) gr2.add(trp[2:6]) gr3 = gr1 + gr2 assert len(gr3) == 5 assert trp[0] in gr3 assert trp[4] in gr3 assert gr3.uri == URIRef('') def test_ip_addition(self, trp): """ Test graph in-place addition. """ gr1 = Imr(uri='') gr2 = Imr(uri='') gr1.add(trp[0:3]) gr2.add(trp[2:6]) gr1 += gr2 assert len(gr1) == 5 assert trp[0] in gr1 assert trp[4] in gr1 assert gr1.uri == URIRef('') def test_subtraction(self, trp): """ Test graph addition. """ gr1 = Imr(uri='') gr2 = Imr(uri='') gr1.add(trp[0:4]) gr2.add(trp[2:6]) gr3 = gr1 - gr2 assert len(gr3) == 1 assert trp[0] in gr3 assert trp[1] in gr3 assert trp[2] not in gr3 assert trp[3] not in gr3 assert trp[4] not in gr3 assert gr3.uri == URIRef('') gr3 = gr2 - gr1 assert len(gr3) == 2 assert trp[0] not in gr3 assert trp[1] not in gr3 assert trp[2] not in gr3 assert trp[3] not in gr3 assert trp[4] in gr3 assert trp[5] in gr3 assert gr3.uri == URIRef('') def test_ip_subtraction(self, trp): """ Test graph in-place addition. """ gr1 = Imr(uri='') gr2 = Imr(uri='') gr1.add(trp[0:4]) gr2.add(trp[2:6]) gr1 -= gr2 assert len(gr1) == 1 assert trp[0] in gr1 assert trp[1] in gr1 assert trp[2] not in gr1 assert trp[3] not in gr1 assert trp[4] not in gr1 assert gr1.uri == URIRef('') def test_intersect(self, trp): """ Test graph intersextion. """ gr1 = Imr(uri='') gr2 = Imr(uri='') gr1.add(trp[0:4]) gr2.add(trp[2:6]) gr3 = gr1 & gr2 assert len(gr3) == 2 assert trp[2] in gr3 assert trp[3] in gr3 assert trp[0] not in gr3 assert trp[5] not in gr3 assert gr3.uri == URIRef('') def test_ip_intersect(self, trp): """ Test graph intersextion. """ gr1 = Imr(uri='') gr2 = Imr(uri='') gr1.add(trp[0:4]) gr2.add(trp[2:6]) gr1 &= gr2 assert len(gr1) == 2 assert trp[2] in gr1 assert trp[3] in gr1 assert trp[0] not in gr1 assert trp[5] not in gr1 assert gr1.uri == URIRef('') def test_xor(self, trp): """ Test graph intersextion. """ gr1 = Imr(uri='') gr2 = Imr(uri='') gr1.add(trp[0:4]) gr2.add(trp[2:6]) gr3 = gr1 ^ gr2 assert len(gr3) == 3 assert trp[2] not in gr3 assert trp[3] not in gr3 assert trp[0] in gr3 assert trp[5] in gr3 assert gr3.uri == URIRef('') def test_ip_xor(self, trp): """ Test graph intersextion. """ gr1 = Imr(uri='') gr2 = Imr(uri='') gr1.add(trp[0:4]) gr2.add(trp[2:6]) gr1 ^= gr2 assert len(gr1) == 3 assert trp[2] not in gr1 assert trp[3] not in gr1 assert trp[0] in gr1 assert trp[5] in gr1 assert gr1.uri == URIRef('') @pytest.mark.usefixtures('trp') class TestHybridOps: """ Test operations between IMR and graph. """ def test_union(self, trp): """ Test hybrid IMR + graph union. """ gr1 = Imr(uri='') gr2 = SimpleGraph() gr1.add(trp[0:3]) gr2.add(trp[2:6]) gr3 = gr1 | gr2 assert len(gr3) == 5 assert trp[0] in gr3 assert trp[4] in gr3 assert isinstance(gr3, Imr) assert gr3.uri == URIRef('') gr4 = gr2 | gr1 assert isinstance(gr4, SimpleGraph) assert gr3 == gr4 def test_ip_union_imr(self, trp): """ Test IMR + graph in-place union. """ gr1 = Imr(uri='') gr2 = SimpleGraph() gr1.add(trp[0:3]) gr2.add(trp[2:6]) gr1 |= gr2 assert len(gr1) == 5 assert trp[0] in gr1 assert trp[4] in gr1 assert gr1.uri == URIRef('') def test_ip_union_gr(self, trp): """ Test graph + IMR in-place union. """ gr1 = SimpleGraph() gr2 = Imr(uri='') gr1.add(trp[0:3]) gr2.add(trp[2:6]) gr1 |= gr2 assert len(gr1) == 5 assert trp[0] in gr1 assert trp[4] in gr1 assert isinstance(gr1, SimpleGraph)