# LAKEsuperior LAKEsuperior is an experimental [Fedora Repository](http://fedorarepository.org) implementation. ## Basic concepts LAKEsuperior stores LDP resources in a triplestore (currently Blazegraph) and non-RDF sources (i.e. binaries) in a filesystem. Resources are stored in discrete named graphs under the hood. A "main" graph contains metadata about the resources, e.g. provenance information (NOTE: versioning is not in the Level 1 scope). [@TODO more] ## Installation This is currently just a couple of config files, so there is nothing to install yet. However, in the happiest possible outcome for Level 1, it should go like this: 1. Install [Blazegraph](https://sourceforge.net/projects/bigdata/files/bigdata/) 2. Create a folder to store binary contents 3. Copy the `etc.skeleton` folder to a separate location 4. Configure the application and optionally add custom namespaces 5. Run `server.py` ## Status and development LAKEsuperior is in **pre-alpha** status. Development will be planned in subsequent "levels", the scope of each depending on the outcomes of the previous level development and feedback: - Level 1: proof of concept. This implementation will adhere to the current Fedora Repository v4 specifications, in order to provide a testbed application that easily integrates with Samvera and/or Islandora and can be used to test and compare features with the official Fedora 4 implementation. - Level 2: After a review with community members, the goal is to produce a beta release that includes basic features to become a drop-in (or near there) with the official Fedora 4. - Level 3: production quality release. - Level 4: Conform to the new [Fedora API specifications](http://fedora.info/spec/) ## Further docuentation The design documents are in the `doc/pdf` folder.