import logging import sys import rdflib #from cython.parallel import prange from rdflib.graph import DATASET_DEFAULT_GRAPH_ID as RDFLIB_DEFAULT_GRAPH_URI from import ( KeyExistsError, KeyNotFoundError, LmdbError) from lakesuperior.util.toolbox import get_tree_size from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free cimport lakesuperior.cy_include.collections as cc cimport lakesuperior.cy_include.cylmdb as lmdb from lakesuperior.model.base cimport ( FIRST_KEY, KLEN, DBL_KLEN, TRP_KLEN, QUAD_KLEN, Key, DoubleKey, TripleKey, QuadKey, Buffer, buffer_dump ) from cimport ( _check, BaseLmdbStore, data_v, dbi, key_v) from lakesuperior.model.rdf.graph cimport Graph from lakesuperior.model.rdf.term cimport ( Term, deserialize_to_rdflib, serialize_from_rdflib) from lakesuperior.model.rdf.triple cimport BufferTriple from lakesuperior.model.structures.hash cimport ( HLEN_128 as HLEN, Hash128, hash128) # Integer keys and values are stored in the system's native byte order. # Therefore they must be parsed left-to-right if the system is big-endian, # and right-to-left if little-endian, in order to maintain the correct # sorting order. BIG_ENDIAN = sys.byteorder == 'big' LSUP_REVERSEKEY = 0 if BIG_ENDIAN else lmdb.MDB_REVERSEKEY LSUP_REVERSEDUP = 0 if BIG_ENDIAN else lmdb.MDB_REVERSEDUP INT_KEY_MASK = lmdb.MDB_INTEGERKEY | LSUP_REVERSEKEY INT_DUP_KEY_MASK = ( lmdb.MDB_DUPSORT | lmdb.MDB_DUPFIXED | lmdb.MDB_INTEGERKEY | LSUP_REVERSEKEY | LSUP_REVERSEDUP ) INT_DUP_MASK = ( lmdb.MDB_DUPSORT | lmdb.MDB_DUPFIXED | lmdb.MDB_INTEGERDUP | LSUP_REVERSEKEY | LSUP_REVERSEDUP ) cdef: DbLabel DB_T_ST = 't:st___', # Joined triple keys to context key DbLabel DB_SPO_C = 'spo:c__', # This has empty values and is used to keep track of empty contexts. DbLabel DB_C_ = 'c:_____', # Prefix to namespace DbLabel DB_PFX_NS = 'pfx:ns_', # Indices # Namespace to prefix DbLabel DB_NS_PFX = 'ns:pfx_', # Term hash to triple key DbLabel DB_TH_T = 'th:t___', # 1-bound lookups DbLabel DB_S_PO = 's:po___', DbLabel DB_P_SO = 'p:so___', DbLabel DB_O_SP = 'o:sp___', # 2-bound lookups DbLabel DB_PO_S = 'po:s___', DbLabel DB_SO_P = 'so:p___', DbLabel DB_SP_O = 'sp:o___', # Context lookup DbLabel DB_C_SPO = 'c:spo__', lookup_rank = [0, 2, 1] """ Order in which keys are looked up if two terms are bound. The indices with the smallest average number of values per key should be looked up first. 0 = s:po 1 = p:so 2 = o:sp """ lookup_ordering = [ [0, 1, 2], # spo [1, 0, 2], # pso [2, 0, 1], # osp ] lookup_ordering_2bound = [ [1, 2, 0], # po:s [0, 2, 1], # so:p [0, 1, 2], # sp:o ] lookup_indices = [ DB_S_PO, DB_P_SO, DB_O_SP, DB_PO_S, DB_SO_P, DB_SP_O, ] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) cdef class LmdbTriplestore(BaseLmdbStore): """ Low-level triplestore layer. This class extends the general-purpose :py:class:`BaseLmdbStore` and maps triples and contexts to key-value records in LMDB. It can be used in the application context (``env.app_globals.rdf_store``), or an independent instance can be spun up in an arbitrary disk location. This class provides the base for the RDFlib-compatible backend in the :py:class:``. """ dbi_labels = [ DB_T_ST, DB_SPO_C, DB_C_, DB_PFX_NS, DB_NS_PFX, DB_TH_T, DB_S_PO, DB_P_SO, DB_O_SP, DB_PO_S, DB_SO_P, DB_SP_O, DB_C_SPO, ] dbi_flags = { DB_C_: INT_KEY_MASK, DB_T_ST: INT_KEY_MASK, DB_S_PO: INT_DUP_KEY_MASK, DB_P_SO: INT_DUP_KEY_MASK, DB_O_SP: INT_DUP_KEY_MASK, DB_PO_S: INT_DUP_MASK, DB_SO_P: INT_DUP_MASK, DB_SP_O: INT_DUP_MASK, DB_C_SPO: INT_DUP_KEY_MASK, DB_SPO_C: INT_DUP_MASK, } logger.debug(f'DBI flags: {dbi_flags}') flags = 0 options = { 'map_size': 1024 ** 4 # 1Tb. } # DB management methods. cpdef dict stats(self): """ Gather statistics about the database.""" st = self._stats() st['num_triples'] = st['db_stats'][DB_SPO_C]['ms_entries'] st['store_size'] = get_tree_size(self.env_path) return st cpdef size_t _len(self, context=None) except -1: """ Return the length of the dataset. The RDFLib interface defines `__len__` in a nonstandard way that causes a Cython compilation error, so this method is called by the `__len__` method of its Python counterpart. """ cdef: size_t ct Key ck if context is not None: ck = self.to_key(context) key_v.mv_data = &ck key_v.mv_size = KLEN cur = self._cur_open(DB_C_SPO) try: _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( cur, &key_v, NULL, lmdb.MDB_SET)) _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_count(cur, &ct)) except KeyNotFoundError: return 0 else: return ct finally: #pass self._cur_close(cur) else: return self.stats()['num_triples'] ## PRIVATE METHODS ## # Triple and graph methods. cpdef void add(self, triple, context=None, quoted=False) except *: """ Add a triple and start indexing. :param tuple(rdflib.Identifier) triple: Tuple of three identifiers. :param context: Context identifier. ``None`` inserts in the default graph. :type context: rdflib.Identifier or None :param bool quoted: Not used. """ cdef: lmdb.MDB_cursor *icur lmdb.MDB_val spo_v, c_v, null_v, key_v, data_v unsigned char i Hash128 thash QuadKey spock Buffer pk_t c = self._normalize_context(context) if c is None: c = RDFLIB_DEFAULT_GRAPH_URI s, p, o = triple icur = self._cur_open(DB_TH_T) try: for i, term_obj in enumerate((s, p, o, c)): serialize_from_rdflib(term_obj, &pk_t) hash128(&pk_t, &thash) try: key_v.mv_data = thash key_v.mv_size = HLEN _check(lmdb.mdb_get( self.txn, self.get_dbi(DB_TH_T), &key_v, &data_v)) spock[i] = (data_v.mv_data)[0] except KeyNotFoundError: # If term_obj is not found, add it... logger.debug('Hash {} not found. Adding to DB.'.format( thash[: HLEN])) spock[i] = self._append(&pk_t, dblabel=DB_T_ST) # ...and index it. key_v.mv_data = thash key_v.mv_size = HLEN data_v.mv_data = spock + i data_v.mv_size = KLEN _check( lmdb.mdb_cursor_put(icur, &key_v, &data_v, 0), 'Error setting key {}.'.format(thash)) finally: self._cur_close(icur) spo_v.mv_data = spock # address of sk in spock spo_v.mv_size = TRP_KLEN # Grab 3 keys c_v.mv_data = spock + 3 # address of ck in spock c_v.mv_size = KLEN null_v.mv_data = b'' null_v.mv_size = 0 try: _check(lmdb.mdb_put( self.txn, self.get_dbi(DB_C_), &c_v, &null_v, lmdb.MDB_NOOVERWRITE)) except KeyExistsError: pass try: # Add triple:context association. _check(lmdb.mdb_put( self.txn, self.get_dbi(DB_SPO_C), &spo_v, &c_v, lmdb.MDB_NODUPDATA)) except KeyExistsError: pass try: # Index context:triple association. _check(lmdb.mdb_put( self.txn, self.get_dbi(DB_C_SPO), &c_v, &spo_v, lmdb.MDB_NODUPDATA)) except KeyExistsError: pass self._index_triple(IDX_OP_ADD, [spock[0], spock[1], spock[2]]) cpdef void add_graph(self, c) except *: """ Add a graph (context) to the database. This creates an empty graph by associating the graph URI with the pickled `None` value. This prevents from removing the graph when all triples are removed. :param rdflib.URIRef graph: URI of the named graph to add. """ cdef: lmdb.MDB_txn *_txn Buffer _sc Key ck c = self._normalize_context(c) ck = self.to_key(c) if not self._key_exists(&ck, KLEN, DB_C_): # Insert context term if not existing. if self.is_txn_rw: #logger.debug('Working in existing RW transaction.') _txn = self.txn else: #logger.debug('Opening a temporary RW transaction.') _check(lmdb.mdb_txn_begin(self.dbenv, NULL, 0, &_txn)) # Open new R/W transactions. try: # Add to list of contexts. key_v.mv_data = &ck key_v.mv_size = KLEN data_v.mv_data = &ck # Whatever, length is zero anyways data_v.mv_size = 0 _check(lmdb.mdb_put( _txn, self.get_dbi(DB_C_), &key_v, &data_v, 0 )) if not self.is_txn_rw: _check(lmdb.mdb_txn_commit(_txn)) # Kick