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Initial commit.

Stefano Cossu %!s(int64=2) %!d(string=hai) anos
Modificáronse 5 ficheiros con 378 adicións e 0 borrados
  1. 3 0
  2. 4 0
  3. 369 0
  4. 1 0
  5. 1 0

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+[submodule "pyLODE"]
+	path = pyLODE
+	url = https://notabug.org/scossu/pyLODE.git
+    branch = grayspread

+ 369 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+@prefix dct:  <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
+#@prefix dctype: <http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/> .
+@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .
+#@prefix ore: <http://www.openarchives.org/ore/terms/> .
+@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
+@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
+#@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
+@prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> .
+@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
+@prefix : <http://onto.grayspread.net#> .
+@prefix bart: <http://onto.grayspread.net/barthender#> .
+@prefix berg: <http://onto.grayspread.net/bergsonica#> .
+@prefix hvb: <http://onto.grayspread.net/hildegardens#> .
+@prefix sonn: <http://onto.grayspread.net/sonnabendit#> .
+: a skos:ConceptScheme ;
+    rdfs:label      "Grayspread Ontology"@en ;
+    dct:description
+        """
+Non-committal world view of Grayspread.
+This documents represents the foundational ontology of
+[grayspread.net](https://grayspread.net), which may take years before it
+becomes public, so here's a bone.
+For the non-technical folks, this document is the human-readable representation
+of a machine-readable vocabulary called an *ontology*, which defines types of
+things ("Classes") and their relationships ("Properties") found in the real
+world. By way of naming things, a world view is defined so that
+machines can learn our world in a multitude of biased ways.
+There are many ontologies published on the web, each organizing a generic or
+specific set of knowledge for some purpose. This is one of them, and its
+purpose is to dissect an individual's creative and reasoning threads. It is
+obviously tailored to that one individual, and probably quite useless for any
+other purpose than entertainment."""@en ;
+    dct:creator     "Stefano Cossu" ;
+    dct:created     "2021-03-26"^^xsd:date ;
+    .
+## TYPES ##
+    a rdfs:Class ;
+    skos:prefLabel "Image"@en ;
+    skos:scopeNote
+        """
+> Here I am in the presence of images, in the vaguest sense of the
+word, images perceived when my senses are opened to them, unperceived when
+they are closed. All these images act and react upon one another in all their
+elementary parts according to constant laws which I call laws of nature, and,
+as a perfect knowledge of these laws would probably allow us to calculate and
+to foresee what will happen in each of these images, the future of the images
+must be contained in their present and will add to them nothing new."""@en ;
+    a rdfs:Class ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf berg:Image ;
+    skos:prefLabel "Body"@en ;
+    skos:scopeNote
+        """
+> Psychologists who have studied infancy are well aware that our
+representation is at first impersonal. Only little by little, and as a result
+of experience, does it adopt our body as a center and become *our*
+representation. The mechanism of this process is, moreover, easy to understand.
+As my body moves in space, all the other images vary, while that image, my
+body, remains invariable. I must, therefore, make it a center, to which I refer
+all the other images.
+*An instinct purchase at a used book website*"""@en ,
+        """
+> What is, for me, the present moment? The essence of time is that
+it goes by; time already gone by is the past, and we call the present the
+instant in which it goes by. No doubt there is a real present — a pure
+conception, the invisible limit which separates past from the future. But the
+real, concrete, live present — that of which I speak when I speak of my present
+perception — that presence necessarily occupies a duration. […] The physical
+state, then, that I call "my present", must be both a perception of the
+immediate past and a determination of the immediate future.
+*I actually was proud of myself to get this far in this book*"""@en ,
+        """
+> The body is an image of the mind,<br/>
+> which like an effulgent light scattering forth<br/>
+> its rays, is diffused through its members and senses,<br/>
+> shining through in action, discourse, appearance, movement—<br/>
+> even in laughter, if it is completely sincere and tinged with gravity.
+*Big-shot quote on the last page of a book, which I almost missed.*"""@en ;
+    a rdfs:Class ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf berg:Image ;
