import logging from io import BytesIO from rdflib import URIRef from lakesuperior import env from lakesuperior.dictionaries.namespaces import ns_collection as nsc from lakesuperior.dictionaries.namespaces import ns_mgr as nsm from import LmdbStore, TxnManager logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) rdfly = env.app_globals.rdfly rdf_store = env.app_globals.rdf_store operands = ('_id', '=', '!=', '<', '>', '<=', '>=') """ Available term comparators for term query. The ``_uri`` term is used to match URIRef terms, all other comparators are used against literals. """ def triple_match(s=None, p=None, o=None, return_full=False): """ Query store by matching triple patterns. Any of the ``s``, ``p`` or ``o`` terms can be None to represent a wildcard. This method is for triple matching only; it does not allow to query, nor exposes to the caller, any context. :param rdflib.term.Identifier s: Subject term. :param rdflib.term.Identifier p: Predicate term. :param rdflib.term.Identifier o: Object term. :param bool return_full: if ``False`` (the default), the returned values in the set are the URIs of the resources found. If True, the full set of matching triples is returned. :rtype: set(tuple(rdflib.term.Identifier){3}) or set(rdflib.URIRef) :return: Matching resource URIs if ``return_full`` is false, or matching triples otherwise. """ with TxnManager(rdf_store) as txn: matches = rdf_store.triples((s, p, o), None) # Strip contexts and de-duplicate. qres = ( {match[0] for match in matches} if return_full else {match[0][0] for match in matches}) return qres def term_query(terms, or_logic=False): """ Query resources by predicates, comparators and values. Comparators can be against literal or URIRef objects. For a list of comparators and their meanings, see the documentation and source for :py:data:`~lakesuperior.api.query.operands`. :param list(tuple{3}) terms: List of 3-tuples containing: - Predicate URI (rdflib.URIRef) - Comparator value (str) - Value to compare to (rdflib.URIRef or rdflib.Literal or str) :param bool or_logic: Whether to concatenate multiple query terms with OR logic (uses SPARQL ``UNION`` statements). The default is False (i.e. terms are concatenated as standard SPARQL statements). """ qry_term_ls = [] for i, term in enumerate(terms): if term['op'] not in operands: raise ValueError('Not a valid operand: {}'.format(term['op'])) if term['op'] == '_id': qry_term = '?s {} {} .'.format(term['pred'], term['val']) else: oname = '?o_{}'.format(i) qry_term = '?s {0} {1}\nFILTER (str({1}) {2} "{3}") .'.format( term['pred'], oname, term['op'], term['val']) qry_term_ls.append(qry_term) if or_logic: qry_terms = '{\n' + '\n} UNION {\n'.join(qry_term_ls) + '\n}' else: qry_terms = '\n'.join(qry_term_ls) qry_str = ''' SELECT ?s WHERE {{ {} }} '''.format(qry_terms) logger.debug('Query: {}'.format(qry_str)) with TxnManager(rdf_store) as txn: qres = rdfly.raw_query(qry_str) return {row[0] for row in qres} def fulltext_lookup(pattern): """ Look up one term by partial match. *TODO: reserved for future use. A `Whoosh `__ or similar full-text index is necessary for this.* """ pass def sparql_query(qry_str, fmt): """ Send a SPARQL query to the triplestore. :param str qry_str: SPARQL query string. SPARQL 1.1 Query Language ( is supported. :param str fmt: Serialization format. This varies depending on the query type (SELECT, ASK, CONSTRUCT, etc.). [TODO Add reference to RDFLib serialization formats] :rtype: BytesIO :return: Serialized SPARQL results. """ with TxnManager(rdf_store) as txn: qres = rdfly.raw_query(qry_str) out_stream = BytesIO(qres.serialize(format=fmt)) return out_stream