the main transaction to see the new terms. lmdb.mdb_txn_reset(self.txn) _check(lmdb.mdb_txn_renew(self.txn)) except: if not self.is_txn_rw: lmdb.mdb_txn_abort(_txn) raise cpdef void _remove(self, tuple triple_pattern, context=None) except *: cdef: lmdb.MDB_val spok_v, ck_v TripleKey spok_cur Key ck if context is not None: try: ck = self.to_key(context) except KeyNotFoundError: # If context is specified but not found, return to avoid # deleting the wrong triples. return # Get the matching pattern. match_set = self.triple_keys(triple_pattern, context) dcur = self._cur_open(DB_SPO_C) icur = self._cur_open(DB_C_SPO) try: spok_v.mv_size = TRP_KLEN # If context was specified, remove only associations with that context. if context is not None: ck_v.mv_data = &ck ck_v.mv_size = KLEN while match_set.keys.get_next(&spok_cur): spok_v.mv_data = spok_cur # Delete spo:c entry. try: _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( dcur, &spok_v, &ck_v, lmdb.MDB_GET_BOTH)) except KeyNotFoundError: pass else: _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_del(dcur, 0)) # Restore ck after delete. ck_v.mv_data = &ck # Delete c:spo entry. try: _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( icur, &ck_v, &spok_v, lmdb.MDB_GET_BOTH)) except KeyNotFoundError: pass else: _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_del(icur, 0)) # Delete lookup indices, only if no other context # association is present. # spok_v has changed on mdb_cursor_del. Restore. spok_v.mv_data = spok_cur try: _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( dcur, &spok_v, NULL, lmdb.MDB_SET)) except KeyNotFoundError: self._index_triple(IDX_OP_REMOVE, spok_cur) # If no context is specified, remove all associations. else: logger.debug('Removing triples in all contexts.') # Loop over all SPO matching the triple pattern. while match_set.keys.get_next(&spok_cur): spok_v.mv_data = spok_cur # Loop over all context associations for this SPO. try: _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( dcur, &spok_v, &ck_v, lmdb.MDB_SET_KEY)) except KeyNotFoundError: # Move on to the next SPO. continue else: ck = (ck_v.mv_data)[0] while True: # Delete c:spo association. try: _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( icur, &ck_v, &spok_v, lmdb.MDB_GET_BOTH)) except KeyNotFoundError: pass else: lmdb.mdb_cursor_del(icur, 0) # Restore the pointer to the deleted SPO. spok_v.mv_data = spok_cur # Move on to next associated context. try: _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( dcur, &spok_v, &ck_v, lmdb.MDB_NEXT_DUP)) except KeyNotFoundError: break # Then delete the spo:c association. try: _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( dcur, &spok_v, &ck_v, lmdb.MDB_SET)) except KeyNotFoundError: pass else: lmdb.mdb_cursor_del(dcur, lmdb.MDB_NODUPDATA) self._index_triple(IDX_OP_REMOVE, spok_cur) finally: self._cur_close(dcur) self._cur_close(icur) cdef void _index_triple(self, int op, TripleKey spok) except *: """ Update index for a triple and context (add or remove). :param str op: one of ``IDX_OP_ADD`` or ``IDX_OP_REMOVE``. :param TripleKey spok: Triple key to index. """ cdef: DoubleKey dbl_keys[3] size_t i = 0 lmdb.MDB_val key_v, dbl_key_v dbl_keys = [ [spok[1], spok[2]], # pok [spok[0], spok[2]], # sok [spok[0], spok[1]], # spk ] #logger.debug(f'''Indices: #spok: {[spok[0], spok[1], spok[2]]} #sk: {spok[0]} #pk: {spok[1]} #ok: {spok[2]} #pok: {dbl_keys[0]} #sok: {dbl_keys[1]} #spk: {dbl_keys[2]} #''') key_v.mv_size = KLEN dbl_key_v.mv_size = DBL_KLEN #logger.debug('Start indexing: {}.'