+    skos:prefLabel "Material"@en ;
+    skos:scopeNote
+        """
+"""@en ;
+    a rdfs:Class ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf berg:Image ;
+    skos:prefLabel "Place"@en ;
+    skos:scopeNote
+        """
+"""@en ;
+    a rdfs:Class ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf berg:Image ;
+    skos:prefLabel "Relic"@en ;
+    skos:scopeNote
+        """
+*Relic and Gesture* was an action performed by the author in 2014 as an
+assignment during a Visual and Critical Studies class led by Joseph Grigely.
+The action consisted in asking class mates to bring an object close to their
+affections into the class on a specified day. The object would be placed on a
+table and photographed with a pinhole camera. The film would be then developed
+and frames of the film containing each object would be given to their owners,
+with the request that they would send the author a digital reproduction
+(photograph, scan, etc.) of their film fragment later."""@en ;
+    a rdfs:Class ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf :Relic ;
+    skos:prefLabel "Spectacle"@en ;
+    skos:scopeNote
+        """
+> And the person or thing photographed is the target, a kind of
+little simulacrum, any *eidolon* emitted by the object, which I should like to
+call the *Spectrum* of the Photograph, because this word retains, through its
+root, a relation to "spectacle" and adds to it that rather terrible thing which
+is there in every photograph: the return of the dead.
+*A college throwback.*"""@en ,
+        """
+> The spectacle, considered as the reigning society's method for paralysing
+history and memory and for suppressing any history based on historical time,
+represents a *false consciousness of time*.
+*A thoroughly indigestible marxist.*"""@en ,
+        """
+> A document is the relic of a relic, one degree further removed from the
+reality that generated an artifact or action.
+*Notebook.*"""@en ;
+    a rdfs:Class ;
+    skos:prefLabel "Movement"@en ;
+    skos:scopeNote
+        """
+> […] the aim of Judo is to catch and demonstrate quickly the
+‘living laws of motion’ occurring in not-yet-anticipated movement of the
+opponent's body.
+*A technical manual.*"""@en ,
+        """
+> […] even in the animal it is possible that vague images of the
+past overflow into the present perception; […] but this past does not interest
+the animal enough to detach it from the fascinating present, and its
+recognition must be rather lived than thought. To call up the past in the form
+of an image, we must be able to withdraw ourselves from the action of the
+moment, we must have the power to value the useless, we must have the will to
+dream. Man alone is capable of such effort. But even in him the past to which
+he returns is fugitive, ever on the point of escaping him, as though his
+backward turning memory were thwarted by the other, more natural memory, of
+which the forwawrd movement bears him on to action and to life.
+*A book that I started reading 4 times.*"""@en ;
+    a rdfs:Class ;
+    skos:prefLabel "Memory" ;
+    skos:scopeNote
+        """
+>“Very simply,” replied the Mayor. “You haven't once up to now come into
+contact with our real authorities. All those contacts of yours have been
+illusory, but because of your ignorance of the circumstances you take them to
+be real. And as for the telephone: in my place, as you see, though I've
+certainly enough to do with the authorities, there's no telephone. In inns and
+such places it may be of real use—as much use, you would say, as a penny in the
+music-box slot—but it's nothing more than that. Have you ever telephoned here?
+Yes?  Well, then perhaps you'll understand what I say. In the Castle the
+telephone works beautifully of course; I've been told it's being used there all
+the time; that naturally speeds up the work a great deal. We can hear this
+continual telephoning in our telephones down here as a humming and singing, you
+must have heard it too. Now, this humming and singing transmitted by our
+telephones is the only real and reliable thing you'll ever hear, everything
+else is deceptive. There's no fixed connection with the Castle, no central
+exchange that transmits our calls farther. When anybody calls up the Castle
+from here, the instruments in all the subordinate departments ring, or rather
+they would all ring if practically all the departments—I know it for a
+certainty—didn't leave their receivers off. Now and then, however, a fatigued
+official may feel the need of a little distraction, especially in the evenings
+and at night, and may hang the receiver up. Then we get an answer, but an
+answer of course that's merely a practical joke.”
+*Kafka to the rescue.*"""@en ,
+        """
+"""@en ;
+    a rdfs:Class ;
+    skos:prefLabel "Acting Memory" ;
+    skos:scopeNote
+        """
