import logging import pickle import re from collections import defaultdict from hashlib import sha1 from flask import g from rdflib import Graph from rdflib.term import URIRef, Variable from lakesuperior.dictionaries.namespaces import ns_collection as nsc from lakesuperior.globals import ROOT_RSRC_URI logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Toolbox: ''' Utility class to translate and generate strings and other objects. ''' def replace_term_domain(self, term, search, replace): ''' Replace the domain of a term. @param term (URIRef) The term (URI) to change. @param search (string) Domain string to replace. @param replace (string) Domain string to use for replacement. @return URIRef ''' s = str(term) if s.startswith(search): s = s.replace(search, replace) return URIRef(s) def uid_to_uri(self, uid): '''Convert a UID to a URI. @return URIRef ''' return URIRef(g.webroot + uid) def uri_to_uid(self, uri): '''Convert an absolute URI (internal or external) to a UID. @return string ''' if uri.startswith(nsc['fcres']): return str(uri).replace(nsc['fcres'], '') else: return '/' + str(uri).replace(g.webroot, '').strip('/') def localize_uri_string(self, s): '''Convert URIs into URNs in a string using the application base URI. @param string s Input string. @return string ''' if s.strip('/') == g.webroot: return str(ROOT_RSRC_URI) else: return s.rstrip('/').replace( g.webroot, str(nsc['fcres'])) def localize_term(self, uri): ''' Localize an individual term. @param rdflib.term.URIRef urn Input URI. @return rdflib.term.URIRef ''' return URIRef(self.localize_uri_string(str(uri))) def localize_triple(self, trp): ''' Localize terms in a triple. @param trp (tuple(rdflib.term.URIRef)) The triple to be converted @return tuple(rdflib.term.URIRef) ''' s, p, o = trp if s.startswith(g.webroot): s = self.localize_term(s) if o.startswith(g.webroot): o = self.localize_term(o) return s, p, o def localize_graph(self, gr): ''' Localize a graph. ''' l_id = self.localize_term(gr.identifier) l_gr = Graph(identifier=l_id) for trp in gr: l_gr.add(self.localize_triple(trp)) return l_gr def localize_payload(self, data): ''' Localize an RDF stream with domain-specific URIs. @param data (bytes) Binary RDF data. @return bytes ''' return data.replace( (g.webroot + '/').encode('utf-8'), (nsc['fcres'] + '/').encode('utf-8') ).replace( g.webroot.encode('utf-8'), (nsc['fcres'] + '/').encode('utf-8') ) def localize_ext_str(self, s, urn): ''' Convert global URIs to local in a SPARQL or RDF string. Also replace empty URIs (`<>`) with a fixed local URN and take care of fragments and relative URIs. This is a 3-pass replacement. First, global URIs whose webroot matches the application ones are replaced with internal URIs. Then, relative URIs are converted to absolute using the internal URI as the base; finally, the root node is appropriately addressed. ''' esc_webroot = g.webroot.replace('/', '\\/') #loc_ptn = r'<({}\/?)?(.*?)?(\?.*?)?(#.*?)?>'.format(esc_webroot) loc_ptn1 = r'<{}\/?(.*?)>'.format(esc_webroot) loc_sub1 = '<{}/\\1>'.format(nsc['fcres']) s1 = re.sub(loc_ptn1, loc_sub1, s) loc_ptn2 = r'<([#?].*?)?>' loc_sub2 = '<{}\\1>'.format(urn) s2 = re.sub(loc_ptn2, loc_sub2, s1) loc_ptn3 = r'<{}([#?].*?)?>'.format(nsc['fcres']) loc_sub3 = '<{}\\1>'.format(ROOT_RSRC_URI) s3 = re.sub(loc_ptn3, loc_sub3, s2) return s3 def globalize_string(self, s): '''Convert URNs into URIs in a string using the application base URI. @param string s Input string. @return string ''' return s.replace(str(nsc['fcres']), g.webroot) def globalize_term(self, urn): ''' Convert an URN into an URI using the application base URI. @param rdflib.term.URIRef urn Input URN. @return rdflib.term.URIRef ''' return URIRef(self.globalize_string(str(urn))) def globalize_triple(self, trp): ''' Globalize terms in a triple. @param trp (tuple(rdflib.term.URIRef)) The triple to be converted @return tuple(rdflib.term.URIRef) ''' s, p, o = trp if s.startswith(nsc['fcres']): s = self.globalize_term(s) if o.startswith(nsc['fcres']): o = self.globalize_term(o) return s, p, o def globalize_graph(self, gr): ''' Globalize a graph. ''' g_id = self.globalize_term(gr.identifier) g_gr = Graph(identifier=g_id) for trp in gr: g_gr.add(self.globalize_triple(trp)) return g_gr def globalize_rsrc(self, rsrc): ''' Globalize a resource. ''' gr = rsrc.graph urn = rsrc.identifier global_gr = self.globalize_graph(gr) global_uri = self.globalize_term(urn) return global_gr.resource(global_uri) def parse_rfc7240(self, h_str): ''' Parse `Prefer` header as per The `cgi.parse_header` standard method does not work with all possible use cases for this header. @param h_str (string) The header(s) as a comma-separated list of Prefer statements, excluding the `Prefer: ` token. ''' parsed_hdr = defaultdict(dict) # Split up headers by comma hdr_list = [ x.strip() for x in h_str.split(',') ] for hdr in hdr_list: parsed_pref = defaultdict(dict) # Split up tokens by semicolon token_list = [ token.strip() for token in hdr.split(';') ] prefer_token = token_list.pop(0).split('=') prefer_name = prefer_token[0] # If preference has a '=', it has a value, else none. if len(prefer_token)>1: parsed_pref['value'] = prefer_token[1].strip('"') for param_token in token_list: # If the token list had a ';' the preference has a parameter. param_parts = [ prm.strip().strip('"') \ for prm in param_token.split('=') ] param_value = param_parts[1] if len(param_parts) > 1 else None parsed_pref['parameters'][param_parts[0]] = param_value parsed_hdr[prefer_name] = parsed_pref return parsed_hdr def rdf_cksum(self, gr): ''' Generate a checksum for a graph. What this method does is ordering the graph by subject, predicate, object, then creating a pickle string and a checksum of it. N.B. The context of the triples is ignored, so isomorphic graphs would have the same checksum regardless of the context(s) they are found in. @TODO This can be later reworked to use a custom hashing algorithm. @param rdflib.Graph gr The graph to be hashed. @return string SHA1 checksum. ''' # Remove the messageDigest property, which very likely reflects the # previous state of the resource. gr.remove((Variable('s'), nsc['premis'].messageDigest, Variable('o'))) ord_gr = sorted(list(gr), key=lambda x : (x[0], x[1], x[2])) hash = sha1(pickle.dumps(ord_gr)).hexdigest() return hash def split_uuid(self, uuid): ''' Split a UID into pairtree segments. This mimics FCREPO4 behavior. ''' path = '{}/{}/{}/{}/{}'.format(uuid[:2], uuid[2:4], uuid[4:6], uuid[6:8], uuid) return path