.format(spok[: TRP_KLEN])) #if op == IDX_OP_REMOVE: # logger.debug(f'Remove {spok[0]} from indices.') #else: # logger.debug(f'Add {spok[0]} to indices.') while i < 3: cur1 = self._cur_open(lookup_indices[i]) # s:po, p:so, o:sp cur2 = self._cur_open(lookup_indices[i + 3])# po:s, so:p, sp:o try: key_v.mv_data = spok + i dbl_key_v.mv_data = dbl_keys[i] # Removal op indexing. if op == IDX_OP_REMOVE: try: _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( cur1, &key_v, &dbl_key_v, lmdb.MDB_GET_BOTH)) except KeyNotFoundError: pass else: _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_del(cur1, 0)) # Restore pointers after delete. key_v.mv_data = spok + i dbl_key_v.mv_data = dbl_keys[i] try: _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( cur2, &dbl_key_v, &key_v, lmdb.MDB_GET_BOTH)) except KeyNotFoundError: pass else: _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_del(cur2, 0)) # Addition op indexing. elif op == IDX_OP_ADD: try: _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_put( cur1, &key_v, &dbl_key_v, lmdb.MDB_NODUPDATA)) except KeyExistsError: pass try: _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_put( cur2, &dbl_key_v, &key_v, lmdb.MDB_NODUPDATA)) except KeyExistsError: pass else: raise ValueError( 'Index operation \'{}\' is not supported.'.format(op)) i += 1 finally: #pass self._cur_close(cur1) self._cur_close(cur2) cpdef void _remove_graph(self, object gr_uri) except *: """ Delete a context. """ cdef: Hash128 chash Key ck lmdb.MDB_val ck_v, chash_v Buffer pk_c # Gather information on the graph prior to deletion. try: ck = self.to_key(gr_uri) except KeyNotFoundError: return # Remove all triples and indices associated with the graph. self._remove((None, None, None), gr_uri) # Remove the graph if it is in triples. self._remove((gr_uri, None, None)) self._remove((None, None, gr_uri)) # Clean up all terms related to the graph. serialize_from_rdflib(gr_uri, &pk_c) hash128(&pk_c, &chash) ck_v.mv_size = KLEN chash_v.mv_size = HLEN try: ck_v.mv_data = &ck _check(lmdb.mdb_del(self.txn, self.get_dbi(DB_C_), &ck_v, NULL)) ck_v.mv_data = &ck _check(lmdb.mdb_del(self.txn, self.get_dbi(DB_T_ST), &ck_v, NULL)) chash_v.mv_data = chash _check(lmdb.mdb_del(self.txn, self.get_dbi(DB_TH_T), &chash_v, NULL)) except KeyNotFoundError: pass # Lookup methods. def contexts(self, triple=None): """ Get a list of all contexts. :rtype: set(URIRef) """ cdef: size_t sz, i Key* match try: self.all_contexts(&match, &sz, triple) ret = set() for i in range(sz): ret.add(self.from_key(match[i])) finally: free(match) return ret def triples(self, triple_pattern, context=None): """ Generator over matching triples. :param tuple triple_pattern: 3 RDFLib terms :param context: Context graph, if available. :type context: rdflib.Graph or None :rtype: Iterator :return: Generator over triples and contexts in which each result has the following format:: (s, p, o), generator(contexts) Where the contexts generator lists all context that the triple appears in. """ cdef: size_t i = 0 TripleKey it_cur lmdb.MDB_val key_v, data_v # This sounds strange, RDFLib should be passing None at this point, # but anyway... context = self._normalize_context(context) logger.debug( 'Getting triples for: {}, {}'.format(triple_pattern, context)) rset = self.triple_keys(triple_pattern, context) #logger.debug('Triple keys found: {}'.format([:rset.size])) cur = self._cur_open(DB_SPO_C) try: key_v.mv_size = TRP_KLEN while rset.keys.get_next(&it_cur): key_v.mv_data = it_cur # Get contexts associated with each triple. contexts = [] # This shall never be MDB_NOTFOUND. _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get(cur, &key_v, &data_v, lmdb.MDB_SET)) while True: c_uri = self.from_key((data_v.mv_data)[0]) contexts.append( Graph(self, uri=c_uri) ) try: _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( cur, &key_v, &data_v, lmdb.MDB_NEXT_DUP)) except KeyNotFoundError: break yield ( ( self.from_key((key_v.mv_data)[0]), self.from_key((key_v.mv_data)[1]), self.from_key((key_v.mv_data)[2]), ), tuple(contexts) ) finally: self._cur_close(cur) cpdef Graph triple_keys( self, tuple triple_pattern, context=None, uri=None ): """ Top-level lookup method. This method is used by `triples` which returns native Python tuples, as well as by other methods that need to iterate and filter triple keys without incurring in the overhead of converting them to triples. :param tuple triple_pattern: 3 RDFLib terms :param context: Context graph or URI, or None. :type context: rdflib.term.Identifier or None """ cdef: size_t ct = 0, i = 0 lmdb.MDB_cursor *icur lmdb.MDB_val key_v, data_v Key tk, ck TripleKey spok Graph flt_res, ret if context is not None: try: ck = self.to_key(context) except KeyNotFoundError: # Context not found. return Graph(self, uri=uri) icur = self._cur_open(DB_C_SPO) try: key_v.mv_data = &ck key_v.mv_size = KLEN # s p o c if all(triple_pattern): for i, term in enumerate(triple_pattern): try: tk = self.to_key(term) except KeyNotFoundError: # A term key was not found. return Graph(self, uri=uri) spok[i] = tk data_v.mv_data = spok data_v.mv_size = TRP_KLEN try: _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( icur, &key_v, &data_v, lmdb.MDB_GET_BOTH)) except KeyNotFoundError: # Triple not found. #logger.debug('spok / ck pair not found.') return Graph(self, uri=uri) ret = Graph(self, 1, uri=uri) ret.keys.add(&spok) return ret # ? ? ? c elif not any(triple_pattern): # Get all triples from the context try: _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( icur, &key_v, &data_v, lmdb.MDB_SET)) except KeyNotFoundError: # Triple not found. return Graph(self, uri=uri) _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_count(icur, &ct)) ret = Graph(self, ct, uri=uri) _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( icur, &key_v, &data_v, lmdb.MDB_GET_MULTIPLE)) while True: # Loop over page data. spok_page = data_v.mv_data for i in range(data_v.mv_size // TRP_KLEN): ret.keys.add(spok_page + i) try: # Get next page. _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( icur, &key_v, &data_v, lmdb.MDB_NEXT_MULTIPLE)) except KeyNotFoundError: return ret # Regular lookup. Filter _lookup() results by context. else: try: res = self._lookup(triple_pattern) except KeyNotFoundError: return Graph(self, uri=uri) key_v.mv_data = &ck key_v.mv_size = KLEN data_v.mv_size = TRP_KLEN flt_res = Graph(self, res.capacity, uri=uri) while res.keys.get_next(&spok): data_v.mv_data = spok try: # Verify that the triple is associated with the # context being searched. _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( icur, &key_v, &data_v, lmdb.MDB_GET_BOTH)) except KeyNotFoundError: continue else: flt_res.keys.add(&spok) return flt_res finally: self._cur_close(icur) # Unfiltered lookup. No context checked. else: try: res = self._lookup(triple_pattern) except KeyNotFoundError: return Graph(self, uri=uri) return res cdef Graph _lookup(self, tuple triple_pattern): """ Look up triples in the indices based on a triple pattern. :rtype: Iterator :return: Matching triple keys. """ cdef: size_t ct = 0 lmdb.MDB_stat db_stat lmdb.MDB_val spok_v, ck_v TripleKey spok Key sk, pk, ok, tk1, tk2, tk3 s, p, o = triple_pattern try: if s is not None: sk = self.to_key(s) if p is not None: pk = self.to_key(p) if o is not None: ok = self.to_key(o) except KeyNotFoundError: return Graph(self) if s is not None: tk1 = sk if p is not None: tk2 = pk # s p o if o is not None: tk3 = ok spok_v.mv_data = spok spok_v.mv_size = TRP_KLEN try: spok = [tk1, tk2, tk3] _check(lmdb.mdb_get( self.txn, self.get_dbi(DB_SPO_C), &spok_v, &ck_v)) except KeyNotFoundError: return Graph(self) matches = Graph(self, 1) matches.keys.add(&spok) return matches # s p ? return self._lookup_2bound(0, 1, [tk1, tk2]) if