+> […] personal recollections, exactly localized, the series of which
+represents the course of our past existence, make up, all together, the last
+and largest enclosure of our memory. Essentially fugitive, they become
+materialized only by chance, either when an accidentally precise determination
+of our bodily attitude attracts them or when the very indetermination of that
+attitude leaves a clear field to the caprices of their manifestation. […]
+> Past images, reproduced exactly as they were, with all their details
+and even with their affective coloring, are the images of idle fancy or of
+dream: to act is just to induce this memory to shrink, or rather become thinned
+and sharpened, so that it presents nothing thicker than the edge of a blade to
+actual experience, into which it will thus be able to penetrate.
+*A glimpse of pathos in an otherwise very dry book.*"""@en ,
+        """
+"""@en ;
+    a rdfs:Class ;
+    skos:prefLabel "Event" ;
+    skos:scopeNote
+        """
+"""@en ;
+    a rdf:Property;
+    skos:prefLabel "Converged Into"@en ;
+    rdfs:label "Fan-In"@en ;
+    rdfs:domain berg:Image ;
+    rdfs:range berg:Movement ;
+    skos:scopeNote
+        """
+> In this sense the individual mythologies at Kassel are the alternatives
+that art presents time and time again. They are individual attmpts to confront
+broader disorder with personal order. Those who refuse to see this will always
+flip the relationship and insist that they are introducing a personal disorder
+to the tacitly accepted broader order. Those who see it this way will always
+succumb to the seductive, the edifying, the persuasive image. […]
+*An anarchist.*"""@en ,
+        """
+> It happened in the year 1141 of the incarnation of the Son of God,
+Jesus Christ, when I was forty-two years and seven months of age: the glow of a
+powerful flash of lightning coming from the sky, which had opened up,
+penetrated my brain and inflamed all of my heart and my breast, like a flame
+that does not burn, but instead warms, like the sun warms what is touched by
+its rays […]
+*A timely one.*"""@en;
+    a rdf:Property ;
+    skos:prefLabel "Left Behind"@en ;
+    skos:altLabel "Fan-Out"@en ;
+    rdfs:domain berg:Movement ;
+    rdfs:range :Relic ;
+    skos:scopeNote
+        """
+> We, amnesiac all, condemned to live in an eternally fleeting
+present, have created the most elaborate of human constructions, memory, to
+buffer ourselves against the intolerable knowledge of the irreversible passage
+of time and the irretrievability of its moments and events.
+Geoffrey Sonnabend, *Obliscence: Theories of Forgetting and the Problem of
+Matter*, 16. Cited in Worth, 1991, 64.
+"""@en ,
+        """
+> All living things have a Cone of Obliscence by which the being experiences
+experience. This cone is sometimes known as the Cone of True Memory (and
+occasionally the Characteristic Cone). Sonnabend speaks of this cone as if it
+were an organ, like the pancreas or spleen, and like those organs, its shape
+and characteristics are unique to the individual and remain relatively
+consistent over time.
+> […] When [an intersection between the Cone of Obliscence and the Plane of
+> Experience] occurs, a three-tier series of events ensues, which (from our
+> perspective) would be described as:
+>    (1) being involved in an experience<br/>
+>    (2) remembering an experience<br/>
+>    (3) having forgotten an experience.
+Worth 1991, 65-66."""@en ,
+        """
+> "Forgetting" is simply the rejoining of our private property with the public
+domain in a gradual fashion.
+*Notebook*"""@en ,
+        """
+> To make a sculpture, first you make a sculpture, then you roll it
+down a slope. What remains is the sculpture.
+*Pinuccio Sciola, quoted from memory, some time between 1994 and 1998*"""@en ;
+    a rdf:Property ;
+    rdfs:domain berg:Body ;
+    rdfs:range berg:Movement ;
+    skos:prefLabel "Initiated" ;
+    skos:scopeNote """
+"""@en ;
+    a rdf:Property ;
+    rdfs:range :Event ;
+    skos:prefLabel "Caused" ;
+    skos:scopeNote """
+"""@en ;
+    a rdf:Property ;
+    rdfs:domain berg:Memory ;
+    rdfs:range berg:Image ;
+    skos:prefLabel "Stored" ;
+    skos:scopeNote """
+> Itself an image, the body cannot store up images, since it forms a part of
+the imges, and this is why it is a chimerical enterprise to localize past or
+even present perceptions in the brain: they are not in it; it is the brain that
+is in them. But this special image which persists in the midst of the others,
+and which I call my body, constitutes at every moment, as we have said, a
+section of the universal becoming.
+*Someone going metphysical.*"""@en ;

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit 63f800bea9ba1379febd1c860b7e3cb07d062dbf

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+pylode == 2.12.*