o is not None: # s ? o tk2 = ok return self._lookup_2bound(0, 2, [tk1, tk2]) # s ? ? return self._lookup_1bound(0, tk1) if p is not None: tk1 = pk if o is not None: # ? p o tk2 = ok return self._lookup_2bound(1, 2, [tk1, tk2]) # ? p ? return self._lookup_1bound(1, tk1) if o is not None: # ? ? o tk1 = ok return self._lookup_1bound(2, tk1) # ? ? ? # Get all triples in the database. dcur = self._cur_open(DB_SPO_C) try: _check( lmdb.mdb_stat( self.txn, lmdb.mdb_cursor_dbi(dcur), &db_stat ), 'Error gathering DB stats.' ) ct = db_stat.ms_entries ret = Graph(self, ct) #logger.debug(f'Triples found: {ct}') if ct == 0: return Graph(self) _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( dcur, &key_v, &data_v, lmdb.MDB_FIRST)) while True: spok = key_v.mv_data ret.keys.add(&spok) try: _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( dcur, &key_v, &data_v, lmdb.MDB_NEXT_NODUP)) except KeyNotFoundError: break return ret finally: self._cur_close(dcur) cdef Graph _lookup_1bound(self, unsigned char idx, Key luk): """ Lookup triples for a pattern with one bound term. :param str idx_name: The index to look up as one of the keys of ``_lookup_ordering``. :param rdflib.URIRef term: Bound term to search for. :rtype: Iterator(bytes) :return: SPO keys matching the pattern. """ cdef: unsigned int dbflags unsigned char term_order[3] size_t ct, i lmdb.MDB_cursor *icur lmdb.MDB_val key_v, data_v TripleKey spok #logger.debug(f'lookup 1bound: {idx}, {luk}') term_order = lookup_ordering[idx] icur = self._cur_open(lookup_indices[idx]) logging.debug(f'DB label: {lookup_indices[idx]}') logging.debug('term order: {}'.format(term_order[: 3])) try: key_v.mv_data = &luk key_v.mv_size = KLEN _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get(icur, &key_v, &data_v, lmdb.MDB_SET)) _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_count(icur, &ct)) # Allocate memory for results. ret = Graph(self, ct) _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get(icur, &key_v, &data_v, lmdb.MDB_SET)) _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( icur, &key_v, &data_v, lmdb.MDB_GET_MULTIPLE)) while True: lu_dset = data_v.mv_data for i in range(data_v.mv_size // DBL_KLEN): spok[term_order[0]] = luk spok[term_order[1]] = lu_dset[i][0] spok[term_order[2]] = lu_dset[i][1] ret.keys.add(&spok) try: # Get results by the page. _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( icur, &key_v, &data_v, lmdb.MDB_NEXT_MULTIPLE)) except KeyNotFoundError: return ret finally: self._cur_close(icur) cdef Graph _lookup_2bound( self, unsigned char idx1, unsigned char idx2, DoubleKey tks ): """ Look up triples for a pattern with two bound terms. :param str idx1: The index to look up as one of the keys of ``lookup_ordering_2bound``. :param rdflib.URIRef term1: First bound term to search for. :rtype: Iterator(bytes) :return: SPO keys matching the pattern. """ cdef: unsigned char luk1_offset, luk2_offset unsigned int dbflags unsigned char term_order[3] # Lookup ordering size_t ct, i = 0 lmdb.MDB_cursor* icur Graph ret DoubleKey luk TripleKey spok for i in range(3): if ( idx1 in lookup_ordering_2bound[i][: 2] and idx2 in lookup_ordering_2bound[i][: 2]): term_order = lookup_ordering_2bound[i] if term_order[0] == idx1: luk1_offset = 0 luk2_offset = 1 else: luk1_offset = 1 luk2_offset = 0 dblabel = lookup_indices[i + 3] # skip 1bound index labels break if i == 2: raise ValueError( 'Indices {} and {} not found in LU keys.'.format( idx1, idx2)) # Compose term keys in lookup key. luk[luk1_offset] = tks[0] luk[luk2_offset] = tks[1] icur = self._cur_open(dblabel) try: key_v.mv_data = luk key_v.mv_size = DBL_KLEN # Count duplicates for key and allocate memory for result set. _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get(icur, &key_v, &data_v, lmdb.MDB_SET)) _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_count(icur, &ct)) ret = Graph(self, ct) _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get(icur, &key_v, &data_v, lmdb.MDB_SET)) _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( icur, &key_v, &data_v, lmdb.MDB_GET_MULTIPLE)) while True: lu_dset = data_v.mv_data for i in range(data_v.mv_size // KLEN): spok[term_order[0]] = luk[0] spok[term_order[1]] = luk[1] spok[term_order[2]] = lu_dset[i] ret.keys.add(&spok) try: # Get results by the page. _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( icur, &key_v, &data_v, lmdb.MDB_NEXT_MULTIPLE)) except KeyNotFoundError: return ret finally: self._cur_close(icur) cdef void _all_term_keys(self, term_type, cc.HashSet** tkeys) except *: """ Return all keys of a (``s:po``, ``p:so``, ``o:sp``) index. """ cdef: size_t i = 0 lmdb.MDB_stat stat cc.HashSetConf tkeys_conf idx_label = lookup_indices['spo'.index(term_type)] icur = self._cur_open(idx_label) try: _check(lmdb.mdb_stat(self.txn, lmdb.mdb_cursor_dbi(icur), &stat)) cc.hashset_conf_init(&tkeys_conf) tkeys_conf.initial_capacity = 1024 tkeys_conf.load_factor = .75 tkeys_conf.key_length = KLEN tkeys_conf.key_compare = cc.CC_CMP_POINTER tkeys_conf.hash = cc.POINTER_HASH cc.hashset_new_conf(&tkeys_conf, tkeys) try: _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( icur, &key_v, NULL, lmdb.MDB_FIRST)) except KeyNotFoundError: return while True: cc.hashset_add(tkeys[0], key_v.mv_data) rc = lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( icur, &key_v, NULL, lmdb.MDB_NEXT_NODUP) try: _check(rc) except KeyNotFoundError: return i += 1 finally: self._cur_close(icur) def all_terms(self, term_type): """ Return all terms of a type (``s``, ``p``, or ``o``) in the store. """ cdef: void* cur cc.HashSet* tkeys cc.HashSetIter it ret = set() try: self._all_term_keys(term_type, &tkeys) cc.hashset_iter_init(&it, tkeys) while cc.hashset_iter_next(&it, &cur) != cc.CC_ITER_END: ret.add(self.from_key((cur)[0])) finally: if tkeys: free(tkeys) return ret cpdef tuple all_namespaces(self): """ Return all registered namespaces. """ cdef: size_t i = 0 lmdb.MDB_stat stat ret = [] dcur = self._cur_open(DB_PFX_NS) try: try: _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( dcur, &key_v, &data_v, lmdb.MDB_FIRST)) except KeyNotFoundError: return tuple() while True: ret.append(( (key_v.mv_data)[: key_v.mv_size].decode(), (data_v.mv_data)[: data_v.mv_size].decode())) try: _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( dcur, &key_v, &data_v, lmdb.MDB_NEXT)) except KeyNotFoundError: return tuple(ret) i += 1 finally: self._cur_close(dcur) cdef void all_contexts( self, Key** ctx, size_t* sz, triple=None ) except *: """ Get a list of all contexts. """ cdef: size_t ct lmdb.MDB_stat stat lmdb.MDB_val key_v, data_v TripleKey spok cur = ( self._cur_open(DB_SPO_C) if triple and all(triple) else self._cur_open(DB_C_)) try: if triple and all(triple): _check(lmdb.mdb_stat( self.txn, lmdb.mdb_cursor_dbi(cur), &stat)) spok = [ self.to_key(triple[0]), self.to_key(triple[1]), self.to_key(triple[2]), ] key_v.mv_data = spok key_v.mv_size = TRP_KLEN try: _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( cur, &key_v, &data_v, lmdb.MDB_SET_KEY)) except KeyNotFoundError: ctx[0] = NULL return ctx[0] = malloc(stat.ms_entries * KLEN) sz[0] = 0 while True: ctx[0][sz[0]] = (data_v.mv_data)[0] sz[0] += 1 try: _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( cur, &key_v, &data_v, lmdb.MDB_NEXT_DUP)) except KeyNotFoundError: break else: _check(lmdb.mdb_stat( self.txn, lmdb.mdb_cursor_dbi(cur), &stat)) try: _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( cur, &key_v, &data_v, lmdb.MDB_FIRST)) except KeyNotFoundError: ctx[0] = NULL return ctx[0] = malloc(stat.ms_entries * KLEN) sz[0] = 0 while True: ctx[0][sz[0]] = (key_v.mv_data)[0] sz[0] += 1 try: _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get( cur, &key_v, NULL, lmdb.MDB_NEXT)) except KeyNotFoundError: break finally: self._cur_close(cur) # Key conversion methods. cdef inline void lookup_term(self, const Key tk, Buffer* data) except *: """ look up a term by key. :param Key key: The key to be looked up. :param Buffer *data: Buffer structure containing the serialized term. """ cdef: lmdb.MDB_val key_v, data_v key_v.mv_data = &tk key_v.mv_size = KLEN _check( lmdb.mdb_get( self.txn, self.get_dbi(DB_T_ST), &key_v, &data_v ), f'Error getting data for key \'{tk}\'.' ) data.addr = data_v.mv_data = data_v.mv_size cdef object from_key(self, const Key tk): """ Convert a single key into one term. :param Key key: The key to be converted. """ cdef Buffer pk_t'From key:{tk}') self.lookup_term(tk, &pk_t)'from_key buffer: {buffer_dump(&pk_t)}') # TODO Make Term a class and return that. return deserialize_to_rdflib(&pk_t) cdef Key to_key(self, term) except? 0: """ Convert a term into a key and insert it in the term key store. :param rdflib.Term term: An RDFLib term (URIRef, BNode, Literal). :param Key key: Key that will be produced. :rtype: void """ cdef: lmdb.MDB_txn *_txn Hash128 thash Buffer pk_t Key tk'Serializing term: {term}') serialize_from_rdflib(term, &pk_t) hash128(&pk_t, &thash) key_v.mv_data = thash key_v.mv_size = HLEN try: #logger.debug( # f'Check {buffer_dump(&pk_t)} with hash ' # f'{(thash)[:HLEN]} in store before adding.' #) _check(lmdb.mdb_get( self.txn, self.get_dbi(DB_TH_T), &key_v, &data_v) ) return (data_v.mv_data)[0] except KeyNotFoundError:'Adding term {term} to store.') # If key is not in the store, add it. if self.is_txn_rw: # Use existing R/W transaction.'Working in existing RW transaction.') _txn = self.txn else: # Open new R/W transaction.'Opening a temporary RW transaction.') _check(lmdb.mdb_txn_begin(self.dbenv, NULL, 0, &_txn)) try: # Main entry. tk = self._append(&pk_t, DB_T_ST, txn=_txn) # Index. data_v.mv_data = &tk data_v.mv_size = KLEN _check(lmdb.mdb_put( _txn, self.get_dbi(DB_TH_T), &key_v, &data_v, 0 )) if not self.is_txn_rw: _check(lmdb.mdb_txn_commit(_txn)) # Kick the main transaction to see the new terms. lmdb.mdb_txn_reset(self.txn) _check(lmdb.mdb_txn_renew(self.txn)) return tk except: if not self.is_txn_rw: lmdb.mdb_txn_abort(_txn) raise cdef Key _append( self, Buffer *value, DbLabel dblabel=b'', lmdb.MDB_txn *txn=NULL, unsigned int flags=0 ) except? 0: """ Append one or more keys and values to the end of a database. :param lmdb.Cursor cur: The write cursor to act on. :param list(bytes) values: Value(s) to append. :rtype: Key :return: Key inserted. """ cdef: lmdb.MDB_cursor *cur Key new_idx lmdb.MDB_val key_v, data_v if txn is NULL: txn = self.txn cur = self._cur_open(dblabel, txn=txn) try: _check(lmdb.mdb_cursor_get(cur, &key_v, NULL, lmdb.MDB_LAST)) except KeyNotFoundError: new_idx = FIRST_KEY else: new_idx = (key_v.mv_data)[0] + 1 finally: self._cur_close(cur) key_v.mv_data = &new_idx logger.debug(f'New index: {new_idx}') #logger.debug('Key data inserted: {}'.format((key_v.mv_data)[:KLEN])) key_v.mv_size = KLEN data_v.mv_data = value.addr data_v.mv_size = lmdb.mdb_put( txn, self.get_dbi(dblabel), &key_v, &data_v, flags | lmdb.MDB_APPEND) return new_idx def _normalize_context(self, context): """ Normalize a context parameter to conform to the model expectations. :param context: Context URI or graph. :type context: URIRef or Graph or None """ if isinstance(context, rdflib.Graph): if context == self or isinstance( context.identifier, rdflib.Variable ): context = None else: context = context.identifier elif isinstance(context, str): context = rdflib.URIRef(context) return context